Pkgbuild for vmware on kernel 2.6.1? [FXx]

had try intsall vmware on kernel 2.4.24 and 2.6.1 (have read all articles in this forums), but all failed!
could you provide a pkgbuild for vmware? for kernel 2.6

i don'T think that there will ever be a PKGBUILD for VMWare, because it's commercial software... but i posted alot of hints in the "Package Configuration Problems" Forum... … highlight=
nearly each posible problem is described there... if u still have problems, post ur errors and anything u got about it there, and i try to help u.....

Similar Messages

  • Updated PKGBUILD for vmware-server-modules 2.0.2

    I have updated the PKGBUILD for the vmware-server-modules and added patches for kernel 2.6.35 and 2.6.36.
    The package is currently marked as an orphan, so I'll have to adopt it do upload the changes, right?
    Could someone please take a look at this, and say if it is good enough.
    I haven't really made any changes other than adding patches for kernel 2.6.35 and 2.6.36, but since there are some 'not so positive comments' following this package in AUR maybe there is more that should be done?
    It works on my x86_64 2.6.36-arch install.
    pkgdesc="Kernel modules for VMware Server"
    arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
    conflicts=('vmware-workstation-modules' 'vmware-player-modules')
    _kernver=`uname -r`
    source=(VMware-server-2.0.2-203138-update-2.patch vmware-server-modules-autoconf.patch vmware-server-modules-vsock-kernel2.6.35.patch vmware-server-modules-vmmon-kernel2.6.36.patch)
    case ${CARCH} in
    source=(${source[@]} 'VMware-server-2.0.2-203138.i386.tar.gz')
    md5sums=(${md5sums[@]} '6eb844d1ab4aed6128438e5f587d10bb');;
    source=(${source[@]} 'VMware-server-2.0.2-203138.x86_64.tar.gz')
    md5sums=(${md5sums[@]} 'cc7aef813008eeb7150c21547d431b39');;
    build() {
    cd "$srcdir/vmware-server-distrib/lib/modules/source"
    for module in *.tar; do
    tar xf $module
    cd "$srcdir/vmware-server-distrib"
    # patch
    patch -p1 < ../VMware-server-2.0.2-203138-update-2.patch
    patch -p2 < ../vmware-server-modules-autoconf.patch
    if [[ ${_kernver:0:6} == "2.6.35" ]]; then
    patch -p1 < ../vmware-server-modules-vsock-kernel2.6.35.patch
    if [[ ${_kernver:0:6} == "2.6.36" ]]; then
    patch -p1 < ../vmware-server-modules-vsock-kernel2.6.35.patch
    patch -p1 < ../vmware-server-modules-vmmon-kernel2.6.36.patch
    cd "$srcdir/vmware-server-distrib/lib/modules/source"
    for module in vmci vsock vmmon vmnet; do
    make -C $module-only HEADER_DIR=/lib/modules/$_kernver/build/include || \
    return 1
    install -D -m644 $module-only/$module.ko \
    # License
    install -D -m644 "$srcdir/vmware-server-distrib/doc/EULA" \
    install -D -m644 "$srcdir/vmware-server-distrib/doc/open_source_licenses.txt" \
    sed -i -e "s|KERNEL_VERSION='.*'|KERNEL_VERSION='$_kernver'|" \

    i don'T think that there will ever be a PKGBUILD for VMWare, because it's commercial software... but i posted alot of hints in the "Package Configuration Problems" Forum... … highlight=
    nearly each posible problem is described there... if u still have problems, post ur errors and anything u got about it there, and i try to help u.....

  • PKGBUILD for custom kernel issue

    Hi all,
    Last night I was putting together a PKGBUILD for a kernel I'd like to compile that has the ck patchset, grsecurity (latest testing), and had broadcom-wl on it already so I don't have to keep reinstalling it from AUR and doing depmod each time as it keeps making me have to find an ethernet cable. I used the kerne26 Arch PKGBUILD as a base and included parts of kernel-netbook for broadcom-wl, kernel26-grsecurity, and kernel26-ck and altered name variables and links etc so it all works and all sources are downloaded. I also got the two .patch files (semaphore and something else) from the kernel-netbook tarball to build the thing with, I don't know if it would work without them.
    However when I get into the build() a few patches are applied before I get messages about patches already applied or reversed, and then it says build failed because of an error, I can't tell which package is causing thins or why (it all goes by too fast, and the error says failed without reason, and the reversed patch messages are what is immediately previous to it). I have not yet gone all the way through the pkgbuild - especially towards the end, and I felt that the standard setup of init file system creation and such were ok, and if anything does need altering about it, I can deal with it once I get these first troubles solved.
    Below is my pkgbuild so far. Hopefully there are people out there who can aid me with this.
    # Maintainer: Ben Ward <[email protected]>
    # pkgname=('kernel26' 'kernel26-headers' 'kernel26-docs') # Build stock -ARCH kernel
    pkgname=kernel26-custom # Build kernel with a different name
    #Base kernel info
    #ARCH patch info
    #grsecurity info
    #Broadcom-wl info
    #ck-patch info
    arch=(i686 x86_64)
    # the main kernel config files
    config config.x86_64
    # standard config files for mkinitcpio ramdisk
    build() {
    cd ${srcdir}/linux-$_basekernel
    # Apply patch to basekernel
    msg "Checking basekernel is ip to date..."
    if [[ "${_basekernel}" != "${pkgver}" ]]; then
    msg "Patching source with upstream patch..."
    patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/patch-${pkgver}" || return 1
    # Add -ARCH patches
    # See
    msg "Patching Kernel with ARCH patches..."
    patch -Np1 -i ${srcdir}/${_archpatchname}
    # Add ck patch
    msg "Patching Kernel with ck patches..."
    patch -Np1 -i ${srcdir}/${_ckpatchname}
    # Add grsecurity patch
    msg "Patching kernel with grsecurity testing branch..."
    if [ "$CARCH" = "x86_64" ]; then
    cat ../config.x86_64 >./.config
    cat ../config >./.config
    if [ "${_kernelname}" != "" ]; then
    sed -i "s|CONFIG_LOCALVERSION=.*|CONFIG_LOCALVERSION=\"${_kernelname}\"|g" ./.config
    # get kernel version
    make prepare
    # load configuration
    # Configure the kernel. Replace the line below with one of your choice.
    #make menuconfig # CLI menu for configuration
    make nconfig # new CLI menu for configuration
    #make xconfig # X-based configuration
    #make oldconfig # using old config from previous kernel version
    # ... or manually edit .config
    # stop here
    # this is useful to configure the kernel
    #msg "Stopping build"
    #return 1
    yes "" | make config
    # build!
    make ${MAKEFLAGS} bzImage modules
    package_kernel26() {
    pkgdesc="The Linux Kernel and modules"
    depends=('coreutils' 'linux-firmware' 'module-init-tools>=3.12-2' 'mkinitcpio>=0.6.8-2')
    # pwc, ieee80211 and hostap-driver26 modules are included in kernel26 now
    # nforce package support was abandoned by nvidia, kernel modules should cover everything now.
    # kernel24 support is dropped since glibc24
    replaces=('kernel24' 'kernel24-scsi' 'kernel26-scsi'
    'alsa-driver' 'ieee80211' 'hostap-driver26'
    'pwc' 'nforce' 'squashfs' 'unionfs' 'ivtv'
    'zd1211' 'kvm-modules' 'iwlwifi' 'rt2x00-cvs'
    'gspcav1' 'atl2' 'wlan-ng26' 'rt2500' 'nouveau-drm')
    optdepends=('crda: to set the correct wireless channels of your country')
    cd ${srcdir}/linux-$_basekernel
    # get kernel version
    _kernver="$(make kernelrelease)"
    mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/{lib/modules,lib/firmware,boot}
    make INSTALL_MOD_PATH=${pkgdir} modules_install
    cp ${pkgdir}/boot/System.map26${_kernelname}
    cp arch/$KARCH/boot/bzImage ${pkgdir}/boot/vmlinuz26${_kernelname}
    # # add vmlinux
    install -m644 -D vmlinux ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/vmlinux
    # install fallback mkinitcpio.conf file and preset file for kernel
    install -m644 -D ${srcdir}/kernel26.preset ${pkgdir}/etc/mkinitcpio.d/${pkgname}.preset
    # set correct depmod command for install
    sed \
    -e "s/KERNEL_NAME=.*/KERNEL_NAME=${_kernelname}/g" \
    -e "s/KERNEL_VERSION=.*/KERNEL_VERSION=${_kernver}/g" \
    -i $startdir/kernel26.install
    sed \
    -e "s|source .*|source /etc/mkinitcpio.d/kernel26${_kernelname}.kver|g" \
    -e "s|default_image=.*|default_image=\"/boot/${pkgname}.img\"|g" \
    -e "s|fallback_image=.*|fallback_image=\"/boot/${pkgname}-fallback.img\"|g" \
    -i ${pkgdir}/etc/mkinitcpio.d/${pkgname}.preset
    echo -e "# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE\nALL_kver='${_kernver}'" > ${pkgdir}/etc/mkinitcpio.d/${pkgname}.kver
    # remove build and source links
    rm -f ${pkgdir}/lib/modules/${_kernver}/{source,build}
    # remove the firmware
    rm -rf ${pkgdir}/lib/firmware
    # gzip -9 all modules to safe 100MB of space
    find "$pkgdir" -name '*.ko' -exec gzip -9 {} \;
    ##Section: Broadcom-wl
    msg "Compiling broadcom-wl module:"
    cd ${srcdir}/
    #patching broadcom as broadcom-wl package on AUR
    patch -p1 < license.patch
    patch -p1 < semaphore.patch
    patch -p1 < mutex-sema.patch
    make -C ${srcdir}/linux-$_basekernel M=`pwd`
    install -D -m 755 wl.ko ${pkgdir}/lib/modules/$_kernver/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/wl.ko
    package_kernel26-headers() {
    pkgdesc="Header files and scripts for building modules for kernel26"
    mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/lib/modules/${_kernver}
    cd ${pkgdir}/lib/modules/${_kernver}
    ln -sf ../../../usr/src/linux-${_kernver} build
    cd ${srcdir}/linux-$_basekernel
    install -D -m644 Makefile \
    install -D -m644 kernel/Makefile \
    install -D -m644 .config \
    mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/include
    for i in acpi asm-generic config generated linux math-emu media net pcmcia scsi sound trace video xen; do
    cp -a include/$i ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/include/
    # copy arch includes for external modules
    mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/arch/x86
    cp -a arch/x86/include ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/arch/x86/
    # copy files necessary for later builds, like nvidia and vmware
    cp Module.symvers ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}
    cp -a scripts ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}
    # fix permissions on scripts dir
    chmod og-w -R ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/scripts
    mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/.tmp_versions
    mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/arch/$KARCH/kernel
    cp arch/$KARCH/Makefile ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/arch/$KARCH/
    if [ "$CARCH" = "i686" ]; then
    cp arch/$KARCH/Makefile_32.cpu ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/arch/$KARCH/
    cp arch/$KARCH/kernel/asm-offsets.s ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/arch/$KARCH/kernel/
    # add headers for lirc package
    mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/video
    cp drivers/media/video/*.h ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/video/
    for i in bt8xx cpia2 cx25840 cx88 em28xx et61x251 pwc saa7134 sn9c102; do
    mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/video/$i
    cp -a drivers/media/video/$i/*.h ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/video/$i
    mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/staging/usbvideo/
    cp -a drivers/staging/usbvideo/*.h ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/staging/usbvideo/
    # add docbook makefile
    install -D -m644 Documentation/DocBook/Makefile \
    # add dm headers
    mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/md
    cp drivers/md/*.h ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/md
    # add inotify.h
    mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/include/linux
    cp include/linux/inotify.h ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/include/linux/
    # add wireless headers
    mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/net/mac80211/
    cp net/mac80211/*.h ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/net/mac80211/
    # add dvb headers for external modules
    # in reference to:
    mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-core
    cp drivers/media/dvb/dvb-core/*.h ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-core/
    # add dvb headers for external modules
    # in reference to:
    mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/include/config/dvb/
    cp include/config/dvb/*.h ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/include/config/dvb/
    # add dvb headers for
    # in reference to:
    mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/dvb/frontends/
    cp drivers/media/dvb/frontends/lgdt330x.h ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/dvb/frontends/
    cp drivers/media/video/msp3400-driver.h ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/dvb/frontends/
    # add dvb headers
    # in reference to:
    mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb
    cp drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/*.h ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/
    mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/dvb/frontends
    cp drivers/media/dvb/frontends/*.h ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/dvb/frontends/
    mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/common/tuners
    cp drivers/media/common/tuners/*.h ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/common/tuners/
    # add xfs and shmem for aufs building
    mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/fs/xfs
    mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/mm
    cp fs/xfs/xfs_sb.h ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/fs/xfs/xfs_sb.h
    # add headers vor virtualbox
    # in reference to:
    cp -a include/drm $pkgdir/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/include/
    # add headers for broadcom wl
    # in reference to:
    cp -a include/trace $pkgdir/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/include/
    # add headers for crypto modules
    # in reference to:
    cp -a include/crypto $pkgdir/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/include/
    # copy in Kconfig files
    for i in `find . -name "Kconfig*"`; do
    mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/`echo $i | sed 's|/Kconfig.*||'`
    cp $i ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/$i
    chown -R root.root ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}
    find ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver} -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
    # strip scripts directory
    find ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/scripts -type f -perm -u+w 2>/dev/null | while read binary ; do
    case "$(file -bi "$binary")" in
    *application/x-sharedlib*) # Libraries (.so)
    /usr/bin/strip $STRIP_SHARED "$binary";;
    *application/x-archive*) # Libraries (.a)
    /usr/bin/strip $STRIP_STATIC "$binary";;
    *application/x-executable*) # Binaries
    /usr/bin/strip $STRIP_BINARIES "$binary";;
    # remove unneeded architectures
    rm -rf ${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/arch/{alpha,arm,arm26,avr32,blackfin,cris,frv,h8300,ia64,m32r,m68k,m68knommu,mips,microblaze,mn10300,parisc,powerpc,ppc,s390,sh,sh64,sparc,sparc64,um,v850,xtensa}
    package_kernel26-docs() {
    pkgdesc="Kernel hackers manual - HTML documentation that comes with the Linux kernel."
    cd ${srcdir}/linux-$_basekernel
    mkdir -p $pkgdir/usr/src/linux-$_kernver
    mv Documentation $pkgdir/usr/src/linux-$_kernver
    find $pkgdir -type f -exec chmod 444 {} \;
    find $pkgdir -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
    # remove a file already in kernel26 package
    rm -f $pkgdir/usr/src/linux-$_kernver/Documentation/DocBook/Makefile
    I wonder if localyesconfig would take care of broadcom-wl for me...
    Last edited by Ben9250 (2011-04-20 00:12:44)

    Thank you. I guess trying the abs method wouldn't hurt. My main issue was configuration. I've only just skimmed the PKGBUILD so I'm not aware of how it handles it. I suppose I could write my own as described in the wiki as well. Thanks again.
    Edit: Further research has revealed to me that the kernel headers are merely there for when the full source tree isn't. Seeing as the full tree is present in my case, the headers are unnecessary. I may take graysky's advice though and use pacman to manage my kernel.
    Last edited by smithr.michael1997 (2011-03-31 02:17:29)

  • Finding a PKGBUILD for the kernel (for Asus EEE )

    I'm trying to build a kernel that will support the Asus Eee's non-source drivers out of the box without ndiswrapper.  I also would like to install the whole thing using my pacman.  Is there any way to get a complete PKGBUILD for this kernel?  If possible, I'd also like to get the associated patches, etc if possible.
    I'm basing my hack on some things listed here:
    I played with the CVS for awhile, but couldn't find a way to get the kernel PKGBUILD, and I'm not sure if CVS would even do this.
    After this, I'll have to compare the PKGBUILD with the config that Asus used on their kernel.  We'll see how it goes.  Thanks for any help or tips.

    lilsirecho wrote:
    Normally PKGBUILDS for kernels are not provided in arch.
    However, one has been inserted into the aur mix by raymano and it is for kernel
    What are you talking about - I thought the PKGBUILDs were publicly available. Atleast I can see them - and you could certainly create your own although with a little difficulty for such an early kernel - but It should be possible

  • [solved] new abs PKGBUILD for package kernel26...old kernel?

    I was looking into the new PKGBUILD in the /var/abs/core/kernel26 folder, as I wanted to update my custom kernel. I was editing the new PKGBUILD when I saw something weird...references to files and patch seems to be same as the 2.6.37 version. Is _basekernel value not updated? Am I wrong?
    Take a look:
    new PKGBUILD (I copied only relevant lines):
    now...these is exactly the same as PKGBUILD for 2.6.37. But the new files are:
    If I am right, someone has to update variable values...
    Last edited by gemon (2011-02-21 22:17:23)

    well...I had time to check so...this is the content for the PKGBUILD after I run abs yesterday (pasted only relevant lines):
    # $Id: PKGBUILD 109724 2011-02-12 08:01:06Z tpowa $
    pkgname=('kernel26' 'kernel26-headers' 'kernel26-docs') # Build stock -ARCH kernel
    this is the one I run tonight...looks updated now
    # $Id: PKGBUILD 110322 2011-02-18 20:13:49Z tpowa $
    pkgname=('kernel26' 'kernel26-headers' 'kernel26-docs') # Build stock -ARCH kernel
    now patch filename and kernel sources correctly resolve to the latest ones.
    but believe me, right after I had the kernel, the abs PKGBUILD was outdated...probably it is updated after kernel package is released. doesn't matter
    all in it's ok

  • [Solved] Can not build modules for VMware Player after kernel updates

    I have a problem generating the modules for VMware Player after kernel updates. I am using  VMware Player version 5.02 (without patches) and the softlink according to the Wiki.
    When I start the installation of the modules from the GUI, the program just closes. Running vmware-modconfig in the CLI generates the following log file:
    2013-04-29T09:49:27.891+01:00| vthread-3| I120: Log for VMware Workstation pid=7478 version=9.0.2 build=build-1031769 option=Release
    2013-04-29T09:49:27.891+01:00| vthread-3| I120: The process is 64-bit.
    2013-04-29T09:49:27.891+01:00| vthread-3| I120: Host codepage=UTF-8 encoding=UTF-8
    2013-04-29T09:49:27.891+01:00| vthread-3| I120: Host is Linux 3.8.10-1-ARCH 2012.11.29
    2013-04-29T09:49:27.891+01:00| vthread-3| I120: Msg_Reset:
    2013-04-29T09:49:27.891+01:00| vthread-3| I120: [msg.dictionary.load.openFailed] Cannot open file "/usr/lib/vmware/settings": Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden.
    2013-04-29T09:49:27.891+01:00| vthread-3| I120: ----------------------------------------
    2013-04-29T09:49:27.891+01:00| vthread-3| I120: PREF Optional preferences file not found at /usr/lib/vmware/settings. Using default values.
    2013-04-29T09:49:27.891+01:00| vthread-3| I120: Msg_Reset:
    2013-04-29T09:49:27.891+01:00| vthread-3| I120: [msg.dictionary.load.openFailed] Cannot open file "/root/.vmware/config": Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden.
    2013-04-29T09:49:27.891+01:00| vthread-3| I120: ----------------------------------------
    2013-04-29T09:49:27.891+01:00| vthread-3| I120: PREF Optional preferences file not found at /root/.vmware/config. Using default values.
    2013-04-29T09:49:27.891+01:00| vthread-3| W110: Logging to /tmp/vmware-root/vmware-modconfig-7478.log
    2013-04-29T09:49:27.892+01:00| vthread-3| W110: Icon name must be set.
    Interestingly, after deinstallation and reinstallation the VMWare Player works fine.
    Any hint, what's going wrong?
    Last edited by Thomas_Do (2013-08-07 07:25:51)

    Today, (Kernel  3.10.5-1, VMware Player version 5.02 with kernel patches) the modules could successful be generated from the CLI:
    vmware-modconfig --console --install-all
    Solved (somehow).

  • Help with PKGBUILD for nvidia driver cards

    Hello, I'm trying to make a PKGBUILD for the new geforce beta driver for the kernel26-mm kernel, geforce-utils went just fine, but the the geforce package was more tricky, here's the PKGBUILD:
    pkgdesc="NVIDIA drivers for kernel26mm."
    arch=(i686 x86_64)
    [ "$CARCH" = "i686" ] && ARCH=x86
    [ "$CARCH" = "x86_64" ] && ARCH=x86_64
    depends=('kernel26mm' 'geforce-utils')
    [ "$CARCH" = "x86_64" ] && md5sums=()
    # Extract
    cd $startdir/src/
    sh NVIDIA-Linux-$ARCH-${pkgver} --extract-only
    cd NVIDIA-Linux-$ARCH-${pkgver}-pkg1
    cd usr/src/nv/
    ln -s Makefile.kbuild Makefile
    make SYSSRC=/lib/modules/${_kernver}/build module || return 1
    # install kernel module
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/lib/modules/${_kernver}/kernel/drivers/video/
    install -m644 nvidia.ko $startdir/pkg/lib/modules/${_kernver}/kernel/drivers/video/
    sed -i -e "s/KERNEL_VERSION='.*'/KERNEL_VERSION='${_kernver}'/" $startdir/*.install
    Output when running it:
    [roberth@Magda geforce-mm]$ makepkg
    ==> Making package: geforce-mm 173.08-1 (Mon Apr 14 22:44:41 CEST 2008)
    ==> Checking Runtime Dependencies...
    ==> Checking Buildtime Dependencies...
    ==> Retrieving Sources...
    -> Downloading
    --2008-04-14 22:44:41--
    Connecting to||:80... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
    Length: 18958181 (18M) [application/octet-stream]
    Saving to: `'
    100%[===========================================================================================================================================================================================>] 18,958,181 710K/s in 26s
    2008-04-14 22:45:07 (720 KB/s) - `' saved [18958181/18958181]
    ==> WARNING: Integrity checks (md5) are missing or incomplete.
    ==> Extracting Sources...
    ==> Entering fakeroot environment...
    ==> Starting build()...
    Creating directory NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.08-pkg1
    Verifying archive integrity... OK
    Uncompressing NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver for Linux-x86 173.08...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
    NVIDIA: calling KBUILD...
    make CC=cc KBUILD_VERBOSE=1 -C /lib/modules/2.6.25-mm/build SUBDIRS=/home/roberth/pkg/geforce-mm/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.08-pkg1/usr/src/nv modules
    test -e include/linux/autoconf.h -a -e include/config/auto.conf || ( \
    echo; \
    echo " ERROR: Kernel configuration is invalid."; \
    echo " include/linux/autoconf.h or include/config/auto.conf are missing."; \
    echo " Run 'make oldconfig && make prepare' on kernel src to fix it."; \
    echo; \
    mkdir -p /home/roberth/pkg/geforce-mm/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.08-pkg1/usr/src/nv/.tmp_versions ; rm -f /home/roberth/pkg/geforce-mm/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.08-pkg1/usr/src/nv/.tmp_versions/*
    make -f scripts/ obj=/home/roberth/pkg/geforce-mm/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.08-pkg1/usr/src/nv
    cc -Wp,-MD,/home/roberth/pkg/geforce-mm/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.08-pkg1/usr/src/nv/.nv.o.d -nostdinc -isystem /usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-linux-gnu/4.3.0/include -D__KERNEL__ -Iinclude -include include/linux/autoconf.h -Wall -Wundef -Wstrict-prototypes -Wno-trigraphs -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -Werror-implicit-function-declaration -O2 -fno-stack-protector -m32 -msoft-float -mregparm=3 -freg-struct-return -mpreferred-stack-boundary=2 -march=i686 -mtune=generic -ffreestanding -DCONFIG_AS_CFI=1 -DCONFIG_AS_CFI_SIGNAL_FRAME=1 -pipe -Wno-sign-compare -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables -mno-sse -mno-mmx -mno-sse2 -mno-3dnow -Iinclude/asm-x86/mach-default -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-optimize-sibling-calls -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wno-pointer-sign -I/home/roberth/pkg/geforce-mm/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.08-pkg1/usr/src/nv -Wall -Wimplicit -Wreturn-type -Wswitch -Wformat -Wchar-subscripts -Wparentheses -Wpointer-arith -Wno-multichar -Werror -MD -Wsign-compare -Wno-cast-qual -Wno-error -D__KERNEL__ -DMODULE -DNVRM -DNV_VERSION_STRING=\"173.08\" -UDEBUG -U_DEBUG -DNDEBUG -DMODULE -D"KBUILD_STR(s)=#s" -D"KBUILD_BASENAME=KBUILD_STR(nv)" -D"KBUILD_MODNAME=KBUILD_STR(nvidia)" -c -o /home/roberth/pkg/geforce-mm/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.08-pkg1/usr/src/nv/nv.o /home/roberth/pkg/geforce-mm/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.08-pkg1/usr/src/nv/nv.c
    In file included from include/linux/list.h:8,
    from include/linux/preempt.h:11,
    from include/linux/spinlock.h:49,
    from include/linux/seqlock.h:29,
    from include/linux/time.h:8,
    from include/linux/timex.h:57,
    from include/linux/sched.h:54,
    from include/linux/utsname.h:35,
    from /home/roberth/pkg/geforce-mm/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.08-pkg1/usr/src/nv/nv-linux.h:19,
    from /home/roberth/pkg/geforce-mm/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.08-pkg1/usr/src/nv/nv.c:14:
    include/linux/prefetch.h: In function 'prefetch_range':
    include/linux/prefetch.h:57: warning: pointer of type 'void *' used in arithmetic
    In file included from include/linux/gfp.h:4,
    from include/linux/slab.h:14,
    from include/linux/percpu.h:5,
    from include/linux/rcupdate.h:41,
    from include/linux/pid.h:4,
    from include/linux/sched.h:74,
    from include/linux/utsname.h:35,
    from /home/roberth/pkg/geforce-mm/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.08-pkg1/usr/src/nv/nv-linux.h:19,
    from /home/roberth/pkg/geforce-mm/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.08-pkg1/usr/src/nv/nv.c:14:
    include/linux/mmzone.h: In function 'first_zones_zonelist':
    include/linux/mmzone.h:778: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned
    include/linux/mmzone.h:781: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned
    include/linux/mmzone.h: In function 'next_zones_zonelist':
    include/linux/mmzone.h:798: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned
    include/linux/mmzone.h:801: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned
    In file included from include/asm/dma-mapping_32.h:5,
    from include/asm/dma-mapping.h:2,
    from include/linux/dma-mapping.h:52,
    from include/asm-generic/pci-dma-compat.h:7,
    from include/asm/pci.h:90,
    from include/linux/pci.h:937,
    from /home/roberth/pkg/geforce-mm/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.08-pkg1/usr/src/nv/nv-linux.h:86,
    from /home/roberth/pkg/geforce-mm/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.08-pkg1/usr/src/nv/nv.c:14:
    include/linux/scatterlist.h: In function 'sg_virt':
    include/linux/scatterlist.h:199: warning: pointer of type 'void *' used in arithmetic
    In file included from /home/roberth/pkg/geforce-mm/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.08-pkg1/usr/src/nv/nv-linux.h:109,
    from /home/roberth/pkg/geforce-mm/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.08-pkg1/usr/src/nv/nv.c:14:
    include/linux/highmem.h: In function 'zero_user_segments':
    include/linux/highmem.h:134: warning: pointer of type 'void *' used in arithmetic
    include/linux/highmem.h:134: warning: pointer of type 'void *' used in arithmetic
    include/linux/highmem.h:134: warning: pointer of type 'void *' used in arithmetic
    include/linux/highmem.h:134: warning: pointer of type 'void *' used in arithmetic
    include/linux/highmem.h:137: warning: pointer of type 'void *' used in arithmetic
    include/linux/highmem.h:137: warning: pointer of type 'void *' used in arithmetic
    include/linux/highmem.h:137: warning: pointer of type 'void *' used in arithmetic
    include/linux/highmem.h:137: warning: pointer of type 'void *' used in arithmetic
    /home/roberth/pkg/geforce-mm/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.08-pkg1/usr/src/nv/nv.c: In function 'nv_kern_vma_nopage':
    /home/roberth/pkg/geforce-mm/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.08-pkg1/usr/src/nv/nv.c:1846: error: 'NOPAGE_SIGBUS' undeclared (first use in this function)
    /home/roberth/pkg/geforce-mm/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.08-pkg1/usr/src/nv/nv.c:1846: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
    /home/roberth/pkg/geforce-mm/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.08-pkg1/usr/src/nv/nv.c:1846: error: for each function it appears in.)
    /home/roberth/pkg/geforce-mm/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.08-pkg1/usr/src/nv/nv.c: At top level:
    /home/roberth/pkg/geforce-mm/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.08-pkg1/usr/src/nv/nv.c:1853: error: unknown field 'nopage' specified in initializer
    /home/roberth/pkg/geforce-mm/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.08-pkg1/usr/src/nv/nv.c:1853: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
    make[3]: *** [/home/roberth/pkg/geforce-mm/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.08-pkg1/usr/src/nv/nv.o] Error 1
    make[2]: *** [_module_/home/roberth/pkg/geforce-mm/src/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.08-pkg1/usr/src/nv] Error 2
    NVIDIA: left KBUILD.
    nvidia.ko failed to build!
    make[1]: *** [module] Error 1
    make: *** [module] Error 2
    ==> ERROR: Build Failed.
    Anybody have a clue?

    It seems I was wrong! I found a patch on the nvidia forums which actually makes it works
    I don't know if it will work for you, or how safe it is, but I guess it is worth a shot.
    The patch:
    --- os-agp.c.25 2008-04-02 01:34:49.000000000 -0400
    +++ os-agp.c 2008-04-02 01:39:00.000000000 -0400
    @@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
    nv_pte_t *page_ptr = at->page_table[i];
    - page_ptr->phys_addr = (ptr->memory[i] & PAGE_MASK);
    + page_ptr->phys_addr = (ptr->memory[i]);
    page_ptr->virt_addr = (unsigned long) __va(page_ptr->phys_addr);
    page_ptr->dma_addr = page_ptr->phys_addr;
    --- nv.c.25 2008-03-15 22:00:46.000000000 -0400
    +++ nv.c 2008-04-02 01:31:46.000000000 -0400
    @@ -613,7 +613,7 @@
    nv_state_t *nv;
    nv_linux_state_t *nvl;
    - proc_nvidia = create_proc_entry("nvidia", d_flags, proc_root_driver);
    + proc_nvidia = create_proc_entry("driver/nvidia", d_flags, NULL);
    if (!proc_nvidia)
    goto failed;
    @@ -1811,6 +1811,19 @@
    +int nv_kern_vma_fault(struct vm_area_struct *vma, struct vm_fault *vmf)
    +struct page *page;
    + page = pfn_to_page(vma->vm_pgoff);
    + if (!page)
    + return VM_FAULT_SIGBUS;
    + get_page(page);
    + vmf->page = page;
    + return 0;
    struct page *nv_kern_vma_nopage(
    struct vm_area_struct *vma,
    unsigned long address,
    @@ -1832,11 +1845,16 @@
    return NOPAGE_SIGBUS;
    +#endif /* 2.6.24 */
    struct vm_operations_struct nv_vm_ops = {
    .open = nv_kern_vma_open,
    .close = nv_kern_vma_release, /* "close" */
    + .fault = nv_kern_vma_fault,
    .nopage = nv_kern_vma_nopage,
    static nv_file_private_t *

  • New PKGBUILDs for calpp and cpyrit-calpp

    I wanted to try the calpp backend for pyrit (a WPA cracking utility), but couldn't find them in either the official repositiories or in AUR. There for I have created new PKGBUILDs for these, they work on my system (x86_64 3.1.0-4-ARCH), but as these are my first ones I wanted to post them here for review before I upload them to AUR.
    The main thing I have doubts about are the dependencies. I think I have listed them all but I'm not sure.
    Here is the PKGBUILD for calpp:
    # Maintainer: Martin R. <mr-ger [at] hotmail [dot] com>
    pkgdesc="Library to allow writing ATI CAL kernels in C++"
    arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
    depends=('amdstream' 'boost')
    build() {
    cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver"
    sed -i "s|\$ENV{ATISTREAMSDKROOT}/lib|${_streamdir}/lib|g" CMakeLists.txt
    sed -i "s|\$ENV{ATISTREAMSDKROOT}/include|/${_streamdir}/include/CAL|" CMakeLists.txt
    cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr .
    package() {
    cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver"
    make DESTDIR="$pkgdir/" install
    And here is the PKGBUILD for cpyrit-calpp:
    # Maintainer: Martin R. <mr-ger [at] hotmail [dot] com>
    pkgdesc="CAL++ backend for accelerated attack against WPA-PSK authentication, development version"
    arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
    depends=('python2' 'catalyst-utils' 'pyrit-svn')
    build() {
    svn co "${_svntrunk}/${_svnmod}"
    cd "${_svnmod}"
    sed -i "s|VERSION = '0.4.0-dev'|VERSION = '0.4.1-dev'|"
    sed -i "s|CALPP_INC_DIRS = \[\]|CALPP_INC_DIRS = \[\'${_caldir}\'\]|"
    LDFLAGS="" python2 build
    package() {
    cd "${srcdir}/${_svnmod}"
    python2 install --root="${pkgdir}" --optimize=1
    Thanks in advance
    EDIT = Updated the PKGBUILDs
    Last edited by ozon-eatar (2011-11-30 22:15:56)

    Thanks for the respones Stebalien! I have changed the things you pointed out and updated my first post.
    I have also run namcap on both packages and their PKGBUILDs. The only thing namcap complains about on the PKGBUILDs are the lack of contributer tag, which I think is unnecessary as I'm listed as the maintainer.
    On the cpyrit-calpp package namcap complains about unnecessary dependencies:
    cpyrit-calpp-svn I: Depends as namcap sees them: depends=(catalyst-utils python2)
    I tried this dep array with all packages listed before uninstalled (well, catalyst and libpcap I couldn't uninstall) and it didn't work. When I added 'calpp' to makedepends it worked, and it ran after I uninstalled calpp again.
    As cpyrit-calpp-svn is a backend to the pyrit-svn package and pointless to install without pyrit-svn I added it back to the array. Might add that this is how the dep array looked before:
    depends=('python2' 'openssl' 'zlib' 'libpcap' 'amdstream' 'catalyst' 'calpp' 'pyrit-svn')
    This is what namcap is telling me about calpp:
    calpp I: Depends as namcap sees them: depends=()
    BUT it will neither build nor will it compile one of the examples without both amdstream and boost (not just boost-libs). Therefore I have not changed the dep array for calpp.

  • What about depends=[lib32] in PKGBUILD for both arch32 &

    Example with qemu PKGBUILD
    For arch 32 it depends on sdl, alsa-lib & zlib
    For arch64 this is sdl, alsa-lib & lib32-zlib
    Is it okay to use default depends=('sdl' 'alsa-lib' 'zlib') when building on/for arch64, or should one replace 'zlib' --> 'lib32-zlib' ?

    'cause it uses a kernel I do not have (kernel-2.6.19 / 2.6.18 for example).
    That's when I noticed the "depends=('zlib'). Then namcap complained about missing dependency lib32-zlib
    I'm just wondering how such differences (on depends as well as provides or conflict) between 32 & 64 might have some effect sooner or later, especially when using makepkg.

  • Help to create a pkgbuild for harpia

    hi i want to create a pkgbuild for the harpia program
    searching in the aur and in the net i couldn't find something
    harpia exist for ubuntu and the .deb file is hosted here
    can someone help me create a working pkgbuild for arch through the .deb file
    i tried to create a first approach by creating the following PKGBUILD:
    pkgdesc="Image Processing/Computer Vision Automatic Prgm. Tool"
    build() {
    bsdtar -C "$pkgdir" -xvf data.tar.gz
    however when i am running the program i am taking the following error:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/usr/bin/harpia", line 32, in <module>
    from harpia import harpiagcfrontend
    ImportError: No module named harpia
    i guess that the problem might have to do with some dependencies or with the python library, can you provide me with some tips

    Well, I'm not going to tell you every little thing .
    I found a likely candidate for python-gnome2 in pacman using a judicious choice of search terms. As for the rest, I suggest you go to the Debian or Ubuntu package lists. The Debian ones are easy to find in Google. These lists contain lots of information about what packages contain and what they provide and where the source code is from.
    Do some detective work, you will figure it out.

  • Can anyone make a PKGBUILD for Novel iFolder and Novel consoleone ?

    Like in subject. I tried install it from Novel homepage, but i have problem with make dependiences and this two package, can anyone make good PKGBUILD for new version ? In AUR i found PKGBUILD's but the mirror doesn't work and i can't find another mirror. Thanks Igor. Have a nice day !

    Yes, but i saw many rpm package, and source code. If you talk about license there is oportunity to get free license for 30 or 60 day's. Thanx for respone.

  • Trying to modify Vultureseye PKGBUILD for Vulturesclaw

    Ok I've got the PKGBUILD for Vultureseye now I've modified it, now I confess the work is not mine. But I presumed by changing references to nethack to slashem and vultureseye to vulturesclaw, this would work as the PKGBUILD is getting both.
    But it seems I'm missing something could someone please point me in the right direction as I'm really not sure what is going on.
    pkgdesc="An isometric graphics interface to NetHack."
    arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
    depends=('sdl_mixer' 'sdl_ttf' 'sdl_image' 'libpng' 'flex' 'bison')
    build() {
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/bin
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/share/applications
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/share/licenses/custom/$pkgname
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/share/$pkgname
    cd $startdir/src
    # tar -jxf vultures-$pkgver-full.tar.bz2?format=raw
    cd $startdir/src/vultures-$pkgver/slashem/sys/unix
    cd $startdir/src/vultures-$pkgver/slashem/include
    sed -e '/define HACKDIR/ s|/usr/games/lib/nethackdir|/usr/share/vulturesclaw|' \
    -e '/^#define COMPRESS\s/ s|/usr/bin/compress|/bin/gzip|' \
    -e '/^#define COMPRESS_EXTENSION/ s|".Z"|".gz"|' \
    -e 's|^/\* \(#define DLB\) \*/|\1|' -i config.h
    sed -e 's|^/\* \(#define LINUX\) \*/|\1|' \
    -e 's|^/\* \(#define TIMED_DELAY\) \*/|\1|' -i unixconf.h
    cd $startdir/src/vultures-$pkgver/slashem
    sed -e '/^GAMEDIR\s*=/ s|/games/.*$|/share/$(GAME)|' \
    -e '/^GAMEUID\s*=/ s|games|root|' \
    -e '/^GAMEGRP\s*=/ s|bin|root|' \
    -e '/^SHELLDIR\s*=/ s|/games|/bin|' -i Makefile
    make || return 1
    make PREFIX=$startdir/pkg/usr install
    cd $startdir/pkg/usr/bin
    sed 's|HACKDIR=/.*/pkg/usr/share/vulturesclaw|HACKDIR=/usr/share/vulturesclaw|' -i vulturesclaw
    install -Dm644 $startdir/src/vultures-$pkgver/slashem/dat/license $startdir/pkg/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/license
    install -Dm644 $startdir/src/vultures-$pkgver/dist/linux/vulturesclaw.desktop $startdir/pkg/usr/share/applications/vulturesclaw.desktop
    install -Dm644 $startdir/pkg/usr/share/$pkgname/vulturesclaw.png $startdir/pkg/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/vulturesclaw.png
    This seems to be bailing out on the 1st or second sed the error I'm getting is
    sed: can't read vulturesclaw: No such file or directory
    I have to admit the few package builds I've done have been a lot simpler in comparison so I suspect the error is between the chair and the keyboard.
    Last edited by FeatherMonkey (2007-11-17 17:46:04)

    The error is probably from the last sed command :
    sed 's|HACKDIR=/.*/pkg/usr/share/vulturesclaw|HACKDIR=/usr/share/vulturesclaw|' -i vulturesclaw
    For vultureseye the file that starts the program is called vultureseye , vulturesclaw/slashem may use a different start script.
    Check the files in pkg/usr/bin to find the correct name for the start script.
    Sidenote :
    this line in my vultureseye PKGBUILD is incorrect :
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/share/licenses/custom/$pkgname
    it should be mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname

  • ABS PKGBUILD for openoffice-base fails

    The PKGBUILD for openoffice-base from the ABS tree is failing on my x86_64 system.  The compilation finishes successfully, but I start getting errors beginning at the "# install binaries" stage.  Here's the first part of the errors that I get.  ((NOTE:  I've replaced my username in the paths with 'userdir', for paranoia's sake ))
    cp: cannot stat `instsetoo_native/*': No such file or directory
    PKGBUILD: line 240: cd: /home/userdir/abs/local/openoffice-base/pkg/opt: No such file or directory
    mv: cannot stat `openoffice.org2.4': No such file or directory
    cp: cannot stat `/home/userdir/abs/local/openoffice-base/pkg/opt/openoffice/share/xdg/*.desktop': No such file or directory
    sed: can't read *.desktop: No such file or directory
    sed: can't read printeradmin.desktop: No such file or directory
    sed: can't read base.desktop: No such file or directory
    sed: can't read calc.desktop: No such file or directory
    sed: can't read draw.desktop: No such file or directory
    sed: can't read impress.desktop: No such file or directory
    sed: can't read math.desktop: No such file or directory
    sed: can't read writer.desktop: No such file or directory
    sed: can't read *.desktop: No such file or directory
    The PKGBUILD then moves through the "# install icons" step without problems.  After that, the next round of errors begin:
    sed: can't read /home/userdir/abs/local/openoffice-base/pkg/usr/share/applications/calc.desktop: No such file or directory
    touch: cannot touch `/home/userdir/abs/local/openoffice-base/pkg/opt/openoffice/share/dict/ooo/.directory': No such file or directory
    touch: cannot touch `/home/userdir/abs/local/openoffice-base/pkg/opt/openoffice/presets/template/.directory': No such file or directory
    touch: cannot touch `/home/userdir/abs/local/openoffice-base/pkg/opt/openoffice/share/extension/install/.directory': No such file or directory
    `./' -> `/opt/openoffice/program/'
    PKGBUILD: line 308: cd: /home/userdir/abs/local/openoffice-base/pkg/opt/openoffice/program/: No such file or directory
    can't find file to patch at input line 3
    Perhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?
    The text leading up to this was:
    |*** soffice.orig 2007-10-27 16:40:34.000000000 +0200
    |--- soffice 2007-10-27 16:41:14.000000000 +0200
    File to patch:
    The PKGBUILD stops at this point.  I have to Ctrl^C out of it.
    When I look in the directories, I see that instsetoo_native/ does not exist.  Instead, that path ends at instsetoo_native/ , where I find a set of 25*.deb files.  Removing the 'buildroot' part of the path might fix part of the problem, but I'm guessing something else may be going on here besides that.
    Any ideas?

    the mirrors with old packages are listed here:
    for example on … there is OO 2.2

  • Solaris 10 virtual machine for VMware

    I've tried the "Solaris 10 OS, AMD x64 Platform - Solaris Enterprise System Virtual Machine for VMware (Solaris 10 11/06) 3.0". I've d/l the virtual appliance for vmware one can find from there :
    I encountered 2 problems :
    The first was the network (netcard) wasn't recognised at all. It's strange because the settings should be the same for every vmware virtual machines. It may be because I'm running the latest version from vmware (10.0.2). The default option was NAT, and I tried the others as well. All other systems I'm using with vmware are working correctly, including the opensolaris "Nexenta".
    The second one was with the screen resolution, it was excessively huge, around 2800 x 2000. I couldn't change it in the gnome desktop (the option had no effect). I managed to change it by altering the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file. The same was for the keyboard settings, I couldn't switch to azerty (french) keyboard. I had to change it in xorg.conf file.

    im new to vmware too, but just wan to share my experience with you.
    5.5.1 vmware workstation with vmtool installed.
    - my NIC still define as pcn0, encountered packet drop network issue
    - dtlogin doesn't work properly with my screen resulation, mouse work fine without pressing ctrl+alt key to get out from vmware
    6.0 vmware workstation with vmtool installed.
    - no more packet drop issue, especially when i ssh from pc to vmware.
    - gdm fit to screen, GUI work fine.
    - my shared folder working now, mount as /hgfs.
    # ifconfig -a
    lo0: flags=2001000849<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4,VIRTUAL> mtu 8232 index 1
    inet netmask ff000000
    vmxnet0: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 2
    inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
    ether 0:c:29:75:2:f0
    # cat /etc/release
    Solaris 10 11/06 s10x_u3wos_10 X86
    Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    Use is subject to license terms.
    Assembled 14 November 2006
    Section "Device"
    Identifier "VMware SVGA"
    Driver "vmware"
    Section "Screen"
    Identifier "Screen 1"
    Device "VMware SVGA"
    Monitor "vmware"
    Section "Monitor"
    Identifier "vmware"
    VendorName "VMware, Inc"
    HorizSync 1-10000
    VertRefresh 1-10000
    # ps -ef| grep vm
    root 474 1 0 May 24 ? 10:43 /usr/sbin/vmware-guestd --background /var/run/
    root 446 1 0 May 24 ? 0:22 /usr/sbin/vmware-memctld --background /var/run/
    root 5663 1 1 08:05:32 ? 1:12 /usr/lib/vmware-tools/bin/i86/vmware-user -blockFd 3
    # modinfo| grep vm
    131 f9e15000 43c0 207 1 vmxnet (VMware Ethernet Adapter b45731)
    198 fa03d000 1a00 208 1 vmmemctl (VMware Memory Control b45731)
    199 fa03f000 69b8 209 1 vmhgfs (HGFS Device Interface)
    199 fa03f000 69b8 23 1 vmhgfs (Host/Guest Filesystem)
    223 fea63ffc 1744 25 1 vmblock (VMBlock File system)

  • Hdf4 and pyhdf AUR PKGBUILDS for review

    pyhdf is a Python interface to the HDF4 library. HDF4 is a scientific data file format. pyhdf links to the static libs built by the HDF4 package. I decided to split HDF4 out into its own package because someone else might want to link to these libraries, or use the numerous HDF4 utilities that accompany them. There is an hdf5 package in the AUR already, but hdf5 coexists with hdf4, rather than replacing it.
    Here is the HDF4 PKGBUILD:
    # Contributor: David Scholl <djscholl>
    pkgdesc="General purpose library and file format for storing scientific data."
    depends=('zlib' 'libjpeg')
    md5sums=('9082c6fa913b9188452fa6c5217e1573' '845b0e1a20c0a969fca386b8830236ed')
    build() {
    cp ./configure $startdir/src/HDF4.$pkgver
    cd $startdir/src/HDF4.$pkgver
    ./configure --prefix=/usr F77=gfortran FFLAGS=-ffixed-line-length-0
    make || return 1
    make prefix=$startdir/pkg/usr install
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/share/licenses/hdf4
    cp $startdir/src/HDF4.$pkgver/COPYING $startdir/pkg/usr/share/licenses/hdf4
    HDF4 was originally built with commercial Fortran 77 compilers, although g77 worked too. Since g77 is gone, I built it with gfortran. I encountered a couple of issues with the "make check" command, which compiles and runs tests of the libraries and utilities. The main package builds without errors using plain gfortran. However, the test code contains lines longer than 72 characters, so I had to add the FFLAGS=-ffixed-line-length-0 option to the configure script to be able to build the tests. When I manually do
    cd $startdir/src/HDF4.$pkgver
    make check || return 1
    all of the tests are built and passed without errors. However, when I put these two lines into the build script, the tests fail as follows:
    HDF-SD C interfaces tests
    srcdir="." ./hdftest >
    make[2]: *** [check] Error 1
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/dscholl/abs/hdf4check/src/HDF4.2r1/mfhdf/libsrc'
    make[1]: *** [check-recursive] Error 1
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/dscholl/abs/hdf4check/src/HDF4.2r1/mfhdf'
    make: *** [check-recursive] Error 1
    ==> ERROR: Build Failed. Aborting...
    I would like to include the tests in the build, because it's bad when your data gets mangled. However, I don't know how to get the tests to run in the build script. If anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate them.
    HDF4 is released under a license which resembles other Open Source licenses I have read, so I treated it as a custom license. The HDF4 package can be built with an optional compression library called szip, which is not an Open Source product. szip is available under non-commercial and commercial licenses, but prospective commercial users must contact the licensing agent. The AUR doesn't have a way to make that clear to prospective users, so I left out szip.
    Here is the PKGBUILD for pyhdf:
    # Contributor: David Scholl <djscholl>
    pkgdesc="Python bindings for the HDF library."
    depends=('python' 'python-numeric' 'zlib' 'libjpeg')
    build() {
    cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-0.7-3
    sed -i '/#extra_compile_args=["-DNOSZIP"],/s/#//'
    sed -i '/libraries = ["mfhdf", "df", "jpeg", "z", "sz"]/s/libraries/#libraries/'
    sed -i '/#libraries = ["mfhdf", "df", "jpeg", "z"]/s/#//'
    python install --root=$startdir/pkg
    pyhdf assumes the availability of szip by default, so its must be hacked to build it without szip.  I do this with three sed commands, following the instructions in the INSTALL file and the comments in the The sourceforge page for pyhdf describes it as being released under the Python license, but there is no copyright file included with the source distribution, nor did I find one on the project website.
    If anyone has corrections or improvements to suggest, please post.

    I have done some further digging into the "make check" issue, but I don't know enough to solve it. I'm hoping someone will be able to figure out a patch or work-around that I can use.
    The error message announces leaving the src/HDF4.2r1/mfhdf/libsrc directory. We can find the first part of the error message in the Makefile:
    less -N src/HDF4.2r1/mfhdf/libsrc/Makefile
    729 check:
    730 @echo "============================"
    731 @echo "HDF-SD C interfaces tests"
    732 @echo "============================"
    733 srcdir="$(srcdir)" ./hdftest >
    734 @cmd="$(DIFF) $(srcdir)/hdfout.sav";
    It appears to me that line 733 bombs when "make check" is run from the build script, and the diff command in 734 doesn't get a chance to run.
    The from the build script "make check" ends in
    *** UNEXPECTED VALUE from second SDstart is 393216 at line 61 in tsd.c
    num_err == 1
    The file src/HDF4.2r1/mfhdf/libsrc/hdfout.sav ends in
    num_err == 0
    less -N src/HDF4.2r1/mfhdf/libsrc/tsd.c
    24 #define FILE_NAME "sdtest.hdf" /* data file to test ID types */
    59 /* Create a protected file */
    60 fid = SDstart(FILE_NAME, DFACC_CREATE);
    61 VERIFY(fid, FAIL, "second SDstart");
    Running "make check" manually:
    $ ls -l sdtest.hdf
    --w------- 1 dscholl dscholl 2503 2006-08-13 09:45 sdtest.hdf
    Running "make check" from within the build script:
    $ ls -l sdtest.hdf
    -rw------- 1 dscholl dscholl 2502 2006-08-13 09:48 sdtest.hdf
    I'm not a C programmer, but it appears to me that the hdftest binary is trying to create a read-protected --w------- file, and actually creating a -rw------- file. When it tries to read it, it generates an error message and the Makefile stops running. What is different about the build script environment that would cause this difference in file creation?

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