SQL Server Notification Services Removed from SQL Server 2008

It comes as no surprise to us that 2008 will not be supporting notification services.  Several years ago our company developed our product line of alerting applications and gave some long and serious thought into using SQL Notification services. 
Besides the fact that the NS desktop alerting component itself was rather bland/limited, (an acknowledge button, image, hyperlink) at the time it just made no sense to create a core component of the business plan around such a 3rd party dependent widget. 
While a look at this MS page shows only a few companies who have built alerting systems around NS,
….there is actually quite a few companies who have done this and must now consider a total rewrite of their alert system.
Quite frankly, looking forward at MS's new family of Communications servers,
I am not sure that things are changing much.
"Welcome to the Microsoft Office Live Communications Server developers' home on MSDN. Live Communications Server 2005 provides your business with an enterprise-ready instant messaging, presence awareness, and an extensible platform that connects people, information, and business processes—enabling better decisions faster."
Remember this?
MSN Buys MessageCast for Real-Time Alerts
MessageCast was a serious product on the up.  They sold out and poof.  The whole fiasco was a joke.
As it pertains to alerting platforms, the good call just may be having a architecture that is somewhat autonomous ( i.e.  Ok, perhaps Windows OS, .Net Framework and SQL Server as prerequisites is ok) to MS embedded components and not reliant on “Live Server" licenses.  Seems like just a better bet hands down all day long.
I can tell you that about 5% of all alerts our clients create are sent to inform end users “Exchange is Down”.  It’s hard to get a OutLook Desktop Alert when Exchange is down.
So, an alert system designed from scratch in-house (the hard way) may just be the heads up alert your customer needs to see.  If for nothing else, you can control your products destiny….unless of course MS Windows is made obsolete.  <wink>  Unlikely.  Hey....without MS products, we would not be in business.  They make some of the best software in the world.  But that does not mean your campany is not capable of the same.

I'm coming to the discussion of the fate of Notification Services a bit late as it is now December. It is my view that Microsoft should rethink its position on Notification Services, and should continue to support and evolve it until such time as it might be migrated to the future "alerting" solution Microsoft devises for at least the following 2 reasons:
(1) Notification Services addresses an enterprise application integration need complementary to Microsoft's web service strategy. This is a place Microsoft has not gone before, but needs to go. Why? EAI vendors won't modify their infrastructure to make them web service oriented ... they can't because it is legacy. Instead, they try to buy something and attach it to legacy ... but that doesn't work too well. Microsoft already has started/built greenfield. Further, Microsoft has commoditized such so that with notification services and its other .NET-based products (at least they evolve to such) a full complement of architectural components is being or has been assembled. Why would Microsoft make such an investment ... across the portfolio of server products ... and then back off of it? Microsoft has not been in the enterprise space before to the degree it has wished. It has intimated, at least, that it will be at the periphery with its variety of services and products. An integration broker is necessary for success at the periphery, and it provides a bridge to the enterprise back office that has the property of loose coupling, which is both good for Microsoft and its clients. 
(2) Microsoft claims to be working to develop a server platform suitable to provision notification services. This server platform could be productized as Microsoft intends, and then notification services could be made to work on that platform and then it could be open sourced. If Microsoft intends to provide a kind of application server foundation that would make it possible for non-Microsoft development teams to build out services on a Microsoft stack that can be hosted with the same set of services as, say, IIS, Biztalk, SQL Server, etc., then it seems that Notification Services could easily be migrated to this server framework once such is ready for prime time. Functional expansion of such could be accomplished by an open source community if Microsoft chooses to not further extend it on its own dime ... maybe even on its own nickel.
I've read some of the reasons justifying Microsoft's rationale to discontinue its Notification Services product line. One was that not many people used it. Blogs have listed a number of companies that have used it. The number may not be to the scale Microsoft would like ... one could look at Biztalk and suggest that Workflow Foundation represents Microsoft's belief that Biztalk too should be deprecated. Maybe so. But the strategy Microsoft is taking with workflow does not drop support for a core architectural capability. Why not keep Notification Services and give people time to learn how to architect in enterprise fashion with Microsoft infrastructure? Why not use it to seed an open source community? It probably costs you little ... and you have an open source community option that could get Microsoft further into an enterprise than it has previously been ... right into the middle ... leveraging Microsoft web service innovations in spades at substantially less cost than traditional EAI vendors, IBM, and other competitors could afford. People have to learn how to use Microsoft products in an enterprise context ... aside from specialized applications and OS vmware, what products have you put out that systematize infrastructure?
I've also heard that Microsoft is considering incorporation of Notification Services as part of Reporting Services. Please pardon me but that seems ack basswards ... events are not reports, but reports could be events if you view reports as correlations over critical business activities instead of some statically produced bit of information to be shoved off into someone's mailbox or file system or even web site. Reports are static. Events are part of a dynamic and learning enterprise platform. Isn't that what you're attempting to build infrastructure for? Isn't that exactly what Microsoft needs to secure its position at the back of an enterprise just as it has the front?
Please reconsider your position. And please contact me at tommy  at zipa dot deedoodah dot com to discuss. I'm as opinionated as everyone else, and I think you have a good product here that you're throwing away. If you don't want it, I will take it ...
Tom Winans

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    Hi Fridge,
    In Sharepoint central admin,Manage servers in Farm,Does this show this WFE Server still?
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    Check if this is helpful

  • Regarding sql server notification service

    i never use sql server notification service. so i like to know what it does. does it notify when data changed? suppose i have one win apps by which our employee insert/update/delete data. i want that when data will be inserted/updated/deleted then this notification
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    anyone can guide me how to notify my win client from sql server with changed data like push notification with data to win client. thanks

    can u please point me to any good article which help me to write that kind of trigger which can capture data change and push the change to client. thanks
    I couldn't find an article with a cursory search so I created the example below to illustrate this basic technique that you can customize and extend for your purposes.  The trigger creates an XML document with the before/after images of the inserted/updated/deleted
    rows.  The application executes the change notification target service proc in a loop to receive change messages as they become available.
    This method will work for a single application instance that receives change notifications.  If you have multiple users, I suggest a mid-tier service to receive these notifications and then multicast to clients using a publish/subscribe pattern. 
    In the case of frequent data changes, it would be better to use a single long-running conversation with the conversation handle saved to a state table instead of starting a new conversation for each message in order to reduce service broker overhead.
    Note that the trigger will write messages to the queue regardless of whether an application is listening for messages.  For that reason, it would generally be best to run the mid-tier service continuously or at least consume/ignore all of the pending
    messages at startup.
    Be aware that there are a number of variations of this general pattern but I think this should get you started.  Post questions specific to Service Broker to the related forum:
    CREATE DATABASE ExampleDatabase;
    USE ExampleDatabase;
    CREATE TABLE dbo.Product(
    ID varchar(50) NOT NULL
    , ProductName varchar(50)
    , ProductDescription varchar(1000)
    ON dbo.Product
    @ConversationHandle uniqueidentifier
    ,@ChangedRows xml;
    SELECT @ChangedRows = (
    SELECT ID, ProductName, ProductDescription
    FROM dbo.Product
    FOR XML PATH('Before'), TYPE)
    SELECT ID, ProductName, ProductDescription
    FROM dbo.Product
    FOR XML PATH('After'), TYPE)
    FOR XML PATH('Changes'), TYPE
    BEGIN Dialog @ConversationHandle
    FROM SERVICE [ProductChangeNotificationInitiatorService]
    TO SERVICE 'ProductChangeNotificationTargetService'
    ON CONTRACT [ProductChangeNotificationContract]
    SEND ON CONVERSATION @ConversationHandle
    MESSAGE TYPE [ProductChange]
    CREATE CONTRACT [ProductChangeNotificationContract](
    [ProductChange] SENT BY INITIATOR
    CREATE TABLE dbo.ProductChangeNotificationErrors(
    ErrorTime datetime NOT NULL
    ,conversation_handle uniqueidentifier NOT NULL
    ,service_name sysname
    ,message_type_name nvarchar(256) NOT NULL
    ,message_body varbinary(MAX) NULL
    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.usp_CleanupProductChangeNotificationInitiatorQueue
    @conversation_handle uniqueidentifier = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
    ,@service_name sysname
    ,@message_type_name nvarchar(256)
    ,@message_body varbinary(MAX)
    ,@description nvarchar(3000);
    WHILE @conversation_handle IS NOT NULL
    SET @conversation_handle = NULL;
    @conversation_handle = conversation_handle
    ,@service_name = service_name
    ,@message_type_name = message_type_name
    ,@message_body = message_body
    FROM dbo.ProductChangeNotificationInitiatorQueue)
    ,TIMEOUT 1000;
    IF @conversation_handle IS NOT NULL
    IF @message_type_name = N'http://schemas.microsoft.com/SQL/ServiceBroker/EndDialog'
    END CONVERSATION @conversation_handle;
    INSERT INTO dbo.ProductChangeNotificationErrors(
    SET @description = 'Unexpected message type ' + @message_type_name + ' received';
    END CONVERSATION @conversation_handle WITH ERROR = 1 DESCRIPTION = @description;
    CREATE QUEUE ProductChangeNotificationInitiatorQueue
    PROCEDURE_NAME = dbo.usp_CleanupProductChangeNotificationInitiatorQueue,
    CREATE SERVICE [ProductChangeNotificationInitiatorService]
    ON QUEUE ProductChangeNotificationInitiatorQueue ([ProductChangeNotificationContract]);
    CREATE QUEUE ProductChangeNotificationTargetQueue;
    CREATE SERVICE ProductChangeNotificationTargetService
    ON QUEUE dbo.ProductChangeNotificationTargetQueue (ProductChangeNotificationContract);
    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.usp_ProductChangeNotificationTargetService
    @Timeout int = 5000
    @conversation_handle uniqueidentifier
    ,@service_name sysname
    ,@message_type_name nvarchar(256)
    ,@message_body varbinary(MAX)
    ,@description nvarchar(3000);
    @conversation_handle = conversation_handle
    ,@service_name = service_name
    ,@message_type_name = message_type_name
    ,@message_body = message_body
    FROM dbo.ProductChangeNotificationTargetQueue)
    ,TIMEOUT @Timeout;
    IF @conversation_handle IS NOT NULL
    SELECT CAST(@message_body AS xml) AS ChangedRows;
    END CONVERSATION @conversation_handle;
    Dan Guzman, SQL Server MVP, http://www.dbdelta.com

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    How can I clean up whatever remnants of the MP are installed on this server?

    Yes, you need a path for mp.msi. I saw that is located at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\bin\X64.
    Best Regards,
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

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    Hey rbrylawski, just wanted to let you know that my ipad email problems have been solved. Called Apple Sup in OZ, I'm in NZ. Daniel Barber was the support tech from heaven!! I was about to return the ipad but solving this issue reset my faith in phone support.....perhaps until I call a differnet companys phone support eh? Anyhow, for reference the fix is below.  My accounts are all POP not IMAP, and the primary smtp server setting had defaulted to have SSL switched on and the port was set to 5XX (something, cant remember). Anyhow, SSL was switched off and the port was swithced to 25. VOILÀ!!  Settings/Mail, contacts, calendars/My POP mail account/smtp/primary server/ >>> server on, no username and password,  use SSL off,  no authentication,  Server Port 25  Thanks for having a crack at it. This might help when assisting another user. Cheers Tonino

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    The functionality which you are looking for is not available in sql server as a standout feature.
    You need to do this programattically.
    You need to put savepoints in your ssis package/jobs where it logs the steps that it has completed and the steps that it has started. Any time the job is restarted it first has to check the logging table and see where it has reached and restart from the
    step where it left off. The packages/jobs should have the ability to do so.
    You can also set another job, which will always only run on the sql agent start, which particularly chceks for all jobs which would have stopped/cancelled and see if it has completed or has stopped in between. This will make sure that if sql fails over
    or there is a restart of the agent all the jobs which were cancelled would be restarted.
    Regards, Ashwin Menon My Blog - http:\\sqllearnings.com
    This seems to be one of the solutions but as already mentioned by others you have to build this logic - you won't get this functionality out of the box.
    Sarabpreet Singh Anand
    SQL Server MVP Blog ,
    Personal website
    This posting is provided , "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
    Please remember to click "Mark as Answer" and "Vote as Helpful" on posts that help you. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

  • Should cancelled mailbox moves result in any moved mail data removed from target server?

    I was moving mailboxes from 1 DB to another. 3 out of 120 were left running for 12 hours; they were the biggest ones and it was very slow to process the items. There were also reports of slowness on the server so I had no choice but to cancel the moves.
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    Would appreciate if someone can clear this up and possibly explain exactly what occurs during this type of scenario.

    Thank you for your kindly remind.
    In Exchange 2000, 2003 and 2007 mailboxes become unavailable during movement, when a mailbox move takes place, the mailbox isn't actually moved, it's just copied to the destination location. Once that copy has finished, AD is updated to point to the new location
    and the old mailbox is deleted from the source EDB file.
    The most different between Exchange 2010 and legacy version in move mailbox is that allows end-users to be online in their email accounts. On completing the move users just needs to reopen their Outlook clients.
    Mailbox Move Requests are a new feature set of Exchange 2010 and requires running a series of Cmdlets to perform asynchronous online mailbox moves with the help of a service agent called Mailbox Replication Service (MRS). MRS is available on all Exchange 2010
    Client Access Servers.
    Best Regards,
    Allen Wang

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    Looking at statistics in CSADMIN shows that the deletion of the created attachment does not increment the "delete" counter.
    Any ideas on why the created attachments are not removed from CS upon deletion?

    We have solved this issue now. By design, the attachments are not removed directly from the content server upon deletion; Instead you will need to run report RSBCS_REORG to completely remove them from the Content Server.
    Edited by: Christian Nordvaller on Jan 26, 2010 3:53 PM

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    When I try to view the tutorials in IDVD, I get the following message: "The vodeo cannot be found. It may have been removed from server  HTTP 404" What do I do?

    You don't say what version of iDVD you are using, nor what link you were using, but try these:
    A good guide to iDVD 7 can be found here:
    Apple's tutorial on iDVD 07/08 is here:

  • Issue in migrating analysis service job from one server to another

    Hi All,
    I'm migrating analysis services from one server to another, within the source server there is a job with the name
    denreportingprocess which executes a batch file within local drive on server. I have moved all the analysis services cubes from the source server to destination and all the databases on the source server have been restored to destination.Verified
    cubes are pointing to the correct database by modifying the connection string within the datasource part of the cube databases.
    I have copied the entire process folder from source to destination and edited the code within the run file and code within the job pointing the locations to new server.
    Below is the job code, it is running a batch file placed in E drive
    Below is the text within the batch file (windows command script)
    E:\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\process\ASCMD -S "servername" -i "E:\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\process\Process.xmla"
    -o "E:\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\process\Log.txt"
    Below are the list of files within the folder E:\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\process
    When I run the job it is failing with below error message
    Ascmd: Exception trying to impersonate user: Access to the path 'E:\MSSQL10_50.MSQLSERVER\process\log.txt' is denied.
    Ascmd: Execution failed: Access to the path 'E:\MSSQL10_50.MSQLSERVER\process\log.txt' is denied.
    Thanks in Advance.
    Regards, Kranthi

    Hi Visakh,
    Thanks for the reply, I have mapped the account under which the job was running to D drive, now it can access the file but job is still failing and error is not that informative.
    Below is the error message with which the job is failing, where can i find this output file with errors
    Executed as user abc_agent. C:\Windows\system32>E:\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\process\ASCmd -S "servername" -i "E:\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\process\process.xmla" -o "E:\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\process\Log.txt"   Microsoft
    (R) Analysis Services 2008 Command Line Tool  Version X86  Copyright (C) 2008 Microsoft Corporation.  All Rights Reserved.Ascmd: Check the output file for errors.  Process Exit Code 1.  The step failed.

  • Sbcglobal(yahoo) and POP3/IMAP Settings to Keep/Remove From Mail Server

    First iPhone and I've researched and can't seem to find a clear answer to probably a simple question.
    I have set up two email accounts (one work/one personal) on the iPhone. I'm not clearly understanding the Advanced Mail Server Settings on Removing Deleted Messages. The options listed are "Never", "After One Day", "After One Week", "After One Month".
    First, if I select one of these options and then later download the mail to my laptop, how does that affect what's been download to the iPhone? Will it sync again with what's on the mail server? Which, after downloading to the laptop, would be nothing and remove what's in my iPhone inbox? (No Exchange Servers in use unfortunately.)
    And, this same question would apply to any I've deleted from the iPhone. Would the iPhone then sync again with the mail server and remove the deleted message from there -- so it would not be downloaded to the laptop?
    I hope I've made sense. Any extra explanation on how these settings work would be sincerely appreciated.

    That's not how IMAP works. If you want to keep the inbox clean, but not delete the messages, create folders and move the messages into them for later review.

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    Hi Jean,
    From the version number it sounds like you're using version 5.5 SP4, right? The Console application was significantly changed in SP5 and you would no longer see the locked server icon... If you unmount the server from the Console, and re-mount it, isn't there an option on the context menu for the tree (right-click on the server node) to provide the password? Did you try "Connect to Server" or "Start Server" on this context menu?
    Thanks... I don't know if I can help you with your problem, but I will try!
    Message was edited by: Author - found the option on the context menu to provide the password to the server
            Cleopatra Von Ludwig
    Message was edited by:
            Cleopatra Von Ludwig

  • Snow Leopard Server Mail - need attachments from mail server no longer on line.

    Switched to GMail
    pulled in .pst file for outlook but it had been configured to leave attachments on server.
    the mail server is no longer online - how do I get the attachments?
    I have access to the server but do not want to risk the mail syncing with google and deleting the files on the old mail server.
    The export was not done cleanly - now I have to go back to pull from server.
    Is there a way to export a users mail with attachments from the server to a folder that can then be imported into regular mail program?
    To make it more fun the person is on a windows XP using outlook - so I will need to get it from the closed server to his outlook.

    Enable Finder to Show Invisible Files and Folders
    Open the Terminal application in your Utilities folder.  At the prompt enter or paste the following command line then press RETURN.
    defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
    killall Finder
    To turn off the display of invisible files and folders enter or paste the following command line and press RETURN.
    defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles FALSE
    killall Finder
    Alternatively you can use one of the numerous third-party utilities such as TinkerTool or ShowHideInvisibleFiles - VersionTracker or MacUpdate.

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    Strontium90, thanks for the suggestion. I finally got it to work.  I performed the copy FROM the workstation, instead of FROM the Server.  I made the Server Applications folder a shared folder temporarily so that I could access it FROM the workstation and copied the Server App from the Finder window at the workstation.  I think I may have an issue with the Admin account I am using.  I created this Admin account locally in the workstation and then created a network account in the Server with the same short name and password as the local Admin account thinking that the local machine would recognize that network account as the "same" local admin account.  I guess it doesn't work that way.

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