PL/SQL Callback notification with aq$_jms_text_message

i want to set up a notfication for a pl/sql callback procedure. The message in my queue is enqueued via propagation from another instance. This is my setup (using oracle
-------- the queue (multiconsumer): --------------
dbms_aqadm.create_queue_table(queue_table => 'zmon_evt_in_qtable',queue_payload_type => '$_jms_text_message', multiple_consumers => true);
dbms_aqadm.create_queue(queue_name => 'zmon_evt_in_queue',queue_table => 'zmon_evt_in_qtable' );
dbms_aqadm.start_queue( queue_name =>'zmon_evt_in_queue' );
-------- the callback-procedure (simply inserting an entry in a table called 'test'): --------------
create or replace procedure evt_in_callback(
context IN RAW,
reginfo IN SYS.AQ$_REG_INFO,
payload IN VARCHAR2,
payloadl IN NUMBER) is
insert into test(textfeld) values ('RECEIVED!');
end evt_in_callback;
-------- the subscriber: --------------
dbms_aqadm.add_subscriber(queue_name => 'zmon.zmon_evt_in_queue',
subscriber =>$_agent('zmon_evt_in_subscriber',null,null));
-------- the notification: --------------
reginfo :=$_reg_info(name => 'zmon.zmon_evt_in_queue:zmon_evt_in_subscriber',
namespace => DBMS_AQ.NAMESPACE_AQ,
callback => 'plsql://zmon.evt_in_callback',
context => HEXTORAW('FF')
reg_list :=$_reg_info_list(reginfo);
DBMS_AQ.REGISTER(reg_list => reg_list,
reg_count => 1);
The callback-procedure is not fired on arrival of a message in the queue. But i can see the the appropriate notfication-entry in sys.reg$.
Any suggestions why this doesn't work ?
BTW: can anybody tell me the meaning of the context-Parameter in the aq$_reg_info-Type ? Everybody uses HEXTORAW('FF'), but I don't understand what that means...
Edited by: dschenzl on Jun 4, 2009 11:13 AM

Finally, it's done.
The subscriber used in the propagation has to be the notification-subscriber (zmon_evt_in_subscriber). I used another subscriber, which was not registered for notification.
I found the solution in this thread: Callback trouble from mesage via propagated message.
Two days filled up with frustrating work - man, how i hate that...
Greetings to the community,

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    Database is v10.2.
    Anyone know where to find this information ?

    Unfortunately there is not a user view which is definitely an oversight. As suggested you could be granted the necessary privilges on sys.reg$ to overcome this.
    However, this whole area has been re-invigorated by the Database Change Notification feature which came in in 10.2. So much so that in 11.1 onwards you have the SUBSCRREGISTRATIONS and other v$ views as per
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    Remember this?
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    As it pertains to alerting platforms, the good call just may be having a architecture that is somewhat autonomous ( i.e.  Ok, perhaps Windows OS, .Net Framework and SQL Server as prerequisites is ok) to MS embedded components and not reliant on “Live Server" licenses.  Seems like just a better bet hands down all day long.
    I can tell you that about 5% of all alerts our clients create are sent to inform end users “Exchange is Down”.  It’s hard to get a OutLook Desktop Alert when Exchange is down.
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    I'm coming to the discussion of the fate of Notification Services a bit late as it is now December. It is my view that Microsoft should rethink its position on Notification Services, and should continue to support and evolve it until such time as it might be migrated to the future "alerting" solution Microsoft devises for at least the following 2 reasons:
    (1) Notification Services addresses an enterprise application integration need complementary to Microsoft's web service strategy. This is a place Microsoft has not gone before, but needs to go. Why? EAI vendors won't modify their infrastructure to make them web service oriented ... they can't because it is legacy. Instead, they try to buy something and attach it to legacy ... but that doesn't work too well. Microsoft already has started/built greenfield. Further, Microsoft has commoditized such so that with notification services and its other .NET-based products (at least they evolve to such) a full complement of architectural components is being or has been assembled. Why would Microsoft make such an investment ... across the portfolio of server products ... and then back off of it? Microsoft has not been in the enterprise space before to the degree it has wished. It has intimated, at least, that it will be at the periphery with its variety of services and products. An integration broker is necessary for success at the periphery, and it provides a bridge to the enterprise back office that has the property of loose coupling, which is both good for Microsoft and its clients. 
    (2) Microsoft claims to be working to develop a server platform suitable to provision notification services. This server platform could be productized as Microsoft intends, and then notification services could be made to work on that platform and then it could be open sourced. If Microsoft intends to provide a kind of application server foundation that would make it possible for non-Microsoft development teams to build out services on a Microsoft stack that can be hosted with the same set of services as, say, IIS, Biztalk, SQL Server, etc., then it seems that Notification Services could easily be migrated to this server framework once such is ready for prime time. Functional expansion of such could be accomplished by an open source community if Microsoft chooses to not further extend it on its own dime ... maybe even on its own nickel.
    I've read some of the reasons justifying Microsoft's rationale to discontinue its Notification Services product line. One was that not many people used it. Blogs have listed a number of companies that have used it. The number may not be to the scale Microsoft would like ... one could look at Biztalk and suggest that Workflow Foundation represents Microsoft's belief that Biztalk too should be deprecated. Maybe so. But the strategy Microsoft is taking with workflow does not drop support for a core architectural capability. Why not keep Notification Services and give people time to learn how to architect in enterprise fashion with Microsoft infrastructure? Why not use it to seed an open source community? It probably costs you little ... and you have an open source community option that could get Microsoft further into an enterprise than it has previously been ... right into the middle ... leveraging Microsoft web service innovations in spades at substantially less cost than traditional EAI vendors, IBM, and other competitors could afford. People have to learn how to use Microsoft products in an enterprise context ... aside from specialized applications and OS vmware, what products have you put out that systematize infrastructure?
    I've also heard that Microsoft is considering incorporation of Notification Services as part of Reporting Services. Please pardon me but that seems ack basswards ... events are not reports, but reports could be events if you view reports as correlations over critical business activities instead of some statically produced bit of information to be shoved off into someone's mailbox or file system or even web site. Reports are static. Events are part of a dynamic and learning enterprise platform. Isn't that what you're attempting to build infrastructure for? Isn't that exactly what Microsoft needs to secure its position at the back of an enterprise just as it has the front?
    Please reconsider your position. And please contact me at tommy  at zipa dot deedoodah dot com to discuss. I'm as opinionated as everyone else, and I think you have a good product here that you're throwing away. If you don't want it, I will take it ...
    Tom Winans

  • PL/SQL Callback to Dequeue

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    Callback code:
    -- register for the pl/sql procedure notifyCB to be called on notification
    -- AQNMDLINK: schema owner
    -- CFR_QUEUE_DEST: prop queue
    -- NMD: consumer
    reginfo1 :=$_reg_info ('AQNMDLINK.CFR_QUEUE_DEST:NMD',
    -- Create the registration info list
    reginfolist :=$_reg_info_list (reginfo1);
    --SYS.DBMS_AQ.unREGISTER (reginfolist, 1);
    SYS.DBMS_AQ.REGISTER (reginfolist, 1);

    Perhaps this guide can help you:
    Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing Contents / Search / Index / PDF
    Joel P�rez

  • Regarding sql server notification service

    i never use sql server notification service. so i like to know what it does. does it notify when data changed? suppose i have one win apps by which our employee insert/update/delete data. i want that when data will be inserted/updated/deleted then this notification
    service notify my win apps that data change and also provide technique to know which data change or inserted or delete. i use sql dependency but it has draw back like it can only notify client about something has happened but never say like which data is inserted
    or updated or deleted.
    anyone can guide me how to notify my win client from sql server with changed data like push notification with data to win client. thanks

    can u please point me to any good article which help me to write that kind of trigger which can capture data change and push the change to client. thanks
    I couldn't find an article with a cursory search so I created the example below to illustrate this basic technique that you can customize and extend for your purposes.  The trigger creates an XML document with the before/after images of the inserted/updated/deleted
    rows.  The application executes the change notification target service proc in a loop to receive change messages as they become available.
    This method will work for a single application instance that receives change notifications.  If you have multiple users, I suggest a mid-tier service to receive these notifications and then multicast to clients using a publish/subscribe pattern. 
    In the case of frequent data changes, it would be better to use a single long-running conversation with the conversation handle saved to a state table instead of starting a new conversation for each message in order to reduce service broker overhead.
    Note that the trigger will write messages to the queue regardless of whether an application is listening for messages.  For that reason, it would generally be best to run the mid-tier service continuously or at least consume/ignore all of the pending
    messages at startup.
    Be aware that there are a number of variations of this general pattern but I think this should get you started.  Post questions specific to Service Broker to the related forum:
    CREATE DATABASE ExampleDatabase;
    USE ExampleDatabase;
    CREATE TABLE dbo.Product(
    ID varchar(50) NOT NULL
    , ProductName varchar(50)
    , ProductDescription varchar(1000)
    ON dbo.Product
    @ConversationHandle uniqueidentifier
    ,@ChangedRows xml;
    SELECT @ChangedRows = (
    SELECT ID, ProductName, ProductDescription
    FROM dbo.Product
    FOR XML PATH('Before'), TYPE)
    SELECT ID, ProductName, ProductDescription
    FROM dbo.Product
    FOR XML PATH('After'), TYPE)
    FOR XML PATH('Changes'), TYPE
    BEGIN Dialog @ConversationHandle
    FROM SERVICE [ProductChangeNotificationInitiatorService]
    TO SERVICE 'ProductChangeNotificationTargetService'
    ON CONTRACT [ProductChangeNotificationContract]
    SEND ON CONVERSATION @ConversationHandle
    MESSAGE TYPE [ProductChange]
    CREATE CONTRACT [ProductChangeNotificationContract](
    [ProductChange] SENT BY INITIATOR
    CREATE TABLE dbo.ProductChangeNotificationErrors(
    ErrorTime datetime NOT NULL
    ,conversation_handle uniqueidentifier NOT NULL
    ,service_name sysname
    ,message_type_name nvarchar(256) NOT NULL
    ,message_body varbinary(MAX) NULL
    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.usp_CleanupProductChangeNotificationInitiatorQueue
    @conversation_handle uniqueidentifier = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
    ,@service_name sysname
    ,@message_type_name nvarchar(256)
    ,@message_body varbinary(MAX)
    ,@description nvarchar(3000);
    WHILE @conversation_handle IS NOT NULL
    SET @conversation_handle = NULL;
    @conversation_handle = conversation_handle
    ,@service_name = service_name
    ,@message_type_name = message_type_name
    ,@message_body = message_body
    FROM dbo.ProductChangeNotificationInitiatorQueue)
    ,TIMEOUT 1000;
    IF @conversation_handle IS NOT NULL
    IF @message_type_name = N''
    END CONVERSATION @conversation_handle;
    INSERT INTO dbo.ProductChangeNotificationErrors(
    SET @description = 'Unexpected message type ' + @message_type_name + ' received';
    END CONVERSATION @conversation_handle WITH ERROR = 1 DESCRIPTION = @description;
    CREATE QUEUE ProductChangeNotificationInitiatorQueue
    PROCEDURE_NAME = dbo.usp_CleanupProductChangeNotificationInitiatorQueue,
    CREATE SERVICE [ProductChangeNotificationInitiatorService]
    ON QUEUE ProductChangeNotificationInitiatorQueue ([ProductChangeNotificationContract]);
    CREATE QUEUE ProductChangeNotificationTargetQueue;
    CREATE SERVICE ProductChangeNotificationTargetService
    ON QUEUE dbo.ProductChangeNotificationTargetQueue (ProductChangeNotificationContract);
    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.usp_ProductChangeNotificationTargetService
    @Timeout int = 5000
    @conversation_handle uniqueidentifier
    ,@service_name sysname
    ,@message_type_name nvarchar(256)
    ,@message_body varbinary(MAX)
    ,@description nvarchar(3000);
    @conversation_handle = conversation_handle
    ,@service_name = service_name
    ,@message_type_name = message_type_name
    ,@message_body = message_body
    FROM dbo.ProductChangeNotificationTargetQueue)
    ,TIMEOUT @Timeout;
    IF @conversation_handle IS NOT NULL
    SELECT CAST(@message_body AS xml) AS ChangedRows;
    END CONVERSATION @conversation_handle;
    Dan Guzman, SQL Server MVP,

  • Change Notification with C#

    I am trying to get a test application to work using Oracle Change Notification with C#, but I am not receiving the callback notification in my application. Oracle DB version is Oracle.DataAccess v.2.112.30. I can confirm the query gets registered in Oracle by viewing SYS.USER_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION_REGS and SYS.USER_CQ_NOTIFICATION_QUERIES. However, nothing ever appears in SYS.DBA_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION_REGS.
    The registration persists until I commit a transaction on the table. The registration disappears after a few seconds after the commit and my application does not received the notification.
    I have made sure my computer is listening on the correct port and have even tried turning off any firewall that could be blocking the port.
    1) Should the registration be visible in SYS.DBA_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION_REGS and, if so, what could be causing it not to be when it is visible in SYS.USER_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION_REGS and SYS.USER_CQ_NOTIFICATION_QUERIES?
    2) What could be causing the registration to disappear after a commit?
    3) What could be causing the failure of the notification to my application?
    Here is the C# code I am using and it is basically the same as from the Oracle website:
    using System;
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Data;
    using Oracle.DataAccess.Client;
    namespace NotifyTest
    public class Program
    public static bool IsNotified = false;
    public static void Main(string[] args)
    string constr = "User Id=mySchema;Password=myPassword;Data Source=myOracleInstance";
    OracleDependency dep = null;
    using (var con = new OracleConnection(constr))
    Console.WriteLine("Registering query...");
    var cmd = new OracleCommand("select * from mySchema.NOTIFY_TEST", con);
    OracleDependency.Port = 1005;
    dep = new OracleDependency(cmd);
    dep.OnChange += OnMyNotificaton;
    int queryRegistered = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
    // If oracle returns -1, then the query is successfully registered
    if (queryRegistered == -1)
    Console.WriteLine("Query Registered...");
    Console.WriteLine("Listening for Callback...");
    Console.WriteLine("There was an error...");
    catch (Exception e)
    // Loop while waiting for notification
    while (IsNotified == false)
    public static void OnMyNotificaton(object sender, OracleNotificationEventArgs arg)
    Console.WriteLine("Table change notification event is raised");
    IsNotified = true;

    Just wanted to provide an update as to how I resolved this issue. I changed my Oracle.DataAccess.dll from v. to v. and it works fine.

  • Unable to get SQL Server Agent to run after installing SQL 2012 Standard with SP1

    I am unable to get SQL Server Agent to run after installing SQL 2012 Standard with SP1. Log message is as follows:
    Attempting to load library 'xplog70.dll' into memory. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
    Failed to verify Authenticode signature on DLL 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Binn\xplog70.dll'.
    Error: 17750, Severity: 16, State: 0.
    Could not load the DLL xplog70.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: (null).

    Hi JFriedley,
    According to your error message, there might three reasons for this issue.
    xplog70.dll is corrupt, you need to check if you have any SQL Server running on same file version and same production
     edition. If xplog70.dll is corrupt, you can copy it from the new server where agent is running fine to your problematic server.
    Native client not installed properly. If you try applying any latest Service Pack or Cumulative Update then check if the SQL Server Agent can start, if that also doesn’t solve issue then try to reinstalling SQL Server Native client from SQL Server setup
    There is a similar issue about error 17750, you can review the following article.
    Sofiya Li
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click here.
    Sofiya Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Setting fields defined in SQL updateable report with a process

    I have SQL statement defined in a SQL updateable report with hidden fields. I want to be able to update these hidden fields with values from other displayed fields on the page. How do I reference these hidden items - I have referencign them as :my_field but get and error telling me thats its underfined.

    But, the reason I am doing this is because I want to format the page with 6 columns in one <TD> cell with some extra text and formatting etc - I don't want 1 column per <TD>. Thats why I am using the APEX_ITEM.TEXT so I can format the 1 <TD> the way I want it (with 6 columns it there).
    In the short term can you tell me how to reference hidden fields please.
    I will create the case in in the next few days to make it clearer.
    P.S. see my previous post: SQL QUERY updateable report with APEX_ITEM fields to update hidden columns

  • How to export data with column headers in sql server 2008 with bcp command?

    Hi all,
    I want know "how to export data with column headers in sql server 2008 with bcp command", I know how to import data with import and export wizard. when i
    am trying to import data with bcp command data has been copied but column names are not came.
    I am using the below query:-
    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell
    'BCP "SELECT  * FROM   [tempdb].[dbo].[VBAS_ErrorLog] " QUERYOUT "D:\Temp\SQLServer.log" -c -t , -T -S SERVER-A'

    Hi All,
    I have done as per your suggestion but here i have face the below problem, in print statment it give correct query, in EXEC ( EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @BCPCMD) it was displayed error message like below
    DECLARE @filepath
    SET @filepath
    = N'"D:\Temp\LDH_SQLErrorlog_'+CAST(YEAR(GETDATE())
    as varchar(4))
    as varchar(2)),2)
    as varchar(2)),2)+'.log" '
    Set @SQLServer
    = '''BCP "SELECT 
    * FROM   [tempdb].[dbo].[wErrorLog] " QUERYOUT '
    = '-c -t , -T -S '
    + @SQLServer + 
    = @BCPCMD1+ @filepath 
    + @BCPCMD2
    Print @BCPCMD
    -- Print out below
    * FROM   [tempdb].[dbo].[wErrorLog] " QUERYOUT "D:\Temp\LDH_SQLErrorlog_20130313.log" -c -t , -T -S servername'
      ''BCP' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    if i copy the print ourt put like below and excecute the CMD it was working fine, could you please suggest me what is the problem in above query.
    'BCP "SELECT  * FROM  
    [tempdb].[dbo].[wErrorLog] " QUERYOUT "D:\Temp\LDH_SQLErrorlog_20130313.log" -c -t , -T -S servername '
    Thanks, SAAD.

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    Is there any way of integrating KDE notifications with OB to make it look neat?

    What do you mean "integrating KDE notifications with OB" ?
    If it's related to launching KDE applications from OB menu, you can have entries like that :
    <menu id="apps-editors-menu" label="Editors">
      <item label="Kwrite">
        <action name="Execute">
    in your ~/.config/openbox/menu.xml
    If it's something else, explain and give an example of what you want.

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    This sure would make select appropriate values for binds in reports easier and less error prone.

    Maybe a forum search on "Windows registry" would turn up some useful things. You're not the first to ask this. You might save yourself and everyone else some time if you'd simply do that.

  • Error in calling SQL plus program with parameter from Shell script

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    PARAMETERS=`echo $1 |tr -d '\"'`
    DB_USER_ID=`echo $PARAMETERS|cut -d" " -f3|cut -d"=" -f2`
    REQ_DATE=`echo $PARAMETERS|cut -d" " -f9|cut -d"=" -f2`
    timestamp=`date +%m-%d-%y-%H:%M:%S-%Z`
    timestam=`date +%y-%m-%d`
    sqlplus -s $CONN_STRING @ar_statement.sql $REQ_DATE
    chmod 755
    My Sql plus program is like this.
    set pagesize 0
    set heading off
    set feedback off
    spool $GEC_TOP/log/
    select output_file_name
    from fnd_concurrent_requests
    where trunc(actual_completion_date) = '&2';
    spool off;
    When i run the concurrent program, i am getting the following error:
    ar_statement: line 14: REQ_DATE: command not found
    Enter value for 2:
    User requested Interrupt or EOF detected. line 1: Enter: command not found line 2: User: command not found
    Program exited with status 127
    I am not strong at Unix Porgamming and i would request someone who can
    help me out as soon as possible.
    I need this solution quickly and thank everyone in advance.

    Can you put your coding between code statements, like shown in the FAQ. It will be easier to read.
    Looking at your script, my first guess is that crontab will not find your sqlplus since your script does not have $HOME/bin in the $PATH. From what I understand, running .profile in your script will not work either because variables are exported to sub-shells, not to the shell above. You can call your script with a dot like . ./script which means that the script will run like it was typed at the command prompt. But it will be less confusing to define appropriate variables in the script. eg.
    I remember some slightly different way of coding to handle the sqlplus return codes.
    For instance:
    sqlplus -s /nolog > /dev/null <<-EOF
    connect system/manager
    whenever oserror exit failure
    whenever sqlerror exit failure
    if [ $sql_err -ne 0 ]; then
       echo "FAILURE"
       echo "SUCCESS"
    fiThe - in -EOF supresses tab's
    Using connect will prevent ps from showing your login credentials
    In some versions of bash the ending EOF needs to be at the beginning of the line to work.
    Edited by: waldorfm on Jul 14, 2010 7:05 PM
    complaining about putting code between code delimiters and forgot myself ;-)
    Edited by: waldorfm on Jul 14, 2010 7:08 PM
    Btw, if you "source" a script running it like . .script, than an exit in that script will log you out.

  • Difference between database features - SQL Server 2008 R2 navtive vs SQL Server 2012 with SQL Server 2008 compatibility set?

    I am investigating the impact of upgrading from SQL Server 2008 R2 to SQL Server 2012. To reduce the impact of the upgrade, I am planning to restore / create our application database onto SQL Server 2012 with compatibility level 100 (SQL Server 2008 and
    SQL Server 2008 R2).
    Are there any differences in feature support for database running in native mode on SQL Server 2008 R2 vs a database installed on SQL Server 2012 with compatibility level 100 set?

    Are there any differences in feature support for database running in native mode on SQL Server 2008 R2 vs a database installed on SQL Server 2012 with compatibility level 100 set?
    Yes there can be difference and impact there are few features deprecated in SQL Server 2012 you must be aware about that. Please see
    Deprecated Database Features in SQL Server 2012
    Deprecated SQL Server features in SQL Server 2012
    After you migrate database to 2012 please don't move ahead with production unless you have tested your application to new created database
    Please mark this reply as answer if it solved your issue or vote as helpful if it helped so that other forum members can benefit from it
    My Technet Wiki Article

  • SQL Server 2012 with SP1 on Windows 8.1 Pro

    Can I install "out-of-the-box" SQL Server 2012 with Service Pack 1 Enterprise Edition or SQL Server 2012 Developer Edition on my Windows 8.1 VM?

    SQL Server 2012 SP1 is fully supported by Windows 8.1, and there is no need to install any SQL update for the installation.
    Enterprise Edition is not supported on client operating systems like Windows 8.1 but setup won’t prevent you from installing.
    Developer Edition is fully supported on client operating systems.
    Hope this helps.
    Alberto Morillo

  • How to enable high availability on SQL Server 2005 with Windows Server 2008 Enterprise R2

    Dear Folks,
    I would like to ask you about this thing. I'm working for IT department for bank in Myanmar. Our bank have up to 96 branches across all of Myanmar including H.O. We are using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 with Windows Server 2008 for our banking
    information system. My main problem is having to backup and restore the database backup files every time the servers in branches goes down for whatever reasons. I want to deploy this feature of high availability and failover cluster using Windows Server 2008
    and SQL Server 2005. Our branches have 2 Servers. One is for Primary and other is for Backup. What I want to do is that, I want to change Backup Server to Primary Server whenever the Primary Server goes down for whatever reasons. All the working data and databases
    from Primary will immediately replicated into Backup Server along with all the IP information of Primary Server. Please give me step by step guide for this process.

    Try below
    I will recommend you to upgrade SQL server to newer version for support as well as flexibility.
    Vishal Patel

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