Picture freeze on clip playback

I'm new with Mac OS and i have a brandnew iMac and a new Canon HF10 HD camera.
IMovie 08 Ver.7.1.4 was the only way i found to import the video clips.
When i try to play the imported video clips the picture i frozen after 2 seconds and the sound
stops after 3-4 seconds. The progress bar still continues working. I have the same bahavior when i stop the playback with the spacebar and than continue with the playback.
I use PAL 25fps with iMovie. I have the same problem when i try to play the clips using the Quicktime player as the clips are stored as .mov files. Has anyone encountered the same problems and nows a workaround?

Found the reason for the problem.
I moved the video files from the NAS-Server to the local harddisk and now it works.

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    Did you manage to get to the bottom of this or are you still having trouble?
    BT Mod Team
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    I logged out and logged in as a different user. I fired up FCPX and imported the same event file from the book.
    It did not freeze once during playback.
    I then imported one of the clips (.mov) I had imported from tape. Again, no problem whatsoever.
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    iDVD: DV widescreen 16:9 workflow from Final Cut Pro at http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=305337 is always a good starting point to verify you have done things correctly.
    Did you use any chapter markers in FCP?
    F Shippey

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    == Operating system ==
    Windows XP

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    Having searched many forums for a solution to freezing on DVD playback (particularly with DVD players older than about 4 years) without success, I have isolated the issue to layer separation in Encore when building.
    The solution I have discovered to get around this is
    1. Create your video in Premiere Pro as normal.
    2. Export to hard drive using Adobe Media Encoder and set Multiplex to DVD, Bitrate encoding to CBR for better final quality.
    3. Import into Encore and create menus etc normally.
    4. Build as a DVD Image to your hard drive with the following settings, irrespective of your file size, set size to 4.7GB, this turns off the Layer break options. Then set size to "Custom"  then set custom size to slightly larger than you file. Make sure "side" is set to 1.
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    6. Import this file into DVD Shrink and shrink back to your hard drive as an *.iso file to fit a single layer DVD.
    7. Double click this file to automatically open and burn a DVD using Nero. Make sure burn speed is 4x or less.
    Good luck

    Thanks for posting your solutions.
    I've found that three factors affect DVD playback most, and in this order:
    1.) choice of media - Verbatim and Taiyo Yuden are highly recommended. Falcon gets good reviews, but is/was only available in US. Have never used it.
    2.) burn speed - slower is always better (as you point out). Luckily, Encore allows one to choose a slow burn speed, based on one's selection of media and also the capabilities of the burner. I always buy the slowest media, that Verbatim, or TY offer at the time. I want SLOW.
    3.) keeping the bit-rate at about 7MB/s. This one gets debated a bit, and many have never had an issue at 8MB/s - YMMV
    Now, my workflow is a tad different, as I always Export from PrPro as a DV-AVI Type II elemental stream (Video-only, no multiplexing obviously) and AC3 DD 5.1 SS Audio-only (or PCM/WAV 48KHz 16-bit, if I'm not doing 5.1 SS with the SurCode encoder). The DV-AVI is Imported into Encore as a Timeline, and the AC3 (or WAV) is Imported as an Asset. The Audio is dragged to the respective Timeline.
    Unless I have some real need for bit-budgeting, I let Encore Transcode on Automatic. Even if one uses the above Assets and requires bit-budgeting, you can still set up the Transcoding manually, or can Export from PrPro as an MPEG-2 with the necessary settings. I strongly recommend not using any muxed files as Assets in Encore. Some will work, but many just flat fail.
    So far, my method has yielded several hundred Projects with almost 2000 DVD's Burned. Not one has ever come back. Now, each Project gets checked with a DVD RW "test," and then the first DVD -R, or +R gets run through 5 different machines, plus the computer, before delivery, but still no returns, and some of my clients have some pretty old gear. For my testing, I use several brands of players and the models range from a pure esoteric down to a re-branded discount store cheapie. If it plays on all of these, I ship it out the door.
    Appreciate the posting of your workflow,

  • How do you freeze a clip

    I can't freeze a clip and  make it a still for a period of time

    Howdy NODsedroc,
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    The article linked below will walk you through the process of freezing a frame from a clip in iMovie.
    iMovie (2013): Add clips
    Create a freeze frame from a clip
    You can create a freeze frame from any video clip in a movie. When you create a freeze-frame clip in a movie, the freeze-frame clip is added at the location where it’s created, so that it looks as if time has stopped in your movie.
    In the timeline, move the playhead over the frame in the clip you want to freeze.
    Choose Modify > Add Freeze Frame.
    By default, a 4-second freeze-frame clip is inserted at the playhead position. The freeze-frame clip contains no audio.
    You can drag the freeze-frame clip to a new location in the project and change its duration as you would any other clip. To remove it from your project, select it and press Delete. For information about setting the default length of freeze frames, see Customize movie settings.
    Video that’s been added to a project is marked along the bottom with an orange stripe in the browser, so you can see at a glance which video you’ve used. You can add the same video to as many projects as you like.
    If you’re adding video from multiple sources and it doesn’t all fit within the aspect ratio you set for the project, iMovie can automatically crop it to fit your aspect ratio as you add it to your movie. You can also crop your footage for any purpose you like. For more information, see Crop a clip.

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    I haven’t been able to find any.
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    Thanks for the rapid response to my enquiry.
    I know that it’s possible to adjust the monitor’s performance via System Preferences but it is rather long-winded and I’d rather not alter the settings for the entire screen (and then have to change them all back once finished) when it’s only the video playback window that needs adjustment.
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    Regarding QuickTime.
    Apparently earlier versions (such as 7) had picture controls but the current version (10.4) does not.
    I assume Apple are phasing out QT whose development seems to have stopped - or rather gone backwards since it now lacks capabilities it once had - and intend in future to treat iTunes as their universal media player which no doubt makes sense from their point of view.
    I wasn’t aware of the .m4v file type when I made my first and probably last video purchase via iTunes yesterday and didn’t realise that it would restrict my options for playback so completely.
    The experience has really put me off buying any additional video from the iTunes Store.
    Back to DVDs.

  • Premiere 2014 MXF Footage Still Crashing, Glitching, Picture Freezes but Audio Plays Fine, Footage Duplicating Itself in Media Bin & Timeline - HitFilm3 pro plays fine!

    WTH is going with Premiere?  These continuing problems are just getting worse and worse. I just imported 12 hours of MXF footage at 720p and almost all the footage has duplicated itself in my media bin when I import. rather the files are there ie: AA009906.MXF, and so on numerically, but the lengths are all the same, and the picons play the exact same footage within the media bin. So I drag all the footage to the timeline where the footage is all duplicated the same amount of files there are. But not always. Also if I just drag the first file down to timeline, almost the whole disk shows up on the timeline. Finally when playing, after about a couple of minutes, the pictures freezes on some non descript frame for the rest of about 2 hours worth.  Then everything all picks up fine. Next chip of files same thing but at different places.
    What's really a hoot, is that I just downloaded a trial version of HITFILM3PRO editing software and all my footage plays just fine without any of ADOBE's glitches.  Also downloaded AVL Player for MXF files, to which everything plays just fine too.
    This is oh so ridiculous that If I weren't laughing so much right now, i'd be on the verge of a heart attack with all this Adobe Crap!
    I can't fathom why Adobe isn't paying me to be a Beta Tester, instead of me having to call my new client, Once Again, and tell them that their project is on Hold, Once again, just the same for every project ever since adobe introduced "CREATIVE CLOUD".

    Hi TVPRich,
    WTH is going with Premiere?  These continuing problems are just getting worse and worse. I just imported 12 hours of MXF footage at 720p and almost all the footage has duplicated itself in my media bin when I import. rather the files are there ie: AA009906.MXF, and so on numerically, but the lengths are all the same, and the picons play the exact same footage within the media bin. So I drag all the footage to the timeline where the footage is all duplicated the same amount of files there are. But not always. Also if I just drag the first file down to timeline, almost the whole disk shows up on the timeline. Finally when playing, after about a couple of minutes, the pictures freezes on some non-descript frame for the rest of about 2 hours worth.  Then everything all picks up fine. Next chip of files same thing but at different places.
    That's strange. Can you upload a test file so I can try and replicate the behavior?
    You did ingest via the Media Browser after copying the camera's HD cards to your media HD right?
    What kind of camera is this?
    I can't fathom why Adobe isn't paying me to be a Beta Tester, instead of me having to call my new client, Once Again, and tell them that their project is on Hold, Once again, just the same for every project ever since adobe introduced "CREATIVE CLOUD".
    I don't know why, but you sure do get your fair share of issues. I would be happy to try and help you get through this if I can.

  • Can I do picture in picture when both clips are in a project?

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    What you are describing can be done rather easily using FInal Cut Pro X, a $300 tool. But FCPX has a steep learning curve and is expensive, so is there a way to do it using a $15 app?
    Yes, there is a way.
    1) Edit your picture in picture sequence in a new project. Get it just like you like it.
    2) Use SHARE/EXPORT USING QUICKTIME. Choose "Movie to QuickTIme Movie" and click options. Choose Apple Intermediate Codec for the compression under Video Options. Give it a name and save it where you can find it.
    3) Now, in iMovie, click FILE/IMPORT MOVIE and import the movie you just made into your Event.
    4) You can now drag it in to the original project as a Picture in Picture.

  • How do I convert a freeze frame clip in iMovie to a jpeg file for sharing as a still photo?

    How do I convert a freeze frame clip in iMovie to a jpeg file for sharing as a still photo?

    command-shift-3 will create a .png file on your desktop of your screen. You can also do command-shift 4 and crop the image.

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    my f20 my media centre tv picture freezes for a few seconds then the processors fan kicks in and the picture comes back. is this connected I have checked the ariel on other devices and the signal is ok

    In my opinion the picture freezes for a few seconds because the CPU starts a new background process. As far as I know similar issues occur if the CPU performance usage goes to 100%.

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    When I FaceTime friends in Tenerife, the video is on for a few seconds then their picture freezes followed by a blank screen with a Poor Connection message. When they Facetime back, the video is perfect. Has anybody any ideas?

    I had this same thing happen to me.  I was using my brand new iphone 5 (texting and listening to music through the speakers) when it flashed the apple logo, stopped my music and brought me to the lock screen. 

  • Picture Freezes, Goes Black

    I'm watching a movie ((931 Outmax HD) and at exactly 1:00 AM the picture freezes. I tried to change to another channel and nothing - screen went black. I could press Play/Pause and it would show the info line at the bottom of the screen, but still no picture. After about 15 minutes, the picture was back.  
    I've only had FIOS TV for a few weeks and have been pretty disappointed in the number of times the picture just freezes. Is this normal?

    To the OP, it is likely a signal issue (as mentioned) caused by a loose or corroded coax connector somewhere on the path between the ONT and the STB.  Problems on one or more channels is a common symptom of this phenomena due the the wavelengths of the QAM channels involved.  Reseat and tighten all coax connectors and it may solve the problem.  It did for me when I had a similar issue.

Maybe you are looking for