Hdf4 and pyhdf AUR PKGBUILDS for review

pyhdf is a Python interface to the HDF4 library. HDF4 is a scientific data file format. pyhdf links to the static libs built by the HDF4 package. I decided to split HDF4 out into its own package because someone else might want to link to these libraries, or use the numerous HDF4 utilities that accompany them. There is an hdf5 package in the AUR already, but hdf5 coexists with hdf4, rather than replacing it.
Here is the HDF4 PKGBUILD:
# Contributor: David Scholl <djscholl>
pkgdesc="General purpose library and file format for storing scientific data."
depends=('zlib' 'libjpeg')
source=(ftp://ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HDF/HDF/HDF_Current/src/HDF4.$pkgver.tar.gz ftp://ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HDF/HDF/HDF_Current/src/patches/configure)
md5sums=('9082c6fa913b9188452fa6c5217e1573' '845b0e1a20c0a969fca386b8830236ed')
build() {
cp ./configure $startdir/src/HDF4.$pkgver
cd $startdir/src/HDF4.$pkgver
./configure --prefix=/usr F77=gfortran FFLAGS=-ffixed-line-length-0
make || return 1
make prefix=$startdir/pkg/usr install
mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/share/licenses/hdf4
cp $startdir/src/HDF4.$pkgver/COPYING $startdir/pkg/usr/share/licenses/hdf4
HDF4 was originally built with commercial Fortran 77 compilers, although g77 worked too. Since g77 is gone, I built it with gfortran. I encountered a couple of issues with the "make check" command, which compiles and runs tests of the libraries and utilities. The main package builds without errors using plain gfortran. However, the test code contains lines longer than 72 characters, so I had to add the FFLAGS=-ffixed-line-length-0 option to the configure script to be able to build the tests. When I manually do
cd $startdir/src/HDF4.$pkgver
make check || return 1
all of the tests are built and passed without errors. However, when I put these two lines into the build script, the tests fail as follows:
HDF-SD C interfaces tests
srcdir="." ./hdftest > hdfout.new
make[2]: *** [check] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/dscholl/abs/hdf4check/src/HDF4.2r1/mfhdf/libsrc'
make[1]: *** [check-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/dscholl/abs/hdf4check/src/HDF4.2r1/mfhdf'
make: *** [check-recursive] Error 1
==> ERROR: Build Failed. Aborting...
I would like to include the tests in the build, because it's bad when your data gets mangled. However, I don't know how to get the tests to run in the build script. If anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate them.
HDF4 is released under a license which resembles other Open Source licenses I have read, so I treated it as a custom license. The HDF4 package can be built with an optional compression library called szip, which is not an Open Source product. szip is available under non-commercial and commercial licenses, but prospective commercial users must contact the licensing agent. The AUR doesn't have a way to make that clear to prospective users, so I left out szip.
Here is the PKGBUILD for pyhdf:
# Contributor: David Scholl <djscholl>
pkgdesc="Python bindings for the HDF library."
depends=('python' 'python-numeric' 'zlib' 'libjpeg')
build() {
cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-0.7-3
sed -i '/#extra_compile_args=["-DNOSZIP"],/s/#//' setup.py
sed -i '/libraries = ["mfhdf", "df", "jpeg", "z", "sz"]/s/libraries/#libraries/' setup.py
sed -i '/#libraries = ["mfhdf", "df", "jpeg", "z"]/s/#//' setup.py
python setup.py install --root=$startdir/pkg
pyhdf assumes the availability of szip by default, so its setup.py must be hacked to build it without szip.  I do this with three sed commands, following the instructions in the INSTALL file and the comments in the setup.py. The sourceforge page for pyhdf describes it as being released under the Python license, but there is no copyright file included with the source distribution, nor did I find one on the project website.
If anyone has corrections or improvements to suggest, please post.

I have done some further digging into the "make check" issue, but I don't know enough to solve it. I'm hoping someone will be able to figure out a patch or work-around that I can use.
The error message announces leaving the src/HDF4.2r1/mfhdf/libsrc directory. We can find the first part of the error message in the Makefile:
less -N src/HDF4.2r1/mfhdf/libsrc/Makefile
729 check:
730 @echo "============================"
731 @echo "HDF-SD C interfaces tests"
732 @echo "============================"
733 srcdir="$(srcdir)" ./hdftest > hdfout.new
734 @cmd="$(DIFF) hdfout.new $(srcdir)/hdfout.sav";
It appears to me that line 733 bombs when "make check" is run from the build script, and the diff command in 734 doesn't get a chance to run.
The hdfout.new from the build script "make check" ends in
*** UNEXPECTED VALUE from second SDstart is 393216 at line 61 in tsd.c
num_err == 1
The file src/HDF4.2r1/mfhdf/libsrc/hdfout.sav ends in
num_err == 0
less -N src/HDF4.2r1/mfhdf/libsrc/tsd.c
24 #define FILE_NAME "sdtest.hdf" /* data file to test ID types */
59 /* Create a protected file */
60 fid = SDstart(FILE_NAME, DFACC_CREATE);
61 VERIFY(fid, FAIL, "second SDstart");
Running "make check" manually:
$ ls -l sdtest.hdf
--w------- 1 dscholl dscholl 2503 2006-08-13 09:45 sdtest.hdf
Running "make check" from within the build script:
$ ls -l sdtest.hdf
-rw------- 1 dscholl dscholl 2502 2006-08-13 09:48 sdtest.hdf
I'm not a C programmer, but it appears to me that the hdftest binary is trying to create a read-protected --w------- file, and actually creating a -rw------- file. When it tries to read it, it generates an error message and the Makefile stops running. What is different about the build script environment that would cause this difference in file creation?

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    Hello Nicke,
    Thank you for your response.
    I have enabled the Analyctic and Debug log for the Management and Publishing server and let it run for 30min.
    The debug log only shows 1 error when I used iisreset telling me the management server is unavailable (which it indeed was for a brief second). Otherwise it is completely empty.
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    Handle refresh request
    Especially the write package list to XML looks interesting, but in the details I don't see anything special/wrong:
    The analytic log for the management server only shows Get Publishing Metadata every 5 seconds (The time which the xml files should be refreshed).

  • Elog PKGBUILD for review (AUR)

    I would appreciate feedback on this PKGBUILD before I submit it to the AUR. It includes boot and install scripts, new user and group ID's, and other things I have not done before. I used other Arch examples as models, but I might not have fully understood what I was trying to emulate.
    elog uses the filesystem as a database to log/timestamp and serve back information submitted via http. I think it is a great program, carefully designed, stable, and actively supported. I would recommend it to anyone who needs to log/timestamp information and either: a) wants the information to remain accessible to scripts and not disappear into a large binary blob, or b) doesn't want to install and maintain a normal database.
    # Contributor: David Scholl <djscholl>
    pkgdesc="Electronic logbook w/ attached file support, doesn't use a database."
    source=(http://midas.psi.ch/elog/download/tar/elog-2.6.3-1.tar.gz elogd)
    md5sums=('935f19692a05c2cb289d45bac14f1088' '746fc2d7ea204473ef95136b99fc7bb0')
    build() {
    cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-2.6.3
    # make things more Arch-friendly
    sed -i '/^ELOGDIR/s/$(PREFIX)/elog//etc/elog/' Makefile
    sed -i '/^BINOWNER/s/bin/root/' Makefile
    sed -i '/^BINGROUP/s/bin/root/' Makefile
    # make and install
    make PREFIX=/usr || return 1
    make PREFIX=/usr ROOT=$startdir/pkg install
    # substitute an Arch-friendly init script in place of the default
    cp ../../elogd $startdir/pkg/etc/rc.d/
    rm -Rf $startdir/pkg/etc/rc.d/init.d
    # move data to standard Arch locations
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/share/elog
    mv $startdir/pkg/etc/elog/resources $startdir/pkg/usr/share/elog
    mv $startdir/pkg/etc/elog/scripts $startdir/pkg/usr/share/elog
    mv $startdir/pkg/etc/elog/themes $startdir/pkg/usr/share/elog
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/home/elog
    mv $startdir/pkg/etc/elog/logbooks $startdir/pkg/home/elog
    # tell elogd about the new locations
    sed -i '/[global]/s/$/nLogbook dir = /home/elog/logbooks/'
    sed -i '/[global]/s/$/nResource dir = /usr/share/elog/'
    # arg 1: the new package version
    post_install() {
    getent group elog >/dev/null || usr/sbin/groupadd elog
    getent passwd elog >/dev/null || usr/sbin/useradd -c "elog Server"
    -g elog -d /home/elog -s /bin/false elog
    usr/bin/passwd -l elog &>/dev/null
    chown -R elog:elog /etc/elog
    chown -R elog:elog /home/elog
    echo ">>> Add elogd to the DAEMONS array in /etc/rc.conf if you want"
    echo ">>> the server to start at system boot-up."
    # arg 1: the new package version
    # arg 2: the old package version
    post_upgrade() {
    post_install $1
    # arg 1: the old package version
    pre_remove() {
    usr/sbin/userdel elog &>/dev/null
    usr/sbin/groupdel elog &>/dev/null
    echo ">>> Post-install logbook entries remain after package removal."
    $op $*
    . /etc/rc.conf
    . /etc/rc.d/functions
    PID=`pidof -o %PPID /usr/sbin/elogd`
    case "$1" in
    stat_busy "Starting elogd"
    [ -z "$PID" ] && /usr/sbin/elogd -D -c /etc/elog/elogd.cfg
    > /dev/null 2>&1
    if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
    add_daemon elogd
    stat_busy "Stopping elogd"
    [ ! -z "$PID" ] && kill $PID &> /dev/null
    if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
    rm_daemon elogd
    $0 stop
    sleep 1
    $0 start
    echo "usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
    exit 0

    I would appreciate feedback on this PKGBUILD before I submit it to the AUR. It includes boot and install scripts, new user and group ID's, and other things I have not done before. I used other Arch examples as models, but I might not have fully understood what I was trying to emulate.
    elog uses the filesystem as a database to log/timestamp and serve back information submitted via http. I think it is a great program, carefully designed, stable, and actively supported. I would recommend it to anyone who needs to log/timestamp information and either: a) wants the information to remain accessible to scripts and not disappear into a large binary blob, or b) doesn't want to install and maintain a normal database.
    # Contributor: David Scholl <djscholl>
    pkgdesc="Electronic logbook w/ attached file support, doesn't use a database."
    source=(http://midas.psi.ch/elog/download/tar/elog-2.6.3-1.tar.gz elogd)
    md5sums=('935f19692a05c2cb289d45bac14f1088' '746fc2d7ea204473ef95136b99fc7bb0')
    build() {
    cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-2.6.3
    # make things more Arch-friendly
    sed -i '/^ELOGDIR/s/$(PREFIX)/elog//etc/elog/' Makefile
    sed -i '/^BINOWNER/s/bin/root/' Makefile
    sed -i '/^BINGROUP/s/bin/root/' Makefile
    # make and install
    make PREFIX=/usr || return 1
    make PREFIX=/usr ROOT=$startdir/pkg install
    # substitute an Arch-friendly init script in place of the default
    cp ../../elogd $startdir/pkg/etc/rc.d/
    rm -Rf $startdir/pkg/etc/rc.d/init.d
    # move data to standard Arch locations
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/share/elog
    mv $startdir/pkg/etc/elog/resources $startdir/pkg/usr/share/elog
    mv $startdir/pkg/etc/elog/scripts $startdir/pkg/usr/share/elog
    mv $startdir/pkg/etc/elog/themes $startdir/pkg/usr/share/elog
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/home/elog
    mv $startdir/pkg/etc/elog/logbooks $startdir/pkg/home/elog
    # tell elogd about the new locations
    sed -i '/[global]/s/$/nLogbook dir = /home/elog/logbooks/'
    sed -i '/[global]/s/$/nResource dir = /usr/share/elog/'
    # arg 1: the new package version
    post_install() {
    getent group elog >/dev/null || usr/sbin/groupadd elog
    getent passwd elog >/dev/null || usr/sbin/useradd -c "elog Server"
    -g elog -d /home/elog -s /bin/false elog
    usr/bin/passwd -l elog &>/dev/null
    chown -R elog:elog /etc/elog
    chown -R elog:elog /home/elog
    echo ">>> Add elogd to the DAEMONS array in /etc/rc.conf if you want"
    echo ">>> the server to start at system boot-up."
    # arg 1: the new package version
    # arg 2: the old package version
    post_upgrade() {
    post_install $1
    # arg 1: the old package version
    pre_remove() {
    usr/sbin/userdel elog &>/dev/null
    usr/sbin/groupdel elog &>/dev/null
    echo ">>> Post-install logbook entries remain after package removal."
    $op $*
    . /etc/rc.conf
    . /etc/rc.d/functions
    PID=`pidof -o %PPID /usr/sbin/elogd`
    case "$1" in
    stat_busy "Starting elogd"
    [ -z "$PID" ] && /usr/sbin/elogd -D -c /etc/elog/elogd.cfg
    > /dev/null 2>&1
    if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
    add_daemon elogd
    stat_busy "Stopping elogd"
    [ ! -z "$PID" ] && kill $PID &> /dev/null
    if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
    rm_daemon elogd
    $0 stop
    sleep 1
    $0 start
    echo "usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
    exit 0

  • First PKGBUILD for review

    Hello, since this is the first package I've created, I thought it would be best to have it reviewed before submitting it to the AUR.
    Thank you!
    # Maintainer: Jeremey Hustman <jeremeyhustman at gmail daught com>
    pkgdesc="A static code analysis tool for ColdFusion"
    makedepends=('git' 'maven')
    pkgver() {
    cd "$_gitname"
    # Git, tags available
    printf "%s" "$(git describe --long | sed 's/\([^-]*-\)g/r\1/;s/-/./g')"
    build() {
    if [ -d "${_gitname}" ]; then
    cd "$_gitname"
    git clean -dfx
    git reset --hard
    git pull origin master
    git clone "${_gitroot}"
    cd "${_gitname}"
    mvn clean install
    package() {
    cd "${srcdir}/${_gitname}"
    mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/{usr/bin,usr/etc,usr/lib}
    install -Dm755 target/appassembler/bin/* "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/"
    install -Dm644 target/appassembler/etc/* "${pkgdir}/usr/etc/"
    install -Dm644 target/appassembler/lib/* "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/"

    First off, the entire if/else block in the build function is not only unnecessary but counter productive. Get rid of it.
    What is the pwd command in the package function for?
    You did well with quoting in general, but missed the mkdir command.
    I would suggest cleaning up the pkgver a bit. You really don't want it to start with "CFLint", for example.

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    Client received email but when he opened the attachment, all he could see was the map and none of my sticky notes.  
    What needs to be done so the recipient can see my sticky notes and read the descriptions for each sticky note?

    Hey roy,
    Could you please tell me what is your Acrobat version?
    Please ensure that recipient downloads the PDF and uses either Adobe Acrobat or Reader to open the sticky notes.

  • PKGBUILD Public review request for wxFreeChart

    Hi Arch Linux community.I am a newbie on Arch Linux. Just installed it a few months ago & I like it's install once, lifetime updates without reinstalling philosophy! Please review my first PKGBUILD for wxFreeChart:
    Here is the PKGBUILD
    # Maintainer: Sum <keansum AT gmail DOT com>
    pkgdesc="Free powerful charting library based on wxWidgets."
    arch=('x86_64' 'i686')
    prepare() {
    export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/wx-3.0/:/usr/lib/wx/include/gtk2-unicode-3.0/
    export LIBS=-lwx_gtk2u_adv-3.0
    cd "$srcdir/$pkgname"
    patch --verbose configure $srcdir/configure.patch
    build() {
    cd "$srcdir/$pkgname"
    ./configure --prefix=/usr
    package() {
    cd "$srcdir/$pkgname"
    make DESTDIR="$pkgdir/" install
    install -D -m644 $srcdir/LICENSE "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE"
    Here is the LICENSE file.
    wxWidgets is currently licenced under the "wxWindows Library Licence" pending
    approval of the "wxWidgets Library Licence" which will be identical apart from
    the name.
    The wxWindows Library Licence is essentially the L-GPL (Library General Public
    Licence), with an exception stating that derived works in binary form may be
    distributed on the user's own terms. This is a solution that satisfies those
    who wish to produce GPL'ed software using wxWidgets, and also those producing
    proprietary software.
    Participants in the discussion that led to this decision include the folk from
    AbiSource, Robert Roebling, Julian Smart, Markus Fleck, Karsten Ballueder, and
    some advice from Richard Stallman. Richard has confirmed that the new licence
    is compatible with GPL'ed applications. However, there are no significant
    restrictions on proprietary applications.
    The wxWindows Library Licence has been approved by the Open Source Initiative.
    In August 2005, an ambiguity in Clause 2 was removed (replaced "the user's"
    with "your") and the version bumped to 3.1.
    ... then this last one is a patch file for the configure script. The code is for version 1.6 but to me it looks like the author forgotten to update the version from 1.4 to 1.6 in the configure script. I ahve checked in freechart/ReadMe.txt saying it is verion 1.6 and confirmed that the 1.6 addition of freechart/src/chartsplitpanel.cpp indeed exists.
    *** 1,6 ****
    #! /bin/sh
    # Guess values for system-dependent variables and create Makefiles.
    ! # Generated by GNU Autoconf 2.63 for WXFREECHART 1.4.
    # Report bugs to <[email protected]>.
    --- 1,6 ----
    #! /bin/sh
    # Guess values for system-dependent variables and create Makefiles.
    ! # Generated by GNU Autoconf 2.63 for WXFREECHART 1.6.
    # Report bugs to <[email protected]>.
    *** 596,603 ****
    # Identity of this package.
    PACKAGE_BUGREPORT='[email protected]'
    --- 596,603 ----
    # Identity of this package.
    PACKAGE_BUGREPORT='[email protected]'
    *** 1332,1338 ****
    # Omit some internal or obsolete options to make the list less imposing.
    # This message is too long to be a string in the A/UX 3.1 sh.
    cat <<_ACEOF
    ! \`configure' configures WXFREECHART 1.4 to adapt to many kinds of systems.
    Usage: $0 [OPTION]... [VAR=VALUE]...
    --- 1332,1338 ----
    # Omit some internal or obsolete options to make the list less imposing.
    # This message is too long to be a string in the A/UX 3.1 sh.
    cat <<_ACEOF
    ! \`configure' configures WXFREECHART 1.6 to adapt to many kinds of systems.
    Usage: $0 [OPTION]... [VAR=VALUE]...
    *** 1398,1404 ****
    if test -n "$ac_init_help"; then
    case $ac_init_help in
    ! short | recursive ) echo "Configuration of WXFREECHART 1.4:";;
    cat <<\_ACEOF
    --- 1398,1404 ----
    if test -n "$ac_init_help"; then
    case $ac_init_help in
    ! short | recursive ) echo "Configuration of WXFREECHART 1.6:";;
    cat <<\_ACEOF
    *** 1506,1512 ****
    test -n "$ac_init_help" && exit $ac_status
    if $ac_init_version; then
    cat <<\_ACEOF
    ! WXFREECHART configure 1.4
    generated by GNU Autoconf 2.63
    Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001,
    --- 1506,1512 ----
    test -n "$ac_init_help" && exit $ac_status
    if $ac_init_version; then
    cat <<\_ACEOF
    ! WXFREECHART configure 1.6
    generated by GNU Autoconf 2.63
    Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001,
    *** 1520,1526 ****
    This file contains any messages produced by compilers while
    running configure, to aid debugging if configure makes a mistake.
    ! It was created by WXFREECHART $as_me 1.4, which was
    generated by GNU Autoconf 2.63. Invocation command line was
    $ $0 $@
    --- 1520,1526 ----
    This file contains any messages produced by compilers while
    running configure, to aid debugging if configure makes a mistake.
    ! It was created by WXFREECHART $as_me 1.6, which was
    generated by GNU Autoconf 2.63. Invocation command line was
    $ $0 $@
    *** 10248,10254 ****
    # report actual input values of CONFIG_FILES etc. instead of their
    # values after options handling.
    ! This file was extended by WXFREECHART $as_me 1.4, which was
    generated by GNU Autoconf 2.63. Invocation command line was
    --- 10248,10254 ----
    # report actual input values of CONFIG_FILES etc. instead of their
    # values after options handling.
    ! This file was extended by WXFREECHART $as_me 1.6, which was
    generated by GNU Autoconf 2.63. Invocation command line was
    *** 10298,10304 ****
    cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
    ! WXFREECHART config.status 1.4
    configured by $0, generated by GNU Autoconf 2.63,
    with options \\"`$as_echo "$ac_configure_args" | sed 's/^ //; s/[\\""\`\$]/\\\\&/g'`\\"
    --- 10298,10304 ----
    cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
    ! WXFREECHART config.status 1.6
    configured by $0, generated by GNU Autoconf 2.63,
    with options \\"`$as_echo "$ac_configure_args" | sed 's/^ //; s/[\\""\`\$]/\\\\&/g'`\\"
    I have used namcap to check the PKGBUILD and the generated freechart-1.6-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz. Both passed. However when I use the -i switch, I get a whole bunch of messages. I am quite sure these dependencies do not need to be included in the PKGBUILD. Please correct if I am wrong.
    $ namcap -i freechart-1.6-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
    freechart I: Link-level dependence (wxgtk) in file ['usr/lib/libwx_baseu-3.0.so.0', 'usr/lib/libwx_gtk2u_aui-3.0.so.0', 'usr/lib/libwx_gtk2u_core-3.0.so.0']
    freechart I: Link-level dependence (gcc-libs) in file ['usr/lib/libgcc_s.so.1', 'usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6']
    freechart I: Link-level dependence (glibc) in file ['usr/lib/libm.so.6', 'usr/lib/libc.so.6']
    freechart I: Symlink (usr/lib/libwxcode_gtk2u_freechart-3.0.so.0) found that points to libwxcode_gtk2u_freechart-3.0.so.0.0.0
    freechart I: Symlink (usr/lib/libwxcode_gtk2u_freechart-3.0.so) found that points to libwxcode_gtk2u_freechart-3.0.so.0
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (freetype2)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (jasper)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (xextproto)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (gdbm)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (gstreamer0.10-base)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (graphite)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libcap)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libx11)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (coreutils)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (shared-mime-info)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (pcre)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (xf86vidmodeproto)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (shadow)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (readline)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (gtk2)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libxdmcp)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (damageproto)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (dbus)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (avahi)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (cracklib)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (videoproto)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libsasl)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libxft)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libxrandr)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (fontconfig)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libxdamage)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (acl)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (pixman)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (ncurses)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libdbus)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (cairo)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (zlib)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (xproto)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (harfbuzz)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libomxil-bellagio)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (kbproto)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (sh)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (pango)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (pam)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libxau)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (llvm-libs)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libxfixes)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (attr)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (mesa-dri)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libtxc_dxtn)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (xz)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (gdk-pixbuf2)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (elfutils)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libxv)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (mesa)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (renderproto)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (systemd)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libxcursor)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (hwids)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (bash)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (glibc)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (expat)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (e2fsprogs)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (linux-api-headers)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libffi)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libxi)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libice)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libldap)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libxcomposite)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libgpg-error)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libxcb)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libseccomp)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (keyutils)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (xcb-proto)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (randrproto)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (bzip2)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libxml2)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libpciaccess)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (util-linux)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (krb5)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (compositeproto)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (glib2)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libxinerama)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (gstreamer0.10)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (kbd)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (kmod)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (filesystem)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libxxf86vm)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (tzdata)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libsm)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (pambase)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libcups)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (atk)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libgl)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libsystemd)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (xineramaproto)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (lzo)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (orc)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (inputproto)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libpng)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (db)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libdatrie)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (fixesproto)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (hicolor-icon-theme)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (gtk-update-icon-cache)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libjpeg)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libtirpc)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (gcc-libs)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (openssl)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (gmp)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libxext)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (iana-etc)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libutil-linux)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libthai)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (perl)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libxrender)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (wayland)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libtiff)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libxshmfence)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libgcrypt)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libdaemon)
    freechart I: Dependency covered by dependencies from link dependence (libdrm)
    freechart I: Depends as namcap sees them: depends=(wxgtk)
    Many thanks!

    Hi it turns out that the SVN version is the most up to date which does not need to be patched as it has the right version numbers. I have created a new PKGBUILD.
    # Maintainer: kso <keansum AT gmail DOT com>
    pkgdesc="Free powerful charting library based on wxWidgets."
    arch=('x86_64' 'i686')
    pkgver() {
    cd "$_svnmod"
    local ver="$(svnversion)"
    printf "r%s" "${ver//[[:alpha:]]}"
    build() {
    cd "$srcdir"
    msg "Connecting to SVN server...."
    if [[ -d "$_svnmod/.svn" ]]; then
    (cd "$_svnmod" && svn up -r "$pkgver")
    svn co "$_svntrunk" --config-dir ./ -r "$pkgver" "$_svnmod"
    msg "SVN checkout done or server timeout"
    msg "Starting build..."
    rm -rf "$srcdir/$_svnmod-build"
    svn export "$srcdir/$_svnmod" "$srcdir/$_svnmod-build"
    cd "$srcdir/$_svnmod-build"
    ./configure --prefix=/usr
    package() {
    cd "$srcdir/$_svnmod-build"
    make DESTDIR="$pkgdir/" install
    # install LICENSE
    install -D -m644 $srcdir/$_svnmod/license.txt "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE"
    I have uploaded onto the AUR. I have checked using namcap. Please let me know if there are any mistakes.  Many thanks!

  • New PKGBUILDs for calpp and cpyrit-calpp

    I wanted to try the calpp backend for pyrit (a WPA cracking utility), but couldn't find them in either the official repositiories or in AUR. There for I have created new PKGBUILDs for these, they work on my system (x86_64 3.1.0-4-ARCH), but as these are my first ones I wanted to post them here for review before I upload them to AUR.
    The main thing I have doubts about are the dependencies. I think I have listed them all but I'm not sure.
    Here is the PKGBUILD for calpp:
    # Maintainer: Martin R. <mr-ger [at] hotmail [dot] com>
    pkgdesc="Library to allow writing ATI CAL kernels in C++"
    arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
    depends=('amdstream' 'boost')
    build() {
    cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver"
    sed -i "s|\$ENV{ATISTREAMSDKROOT}/lib|${_streamdir}/lib|g" CMakeLists.txt
    sed -i "s|\$ENV{ATISTREAMSDKROOT}/include|/${_streamdir}/include/CAL|" CMakeLists.txt
    cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr .
    package() {
    cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver"
    make DESTDIR="$pkgdir/" install
    And here is the PKGBUILD for cpyrit-calpp:
    # Maintainer: Martin R. <mr-ger [at] hotmail [dot] com>
    pkgdesc="CAL++ backend for accelerated attack against WPA-PSK authentication, development version"
    arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
    depends=('python2' 'catalyst-utils' 'pyrit-svn')
    build() {
    svn co "${_svntrunk}/${_svnmod}"
    cd "${_svnmod}"
    sed -i "s|VERSION = '0.4.0-dev'|VERSION = '0.4.1-dev'|" setup.py
    sed -i "s|CALPP_INC_DIRS = \[\]|CALPP_INC_DIRS = \[\'${_caldir}\'\]|" setup.py
    LDFLAGS="" python2 setup.py build
    package() {
    cd "${srcdir}/${_svnmod}"
    python2 setup.py install --root="${pkgdir}" --optimize=1
    Thanks in advance
    EDIT = Updated the PKGBUILDs
    Last edited by ozon-eatar (2011-11-30 22:15:56)

    Thanks for the respones Stebalien! I have changed the things you pointed out and updated my first post.
    I have also run namcap on both packages and their PKGBUILDs. The only thing namcap complains about on the PKGBUILDs are the lack of contributer tag, which I think is unnecessary as I'm listed as the maintainer.
    On the cpyrit-calpp package namcap complains about unnecessary dependencies:
    cpyrit-calpp-svn I: Depends as namcap sees them: depends=(catalyst-utils python2)
    I tried this dep array with all packages listed before uninstalled (well, catalyst and libpcap I couldn't uninstall) and it didn't work. When I added 'calpp' to makedepends it worked, and it ran after I uninstalled calpp again.
    As cpyrit-calpp-svn is a backend to the pyrit-svn package and pointless to install without pyrit-svn I added it back to the array. Might add that this is how the dep array looked before:
    depends=('python2' 'openssl' 'zlib' 'libpcap' 'amdstream' 'catalyst' 'calpp' 'pyrit-svn')
    This is what namcap is telling me about calpp:
    calpp I: Depends as namcap sees them: depends=()
    BUT it will neither build nor will it compile one of the examples without both amdstream and boost (not just boost-libs). Therefore I have not changed the dep array for calpp.

  • First PKGBUILD - looking for review

    Hello all,
    I have created my first PKGBUILD for some new scientific computing libraries and corresponding examples related to my field. I am looking for input before submitting this to the authors for inclusion on their site (and possibly to the AUR if there ends up being more interest).
    Anyway, here is what I have so far, which seems to work on my system:
    pkgdesc="Libraries and examples for the proposed ISMRM Raw Data format"
    optdepends=('fftw: used to compile example programs'
    'doxygen: only needed if you want to produce your own copy of the documentation')
    # install="${pkgname}.install"
    # source=("http://www.syntax-on.com/static/$pkgname/$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz")
    # source=("http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/ismrmrd/src/${pkgname}_${pkgver}.zip")
    build() {
    cd "${srcdir}"
    # unzip ${pkgname}_${pkgver}.zip -d ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
    msg "Connecting to GIT server..."
    if [ -d $_gitname ] ; then
    cd $_gitname && git pull origin
    msg "Local files have been updated"
    git clone $_gitroot "${srcdir}/$_gitname"
    msg "Received code from GIT or server timed out"
    # stop CMakeLists.txt appending an unwanted dir to the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
    # also prevent install of /usr/cmake/FindIsmrmrd.cmake
    msg "Patching CMakeLists.txt to comply with Arch Packaging Standards..."
    cd "${srcdir}/${_gitname}"
    patch < ${startdir}/cmakelists.diff --forward
    # start the build
    mkdir "${srcdir}/${_gitname}/build" -p
    cd "${srcdir}/${_gitname}/build"
    msg "Starting cmake..."
    cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr ../
    msg "Starting make..."
    package() {
    cd "${srcdir}/${_gitname}/build"
    make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}/" install
    --- src/ismrmrd-latest/CMakeLists.txt 2012-10-30 11:48:03.332945241 -0500
    +++ src/ismrmrd-latest/CMakeLists_mod.txt 2012-10-30 11:48:27.619612710 -0500
    @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
    endif (WIN32)
    find_package(XSD REQUIRED)
    @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
    INSTALL(FILES ismrmrd.h ${XSDS_SOURCES} ismrmrd_hdf5.h ismrmrd_hdf5_datatypes.h ismrmrd_export.h DESTINATION include)
    INSTALL(FILES schema/ismrmrd.xsd DESTINATION schema)
    -INSTALL(FILES cmake/FindIsmrmrd.cmake DESTINATION cmake)
    +# INSTALL(FILES cmake/FindIsmrmrd.cmake DESTINATION cmake)
    I'm not using any .install file, is this something big I am missing? Again, this is my first time writing a PKGBUILD, so I appreciate any feedback. Thanks!

    Thanks - I will take note for future packages, or if I end up using a non-git version. makepkg seemed to not be able to handle the zip file itself, though. If I re-hosted the source myself in a tarball it worked, but on the authors' site I could only find it as a zip.
    My main question is still about installation location, though. This typically installs itself in:
    I was able to change this to:
    Obviously this prevents cmake/FindIsmrmrd.cmake from being installed at all (not sure this is OK or desirable), It also creates the /usr/schema directory, which I don't think is really standard. Where should I put such files? Should I instead install the whole package into /usr/opt/ismrmrd? It doesn't seem big enough to warrant that, but I don't know where else to put the schema and cmake directories and the associated files. Maybe in /usr/share?
    Last edited by aganders3 (2012-11-07 20:20:40)

  • Can anyone make a PKGBUILD for Novel iFolder and Novel consoleone ?

    Like in subject. I tried install it from Novel homepage, but i have problem with make dependiences and this two package, can anyone make good PKGBUILD for new version ? In AUR i found PKGBUILD's but the mirror doesn't work and i can't find another mirror. Thanks Igor. Have a nice day !

    Yes, but i saw many rpm package, and source code. If you talk about license there is oportunity to get free license for 30 or 60 day's. Thanx for respone.

  • I made pkgbuilds for Maya 8.5 and 2008 (32 & 64)

    I made these pkgbuilds for my sister to use on our home machines, but figured someone may find them useful. Of course, this assumes you have the official Maya for Linux CD to copy the RPM's from and a license; it just converts Autodesk's stuff into Arch's format.
    Update Mon May 17, 2010: I cleaned up the pkgbuilds for Maya 2008 dramatically, and made them safe to use now that I have a better idea of what I'm doing. I posted the new packages (8.5 and 2008 respectively) to AUR here:
    IMPORTANT: A couple parts of the BELOW (this does NOT apply to the above pkgbuild in AUR) maya.install file may be considered potentially dangerous and you should look it over before running it. Much of this project was done on zero sleep, so you've been warned. That said, it worked on all 3 computers I intended it to (1 i686, 2 x86_64).
    There are 4 packages. Two for maya2008, and two for maya8.5. There's a normal version and split version for each (splits the files identically to the rpm's). I HIGHLY recommend the normal, non-split versions, but everything is there if needed.
    You can find the OLD stuff here [only use if the AUR one doesn't work for you]:
    http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=6884 … 49b5870170
    The maya page on the wiki suggests doing ln -s /usr/bin/tcsh /bin/csh after tcsh is installed, but I didn't find this necessary iirc. If you have problems with running it, try the following link.
    Last edited by FrozenFox (2010-05-17 22:54:17)

    Updated to add libxinerama as a dependency (and re-orphaned). Based on the error, I'm unsure that is the correct course of action, however. As my sister has moved on to a more current version of maya which I don't think has linux support (or if it does, I have no idea where it is), I no longer have the 8.5/2008 cd's to be sure nothing messed up and be sure it works, so it would be appreciated if you could test it or adopt it.
    EDIT: On thinking about it, I don't think that is the correct way to do it, so..
    An extended question for you:
    Apcw appears to be the maya product activation wizard, not the main product. Did you have to install lib32-xinerama or just libxinerama on your x64 to make apcw work? If so, I guess they used a 32 bit activator for the 64 bit program for whatever reason. What happens post-activation with a) both libraries installed  b) neither installed  c) only libxinerama installed d) only lib32-libxinerama installed ?
    I suspect the correct response at this point would be to remove libxinerama as a dependency and put libxinerama or lib32-libxinerama as optdepends (based on architecture) for those who need that to activate it through the wizard.
    Thanks for your time and letting me know.
    Last edited by FrozenFox (2010-08-31 20:44:27)

  • Why is my billing information not being review correctly...like it sayes my apple id has not yet been used in the itune store and it tells me to review my account info but for some reason it doesnt work

    why is my billing information not being review correctly...like it sayes my apple id has not yet been used in the itune store and it tells me to review my account info but for some reason it doesnt work

    Hi there ethangabe,
    You may find the information in the article below helpful.
    Using an existing Apple ID with the iTunes Store, Mac App Store, and iBooks Store
    -Griff W. 

  • How do I install apps without sharing my credit card information, when I press install it ask for my apple ID I put it in and after it says to review my iTunes account

    How do I install apps without sharing my credit card information, when I press install it ask for my apple ID I put it in and after it says to review my iTunes account

    Click the none option for your credit card when you review your apple id

  • I have submitted build by xcode 6.1 but in itunes account shows us Apps and app updates submitted to the App Store must be built with Xcode 5.1.1 or later, and iOS 7 or later SDK after clicking the submit for review.

    I have submitted build by xcode 6.1 but in itunes account shows us Apps and app updates submitted to the App Store must be built with Xcode 5.1.1 or later, and iOS 7 or later SDK after clicking the submit for review.
    Please tell me the solution as soon as possible and i am able to remove the build.

    You have used Xcode 6.1 and it is a valid version, so you should not have any problem. Anyway, if there is any problem, Apple will contact with you to fix it before your app is published.

  • HT201269 In Iphone5 while Mail is reviewed and transfered to folder, for next mail folder list position changes. How to fix this error

    In Iphone5 while Mail is reviewed and transfered to folder, for next mail folder list position changes. How to fix this error

    In Iphone5 while Mail is reviewed and transfered to folder, for next mail folder list position changes. How to fix this error

  • AA XI Standard: No "Share" button to simply attach pdf to email without asking for review and comment?

    In AA X, there was a "Share" button which would allow me to attach a copy of the current pdf to an email to be sent out. The pdf wouldn't be for "review" or "comment." Just a plain, vanilla, "Here's a copy of a document."
    I can't find that capability in XI Standard. I found a way to send for comment and review. How can I just send? (Other than creating an email in my client (Outlook) and then attaching from there, which then requires me to navigate to the desired pdf).
    Many thanks.

    Thanks for your response. However that's not exactly what I'm looking for. Doing that invites the recipient to comment. As my original post said, I'm not looking to invite comments on the document. I just want to send it by email, as I could with Acrobat X.
    Is there no way to do that simply? As my original post said, the only way I can see is to create an email in Outlook and then attach a file, which means I have to navigate to the location where the pdf is stored. A lot of extra steps.

Maybe you are looking for

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