Photoshop CS4: Werden als Smart-Objekte gespeicherte Raw Dateien nicht automatisch mitgespeichert?

Ich habe in einer Datei mehrere CR2-Dateien als Smart-Objekte eingebettet, um ohne Qualitätsverlust auf die Rohdaten zugreifen zu können (Siehe Beitrag: smartobjekte von raw dateien erstellen, um danach auf camera-raw nacheinzustellen.)
Nun habe ich seit kurzem das Problem, dass folgende Fehlermeldung auftaucht, wenn ich solch ein SO bearbeiten möchte:
"Das ursprüngliche Smart-Objekt konnte nicht bearbeitet werden, weil kein Parser oder Dateiformat die Daten öffnen kann."
Kann mir irgendwer helfen, wie ich nun wieder auf die CR2-Datei zugreifen kann?
Außerdem mache ich mir natürlich Sorgen um meinen Workflow.
Ich hatte letztens schonmal den Cache von Camera Raw geleert, da mir beim konvertieren mal PS abgestürzt war.
Kann das vielleicht auch daran liegen?
Muss ich in Zukunft diese Dateien extra abspeichern, um so etwas zu vermeiden?

Chris, if the cache is cleared, should one expect Camera Raw to develop the raw file per default settings then?  Or are they kept somewhere in the PSB in the case of a smart object?
Unfortunately this isn't trivial to reproduce.  One would have to move the camera raw database.  Where is that stored again?

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    Nun habe ich seit kurzem das Problem, dass folgende Fehlermeldung auftaucht, wenn ich solch ein SO bearbeiten möchte:
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    Kann mir irgendwer helfen, wie ich nun wieder auf die CR2-Datei zugreifen kann?
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    Kann das vielleicht auch daran liegen?
    Muss ich in Zukunft diese Dateien extra abspeichern, um so etwas zu vermeiden?

    Chris, if the cache is cleared, should one expect Camera Raw to develop the raw file per default settings then?  Or are they kept somewhere in the PSB in the case of a smart object?
    Unfortunately this isn't trivial to reproduce.  One would have to move the camera raw database.  Where is that stored again?

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    This should probably be posted in the Lightroom forum not the Adobe Camera Raw forum, but I’ll try to answer:
    Did you use an old Nikon Transfer to copy your files, or have you reviewed them with an old View NX?  The older Nikon programs will corrupt the NEFs from newer Nikon cameras so you need to use the newest versions, that came with your D5200 or not use them at all.
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    Diesen ominösen PRAM Reset und die Reparatur der Datenbank habe ich schon erfolglos probiert !

    Hast Du versucht, ob für die betroffenen Bilder das Kommando "Photos > Reprocess Original" hilft? Versuche es mal für ein Bild.
    Andernfalls versuche den RAW support new zu installieren.  Deinstalliere die folgenden Dateien:
    Entferne "RawCamera.bundle" und "RawCameraSupport.bundle" aus dem Ordner  /System/Library/Coreservices und bewege sie in den Papierkorb.
    Dann lade den Raw Compatibility update 5.06 neu von der Apple Support Seite:
    Digital Camera RAW Compatibility Update 5.06
    Starte das System neu.
    Falls das nicht hilft, vergleiche, ob die betroffenen Bilder besser öffnen kanst, wenn Du das Original für eins der Bilder von der Sicherheitskopie restaurierst. Vielleicht kann es nicht mehr richtig gelesen werden.

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    Which operating system are you using?
    What camera are the camera raw files from?
    Maybe they are from a newer camera that photoshop cs4 doesn't support, there is good chance you could use the 8.6 dng converter to convert the files to dng copies, which then photoshop cs4 should open.
    Did they include the xmp sidecar files along with the nefs?
    Adobe - Adobe Camera Raw and DNG Converter : For Windows : Adobe DNG Converter 8.6
    Adobe - Adobe Camera Raw and DNG Converter : For Macintosh : Adobe DNG Converter 8.6
    how to use the dng converter
    Camera Raw: How to use Adobe DNG Converter - YouTube

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    Ich glaube, das Problem liegt bei PhotoShop CS
    Wer kann mir helfen?

    Löschen Sie in den Voreinstelungen die Voreinstellungen zu Ihrem PI, wenn das nichts hilt, dann löschen Sie diese nochmals und installieren das PI neu, am besten in der letzten Version vom Adobe Server.
    Sind bei Ihren Bilder XMP-sidecarfiles? Sind diese beschädigt? Oder speichern Sie Ihre Einstellungen im zentralen Cache vom Filebrowser? Dann entleeren Sie diesen regelmäßig und exportieren Sie regelmäßig den Cache.
    Doch: vielleicht sind Ihre Dateien beschädigt? Wie löschen Sie grundsätzlich Ihre Speicherkarte von der Camera? Einfach Bilder löschen oder neuer formatieren. Letzteres sollte die einzige verwendete Angewohnheit sein.

  • Photoshop CS4 smart object template just overwrote a raw file - HELP

    So.  I've been working in Photoshop extensively for about 6 years now and I am well aware that nothing we do in Photoshop or Lightroom is supposed to overwrite a raw file.  I'm not talking about changing it to something a little lighter or darker, I'm talking about replacing a picture of one baseball player with another one - and the original? Gone. 
    Here's what happened: I have a poster template that contains several layers, 7 of which are smart objects.  I change the pictures in the template by right-clicking the smart object layer and selecting "replace smart object," browsing to the new image, selecting, and here is what SHOULD happen: the target picture opens in Adobe camera raw, I make some small edits, click done or okay or something similar, and that new image has replaced the old one in the template.  What DID happen was this: I followed the procedure above and selected my target raw file, the picture that was already in the template (the one I was trying to replace with my target file) opened in Adobe camera raw.  I thought - Hey, that's wierd!  Closed the ACR dialog and tried again.  Same thing happened.  I opened lightroom and saw - to my HORROR - that the target file had been changed to the same image that was in the template.
    If it clarifies: pictures of player A (who played in 2009) is in all of the smart object layers in my template.  I want to make that poster be of player B (who played in 2012) so I begin replacing all the smart objects.  When I get to the 3rd image in the poster template, Photoshop overwrites my raw file of player B with the smart object photo of Player A.  There were no photos of player A on the network drive that the picture of Player B was on.  But there's one now.  My raw file shows that it was modified about 10 minutes ago. 
    We tried undoing in Photoshop.  That did nothing.  We tried deleting the xmp file.  That did nothing.  We removed it from the lightroom catalog and reimported it.  It is now a picture of Player A from 2009 and my picture of Player B from 2012 is just gone. 
    Anybody have any idea what this could be and how we could avoid it in the future?

    mojoimagery wrote:
    Now - JJ - when you say "overlay files" - what do you mean?  Because that feels like a good description for what happened.
    We performed no save operation at any point during the sequence of events that ended with the image in one raw file being replaced by the image in the smart object.
    As I wrote Smart Object layers embedded object is a copy of the original  and if you replace it you replace it with a copy of some other object. Embedded object are copies and independent from the original.  If after creating a smart Object layer who's embedded object is a copy of a raw file and its conversion settings. You change the original RAW files RAW conversion settings the smart object layer raw conversion setting are not changes for its a copy with independent raw conversion settings. When you replace a smart object layers contents you will replace the embedded object and you should replace it with an object the has the same pixel size and orientation. Because there is an associated transform for the object in the layer that is not replaced. The replacement is also a copy.  If the original smart object was created using  File Open where you choose a RAW file  ACR would open with the RAW files current conversion settings.  In ACR you can changes the setting then hold down the shift key to change the open image button to an Open Object button.  Using that button ACR will open a smart object layer in Photoshop the contents of the embedded object is a copy of the RAW file and the current ACR settings.  No File is written Photoshop is not a File Editor its a Document editor that has many data structures for different layer types.  When you replace the contents of a smart object you will be put into a "Place" file selection dialog if you choose a raw file it should have the same orientation as the image being replaced because of the associated transform. When you choose a RAW file ACR will open and you can change the conversion settings however there will be no Open Image button instead there will be an OK button.  There is also a save image button and you can save a RAW file that is a DNG file not a CR2 file. Like the DNG converter. If you click the OK button the embedded object in the smart object layer will be replaced with a copy of the selected RAW file and the current ACR settings. Again there is no file written Photoshop is not a File editor just the embedded smart object data is replaced in Photoshop smart object layer's data structure.
    I do not think the use of smart objects in you process caused what you are experiencing and because it only happens once an a while I feel its more likely caused by some human error made during the processing in those cases. I would look elsewhere for what causing the overlay. In the place file selection dialog it is possible to rename files perhaps even by accident. Programs like LR and Bridge can rename and copy files perhaps overlay other files.

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    This may sound strange, but to avoid the "Smart Object" designation, just stop "placing" the files. Either open them, or copy and paste them into Photoshop.
    If you're just opening raster files in Photoshop, they come in as pixels - drag a newly opened raster file onto your target Photoshop file. If you're copy/pasting art from Illustrator, you can choose at the time whether it is a "Smart Object," or "Pixels." Sounds like you want pixels.

  • Canon CR2 Raw files won't open in Photoshop CS4

    I'm using a Canon EOS 600D (aka EOS Kiss X5), Photoshop CS4 (ver 11.0.1) with Camera Raw
    CR2 Raw files won't open in Photoshop, though the thumbnails are clearly visible and open in Windows Explorer.
    Any suggestions?

    Yes, absolutely all of the quality and dynamic range is retained in the DNG, because it is still raw data.
    Outside of upgrading to Photoshop CS5, which can open your files directly with Camera Raw 6.4.1, your only choice is the extra step of converting the .CR2 files to .DNG with the free DNG converter.
    While you'll get all the quality your Camera Raw 5.x converter can deliver, you should keep in mind the Camera Raw 6.x converter has an entirely new, additional "2010 process" for converting raw images, which (depending on your settings) can actually deliver a higher quality conversion than the one you're getting with Photoshop CS4.  I think it's worth the cost of the Photoshop upgrade, personally.

  • Photoshop cs4 opens images black and only in camera raw

    I'm running Photoshop cs4 on a pc. Recently, it began having 2 issues. First, it started opening everything into Bridge Camera Raw instead of just opening the image itself. Next issue is that when I attempt to open an image from Camera Raw, it opens black. I can see the image is there in a layer, but the working screen is black. Every once in a while it will open normally. This is with all images, no matter what size the are.

    On a Mac I don't know which directory it should be in.
    Camera Raw preferences: Bridge: menu Adobe Bridge/ Camera Raw preferences.
    Inhere you can set the wished behavior for tiff. By default it shows tiffs
    only in ACR when you choose to do so with right mouse click menu (open in
    Camera Raw) or if the Tiff had earlier been altered in ACR, then it opens
    automatically in ACR unless you choose not to do so.
    About Plug in in Photoshop, Menu Photoshop/ about Plug In

  • Canon CR2 RAW and PhotoShop CS4

    Just got the RAW update for my Canon SX1 IS.
    Neither Bridge CS4 nor PhotoShop CS4 (both fully updated) recognise the format despite CR2 being listed in the Bridge file associations for PhotoShop CS4.
    In Bridge I just get a file icon.
    In PhotoShop I get a 'file type not recognised' type of message.
    Must I use Canon Digital Photo Profession to convert to TIF for processing in Adobe Camera Raw, or am I missing something?

    Thanks for the tip Ellir. I downloaded 5.4RC last night and it didn't have support (tested) and today official 5.4 gets released with the support. I feel lucky
    And to whiners, I'm just asking a question. I really feel that forums would have warmer welcoming and less elitism. But oh well.
    Anyways SX1 problem solved, tested and it works. Thank you Adobe.

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