Hello everybody. I'm having big problems creating a nicely
formatted PDF from a php page. With coldfusion it works great. So
I'm trying to send the query result from PHP to Coldfusion and then
create the PDF.
Does someone knows how to do it with WDDX? I know how to
serialize and deserialize in CF, but I never did it from PHP. Any
help would be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance

projectproofing wrote:
> I asked in a JS forum how to delay a browser closing for
a couple seconds and
> someone came back with the solution, however they
supplied one of the pieces in
> PHP to which I know nothing about.
> I know CF has no sleep function, but would like to see
how much of this can be
> converted into a cfm page. I can try to think of a way
to delay the end.

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    Dear all... we are facing following issue... similar to other but not able to resolve ...
    Warning: oci_connect() [function.oci-connect]: OCIEnvNlsCreate() failed. There is something wrong with your system - please check that LD_LIBRARY_PATH includes the directory with Oracle Instant Client libraries in /var/www/html/waseem2.php on line 2
    our PHPinfo(); is showing following the OCI8 Extenstion Enabled
    PHP Version 5.2.9
    System      Linux localhost.localdomain #1 SMP Tue Nov 18 12:19:59 EST 2008 i686
    Build Date      Apr 17 2009 03:29:46
    Configure Command      './configure' '--build=i386-redhat-linux-gnu' '--host=i386-redhat-linux-gnu' '--target=i386-redhat-linux-gnu' '--program-prefix=' '--prefix=/usr' '--exec-prefix=/usr' '--bindir=/usr/bin' '--sbindir=/usr/sbin' '--sysconfdir=/etc' '--datadir=/usr/share' '--includedir=/usr/include' '--libdir=/usr/lib' '--libexecdir=/usr/libexec' '--localstatedir=/var' '--sharedstatedir=/var/lib' '--mandir=/usr/share/man' '--infodir=/usr/share/info' '--cache-file=../config.cache' '--with-libdir=lib' '--with-config-file-path=/etc' '--with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc/php.d' '--disable-debug' '--with-pic' '--disable-rpath' '--without-pear' '--with-bz2' '--with-curl' '--with-exec-dir=/usr/bin' '--with-freetype-dir=/usr' '--with-png-dir=/usr' '--with-xpm-dir=/usr' '--enable-gd-native-ttf' '--with-t1lib=/usr' '--without-gdbm' '--with-gettext' '--with-gmp' '--with-iconv' '--with-jpeg-dir=/usr' '--with-openssl' '--with-pcre-regex=/usr' '--with-zlib' '--with-layout=GNU' '--enable-exif' '--enable-ftp' '--enable-magic-quotes' '--enable-sockets' '--enable-sysvsem' '--enable-sysvshm' '--enable-sysvmsg' '--enable-wddx' '--with-kerberos' '--enable-ucd-snmp-hack' '--enable-shmop' '--enable-calendar' '--without-mime-magic' '--without-sqlite' '--with-libxml-dir=/usr' '--enable-xml' '--with-system-tzdata' '--with-apxs2=/usr/sbin/apxs' '--without-mysql' '--without-gd' '--disable-dom' '--disable-dba' '--without-unixODBC' '--disable-pdo' '--disable-xmlreader' '--disable-xmlwriter' '--disable-json' '--without-pspell'
    Server API      Apache 2.0 Handler
    Virtual Directory Support      disabled
    Configuration File (php.ini) Path      /etc
    Loaded Configuration File      /etc/php.ini
    Scan this dir for additional .ini files      /etc/php.d
    additional .ini files parsed      /etc/php.d/dbase.ini, /etc/php.d/json.ini, /etc/php.d/ldap.ini, /etc/php.d/mbstring.ini, /etc/php.d/mysql.ini, /etc/php.d/mysqli.ini, /etc/php.d/pdo.ini, /etc/php.d/pdo_mysql.ini, /etc/php.d/pdo_sqlite.ini, /etc/php.d/zip.ini
    PHP API      20041225
    PHP Extension      20060613
    Zend Extension      220060519
    Debug Build      no
    Thread Safety      disabled
    Zend Memory Manager      enabled
    IPv6 Support      enabled
    Registered PHP Streams      php, file, data, http, ftp, compress.bzip2, compress.zlib, https, ftps, zip
    Registered Stream Socket Transports      tcp, udp, unix, udg, ssl, sslv3, sslv2, tls
    Registered Stream Filters      string.rot13, string.toupper, string.tolower, string.strip_tags, convert.*, consumed, convert.iconv.*, bzip2.*, zlib.*
    Zend logo This program makes use of the Zend Scripting Language Engine:
    Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Zend Technologies
    PHP Credits
    PHP Core
    Directive     Local Value     Master Value
    allow_call_time_pass_reference     Off     Off
    allow_url_fopen     On     On
    allow_url_include     Off     Off
    always_populate_raw_post_data     Off     Off
    arg_separator.input     &     &
    arg_separator.output     &     &
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    disable_functions     no value     no value
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    docref_root     no value     no value
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    error_log     no value     no value
    error_prepend_string     no value     no value
    error_reporting     6143     6143
    expose_php     On     On
    extension_dir     /usr/lib/php/modules     /usr/lib/php/modules
    file_uploads     On     On     #FFFFFF     #FFFFFF
    highlight.comment     #FF8000     #FF8000
    highlight.default     #0000BB     #0000BB
    highlight.html     #000000     #000000
    highlight.keyword     #007700     #007700
    highlight.string     #DD0000     #DD0000
    html_errors     On     On
    ignore_repeated_errors     Off     Off
    ignore_repeated_source     Off     Off
    ignore_user_abort     Off     Off
    implicit_flush     Off     Off
    include_path     .:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php     .:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php
    log_errors     On     On
    log_errors_max_len     1024     1024
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    magic_quotes_runtime     Off     Off
    magic_quotes_sybase     Off     Off
    mail.force_extra_parameters     no value     no value
    max_execution_time     30     30
    max_input_nesting_level     64     64
    max_input_time     60     60
    memory_limit     32M     32M
    open_basedir     no value     no value
    output_buffering     4096     4096
    output_handler     no value     no value
    post_max_size     8M     8M
    precision     14     14
    realpath_cache_size     16K     16K
    realpath_cache_ttl     120     120
    register_argc_argv     Off     Off
    register_globals     Off     Off
    register_long_arrays     Off     Off
    report_memleaks     On     On
    report_zend_debug     On     On
    safe_mode     Off     Off
    safe_mode_exec_dir     no value     no value
    safe_mode_gid     Off     Off
    safe_mode_include_dir     no value     no value
    sendmail_from     no value     no value
    sendmail_path     /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i     /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i
    serialize_precision     100     100
    short_open_tag     On     On
    SMTP     localhost     localhost
    smtp_port     25     25
    sql.safe_mode     Off     Off
    track_errors     Off     Off
    unserialize_callback_func     no value     no value
    upload_max_filesize     2M     2M
    upload_tmp_dir     no value     no value
    user_dir     no value     no value
    variables_order     EGPCS     EGPCS
    xmlrpc_error_number     0     0
    xmlrpc_errors     Off     Off
    y2k_compliance     On     On
    zend.ze1_compatibility_mode     Off     Off
    Apache Version      Apache/2.2.11 (Fedora)
    Apache API Version      20051115
    Server Administrator      root@localhost
    Hostname:Port      localhost.localdomain:0
    User/Group      apache(48)/48
    Max Requests      Per Child: 4000 - Keep Alive: off - Max Per Connection: 100
    Timeouts      Connection: 120 - Keep-Alive: 15
    Virtual Server      No
    Server Root      /etc/httpd
    Loaded Modules      core prefork http_core mod_so mod_auth_basic mod_auth_digest mod_authn_file mod_authn_alias mod_authn_anon mod_authn_dbm mod_authn_default mod_authz_host mod_authz_user mod_authz_owner mod_authz_groupfile mod_authz_dbm mod_authz_default util_ldap mod_authnz_ldap mod_include mod_log_config mod_logio mod_env mod_ext_filter mod_mime_magic mod_expires mod_deflate mod_headers mod_usertrack mod_setenvif mod_mime mod_dav mod_status mod_autoindex mod_info mod_dav_fs mod_vhost_alias mod_negotiation mod_dir mod_actions mod_speling mod_userdir mod_alias mod_rewrite mod_proxy mod_proxy_balancer mod_proxy_ftp mod_proxy_http mod_proxy_connect mod_cache mod_suexec mod_disk_cache mod_file_cache mod_mem_cache mod_cgi mod_perl mod_php5 mod_proxy_ajp mod_python mod_ssl
    Directive     Local Value     Master Value
    engine     1     1
    last_modified     0     0
    xbithack     0     0
    Apache Environment
    Variable     Value
    LD_LIBRARY_PATH      /home/zubair/instantclient_11_1_
    HTTP_HOST      localhost
    HTTP_USER_AGENT      Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008111217 Fedora/3.0.4-1.fc10 Firefox/3.0.4
    HTTP_ACCEPT      text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
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    HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING      gzip,deflate
    HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET      ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
    HTTP_KEEP_ALIVE      300
    HTTP_CONNECTION      keep-alive
    HTTP_COOKIE      PHPSESSID=he50pdhvtihu74lhmjnvggfr42
    PATH      /sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin
    SERVER_SIGNATURE      <address>Apache/2.2.11 (Fedora) Server at localhost Port 80</address>
    SERVER_SOFTWARE      Apache/2.2.11 (Fedora)
    SERVER_NAME      localhost
    SERVER_PORT      80
    DOCUMENT_ROOT      /var/www/html
    SERVER_ADMIN      root@localhost
    SCRIPT_FILENAME      /var/www/html/waseem.php
    REMOTE_PORT      39529
    QUERY_STRING      no value
    REQUEST_URI      /waseem.php
    SCRIPT_NAME      /waseem.php
    HTTP Headers Information
    HTTP Request Headers
    HTTP Request      GET /waseem.php HTTP/1.1
    Host      localhost
    User-Agent      Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008111217 Fedora/3.0.4-1.fc10 Firefox/3.0.4
    Accept      text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
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    Accept-Encoding      gzip,deflate
    Accept-Charset      ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
    Keep-Alive      300
    Connection      keep-alive
    Cookie      PHPSESSID=he50pdhvtihu74lhmjnvggfr42
    HTTP Response Headers
    X-Powered-By      PHP/5.2.9
    Connection      close
    Transfer-Encoding      chunked
    Content-Type      text/html; charset=UTF-8
    BZip2 Support      Enabled
    Stream Wrapper support      compress.bz2://
    Stream Filter support      bzip2.decompress, bzip2.compress
    BZip2 Version      1.0.5, 10-Dec-2007
    Calendar support      enabled
    ctype functions      enabled
    cURL support      enabled
    cURL Information      libcurl/7.18.2 NSS/ zlib/1.2.3 libidn/0.6.14 libssh2/0.18
    date/time support      enabled
    "Olson" Timezone Database Version      0.system
    Timezone Database      internal
    Default timezone      Asia/Karachi
    Directive     Local Value     Master Value
    date.default_latitude     31.7667     31.7667
    date.default_longitude     35.2333     35.2333
    date.sunrise_zenith     90.583333     90.583333
    date.sunset_zenith     90.583333     90.583333
    date.timezone     no value     no value
    EXIF Support      enabled
    EXIF Version      1.4 $Id: exif.c,v 2008/12/31 11:17:37 sebastian Exp $
    Supported EXIF Version      0220
    Supported filetypes      JPEG,TIFF
    Input Validation and Filtering      enabled
    Revision      $Revision: $
    Directive     Local Value     Master Value
    filter.default     unsafe_raw     unsafe_raw
    filter.default_flags     no value     no value
    FTP support      enabled
    GetText Support      enabled
    gmp support      enabled
    GMP version      4.2.2
    hash support      enabled
    Hashing Engines      md2 md4 md5 sha1 sha256 sha384 sha512 ripemd128 ripemd160 ripemd256 ripemd320 whirlpool tiger128,3 tiger160,3 tiger192,3 tiger128,4 tiger160,4 tiger192,4 snefru gost adler32 crc32 crc32b haval128,3 haval160,3 haval192,3 haval224,3 haval256,3 haval128,4 haval160,4 haval192,4 haval224,4 haval256,4 haval128,5 haval160,5 haval192,5 haval224,5 haval256,5
    iconv support      enabled
    iconv implementation      glibc
    iconv library version      2.9
    Directive     Local Value     Master Value
    iconv.input_encoding     ISO-8859-1     ISO-8859-1
    iconv.internal_encoding     ISO-8859-1     ISO-8859-1
    iconv.output_encoding     ISO-8859-1     ISO-8859-1
    json support      enabled
    json version      1.2.1
    LDAP Support      enabled
    RCS Version      $Id: ldap.c,v 2008/12/31 11:17:39 sebastian Exp $
    Total Links      0/unlimited
    API Version      3001
    Vendor Name      OpenLDAP
    Vendor Version      20412
    SASL Support      Enabled
    libXML support      active
    libXML Version      2.7.3
    libXML streams      enabled
    Multibyte Support      enabled
    Multibyte string engine      libmbfl
    Multibyte (japanese) regex support      enabled
    Multibyte regex (oniguruma) version      4.4.4
    Multibyte regex (oniguruma) backtrack check      On
    mbstring extension makes use of "streamable kanji code filter and converter", which is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1.
    Directive     Local Value     Master Value
    mbstring.detect_order     no value     no value
    mbstring.encoding_translation     Off     Off
    mbstring.func_overload     0     0
    mbstring.http_input     pass     pass
    mbstring.http_output     pass     pass
    mbstring.internal_encoding     no value     no value
    mbstring.language     neutral     neutral
    mbstring.strict_detection     Off     Off
    mbstring.substitute_character     no value     no value
    MySQL Support     enabled
    Active Persistent Links      0
    Active Links      0
    Client API version      5.0.84
    MYSQL_MODULE_TYPE      external
    MYSQL_SOCKET      /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
    MYSQL_INCLUDE      -I/usr/include/mysql
    MYSQL_LIBS      -L/usr/lib/mysql -lmysqlclient
    Directive     Local Value     Master Value
    mysql.allow_persistent     On     On
    mysql.connect_timeout     60     60
    mysql.default_host     no value     no value
    mysql.default_password     no value     no value
    mysql.default_port     no value     no value
    mysql.default_socket     no value     no value
    mysql.default_user     no value     no value
    mysql.max_links     Unlimited     Unlimited
    mysql.max_persistent     Unlimited     Unlimited
    mysql.trace_mode     Off     Off
    MysqlI Support     enabled
    Client API library version      5.0.84
    Client API header version      5.0.77
    MYSQLI_SOCKET      /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
    Directive     Local Value     Master Value
    mysqli.default_host     no value     no value
    mysqli.default_port     3306     3306
    mysqli.default_pw     no value     no value
    mysqli.default_socket     no value     no value
    mysqli.default_user     no value     no value
    mysqli.max_links     Unlimited     Unlimited
    mysqli.reconnect     Off     Off
    OCI8 Support      enabled
    Version      1.3.5
    Revision      $Revision: $
    Active Persistent Connections      0
    Active Connections      0
    Oracle Instant Client Version      11.1
    Temporary Lob support      enabled
    Collections support      enabled
    Directive     Local Value     Master Value
    oci8.connection_class     no value     no value
    oci8.default_prefetch     100     100     Off     Off
    oci8.max_persistent     -1     -1
    oci8.old_oci_close_semantics     Off     Off
    oci8.persistent_timeout     -1     -1
    oci8.ping_interval     60     60
    oci8.privileged_connect     Off     Off
    oci8.statement_cache_size     20     20
    OpenSSL support      enabled
    OpenSSL Version      OpenSSL 0.9.8g 19 Oct 2007
    PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions) Support      enabled
    PCRE Library Version      7.8 2008-09-05
    Directive     Local Value     Master Value
    pcre.backtrack_limit     100000     100000
    pcre.recursion_limit     100000     100000
    PDO support     enabled
    PDO drivers      mysql, sqlite
    PDO Driver for MySQL, client library version     5.0.84
    PDO Driver for SQLite 3.x     enabled
    PECL Module version      1.0.1 $Id: pdo_sqlite.c,v 2008/12/31 11:17:42 sebastian Exp $
    SQLite Library      3.5.9
    Revision      $Revision: $
    Reflection     enabled
    Version      $Id: php_reflection.c,v 2008/12/31 11:17:42 sebastian Exp $
    Session Support      enabled
    Registered save handlers      files user
    Registered serializer handlers      php php_binary wddx
    Directive     Local Value     Master Value
    session.auto_start     Off     Off
    session.bug_compat_42     Off     Off
    session.bug_compat_warn     On     On
    session.cache_expire     180     180
    session.cache_limiter     nocache     nocache
    session.cookie_domain     no value     no value
    session.cookie_httponly     Off     Off
    session.cookie_lifetime     0     0
    session.cookie_path     /     /
    session.cookie_secure     Off     Off
    session.entropy_file     no value     no value
    session.entropy_length     0     0
    session.gc_divisor     1000     1000
    session.gc_maxlifetime     1440     1440
    session.gc_probability     1     1
    session.hash_bits_per_character     5     5
    session.hash_function     0     0     PHPSESSID     PHPSESSID
    session.referer_check     no value     no value
    session.save_handler     files     files
    session.save_path     /var/lib/php/session     /var/lib/php/session
    session.serialize_handler     php     php
    session.use_cookies     On     On
    session.use_only_cookies     Off     Off
    session.use_trans_sid     0     0
    shmop support      enabled
    Simplexml support     enabled
    Revision      $Revision: $
    Schema support      enabled
    Sockets Support      enabled
    SPL support     enabled
    Interfaces      Countable, OuterIterator, RecursiveIterator, SeekableIterator, SplObserver, SplSubject
    Classes      AppendIterator, ArrayIterator, ArrayObject, BadFunctionCallException, BadMethodCallException, CachingIterator, DirectoryIterator, DomainException, EmptyIterator, FilterIterator, InfiniteIterator, InvalidArgumentException, IteratorIterator, LengthException, LimitIterator, LogicException, NoRewindIterator, OutOfBoundsException, OutOfRangeException, OverflowException, ParentIterator, RangeException, RecursiveArrayIterator, RecursiveCachingIterator, RecursiveDirectoryIterator, RecursiveFilterIterator, RecursiveIteratorIterator, RecursiveRegexIterator, RegexIterator, RuntimeException, SimpleXMLIterator, SplFileInfo, SplFileObject, SplObjectStorage, SplTempFileObject, UnderflowException, UnexpectedValueException
    Regex Library      Bundled library enabled
    Dynamic Library Support      enabled
    Path to sendmail      /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i
    Directive     Local Value     Master Value     1     1
    assert.bail     0     0
    assert.callback     no value     no value
    assert.quiet_eval     0     0
    assert.warning     1     1
    auto_detect_line_endings     0     0
    default_socket_timeout     60     60
    safe_mode_allowed_env_vars     PHP_     PHP_
    safe_mode_protected_env_vars     LD_LIBRARY_PATH     LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    url_rewriter.tags     a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=fakeentry     a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=fakeentry
    user_agent     no value     no value
    sysvmsg support      enabled
    Revision      $Revision: $
    Tokenizer Support      enabled
    WDDX Support     enabled
    WDDX Session Serializer      enabled
    XML Support      active
    XML Namespace Support      active
    libxml2 Version      2.7.3
    Zip      enabled
    Extension Version      $Id: php_zip.c,v 2009/02/05 19:53:22 pajoye Exp $
    Zip version      1.8.11
    Libzip version      0.9.0
    ZLib Support      enabled
    Stream Wrapper support      compress.zlib://
    Stream Filter support      zlib.inflate, zlib.deflate
    Compiled Version      1.2.3
    Linked Version      1.2.3
    Directive     Local Value     Master Value
    zlib.output_compression     Off     Off
    zlib.output_compression_level     -1     -1
    zlib.output_handler     no value     no value
    Additional Modules
    Module Name
    Variable     Value
    TERM      xterm
    LD_LIBRARY_PATH      /home/zubair/instantclient_11_1/
    PATH      /sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin
    PWD      /
    LANG      C
    SHLVL      2
    ORACLE_HOME      /home/zubair/instantclient_11_1/
    _      /usr/sbin/httpd
    PHP Variables
    Variable     Value
    _REQUEST["PHPSESSID"]     he50pdhvtihu74lhmjnvggfr42
    _COOKIE["PHPSESSID"]     he50pdhvtihu74lhmjnvggfr42
    SERVER["LDLIBRARY_PATH"]     /home/zubair/instantclient_11_1
    _SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]     localhost
    _SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]     Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008111217 Fedora/3.0.4-1.fc10 Firefox/3.0.4
    _SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT"]     text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
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    _SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET"]     ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
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    _SERVER["HTTP_CONNECTION"]     keep-alive
    _SERVER["HTTP_COOKIE"]     PHPSESSID=he50pdhvtihu74lhmjnvggfr42
    _SERVER["PATH"]     /sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin
    _SERVER["SERVER_SIGNATURE"]     <address>Apache/2.2.11 (Fedora) Server at localhost Port 80</address>
    _SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"]     Apache/2.2.11 (Fedora)
    _SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]     localhost
    _SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]     80
    _SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]     /var/www/html
    _SERVER["SERVER_ADMIN"]     root@localhost
    _SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]     /var/www/html/waseem.php
    _SERVER["REMOTE_PORT"]     39529
    _SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]     no value
    _SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]     /waseem.php
    _SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]     /waseem.php
    _SERVER["PHP_SELF"]     /waseem.php
    _SERVER["REQUEST_TIME"]     1253301146
    _ENV["TERM"]     xterm
    _ENV["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"]     /home/zubair/instantclient_11_1/
    _ENV["PATH"]     /sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin
    _ENV["PWD"]     /
    _ENV["LANG"]     C
    _ENV["SHLVL"]     2
    _ENV["ORACLE_HOME"]     /home/zubair/instantclient_11_1/
    _ENV["_"]     /usr/sbin/httpd
    PHP License
    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the PHP License as published by the PHP Group and included in the distribution in the file: LICENSE
    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
    If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license, or have any questions about PHP licensing, please contact [email protected].
    Have a nice day!
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function odbc_connect() in /var/www/html/waseem.php on line 20

    Is the problem with oci_connect or odbc_connect?
    The phpinfo() output shows '--without-unixODBC' which may be a root cause. There is no 'odbc' section shown in the phpinfo() output so I wouldn't expect odbc calls to work.
    But if the issue is with OCI8, then make sure that Oracle environment variables and LD_LIBRARY_PATH are set BEFORE starting Apache.
    More information on OCI8 and PHP is in
    Also see
    The PHP forum on OTN is

  • Joomla on Sun webserver 7 php safe_mode

    Trying to install joomla on solaris 10 with sun webserver 7 and mysql. Got php installed and working fine, but when going through the joomla config, it needs safe_mode to be set to Off. However, when I make this change in the php.ini file its not reflected in phpinfo(). Its like its still set to on. I have confirmed that the php.ini settings are being read as other changes are reflected. Just seems to have a problem with this setting. Any ideas?

    I installed php using the phppack and followed the sun docs. sun/webserver7/plugins/php
    Also, with suns pack I think safe_mode is On by default from what I can tell.
    PHP Version 5.2.0
    System SunOS 5.10 Generic_118833-33 sun4u
    Build Date Jan 29 2007 22:23:57
    Configure Command './configure' '--prefix=/java/re/phppack/5.2.0/nightly/ws/b01-2007-01-29/solaris-sparc/dist/5.2.0/SunOS5.8_OPT.OBJ/php' '--bindir=/java/re/phppack/5.2.0/nightly/ws/b01-2007-01-29/solaris-sparc/dist/5.2.0/SunOS5.8_OPT.OBJ/php/bin/' '--libdir=/java/re/phppack/5.2.0/nightly/ws/b01-2007-01-29/solaris-sparc/dist/5.2.0/SunOS5.8_OPT.OBJ/php/lib/' '--libexecdir=/java/re/phppack/5.2.0/nightly/ws/b01-2007-01-29/solaris-sparc/dist/5.2.0/SunOS5.8_OPT.OBJ/php/libexec/' '--enable-force-cgi-redirect' '--disable-rpath' '--enable-safe-mode' '--enable-ftp' '--enable-sockets' '--enable-memory-limit' '--enable-inline-optimization' '--enable-zlib' '--enable-soap' '--with-dba' '--enable-sysvmsg' '--enable-sysvsem' '--enable-sysvshm' '--enable-sqlite-utf8' '--enable-zend-multibyte' '--enable-bcmath' '--enable-exif' '--enable-magic-quotes' '--enable-wddx' '--enable-mbstring' '--enable-mbstr-enc-trans' '--enable-mbregex' '--enable-gd-native-ttf' '--with-pcre-regex=/h/iws-files/s/b/c/pcre/6.7/SunOS5.8_OPT.OBJ' '--with-iconv-dir=/h/iws-files/s/b/c/libiconv/1.11/SunOS5.8_OPT.OBJ' '--with-libxml-dir=/h/iws-files/s/b/c/libxml2/2.6.27/SunOS5.8_OPT.OBJ' '--with-zlib=/h/iws-files/s/b/c/zlib/1.2.3/SunOS5.8_OPT.OBJ' '--with-mysql=/h/iws-files/s/b/c/mysql/5.0.27/SunOS5.8_OPT.OBJ' '--with-mysqli=/h/iws-files/s/b/c/mysql/5.0.27/SunOS5.8_OPT.OBJ/bin/mysql_config' '--with-pgsql=/h/iws-files/s/b/c/postgresql/8.1.5/SunOS5.8_OPT.OBJ' '--enable-cli' '--enable-cgi' '--enable-fastcgi' '--enable-debugger'
    Server API CGI/FastCGI
    Virtual Directory Support disabled
    Configuration File (php.ini) Path /java/re/phppack/5.2.0/nightly/ws/b01-2007-01-29/solaris-sparc/dist/5.2.0/SunOS5.8_OPT.OBJ/php/lib/
    PHP API 20041225
    PHP Extension 20060613
    Zend Extension 220060519
    Debug Build no
    Thread Safety disabled
    Zend Memory Manager enabled
    IPv6 Support enabled
    Registered PHP Streams php, file, data, http, ftp, compress.zlib
    Registered Stream Socket Transports tcp, udp, unix, udg
    Registered Stream Filters string.rot13, string.toupper, string.tolower, string.strip_tags, convert.*, consumed, convert.iconv.*, zlib.*
    This program makes use of the Zend Scripting Language Engine:
    Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2006 Zend Technologies
    PHP Credits
    PHP Core
    Directive Local Value Master Value
    allow_call_time_pass_reference On On
    allow_url_fopen On On
    allow_url_include Off Off
    always_populate_raw_post_data Off Off
    arg_separator.input & &
    arg_separator.output & &
    asp_tags Off Off
    auto_append_file no value no value
    auto_globals_jit On On
    auto_prepend_file no value no value
    browscap no value no value
    default_charset no value no value
    default_mimetype text/html text/html
    define_syslog_variables Off Off
    detect_unicode On On
    disable_classes no value no value
    disable_functions no value no value
    display_errors On On
    display_startup_errors Off Off
    doc_root no value no value
    docref_ext no value no value
    docref_root no value no value
    enable_dl On On
    error_append_string no value no value
    error_log no value no value
    error_prepend_string no value no value
    error_reporting no value no value
    expose_php On On
    extension_dir /java/re/phppack/5.2.0/nightly/ws/b01-2007-01-29/solaris-sparc/dist/5.2.0/SunOS5.8_OPT.OBJ/php/lib//extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613 /java/re/phppack/5.2.0/nightly/ws/b01-2007-01-29/solaris-sparc/dist/5.2.0/SunOS5.8_OPT.OBJ/php/lib//extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613
    file_uploads On On #FFFFFF #FFFFFF
    highlight.comment #FF8000 #FF8000
    highlight.default #0000BB #0000BB
    highlight.html #000000 #000000
    highlight.keyword #007700 #007700
    highlight.string #DD0000 #DD0000
    html_errors On On
    ignore_repeated_errors Off Off
    ignore_repeated_source Off Off
    ignore_user_abort Off Off
    implicit_flush Off Off
    include_path .:/java/re/phppack/5.2.0/nightly/ws/b01-2007-01-29/solaris-sparc/dist/5.2.0/SunOS5.8_OPT.OBJ/php/lib//php .:/java/re/phppack/5.2.0/nightly/ws/b01-2007-01-29/solaris-sparc/dist/5.2.0/SunOS5.8_OPT.OBJ/php/lib//php
    log_errors Off Off
    log_errors_max_len 1024 1024
    magic_quotes_gpc On On
    magic_quotes_runtime Off Off
    magic_quotes_sybase Off Off
    mail.force_extra_parameters no value no value
    max_execution_time 30 30
    max_input_time -1 -1
    memory_limit 16M 16M
    open_basedir no value no value
    output_buffering 0 0
    output_handler no value no value
    post_max_size 8M 8M
    precision 14 14
    realpath_cache_size 16K 16K
    realpath_cache_ttl 120 120
    register_argc_argv On On
    register_globals Off Off
    register_long_arrays On On
    report_memleaks On On
    report_zend_debug On On
    safe_mode On On
    safe_mode_exec_dir /usr/local/php/bin /usr/local/php/bin
    safe_mode_gid Off Off
    safe_mode_include_dir no value no value
    sendmail_from no value no value
    sendmail_path /usr/lib/sendmail -t -i /usr/lib/sendmail -t -i
    serialize_precision 100 100
    short_open_tag On On
    SMTP localhost localhost
    smtp_port 25 25
    sql.safe_mode Off Off
    track_errors Off Off
    unserialize_callback_func no value no value
    upload_max_filesize 2M 2M
    upload_tmp_dir no value no value
    user_dir no value no value
    variables_order EGPCS EGPCS
    xmlrpc_error_number 0 0
    xmlrpc_errors Off Off
    y2k_compliance On On
    zend.ze1_compatibility_mode Off Off
    BCMath support enabled
    ctype functions enabled
    date/time support enabled
    Timezone Database Version 2006.14
    Timezone Database internal
    Warning: phpinfo() [function.phpinfo]: It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. Please use the date.timezone setting, the TZ environment variable or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We had to select 'UTC' because your platform doesn't provide functionality for the guessing algorithm in /opt/sun/webserver7/https-www-live/docs/info.php on line 1
    Default timezone UTC
    Directive Local Value Master Value
    date.default_latitude 31.7667 31.7667
    date.default_longitude 35.2333 35.2333
    date.sunrise_zenith 90.583333 90.583333
    date.sunset_zenith 90.583333 90.583333
    date.timezone no value no value
    DOM/XML enabled
    DOM/XML API Version 20031129
    libxml Version 2.6.27
    HTML Support enabled
    XPath Support enabled
    XPointer Support enabled
    Schema Support enabled
    RelaxNG Support enabled
    EXIF Support enabled
    EXIF Version 1.4 $Id: exif.c,v 2006/10/10 22:22:43 tony2001 Exp $
    Supported EXIF Version 0220
    Supported filetypes JPEG,TIFF
    Input Validation and Filtering enabled
    Revision $Revision: $
    Directive Local Value Master Value
    filter.default unsafe_raw unsafe_raw
    filter.default_flags no value no value
    FTP support enabled
    hash support enabled
    Hashing Engines md4 md5 sha1 sha256 sha384 sha512 ripemd128 ripemd160 whirlpool tiger128,3 tiger160,3 tiger192,3 tiger128,4 tiger160,4 tiger192,4 snefru gost adler32 crc32 crc32b haval128,3 haval160,3 haval192,3 haval224,3 haval256,3 haval128,4 haval160,4 haval192,4 haval224,4 haval256,4 haval128,5 haval160,5 haval192,5 haval224,5 haval256,5
    iconv support enabled
    iconv implementation unknown
    iconv library version unknown
    Directive Local Value Master Value
    iconv.input_encoding ISO-8859-1 ISO-8859-1
    iconv.internal_encoding ISO-8859-1 ISO-8859-1
    iconv.output_encoding ISO-8859-1 ISO-8859-1
    json support enabled
    json version 1.2.1
    libXML support active
    libXML Version 2.6.27
    libXML streams enabled
    Multibyte Support enabled
    Multibyte string engine libmbfl
    Multibyte (japanese) regex support enabled
    Multibyte regex (oniguruma) version 4.4.4
    Multibyte regex (oniguruma) backtrack check On
    mbstring extension makes use of "streamable kanji code filter and converter", which is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1.
    Directive Local Value Master Value
    mbstring.detect_order no value no value
    mbstring.encoding_translation Off Off
    mbstring.func_overload 0 0
    mbstring.http_input pass pass
    mbstring.http_output pass pass
    mbstring.internal_encoding ISO-8859-1 no value
    mbstring.language neutral neutral
    mbstring.script_encoding no value no value
    mbstring.strict_detection Off Off
    mbstring.substitute_character no value no value
    MySQL Support enabled
    Active Persistent Links 0
    Active Links 0
    Client API version 5.0.27
    MYSQL_MODULE_TYPE external
    MYSQL_SOCKET /tmp/mysql.sock
    MYSQL_INCLUDE -I/h/iws-files/s/b/c/mysql/5.0.27/SunOS5.8_OPT.OBJ/include
    MYSQL_LIBS -L/h/iws-files/s/b/c/mysql/5.0.27/SunOS5.8_OPT.OBJ/lib -lmysqlclient
    Directive Local Value Master Value
    mysql.allow_persistent On On
    mysql.connect_timeout 60 60
    mysql.default_host no value no value
    mysql.default_password no value no value
    mysql.default_port no value no value
    mysql.default_socket no value no value
    mysql.default_user no value no value
    mysql.max_links Unlimited Unlimited
    mysql.max_persistent Unlimited Unlimited
    mysql.trace_mode Off Off
    MysqlI Support enabled
    Client API library version 5.0.27
    Client API header version 5.0.27
    MYSQLI_SOCKET /tmp/mysql.sock
    Directive Local Value Master Value
    mysqli.default_host no value no value
    mysqli.default_port 3306 3306
    mysqli.default_pw no value no value
    mysqli.default_socket no value no value
    mysqli.default_user no value no value
    mysqli.max_links Unlimited Unlimited
    mysqli.reconnect Off Off
    PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions) Support enabled
    PCRE Library Version 6.7 04-Jul-2006
    PDO support enabled
    PDO drivers sqlite2, sqlite
    PDO Driver for SQLite 3.x enabled
    PECL Module version (bundled) 1.0.1 $Id: pdo_sqlite.c,v 2006/01/01 12:50:12 sniper Exp $
    SQLite Library 3.3.7
    PostgreSQL Support enabled
    PostgreSQL(libpq) Version 8.1.5
    Multibyte character support enabled
    SSL support disabled
    Active Persistent Links 0
    Active Links 0
    Directive Local Value Master Value
    pgsql.allow_persistent On On
    pgsql.auto_reset_persistent Off Off
    pgsql.ignore_notice Off Off
    pgsql.log_notice Off Off
    pgsql.max_links Unlimited Unlimited
    pgsql.max_persistent Unlimited Unlimited
    Revision $Revision: $
    Reflection enabled
    Version $Id: php_reflection.c,v 2006/10/18 16:35:15 johannes Exp $
    Session Support enabled
    Registered save handlers files user sqlite
    Registered serializer handlers php php_binary wddx
    Directive Local Value Master Value
    session.auto_start Off Off
    session.bug_compat_42 On On
    session.bug_compat_warn On On
    session.cache_expire 180 180
    session.cache_limiter nocache nocache
    session.cookie_domain no value no value
    session.cookie_httponly Off Off
    session.cookie_lifetime 0 0
    session.cookie_path / /
    session.cookie_secure Off Off
    session.entropy_file no value no value
    session.entropy_length 0 0
    session.gc_divisor 100 100
    session.gc_maxlifetime 1440 1440
    session.gc_probability 1 1
    session.hash_bits_per_character 4 4
    session.hash_function 0 0 PHPSESSID PHPSESSID
    session.referer_check no value no value
    session.save_handler files files
    session.save_path no value no value
    session.serialize_handler php php
    session.use_cookies On On
    session.use_only_cookies Off Off
    session.use_trans_sid 0 0
    Simplexml support enabled
    Revision $Revision: $
    Schema support enabled
    Soap Client enabled
    Soap Server enabled
    Directive Local Value Master Value
    soap.wsdl_cache 1 1
    soap.wsdl_cache_dir /tmp /tmp
    soap.wsdl_cache_enabled 1 1
    soap.wsdl_cache_limit 5 5
    soap.wsdl_cache_ttl 86400 86400
    Sockets Support enabled
    SPL support enabled
    Interfaces Countable, OuterIterator, RecursiveIterator, SeekableIterator, SplObserver, SplSubject
    Classes AppendIterator, ArrayIterator, ArrayObject, BadFunctionCallException, BadMethodCallException, CachingIterator, DirectoryIterator, DomainException, EmptyIterator, FilterIterator, InfiniteIterator, InvalidArgumentException, IteratorIterator, LengthException, LimitIterator, LogicException, NoRewindIterator, OutOfBoundsException, OutOfRangeException, OverflowException, ParentIterator, RangeException, RecursiveArrayIterator, RecursiveCachingIterator, RecursiveDirectoryIterator, RecursiveFilterIterator, RecursiveIteratorIterator, RecursiveRegexIterator, RegexIterator, RuntimeException, SimpleXMLIterator, SplFileInfo, SplFileObject, SplObjectStorage, SplTempFileObject, UnderflowException, UnexpectedValueException
    SQLite support enabled
    PECL Module version 2.0-dev $Id: sqlite.c,v 2006/10/20 21:28:31 tony2001 Exp $
    SQLite Library 2.8.17
    SQLite Encoding UTF-8
    Directive Local Value Master Value
    sqlite.assoc_case 0 0
    Regex Library Bundled library enabled
    Dynamic Library Support enabled
    Path to sendmail /usr/lib/sendmail -t -i
    Directive Local Value Master Value 1 1
    assert.bail 0 0
    assert.callback no value no value
    assert.quiet_eval 0 0
    assert.warning 1 1
    auto_detect_line_endings 0 0
    default_socket_timeout 60 60
    safe_mode_allowed_env_vars PHP_ PHP_
    safe_mode_protected_env_vars LD_LIBRARY_PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    url_rewriter.tags a=href,area=href,frame=src,form=,fieldset= a=href,area=href,frame=src,form=,fieldset=
    user_agent no value no value
    sysvmsg support enabled
    Revision $Revision: $
    Tokenizer Support enabled
    WDDX Support enabled
    WDDX Session Serializer enabled
    XML Support active
    XML Namespace Support active
    libxml2 Version 2.6.27
    XMLReader enabled
    XMLWriter enabled
    ZLib Support enabled
    Stream Wrapper support compress.zlib://
    Stream Filter support zlib.inflate, zlib.deflate
    Compiled Version 1.2.3
    Linked Version 1.2.3
    Directive Local Value Master Value
    zlib.output_compression Off Off
    zlib.output_compression_level -1 -1
    zlib.output_handler no value no value
    Additional Modules
    Module Name
    Variable Value
    PHPRC /opt/sun/webserver7/plugins/php
    LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/sun/webserver7/plugins/php
    LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64 /opt/sun/webserver7/plugins/php/64
    PHP Variables
    Variable Value
    _SERVER["PHPRC"] /opt/sun/webserver7/plugins/php
    _SERVER["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] /opt/sun/webserver7/lib:/opt/sun/webserver7/jdk/jre/lib/sparc/server:/opt/sun/webserver7/jdk/jre/lib/sparc:/opt/sun/webserver7/jdk/jre/lib/sparc/native_threads::/opt/sun/webserver7/lib:
    _SERVER["LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64"] /opt/sun/webserver7/plugins/php/64
    _SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT"] image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/, application/, application/msword, */*
    _SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING"] gzip, deflate
    _SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)
    _SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] joomla
    _SERVER["PATH"] /opt/sun/webserver7/bin:/opt/sun/webserver7/lib:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/dt/bin:/usr/openwin/bin:/bin:/opt/sfw/bin:/export/root
    _SERVER["TZ"] Canada/Mountain
    _SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"] Sun-Java-System-Web-Server/7.0
    _SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] joomla
    _SERVER["SERVER_URL"] http://joomla
    _SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"] /info.php
    _SERVER["ORIG_PATH_TRANSLATED"] /opt/sun/webserver7/https-www-live/docs/info.php
    _SERVER["ORIG_SCRIPT_NAME"] /info.php
    _SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"] /opt/sun/webserver7/https-www-live/docs/info.php
    _SERVER["PATH_INFO"] no value
    _SERVER["PHP_SELF"] /info.php
    _SERVER["REQUEST_TIME"] 1177075610
    _SERVER["argv"] Array
    _SERVER["argc"] 0
    _ENV["PHPRC"] /opt/sun/webserver7/plugins/php
    _ENV["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] /opt/sun/webserver7/lib:/opt/sun/webserver7/jdk/jre/lib/sparc/server:/opt/sun/webserver7/jdk/jre/lib/sparc:/opt/sun/webserver7/jdk/jre/lib/sparc/native_threads::/opt/sun/webserver7/lib:
    _ENV["LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64"] /opt/sun/webserver7/plugins/php/64
    _ENV["HTTP_ACCEPT"] image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/, application/, application/msword, */*
    _ENV["HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING"] gzip, deflate
    _ENV["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)
    _ENV["HTTP_HOST"] joomla
    _ENV["HTTP_CONNECTION"] Keep-Alive
    _ENV["PATH"] /opt/sun/webserver7/bin:/opt/sun/webserver7/lib:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/dt/bin:/usr/openwin/bin:/bin:/opt/sfw/bin:/export/root
    _ENV["TZ"] Canada/Mountain
    _ENV["SERVER_SOFTWARE"] Sun-Java-System-Web-Server/7.0
    _ENV["SERVER_PORT"] 80
    _ENV["SERVER_NAME"] joomla
    _ENV["SERVER_URL"] http://joomla
    _ENV["SCRIPT_NAME"] /info.php
    _ENV["PATH_TRANSLATED"] no value
    _ENV["SERVER_HOSTNAME"] www-live
    _ENV["ORIG_PATH_TRANSLATED"] /opt/sun/webserver7/https-www-live/docs/info.php
    _ENV["ORIG_SCRIPT_NAME"] /info.php
    _ENV["SCRIPT_FILENAME"] /opt/sun/webserver7/https-www-live/docs/info.php
    _ENV["PATH_INFO"] no value

  • [SOLVED] Problem building php 5.3 with openssl

    I stuck with this issue and don't really know what's wrong and what to do:
    $ pacman -Qs openssl
    local/lib32-openssl 1.0.1.i-1
    The Open Source toolkit for Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security (32-bit)
    local/openssl 1.0.1.i-1
    The Open Source toolkit for Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security
    $ ./configure --with-openssl && make
    loading cache ./config.cache
    checking for Cygwin environment... (cached) no
    checking for mingw32 environment... (cached) no
    checking for egrep... (cached) grep -E
    checking for a sed that does not truncate output... (cached) /usr/bin/sed
    checking host system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
    checking target system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
    checking for gcc... (cached) gcc
    checking whether the C compiler (gcc ) works... yes
    checking whether the C compiler (gcc ) is a cross-compiler... no
    checking whether we are using GNU C... (cached) yes
    checking whether gcc accepts -g... (cached) yes
    checking how to run the C preprocessor... (cached) gcc -E
    checking for icc... no
    checking for suncc... no
    checking whether gcc and cc understand -c and -o together... (cached) yes
    checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
    checking for AIX... no
    checking whether ln -s works... (cached) yes
    checking for system library directory... lib
    checking whether to enable runpaths... yes
    checking if compiler supports -R... (cached) no
    checking if compiler supports -Wl,-rpath,... (cached) yes
    checking for gawk... (cached) gawk
    checking for bison... (cached) bison -y
    checking for bison version... (cached) 2.6.4 (ok)
    checking for re2c... (cached) re2c
    checking for re2c version... (cached) (ok)
    checking whether to enable computed goto gcc extension with re2c... no
    checking whether to force non-PIC code in shared modules... no
    checking whether /dev/urandom exists... yes
    checking for pthreads_cflags... (cached) -pthread
    checking for pthreads_lib... (cached)
    [1mConfiguring SAPI modules[m
    checking for AOLserver support... no
    checking for Apache 1.x module support via DSO through APXS... no
    checking for Apache 1.x module support... no
    checking whether to enable Apache charset compatibility option... no
    checking for Apache 2.0 filter-module support via DSO through APXS... no
    checking for Apache 2.0 handler-module support via DSO through APXS... no
    checking for Apache 1.x (hooks) module support via DSO through APXS... no
    checking for Apache 1.x (hooks) module support... no
    checking whether to enable Apache charset compatibility option... no
    checking for Caudium support... no
    checking for CLI build... yes
    checking for Continuity support... no
    checking for embedded SAPI library support... no
    checking for FPM build... no
    checking for Zeus ISAPI support... no
    checking for LiteSpeed support... no
    checking for Milter support... no
    checking for NSAPI support... no
    checking for PHTTPD support... no
    checking for Pi3Web support... no
    checking whether Roxen module is build using ZTS... no
    checking for Roxen/Pike support...
    checking for thttpd... no
    checking for TUX... no
    checking for webjames... no
    checking whether to build CGI binary... yes
    checking for socklen_t in sys/socket.h... yes
    checking for sun_len in sys/un.h... no
    checking whether cross-process locking is required by accept()... no
    checking for chosen SAPI module... cgi
    [1mRunning system checks[m
    checking for sendmail... no
    checking whether system uses EBCDIC... (cached) no
    checking whether byte ordering is bigendian... (cached) no
    checking whether writing to stdout works... (cached) yes
    checking for socket... yes
    checking for socketpair... yes
    checking for htonl... yes
    checking for gethostname... yes
    checking for gethostbyaddr... yes
    checking for yp_get_default_domain... no
    checking for __yp_get_default_domain... no
    checking for yp_get_default_domain in -lnsl... yes
    checking for dlopen... no
    checking for __dlopen... no
    checking for dlopen in -ldl... yes
    checking for sin in -lm... (cached) yes
    checking for inet_aton... yes
    checking for ANSI C header files... (cached) yes
    checking for dirent.h that defines DIR... (cached) yes
    checking for opendir in -ldir... (cached) no
    checking for inttypes.h... (cached) yes
    checking for stdint.h... (cached) yes
    checking for dirent.h... (cached) yes
    checking for ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h... (cached) no
    checking for sys/param.h... (cached) yes
    checking for sys/types.h... (cached) yes
    checking for sys/time.h... (cached) yes
    checking for netinet/in.h... (cached) yes
    checking for alloca.h... (cached) yes
    checking for arpa/inet.h... (cached) yes
    checking for arpa/nameser.h... (cached) yes
    checking for assert.h... (cached) yes
    checking for crypt.h... (cached) yes
    checking for dns.h... (cached) no
    checking for fcntl.h... (cached) yes
    checking for grp.h... (cached) yes
    checking for ieeefp.h... (cached) no
    checking for langinfo.h... (cached) yes
    checking for limits.h... (cached) yes
    checking for locale.h... (cached) yes
    checking for monetary.h... (cached) yes
    checking for netdb.h... (cached) yes
    checking for pwd.h... (cached) yes
    checking for resolv.h... (cached) yes
    checking for signal.h... (cached) yes
    checking for stdarg.h... (cached) yes
    checking for stdlib.h... (cached) yes
    checking for string.h... (cached) yes
    checking for syslog.h... (cached) yes
    checking for sysexits.h... (cached) yes
    checking for sys/ioctl.h... (cached) yes
    checking for sys/file.h... (cached) yes
    checking for sys/mman.h... (cached) yes
    checking for sys/mount.h... (cached) yes
    checking for sys/poll.h... (cached) yes
    checking for sys/resource.h... (cached) yes
    checking for sys/select.h... (cached) yes
    checking for sys/socket.h... (cached) yes
    checking for sys/stat.h... (cached) yes
    checking for sys/statfs.h... (cached) yes
    checking for sys/statvfs.h... (cached) yes
    checking for sys/vfs.h... (cached) yes
    checking for sys/sysexits.h... (cached) no
    checking for sys/varargs.h... (cached) no
    checking for sys/wait.h... (cached) yes
    checking for sys/loadavg.h... (cached) no
    checking for termios.h... (cached) yes
    checking for unistd.h... (cached) yes
    checking for unix.h... (cached) no
    checking for utime.h... (cached) yes
    checking for sys/utsname.h... (cached) yes
    checking for sys/ipc.h... (cached) yes
    checking for dlfcn.h... (cached) yes
    checking for assert.h... (cached) yes
    checking for fopencookie... (cached) yes
    checking for broken getcwd... no
    checking for broken libc stdio... (cached) yes
    checking whether struct tm is in sys/time.h or time.h... (cached) time.h
    checking for tm_zone in struct tm... (cached) yes
    checking for missing declarations of reentrant functions... done
    checking for fclose declaration... ok
    checking for tm_gmtoff in struct tm... (cached) yes
    checking for struct flock... (cached) yes
    checking for socklen_t... (cached) yes
    checking size of size_t... (cached) 8
    checking size of long long... (cached) 8
    checking size of long long int... (cached) 8
    checking size of long... (cached) 8
    checking size of int... (cached) 4
    checking size of intmax_t... (cached) 8
    checking size of ssize_t... (cached) 8
    checking size of ptrdiff_t... (cached) 8
    checking for st_blksize in struct stat... (cached) yes
    checking for st_blocks in struct stat... (cached) yes
    checking for st_rdev in struct stat... (cached) yes
    checking for size_t... (cached) yes
    checking for uid_t in sys/types.h... (cached) yes
    checking for struct sockaddr_storage... (cached) yes
    checking for field sa_len in struct sockaddr... (cached) no
    checking for IPv6 support... (cached) yes
    checking for vprintf... (cached) yes
    checking for alphasort... (cached) yes
    checking for asctime_r... (cached) yes
    checking for chroot... (cached) yes
    checking for ctime_r... (cached) yes
    checking for cuserid... (cached) yes
    checking for crypt... (cached) no
    checking for flock... (cached) yes
    checking for ftok... (cached) yes
    checking for funopen... (cached) no
    checking for gai_strerror... (cached) yes
    checking for gcvt... (cached) yes
    checking for getloadavg... (cached) yes
    checking for getlogin... (cached) yes
    checking for getprotobyname... (cached) yes
    checking for getprotobynumber... (cached) yes
    checking for getservbyname... (cached) yes
    checking for getservbyport... (cached) yes
    checking for gethostname... (cached) yes
    checking for getrusage... (cached) yes
    checking for gettimeofday... (cached) yes
    checking for gmtime_r... (cached) yes
    checking for getpwnam_r... (cached) yes
    checking for getgrnam_r... (cached) yes
    checking for getpwuid_r... (cached) yes
    checking for grantpt... (cached) yes
    checking for inet_ntoa... (cached) yes
    checking for inet_ntop... (cached) yes
    checking for inet_pton... (cached) yes
    checking for isascii... (cached) yes
    checking for link... (cached) yes
    checking for localtime_r... (cached) yes
    checking for lockf... (cached) yes
    checking for lchown... (cached) yes
    checking for lrand48... (cached) yes
    checking for memcpy... (cached) yes
    checking for memmove... (cached) yes
    checking for mkstemp... (cached) yes
    checking for mmap... (cached) yes
    checking for nl_langinfo... (cached) yes
    checking for perror... (cached) yes
    checking for poll... (cached) yes
    checking for ptsname... (cached) yes
    checking for putenv... (cached) yes
    checking for realpath... (cached) yes
    checking for random... (cached) yes
    checking for rand_r... (cached) yes
    checking for scandir... (cached) yes
    checking for setitimer... (cached) yes
    checking for setlocale... (cached) yes
    checking for localeconv... (cached) yes
    checking for setenv... (cached) yes
    checking for setpgid... (cached) yes
    checking for setsockopt... (cached) yes
    checking for setvbuf... (cached) yes
    checking for shutdown... (cached) yes
    checking for sin... (cached) yes
    checking for snprintf... (cached) yes
    checking for srand48... (cached) yes
    checking for srandom... (cached) yes
    checking for statfs... (cached) yes
    checking for statvfs... (cached) yes
    checking for std_syslog... (cached) no
    checking for strcasecmp... (cached) yes
    checking for strcoll... (cached) yes
    checking for strdup... (cached) yes
    checking for strerror... (cached) yes
    checking for strftime... (cached) yes
    checking for strnlen... (cached) yes
    checking for strptime... (cached) yes
    checking for strstr... (cached) yes
    checking for strtok_r... (cached) yes
    checking for symlink... (cached) yes
    checking for tempnam... (cached) yes
    checking for tzset... (cached) yes
    checking for unlockpt... (cached) yes
    checking for unsetenv... (cached) yes
    checking for usleep... (cached) yes
    checking for utime... (cached) yes
    checking for vsnprintf... (cached) yes
    checking for vasprintf... (cached) yes
    checking for asprintf... (cached) yes
    checking for nanosleep... (cached) yes
    checking for nanosleep in -lrt... yes
    checking for getaddrinfo... (cached) yes
    checking for __sync_fetch_and_add... (cached) yes
    checking for strlcat... (cached) no
    checking for strlcpy... (cached) no
    checking for getopt... (cached) yes
    checking whether utime accepts a null argument... (cached) yes
    checking for working alloca.h... (cached) yes
    checking for alloca... (cached) yes
    checking for declared timezone... (cached) yes
    checking for type of reentrant time-related functions... (cached) POSIX
    checking for readdir_r... (cached) yes
    checking for type of readdir_r... (cached) POSIX
    checking for in_addr_t... (cached) yes
    checking for crypt_r... (cached) no
    [1mGeneral settings[m
    checking whether to include gcov symbols... no
    checking whether to include debugging symbols... no
    checking layout of installed files... PHP
    checking path to configuration file... DEFAULT
    checking where to scan for configuration files...
    checking whether to enable safe mode by default... no
    checking for safe mode exec dir... /usr/local/php/bin
    checking whether to enable PHP's own SIGCHLD handler... no
    checking whether to enable magic quotes by default... no
    checking whether to explicitly link against libgcc... no
    checking whether to enable short tags by default... yes
    checking whether to enable dmalloc... no
    checking whether to enable IPv6 support... yes
    checking how big to make fd sets... using system default
    [1mConfiguring extensions[m
    checking size of long... (cached) 8
    checking size of int... (cached) 4
    checking for int32_t... (cached) yes
    checking for uint32_t... (cached) yes
    checking for sys/types.h... (cached) yes
    checking for inttypes.h... (cached) yes
    checking for stdint.h... (cached) yes
    checking for string.h... (cached) yes
    checking for stdlib.h... (cached) yes
    checking for strtoll... (cached) yes
    checking for atoll... (cached) yes
    checking for strftime... (cached) yes
    checking which regex library to use... php
    checking whether to enable LIBXML support... yes
    checking libxml2 install dir... no
    checking for xml2-config path... (cached) /usr/bin/xml2-config
    checking whether libxml build works... (cached) yes
    checking for OpenSSL support... yes
    checking for Kerberos support... no
    checking for DSA_get_default_method in -lssl... (cached) no
    checking for X509_free in -lcrypto... (cached) yes
    checking for pkg-config... (cached) /usr/bin/pkg-config
    checking for PCRE library to use... bundled
    checking whether to enable the SQLite3 extension... yes
    checking bundled sqlite3 library... yes
    checking for ZLIB support... no
    checking if the location of ZLIB install directory is defined... no
    checking whether to enable bc style precision math functions... no
    checking for BZip2 support... no
    checking whether to enable calendar conversion support... no
    checking whether to enable ctype functions... yes
    checking for cURL support... no
    checking if we should use cURL for url streams... no
    checking for QDBM support... no
    checking for GDBM support... no
    checking for NDBM support... no
    checking for Berkeley DB4 support... no
    checking for Berkeley DB3 support... no
    checking for Berkeley DB2 support... no
    checking for DB1 support... no
    checking for DBM support... no
    checking for CDB support... no
    checking for INI File support... no
    checking for FlatFile support... no
    checking whether to enable DBA interface... no
    checking whether to enable DOM support... yes
    checking for xml2-config path... (cached) /usr/bin/xml2-config
    checking whether libxml build works... (cached) yes
    checking for ENCHANT support... no
    checking whether to enable EXIF (metadata from images) support... no
    checking for fileinfo support... yes
    checking for utimes... (cached) yes
    checking for strndup... (cached) yes
    checking whether to enable input filter support... yes
    checking pcre install prefix... no
    checking whether to enable FTP support... no
    checking OpenSSL dir for FTP... no
    checking for GD support... no
    checking for the location of libjpeg... no
    checking for the location of libpng... no
    checking for the location of libXpm... no
    checking for FreeType 2... no
    checking for T1lib support... no
    checking whether to enable truetype string function in GD... no
    checking whether to enable JIS-mapped Japanese font support in GD... no
    checking for GNU gettext support... no
    checking for GNU MP support... no
    checking for mhash support... no
    checking whether to enable hash support... yes
    checking whether byte ordering is bigendian... (cached) no
    checking size of short... (cached) 2
    checking size of int... (cached) 4
    checking size of long... (cached) 8
    checking size of long long... (cached) 8
    checking for iconv support... yes
    checking for iconv... (cached) yes
    checking if iconv is glibc's... yes
    checking if iconv supports errno... yes
    checking if your cpp allows macro usage in include lines... yes
    checking for IMAP support... no
    checking for IMAP Kerberos support... no
    checking for IMAP SSL support... no
    checking for InterBase support... no
    checking whether to enable internationalization support... no
    checking whether to enable JavaScript Object Serialization support... yes
    checking for ANSI C header files... (cached) yes
    checking for LDAP support... no
    checking for LDAP Cyrus SASL support... no
    checking whether to enable multibyte string support... no
    checking whether to enable multibyte regex support... yes
    checking whether to check multibyte regex backtrack... yes
    checking for external libmbfl... no
    checking for external oniguruma... no
    checking for mcrypt support... no
    checking for MSSQL support via FreeTDS... no
    checking for MySQL support... no
    checking for specified location of the MySQL UNIX socket... no
    checking for MySQLi support... no
    checking whether to enable embedded MySQLi support... no
    checking for Oracle Database OCI8 support... no
    checking whether to enable pcntl support... no
    checking whether to enable PDO support... yes
    checking for PDO_DBLIB support via FreeTDS... no
    checking for Firebird support for PDO... no
    checking for MySQL support for PDO... no
    checking Oracle OCI support for PDO... no
    checking for ODBC v3 support for PDO... no
    checking for PostgreSQL support for PDO... no
    checking for sqlite 3 support for PDO... yes
    checking for PDO includes... checking for PDO includes... /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext
    checking for usleep... (cached) yes
    checking for nanosleep... (cached) yes
    checking for time.h... (cached) yes
    checking for fdatasync in -lrt... (cached) yes
    checking for PostgreSQL support... no
    checking for phar archive support... yes
    checking for phar openssl support... yes
    checking whether to enable POSIX-like functions... yes
    checking for sys/mkdev.h... (cached) no
    checking for seteuid... (cached) yes
    checking for setegid... (cached) yes
    checking for setsid... (cached) yes
    checking for getsid... (cached) yes
    checking for setpgid... (cached) yes
    checking for getpgid... (cached) yes
    checking for ctermid... (cached) yes
    checking for mkfifo... (cached) yes
    checking for mknod... (cached) yes
    checking for getrlimit... (cached) yes
    checking for getlogin... (cached) yes
    checking for getgroups... (cached) yes
    checking for makedev... (cached) no
    checking for initgroups... (cached) yes
    checking for getpwuid_r... (cached) yes
    checking for getgrgid_r... (cached) yes
    checking for working ttyname_r() implementation... yes
    checking for utsname.domainname... (cached) yes
    checking for PSPELL support... no
    checking for libedit readline replacement... no
    checking for readline support... no
    checking for recode support... no
    checking whether to enable PHP sessions... yes
    checking for mm support... no
    checking whether pwrite works... (cached) yes
    checking whether pread works... (cached) yes
    checking whether to enable shmop support... no
    checking whether to enable SimpleXML support... yes
    checking for xml2-config path... (cached) /usr/bin/xml2-config
    checking whether libxml build works... (cached) yes
    checking for SNMP support... no
    checking OpenSSL dir for SNMP... no
    checking whether to enable UCD SNMP hack... no
    checking whether to enable SOAP support... no
    checking whether to enable sockets support... no
    checking whether zend_object_value is packed... no
    checking for sqlite support... yes
    checking whether to enable UTF-8 support in sqlite (default: ISO-8859-1)... no
    checking for PDO includes... (cached) /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext
    checking for lemon... (cached) lemon
    checking for lemon version... (cached) 1.0 (ok)
    checking size of char *... (cached) 8
    checking for usleep... (cached) yes
    checking for nanosleep... (cached) yes
    checking for time.h... (cached) yes
    checking whether flush should be called explicitly after a buffered io... (cached) no
    checking for crypt in -lcrypt... (cached) yes
    checking for standard DES crypt... (cached) yes
    checking for extended DES crypt... (cached) no
    checking for MD5 crypt... (cached) yes
    checking for Blowfish crypt... (cached) no
    checking for SHA512 crypt... (cached) no
    checking for SHA256 crypt... (cached) no
    checking whether the compiler supports __alignof__... (cached) yes
    checking whether the compiler supports aligned attribute... (cached) yes
    checking for getcwd... (cached) yes
    checking for getwd... (cached) yes
    checking for asinh... (cached) yes
    checking for acosh... (cached) yes
    checking for atanh... (cached) yes
    checking for log1p... (cached) yes
    checking for hypot... (cached) yes
    checking for glob... (cached) yes
    checking for strfmon... (cached) yes
    checking for nice... (cached) yes
    checking for fpclass... (cached) no
    checking for isinf... (cached) yes
    checking for isnan... (cached) yes
    checking for mempcpy... (cached) yes
    checking for strpncpy... (cached) no
    checking for working fnmatch... (cached) yes
    checking for fork... (cached) yes
    checking if your OS can spawn processes with inherited handles... yes
    checking for res_nsearch... no
    checking for __res_nsearch... no
    checking for res_nsearch in -lresolv... no
    checking for __res_nsearch in -lresolv... yes
    checking for dns_search... no
    checking for __dns_search... no
    checking for dns_search in -lresolv... no
    checking for __dns_search in -lresolv... no
    checking for dns_search in -lbind... no
    checking for __dns_search in -lbind... no
    checking for dns_search in -lsocket... no
    checking for __dns_search in -lsocket... no
    checking for dn_expand... no
    checking for __dn_expand... yes
    checking for dn_skipname... no
    checking for __dn_skipname... yes
    checking for res_search... no
    checking for __res_search... yes
    checking whether atof() accepts NAN... (cached) yes
    checking whether atof() accepts INF... (cached) yes
    checking whether HUGE_VAL == INF... (cached) yes
    checking whether HUGE_VAL + -HUGEVAL == NAN... (cached) yes
    checking whether strptime() declaration fails... (cached) no
    checking for wchar.h... (cached) yes
    checking for mblen... (cached) yes
    checking for mbrlen... (cached) yes
    checking for mbsinit... (cached) yes
    checking for mbstate_t... (cached) yes
    checking for atomic.h... (cached) no
    checking for Sybase-CT support... no
    checking whether to enable System V IPC support... no
    checking whether to enable System V semaphore support... no
    checking whether to enable System V shared memory support... no
    checking for TIDY support... no
    checking whether to enable tokenizer support... yes
    checking whether to enable WDDX support... no
    checking libexpat dir for WDDX... no
    checking whether to enable XML support... yes
    checking libexpat install dir... no
    checking for xml2-config path... (cached) /usr/bin/xml2-config
    checking whether libxml build works... (cached) yes
    checking whether to enable XMLReader support... yes
    checking for xml2-config path... (cached) /usr/bin/xml2-config
    checking whether libxml build works... (cached) yes
    checking for XMLRPC-EPI support... no
    checking libexpat dir for XMLRPC-EPI... no
    checking iconv dir for XMLRPC-EPI... no
    checking whether to enable XMLWriter support... yes
    checking for xml2-config path... (cached) /usr/bin/xml2-config
    checking whether libxml build works... (cached) yes
    checking for XSL support... no
    checking for zip archive read/writesupport... no
    checking pcre install prefix... no
    checking whether to enable mysqlnd... no
    checking whether to disable compressed protocol support in mysqlnd... yes
    [1mConfiguring PEAR[m
    checking whether to install PEAR... yes
    [1mConfiguring Zend[m
    checking for bison version... (cached) 2.6.4 (ok)
    checking for inttypes.h... (cached) yes
    checking for stdint.h... (cached) yes
    checking for limits.h... (cached) yes
    checking for malloc.h... (cached) yes
    checking for string.h... (cached) yes
    checking for unistd.h... (cached) yes
    checking for stdarg.h... (cached) yes
    checking for sys/types.h... (cached) yes
    checking for sys/time.h... (cached) yes
    checking for signal.h... (cached) yes
    checking for unix.h... (cached) no
    checking for stdlib.h... (cached) yes
    checking for dlfcn.h... (cached) yes
    checking for size_t... (cached) yes
    checking return type of signal handlers... (cached) void
    checking for uint... (cached) yes
    checking for ulong... (cached) yes
    checking for int32_t... yes
    checking for uint32_t... yes
    checking for vprintf... (cached) yes
    checking for 8-bit clean memcmp... (cached) yes
    checking for working alloca.h... (cached) yes
    checking for alloca... (cached) yes
    checking for memcpy... (cached) yes
    checking for strdup... (cached) yes
    checking for getpid... (cached) yes
    checking for kill... (cached) yes
    checking for strtod... (cached) yes
    checking for strtol... (cached) yes
    checking for finite... (cached) yes
    checking for fpclass... (cached) no
    checking for sigsetjmp... (cached) no
    checking whether sprintf is broken... (cached) no
    checking for finite... (cached) yes
    checking for isfinite... (cached) no
    checking for isinf... (cached) yes
    checking for isnan... (cached) yes
    checking whether fp_except is defined... (cached) no
    checking for usable _FPU_SETCW... yes
    checking for usable fpsetprec... no
    checking for usable _controlfp... no
    checking for usable _controlfp_s... no
    checking whether FPU control word can be manipulated by inline assembler... yes
    checking whether double cast to long preserves least significant bits... no
    checking for dlfcn.h... (cached) yes
    checking whether dlsym() requires a leading underscore in symbol names... no
    checking virtual machine dispatch method... CALL
    checking whether to enable thread-safety... no
    checking whether to enable inline optimization for GCC... yes
    checking whether to enable Zend debugging... no
    checking whether to enable Zend multibyte... no
    checking for inline... (cached) inline
    checking target system is Darwin... no
    checking for MM alignment and log values... done
    checking for memory allocation using mmap(MAP_ANON)... yes
    checking for memory allocation using mmap(/dev/zero)... yes
    checking for mremap... (cached) yes
    [1mConfiguring TSRM[m
    checking for stdarg.h... (cached) yes
    [1mConfiguring libtool[m
    checking build system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
    checking for ld used by gcc... (cached) /usr/bin/ld
    checking if the linker (/usr/bin/ld) is GNU ld... (cached) yes
    checking for /usr/bin/ld option to reload object files... (cached) -r
    checking for BSD-compatible nm... (cached) /usr/bin/nm -B
    checking how to recognize dependent libraries... (cached) pass_all
    checking for object suffix... (cached) o
    checking for executable suffix... (cached) no
    checking the maximum length of command line arguments... (cached) 1572864
    checking command to parse /usr/bin/nm -B output from gcc object... (cached) ok
    checking for objdir... (cached) .libs
    checking for ar... (cached) ar
    checking for ranlib... (cached) ranlib
    checking for strip... (cached) strip
    checking if gcc supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions... (cached) no
    checking for gcc option to produce PIC... -fPIC
    checking if gcc PIC flag -fPIC works... (cached) yes
    checking if gcc static flag -static works... (cached) yes
    checking if gcc supports -c -o file.o... (cached) yes
    checking whether the gcc linker (/usr/bin/ld -m elf_x86_64) supports shared libraries... yes
    checking dynamic linker characteristics... GNU/Linux
    (cached) (cached) checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... immediate
    checking whether stripping libraries is possible... yes
    checking if libtool supports shared libraries... yes
    checking whether to build shared libraries... no
    checking whether to build static libraries... yes
    creating libtool
    appending configuration tag "CXX" to libtool
    [1mGenerating files[m
    creating ./config.status
    creating php5.spec
    creating main/build-defs.h
    creating scripts/phpize
    creating scripts/man1/phpize.1
    creating scripts/php-config
    creating scripts/man1/php-config.1
    creating sapi/cli/php.1
    creating main/php_config.h
    main/php_config.h is unchanged
    creating main/internal_functions.c
    creating main/internal_functions_cli.c
    | License: |
    | This software is subject to the PHP License, available in this |
    | distribution in the file LICENSE. By continuing this installation |
    | process, you are bound by the terms of this license agreement. |
    | If you do not agree with the terms of this license, you must abort |
    | the installation process at this point. |
    Thank you for using PHP.
    /bin/sh /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/libtool --silent --preserve-dup-deps --mode=compile gcc -Iext/standard/ -I/home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/standard/ -DPHP_ATOM_INC -I/home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/include -I/home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/main -I/home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29 -I/home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/date/lib -I/home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/ereg/regex -I/usr/include/libxml2 -I/home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/sqlite3/libsqlite -I/home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/TSRM -I/home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/Zend -I/usr/include -g -O2 -fvisibility=hidden -c /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/standard/info.c -o ext/standard/info.lo
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    ext/openssl/openssl.o: In function `zm_startup_openssl':
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:992: undefined reference to `SSL_library_init'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:993: undefined reference to `OpenSSL_add_all_ciphers'
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    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:995: undefined reference to `OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_noconf'
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    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:998: undefined reference to `ERR_load_crypto_strings'
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    ext/openssl/openssl.o: In function `zm_info_openssl':
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:1108: undefined reference to `SSLeay_version'
    ext/openssl/openssl.o: In function `zm_shutdown_openssl':
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:1118: undefined reference to `EVP_cleanup'
    ext/openssl/openssl.o: In function `add_assoc_name_entry':
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    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:572: undefined reference to `X509_NAME_get_entry'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:573: undefined reference to `X509_NAME_ENTRY_get_object'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:574: undefined reference to `OBJ_obj2nid'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:578: undefined reference to `OBJ_nid2sn'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:593: undefined reference to `X509_NAME_get_entry'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:594: undefined reference to `X509_NAME_ENTRY_get_data'
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    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:588: undefined reference to `X509_NAME_get_index_by_OBJ'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:567: undefined reference to `X509_NAME_entry_count'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:601: undefined reference to `ASN1_STRING_data'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:602: undefined reference to `ASN1_STRING_length'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:580: undefined reference to `OBJ_nid2ln'
    ext/openssl/openssl.o: In function `asn1_time_to_time_t':
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:647: undefined reference to `ASN1_STRING_type'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:652: undefined reference to `ASN1_STRING_length'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:652: undefined reference to `ASN1_STRING_data'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:657: undefined reference to `ASN1_STRING_length'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:662: undefined reference to `ASN1_STRING_data'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:668: undefined reference to `ASN1_STRING_length'
    ext/openssl/openssl.o: In function `setup_verify':
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    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:1728: undefined reference to `X509_LOOKUP_file'
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    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:1734: undefined reference to `X509_STORE_add_lookup'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:1736: undefined reference to `X509_LOOKUP_ctrl'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:1709: undefined reference to `X509_LOOKUP_file'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:1709: undefined reference to `X509_STORE_add_lookup'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:1710: undefined reference to `X509_LOOKUP_ctrl'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:1717: undefined reference to `X509_LOOKUP_hash_dir'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:1717: undefined reference to `X509_STORE_add_lookup'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:1718: undefined reference to `X509_LOOKUP_ctrl'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:1728: undefined reference to `X509_LOOKUP_file'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:1728: undefined reference to `X509_STORE_add_lookup'
    ext/openssl/openssl.o: In function `php_sk_X509_free':
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:1786: undefined reference to `X509_free'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:1784: undefined reference to `sk_pop'
    ext/openssl/openssl.o: In function `zif_openssl_pkcs12_read':
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2024: undefined reference to `BIO_s_mem'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2024: undefined reference to `BIO_new'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2026: undefined reference to `BIO_write'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2092: undefined reference to `BIO_free'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2095: undefined reference to `EVP_PKEY_free'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2098: undefined reference to `X509_free'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2029: undefined reference to `d2i_PKCS12_bio'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2030: undefined reference to `PKCS12_parse'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2036: undefined reference to `BIO_s_mem'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2036: undefined reference to `BIO_new'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2037: undefined reference to `PEM_write_bio_X509'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2044: undefined reference to `BIO_free'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2046: undefined reference to `BIO_s_mem'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2046: undefined reference to `BIO_new'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2047: undefined reference to `PEM_write_bio_PrivateKey'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2054: undefined reference to `BIO_free'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2073: undefined reference to `BIO_free'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2075: undefined reference to `X509_free'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2061: undefined reference to `sk_pop'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2064: undefined reference to `BIO_s_mem'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2064: undefined reference to `BIO_new'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2065: undefined reference to `PEM_write_bio_X509'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2067: undefined reference to `BIO_ctrl'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2078: undefined reference to `sk_free'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2086: undefined reference to `PKCS12_free'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2049: undefined reference to `BIO_ctrl'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2039: undefined reference to `BIO_ctrl'
    ext/openssl/openssl.o: In function `php_openssl_dispose_config':
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:859: undefined reference to `EVP_PKEY_free'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:863: undefined reference to `CONF_free'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:867: undefined reference to `CONF_free'
    ext/openssl/openssl.o: In function `php_openssl_load_rand_file':
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:884: undefined reference to `RAND_egd'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:883: undefined reference to `RAND_file_name'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:890: undefined reference to `RAND_load_file'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:891: undefined reference to `RAND_status'
    ext/openssl/openssl.o: In function `php_openssl_write_rand_file':
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:916: undefined reference to `RAND_write_file'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:914: undefined reference to `RAND_file_name'
    ext/openssl/openssl.o: In function `php_openssl_generate_private_key':
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2855: undefined reference to `CONF_get_string'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2858: undefined reference to `EVP_PKEY_new'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2909: undefined reference to `EVP_PKEY_free'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2885: undefined reference to `DH_generate_parameters'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2889: undefined reference to `DH_get_default_method'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2889: undefined reference to `DH_set_method'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2890: undefined reference to `DH_check'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2895: undefined reference to `DH_free'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2861: undefined reference to `RSA_generate_key'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2861: undefined reference to `EVP_PKEY_assign'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2868: undefined reference to `DSA_generate_parameters'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2870: undefined reference to `DSA_get_default_method'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2870: undefined reference to `DSA_set_method'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2871: undefined reference to `DSA_generate_key'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2872: undefined reference to `EVP_PKEY_assign'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2876: undefined reference to `DSA_free'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2890: undefined reference to `DH_generate_key'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2891: undefined reference to `EVP_PKEY_assign'
    ext/openssl/openssl.o: In function `zif_openssl_pkey_get_details':
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3282: undefined reference to `BIO_s_mem'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3282: undefined reference to `BIO_new'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3283: undefined reference to `PEM_write_bio_PUBKEY'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3284: undefined reference to `BIO_ctrl'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3287: undefined reference to `EVP_PKEY_bits'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3292: undefined reference to `EVP_PKEY_type'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3361: undefined reference to `BIO_free'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3302: undefined reference to `BN_num_bits'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3302: undefined reference to `BN_bn2bin'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3303: undefined reference to `BN_num_bits'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3303: undefined reference to `BN_bn2bin'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3304: undefined reference to `BN_num_bits'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3304: undefined reference to `BN_bn2bin'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3305: undefined reference to `BN_num_bits'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3305: undefined reference to `BN_bn2bin'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3306: undefined reference to `BN_num_bits'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3306: undefined reference to `BN_bn2bin'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3307: undefined reference to `BN_num_bits'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3307: undefined reference to `BN_bn2bin'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3308: undefined reference to `BN_num_bits'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3308: undefined reference to `BN_bn2bin'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3309: undefined reference to `BN_num_bits'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3309: undefined reference to `BN_bn2bin'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3325: undefined reference to `BN_num_bits'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3325: undefined reference to `BN_bn2bin'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3326: undefined reference to `BN_num_bits'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3326: undefined reference to `BN_bn2bin'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3327: undefined reference to `BN_num_bits'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3327: undefined reference to `BN_bn2bin'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3328: undefined reference to `BN_num_bits'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3328: undefined reference to `BN_bn2bin'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3329: undefined reference to `BN_num_bits'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3329: undefined reference to `BN_bn2bin'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3342: undefined reference to `BN_num_bits'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3342: undefined reference to `BN_bn2bin'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3343: undefined reference to `BN_num_bits'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3343: undefined reference to `BN_bn2bin'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3344: undefined reference to `BN_num_bits'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3344: undefined reference to `BN_bn2bin'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3345: undefined reference to `BN_num_bits'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3345: undefined reference to `BN_bn2bin'
    ext/openssl/openssl.o: In function `verify_callback':
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4408: undefined reference to `X509_STORE_CTX_get_current_cert'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4409: undefined reference to `X509_STORE_CTX_get_error'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4410: undefined reference to `X509_STORE_CTX_get_error_depth'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4413: undefined reference to `SSL_get_ex_data_X509_STORE_CTX_idx'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4413: undefined reference to `X509_STORE_CTX_get_ex_data'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4414: undefined reference to `SSL_get_ex_data'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4427: undefined reference to `X509_STORE_CTX_set_error'
    ext/openssl/openssl.o: In function `zif_openssl_get_md_methods':
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4663: undefined reference to `OBJ_NAME_do_all_sorted'
    ext/openssl/openssl.o: In function `zif_openssl_get_cipher_methods':
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4679: undefined reference to `OBJ_NAME_do_all_sorted'
    ext/openssl/openssl.o: In function `zif_openssl_digest':
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4700: undefined reference to `EVP_get_digestbyname'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4706: undefined reference to `EVP_MD_size'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4709: undefined reference to `EVP_DigestInit'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4710: undefined reference to `EVP_DigestUpdate'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4711: undefined reference to `EVP_DigestFinal'
    ext/openssl/openssl.o: In function `zif_openssl_dh_compute_key':
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4965: undefined reference to `EVP_PKEY_type'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4969: undefined reference to `BN_bin2bn'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4971: undefined reference to `DH_size'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4972: undefined reference to `DH_compute_key'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4982: undefined reference to `BN_free'
    ext/openssl/openssl.o: In function `zif_openssl_random_pseudo_bytes':
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:5010: undefined reference to `RAND_pseudo_bytes'
    ext/openssl/openssl.o: In function `zif_openssl_error_string':
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4079: undefined reference to `ERR_get_error'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4081: undefined reference to `ERR_error_string'
    ext/openssl/openssl.o: In function `zif_openssl_cipher_iv_length':
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4938: undefined reference to `EVP_get_cipherbyname'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4944: undefined reference to `EVP_CIPHER_iv_length'
    ext/openssl/openssl.o: In function `zif_openssl_encrypt':
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4780: undefined reference to `EVP_get_cipherbyname'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4786: undefined reference to `EVP_CIPHER_key_length'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4795: undefined reference to `EVP_CIPHER_iv_length'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4801: undefined reference to `EVP_CIPHER_block_size'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4804: undefined reference to `EVP_EncryptInit'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4808: undefined reference to `EVP_EncryptInit_ex'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4810: undefined reference to `EVP_EncryptUpdate'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4813: undefined reference to `EVP_EncryptFinal'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4836: undefined reference to `EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4806: undefined reference to `EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_key_length'
    ext/openssl/openssl.o: In function `zif_openssl_decrypt':
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4864: undefined reference to `EVP_get_cipherbyname'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4880: undefined reference to `EVP_CIPHER_key_length'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4889: undefined reference to `EVP_CIPHER_iv_length'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4891: undefined reference to `EVP_CIPHER_block_size'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4894: undefined reference to `EVP_DecryptInit'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4898: undefined reference to `EVP_DecryptInit_ex'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4899: undefined reference to `EVP_DecryptUpdate'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4901: undefined reference to `EVP_DecryptFinal'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4918: undefined reference to `EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4896: undefined reference to `EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_key_length'
    ext/openssl/openssl.o: In function `php_openssl_csr_from_zval':
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2295: undefined reference to `BIO_new_mem_buf'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2297: undefined reference to `PEM_read_bio_X509_REQ'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2298: undefined reference to `BIO_free'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2293: undefined reference to `BIO_new_file'
    ext/openssl/openssl.o: In function `zif_openssl_csr_export':
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2376: undefined reference to `BIO_s_mem'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2376: undefined reference to `BIO_new'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2381: undefined reference to `PEM_write_bio_X509_REQ'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2394: undefined reference to `BIO_free'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2392: undefined reference to `X509_REQ_free'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2384: undefined reference to `BIO_ctrl'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2378: undefined reference to `X509_REQ_print'
    ext/openssl/openssl.o: In function `zif_openssl_csr_get_public_key':
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2662: undefined reference to `X509_REQ_get_pubkey'
    ext/openssl/openssl.o: In function `php_openssl_x509_from_zval':
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:1200: undefined reference to `BIO_new_mem_buf'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:1205: undefined reference to `d2i_X509'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:1205: undefined reference to `PEM_ASN1_read_bio'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:1209: undefined reference to `BIO_free'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:1191: undefined reference to `BIO_new_file'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:1195: undefined reference to `PEM_read_bio_X509'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:1196: undefined reference to `BIO_free'
    ext/openssl/openssl.o: In function `zif_openssl_x509_export_to_file':
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:1247: undefined reference to `BIO_new_file'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:1252: undefined reference to `PEM_write_bio_X509'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:1261: undefined reference to `BIO_free'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:1250: undefined reference to `X509_print'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:1259: undefined reference to `X509_free'
    ext/openssl/openssl.o: In function `zif_openssl_x509_export':
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:1286: undefined reference to `BIO_s_mem'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:1286: undefined reference to `BIO_new'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:1290: undefined reference to `PEM_write_bio_X509'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:1294: undefined reference to `BIO_ctrl'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:1303: undefined reference to `BIO_free'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:1301: undefined reference to `X509_free'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:1288: undefined reference to `X509_print'
    ext/openssl/openssl.o: In function `php_openssl_evp_from_zval':
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2813: undefined reference to `BIO_new_mem_buf'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2811: undefined reference to `BIO_new_file'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2819: undefined reference to `PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2820: undefined reference to `BIO_free'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2826: undefined reference to `X509_get_pubkey'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2830: undefined reference to `X509_free'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2795: undefined reference to `BIO_new_mem_buf'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2800: undefined reference to `PEM_read_bio_PUBKEY'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2801: undefined reference to `BIO_free'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2826: undefined reference to `X509_get_pubkey'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:2793: undefined reference to `BIO_new_file'
    ext/openssl/openssl.o: In function `zif_openssl_private_encrypt':
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3844: undefined reference to `EVP_PKEY_size'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3850: undefined reference to `RSA_private_encrypt'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3871: undefined reference to `EVP_PKEY_free'
    ext/openssl/openssl.o: In function `zif_openssl_private_decrypt':
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3902: undefined reference to `EVP_PKEY_size'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3908: undefined reference to `RSA_private_decrypt'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3934: undefined reference to `EVP_PKEY_free'
    ext/openssl/openssl.o: In function `zif_openssl_public_encrypt':
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3967: undefined reference to `EVP_PKEY_size'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3973: undefined reference to `RSA_public_encrypt'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:3992: undefined reference to `EVP_PKEY_free'
    ext/openssl/openssl.o: In function `zif_openssl_public_decrypt':
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4026: undefined reference to `EVP_PKEY_size'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4032: undefined reference to `RSA_public_decrypt'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4063: undefined reference to `EVP_PKEY_free'
    ext/openssl/openssl.o: In function `zif_openssl_sign':
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4129: undefined reference to `EVP_PKEY_size'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4132: undefined reference to `EVP_DigestInit'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4133: undefined reference to `EVP_DigestUpdate'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4134: undefined reference to `EVP_SignFinal'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4143: undefined reference to `EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4145: undefined reference to `EVP_PKEY_free'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4119: undefined reference to `EVP_get_digestbyname'
    ext/openssl/openssl.o: In function `zif_openssl_verify':
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4191: undefined reference to `EVP_DigestInit'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4192: undefined reference to `EVP_DigestUpdate'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4193: undefined reference to `EVP_VerifyFinal'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4194: undefined reference to `EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4175: undefined reference to `EVP_get_digestbyname'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4197: undefined reference to `EVP_PKEY_free'
    ext/openssl/openssl.o: In function `zif_openssl_seal':
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4232: undefined reference to `EVP_get_cipherbyname'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4259: undefined reference to `EVP_PKEY_size'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4264: undefined reference to `EVP_EncryptInit'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4316: undefined reference to `EVP_PKEY_free'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4275: undefined reference to `EVP_CIPHER_CTX_block_size'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4277: undefined reference to `EVP_SealInit'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4277: undefined reference to `EVP_EncryptUpdate'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4283: undefined reference to `EVP_SealFinal'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4238: undefined reference to `EVP_rc4'
    ext/openssl/openssl.o: In function `zif_openssl_open':
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4356: undefined reference to `EVP_get_cipherbyname'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4367: undefined reference to `EVP_OpenInit'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4367: undefined reference to `EVP_DecryptUpdate'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4371: undefined reference to `EVP_PKEY_free'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4368: undefined reference to `EVP_OpenFinal'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4362: undefined reference to `EVP_rc4'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:4383: undefined reference to `EVP_PKEY_free'
    ext/openssl/openssl.o: In function `zif_openssl_x509_check_private_key':
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:1327: undefined reference to `X509_check_private_key'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:1331: undefined reference to `EVP_PKEY_free'
    /home/yuri/_/php-5.3.29/ext/openssl/openssl.c:1334: undefined reference to `X509_free'
    ext/openssl/openssl.o: In function `zif_openssl_x509_parse':

    Which one is it supposed to be? I have both versions installed side-by-side in /usr/lib, the prefix was /usr. Also, I was thinking about openssl installing header files into /usr/include. Aren't they needed to compile this php extension? openssl098 basically installs just the library:
    $ pacaur -Ql openssl098
    openssl098 /usr/
    openssl098 /usr/bin/
    openssl098 /usr/bin/openssl098
    openssl098 /usr/lib/
    openssl098 /usr/lib/
    openssl098 /usr/lib/
    openssl098 /usr/share/
    openssl098 /usr/share/licenses/
    openssl098 /usr/share/licenses/openssl098
    Maybe I should go with compiling openssl from sources after all...
    On a side note
    x33a wrote:In case you do try out an older version, make sure to use one with the heartbleed patch.
    Does it matter? I'm going to use it for development.

  • Oracle and php 5.4 doesn't work

    I was using php 5.3 with oracle client 11g and everything works fine. I have a wep app already in production with php5.3. I tried upgrade to php5.4, so I install in another folder XAMPP 1.8 who uses php 5.4. I tried everything to make oracle works, but I cannot connect in the database. Its really strange because in the same machine with the same remote database php 5.3 works just fine.
    I am using in php 5.3 o php_oci8.dll with oracle client 11g
    and with php5.4 I tried use php_oci8.dll. The error is:
    ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
    after I tried php_oci8_11g.dll and the the error is:
    ORA-24315: illegal attribute type
    I on a Windows Vista 64bit Machine,
    Both php are 32bis,
    oracle client is 32bits
    The database is in another machine.
    I think that everything that you need to simulate the problem is install XAMPP 1.8, enable php_oci8.dll and try run the test script.
    Test script:
    echo system('env');
    echo "Client Version: " . oci_client_version();
    print_r(oci_pconnect(DBUSER, DBPASSWORD, DBTNS));
    Expected result:
    I was expecting that the oci_pconnect works, because the same script with php 5.3, works.
    Actual result:
    [0] => Core
    [1] => bcmath
    [2] => calendar
    [3] => com_dotnet
    [4] => ctype
    [5] => date
    [6] => ereg
    [7] => filter
    [8] => ftp
    [9] => hash
    [10] => iconv
    [11] => json
    [12] => mcrypt
    [13] => SPL
    [14] => odbc
    [15] => pcre
    [16] => Reflection
    [17] => session
    [18] => standard
    [19] => mysqlnd
    [20] => tokenizer
    [21] => zip
    [22] => zlib
    [23] => libxml
    [24] => dom
    [25] => PDO
    [26] => bz2
    [27] => SimpleXML
    [28] => wddx
    [29] => xml
    [30] => xmlreader
    [31] => xmlwriter
    [32] => apache2handler
    [33] => Phar
    [34] => mbstring
    [35] => exif
    [36] => gd
    [37] => gettext
    [38] => mysql
    [39] => mysqli
    [40] => oci8
    [41] => pdo_mysql
    [42] => pdo_sqlite
    [43] => soap
    [44] => sockets
    [45] => sqlite3
    [46] => xmlrpc
    [47] => xsl
    [48] => mhash
    [0] => oci_define_by_name
    [1] => oci_bind_by_name
    [2] => oci_bind_array_by_name
    [3] => oci_field_is_null
    [4] => oci_field_name
    [5] => oci_field_size
    [6] => oci_field_scale
    [7] => oci_field_precision
    [8] => oci_field_type
    [9] => oci_field_type_raw
    [10] => oci_execute
    [11] => oci_cancel
    [12] => oci_fetch
    [13] => oci_fetch_object
    [14] => oci_fetch_row
    [15] => oci_fetch_assoc
    [16] => oci_fetch_array
    [17] => ocifetchinto
    [18] => oci_fetch_all
    [19] => oci_free_statement
    [20] => oci_internal_debug
    [21] => oci_num_fields
    [22] => oci_parse
    [23] => oci_new_cursor
    [24] => oci_result
    [25] => oci_client_version
    [26] => oci_server_version
    [27] => oci_statement_type
    [28] => oci_num_rows
    [29] => oci_close
    [30] => oci_connect
    [31] => oci_new_connect
    [32] => oci_pconnect
    [33] => oci_error
    [34] => oci_free_descriptor
    [35] => oci_lob_save
    [36] => oci_lob_import
    [37] => oci_lob_size
    [38] => oci_lob_load
    [39] => oci_lob_read
    [40] => oci_lob_eof
    [41] => oci_lob_tell
    [42] => oci_lob_truncate
    [43] => oci_lob_erase
    [44] => oci_lob_flush
    [45] => ocisetbufferinglob
    [46] => ocigetbufferinglob
    [47] => oci_lob_is_equal
    [48] => oci_lob_rewind
    [49] => oci_lob_write
    [50] => oci_lob_append
    [51] => oci_lob_copy
    [52] => oci_lob_export
    [53] => oci_lob_seek
    [54] => oci_commit
    [55] => oci_rollback
    [56] => oci_new_descriptor
    [57] => oci_set_prefetch
    [58] => oci_set_client_identifier
    [59] => oci_set_edition
    [60] => oci_set_module_name
    [61] => oci_set_action
    [62] => oci_set_client_info
    [63] => oci_password_change
    [64] => oci_free_collection
    [65] => oci_collection_append
    [66] => oci_collection_element_get
    [67] => oci_collection_element_assign
    [68] => oci_collection_assign
    [69] => oci_collection_size
    [70] => oci_collection_max
    [71] => oci_collection_trim
    [72] => oci_new_collection
    [73] => oci_free_cursor
    [74] => ocifreecursor
    [75] => ocibindbyname
    [76] => ocidefinebyname
    [77] => ocicolumnisnull
    [78] => ocicolumnname
    [79] => ocicolumnsize
    [80] => ocicolumnscale
    [81] => ocicolumnprecision
    [82] => ocicolumntype
    [83] => ocicolumntyperaw
    [84] => ociexecute
    [85] => ocicancel
    [86] => ocifetch
    [87] => ocifetchstatement
    [88] => ocifreestatement
    [89] => ociinternaldebug
    [90] => ocinumcols
    [91] => ociparse
    [92] => ocinewcursor
    [93] => ociresult
    [94] => ociserverversion
    [95] => ocistatementtype
    [96] => ocirowcount
    [97] => ocilogoff
    [98] => ocilogon
    [99] => ocinlogon
    [100] => ociplogon
    [101] => ocierror
    [102] => ocifreedesc
    [103] => ocisavelob
    [104] => ocisavelobfile
    [105] => ociwritelobtofile
    [106] => ociloadlob
    [107] => ocicommit
    [108] => ocirollback
    [109] => ocinewdescriptor
    [110] => ocisetprefetch
    [111] => ocipasswordchange
    [112] => ocifreecollection
    [113] => ocinewcollection
    [114] => ocicollappend
    [115] => ocicollgetelem
    [116] => ocicollassignelem
    [117] => ocicollsize
    [118] => ocicollmax
    [119] => ocicolltrim
    Client Version:
    <b>Warning</b>: oci_pconnect(): in <b>C:\xampp18\htdocs\config\aguaCheiro.php</b> on line <b>25</b>
    => 24315
        [message] => ORA-24315: invalid atribute type
        [offset] => 0
        [sqltext] =>

    It strongly sounds like you have multiple versions of Oracle libraries and are seeing some kind of clash.

  • Linker problem compiling OCI8 on PHP 5.2.5

    Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.1 (Tikanga)
    GNU ld version 20061020
    gcc version 4.1.2 20070626 (Red Hat 4.1.2-14)
    I've downloaded and extracted the basic and sdk into:
    Configure works fine:
    ./configure build=i686-redhat-linux-gnu host=i686-redhat-linux-gnu target=i386-redhat-linux-gnu program-prefix= prefix=/usr exec-prefix=/usr bindir=/usr/bin sbindir=/usr/sbin sysconfdir=/etc datadir=/usr/share includedir=/usr/include libdir=/usr/lib libexecdir=/usr/libexec localstatedir=/var sharedstatedir=/usr/com mandir=/usr/share/man infodir=/usr/share/info cache-file=../config.cache with-libdir=lib with-config-file-path=/etc with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc/php.d disable-debug with-pic disable-rpath without-pear with-bz2 with-curl with-exec-dir=/usr/bin with-freetype-dir=/usr with-png-dir=/usr enable-gd-native-ttf without-gdbm with-gettext with-gmp with-iconv with-jpeg-dir=/usr with-openssl with-png with-pspell with-expat-dir=/usr with-pcre-regex=/usr with-zlib with-layout=GNU enable-exif enable-ftp enable-magic-quotes enable-sockets enable-sysvsem enable-sysvshm enable-sysvmsg enable-track-vars enable-trans-sid enable-yp enable-wddx with-kerberos enable-ucd-snmp-hack with-unixODBC=shared,/usr enable-memory-limit enable-shmop enable-calendar enable-dbx enable-dio with-mime-magic=/etc/httpd/conf/magic without-sqlite with-libxml-dir=/usr with-xml with-apxs2=/usr/sbin/apxs with-mysql=/usr/lib/mysql without-gd without-odbc disable-dom disable-dba without-unixODBC disable-pdo disable-xmlreader disable-xmlwriter --with-oci8=instantclient,/opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1
    Bellow is the error that comes up when i try to compile:
    # make
    /bin/sh /root/sources/php-5.2.5/libtool silent preserve-dup-deps --mode=link gcc -export-dynamic -I/usr/include -g -O2  -L/usr/kerberos/lib -L/usr/lib/mysql -L/opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1   ext/libxml/libxml.lo ext/openssl/openssl.lo ext/openssl/xp_ssl.lo ext/pcre/php_pcre.lo ext/zlib/zlib.lo ext/zlib/zlib_fopen_wrapper.lo ext/zlib/zlib_filter.lo ext/bz2/bz2.lo ext/bz2/bz2_filter.lo ext/calendar/calendar.lo ext/calendar/dow.lo ext/calendar/french.lo ext/calendar/gregor.lo ext/calendar/jewish.lo ext/calendar/julian.lo ext/calendar/easter.lo ext/calendar/cal_unix.lo ext/ctype/ctype.lo ext/curl/interface.lo ext/curl/multi.lo ext/curl/streams.lo ext/date/php_date.lo ext/date/lib/astro.lo ext/date/lib/dow.lo ext/date/lib/parse_date.lo ext/date/lib/parse_tz.lo ext/date/lib/timelib.lo ext/date/lib/tm2unixtime.lo ext/date/lib/unixtime2tm.lo ext/exif/exif.lo ext/filter/filter.lo ext/filter/sanitizing_filters.lo ext/filter/logical_filters.lo ext/filter/callback_filter.lo ext/ftp/php_ftp.lo ext/ftp/ftp.lo ext/gettext/gettext.lo ext/gmp/gmp.lo ext/hash/hash.lo ext/hash/hash_md.lo ext/hash/hash_sha.lo ext/hash/hash_ripemd.lo ext/hash/hash_haval.lo ext/hash/hash_tiger.lo ext/hash/hash_gost.lo ext/hash/hash_snefru.lo ext/hash/hash_whirlpool.lo ext/hash/hash_adler32.lo ext/hash/hash_crc32.lo ext/iconv/iconv.lo ext/json/json.lo ext/json/utf8_to_utf16.lo ext/json/utf8_decode.lo ext/json/JSON_parser.lo ext/mime_magic/mime_magic.lo ext/mysql/php_mysql.lo ext/oci8/oci8.lo ext/oci8/oci8_lob.lo ext/oci8/oci8_statement.lo ext/oci8/oci8_collection.lo ext/oci8/oci8_interface.lo ext/posix/posix.lo ext/pspell/pspell.lo ext/reflection/php_reflection.lo ext/session/session.lo ext/session/mod_files.lo ext/session/mod_mm.lo ext/session/mod_user.lo ext/shmop/shmop.lo ext/simplexml/simplexml.lo ext/sockets/sockets.lo ext/spl/php_spl.lo ext/spl/spl_functions.lo ext/spl/spl_engine.lo ext/spl/spl_iterators.lo ext/spl/spl_array.lo ext/spl/spl_directory.lo ext/spl/spl_sxe.lo ext/spl/spl_exceptions.lo ext/spl/spl_observer.lo regex/regcomp.lo regex/regexec.lo regex/regerror.lo regex/regfree.lo ext/standard/array.lo ext/standard/base64.lo ext/standard/basic_functions.lo ext/standard/browscap.lo ext/standard/crc32.lo ext/standard/crypt.lo ext/standard/cyr_convert.lo ext/standard/datetime.lo ext/standard/dir.lo ext/standard/dl.lo ext/standard/dns.lo ext/standard/exec.lo ext/standard/file.lo ext/standard/filestat.lo ext/standard/flock_compat.lo ext/standard/formatted_print.lo ext/standard/fsock.lo ext/standard/head.lo ext/standard/html.lo ext/standard/image.lo ext/standard/info.lo ext/standard/iptc.lo ext/standard/lcg.lo ext/standard/link.lo ext/standard/mail.lo ext/standard/math.lo ext/standard/md5.lo ext/standard/metaphone.lo ext/standard/microtime.lo ext/standard/pack.lo ext/standard/pageinfo.lo ext/standard/quot_print.lo ext/standard/rand.lo ext/standard/reg.lo ext/standard/soundex.lo ext/standard/string.lo ext/standard/scanf.lo ext/standard/syslog.lo ext/standard/type.lo ext/standard/uniqid.lo ext/standard/url.lo ext/standard/url_scanner.lo ext/standard/var.lo ext/standard/versioning.lo ext/standard/assert.lo ext/standard/strnatcmp.lo ext/standard/levenshtein.lo ext/standard/incomplete_class.lo ext/standard/url_scanner_ex.lo ext/standard/ftp_fopen_wrapper.lo ext/standard/http_fopen_wrapper.lo ext/standard/php_fopen_wrapper.lo ext/standard/credits.lo ext/standard/css.lo ext/standard/var_unserializer.lo ext/standard/ftok.lo ext/standard/sha1.lo ext/standard/user_filters.lo ext/standard/uuencode.lo ext/standard/filters.lo ext/standard/proc_open.lo ext/standard/streamsfuncs.lo ext/standard/http.lo ext/sysvmsg/sysvmsg.lo ext/sysvsem/sysvsem.lo ext/sysvshm/sysvshm.lo ext/tokenizer/tokenizer.lo ext/tokenizer/tokenizer_data.lo ext/wddx/wddx.lo ext/xml/xml.lo ext/xml/compat.lo TSRM/TSRM.lo TSRM/tsrm_strtok_r.lo TSRM/tsrm_virtual_cwd.lo main/main.lo main/snprintf.lo main/spprintf.lo main/php_sprintf.lo main/safe_mode.lo main/fopen_wrappers.lo main/alloca.lo main/php_scandir.lo main/php_ini.lo main/SAPI.lo main/rfc1867.lo main/php_content_types.lo main/strlcpy.lo main/strlcat.lo main/mergesort.lo main/reentrancy.lo main/php_variables.lo main/php_ticks.lo main/network.lo main/php_open_temporary_file.lo main/php_logos.lo main/output.lo main/streams/streams.lo main/streams/cast.lo main/streams/memory.lo main/streams/filter.lo main/streams/plain_wrapper.lo main/streams/userspace.lo main/streams/transports.lo main/streams/xp_socket.lo main/streams/mmap.lo Zend/zend_language_parser.lo Zend/zend_language_scanner.lo Zend/zend_ini_parser.lo Zend/zend_ini_scanner.lo Zend/zend_alloc.lo Zend/zend_compile.lo Zend/zend_constants.lo Zend/zend_dynamic_array.lo Zend/zend_execute_API.lo Zend/zend_highlight.lo Zend/zend_llist.lo Zend/zend_opcode.lo Zend/zend_operators.lo Zend/zend_ptr_stack.lo Zend/zend_stack.lo Zend/zend_variables.lo Zend/zend.lo Zend/zend_API.lo Zend/zend_extensions.lo Zend/zend_hash.lo Zend/zend_list.lo Zend/zend_indent.lo Zend/zend_builtin_functions.lo Zend/zend_sprintf.lo Zend/zend_ini.lo Zend/zend_qsort.lo Zend/zend_multibyte.lo Zend/zend_ts_hash.lo Zend/zend_stream.lo Zend/zend_iterators.lo Zend/zend_interfaces.lo Zend/zend_exceptions.lo Zend/zend_strtod.lo Zend/zend_objects.lo Zend/zend_object_handlers.lo Zend/zend_objects_API.lo Zend/zend_default_classes.lo Zend/zend_execute.lo sapi/cli/php_cli.lo sapi/cli/php_cli_readline.lo sapi/cli/getopt.lo main/internal_functions_cli.lo -laspell -lpspell -lmysqlclient -lgmp -lcurl -lbz2 -lz -lpcre -lresolv -lm -ldl -lnsl -lxml2 -lz -lm -lgssapi_krb5 -lkrb5 -lk5crypto -lcom_err -lssl -lcrypto -ldl -lz -lcurl -lgssapi_krb5 -lkrb5 -lk5crypto -lcom_err -lresolv -ldl -lidn -lssl -lcrypto -lz -lssl -lcrypto -ldl -lz -lclntsh -lxml2 -lz -lm -lxml2 -lz -lm -lxml2 -lz -lm  -o sapi/cli/php
    /usr/bin/ld: warning:, needed by /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzos_ModifyCipherSuites'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzosCipherSpecToStr'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzos_Initialize'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzosgpc_GetProtocolVer'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nztwOpenWallet'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `A_X931RandomInit'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzos_SetSqlnetFunc'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzosGetSupportedCipher'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzos_ServiceWriteQueue'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzos_DisableClientAuthentication'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nztiGetSecInfo'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzos_Write'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzduui2_destroy_ui'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nztGetSubjectName'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzgbllsm_location_shared_memory'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzos_setThrUse'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzteMyCert'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzteDestroyPersona'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzos_RetrievePersonaCopy'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzosSCCS_SetCRLCacheSize'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nztnGCL_Get_Certificate_List'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzumfree'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzos_setCRLFile'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `A_X931RandomContextDestroy'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzos_OToolkitContext'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzos_setOIDConnInfo'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzosaccrb_aysnCheckRecbuf'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzhdcgldn_getldapdn'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzos_SetFuncvec'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzustralloc'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzstrfc_free_content'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzos_Read'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzos_Destroy_Ctx'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzssGEBV_GetEntryByValue'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `snzdafn_assemble_filename'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzos_Configure'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzosSetCredential'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzdst_terminate'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzosSetCipherSuite'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzumalloc'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nztiGCC_Get_CertCtx'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nztiFIL_Free_Identity_List'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzos_Handshake'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nztwRetrievePersonaCopy'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzosGetPeerCredential'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzdcgui_get_userinfo'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzos_Deinitialize'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `A_X931RandomGenerateBytes'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzuexid_initdl'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzos_setCRLPath'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nztwCloseWallet'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzteOpenPersona'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzos_OpenWallet'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzos_Close'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzstr_alloc'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzos_enableHWAcc'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzssGSL_GetSecretLength'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzosgnc_GetNegotiatedCipher'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzos_setCertValProtocol'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzssGS_GetSecret'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzos_Create_Ctx'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nztiee_IsEncrEnabled'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `A_X931RandomUpdate'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzdsi_initialize'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzosDestroyCredential'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzos_setCertValPolicy'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzos_CompareDN'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nztSetAppDefaultLocation'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzos_Get_Ctx'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzdcfcx_free_cert_ctx'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nzduui6_get_name'
    /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1/ undefined reference to `nztSearchNZDefault'
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    make: *** [sapi/cli/php] Error 1
    I see that library in there, it is there, but something is not linking right!
    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:

    /app/devtools/gcc-4.2.3-64/bin/g++ -L/home/john/sdc/lib/Linux_2.6.5-7.308.PTF.352368.0-smp.gcc-4.2.3-64 -L/home/john/oracle/lib -L/app/gcc-3.3.4/lib -L/app/gcc-3.2.3/lib -ldl -lpthread -lnsl -lrt -lstdc++ -lvs -lclntsh -L/home/cdev/pkgs/oas/Linux64/oaslinux64_2_4_05_03/lib -loas Linux_2.6.5-7.308.PTF.352368.0-smp.gcc-4.2.3-64-R/db.o Linux_2.6.5-7.308.PTF.352368.0-smp.gcc-4.2.3-64-R/owl.o Linux_2.6.5-7.308.PTF.352368.0-smp.gcc-4.2.3-64-R/queue.o Linux_2.6.5-7.308.PTF.352368.0-smp.gcc-4.2.3-64-R/log.o Linux_2.6.5-7.308.PTF.352368.0-smp.gcc-4.2.3-64-R/titan.o -o /home/amehta17/sdc/bin/Linux_2.6.5-7.308.PTF.352368.0-smp.gcc-4.2.3-64/titan
    /usr/bin/ld: warning:, needed by /home/john/oracle/lib/, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)
    /home/amehta17/oracle/lib/ undefined reference to `nzos_ServiceWriteQueue'
    /home/amehta17/oracle/lib/ undefined reference to `nzosCipherSpecToStr'
    /home/amehta17/oracle/lib/ undefined reference to `nzos_setCRLPath'
    /home/amehta17/oracle/lib/ undefined reference to `nzteOpenPersona'
    /home/amehta17/oracle/lib/ undefined reference to `nzdsi_initialize'
    All these symbols are not defined in and also does not exist in
    I checked 32bit version of has all above undefined symbols. This looks really weird to me why 64 bit version of doesn't define these symbols.
    Let me know if you have any idea.

  • PHP 5.0.4, php apps and zip file problems

    I use various opensource web apps that allow for files to be uploaded in zip format. The app then unzips the files and does what it needs to do with them. ie: Gallery2 uploading photos that are zipped up and placing the enclosed photos into the gallery.
    Anyway, this was working very well with the base install of OS X Server's PHP4.? and Apache 1.4.3
    I upgraded to PHP 5.0.4 using Entropy PHP (recommended by another OS X Server admin). Anyway, I lost the ability to handle the zip files. I am unsure what to look for.
    phpinfo() shows the following about compressed files:
    Configure Command
    './configure' '--prefix=/usr/local/php5' '--with-config-file-path=/usr/local/php5/lib' '--with-apxs' '--with-iconv' '--with-openssl=/usr' '--with-zlib=/usr' '--with-mysql=/Users/marc/svn/entropy/php-module/src/mysql-standard-*' '--with-mysqli=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config' '--with-libxml-dir=/usr/local/php5' '--with-xsl=/usr/local/php5' '--with-pdflib=/usr/local/php5' '--with-pgsql=/Users/marc/svn/entropy/php-module/build/postgresql-build' '--with-gd' '--with-jpeg-dir=/usr/local/php5' '--with-png-dir=/usr/local/php5' '--with-zlib-dir=/usr' '--with-freetype-dir=/usr/local/php5' '--with-t1lib=/usr/local/php5' '--with-imap=../imap-2002d' '--with-imap-ssl=/usr' '--with-gettext=/usr/local/php5' '--with-ming=/Users/marc/svn/entropy/php-module/build/ming-build' '--with-ldap' '--with-mime-magic=/usr/local/php5/etc/magic.mime' '--with-iodbc=/usr' '--with-xmlrpc' '--with-expat-dir=/usr/local/php5' '--with-iconv-dir=/usr' '--with-curl=/usr/local/php5' '--enable-exif' '--enable-wddx' '--enable-soap' '--enable-sqlite-utf8' '--enable-ftp' '--enable-sockets' '--enable-dbx' '--enable-dbase' '--enable-mbstring' '--enable-calendar' '--with-bz2=/usr' '--with-mcrypt=/usr/local/php5' '--with-mhash=/usr/local/php5' '--with-mssql=/usr/local/php5' '--with-fbsql=/Users/marc/svn/entropy/php-module/build/frontbase-build/Library/ FrontBase' '--enable-openbase_module'
    Registered PHP Streams
    php, file, http, ftp, compress.bzip2, compress.zlib, https, ftps
    BZip2 Support Enabled
    BZip2 Version 1.0.2, 30-Dec-2001

    I wish I could be as optimistic about your configuration, you have/had more than two issues, even after building a PHP that would work for you it had to be reconfigured to obtain optimal performance.
    I noticed other errors in your logs but since they weren't specifically related to your issue with zip or PHP running properly I place a low priority on them and ignored them.
    I eventually found the build issue with the entrophy PHP however Mark wasn't interested in the fix since it basically performed the majority of the tasks that were expected and everything else was considered experimental with no real support provided.
    You did get a better PHP built in the ADE (Apple Developer Environment) targeted specifically for your CPU (although they are universal binaries) and I included some modules I wrote myself that provide some (IMHO) key functionality for a production web service like scanning uploaded files for viruses and the ability to generate RRDTool graphs natively without slowing the process down by having to rely on external resources.
    While I have thoroughly tested the modules I wrote, I have not had the time (or the help) to write proper documentation for them so I might later provide some sample PHP scripts since they are fairly simple to implement.
    The biggest problem I saw was that you had a lot of nice toys but none of them were designed to work smoothly together and the entrophy PHP is a good alternative for someone who needs more than what apple provides but isn't capable of generating something that integrates well in the environment.
    Also to note, the entrophy (or Server Logistics) PHP is an all-purpose/general-purpose solution and isn't ever going to be optimal for any specific architecture due to the build process which is why the one I provided works significantly better, it was built specifically for both architectures individually then combined into a single binary giving you the ultimate performer for either architecture without sacraficing performance or degrading functionality.
    I tend to use as much Apple provided software as I can since it makes no sense to me to build and install any software that is already available and built specifically for the environment other than to waste disk space, freetype is a good example, any that is provided will never include the same features and functionality as the apple provided installation yet all PHP makers seem to build the basic bare-bones freetype and build their PHP off of it expecting to achieve the same feature-rich functionality which it clearly isn't capable of.
    They also include a lot of features which are never used and I have removed and/or substituted some of these in an attempt to provide a more usefull set of features and functionality and I include a very complete pear installation which also contains just about every feature and functionality you would ever require without providing anything that that would be considered fluff.
    I've been watching the performance of the installation for a couple of days now and I'm more than satified that it's a solid performer for you so smile and enjoy, santa was nice to you this year.

  • Missing GD Library for PHP on SJS 7

    What do I need to do to enable the GD module for the PHP Add-On build for SJS 7? I am trying to install the latest Drupal build on my server and it keeps complaining that the GD module is not part of the current PHP build.
    I looked over the 'Using PHP on Sun Java System Web Server' document, but it doesn't say if I need to download the latest PHP build and compile it myself to include or or if there is a flag I can enable someplace. I considered downloading the latest PHP build and compiling it, but it's configuration is showing there are several libraries that aren't installed on my server that even relate to the SJS PHP add-on build.
    Also, what php.ini file is the SJS build using actively? Via a quick phpinfo.php file, I saw this line:
    Configuration File (php.ini) Path      /java/re/phppack/5.2.0/nightly/ws/b01-2007-01-29/linux-i586/dist/5.2.0/Linux2.4_OPT.OBJ/php/lib/
    But that path isn't anywhere on my server environment, so I am guessing it is a part of the buildout.
    -- Michael

    Web Server 7 PHP Add-on plugin was released with more focus towards allowing multi platform support . Hence, it is possible that some popular extensions are left out. However, this need not stop you from compiling php by yourself . If you are compiling PHP by yourself, you need to remember to compile with the following flags
    You can compile php by yourself on your machine by doing this following
    - download php from
    - unzip the tar ball
    - configure and compile as follows
    enable-force-cgi-redirect enable-safe-mode enable-bcmath enable-ftp enable-sockets enable-shmop enable-pdo enable-calendar enable-inline-optimization enable-soap enable-dba enable-sysvmsg enable-sysvsem enable-sysvshm enable-sqlite-utf8 enable-zend-multibyte enable-exif enable-magic-quotes enable-wddx enable-mbstring enable-mbregex enable-gd-native-ttf enable-libxml enable-simplexml enable-xmlreader enable-xmlwriter enable-dom with-gd=/usr
    This should get you going
    Hope this helps

  • Updating to 10.4.11 killed my PHP/MYSQL connections

    Hi all - I use Dreamweaver CS3 for web development, and have been using some very simple PHP/MYSQL Select and Inserts. Everything was working fabulously up until this morning, when I updated to 10.4.11 (Macbook Pro, CoreDuo). As soon as I updated, I get a 'No Database Selected' message in Safari, Firefox and IE. I can see the database and work with it in DWeaver, just can't get it to go live in browsers.
    I'm running PHP 5.2.4, MYSQL 5.1.8 and whatever version of Apache is bundled in OS X (I think it's 1.x - but can't find how to get that number!)
    Just for record, I have stopped/restarted Personal Web Sharing, Personal File Sharing, OS X, MYSQL to just check whether something wasn't working there.
    I'm about to close out, zap the PRAM and then come back in.
    Any ideas?

    Thanks - A couple of additional points. This is OS X 10.4.11, not OS X Server, so I had installed MYSQL and PHP as fresh installations. MYSQL has not changed since I installed and is running fine through direct client (Navicat).
    For PHP I was running 4 and it had been running fine. When the update to OSX came through, PHP 4 didn't work - no change had been made to any configuration file that was working already. These are the httpd.conf instructions I had followed to set-up PHP 4:
    +1 Launch Terminal from /Applications/Utilities.+
    +2 Open the Apache configuration file and edit the UNIX shell prompt:+
    +sudo pico /etc/httpd/httpd.conf+
    +3 When prompted for a password, enter the Mac OS X administrator account password.+
    +4 Uncomment the following lines:+
    +LoadModule php4_module libexec/httpd/
    +AddModule mod_php4.c+
    +5 Add the following lines (add these lines above: AddType application/x-tar .tgz):+
    +AddType application/x-httpd-php .php+
    +AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps+
    +Note: All the commands for the pico editor display on the screen and you can start any commands with the Control key. Use the arrow keys to move around. Pico is a text editor, mostly for UNIX users to use at the UNIX command line. The pico text editor resides in /usr/bin/ directory.+
    +6 Add a new index page for PHP (index.php) so that the web server will recognize it as the first page to load:+
    +<IfModule mod_dir.c>+
    +DirectoryIndex index.html index.php index.htm+
    +7 Save the httpd.conf file by pressing ^X (control & x keys). When the screen asks "Save Modified buffer?", press "Y". When prompted for "File Name to write : httpd.conf", press Return once to accept it. This will return you to the UNIX shell prompt.+
    When PHP 4 stopped working, I took the decision to upgrade to 5 and then fix the breakdown (by now, I was convinced it was an Apache change (nothing in config had changed at all). So, upgraded to PHP 5 and, to do so, had to reverse the directions above. Since then, I've tried reenabling the above, replacing with PHP5 wherever PHP4 appears, all to no avail (in fact, it just froze the Personal Web Sharing that turns Apache on/off).
    Right now, running the phpinfo check detailed above tells me the PHP 5 is successfully installed and running. The text from the test copied here:
    +System Darwin Vincet-MacBook-Pro.local 8.11.1 Darwin Kernel Version 8.11.1: Wed Oct 10 18:23:28 PDT 2007; root:xnu-792.25.20~1/RELEASE_I386 i386+
    +_Build Date_ Aug 31 2007 23:38:11+
    +_Configure Command_ './configure' '--prefix=/usr/local/php5' '--with-apxs' '--with-config-file-scan-dir=/usr/local/php5/php.d' '--with-iconv' '--with-openssl=/usr' '--with-zlib=/usr' '--with-gd' '--with-zlib-dir=/usr' '--with-ldap' '--with-xmlrpc' '--with-iconv-dir=/usr' '--with-snmp=/usr' '--enable-exif' '--enable-wddx' '--enable-soap' '--enable-sqlite-utf8' '--enable-ftp' '--enable-sockets' '--enable-dbx' '--enable-dbase' '--enable-mbstring' '--enable-calendar' '--enable-bcmath' '--with-bz2=/usr' '--enable-fastcgi' '--enable-cgi' '--enable-memory-limit' '--enable-zip' '--enable-pcntl' '--enable-shmop' '--enable-sysvsem' '--enable-sysvshm' '--enable-sysvmsg' '--with-curl=shared,/usr/local/php5' '--with-mysql=shared,/usr/local/php5' '--with-mysqli=shared,/usr/local/php5/bin/mysql_config' '--with-pdo-mysql=shared,/usr/local/php5' '--with-libxml-dir=shared,/usr/local/php5' '--with-xsl=shared,/usr/local/php5' '--with-pdflib=shared,/usr/local/php5' '--with-imap=../imap-2004g' '--with-kerberos=/usr' '--with-imap-ssl=/usr' '--with-jpeg-dir=/usr/local/php5' '--with-png-dir=/usr/local/php5' '--enable-gd-native-ttf' '--with-freetype-dir=/usr/local/php5' '--with-iodbc=shared,/usr' '--with-pgsql=shared,/usr/local/php5' '--with-pdo-pgsql=shared,/usr/local/php5' '--with-t1lib=/usr/local/php5' '--with-gettext=shared,/usr/local/php5' '--with-ming=shared,/usr/local/php5' '--with-mcrypt=shared,/usr/local/php5' '--with-mhash=shared,/usr/local/php5' '--with-mssql=shared,/usr/local/php5' '--with-fbsql=shared,/Users/liyanage/svn/entropy/universalbuild/src/FBDeveloper Libraries/Library/FrontBase' '--with-json=shared' '--enable-memcache' '--enable-openbase_module'+
    +_Server AP_I Apache+
    +_Virtual Directory Suppor_t disabled+
    +_Configuration File (php.ini) Path_ /usr/local/php5/lib+
    +_Loaded Configuration File_ /usr/local/php5/lib/php.ini+
    +_Scan this dir for additional .ini files_ /usr/local/php5/php.d+
    +_additional .ini files parsed_ /usr/local/php5/php.d/10-extension_dir.ini, /usr/local/php5/php.d/50-extension-curl.ini, /usr/local/php5/php.d/50-extension-fbsql.ini, /usr/local/php5/php.d/50-extension-gettext.ini, /usr/local/php5/php.d/50-extension-json.ini, /usr/local/php5/php.d/50-extension-mcrypt.ini, /usr/local/php5/php.d/50-extension-mhash.ini, /usr/local/php5/php.d/50-extension-ming.ini, /usr/local/php5/php.d/50-extension-mssql.ini, /usr/local/php5/php.d/50-extension-mysql.ini, /usr/local/php5/php.d/50-extension-mysqli.ini, /usr/local/php5/php.d/50-extension-odbc.ini, /usr/local/php5/php.d/50-extension-pdf.ini, /usr/local/php5/php.d/50-extension-pdo_mysql.ini, /usr/local/php5/php.d/50-extension-pdo_pgsql.ini, /usr/local/php5/php.d/50-extension-pgsql.ini, /usr/local/php5/php.d/50-extension-xsl.ini+
    +_PHP API_ 20041225+
    +P_HP Extension_ 20060613+
    +_Zend Extension_ 220060519+
    +_Debug Build_ no+
    +_Thread Safety_ disabled+
    +Zend Memory Manager enabled+
    +_IPv6 Support_ enabled+
    +_Registered PHP Streams_ zip, php, file, data, http, ftp, compress.bzip2, compress.zlib, https, ftps+
    +_Registered Stream Socket Transports_ tcp, udp, unix, udg, ssl, sslv3, sslv2, tls+
    +_Registered Stream Filters_ string.rot13, string.toupper, string.tolower, string.strip_tags, convert.*, consumed, convert.iconv.*, bzip2.*, zlib.*+
    I don't know if any of this helps, but it's what I find. From my online troubleshooting and reading, I believe all of the above looks right and that things should work. So, I'm still left with an informed gut decision that something in the set-up of Apache changed (location in file structure, configuration file, etc.) Could it be looking at a second copy of httpd.conf somewhere else? That would seem to make sense - however I haven't managed to turn up how to assess which version of Apache is loaded (I think 1.3) or where it's located.
    If anyone can confirm what PHP5 code should be included in httpd.conf given the above, that would be a great next step.
    Thanks for all your assistance!

  • SSO to PHP Web App

    I am trying to do SSO to a PHP web Application running on linux Apache Webserver. I have downloaded the SAPSSOEXT_0-10002920 and SECULIB54_0-10002909.SAR files from service marketplace. i went through the code samples in C and JAVA in the downloaded zip file. But i think i have to implement them in PHP and i am completely a newbie to PHP. Has anyone done SSO to PHP based webapps?  please advise.
    Thanks and regards,

    What you could do is to set up a webservice which uses the java api to validate the SAP logonticket.
    Then you call this webservice from php (perhaps you need to install php-soap in order to validate the ticket.
    Perhaps the UME allready has a webservice for validating tickets so that the first step is not needed

  • How do I find and replace text in PHP files?

    How can I in CS3 make sitewide changes to the text in PHP pages without changing variable names etc that have the same name?
    For example if I have an installation of a PHP forum and I want to change every instance of the word 'forum' to 'message board'...
    If I used the 'inside tag' search with " as the tag, then if "" contained a variable called 'forum' it would also be changed and therefore corrupt the code....
    Is there a simple way around this?
    I'm using CS3 on Windows Vista.

    It looks like you're trying to find and replace source code, so you may be able to look at the various places that are looked at when finding and uncheck the ones that don't apply.
    But, if it's all source code then that won't help.  One thing that may work is to expand the search option - for example if the work "forum" that you're wanting to change it preceded by another word, or character or something that sets it apart, then do you find on that. You can expand that search phrase as far out in either direction that you need to to make it different, if of course that is practical in your situation.
    The only other way I can think of is to somehow create an exception rule, but I'm not sure if that's possible or how to do it.

  • 500 Internal server error while running sqlsrv_query in PHP

    Hello everyone I am having a problem with sqlsrv_query I will be grateful to you please provide some help.
    I am running a query through php:
    $ls_parcel_query = "select  * from  ParcelDetail order by ExtractDate";
    $result = sqlsrv_query($conn, $ls_parcel_query, array(), array("Scrollable"=>"keyset","QueryTimeout"=>300));
    $no_of_rows = sqlsrv_num_rows($result);
    echo "<br/>".$no_of_rows;
    It gives (After 30 seconds):
    500 - Internal server error.
    There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.
    I have php.ini settings like below:
    max_execution_time = 90
    memory_limit = 128M
    While running this query in SQL SERVER 2008 R2, it successfully gives result in some times in 1 minute and sometimes in 2 minutes.

    A 500 Error will be caused due to many reason.To troubleshooting this issue, you can try to check out the error log and get more information on what is causing the error.
    Reference :
    "500 Internal Server Error" while running PHP
    HTTP Error 500 Internal server for php pages and solution
    Fanny Liu
    Fanny Liu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Compiling Apache 1.3.9 & PHP 3.0.12 to use Oracle 8.1.5 on SuSe 6.2

    I am trying to compile the above packets but am running into massive problems.
    PHP3 compiles well, if i try to use the "normal" static module for Apache, but the Apache configure script says that it needs an ANSI C compiler and stops.
    I am using GCC with the bugfixes from SuSe.
    Since that did not work I tried the configuration as a Dynamic Module. The Apache "Readme.config" explains two ways to do so, but the first has the same problem with GCC and the second (via APXS) compiles Apache without problems, but PHP3 wont compile since it does not find a library. The exact error is: "/usr/i486-linux/bin/ld: cannot open -lclntsh: No such file or directory"
    I found a in the oracle/lib directory, but since i fumbled around with this library (i tried ln -s sqlplus says cannot find file data: no such file or directory (even now that the link is deleted again).
    And PHP still wont compile. Any ideas would be welcome.
    P.S.: Is it normal that Oracle has to be told NOT to create a database during install, TO create a database???
    We worked for 3 days on the Oracle installation and that was the only way to install Oracle without errors.
    Uwe Schurig

    Lee Bennett (guest) wrote:
    :I have successfully installed Oracle 8.1.5 Enterprise edition
    :Suse 6.2 and applied the patch set,
    SuSe 6.2 have a patch file for Oracle made from their developers.
    Never use Oracle patch file that doesn't work because
    us bugged.
    Use SuSe 6.2 Oracle patch set.
    (don't remember the web page where you can download it but a
    search with word "oracle" from SuSe homepage will lead you to

  • PHP refuses to be rendered

    I've used the default PHP installation on OSX with no problems in the past (after uncommenting the 2 lines in httpd and enabling Personal Web Sharing), but after a recent reinstallation of the operating system (having re-updated all software) PHP refuses to render. HTML files render fine, but when I load up a PHP file, its source is displayed instead of being properly rendered. I like to think I know what I'm doing, but I'm befuddled :/
    Any help would be much appreciated.
    Here's my httpd.conf, if it helps:
    ## httpd.conf -- Apache HTTP server configuration file
    # Based upon the NCSA server configuration files originally by Rob McCool.
    # This is the main Apache server configuration file. It contains the
    # configuration directives that give the server its instructions.
    # See <URL:<a class="jive-link-external-small" href="http://">> for detailed information about
    # the directives.
    # Do NOT simply read the instructions in here without understanding
    # what they do. They're here only as hints or reminders. If you are unsure
    # consult the online docs. You have been warned.
    # After this file is processed, the server will look for and process
    # /private/etc/httpd/srm.conf and then /private/etc/httpd/access.conf
    # unless you have overridden these with ResourceConfig and/or
    # AccessConfig directives here.
    # The configuration directives are grouped into three basic sections:
    # 1. Directives that control the operation of the Apache server process as a
    # whole (the 'global environment').
    # 2. Directives that define the parameters of the 'main' or 'default' server,
    # which responds to requests that aren't handled by a virtual host.
    # These directives also provide default values for the settings
    # of all virtual hosts.
    # 3. Settings for virtual hosts, which allow Web requests to be sent to
    # different IP addresses or hostnames and have them handled by the
    # same Apache server process.
    # Configuration and logfile names: If the filenames you specify for many
    # of the server's control files begin with "/" (or "drive:/" for Win32), the
    # server will use that explicit path. If the filenames do not begin
    # with "/", the value of ServerRoot is prepended -- so "logs/foo.log"
    # with ServerRoot set to "/usr/local/apache" will be interpreted by the
    # server as "/usr/local/apache/logs/foo.log".
    ### Section 1: Global Environment
    # The directives in this section affect the overall operation of Apache,
    # such as the number of concurrent requests it can handle or where it
    # can find its configuration files.
    # ServerType is either inetd, or standalone. Inetd mode is only supported on
    # Unix platforms.
    ServerType standalone
    # ServerRoot: The top of the directory tree under which the server's
    # configuration, error, and log files are kept.
    # NOTE! If you intend to place this on an NFS (or otherwise network)
    # mounted filesystem then please read the LockFile documentation
    # (available at <URL:<a class="jive-link-external-small" href="http://">>);
    # you will save yourself a lot of trouble.
    ServerRoot "/usr"
    # The LockFile directive sets the path to the lockfile used when Apache
    # is compiled with either USEFCNTL_SERIALIZEDACCEPT or
    # USEFLOCK_SERIALIZEDACCEPT. This directive should normally be left at
    # its default value. The main reason for changing it is if the logs
    # directory is NFS mounted, since the lockfile MUST BE STORED ON A LOCAL
    # DISK. The PID of the main server process is automatically appended to
    # the filename.
    #LockFile "/private/var/run/httpd.lock"
    # PidFile: The file in which the server should record its process
    # identification number when it starts.
    PidFile "/private/var/run/"
    # ScoreBoardFile: File used to store internal server process information.
    # Not all architectures require this. But if yours does (you'll know because
    # this file will be created when you run Apache) then you must ensure that
    # no two invocations of Apache share the same scoreboard file.
    ScoreBoardFile "/private/var/run/httpd.scoreboard"
    # In the standard configuration, the server will process httpd.conf (this
    # file, specified by the -f command line option), srm.conf, and access.conf
    # in that order. The latter two files are now distributed empty, as it is
    # recommended that all directives be kept in a single file for simplicity.
    # The commented-out values below are the built-in defaults. You can have the
    # server ignore these files altogether by using "/dev/null" (for Unix) or
    # "nul" (for Win32) for the arguments to the directives.
    #ResourceConfig /private/etc/httpd/srm.conf
    #AccessConfig /private/etc/httpd/access.conf
    # Timeout: The number of seconds before receives and sends time out.
    Timeout 300
    # KeepAlive: Whether or not to allow persistent connections (more than
    # one request per connection). Set to "Off" to deactivate.
    KeepAlive On
    # MaxKeepAliveRequests: The maximum number of requests to allow
    # during a persistent connection. Set to 0 to allow an unlimited amount.
    # We recommend you leave this number high, for maximum performance.
    MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
    # KeepAliveTimeout: Number of seconds to wait for the next request from the
    # same client on the same connection.
    KeepAliveTimeout 15
    # Server-pool size regulation. Rather than making you guess how many
    # server processes you need, Apache dynamically adapts to the load it
    # sees --- that is, it tries to maintain enough server processes to
    # handle the current load, plus a few spare servers to handle transient
    # load spikes (e.g., multiple simultaneous requests from a single
    # Netscape browser).
    # It does this by periodically checking how many servers are waiting
    # for a request. If there are fewer than MinSpareServers, it creates
    # a new spare. If there are more than MaxSpareServers, some of the
    # spares die off. The default values are probably OK for most sites.
    MinSpareServers 5
    MaxSpareServers 10
    # Number of servers to start initially --- should be a reasonable ballpark
    # figure.
    StartServers 5
    # Limit on total number of servers running, i.e., limit on the number
    # of clients who can simultaneously connect --- if this limit is ever
    # reached, clients will be LOCKED OUT, so it should NOT BE SET TOO LOW.
    # It is intended mainly as a brake to keep a runaway server from taking
    # the system with it as it spirals down...
    MaxClients 150
    # MaxRequestsPerChild: the number of requests each child process is
    # allowed to process before the child dies. The child will exit so
    # as to avoid problems after prolonged use when Apache (and maybe the
    # libraries it uses) leak memory or other resources. On most systems, this
    # isn't really needed, but a few (such as Solaris) do have notable leaks
    # in the libraries. For these platforms, set to something like 10000
    # or so; a setting of 0 means unlimited.
    # NOTE: This value does not include keepalive requests after the initial
    # request per connection. For example, if a child process handles
    # an initial request and 10 subsequent "keptalive" requests, it
    # would only count as 1 request towards this limit.
    MaxRequestsPerChild 0
    # Listen: Allows you to bind Apache to specific IP addresses and/or
    # ports, instead of the default. See also the <VirtualHost>
    # directive.
    #Listen 3000
    # BindAddress: You can support virtual hosts with this option. This directive
    # is used to tell the server which IP address to listen to. It can either
    # contain "*", an IP address, or a fully qualified Internet domain name.
    # See also the <VirtualHost> and Listen directives.
    #BindAddress *
    # Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) Support
    # To be able to use the functionality of a module which was built as a DSO you
    # have to place corresponding `LoadModule' lines at this location so the
    # directives contained in it are actually available before they are used.
    # Please read the file for more
    # details about the DSO mechanism and run `httpd -l' for the list of already
    # built-in (statically linked and thus always available) modules in your httpd
    # binary.
    # Note: The order in which modules are loaded is important. Don't change
    # the order below without expert advice.
    # Example:
    # LoadModule foo_module libexec/
    #LoadModule vhostaliasmodule libexec/httpd/
    #LoadModule env_module libexec/httpd/
    LoadModule configlogmodule libexec/httpd/
    #LoadModule mimemagicmodule libexec/httpd/
    LoadModule mime_module libexec/httpd/
    LoadModule negotiation_module libexec/httpd/
    #LoadModule status_module libexec/httpd/
    #LoadModule info_module libexec/httpd/
    LoadModule includes_module libexec/httpd/
    LoadModule autoindex_module libexec/httpd/
    LoadModule dir_module libexec/httpd/
    LoadModule cgi_module libexec/httpd/
    LoadModule asis_module libexec/httpd/
    LoadModule imap_module libexec/httpd/
    LoadModule action_module libexec/httpd/
    #LoadModule speling_module libexec/httpd/
    LoadModule userdir_module libexec/httpd/
    LoadModule alias_module libexec/httpd/
    LoadModule rewrite_module libexec/httpd/
    LoadModule access_module libexec/httpd/
    LoadModule auth_module libexec/httpd/
    #LoadModule anonauthmodule libexec/httpd/
    #LoadModule dbmauthmodule libexec/httpd/
    #LoadModule digest_module libexec/httpd/
    #LoadModule proxy_module libexec/httpd/
    #LoadModule cernmetamodule libexec/httpd/
    #LoadModule expires_module libexec/httpd/
    #LoadModule headers_module libexec/httpd/
    #LoadModule usertrack_module libexec/httpd/
    LoadModule logforensicmodule libexec/httpd/
    #LoadModule uniqueidmodule libexec/httpd/
    LoadModule setenvif_module libexec/httpd/
    #LoadModule dav_module libexec/httpd/
    #LoadModule ssl_module libexec/httpd/
    #LoadModule perl_module libexec/httpd/
    LoadModule php4_module libexec/httpd/
    LoadModule hfsapplemodule libexec/httpd/
    # Reconstruction of the complete module list from all available modules
    # (static and shared ones) to achieve correct module execution order.
    #AddModule modvhostalias.c
    #AddModule mod_env.c
    AddModule modlogconfig.c
    #AddModule modmimemagic.c
    AddModule mod_mime.c
    AddModule mod_negotiation.c
    #AddModule mod_status.c
    #AddModule mod_info.c
    AddModule mod_include.c
    AddModule mod_autoindex.c
    AddModule mod_dir.c
    AddModule mod_cgi.c
    AddModule mod_asis.c
    AddModule mod_imap.c
    AddModule mod_actions.c
    #AddModule mod_speling.c
    AddModule mod_userdir.c
    AddModule mod_alias.c
    AddModule mod_rewrite.c
    AddModule mod_access.c
    AddModule mod_auth.c
    #AddModule modauthanon.c
    #AddModule modauthdbm.c
    #AddModule mod_digest.c
    #AddModule mod_proxy.c
    #AddModule modcernmeta.c
    #AddModule mod_expires.c
    #AddModule mod_headers.c
    #AddModule mod_usertrack.c
    AddModule modlogforensic.c
    #AddModule moduniqueid.c
    AddModule mod_so.c
    AddModule mod_setenvif.c
    #AddModule mod_dav.c
    #AddModule mod_ssl.c
    #AddModule mod_perl.c
    AddModule mod_php4.c
    AddModule modhfsapple.c
    # ExtendedStatus controls whether Apache will generate "full" status
    # information (ExtendedStatus On) or just basic information (ExtendedStatus
    # Off) when the "server-status" handler is called. The default is Off.
    #ExtendedStatus On
    ### Section 2: 'Main' server configuration
    # The directives in this section set up the values used by the 'main'
    # server, which responds to any requests that aren't handled by a
    # <VirtualHost> definition. These values also provide defaults for
    # any <VirtualHost> containers you may define later in the file.
    # All of these directives may appear inside <VirtualHost> containers,
    # in which case these default settings will be overridden for the
    # virtual host being defined.
    # If your ServerType directive (set earlier in the 'Global Environment'
    # section) is set to "inetd", the next few directives don't have any
    # effect since their settings are defined by the inetd configuration.
    # Skip ahead to the ServerAdmin directive.
    # Port: The port to which the standalone server listens. For
    # ports < 1023, you will need httpd to be run as root initially.
    Port 80
    # If you wish httpd to run as a different user or group, you must run
    # httpd as root initially and it will switch.
    # User/Group: The name (or #number) of the user/group to run httpd as.
    # . On SCO (ODT 3) use "User nouser" and "Group nogroup".
    # . On HPUX you may not be able to use shared memory as nobody, and the
    # suggested workaround is to create a user www and use that user.
    # NOTE that some kernels refuse to setgid(Group) or semctl(IPC_SET)
    # when the value of (unsigned)Group is above 60000;
    # don't use Group "#-1" on these systems!
    User nobody
    Group nobody
    # ServerAdmin: Your address, where problems with the server should be
    # e-mailed. This address appears on some server-generated pages, such
    # as error documents.
    ServerAdmin [email protected]
    # ServerName allows you to set a host name which is sent back to clients for
    # your server if it's different than the one the program would get (i.e., use
    # "www" instead of the host's real name).
    # Note: You cannot just invent host names and hope they work. The name you
    # define here must be a valid DNS name for your host. If you don't understand
    # this, ask your network administrator.
    # If your host doesn't have a registered DNS name, enter its IP address here.
    # You will have to access it by its address (e.g.,
    # anyway, and this will make redirections work in a sensible way.
    # is the TCP/IP local loop-back address, often named localhost. Your
    # machine always knows itself by this address. If you use Apache strictly for
    # local testing and development, you may use as the server name.
    # DocumentRoot: The directory out of which you will serve your
    # documents. By default, all requests are taken from this directory, but
    # symbolic links and aliases may be used to point to other locations.
    DocumentRoot "/Users/borischerny/Sites"
    # Each directory to which Apache has access, can be configured with respect
    # to which services and features are allowed and/or disabled in that
    # directory (and its subdirectories).
    # First, we configure the "default" to be a very restrictive set of
    # permissions.
    <Directory />
    Options FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None
    # Note that from this point forward you must specifically allow
    # particular features to be enabled - so if something's not working as
    # you might expect, make sure that you have specifically enabled it
    # below.
    # This should be changed to whatever you set DocumentRoot to.
    <Directory "/Users/borischerny/Sites">
    # This may also be "None", "All", or any combination of "Indexes",
    # "Includes", "FollowSymLinks", "ExecCGI", or "MultiViews".
    # Note that "MultiViews" must be named explicitly --- "Options All"
    # doesn't give it to you.
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
    # This controls which options the .htaccess files in directories can
    # override. Can also be "All", or any combination of "Options", "FileInfo",
    # "AuthConfig", and "Limit"
    AllowOverride None
    # Controls who can get stuff from this server.
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
    # UserDir: The name of the directory which is appended onto a user's home
    # directory if a ~user request is received.
    <IfModule mod_userdir.c>
    UserDir public_html
    # Control access to UserDir directories. The following is an example
    # for a site where these directories are restricted to read-only.
    #<Directory /home/*/public_html>
    # AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig Limit
    # Options MultiViews Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch IncludesNoExec
    # Order allow,deny
    # Allow from all
    # </Limit>
    # Order deny,allow
    # Deny from all
    # </LimitExcept>
    # DirectoryIndex: Name of the file or files to use as a pre-written HTML
    # directory index. Separate multiple entries with spaces.
    <IfModule mod_dir.c>
    DirectoryIndex index.html
    # AccessFileName: The name of the file to look for in each directory
    # for access control information.
    AccessFileName .htaccess
    # The following lines prevent .htaccess files from being viewed by
    # Web clients. Since .htaccess files often contain authorization
    # information, access is disallowed for security reasons. Comment
    # these lines out if you want Web visitors to see the contents of
    # .htaccess files. If you change the AccessFileName directive above,
    # be sure to make the corresponding changes here.
    # Also, folks tend to use names such as .htpasswd for password
    # files, so this will protect those as well.
    <Files ~ "^\.([Hh][Tt]|[Dd][Ss]_[Ss])">
    Order allow,deny
    Deny from all
    Satisfy All
    # Apple specific filesystem protection.
    <Files "rsrc">
    Order allow,deny
    Deny from all
    Satisfy All
    <Directory ~ ".*\.\.namedfork">
    Order allow,deny
    Deny from all
    Satisfy All
    # CacheNegotiatedDocs: By default, Apache sends "Pragma: no-cache" with each
    # document that was negotiated on the basis of content. This asks proxy
    # servers not to cache the document. Uncommenting the following line disables
    # this behavior, and proxies will be allowed to cache the documents.
    # UseCanonicalName: (new for 1.3) With this setting turned on, whenever
    # Apache needs to construct a self-referencing URL (a URL that refers back
    # to the server the response is coming from) it will use ServerName and
    # Port to form a "canonical" name. With this setting off, Apache will
    # use the hostname:port that the client supplied, when possible. This
    # also affects SERVER_NAME and SERVER_PORT in CGI scripts.
    UseCanonicalName On
    # TypesConfig describes where the mime.types file (or equivalent) is
    # to be found.
    <IfModule mod_mime.c>
    TypesConfig /private/etc/httpd/mime.types
    # DefaultType is the default MIME type the server will use for a document
    # if it cannot otherwise determine one, such as from filename extensions.
    # If your server contains mostly text or HTML documents, "text/plain" is
    # a good value. If most of your content is binary, such as applications
    # or images, you may want to use "application/octet-stream" instead to
    # keep browsers from trying to display binary files as though they are
    # text.
    DefaultType text/plain
    # The modmimemagic module allows the server to use various hints from the
    # contents of the file itself to determine its type. The MIMEMagicFile
    # directive tells the module where the hint definitions are located.
    # modmimemagic is not part of the default server (you have to add
    # it yourself with a LoadModule [see the DSO paragraph in the 'Global
    # Environment' section], or recompile the server and include modmimemagic
    # as part of the configuration), so it's enclosed in an <IfModule> container.
    # This means that the MIMEMagicFile directive will only be processed if the
    # module is part of the server.
    <IfModule modmimemagic.c>
    MIMEMagicFile /private/etc/httpd/magic
    # HostnameLookups: Log the names of clients or just their IP addresses
    # e.g., (on) or (off).
    # The default is off because it'd be overall better for the net if people
    # had to knowingly turn this feature on, since enabling it means that
    # each client request will result in AT LEAST one lookup request to the
    # nameserver.
    HostnameLookups Off
    # ErrorLog: The location of the error log file.
    # If you do not specify an ErrorLog directive within a <VirtualHost>
    # container, error messages relating to that virtual host will be
    # logged here. If you do define an error logfile for a <VirtualHost>
    # container, that host's errors will be logged there and not here.
    ErrorLog "/private/var/log/httpd/error_log"
    # LogLevel: Control the number of messages logged to the error_log.
    # Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
    # alert, emerg.
    LogLevel warn
    # The following directives define some format nicknames for use with
    # a CustomLog directive (see below).
    LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" combined
    LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" common
    LogFormat "%{Referer}i -> %U" referer
    LogFormat "%{User-agent}i" agent
    # The location and format of the access logfile (Common Logfile Format).
    # If you do not define any access logfiles within a <VirtualHost>
    # container, they will be logged here. Contrariwise, if you do
    # define per-<VirtualHost> access logfiles, transactions will be
    # logged therein and not in this file.
    CustomLog "/private/var/log/httpd/access_log" common
    # If you would like to have agent and referer logfiles, uncomment the
    # following directives.
    #CustomLog "/private/var/log/httpd/referer_log" referer
    #CustomLog "/private/var/log/httpd/agent_log" agent
    # If you prefer a single logfile with access, agent, and referer information
    # (Combined Logfile Format) you can use the following directive.
    #CustomLog "/private/var/log/httpd/access_log" combined
    # Optionally add a line containing the server version and virtual host
    # name to server-generated pages (error documents, FTP directory listings,
    # mod_status and mod_info output etc., but not CGI generated documents).
    # Set to "EMail" to also include a mailto: link to the ServerAdmin.
    # Set to one of: On | Off | EMail
    ServerSignature On
    # EBCDIC configuration:
    # (only for mainframes using the EBCDIC codeset, currently one of:
    # Fujitsu-Siemens' BS2000/OSD, IBM's OS/390 and IBM's TPF)!!
    # The following default configuration assumes that "text files"
    # are stored in EBCDIC (so that you can operate on them using the
    # normal POSIX tools like grep and sort) while "binary files" are
    # stored with identical octets as on an ASCII machine.
    # The directives are evaluated in configuration file order, with
    # the EBCDICConvert directives applied before EBCDICConvertByType.
    # If you want to have ASCII HTML documents and EBCDIC HTML documents
    # at the same time, you can use the file extension to force
    # conversion off for the ASCII documents:
    # > AddType text/html .ahtml
    # > EBCDICConvert Off=InOut .ahtml
    # EBCDICConvertByType On=InOut text/* message/* multipart/*
    # EBCDICConvertByType On=In application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    # EBCDICConvertByType On=InOut application/postscript model/vrml
    # EBCDICConvertByType Off=InOut /
    # Aliases: Add here as many aliases as you need (with no limit). The format is
    # Alias fakename realname
    <IfModule mod_alias.c>
    # Note that if you include a trailing / on fakename then the server will
    # require it to be present in the URL. So "/icons" isn't aliased in this
    # example, only "/icons/". If the fakename is slash-terminated, then the
    # realname must also be slash terminated, and if the fakename omits the
    # trailing slash, the realname must also omit it.
    Alias /icons/ "/usr/share/httpd/icons/"
    <Directory "/usr/share/httpd/icons">
    Options Indexes MultiViews
    AllowOverride None
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
    # This Alias will project the on-line documentation tree under /manual/
    # even if you change the DocumentRoot. Comment it if you don't want to
    # provide access to the on-line documentation.
    Alias /manual/ "/Library/WebServer/Documents/manual/"
    <Directory "/Library/WebServer/Documents/manual">
    Options Indexes FollowSymlinks MultiViews
    AllowOverride None
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
    # ScriptAlias: This controls which directories contain server scripts.
    # ScriptAliases are essentially the same as Aliases, except that
    # documents in the realname directory are treated as applications and
    # run by the server when requested rather than as documents sent to the client.
    # The same rules about trailing "/" apply to ScriptAlias directives as to
    # Alias.
    ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/"
    # "/Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables" should be changed to whatever your ScriptAliased
    # CGI directory exists, if you have that configured.
    <Directory "/Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables">
    AllowOverride None
    Options None
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
    # End of aliases.
    # Redirect allows you to tell clients about documents which used to exist in
    # your server's namespace, but do not anymore. This allows you to tell the
    # clients where to look for the relocated document.
    # Format: Redirect old-URI new-URL
    # Directives controlling the display of server-generated directory listings.
    <IfModule mod_autoindex.c>
    # FancyIndexing is whether you want fancy directory indexing or standard
    IndexOptions FancyIndexing
    # AddIcon* directives tell the server which icon to show for different
    # files or filename extensions. These are only displayed for
    # FancyIndexed directories.
    AddIconByEncoding (CMP,/icons/compressed.gif) x-compress x-gzip
    AddIconByType (TXT,/icons/text.gif) text/*
    AddIconByType (IMG,/icons/image2.gif) image/*
    AddIconByType (SND,/icons/sound2.gif) audio/*
    AddIconByType (VID,/icons/movie.gif) video/*
    AddIcon /icons/binary.gif .bin .exe
    AddIcon /icons/binhex.gif .hqx
    AddIcon /icons/tar.gif .tar
    AddIcon /icons/world2.gif .wrl .wrl.gz .vrml .vrm .iv
    AddIcon /icons/compressed.gif .Z .z .tgz .gz .zip
    AddIcon /icons/a.gif .ps .ai .eps
    AddIcon /icons/layout.gif .html .shtml .htm .pdf
    AddIcon /icons/text.gif .txt
    AddIcon /icons/c.gif .c
    AddIcon /icons/p.gif .pl .py
    AddIcon /icons/f.gif .for
    AddIcon /icons/dvi.gif .dvi
    AddIcon /icons/uuencoded.gif .uu
    AddIcon /icons/script.gif .conf .sh .shar .csh .ksh .tcl
    AddIcon /icons/tex.gif .tex
    AddIcon /icons/bomb.gif core
    AddIcon /icons/back.gif ..
    AddIcon /icons/hand.right.gif README
    AddIcon /icons/folder.gif ^^DIRECTORY^^
    AddIcon /icons/blank.gif ^^BLANKICON^^
    # DefaultIcon is which icon to show for files which do not have an icon
    # explicitly set.
    DefaultIcon /icons/unknown.gif
    # AddDescription allows you to place a short description after a file in
    # server-generated indexes. These are only displayed for FancyIndexed
    # directories.
    # Format: AddDescription "description" filename
    #AddDescription "GZIP compressed document" .gz
    #AddDescription "tar archive" .tar
    #AddDescription "GZIP compressed tar archive" .tgz
    # ReadmeName is the name of the README file the server will look for by
    # default, and append to directory listings.
    # HeaderName is the name of a file which should be prepended to
    # directory indexes.
    ReadmeName README.html
    HeaderName HEADER.html
    # IndexIgnore is a set of filenames which directory indexing should ignore
    # and not include in the listing. Shell-style wildcarding is permitted.
    IndexIgnore .??* *~ *# HEADER* README* RCS CVS *,v *,t
    # End of indexing directives.
    # Document types.
    <IfModule mod_mime.c>
    # AddLanguage allows you to specify the language of a document. You can
    # then use content negotiation to give a browser a file in a language
    # it can understand.
    # Note 1: The suffix does not have to be the same as the language
    # keyword --- those with documents in Polish (whose net-standard
    # language code is pl) may wish to use "AddLanguage pl .po" to
    # avoid the ambiguity with the common suffix for perl scripts.
    # Note 2: The example entries below illustrate that in quite
    # some cases the two character 'Language' abbreviation is not
    # identical to the two character 'Country' code for its country,
    # E.g. 'Danmark/dk' versus 'Danish/da'.
    # Note 3: In the case of 'ltz' we violate the RFC by using a three char
    # specifier. But there is 'work in progress' to fix this and get
    # the reference data for rfc1766 cleaned up.
    # Danish (da) - Dutch (nl) - English (en) - Estonian (ee)
    # French (fr) - German (de) - Greek-Modern (el)
    # Italian (it) - Korean (kr) - Norwegian (no) - Norwegian Nynorsk (nn)
    # Portugese (pt) - Luxembourgeois* (ltz)
    # Spanish (es) - Swedish (sv) - Catalan (ca) - Czech(cs)
    # Polish (pl) - Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br) - Japanese (ja)
    # Russian (ru)
    AddLanguage da .dk
    AddLanguage nl .nl
    AddLanguage en .en
    AddLanguage et .ee
    AddLanguage fr .fr
    AddLanguage de .de
    AddLanguage el .el
    AddLanguage he .he
    AddCharset ISO-8859-8 .iso8859-8
    AddLanguage it .it
    AddLanguage ja .ja
    AddCharset ISO-2022-JP .jis
    AddLanguage kr .kr
    AddCharset ISO-2022-KR .iso-kr
    AddLanguage nn .nn
    AddLanguage no .no
    AddLanguage pl .po
    AddCharset ISO-8859-2 .iso-pl
    AddLanguage pt .pt
    AddLanguage pt-br .pt-br
    AddLanguage ltz .lu
    AddLanguage ca .ca
    AddLanguage es .es
    AddLanguage sv .sv
    AddLanguage cs .cz .cs
    AddLanguage ru .ru
    AddLanguage zh-TW .zh-tw
    AddCharset Big5 .Big5 .big5
    AddCharset WINDOWS-1251 .cp-1251
    AddCharset CP866 .cp866
    AddCharset ISO-8859-5 .iso-ru
    AddCharset KOI8-R .koi8-r
    AddCharset UCS-2 .ucs2
    AddCharset UCS-4 .ucs4
    AddCharset UTF-8 .utf8
    # LanguagePriority allows you to give precedence to some languages
    # in case of a tie during content negotiation.
    # Just list the languages in decreasing order of preference. We have
    # more or less alphabetized them here. You probably want to change this.
    <IfModule mod_negotiation.c>
    LanguagePriority en da nl et fr de el it ja kr no pl pt pt-br ru ltz ca es sv tw
    # AddType allows you to tweak mime.types without actually editing it, or to
    # make certain files to be certain types.
    AddType application/x-tar .tgz
    # AddEncoding allows you to have certain browsers uncompress
    # information on the fly. Note: Not all browsers support this.
    # Despite the name similarity, the following Add* directives have nothing
    # to do with the FancyIndexing customization directives above.
    AddEncoding x-compress .Z
    AddEncoding x-gzip .gz .tgz
    # If the AddEncoding directives above are commented-out, then you
    # probably should define those extensions to indicate media types:
    #AddType application/x-compress .Z
    #AddType application/x-gzip .gz .tgz
    # AddHandler allows you to map certain file extensions to "handlers",
    # actions unrelated to filetype. These can be either built into the server
    # or added with the Action command (see below)
    # If you want to use server side includes, or CGI outside
    # ScriptAliased directories, uncomment the following lines.
    # To use CGI scripts:
    #AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
    # To use server-parsed HTML files
    #AddType text/html .shtml
    #AddHandler server-parsed .shtml
    # Uncomment the following line to enable Apache's send-asis HTTP file
    # feature
    #AddHandler send-as-is asis
    # If you wish to use server-parsed imagemap files, use
    #AddHandler imap-file map
    # To enable type maps, you might want to use
    #AddHandler type-map var
    # End of document types.
    # Action lets you define media types that will execute a script whenever
    # a matching file is called. This eliminates the need for repeated URL
    # pathnames for oft-used CGI file processors.
    # Format: Action media/type /cgi-script/location
    # Format: Action handler-name /cgi-script/location
    # MetaDir: specifies the name of the directory in which Apache can find
    # meta information files. These files contain additional HTTP headers
    # to include when sending the document
    #MetaDir .web
    # MetaSuffix: specifies the file name suffix for the file containing the
    # meta information.
    #MetaSuffix .meta
    # Customizable error response (Apache style)
    # these come in three flavors
    # 1) plain text
    #ErrorDocument 500 "The server made a boo boo.
    # n.b. the single leading (") marks it as text, it does not get output
    # 2) local redirects
    #ErrorDocument 404 /missing.html
    # to redirect to local URL /missing.html
    #ErrorDocument 404 /cgi-bin/
    # N.B.: You can redirect to a script or a document using server-side-includes.
    # 3) external redirects
    #ErrorDocument 402
    # N.B.: Many of the environment variables associated with the original
    # request will not be available to such a script.
    # Customize behaviour based on the browser
    <IfModule mod_setenvif.c>
    # The following directives modify normal HTTP response behavior.
    # The first directive disables keepalive for Netscape 2.x and browsers that
    # spoof it. There are known problems with these browser implementations.
    # The second directive is for Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0b2
    # which has a broken HTTP/1.1 implementation and does not properly
    # support keepalive when it is used on 301 or 302 (redirect) responses.
    BrowserMatch "Mozilla/2" nokeepalive
    BrowserMatch "MSIE 4\.0b2;" nokeepalive downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0
    # The following directive disables HTTP/1.1 responses to browsers which
    # are in violation of the HTTP/1.0 spec by not being able to grok a
    # basic 1.1 response.
    BrowserMatch "RealPlayer 4\.0" force-response-1.0
    BrowserMatch "Java/1\.0" force-response-1.0
    BrowserMatch "JDK/1\.0" force-response-1.0
    # End of browser customization directives
    # Allow server status reports, with the URL of http://servername/server-status
    # Change the "" to match your domain to enable.
    #<Location /server-status>
    # SetHandler server-status
    # Order deny,allow
    # Deny from all
    # Allow from
    # Allow remote server configuration reports, with the URL of
    # http://servername/server-info (requires that mod_info.c be loaded).
    # Change the "" to match your domain to enable.
    #<Location /server-info>
    # SetHandler server-info
    # Order deny,allow
    # Deny from all
    # Allow from
    # There have been reports of people trying to abuse an old bug from pre-1.1
    # days. This bug involved a CGI script distributed as a part of Apache.
    # By uncommenting these lines you can redirect these attacks to a logging
    # script on Or, you can record them yourself, using the script
    # support/phfabuselog.cgi.
    #<Location /cgi-bin/phf*>
    # Deny from all
    # ErrorDocument 403
    # Proxy Server directives. Uncomment the following lines to
    # enable the proxy server:
    #<IfModule mod_proxy.c>
    # ProxyRequests On
    # <Directory proxy:*>
    # Order deny,allow
    # Deny from all
    # Allow from
    # </Directory>
    # Enable/disable the handling of HTTP/1.1 "Via:" headers.
    # ("Full" adds the server version; "Block" removes all outgoing Via: headers)
    # Set to one of: Off | On | Full | Block
    # ProxyVia On
    # To enable the cache as well, edit and uncomment the following lines:
    # (no cacheing without CacheRoot)
    # CacheRoot "/private/var/run/proxy"
    # CacheSize 5
    # CacheGcInterval 4
    # CacheMaxExpire 24
    # CacheLastModifiedFactor 0.1
    # CacheDefaultExpire 1
    # NoCache
    # End of proxy directives.
    ### Section 3: Virtual Hosts
    # VirtualHost: If you want to maintain multiple domains/hostnames on your
    # machine you can setup VirtualHost containers for them. Most configurations
    # use only name-based virtual hosts so the server doesn't need to worry about
    # IP addresses. This is indicated by the asterisks in the directives below.
    # Please see the documentation at <URL:<a class="jive-link-external-small" href="http://">>
    # for further details before you try to setup virtual hosts.
    # You may use the command line option '-S' to verify your virtual host
    # configuration.
    # Use name-based virtual hosting.
    #NameVirtualHost *:80
    # VirtualHost example:
    # Almost any Apache directive may go into a VirtualHost container.
    # The first VirtualHost section is used for requests without a known
    # server name.
    #<VirtualHost *:80>
    # ServerAdmin [email protected]
    # DocumentRoot /www/docs/
    # ServerName
    # ErrorLog logs/
    # CustomLog logs/ common

    sorry i forgot that... i use php5 so i guessed at the module name... upon looking closer at the conf its mod_php4.c
    <IfModule mod_php4.c>
    AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

  • PHP Issue

    I currently have been hacking around trying to get the pre-installed php that comes with Mac OS X enabled, but seem unable to get the page viewable from localhost or just simply viewing it in safari through finder. It gives me the underlying code when I try to view it, ie the php isn't running ... my httpd.conf file is below: Help greatly appreciated on this! Thanks
    ## httpd.conf -- Apache HTTP server configuration file
    # Based upon the NCSA server configuration files originally by Rob McCool.
    # This is the main Apache server configuration file. It contains the
    # configuration directives that give the server its instructions.
    # See <URL:<a class="jive-link-external-small" href="http://">> for detailed information about
    # the directives.
    # Do NOT simply read the instructions in here without understanding
    # what they do. They're here only as hints or reminders. If you are unsure
    # consult the online docs. You have been warned.
    # After this file is processed, the server will look for and process
    # /private/etc/httpd/srm.conf and then /private/etc/httpd/access.conf
    # unless you have overridden these with ResourceConfig and/or
    # AccessConfig directives here.
    # The configuration directives are grouped into three basic sections:
    # 1. Directives that control the operation of the Apache server process as a
    # whole (the 'global environment').
    # 2. Directives that define the parameters of the 'main' or 'default' server,
    # which responds to requests that aren't handled by a virtual host.
    # These directives also provide default values for the settings
    # of all virtual hosts.
    # 3. Settings for virtual hosts, which allow Web requests to be sent to
    # different IP addresses or hostnames and have them handled by the
    # same Apache server process.
    # Configuration and logfile names: If the filenames you specify for many
    # of the server's control files begin with "/" (or "drive:/" for Win32), the
    # server will use that explicit path. If the filenames do not begin
    # with "/", the value of ServerRoot is prepended -- so "logs/foo.log"
    # with ServerRoot set to "/usr/local/apache" will be interpreted by the
    # server as "/usr/local/apache/logs/foo.log".
    ### Section 1: Global Environment
    # The directives in this section affect the overall operation of Apache,
    # such as the number of concurrent requests it can handle or where it
    # can find its configuration files.
    # ServerType is either inetd, or standalone. Inetd mode is only supported on
    # Unix platforms.
    ServerType standalone
    # ServerRoot: The top of the directory tree under which the server's
    # configuration, error, and log files are kept.
    # NOTE! If you intend to place this on an NFS (or otherwise network)
    # mounted filesystem then please read the LockFile documentation
    # (available at <URL:<a class="jive-link-external-small" href="http://">>);
    # you will save yourself a lot of trouble.
    ServerRoot "/usr"
    # The LockFile directive sets the path to the lockfile used when Apache
    # is compiled with either USEFCNTL_SERIALIZEDACCEPT or
    # USEFLOCK_SERIALIZEDACCEPT. This directive should normally be left at
    # its default value. The main reason for changing it is if the logs
    # directory is NFS mounted, since the lockfile MUST BE STORED ON A LOCAL
    # DISK. The PID of the main server process is automatically appended to
    # the filename.
    #LockFile "/private/var/run/httpd.lock"
    # PidFile: The file in which the server should record its process
    # identification number when it starts.
    PidFile "/private/var/run/"
    # ScoreBoardFile: File used to store internal server process information.
    # Not all architectures require this. But if yours does (you'll know because
    # this file will be created when you run Apache) then you must ensure that
    # no two invocations of Apache share the same scoreboard file.
    ScoreBoardFile "/private/var/run/httpd.scoreboard"
    # In the standard configuration, the server will process httpd.conf (this
    # file, specified by the -f command line option), srm.conf, and access.conf
    # in that order. The latter two files are now distributed empty, as it is
    # recommended that all directives be kept in a single file for simplicity.
    # The commented-out values below are the built-in defaults. You can have the
    # server ignore these files altogether by using "/dev/null" (for Unix) or
    # "nul" (for Win32) for the arguments to the directives.
    #ResourceConfig /private/etc/httpd/srm.conf
    #AccessConfig /private/etc/httpd/access.conf
    # Timeout: The number of seconds before receives and sends time out.
    Timeout 300
    # KeepAlive: Whether or not to allow persistent connections (more than
    # one request per connection). Set to "Off" to deactivate.
    KeepAlive On
    # MaxKeepAliveRequests: The maximum number of requests to allow
    # during a persistent connection. Set to 0 to allow an unlimited amount.
    # We recommend you leave this number high, for maximum performance.
    MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
    # KeepAliveTimeout: Number of seconds to wait for the next request from the
    # same client on the same connection.
    KeepAliveTimeout 15
    # Server-pool size regulation. Rather than making you guess how many
    # server processes you need, Apache dynamically adapts to the load it
    # sees --- that is, it tries to maintain enough server processes to
    # handle the current load, plus a few spare servers to handle transient
    # load spikes (e.g., multiple simultaneous requests from a single
    # Netscape browser).
    # It does this by periodically checking how many servers are waiting
    # for a request. If there are fewer than MinSpareServers, it creates
    # a new spare. If there are more than MaxSpareServers, some of the
    # spares die off. The default values are probably OK for most sites.
    MinSpareServers 5
    MaxSpareServers 10
    # Number of servers to start initially --- should be a reasonable ballpark
    # figure.
    StartServers 5
    # Limit on total number of servers running, i.e., limit on the number
    # of clients who can simultaneously connect --- if this limit is ever
    # reached, clients will be LOCKED OUT, so it should NOT BE SET TOO LOW.
    # It is intended mainly as a brake to keep a runaway server from taking
    # the system with it as it spirals down...
    MaxClients 150
    # MaxRequestsPerChild: the number of requests each child process is
    # allowed to process before the child dies. The child will exit so
    # as to avoid problems after prolonged use when Apache (and maybe the
    # libraries it uses) leak memory or other resources. On most systems, this
    # isn't really needed, but a few (such as Solaris) do have notable leaks
    # in the libraries. For these platforms, set to something like 10000
    # or so; a setting of 0 means unlimited.
    # NOTE: This value does not include keepalive requests after the initial
    # request per connection. For example, if a child process handles
    # an initial request and 10 subsequent "keptalive" requests, it
    # would only count as 1 request towards this limit.
    MaxRequestsPerChild 0
    # Listen: Allows you to bind Apache to specific IP addresses and/or
    # ports, instead of the default. See also the <VirtualHost>
    # directive.
    #Listen 3000
    # BindAddress: You can support virtual hosts with this option. This directive
    # is used to tell the server which IP address to listen to. It can either
    # contain "*", an IP address, or a fully qualified Internet domain name.
    # See also the <VirtualHost> and Listen directives.
    #BindAddress *
    # Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) Support
    # To be able to use the functionality of a module which was built as a DSO you
    # have to place corresponding `LoadModule' lines at this location so the
    # directives contained in it are actually available before they are used.
    # Please read the file for more
    # details about the DSO mechanism and run `httpd -l' for the list of already
    # built-in (statically linked and thus always available) modules in your httpd
    # binary.
    # Note: The order in which modules are loaded is important. Don't change
    # the order below without expert advice.
    # Example:
    # LoadModule foo_module libexec/
    #LoadModule vhostaliasmodule libexec/httpd/
    #LoadModule env_module libexec/httpd/
    LoadModule configlogmodule libexec/httpd/
    #LoadModule mimemagicmodule libexec/httpd/
    LoadModule mime_module libexec/httpd/
    LoadModule negotiation_module libexec/httpd/
    #LoadModule status_module libexec/httpd/
    #LoadModule info_module libexec/httpd/
    LoadModule includes_module libexec/httpd/
    LoadModule autoindex_module libexec/httpd/
    LoadModule dir_module libexec/httpd/
    LoadModule cgi_module libexec/httpd/
    LoadModule asis_module libexec/httpd/
    LoadModule imap_module libexec/httpd/
    LoadModule action_module libexec/httpd/
    #LoadModule speling_module libexec/httpd/
    LoadModule userdir_module libexec/httpd/
    LoadModule alias_module libexec/httpd/
    LoadModule rewrite_module libexec/httpd/
    LoadModule access_module libexec/httpd/
    LoadModule auth_module libexec/httpd/
    #LoadModule anonauthmodule libexec/httpd/
    #LoadModule dbmauthmodule libexec/httpd/
    #LoadModule digest_module libexec/httpd/
    #LoadModule proxy_module libexec/httpd/
    #LoadModule cernmetamodule libexec/httpd/
    #LoadModule expires_module libexec/httpd/
    #LoadModule headers_module libexec/httpd/
    #LoadModule usertrack_module libexec/httpd/
    LoadModule logforensicmodule libexec/httpd/
    #LoadModule uniqueidmodule libexec/httpd/
    LoadModule setenvif_module libexec/httpd/
    #LoadModule dav_module libexec/httpd/
    #LoadModule ssl_module libexec/httpd/
    #LoadModule perl_module libexec/httpd/
    LoadModule php4_module libexec/httpd/
    LoadModule hfsapplemodule libexec/httpd/
    # Reconstruction of the complete module list from all available modules
    # (static and shared ones) to achieve correct module execution order.
    #AddModule modvhostalias.c
    #AddModule mod_env.c
    AddModule modlogconfig.c
    #AddModule modmimemagic.c
    AddModule mod_mime.c
    AddModule mod_negotiation.c
    #AddModule mod_status.c
    #AddModule mod_info.c
    AddModule mod_include.c
    AddModule mod_autoindex.c
    AddModule mod_dir.c
    AddModule mod_cgi.c
    AddModule mod_asis.c
    AddModule mod_imap.c
    AddModule mod_actions.c
    #AddModule mod_speling.c
    AddModule mod_userdir.c
    AddModule mod_alias.c
    AddModule mod_rewrite.c
    AddModule mod_access.c
    AddModule mod_auth.c
    #AddModule modauthanon.c
    #AddModule modauthdbm.c
    #AddModule mod_digest.c
    #AddModule mod_proxy.c
    #AddModule modcernmeta.c
    #AddModule mod_expires.c
    #AddModule mod_headers.c
    #AddModule mod_usertrack.c
    AddModule modlogforensic.c
    #AddModule moduniqueid.c
    AddModule mod_so.c
    AddModule mod_setenvif.c
    #AddModule mod_dav.c
    #AddModule mod_ssl.c
    #AddModule mod_perl.c
    AddModule mod_php4.c
    AddModule modhfsapple.c
    # ExtendedStatus controls whether Apache will generate "full" status
    # information (ExtendedStatus On) or just basic information (ExtendedStatus
    # Off) when the "server-status" handler is called. The default is Off.
    #ExtendedStatus On
    ### Section 2: 'Main' server configuration
    # The directives in this section set up the values used by the 'main'
    # server, which responds to any requests that aren't handled by a
    # <VirtualHost> definition. These values also provide defaults for
    # any <VirtualHost> containers you may define later in the file.
    # All of these directives may appear inside <VirtualHost> containers,
    # in which case these default settings will be overridden for the
    # virtual host being defined.
    # If your ServerType directive (set earlier in the 'Global Environment'
    # section) is set to "inetd", the next few directives don't have any
    # effect since their settings are defined by the inetd configuration.
    # Skip ahead to the ServerAdmin directive.
    # Port: The port to which the standalone server listens. For
    # ports < 1023, you will need httpd to be run as root initially.
    Port 80
    # If you wish httpd to run as a different user or group, you must run
    # httpd as root initially and it will switch.
    # User/Group: The name (or #number) of the user/group to run httpd as.
    # . On SCO (ODT 3) use "User nouser" and "Group nogroup".
    # . On HPUX you may not be able to use shared memory as nobody, and the
    # suggested workaround is to create a user www and use that user.
    # NOTE that some kernels refuse to setgid(Group) or semctl(IPC_SET)
    # when the value of (unsigned)Group is above 60000;
    # don't use Group "#-1" on these systems!
    User nobody
    Group nobody
    # ServerAdmin: Your address, where problems with the server should be
    # e-mailed. This address appears on some server-generated pages, such
    # as error documents.
    ServerAdmin [email protected]
    # ServerName allows you to set a host name which is sent back to clients for
    # your server if it's different than the one the program would get (i.e., use
    # "www" instead of the host's real name).
    # Note: You cannot just invent host names and hope they work. The name you
    # define here must be a valid DNS name for your host. If you don't understand
    # this, ask your network administrator.
    # If your host doesn't have a registered DNS name, enter its IP address here.
    # You will have to access it by its address (e.g.,
    # anyway, and this will make redirections work in a sensible way.
    # is the TCP/IP local loop-back address, often named localhost. Your
    # machine always knows itself by this address. If you use Apache strictly for
    # local testing and development, you may use as the server name.
    # DocumentRoot: The directory out of which you will serve your
    # documents. By default, all requests are taken from this directory, but
    # symbolic links and aliases may be used to point to other locations.
    DocumentRoot "/Library/WebServer/Documents"
    # Each directory to which Apache has access, can be configured with respect
    # to which services and features are allowed and/or disabled in that
    # directory (and its subdirectories).
    # First, we configure the "default" to be a very restrictive set of
    # permissions.
    <Directory />
    Options FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None
    # Note that from this point forward you must specifically allow
    # particular features to be enabled - so if something's not working as
    # you might expect, make sure that you have specifically enabled it
    # below.
    # This should be changed to whatever you set DocumentRoot to.
    <Directory "/Library/WebServer/Documents">
    # This may also be "None", "All", or any combination of "Indexes",
    # "Includes", "FollowSymLinks", "ExecCGI", or "MultiViews".
    # Note that "MultiViews" must be named explicitly --- "Options All"
    # doesn't give it to you.
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
    # This controls which options the .htaccess files in directories can
    # override. Can also be "All", or any combination of "Options", "FileInfo",
    # "AuthConfig", and "Limit"
    AllowOverride None
    # Controls who can get stuff from this server.
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
    # UserDir: The name of the directory which is appended onto a user's home
    # directory if a ~user request is received.
    <IfModule mod_userdir.c>
    UserDir public_html
    #<IfModule mod_php4.c>
    AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
    #AddType application/x-httpd-php .php4
    #AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
    # Control access to UserDir directories. The following is an example
    # for a site where these directories are restricted to read-only.
    #<Directory /home/*/public_html>
    # AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig Limit
    # Options MultiViews Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch IncludesNoExec
    # Order allow,deny
    # Allow from all
    # </Limit>
    # Order deny,allow
    # Deny from all
    # </LimitExcept>
    # DirectoryIndex: Name of the file or files to use as a pre-written HTML
    # directory index. Separate multiple entries with spaces.
    <IfModule mod_dir.c>
    DirectoryIndex index.html index.php index.htm
    # AccessFileName: The name of the file to look for in each directory
    # for access control information.
    AccessFileName .htaccess
    # The following lines prevent .htaccess files from being viewed by
    # Web clients. Since .htaccess files often contain authorization
    # information, access is disallowed for security reasons. Comment
    # these lines out if you want Web visitors to see the contents of
    # .htaccess files. If you change the AccessFileName directive above,
    # be sure to make the corresponding changes here.
    # Also, folks tend to use names such as .htpasswd for password
    # files, so this will protect those as well.
    <Files ~ "^\.([Hh][Tt]|[Dd][Ss]_[Ss])">
    Order allow,deny
    Deny from all
    Satisfy All
    # Apple specific filesystem protection.
    <Files "rsrc">
    Order allow,deny
    Deny from all
    Satisfy All
    <Directory ~ ".*\.\.namedfork">
    Order allow,deny
    Deny from all
    Satisfy All
    # CacheNegotiatedDocs: By default, Apache sends "Pragma: no-cache" with each
    # document that was negotiated on the basis of content. This asks proxy
    # servers not to cache the document. Uncommenting the following line disables
    # this behavior, and proxies will be allowed to cache the documents.
    # UseCanonicalName: (new for 1.3) With this setting turned on, whenever
    # Apache needs to construct a self-referencing URL (a URL that refers back
    # to the server the response is coming from) it will use ServerName and
    # Port to form a "canonical" name. With this setting off, Apache will
    # use the hostname:port that the client supplied, when possible. This
    # also affects SERVER_NAME and SERVER_PORT in CGI scripts.
    UseCanonicalName On
    # TypesConfig describes where the mime.types file (or equivalent) is
    # to be found.
    <IfModule mod_mime.c>
    TypesConfig /private/etc/httpd/mime.types
    # DefaultType is the default MIME type the server will use for a document
    # if it cannot otherwise determine one, such as from filename extensions.
    # If your server contains mostly text or HTML documents, "text/plain" is
    # a good value. If most of your content is binary, such as applications
    # or images, you may want to use "application/octet-stream" instead to
    # keep browsers from trying to display binary files as though they are
    # text.
    DefaultType text/plain
    # The modmimemagic module allows the server to use various hints from the
    # contents of the file itself to determine its type. The MIMEMagicFile
    # directive tells the module where the hint definitions are located.
    # modmimemagic is not part of the default server (you have to add
    # it yourself with a LoadModule [see the DSO paragraph in the 'Global
    # Environment' section], or recompile the server and include modmimemagic
    # as part of the configuration), so it's enclosed in an <IfModule> container.
    # This means that the MIMEMagicFile directive will only be processed if the
    # module is part of the server.
    <IfModule modmimemagic.c>
    MIMEMagicFile /private/etc/httpd/magic
    # HostnameLookups: Log the names of clients or just their IP addresses
    # e.g., (on) or (off).
    # The default is off because it'd be overall better for the net if people
    # had to knowingly turn this feature on, since enabling it means that
    # each client request will result in AT LEAST one lookup request to the
    # nameserver.
    HostnameLookups Off
    # ErrorLog: The location of the error log file.
    # If you do not specify an ErrorLog directive within a <VirtualHost>
    # container, error messages relating to that virtual host will be
    # logged here. If you do define an error logfile for a <VirtualHost>
    # container, that host's errors will be logged there and not here.
    ErrorLog "/private/var/log/httpd/error_log"
    # LogLevel: Control the number of messages logged to the error_log.
    # Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
    # alert, emerg.
    LogLevel warn
    # The following directives define some format nicknames for use with
    # a CustomLog directive (see below).
    LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" combined
    LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" common
    LogFormat "%{Referer}i -> %U" referer
    LogFormat "%{User-agent}i" agent
    # The location and format of the access logfile (Common Logfile Format).
    # If you do not define any access logfiles within a <VirtualHost>
    # container, they will be logged here. Contrariwise, if you do
    # define per-<VirtualHost> access logfiles, transactions will be
    # logged therein and not in this file.
    CustomLog "/private/var/log/httpd/access_log" common
    # If you would like to have agent and referer logfiles, uncomment the
    # following directives.
    #CustomLog "/private/var/log/httpd/referer_log" referer
    #CustomLog "/private/var/log/httpd/agent_log" agent
    # If you prefer a single logfile with access, agent, and referer information
    # (Combined Logfile Format) you can use the following directive.
    #CustomLog "/private/var/log/httpd/access_log" combined
    # Optionally add a line containing the server version and virtual host
    # name to server-generated pages (error documents, FTP directory listings,
    # mod_status and mod_info output etc., but not CGI generated documents).
    # Set to "EMail" to also include a mailto: link to the ServerAdmin.
    # Set to one of: On | Off | EMail
    ServerSignature On
    # EBCDIC configuration:
    # (only for mainframes using the EBCDIC codeset, currently one of:
    # Fujitsu-Siemens' BS2000/OSD, IBM's OS/390 and IBM's TPF)!!
    # The following default configuration assumes that "text files"
    # are stored in EBCDIC (so that you can operate on them using the
    # normal POSIX tools like grep and sort) while "binary files" are
    # stored with identical octets as on an ASCII machine.
    # The directives are evaluated in configuration file order, with
    # the EBCDICConvert directives applied before EBCDICConvertByType.
    # If you want to have ASCII HTML documents and EBCDIC HTML documents
    # at the same time, you can use the file extension to force
    # conversion off for the ASCII documents:
    # > AddType text/html .ahtml
    # > EBCDICConvert Off=InOut .ahtml
    # EBCDICConvertByType On=InOut text/* message/* multipart/*
    # EBCDICConvertByType On=In application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    # EBCDICConvertByType On=InOut application/postscript model/vrml
    # EBCDICConvertByType Off=InOut /
    # Aliases: Add here as many aliases as you need (with no limit). The format is
    # Alias fakename realname
    <IfModule mod_alias.c>
    # Note that if you include a trailing / on fakename then the server will
    # require it to be present in the URL. So "/icons" isn't aliased in this
    # example, only "/icons/". If the fakename is slash-terminated, then the
    # realname must also be slash terminated, and if the fakename omits the
    # trailing slash, the realname must also omit it.
    Alias /icons/ "/usr/share/httpd/icons/"
    <Directory "/usr/share/httpd/icons">
    Options Indexes MultiViews
    AllowOverride None
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
    # This Alias will project the on-line documentation tree under /manual/
    # even if you change the DocumentRoot. Comment it if you don't want to
    # provide access to the on-line documentation.
    Alias /manual/ "/Library/WebServer/Documents/manual/"
    <Directory "/Library/WebServer/Documents/manual">
    Options Indexes FollowSymlinks MultiViews
    AllowOverride None
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
    # ScriptAlias: This controls which directories contain server scripts.
    # ScriptAliases are essentially the same as Aliases, except that
    # documents in the realname directory are treated as applications and
    # run by the server when requested rather than as documents sent to the client.
    # The same rules about trailing "/" apply to ScriptAlias directives as to
    # Alias.
    ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/"
    # "/Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables" should be changed to whatever your ScriptAliased
    # CGI directory exists, if you have that configured.
    <Directory "/Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables">
    AllowOverride None
    Options None
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
    # End of aliases.
    # Redirect allows you to tell clients about documents which used to exist in
    # your server's namespace, but do not anymore. This allows you to tell the
    # clients where to look for the relocated document.
    # Format: Redirect old-URI new-URL
    # Directives controlling the display of server-generated directory listings.
    <IfModule mod_autoindex.c>
    # FancyIndexing is whether you want fancy directory indexing or standard
    IndexOptions FancyIndexing
    # AddIcon* directives tell the server which icon to show for different
    # files or filename extensions. These are only displayed for
    # FancyIndexed directories.
    AddIconByEncoding (CMP,/icons/compressed.gif) x-compress x-gzip
    AddIconByType (TXT,/icons/text.gif) text/*
    AddIconByType (IMG,/icons/image2.gif) image/*
    AddIconByType (SND,/icons/sound2.gif) audio/*
    AddIconByType (VID,/icons/movie.gif) video/*
    AddIcon /icons/binary.gif .bin .exe
    AddIcon /icons/binhex.gif .hqx
    AddIcon /icons/tar.gif .tar
    AddIcon /icons/world2.gif .wrl .wrl.gz .vrml .vrm .iv
    AddIcon /icons/compressed.gif .Z .z .tgz .gz .zip
    AddIcon /icons/a.gif .ps .ai .eps
    AddIcon /icons/layout.gif .html .shtml .htm .pdf
    AddIcon /icons/text.gif .txt
    AddIcon /icons/c.gif .c
    AddIcon /icons/p.gif .pl .py
    AddIcon /icons/f.gif .for
    AddIcon /icons/dvi.gif .dvi
    AddIcon /icons/uuencoded.gif .uu
    AddIcon /icons/script.gif .conf .sh .shar .csh .ksh .tcl
    AddIcon /icons/tex.gif .tex
    AddIcon /icons/bomb.gif core
    AddIcon /icons/back.gif ..
    AddIcon /icons/hand.right.gif README
    AddIcon /icons/folder.gif ^^DIRECTORY^^
    AddIcon /icons/blank.gif ^^BLANKICON^^
    # DefaultIcon is which icon to show for files which do not have an icon
    # explicitly set.
    DefaultIcon /icons/unknown.gif
    # AddDescription allows you to place a short description after a file in
    # server-generated indexes. These are only displayed for FancyIndexed
    # directories.
    # Format: AddDescription "description" filename
    #AddDescription "GZIP compressed document" .gz
    #AddDescription "tar archive" .tar
    #AddDescription "GZIP compressed tar archive" .tgz
    # ReadmeName is the name of the README file the server will look for by
    # default, and append to directory listings.
    # HeaderName is the name of a file which should be prepended to
    # directory indexes.
    ReadmeName README.html
    HeaderName HEADER.html
    # IndexIgnore is a set of filenames which directory indexing should ignore
    # and not include in the listing. Shell-style wildcarding is permitted.
    IndexIgnore .??* *~ *# HEADER* README* RCS CVS *,v *,t
    # End of indexing directives.
    # Document types.
    <IfModule mod_mime.c>
    # AddLanguage allows you to specify the language of a document. You can
    # then use content negotiation to give a browser a file in a language
    # it can understand.
    # Note 1: The suffix does not have to be the same as the language
    # keyword --- those with documents in Polish (whose net-standard
    # language code is pl) may wish to use "AddLanguage pl .po" to
    # avoid the ambiguity with the common suffix for perl scripts.
    # Note 2: The example entries below illustrate that in quite
    # some cases the two character 'Language' abbreviation is not
    # identical to the two character 'Country' code for its country,
    # E.g. 'Danmark/dk' versus 'Danish/da'.
    # Note 3: In the case of 'ltz' we violate the RFC by using a three char
    # specifier. But there is 'work in progress' to fix this and get
    # the reference data for rfc1766 cleaned up.
    # Danish (da) - Dutch (nl) - English (en) - Estonian (ee)
    # French (fr) - German (de) - Greek-Modern (el)
    # Italian (it) - Korean (kr) - Norwegian (no) - Norwegian Nynorsk (nn)
    # Portugese (pt) - Luxembourgeois* (ltz)
    # Spanish (es) - Swedish (sv) - Catalan (ca) - Czech(cs)
    # Polish (pl) - Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br) - Japanese (ja)
    # Russian (ru)
    AddLanguage da .dk
    AddLanguage nl .nl
    AddLanguage en .en
    AddLanguage et .ee
    AddLanguage fr .fr
    AddLanguage de .de
    AddLanguage el .el
    AddLanguage he .he
    AddCharset ISO-8859-8 .iso8859-8
    AddLanguage it .it
    AddLanguage ja .ja
    AddCharset ISO-2022-JP .jis
    AddLanguage kr .kr
    AddCharset ISO-2022-KR .iso-kr
    AddLanguage nn .nn
    AddLanguage no .no
    AddLanguage pl .po
    AddCharset ISO-8859-2 .iso-pl
    AddLanguage pt .pt
    AddLanguage pt-br .pt-br
    AddLanguage ltz .lu
    AddLanguage ca .ca
    AddLanguage es .es
    AddLanguage sv .sv
    AddLanguage cs .cz .cs
    AddLanguage ru .ru
    AddLanguage zh-TW .zh-tw
    AddCharset Big5 .Big5 .big5
    AddCharset WINDOWS-1251 .cp-1251
    AddCharset CP866 .cp866
    AddCharset ISO-8859-5 .iso-ru
    AddCharset KOI8-R .koi8-r
    AddCharset UCS-2 .ucs2
    AddCharset UCS-4 .ucs4
    AddCharset UTF-8 .utf8
    # LanguagePriority allows you to give precedence to some languages
    # in case of a tie during content negotiation.
    # Just list the languages in decreasing order of preference. We have
    # more or less alphabetized them here. You probably want to change this.
    <IfModule mod_negotiation.c>
    LanguagePriority en da nl et fr de el it ja kr no pl pt pt-br ru ltz ca es sv tw
    # AddType allows you to tweak mime.types without actually editing it, or to
    # make certain files to be certain types.
    AddType application/x-tar .tgz
    # AddEncoding allows you to have certain browsers uncompress
    # information on the fly. Note: Not all browsers support this.
    # Despite the name similarity, the following Add* directives have nothing
    # to do with the FancyIndexing customization directives above.
    AddEncoding x-compress .Z
    AddEncoding x-gzip .gz .tgz
    # If the AddEncoding directives above are commented-out, then you
    # probably should define those extensions to indicate media types:
    #AddType application/x-compress .Z
    #AddType application/x-gzip .gz .tgz
    # AddHandler allows you to map certain file extensions to "handlers",
    # actions unrelated to filetype. These can be either built into the server
    # or added with the Action command (see below)
    # If you want to use server side includes, or CGI outside
    # ScriptAliased directories, uncomment the following lines.
    # To use CGI scripts:
    #AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
    # To use server-parsed HTML files
    #AddType text/html .shtml
    #AddHandler server-parsed .shtml
    # Uncomment the following line to enable Apache's send-asis HTTP file
    # feature
    #AddHandler send-as-is asis
    # If you wish to use server-parsed imagemap files, use
    #AddHandler imap-file map
    # To enable type maps, you might want to use
    #AddHandler type-map var
    # End of document types.
    # Action lets you define media types that will execute a script whenever
    # a matching file is called. This eliminates the need for repeated URL
    # pathnames for oft-used CGI file processors.
    # Format: Action media/type /cgi-script/location
    # Format: Action handler-name /cgi-script/location
    # MetaDir: specifies the name of the directory in which Apache can find
    # meta information files. These files contain additional HTTP headers
    # to include when sending the document
    #MetaDir .web
    # MetaSuffix: specifies the file name suffix for the file containing the
    # meta information.
    #MetaSuffix .meta
    # Customizable error response (Apache style)
    # these come in three flavors
    # 1) plain text
    #ErrorDocument 500 "The server made a boo boo.
    # n.b. the single leading (") marks it as text, it does not get output
    # 2) local redirects
    #ErrorDocument 404 /missing.html
    # to redirect to local URL /missing.html
    #ErrorDocument 404 /cgi-bin/
    # N.B.: You can redirect to a script or a document using server-side-includes.
    # 3) external redirects
    #ErrorDocument 402
    # N.B.: Many of the environment variables associated with the original
    # request will not be available to such a script.
    # Customize behaviour based on the browser
    <IfModule mod_setenvif.c>
    # The following directives modify normal HTTP response behavior.
    # The first directive disables keepalive for Netscape 2.x and browsers that
    # spoof it. There are known problems with these browser implementations.
    # The second directive is for Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0b2
    # which has a broken HTTP/1.1 implementation and does not properly
    # support keepalive when it is used on 301 or 302 (redirect) responses.
    BrowserMatch "Mozilla/2" nokeepalive
    BrowserMatch "MSIE 4\.0b2;" nokeepalive downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0
    # The following directive disables HTTP/1.1 responses to browsers which
    # are in violation of the HTTP/1.0 spec by not being able to grok a
    # basic 1.1 response.
    BrowserMatch "RealPlayer 4\.0" force-response-1.0
    BrowserMatch "Java/1\.0" force-response-1.0
    BrowserMatch "JDK/1\.0" force-response-1.0
    # End of browser customization directives
    # Allow server status reports, with the URL of http://servername/server-status
    # Change the "" to match your domain to enable.
    #<Location /server-status>
    # SetHandler server-status
    # Order deny,allow
    # Deny from all
    # Allow from
    # Allow remote server configuration reports, with the URL of
    # http://servername/server-info (requires that mod_info.c be loaded).
    # Change the "" to match your domain to enable.
    #<Location /server-info>
    # SetHandler server-info
    # Order deny,allow
    # Deny from all
    # Allow from
    # There have been reports of people trying to abuse an old bug from pre-1.1
    # days. This bug involved a CGI script distributed as a part of Apache.
    # By uncommenting these lines you can redirect these attacks to a logging
    # script on Or, you can record them yourself, using the script
    # support/phfabuselog.cgi.
    #<Location /cgi-bin/phf*>
    # Deny from all
    # ErrorDocument 403
    # Proxy Server directives. Uncomment the following lines to
    # enable the proxy server:
    #<IfModule mod_proxy.c>
    # ProxyRequests On
    # <Directory proxy:*>
    # Order deny,allow
    # Deny from all
    # Allow from
    # </Directory>
    # Enable/disable the handling of HTTP/1.1 "Via:" headers.
    # ("Full" adds the server version; "Block" removes all outgoing Via: headers)
    # Set to one of: Off | On | Full | Block
    # ProxyVia On
    # To enable the cache as well, edit and uncomment the following lines:
    # (no cacheing without CacheRoot)
    # CacheRoot "/private/var/run/proxy"
    # CacheSize 5
    # CacheGcInterval 4
    # CacheMaxExpire 24
    # CacheLastModifiedFactor 0.1
    # CacheDefaultExpire 1
    # NoCache
    # End of proxy directives.
    ### Section 3: Virtual Hosts
    # VirtualHost: If you want to maintain multiple domains/hostnames on your
    # machine you can setup VirtualHost containers for them. Most configurations
    # use only name-based virtual hosts so the server doesn't need to worry about
    # IP addresses. This is indicated by the asterisks in the directives below.
    # Please see the documentation at <URL:<a class="jive-link-external-small" href="http://">>
    # for further details before you try to setup virtual hosts.
    # You may use the command line option '-S' to verify your virtual host
    # configuration.
    # Use name-based virtual hosting.
    #NameVirtualHost *:80
    # VirtualHost example:
    # Almost any Apache directive may go into a VirtualHost container.
    # The first VirtualHost section is used for requests without a known
    # server name.
    #<VirtualHost *:80>
    # ServerAdmin [email protected]
    # DocumentRoot /www/docs/
    # ServerName
    # ErrorLog logs/
    # CustomLog logs/ common

    gparker03 wrote:
    Holy cow .... http://localhost/index.php is working! So basically the php has to be run ON the apache server correct? How would I get it to run in something like Coda? It's not viewable currently in Coda's preview menu.
    Hmm. I downloaded Coda and messed with it a bit and I can't figure out how to get it to do that. Basically, you'd need a way to get it to recognize that the files need to be previewed with the Apache server instead of just reading them from the temporary files it seems to create. You might have to resort to using two apps open: Coda for editing, then just switch to your regular browser and access it through the "http://localhost" address. That's basically what I do. I edit in TextMate or BBEdit, then use a shortcut like "command-tab" to switch to my browser and preview it there.
    Also mysql is already installed correct?
    No, there's a user created for MySQL, but the server itself isn't installed. The best place to get it is from MySQL's web site. Just make sure you get the right version for your OS and CPU architecture.

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