PI 2.2 automatically export ClientsAndUsers data to .csv

Hello dear community,
i try to automate export the data from the Monitor > Client and Users to .csv file.
Is it possible to export the file every week automatically in .csv format to an external
server (preferably SCP or SFTP). Or any other way.?

Hi Waldemar,
That won't be possible. 
But you can get the same data by running a report from Reports > Report Launch Pad > Client. The reports can be scheduled to run weekly/daily & saved locally on the server or sent through email.
You would have to manually copy the reports out to an external server like a FTP/SFTP server.

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    How are you doing this.
    You would have got XML representation for the XML batch received from SQL
    You should have a flat-file schema representing the CSV file which you want to send.
    Map the received XML representation of data from SQL to flat-file schema
    have custom pipeline with flat-file assembler on the assembler stage of the send pipeline.
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    If this answers your question please mark it accordingly. If this post is helpful, please vote as helpful by clicking the upward arrow mark next to my reply.

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    Detail: Eror Message Pop-Up During Export Grid Data to CSV. Error Message:
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    The issue was within the .csv file.  There were duplicate records that were attempting to load as the ID value.  After deleting the duplicate records, the transformation file ran successfully.

  • Exporting table data to .csv file

    How to export the table data (this table is having 18 million records) to .csv file. using SQL Developer and PL/SQL deveoloper it is taking too long time to complete. Please let me know is there any faster way to complete this task.
    Thanks in advance

    Also bear in mind that SQL Developer and PL/SQL Developer are running on your local client, so it's transferring all 18 million rows to the client before formatting and putting them out to a file. If you had some PL/SQL code to export it on the database server it would run a lot faster as you wouldn't have the network traffic delay to deal with, although your file would then reside on the server rather than the client (which isn't necessarily a bad thing as a lot of companies would be concerned about the security of their data especially if it ends up being stored on local machines rather than on a secure server).
    As already asked, why on earth do you need to store 18 million rows in a CSV file? The database is the best place to keep the data.

  • Reg: Export table data into CSV

    Hi Experts,
    I'm stuck up with a requirement, where I have to export data of all tables from a schema into separate table specific CSV files.
    I tried using SQL Plus 'SPOOL' but it gives me additional queries executed on top of CSV generated.
    Also, i'm not getting the headers (coz i'm using pagesize 0 )
    Any help id highly appreciated?
    Ranit B.

    Starting point...
    As sys user:
    /As myuser:
                                         ,p_dir IN VARCHAR2
                                         ,p_header_file IN VARCHAR2
                                         ,p_data_file IN VARCHAR2 := NULL) IS
      v_finaltxt  VARCHAR2(4000);
      v_v_val     VARCHAR2(4000);
      v_n_val     NUMBER;
      v_d_val     DATE;
      v_ret       NUMBER;
      c           NUMBER;
      d           NUMBER;
      col_cnt     INTEGER;
      f           BOOLEAN;
      rec_tab     DBMS_SQL.DESC_TAB;
      col_num     NUMBER;
      v_fh        UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;
      v_samefile  BOOLEAN := (NVL(p_data_file,p_header_file) = p_header_file);
      d := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE(c);
      DBMS_SQL.DESCRIBE_COLUMNS(c, col_cnt, rec_tab);
      FOR j in 1..col_cnt
        CASE rec_tab(j).col_type
          WHEN 1 THEN DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN(c,j,v_v_val,2000);
          WHEN 2 THEN DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN(c,j,v_n_val);
          WHEN 12 THEN DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN(c,j,v_d_val);
        END CASE;
      END LOOP;
      -- This part outputs the HEADER
      v_fh := UTL_FILE.FOPEN(upper(p_dir),p_header_file,'w',32767);
      FOR j in 1..col_cnt
        v_finaltxt := ltrim(v_finaltxt||','||lower(rec_tab(j).col_name),',');
      END LOOP;
      --  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_finaltxt);
      UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_fh, v_finaltxt);
      IF NOT v_samefile THEN
      END IF;
      -- This part outputs the DATA
      IF NOT v_samefile THEN
        v_fh := UTL_FILE.FOPEN(upper(p_dir),p_data_file,'w',32767);
      END IF;
        v_ret := DBMS_SQL.FETCH_ROWS(c);
        EXIT WHEN v_ret = 0;
        v_finaltxt := NULL;
        FOR j in 1..col_cnt
          CASE rec_tab(j).col_type
            WHEN 1 THEN DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(c,j,v_v_val);
                        v_finaltxt := ltrim(v_finaltxt||',"'||v_v_val||'"',',');
            WHEN 2 THEN DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(c,j,v_n_val);
                        v_finaltxt := ltrim(v_finaltxt||','||v_n_val,',');
            WHEN 12 THEN DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(c,j,v_d_val);
                        v_finaltxt := ltrim(v_finaltxt||','||to_char(v_d_val,'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),',');
            v_finaltxt := ltrim(v_finaltxt||',"'||v_v_val||'"',',');
          END CASE;
        END LOOP;
      --  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_finaltxt);
        UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_fh, v_finaltxt);
      END LOOP;
    END;This allows for the header row and the data to be written to seperate files if required.
    SQL> exec run_query('select * from emp','TEST_DIR','output.txt');
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.Output.txt file contains:
    7369,"SMITH","CLERK",7902,17/12/1980 00:00:00,800,,20
    7499,"ALLEN","SALESMAN",7698,20/02/1981 00:00:00,1600,300,30
    7521,"WARD","SALESMAN",7698,22/02/1981 00:00:00,1250,500,30
    7566,"JONES","MANAGER",7839,02/04/1981 00:00:00,2975,,20
    7654,"MARTIN","SALESMAN",7698,28/09/1981 00:00:00,1250,1400,30
    7698,"BLAKE","MANAGER",7839,01/05/1981 00:00:00,2850,,30
    7782,"CLARK","MANAGER",7839,09/06/1981 00:00:00,2450,,10
    7788,"SCOTT","ANALYST",7566,19/04/1987 00:00:00,3000,,20
    7839,"KING","PRESIDENT",,17/11/1981 00:00:00,5000,,10
    7844,"TURNER","SALESMAN",7698,08/09/1981 00:00:00,1500,0,30
    7876,"ADAMS","CLERK",7788,23/05/1987 00:00:00,1100,,20
    7900,"JAMES","CLERK",7698,03/12/1981 00:00:00,950,,30
    7902,"FORD","ANALYST",7566,03/12/1981 00:00:00,3000,,20
    7934,"MILLER","CLERK",7782,23/01/1982 00:00:00,1300,,10The procedure allows for the header and data to go to seperate files if required. Just specifying the "header" filename will put the header and data in the one file.
    Adapt to output different datatypes and styles are required.
    With this you can call the procedure for each of your tables, querying whatever columns you want, and specifying whatever filename(s) you want.

  • Exporting Table Data as CSV

    I am having to export a schema's tables in CSV format. The largest has 10,000,000 rows.
    I've written an SQL*Plus script that automatically creates a SQL script for each table using the USER_TABLES view. So far, so good...
    Unfortunately, running the 10,000,000 row export script, for example, takes 20 hours (down from 40 hours thanks to several SET commands to aid efficiency). The output file is 900Mb.
    Is there a better (as in quicker) way? I threw it at TOAD which, er, croaked!

    Tom Kyte has a few utilities to do this kind of thing. Try this link to see what he has available.

  • Exporting table data in csv format

    hi all...
    my schema has total 672 tables and i need to export thedatas of all tables in separate csv files(i.e for one table there will be one csv)..
    I am using plsql developer...but i got no tool to do that..
    Manually doing that is next to impossible for all the tables...
    Is there any way out???
    please help...

    hi...is it possible to do this using simple cursor...
    i have tried this...but its not working...
    SQL> spool d:\abcd.csv
    Started spooling to d:\abcd.csv
    SQL> declare
    2 cursor c1 is select table_name from user_tables;
    3 v_c1 c1%rowtype;
    5 begin
    6 open c1;
    7 loop
    8 fetch c1 into v_c1;
    9 exit when c1%notfound;
    10 select * from v_c1.table_name;
    11 end loop;
    12 close c1;
    14 end;
    15 /
    cursor c1 is select table_name from user_tables;
    v_c1 c1%rowtype;
    open c1;
    fetch c1 into v_c1;
    exit when c1%notfound;
    select * from v_c1.table_name;
    end loop;
    close c1;
    ORA-06550: line 11, column 20:
    PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    ORA-06550: line 11, column 1:
    PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored

  • How to give path in plsql while exporting table data into .csv file

    i have a code like this
    PROCEDURE dump_table_to_csv (
    p_tname IN VARCHAR2,
    p_dir IN VARCHAR2,
    p_filename IN VARCHAR2
    l_output UTL_FILE.file_type;
    l_thecursor INTEGER DEFAULT DBMS_SQL.open_cursor;
    l_columnvalue VARCHAR2 (4000);
    l_status INTEGER;
    l_query VARCHAR2 (1000) DEFAULT 'select * from ' || p_tname;
    l_colcnt NUMBER := 0;
    l_separator VARCHAR2 (1);
    l_desctbl DBMS_SQL.desc_tab;
    l_output := UTL_FILE.fopen (p_dir, p_filename, 'w');
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'alter session set nls_date_format=''dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss''';
    DBMS_SQL.parse (l_thecursor, l_query, DBMS_SQL.native);
    DBMS_SQL.describe_columns (l_thecursor, l_colcnt, l_desctbl);
    FOR i IN 1 .. l_colcnt
    UTL_FILE.put (l_output,
    l_separator || '"' || l_desctbl (i).col_name || '"'
    DBMS_SQL.define_column (l_thecursor, i, l_columnvalue, 4000);
    l_separator := ',';
    UTL_FILE.new_line (l_output);
    l_status := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE (l_thecursor);
    WHILE (DBMS_SQL.fetch_rows (l_thecursor) > 0)
    l_separator := '';
    FOR i IN 1 .. l_colcnt
    DBMS_SQL.column_value (l_thecursor, i, l_columnvalue);
    UTL_FILE.put (l_output, l_separator || l_columnvalue);
    l_separator := ',';
    UTL_FILE.new_line (l_output);
    DBMS_SQL.close_cursor (l_thecursor);
    UTL_FILE.fclose (l_output);
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'alter session set nls_date_format=''dd-MON-yy'' ';
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'alter session set nls_date_format=''dd-MON-yy'' ';
    I am getting error like :-------
    SQL> exec dump_table_to_csv('deptair','c:/csv','aa.deptair');
    BEGIN dump_table_to_csv('deptair','c:/csv','aa.deptair'); END;
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
    ORA-06512: at line 8
    ORA-29280: invalid directory path
    ORA-06512: at "SCOTT.DUMP_TABLE_TO_CSV", line 58
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    pplease help me out

    look at your other thread, answer is already there.

  • How can we export table data to a CSV file??

    I have the following requirement. Initially business agreed upon, exporting the table data to Excel file. But now, they would like to export the table data to a CSV file, which is not being supported by af:exportCollectionActionListener component.
    Because, when i opened the exported CSV file, i can see the exported data sorrounded with HTML tags. Hence the issue.
    Does someone has any solution for this ... Like, how can we export the table data to csv format. And it should work similar to exporting the data to excel sheet.
    For youre reference here is the code which i have used to export the table data..
    ><f:facet name="menus">
    ><af:menu text="Menu" id="m1">
    ><af:commandMenuItem text="Print" id="cmi1">
    ><af:exportCollectionActionListener exportedId="t1"
    >type="excelHTML"/> ---- I tried with removing value for this attribute. With no value, it did not worked at all.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Kiran Konjeti

    Hi Alex,
    I have already visited that POST and it works only in 10g. Not in 11g.
    I got the solution for this. The solution is :
    Use the following code in jsff
    <af:commandButton text="Export Data" id="ctb1">><af:fileDownloadActionListener contentType="text/csv; charset=utf-8"
    <af:commandButton text="Export Data" id="ctb1">><af:fileDownloadActionListener contentType="application/vnd.ms-excel; charset=utf-8"
    And place this code in ManagedBean
    > public void test(FacesContext facesContext, OutputStream outputStream) throws IOException {
    > DCBindingContainer dcBindings = (DCBindingContainer)BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();
    >DCIteratorBinding itrBinding = (DCIteratorBinding)dcBindings.get("fetchDataIterator");
    >tableRows = itrBinding.getAllRowsInRange();
    preparaing column headers
    >PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(outputStream);
    >out.print(" ID");
    preparing column data
    > for(Row row : tableRows){
    >DCDataRow dataRow = (DCDataRow)row;
    > DataLoaderDTO dto = (DataLoaderDTO)dataRow.getDataProvider();
    > }
    And do the following settings(*OPTIONAL*) for your browser - Only in case, if the file is being blocked by IE
    This resolves implementation of exporting table data to CSV file in 11g.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Kiran Konjeti

  • Error "Encountered an error while exporting the data. View the lof file (DPR-10126)

    I would like to have sugestions and help to solve a problem in IS 4.2.
    I've created a view from two tables, joined together with the key from each one.
    Then i've binded the rule with the view (mentioned above) created and calculated score for it.
    The calculation is successful, however when i try to export all failed data i have the following error:
    "Encountered an error while exporting the data. View the lof file (DPR-10126)"
    When exporting failed data from calculations made directly to the datasources i do not encounter any problem, but when i try to export all data to CSV file (not only the 500 results limit) i have this kind of error.
    However, when i visualize the data from the view created, it is also possible to export to csv file.
    Resuming, the error occurs only when exporting all failed data from the view.
    Can anyone help with this issue?
    Best Regards,

    Your information is correct.
    I've just confirmed it in the 4.2 SP3 Release Notes and they specifically refer to this issue.
    A user who has 'View objects' rights for the project and a failed rule connection cannot export the failed data. This issue has been fixed in this release.
    Thank you very much for your input.
    Best Regards,

  • Exporting form data to a single table

    I have created a form in LiveCycle Designer ES 8.2  and simply want to export the data into a single table that I can then import into Access. It appears that in LiveCycle the row elements of a table are children of the table element and the column elements are children of the row elements.  I am wondering if there is an easy way to design a form in LiveCycle so that each cell of a table is a root element like the rest of the fields in the form.  I basically want to export one row of data from each form and append it to a larger table. Exporting the data as csv or tab-delimited would be sufficient, but neither of these appears to be an option.

    The only way I've found to do this is to open the form in Acrobat, click Forms, mouse over Manage Form Data, then click Export Data. Your only options are to save as .xml or .xdp. I saved my data as .xml. I was then able to import the .xml file into excel by clicking Data, mousing over xml, clicking Import... and browsing to the Acrobat generated .xml file. I know this is convoluted but it's the only way I've found to get the data into a spreadsheet. Acrobat exports the data as filename_data.xml, i.e. a form named contacts will export it's data as contacts_data.xml. Be aware, I've only tested this on a form that had a table in it and nothing else. If your table is part of a form with other fields in it I have no idea how the other data will look after exporting.

  • Export Data as CSV - PHP/MySQL

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    Hi Bert,
    no, ADDT doesn´t provide this feature, but there are quite some other extensions out there to export results from a recordset as CSV -- guess you´ll find some listed in the Dreamweaver Exchange.
    Günter Schenk
    Adobe Community Expert, Dreamweaver

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    Thanks in advance

    corlettk wrote:
    and if it contains two double qoutes?
    Double each of them, of course
    I think someone said that apache has an open source csv reader/writer library... which I presume would conform to the "best open standard" whatever that it is, and hence take care of all this crapolla for you.Very likely. Google will probably turn up a bunch.

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    There are many tools that do this - SQLDeveloper is a "free" one (assuming you have a valid database license). TOAD, SQLNavigator, Discoverer etc are other tools you can use for a fee. As noted above, none of these tools can represent LOB data in csv format - they can be only used to export traditional data to csv.

Maybe you are looking for

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