Photoshop wants me to update its path

Hi there,
I need some help with a problem and I hope you can help me. Photoshop keeps telling me that it has been moved and that I have to update its path. It is true that I moved it to a folder, but when I kept getting this message every time I opened Photoshop, I moved it back. Now the software is in the root folder, but it continues to give me the message. I have tried to update the path as it tells me to (by clicking the button in the pop-up window) but it doesn't stop giving me the message.     Is there anything I can do to make this stop?!
     The message I get is the following:
Adobe CS5
The application has been moved, and its path has
changed. To update the product configuration, click
                                     Do not update      Update
I am using Photoshop Extended CS5 on a Mac with the student discount.
Thanks for your help,

  Are you sure you did not alter the path yourself, for instance by creating a subfolder inside the root-level Applications folder in a misguided attempt "to organize things"?
Also check for illegal characters in the names of folders or files anywhere along the path.  Stick to the letters of the English alphabet, numbers and underscores.  No apostrophes, slashes, asterisks, ampersands or the like.
Wo Tai Lao Le

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    Hope this helps.
    1. Empty Trash.
    2. Start up in Safe Mode
    3. Delete "Recovered Messages", if any.
        Hold the option key down and click "Go" menu in the Finder menu bar.
        Select "Library" from the dropdown.
        Library > Mail > V2 > Mailboxes
        Delete "Recovered Messages", if any.
        Empty Trash. Restart.
    4. Repair Disk
        Steps 1 through 7
    5. Disk space / Time Machine ?/ Local Snapshots
    6. Re-index Macintosh HD
       System Preferences > Spotlight > Privacy
    If this does not help, you have to buy an external HD and move your movies photos.etc to
    the external HD.

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    I think you may be getting confused by the 'Lock'.
    The vault is locked in the files system to prevent accidental deletion.
    The reason the 'Update Vault Path' is greyed out is because it is still detecting the original vault on your system.
    Here's a simpler process.
    Restart your system (Aperture may still have a reference to the vault and this will clear it).
    Make sure you have copied the vault to the new location.
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    Now the old vault is gone from your system, in Aperture, the vault will show as disconnected and you can update the vault path:
    You can then Navigate to the new location:
    And the vault will reconnect and show the available storage of the new drive:
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    Once you take the photo with Photo Booth, select the photo in the tray at the bottom and click on the iPhoto button just abouve and to the left:
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    Hi iTunesDJ,
    There is no way to do this. What I would do is put your Settings app on a page itself, so its out of your way. Just ignore your notifactions. I hope this helps!

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    I'm a little uncomfortable with your mixing of terms like vault and library, and then talking about deleting libraries.
    It is essential you grasp the concept of a Library and Vault, and the relationship between two before deleting anything.
    Your phrases:
    1) "I opened Aperture, opened Show Vaults and there is my libarary called Academics on the new HD."
    2) "If I open the new HD, the library is listed, but it is not listed under show HD"
    suggest to me you are having problems writing the words you mean, nothing wrong with that, we all do it. But if you write the wrong words and then get bad advice that you then act on, that's very bad!! So I just want to be extra careful on what you are really saying here.
    1) When you choose 'Show Vaults' you see Vaults not Libraries
    2) "Show HD" makes no sense, so I assume you mean "Show Vaults" again.
    Previously you spoke of having a library called 'academics' and now you have found a vault called 'academics' on your old HD. Is this the same thing, did you just call it a library before or did you create a new vault for academics?
    So let's start again and keep everything simple.
    Forget what you have for a second, and lets just go through some basic concepts.
    You buy Aperture and run it. You get a default library in your Pictures folder on your internal drive called 'Aperture Library'
    You decide to create a second library called 'Documents' for storing your documents in (I do this).
    You now have two libraries 'Aperture Library' and 'Documents'
    Aperture can only work on one library at a time. While working on 'Documents' that's all you see. You don't see your images from 'Aperture Library', just 'Documents'. When you switch to from 'Documents' to 'Aperture Library' you now only see your photos in the 'Aperture Library', you don't see your 'Documents'. They are both completely seperate.
    You decide your 'Aperture Library' is getting too big for your internal drive so you buy a large external drive. You use Finder to copy the 'Aperture Library' from your Pictures folder to you external drive.
    To open your copied 'Aperture Library' from the external drive you can either use Finder to go to your external drive and double click on the copy of 'Aperture Library'. Alternatively, within Aperture you can use the menu item 'File' the sub menu item 'Switch to Library' and then the further sub menu item 'Other/New...' which will ask you to navigate to the library you want to open.
    Now you have three libraries. 'Aperture Library' on your internal drive, 'Documents' on your internal drive and the copy of 'Aperture Library' on your external drive. If you are happy the copy is complete and intact you can then delete the 'Aperture Library' on your internal drive.
    If required, you could then repeat for your 'Documents' library.
    That's how Aperture works with libraries. There is no updating of paths, you just tell it which library you want to open, either by double clicking in Finder, or by using the 'File->Switch to Library->Other/New...'
    Once you have opened a library in Aperture, it will remember it as a shortcut on the 'File->Switch to Library' menu, but while you have multiple copies of the library available this is unsafe to use as you wont know which copy of the library it has opened. Wait until you have deleted the old copies of the Library before relying on these shortcuts. Until then, use 'File->Switch to Library->Other/New...' (or Finder) to be certain you are opening the right copy of the library.
    So now lets talk about Vaults.
    As noted above, Aperture can only open one Library at a time. Regrdless of how many libraries you have, Aperture will only open one at a time.
    Lets call this Library your current library.
    When you create a Vault, you are creating it for your current library only. The vault you create and your current library get married. They are joined. When you update the vault it will copy the current library to that vault.
    If we now switch to a different library, my 'Documents' library, when I 'Show Vaults' I will have no Vaults. This is because the Vault I created was for my 'Aperture Library' not my 'Documents' library. If I switch back to my 'Aperture Library' I will once again see the Vault I created for my 'Aperture Library'. Switch back to my 'Documents' library, and again I have no Vaults to show.
    If, while still in my 'Documents' library, I now create a new Vault, this Vault gets married to the current library, my 'Documents' library.
    So if I now switch back to my 'Aperture Library', I will see one vault, the vault for the 'Aperture Library' and if I then switch back to my 'Documents' library, I will also see one vault, the vault for the 'Documents' library.
    The Vaults panel in Aperture is not a navigator, I will never see these two vaults in there at the same time. The Vaults panels only shows you the Vault that is married to the Library you currently have open.
    This is (most probably) why you wont see your 'academic' Vault and 'Aperture Library' Vault in Aperture at the same time. They are Vaults for different libraries so you will only see the Vault for the current library.
    For completeness I should mention that a Library can have muliple vaults (multiple backups). But all of these are married to the same library. So when you 'Show Vaults' you only ever see the vaults for the current library.
    If you decide to move your Vaults from the old HD to the new HD, when Aperture shows you the Vault, it shows as 'Disconnected'. This means Aperture knows it has a Vault for the current library, but it now doesn't know where the Vault is located. This is when you now use the 'Update Vault Path' so you can tell Aperture where the Vault is now located.
    (really) hope this helps!

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    Revision: 13994
    Revision: 13994
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2010-02-05 00:47:30 -0800 (Fri, 05 Feb 2010)
    Log Message:
    Updating source path to control bar plugin.
    Modified Paths:
        osmf/trunk/apps/samples/plugins/ControlBarPluginTest/.project Fbrandnewhomes%2Frockinghorse%2Fcolter%2Fdefault.aspx%23TourViewer&charset=%28de tect+automatically%29&doctype=Inline&group=0
    Take a look through this page to help sort things out.
    Your page code suggests you're using the javascript method to embed the QTVR's and you even have a link to the proper QuickTime .js file on your server. But your page code is incorrect (object/embed) for that file to work.
    Your source file (at the link you provided) is 800X600 but you've used the "tofit" tag to reduce its size. A 600 width "tofit" would need 450 for the height. But you've set it at 345 (your code above). This would cut things off.
    Free software that can help with proper html code and it understands the special .js code required for the modern javascript coding for Internet Explorer:

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    "yum update"
    and i am facing error during this
    [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 7 - "couldn't connect to host"
    Trying other mirror.
    Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: ol6_UEK_latest. Please verify its path and try again

    here i found the "ol6_UEK_latest" in public-yumo.l6.repo.
    and here is URL corresponding to this:
    name=Latest Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel for Oracle Linux $releasever ($basearch)
    plz help me is something wrong with URL or what i do ?

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    I have a JTable inside a JScrollpane. The JTable gets its data from my TableModel using the getValueAt method in the normal way. It is almost working fine. The one thing left to improve is that I don�t want the JTable to keep trying to get its data while the scrollbar is still being dragged. This is primarily because the latency in fetching the data makes the UI unresponsive - the table model does not keep all rows in memory at one time, but keeps a page of data in memory.
    So, just to clarify, I want the behaviour to be that when the user is still adjusting the value of the scroll bar, the thumb position of the scroll bar moves, but the rows displayed in the JTable do not update. When the user releases the scrollbar, the rows should then update.
    I have almost acheived this by having a second, independent scroll bar on the frame, and an adjustment listener listening for events, like this
    public void adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent e){
    if (e.getSource() == scrManual){
    if (!scrManual.getValueIsAdjusting()){
      JScrollBar scrTable = scrPaneResults.getVerticalScrollBar();
    int iManValue = scrManual.getValue();
    int iManMax = scrManual.getMaximum();
    float fManWhere = (float)iManValue / (float)iManMax;
    int iTblMax = scrTable.getMaximum();
    int iTblNewValue = (int)(iTblMax * fManWhere);
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("I don't know how to handle the adjustment event for " + e.getSource());
    }This is actually working fine, except that I don't want there to be two scrollbars - one in the scroll pane and one extra one. But when I try to make the scrollpane's scrollbar invisible, it remains visible.
    Can anyone tell me either
    (a) how to just have a normal JScrollPane scrollbar, but have it only update its viewport when the value is no longer adjusting (ie scrollbar has been released)
    (b) how to make the JScrollPane's scrollbar still effective, but invisible.
    (c) if the JScrollPane has a no scrollbars policy, how to instead in the code I posted above, set the ScrollPane's position directly.
    Whichever is easiest.
    Thanks for your help

    Oh how embarassing! I already asked this question before, and answered it myself! Sorry - I think I am losing the plot
    I�ve hacked it. Turns out that the jScrollPane has a getXXXScrollBar method, which even when you�ve hidden the scrollbars, still works. You just use another scroll bar, register a listener for the mouse released event, and update the jScrollPane�s scroll bar to match the value.

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    Speculation about future releases is prohibited by the terms of usage of the forum. Nobody knows anyway.

  • [svn] 4569: update player path in

    Revision: 4569
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2009-01-16 13:40:01 -0800 (Fri, 16 Jan 2009)
    Log Message:
    update player path in
    bug: SDK-18131
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

    On Monday 17 Nov 2008, Shaaf wrote:
    > # 2. I dont have the default ant and jdk on my ubuntu. and it always
    > points to the defaults where as I even set them in the environment for this
    > session. The error trace is at the bottom of the post. is intend to help you out, rather than always work.
    Just set the required environment variables yourself and skip this step if
    your setup is non-default.
    > Solution to first problem: I gave a path for the player. Does this mean the
    > path is incorrect in the current version Solution to second problem: I am
    I *believe* the player is no longer in SVN because people were pulling from
    there pre-public release and the Adobe folks needed to reduce load.
    Unfortunately they are all busy at the mo @ MAX, but if you copy a recent
    player into the correct place it should be fine.
    Tom Chiverton
    Helping to competently benchmark world-class distributed open-source
    attention-grabbing services
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