PHP: automatically replace alphanumeric characters in a string

Quick question:
How do I program a PHP script to replace all non-alphanumeric
charters within a string, with underscores?

>Yes, this does help, although it is only alphabetic.
>Will changing the line to this make it alphanumeric?:
>$new_string = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/", "_",
Did you try it? ;-)
You could also use this shorter pattern:
Should be the same (\d matches decimals and the /i modifier
makes the
entire thing case-insensitive).

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    \r and \n are both \s characters.
    This is functionally equivalent to what you have...
    stringName = stringName.replace(/\s/g,' ');
    I highly recommend browsing this website (lots of useful info there):

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    :-) Interesting - twice in 10 minutes I'm recommending the use of Elliott Hughes' class. See .
    You just have to write a regular expression to match the terms ( "&#(\\\d+)"), extract the number as a string (group(1)) then use the Integer.parseInt(the numeric string) and cast to a char.
    Edited by: sabre150 on Feb 9, 2012 9:53 AM
    This is an example I wrote a couple of years ago (and published on the old Sun site forums) that does pretty much exactly what you need
    import e.util.Rewriter;
    public class Sabre20090919
        public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
            String title = "& #26412;& #26399;& #28136;& #21033;\n" +
                    "& #22522;& #26412;& #27599;& #32929;& #30408;& #39192;\n" +
                    "& #32380;& #32396;& #29151;& #26989;& #21934;& #20301;& #28136;& #21033;\n" +
                    "& #26371;& #35336;& #21407;& #21063;& #35722;& #21205;& #32047;& #31309;& #24433;& #38911;& #25976;\n" +
                    "& #26222;& #36890;& #32929;& #27599;& #32929;& #30408;& #39192;\n" +
                    "& #31232;& #37323;& #27599;& #32929;& #30408;& #39192;\n";
            Rewriter rewriter = new Rewriter("&\\s*#(\\d+);")
                public String replacement()
                    return Character.toString((char) Integer.parseInt(group(1)));
            title = rewriter.rewrite(title);
            System.out.print("Unicode :\"");
            for (char ch : title.toCharArray())
                System.out.printf("\\u%04x", (int) ch);
            byte[] asBytes = title.getBytes("big5");
            for (byte b : asBytes)
                System.out.printf("%02x ", (int) (b & 0xff));
    }The rest is just a test harness.
    Edited by: sabre150 on Feb 9, 2012 10:02 AM
    Removed redundant code

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    Satyaprasad_Mylavarapu wrote:
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    System.out.println("AFTER: " + newStmt);
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    Its urgent.
    Thanks in advance.If the String you're trying to replace contains a slash you need four slashes (double it for java, then again because String.replaceAll takes a regular expression)
    So I think what you're looking for is:
    String newStmt = stmt.replaceAll("\\\\bullet\\\\tab",  "B");I haven't tested that though.

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    <<< What did u change >?> I dont see any change with the Regex ?  >>
    if you observe in the modified function, he just removed (*) inside the replace funtion.
    Shankar AUNV

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    ---> this replaces even the spaces
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    --> this replaced even some alpha numeric characters
    Thanks and Regards,

    is there anyway to do this without using regular
    expressions.. regular expressions are the last
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    Thanks in advance!

    Without regexp
    with testdata as (
        select '||asdf||||123|xyz|' str from dual union all
        select 'asdf|123|||||||xyz||||' from dual union all
        select '||||||asdf|||123||||||xyz||||||' from dual
    trim (both '|' from
        replace (
            replace (
                replace (str,'|','|'||chr(0))
    ) str
    from testdata
    with regexp
    with testdata as (
        select '||asdf||||123|xyz|' str from dual union all
        select 'asdf|123|||||||xyz||||' from dual union all
        select '||||||asdf|||123||||||xyz||||||' from dual
    trim (both '|' from
        regexp_replace (
    ) str
    from testdata
    Message was edited by: chris227 regexp added

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    Public Function charactersonly(inputString As String) As String
    Dim RE As Object
    Set RE = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
    RE.Pattern = "\([^)]+\)|[^\w]|_"
    RE.Global = True
    charactersonly = RE.Replace(inputString, "")
    Set RE = Nothing
    End Function
    Now, I moved to SQL server and I'm writing scripts to do same thing.
    How can I use RegEx in TSQL?
    Only thing I will do is that function.

    As alternative
    declare @string varchar(200)
    set @string = 'gg$%^^&is%^& s2342jjk23&&({}e c76l232e+_+a#n/ c][#o''y#e'
    select cast(cast((select substring(@string,n,1)
    from numbers
    where n <= len(@string)
    and substring(@string,n,1) like '[0-9 ]' for xml path('')) as xml)as varchar(max))
    Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP,
    MS SQL optimization: MS SQL Development and Optimization
    MS SQL Consulting:
    Large scale of database and data cleansing
    Remote DBA Services:
    Improves MS SQL Database Performance
    SQL Server Integration Services:
    Business Intelligence

  • How to replace special characters in string.

    I want to replace special characters such as , or ; with any other character or " ".I find out there is no such function is java for this.There is only replace() but it accepts only chars.If anybody know how to do this?.

    I want to replace special characters such as , or ;
    with any other character or " ".I find out there is no
    such function is java for this.There is only replace()
    but it accepts only chars.If anybody know how to do
    Thanks,Can't you just do the following?
    public class Test
         public static void main(String[] args)
         String testString = "Hi, there?";
         System.out.println(testString.replace(',',' '));

  • Problem in replacing characters of a string ?

    Hello everybody,
    I want to replace a few characters with their corresponding unicode codepoint values.
    I have a userdefined method that gets the unicode codepoint value for a character.
    1. I want to know how to replace the characters and have the replaced string after the comparision is over in the for loop in my main.
    Currently , i am able to replace , but i am not able to have the replacements done in a single variable.
    The output of the code is
    But i want the output i require is,
    Please offer some help in this regard
    class Read1
         public static void main(String s[])
             String rp,snd;
             String tmp="ename";
             for(int i=0;i<tmp.length();i++)
    public static String replace(String source, String pattern, String replace)
         if (source!=null)
             final int len = pattern.length();
             StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
             int found = -1;
             int start = 0;
             while( (found = source.indexOf(pattern, start) ) != -1)
                 sb.append(source.substring(start, found));
                 start = found + len;
             return sb.toString();
         else return "";
    ...,Any help in this regard would be useful

    This manual replacement thingy reminds me of quite an old technique, when
    64KB of memory was considered enough for 20 users (at the same time that is!)
    Suppose you have a buffer of, say, n characters. Starting at location i, a region
    of chars have to be swapped with bytes starting at location j >= i+l_i; the lengths
    of the two regions are l_i and l_j respectively.
    Suppose the following method is available:public void reverse(char[] buffer, int f, int l_f) {
       for (int t= f+l_f; --t > f; f++) {
          char tmp=buffer[f]; buffer[f]= buffer[t]; buffer[t]= tmp;
    }i.e. the above method reverses a region of characters, starting at position f
    with length l_f. Given this simple method, the original problem can be solved
    using the following simple sequence:reverse(buffer, i, j+l_j);
    reverse(buffer, i, l_j);
    reverse(buffer, i+l_j, j-i-l_i);
    reverse(buffer, j+l_j-l_i, l_i);Of course, when replacing characters we don't need the last reversal.
    kind regards,
    Jos (dinosaurus)

  • Produce random alphanumeric characters: dukes available

    Time for another duke giveaway
    On Saturday 6th March, approx 8.00PM (GMT) the following program will be run;-
    CodeMaker.javapublic class CodeMaker{
       public static void main(String []params){
          StringBuffer  sb = new StringBuffer();
          java.util.Random r = new java.util.Random();
          for(char c='A'; c<='Z'; c++) sb.append(c);
          for(char c='a'; c<='z'; c++) sb.append(c);
          for(int i=0; i<=10; i++) sb.append(i);
          for(int i=0; i<8; i++) System.out.print(sb.charAt(r.nextInt(sb.length()) ) );
    - simply add to this thread with your guess of the 8 alphanumeric characters.
    - the more characters you guess right the more you earn.
    - only one guess permitted per contestant (schizoids such as the Scarlet Pimpernel excl.)
    - any other rules may or may not be made by me at any time (after all it is my game so ner-ner-nee-ner-ner)
    - that's all I can think of for the moment, good luck t'y'all.
    The points system awarded will be determined by the following program;-
    CodeScorer.javapublic class CodeScorer{
       public static void main(String []params){
          String luckyDukeWinner = params[0];
          String codeToCrack = params[1];
          String luckyDukeWinnerGuess = params[2];
          new CodeScorer(luckyDukeWinner, codeToCrack, luckyDukeWinnerGuess);
       private CodeScorer(String name, String code, String guess){
          int same = calcSame(code, guess, 0);
          int correct = calcCorrect(code, guess, 0);
          System.out.println("Number of letters correct = "+same);
          System.out.println("Number of letters exactly correct = "+correct);
          System.out.println("Dukes earned by "+name+": "+calcScore(same, correct));
       private int calcCorrect(String code, String guess, int tally){
          for (int i=0; i< code.length(); i++)
             if(guess.charAt(i) == code.charAt(i)) tally++;
          return tally;
       private int calcSame(String code, String guess, int tally){
          StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(code);
          for (int i=0; i< buf.length(); i++){
             for (int j=0; j< buf.length(); j++)
                if (guess.charAt(i) == buf.charAt(j)){
                   buf.replace(j, j+1,"~");
          return tally;
       private int calcScore(int same, int correct){
          return (same>1 && correct>1)? (int)((correct*4)*(Math.pow(same,2))):(int)((correct*4)+(Math.pow(same,2)));

    I thought this
    for(int i=0; i<=10; i++) sb.append(i);
    would do this
    for(int i=0; i<=10; i++) sb.append((char)i);
    I'm so humilitated....All punters may assume henceforth that line 7 char 22 is herewith removed (I'm humiliated too)

Maybe you are looking for