Photoshop lent avec 100 calques !?? Materiel ou fichier !??

Un utilisateur chez un de mes client,s est webdesigner, et utilise certains fichiers qui sont très lents.
En effet, le déplacement de l'ensemble des calques met environ 2 secondes à se faire.
Je constate que ces quelques fichiers n'ont pas moins de 100 calques.
La config du poste est celle-ci:
Intel Core I3 3,30Ghz
8 Go de RAM
AMD Radeon HD6450
Je constate qu'il avait également un message d'erreur à l'ouverture de ces fichiers:
"Les polices de certains calques de teste sont manquantes. Elles doivent être remplacées afin que les calques puissent être utilisés pour un sortie vectorielle."
J'ai donc trouvé l'option 'Calque/texte/Remplacer toutes les polices manquantes', ce qui améliore légèrement la fluidité, mais pas suffisemment.
J'ai trouvé une autre option qui règle mon problème, 'Calque/Objets dynamiques/Convertir en objet dynamique'.
Est-ce que cette dernière option peut pénaliser ou empêcher l'utilisateur de travailler normalement ???
Est-ce que le nombre de calques est juste trop important pour un I3 ??
Merci d'avance pour vos retours.

Je reviens vers vous car mon utilisateur se plaint toujours.
En effet, la conversion en objet dynamique l'oblige à modifier sa façon de travailler.
Néanmoins, après ma MAJ des drivers graphique lui a permis de regagner en fluidité.
Est-ce que vous pensez que le fichier est clairement trop gros? Mon avis est que oui, car j'ai testé de nombreux fichiers et ils passent très bien, ils sont fluides. Pensez-vous que la machine est insuffisante pour bouger plus de 100 calques? (Le support a confirmé que le materiel suffisait).
Merci pour vos retours.

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    Hi Mireille56,
    From where are you trying to download the software.
    [email protected] is not an Adobe Support email.
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    < Translated via Google >
    Salut Mireille56,
    D'où que vous essayez de télécharger le logiciel.
    [email protected] n'est pas un e-mail de support d'Adobe.
    S'il vous plaît essayez de télécharger Photoshop Elements 12 à partir de:

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    When you place a psd file, it should load as a smart object. You can scale these all you want with out affecting the underlying image.
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    Hi Jonaz,
    We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you.
    Please share the logs from event viewer so that we can help you out in a better way.
    Check the below link on how to use event viewer.
    Thank you for posting on Adobe Forums.

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    Quelle sont vos méthodes de travail ? Est-ce que vous exportez directement pour Dreamweaver ?
    Je vous remercie d'avance pour vos réponses.

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    I don't have an answer to your question about the infinite loop, but I can answer this:
    function(){return A.apply(null,[this].concat($A(arguments)))}
    Ninarama wrote:
    I need to use the 32Bit-Version of Photoshop because of all the Plugins I use and some of them run ONLY on one of them at a time, like PixelBender
    ( W H Y ? ? ? )
    A plugin is a special kind of callable function library (Dynamic Link Library, or DLL in Windows speak).  A 32 bit DLL cannot be used by a 64 bit version of Photoshop.  In order to use the completely different instruction set the processor provides for 64 bit operation, the plugin code must be compiled specifically for 64 bit operation.
    All plugins developed before the time of Photoshop CS4 were originally developed as 32 bit applications, because Photoshop was only 32 bit.  Even today, 32 bit users outnumber 64 bit users by a large margin.
    Microsoft makes it almost trivially easy to compile 32 bit source code as a 64 bit application, BUT...  If the programmer hasn't been careful in his use of data types - specifically those that will be a different size (e.g., a pointer will be increased from 32 bits to 64 bits), then doing so - even if the software compiles successfully - might yield a non-functional plugin.
    Sadly, many programmers are not careful with their use of data types.  This is 30+ years of software engineering talking.
    With good design and good coding practices, the code will be good and the programmer will be able to compile a 64 bit plugin quickly.  Even bad code can be cleaned up in time, so that it can be made to work in 64 bit form.
    But there's even more that must be done...
    Most serious software uses an installer.
    Installing software on a 64 bit system requires big changes to the installation package, or maybe even a whole new installer.  There is, for example, the added complexity that you, the user, might want the proper variant of the plugin installed into each of your 32 bit and 64 bit Photoshop installations.  And possibly multiples (e.g., CS4, CS5).  Creating a good installer package is somewhat akin to designing a rocket booster.  Except that the latter is generally agreed to be easier. 
    And all this is just on the Windows side!  It must be repeated for the Mac, assuming the plugin is marketed into that segment as well.
    So...  If your favorite plugin doesn't run under Photoshop x64, and the author doesn't have an upgrade available that does, maybe they are struggling to make it work, maybe they decided the x64 user market isn't big enough for their attention right now, or maybe they're just working on something else.
    Probably more than you wanted to know, eh?

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