PL/SQL function - unix shell script

I have an application that calls a unix shell script This unix shell script calls a oracle function in the PL/SQL package. For example,
In package pkg_test, there is function f_test. This function returns pls_interger.
How can I write a unix shell script to return the value from the oracle function, so that the application can get the value from the unix shell script?
Many thanks.

Thank you for your response.
The Oracle functuion pkg_name.proc_name will return different values, 0, 1, 2, 3 in diffefrent conditions.
The unix script, myscript.ksh calls pkg_name.proc_name.
The other application will call myscript.ksh and this application will need to get the values 0, 1, 2, 3 from myscript.ksh.
Can we make it without using the unix shelll function?
Edited by: slsam01 on Jun 2, 2009 9:21 PM

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    Look at the host or client_host builtins in the help

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    Just how much work is involved, is hard to say. Many years ago I also wrote (more than once) a complete ETL system using a combination of shell scripts, SQL*Plus and PL/SQL.
    If the PL/SQL code is fairly clean, uses bind variables and not substitution variables, then it should be relatively easy to convert that PL/SQL code in the script to a formal stored procedure in the database.
    There is however bits and pieces that will be difficult to move into the PL/SQL layer as it requires new software - like for example FTP'ing a file from the production server to the ETL server. This can be done using external o/s calls from within PL/SQL. Or, you can install a FTP API library in PL/SQL and FTP that file directly into a CLOB and parse and process the CLOB.
    Think of Oracle as an o/s in its own right. In Oracle we have a mail client, a web browser, IPC methods like pipes and messages queues, cron, file systems, web servers and services, etc. And PL/SQL is the "shell scripting" (times a thousand) language of this Oracle o/s .
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    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~START of Script~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    export readTime checkTime timeDiff
    # Get initial Time
    readTime=`sqlplus -s scott/tiger@database <<EOF
    whenever sqlerror exit 1
    set escape off
    set head off
    set verify off
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    set escape off
    set head off
    set verify off
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    set escape off
    set head off
    set verify off
    select CAST(TO_DATE('$time2','''YYYY\/MM\/DD:HH24:MI:SS'''))-CAST(TO_DATE('$VAR1','YYYY-MM-DD:HH24:MI:SS')) from dual;
    echo "value of timeDiff : $timeDiff"
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~OUTPUT here ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    readTime value is :
    02-DEC-05 AM -06:00
    value of checkTime :
    02-DEC-05 AM -06:00
    value of timeDiff : 02-DEC-05 AM -06:00','''YYYY\/MM\/DD:HH24:MI:SS'''))-CAST(TO_DATE('
    ERROR at line 2:
    ORA-00905: missing keyword

    You didn't specify if you want a total time for a portion of a shell script, or the whole script in general. If you only want to know the time of the whole shell script, just reference the linux/unix built-in variable ${SECONDS}. This variable is reset for each PID.
    I usually add these lines to the bottom of long running shell scripts (just before an exit code):
    ((TIME = ${SECONDS} / 60))
    echo "Script ran for ${TIME} minutes. (${SECONDS} seconds total.)
    Like I said, ${SECONDS} starts ticking from 0 when you start the script, so no need to export the variable, just reference it. The nice part is that you don't have to bother getting into sqlplus and hit the database.

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    I prefer a seperate script like the other poster mentioned. However, most shells can use a 'here' document as well ...
    sqlplus uid/pwd <<END
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    many thanks

    thanks a tonn it worked.
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    if [ ! "$1" ]; then
    #echo "exec pkg1($STR);"
    #Connecting to oracle
    sqlplus -s <<EOF
    $ORA_USER/$[email protected]
    ---sql plus enviornment settings
    set linesize 160
    set pagesize 60
    set serveroutput on size 1000000 for wra
    set feedback off
    set termout off
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    set serveroutput on;
    var prd_out varchar2(100);
    exec create_pm_window(:prd_out);
    echo " output is - $OUTPUT"
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    First step :
    make sure the PL/SQL works as expected.
    Does the following display the expected output executed from SQL*Plus ?
    set serverout on
    prd_out varchar2(100);
    dbms_output.put_line('output is '||prd_out);
    I don't have your procedure, but using a dummy procedure like :
    Scott@my10g SQL>create procedure foo(p_out in out varchar2)   
      2  is
      3  begin
      4  select 'Hello '||instance_name into p_out from v$instance;
      5  end;
      6  /
    Procedure created. and a script as :OUTPUT=`sqlplus -s scott/tiger <<EOF
    set pages 0 lines 120 trimout on trimspool on tab off echo off verify off feed off serverout on
    var mavar varchar2(100);
    exec foo(:mavar);
    print mavar;
    echo "OUT = ${OUTPUT}"
    exitIt works fine :[oracle@Nicosa-oel ~]$ ./
    OUT = Hello my10g

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    I have oracle procedure where in I have to pass the value of procedure parameter through unix script.
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    create or replace procedure OWNER.PRC_TESTING_OWNER(OWNER IN VARCHAR2) AS
    sql_stmt varchar2(1000) := NULL;
    v_count number := 0;
    v_owner varchar2(100) := owner;
    sql_stmt:='select count(1) from '||v_owner||'.EMP@infodb where rownum<=10';
    execute immediate sql_stmt into v_count;
    END;The script which I used is:
    echo start
    sqlplus -s scott@DEV/tiger <<EOF >>result_1.txt
    set serveroutput on;
    select '$parm' from dual;
    exec owner.PRC_TESTING_OWNER('$parm');
    EOFThe script is working fine that is i am able to pass to parameter value through unix shell script. :)
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    create or replace procedure OWNER.PRC_TESTING_OWNER(OWNER IN VARCHAR2) IS
    v_owner varchar2(100) := owner;
    CURSOR main_cur IS 
      i.ROWID  rid ,
      from v_owner.employee;
    CURSOR subset_cur(c_deptid NUMBER ) IS
        SELECT *
          FROM v_owner.DEPT d
          where  d.dept_id=c_deptid;
    --##main loop     
    FOR i IN main_cur LOOP
          FOR j IN subset_cur(i.deptid) LOOP     
    insert into v_owner.RESULT_TABLE
    END LOOP;How can i pass parameter value of the stored procedure through unix script(that is "owner" in this case), when these parameter value is
    used in cursor? :(
    Can anybody help me regarding the same?
    Thanks in Advance !! :D

    It's not the parameter in the cursor that is the problem, it's that you are trying to use static SQL for something that won't be known until run time (the owner of the table).
    You would need to use something like ...
       l_owner        varchar2(30) := 'SCOTT';
       l_ref_cursor   sys_refcursor;  
       type l_ename_tab is table of scott.emp.ename%type;
       l_ename_array  l_ename_tab;
       open l_ref_cursor for
          'select ename
          from ' || l_owner || '.emp';
          fetch l_ref_cursor bulk collect into l_ename_array limit 10;
          exit when l_ename_array.COUNT = 0;
          for x in 1 .. l_ename_array.count
          end loop;
       end loop;
       close l_ref_cursor;
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.01

  • Call Unix Shell Script From OBIEE

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    Is it possible to do a call to a Unix Shell Script with the Action Framework from OBIEE.
    Thanks in Advance

    I dont think so but we can go for it instead of BI side. Try to port the same functionality on shell script side, so that the script can identify your report using tail of nqquery log and execute the rest of your lines in shell script.
    This can doable and works as expected. If at all you are going with my suggestion you can go for a small key word to identify your report instead of that lengthy logical query.
    Pls mark if helps

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    I am trying to execute a simple unix shell script from ABAP.
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    1. created a file  with single command echo "Hello".
    2.  placed this file on application server /Usr/sap/
    3. executing ABAP program which as FM RFC_REMOTE_PIPE
       command  = lv_command
       read          = 'X'
       pipedate    =  lt_stdout
    system_failure  = 1
    communication_failure = 2.
    if i populate lv_command  = echo "hello" it works fine
    if i give .sh file path in lv_command it is not working. it returns 1.
    Please help...
    I was searching SDN i found that rfcexec service should be enabled... how do i check that..
    i checked t code  \SMGW , i don't see any output...
    i checked FM GWY_READ_CONNECTED_SYSTEMS, i don't hsee anyting related to unix...
    Please suggest.

    I resolved the issue.
    It was issue with permission.
    Script file should have full permission ( Mode 777)..
    Thanks everyone.

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    With Regards,

    1.define own external command (sm69)
    2. run this command from your ABAP code by callig function module SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE

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    sqlldr parfile=sdb.par control=$cntlfile data=$infile bad=$badFile log=$logFile rows=10000
    retcode=`echo $?`
    case "$retcode" in
    0) echo "SQL*Loader execution successful" ;;
    1) echo "SQL*Loader execution exited with EX_FAIL, see logfile" ;;
    2) echo "SQL*Loader execution exited with EX_WARN, see logfile" ;;
    3) echo "SQL*Loader execution encountered a fatal error" ;;
    *) echo "unknown return code";;
    Eventhough, there are errors while executing sqlldr, it is always returing recode zero. What could be the possible reason
    Please advice

    Is there a typo in your code ?
    sqlldr parfile=sdb.par control=$cntlfile data=$infile bad=$badFile log=$logFile rows=10000
    retcode=`echo $?` In this code, you get the return code of the statement in bold which is not the sqlldr statement ...

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    the DML working. Powers that be prefer that Database Account authentication (or a facsimile thereof)
    be used. I suspect I'm opening myself up to lots of criticism by disclosing this ... :)
    Thanks for any ideas,

    R -- If I understand you correctly, a pl/sql process in APEX could invoke a java program on the server. Is that correct?
    If so, is there any reason it couldn't just call a unix shell script? Seems they're both just executables recognized by the OS....
    I know I called unix scripts from embedded sql a billion years ago, but don't recall the method for doing that. What is
    the syntax I'd use in apex / pl/sql?

  • Execute stored procedure from Unix shell script

    My current method of executing stored procedures (wpl_1 and wpl_2) from a unix shell script is as follows:
    sqlplus user/password @/home/oracle/scripts/wpl.sql
    set serveroutput on size 1000000
    set timing on
    execute wpl_1('0000010676','~')
    execute wpl_2('0000010676','~')
    execute wpl_1('0000010236','FIX')
    execute wpl_2('0000010236','FIX')
    Question: Is it possible to combine the two scripts (unix and oracle) together?

    A little rusty on this, but this may work:
    My current method of executing stored procedures
    (wpl_1 and wpl_2) from a unix shell script is as
    <<>>sqlplus user/password @/home/oracle/scripts/wpl.sql << EOF
    set serveroutput on size 1000000
    set timing on
    execute wpl_1('0000010676','~')
    execute wpl_2('0000010676','~')
    execute wpl_1('0000010236','FIX')
    execute wpl_2('0000010236','FIX')
    Question: Is it possible to combine the two scripts
    (unix and oracle) together?

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    I would like to execute a unix shell script form a form when they pressed a button. The forms server is on Linux machine. I tried but when I pressed the button nothings happen. Could some one please help me how I could get working.
    Is there is a way I could execute the unix shell script from PL/SQL proceudre or package.
    Please some one help me.

    You would not expect to see anything happening because the
    script cannot directly send output to the web form. However, you can get it to write output to a file and use web.show_document in the form after the host command to display the file and see the output.

Maybe you are looking for

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