PL/SQL - inline validation errors check

does there exist any function (PL/SQL) which tell me that inline validation errors were displayed or not?
Now I use "Condition Type -> No Inline Validation Errors Displayed" but I need to check it in "PL/SQL expression".
Is it possible?

I found it.
Following function gives you number of validations errors:

Similar Messages

  • PL/SQL Equivalent to the condition "No inline validation errors displayed"

    I've seen this on another thread but can't find it. I need two conditions to be true to show a region: a value is not null and no inline validation errors are showing. Does anyone know the PL/SQL (API call?) to retrieve the number of errors being displayed on screen?

    You can use the global variable wwv_flow.g_inline_validation_error_cnt for your access.
    So your region displayed condition could be a pl/sql function that would return true or this....
       l_number_of_errors number := 0;
       l_number_of_errors := wwv_flow.g_inline_validation_error_cnt;
       If (:P1_test_item is NULL or  l_number_of_errors>0 ) then
             return FALSE;
            return TRUE;
       end if;
    END;So, if the item is null, or there is any inline validation error, the region will not be displayed...

  • (no inline validation error displayed)) condition type and plsql expression

    Hello all
    Is it possible to use a plsql expression (eg: (:REQUEST = 'PXX_LIST_ITEM')) AND (no inline validation error displayed)) condition type at the smae time ?
    HTMLDB must be testing a substitution variable when the conditional display section is set to 'no inline validation errors displayed'.

    I don't know for sure because I never used it, but I think you can use the pl/sql variable htmldb_application.g_inline_validation_error_cnt. This variable identifies number of inline errors found.
    You can also check if the variable htmldb_application.g_notification contains a value.

  • 2008 R2 upgrade to SQL 2012 validation error - No Features Selected

    I need a work-around for a known bug.  Some features of Server 2008 R2 Enterprise install an instance of SQL Server.  I'm attempting to upgrade the in-place instance to SQL 2012 Express.  After selecting 'Upgrade', it returns this error:
    Upgrade to SQL Server 2012
    There are validation errors on this page.  Click OK to close this dialog box.  Review errors at the bottom of the setup page, then provide valid parameters or click Help for more information.
    There are no features selected for upgrade.
    In researching, I find this is a known problem in which the hotfix is available in a cumulative update.  The 2419 build updates the released 2100 build.  My problem now is that applying the cumulative update requires that SQL 2012 already be installed.
    What is the correct procedure for upgrading the in-place SQL instance to 2012 SQL Express?
    Beware of unmoderated moderators in the Expression Web forums.

    One of us is confused.... likely me.  The SQL currently installed is the built-in SQL of Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise.  It is not SQL Enterprise.  I understand it to be a limited variation called SSEE, SQL Server Embedded Edition. 
    I believe the installation of this variation can be triggered by installing IIS or WSUS.  The instance name is Microsoft##SSEE.
    Nevertheless, there must be a proper way to install SQL 2012 Express, migrate, and uninstall the Windows Internal Database SQL 2005.  Where can I find the correct procedure for upgrading the in-place SQL instance to 2012 SQL Express?
    Hi backup,
    According to your description, I recommend you install SQL Server 2012 Express directly. Before installing, you should note the
    hardware and software requirements, for example, you need to download and install Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 and Windows Installer 4.5.
    There is a process of installing SQL Server 2012 Express, you can review it.
    Sofiya Li
    Sofiya Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to track a validation error in PL/SQL

    Is there a way in PL/SQL to track the fact that a page is rendered after a validation error?
    I know there is condition type "Inline validation errors displayed" but
    I would like to "translate" in PL/SQL expression. In case I would combine it with other PL/SQL expressions.

    I try to show/hide a div depending on the occurence of errors. I resolved this problem by doing this in javascript.
    function showEdu(){
    $("#edu").animate({ height: 'show', opacity: 'show' }, 'slow');
    function hideEdu(){
    $("#edu").animate({ height: 'hide', opacity: 'hide' }, 'slow');
    function checkEduError(){
    if($("span").hasClass("errTxt") == true)
    if($v('P6_EDU_SHOWN') == 'Y')

  • Report Still Runs When Validation Errors Occur

    I'm using Apex 4.2.1 against Oracle 11gR2 and Oracle App Server (mod_plsql).
    My Set-Up:
    I created an application containing a "classical" type report that is driven by a WHERE clause. I also have two date fields in an HTML region on this same page. These fields are used in the report WHERE clause. And the report is run by clicking a GO button on the page.
    Here's what the WHERE clause looks like:
    where table_date >= to_date(nvl(:P1_BEGIN_DATE, '01-jan-1900'), 'dd-mon-yyyy') and table_date <= to_date(nvl(:P1_END_DATE, '31-dec-2300'), 'dd-mon-yyyy')This is designed so that, if any of the date fields are NULL, then the minimum or maximum date will be used for the query.
    These date fields should always have a value when the report is run, and so, I created two after submit NOT NULL validations, one for each of the date fields. If any of these fields is NULL when the GO button is clicked, an error message appears in the notification area at the top of the page.
    Looking at all this, you might realize (as I do) that the nvl() functions in the above WHERE clause are redundant. After all, the validations are supposed to prevent these date fields from becoming NULL when the report is run. In any case, this set-up does work ok and points out a strange behavior with Apex.
    My Problem:
    If any of these validations throws an error message, the report still runs. In previous versions of Apex, if a validation (or, for that matter, any error) is thrown, the report remains static. The report region does not disappear and the report is not invoked until the user corrects the error.
    If both date fields are filled, I click the GO button and the report correctly returns, say, 100 rows. But when I empty both of the date fields and click GO, the validation errors appear and the report still runs, now returning the maximum number of rows, say, 1000.
    What I've Tried:
    I added a Branch-to-Page with condition "No Inline Validation Errors Displayed" so that the page branches back to itself only when no errors appear inline and I changed the validation error messages to appear inline. This has no effect.
    And if I remove the nvl() functions from the above WHERE clause, then, when validation errors are thrown, the report data is replaced with the "No data found" message. All very disconcerting to my users.
    Does anyone know why Apex reports are still run in presence of validation errors?
    And how do I get around this behavior?
    Thank you for any help.

    Hi, Scott.
    Thank you for your help/suggestions.
    I like your first suggestion: creating a DA on the GO button that causes my report region to refresh only if both begin and end date fields are populated. And so, I tried doing this.
    My DA looks like:
    Event: Click
    Type: Button
    Button Name: P1_GO
    Condition: - No Condition -
    Action: Refresh
    Fire When Event Result Is: True
    Fire On Page Load: Checked
    Selection Type: Region
    Region Name: People Count
    Event Scope: Static
    Condition Type: PL/SQL Function Body Returning A Boolean
    My PLSQL Code in Expression 1:
    END IF;My P1_GO button was automatically changed to "Controlled by Dynamic Action". And "Execute Validations" for this button is set to "Yes".
    Unfortunately, this DA does not work. When both date fields are filled, clicking the GO button does not cause the report (nor anything else) to refresh. However, if I navigate to another application tab and then return back to my report page, I notice that the report does refresh at that point. But clicking the GO button has no effect.
    And when either or both of the date fields is NULLed, clicking the GO button does not cause my validation error messages to appear.
    By the way, I do agree with your comment about the NVL() functions. As I had mentioned in my original post, I also realize that, with my WHERE clause, checking for NULLs in my date fields is not needed. Still, if users fail to fill these date fields, then it would be useful to remind users that these fields should be populated. This is why having the validation checks are still needed despite my WHERE clause.
    In any case, would you know what I am doing wrong here with this Dynamic Action?
    Also, with respect to my first question, why is Apex causing my report to refresh when validaion errors have occurred? This did not occur prior to version 4.2.
    Thank you very much for any further help/advice.

  • Detect form validation error

    Hi there,
    I have a page that displays a report and a form on the same page.
    The user clicks on a row in the report - triggering a re-submit - and the form fills with the correct details.
    On the report there's a NEW button to add a new row.
    When clicked the form is emptied and ready for filling in.
    On the form there's a CREATE button to accept the entry and create the row (using a custom After Submit process).
    I use Before Header processes to set the details in the form depending on the row clicked or a particular REQUEST from a button.
    I also enable/disable button depending on the REQUEST (in add mode the CREATE button is shown - otherwise the APPLY button).
    So far so good.
    Now i have some validations on the form and when one of them fails it re-writes the screen with the inline error messages shown however the REQUEST is then empty!
    This causes problems for me when pre-setting the form with data and enabling/disabling buttons.
    Is it possible to detect somehow if a field validation error has occured or set the REQUEST with a particular value?
    Because of the REQUEST reset after an error my CREATE button gets disabled and my APPLY button re-appears causing confusion for the user (and me :-) ).
    I hope I'm making myself clear here.

    The problem is not how to set the items & buttons.
    My buttons are conditionally shown by looking at the REQUEST value.
    My problem is more with the logic of detecting an error on my screen.
    I need something like following pseudo-code:-
    IF :REQUEST = 'ADD_ROW' THEN -- Insert mode (invoked by pressing button NEW on the report)
      clear form
      disable button APPLY in the form
      enable button CREATE in te form
      IF form shows an inline validation error THEN -- Error mode
        -- do nothing to change the values on the form
        -- do nothing to change existing enabled/disabled buttons
        -- Basically allow the user to correct mistakes and continue
      ELSE -- Normal update mode
        fill form with details of selected row
        enable APPLY button
        disable CREATE button
      END IF;
    END IF;It's the "form shows an inline validation error" bit that I have problems with.
    How do I know an error is shown on the screen?
    Is there an application item that tells me this?
    Perhaps I could set a page or app item myself in the validation code to flag that an error occurred?

  • How to fire a clear item process on validation error

    this is probably a simple one but eludeing me at the mo...
    I have 2 password fields > password and verify password respectively.
    I want to be able to clear both fields in the event the password verification validation fails.
    I have created a clear cache process with the condition set to 'When inline validation errors displayed' but i don't think the flow of logic goes as far as the processes after validation errors occur??
    anybody got a work around?

    You can use a function returning boolean validation and when it fails set the items to null before returning false, e.g.,
      if :OLD_PW <> :NEW_PW then
        :OLD_PW := null;
        :NEW_PW := null;
        return false;
      end if;Scott

  • Detecting validation errors during accept processing

    I have a page with the following accept processing components
    1. Process - On Submit - Before computations and validations
    2. A validation
    3. Process - On Submit - After computations and validations
    When the page is first submitted, (1) runs fine. (2) runs and the validation fails so (3) doesn't run.
    Now when I re-submit the page, I would like (1) to NOT run.
    Is there a way to detect that the page is being re-submitted as a result of validation errors and hence suppress certain after-submit components from executing?
    [As far as I know, the "Inline validation errors" declarative condition and the g_inline_validation_error_cnt variable only apply during the page rendering phase, so they can't be used here]

    Hello Vikas,
    In version 3.0 you can use a hidden item as a flag, and set this flag with a on load procedure (and NOT computation). The first procedure will be conditioned by "Inline Validation Errors Displayed" and the second one with "NO Inline Validation Errors Displayed". Then you can condition your after submit processes with this flag.
    >>As far as I know, the "Inline validation errors" declarative condition and the g_inline_validation_error_cnt variable only apply during the page rendering phase, so they can't be used here
    A little test on my local instance confirm this.

  • Validation Errors with new Install of W7 x64 Ent Debug Checker On New Equipment

    I am receiving multiple Errors. I am trying to use the Windows 7 x64 Enterprise which happens to be the Debug Checker version OS as the host machine.  I have only built the machine, and tried to load the Drivers.
    I say this due to the starting issue that upon the loading of the entire driver set, (for the MB, Seagate Harddrive, and Vid Card), I would get the BSOD.  I identified that the Bluetooth driver was the issue.  I then did not load the Bluetooth
    drivers for the MB on the 5<sup>th</sup> or so install of the 7 Ent os.  (Tried Server 2k8 r2. Which is not compatible with the MB Drivers.)
    I have not received a single Update either.  The Auto update feature claims that I am up to date.  I do not believe this due to the fact that any fresh Install of any OS has about several decades of updates and reboots to go through.
    Upon trying the suggestions on the forum about turning off the IE Addons, the errors remain.  Also the results of the sfc /scannow are copied below.
    My Questions
    I am seeking assistance on solving the Errors that have refused to leave me alone , to put it humorously and am asking for your insight and wisdom.  Will you take a look??
    Do I need to go to Win 7 Ent or Ult x64 that is not a Debug Checker version.
    Are there other Microsoft download Registery file checkers besides the MGA Diag tool that are freeware that I can use to check, for corrupted registry files.
    Or do I just need to take it to the stores (Fry’s and Microcenter) that recommended the equipment and have them just reload the software and allow them the headache of solving the error issue, by paying them to install the drivers and have ALL of the
    drivers work. (including the blue tooth)
    The Goal is to turn it into a Active Directory Server using Virtual Box with Server 2k8 R2 running in the virtual box environment.
    Errors and Results.
    There are also a number of logs that show various Crit, Error, and Warning logs.  I will include those if need be.
    This is the majority of the error messages, and I have missed the opportunity to capture others.
    Internet explorer encountered Validation errors:
    Validation Error
    Process Name: iexplorer.exe
    Module Name : mshtml.dll
    Assert offset: 0000000000B221DB
    Validation Error
    Process Name: iexplorer.exe
    Module Name : comctl32.dl
    Assert offset: 00133A2A
    Validation Error
    Process Name: iexplorer.exe
    Module Name : mshtml.dll
    Assert offset: 008BE823
    Validation Error
    Process Name: iexplorer.exe
    Module Name : mshtml.dll
    Assert offset: 0040F9E8
    Validation Error
    Process Name: iexplorer.exe
    Module Name : iertutil.dll
    Assert offset: 001DEC51
    Validation Error
    Process Name: iexplorer.exe
    Module Name : KERNELBASE.dll
    Assert offset: 00014159
    Validation Error
    Process Name: iexplorer.exe
    Module Name : mshtml.dll
    Assert offset: 0000000000B221DB
    Microsoft Management Console Encountered a Validation Error
    Validation Error
    Process Name: mmc.exe
    Module Name : ieframe.dll
    Assert offset: 00000000006C9283
    Scripted Diagnostics Native Hot encountered a Validation Error
    Validation Error
    Process Name: sdiagnhost.exe
    Module Name : urlmon.dll
    Assert offset: 00000000001A0A73
    Validation Error
    Process Name: sdiagnhost.exe
    Module Name : KERNELBASE.dll
    Assert offset: 0000000000017f32
    Windows System Assessment Tool encountered a validation error
    Validation Error
    Process Name: winsat.exe
    Module Name : KERNELBASE.dll
    Assert offset: 0000000000017F32
    Windows Explorer Encountered a validation Error
    Validation Error
    Process Name: Explored.exe
    Module Name : thumbcache.dll
    Assert offset: 00000000000300BE
    AI Suite 2 encountered a validation error
    Validation Error
    Process Name: AI Suite 2.exe
    Module Name : ntdll.dll
    Assert offset: 000686BD
    the number “2” is the substitutedfor the roman numeral 2
    I believe that this is part of the MB Suite.
    My the environment is a new equipment, and Downloaded student software. Windows 7 Enterprise SPK 1 Debug Checker, Valid Key with the software download.  Activated on 8-12-2012
    Motherboard: Asus p9x79 Deluxe, Part number: 90-mibh50-g0aay0kz
    Chip Set: bx80619i73930k
    2x Memory: cmx16gx3m2a1600c11 Corsair
    Video Card: Diamond R7870 2GB DD OC 2xDVI/HDMI/2xDisplayport memory Clock 1250 MHz
    Hard Drive: 9jb1n3-574 (leave the last two didgets off when searching in the browser) This is a Seagate 2TB
    Generic optic drive: SH-222bb/bebe Samsung
    Here is the Microsoft Fix It error code
    Assertion Failed!
    File: d:\w7rtm\ds\security\cryptoapi\pki\...\newstor.cpp
    Line: 2131
    Expression: pStore->dwState = = STORE_STATE_OPEN || pStore->dwState = = STORE_STATE_OPENING || pStore->dwState = = STORE_STATE_DEFER_CLOSING || pStore->dwState = = STORE_STATE_NULL
    For information on how your program can cause an assertion failure, see the Visual C++ documentation on asserts
    (Press Retry to debug the application – JIT must be enabled)
                    Abort    Retry     Ignore
    Closes the program
    Repeats the error
    Closes the program
    Nothing happens
    Here is the Microsoft Genuine Advantage Diagnostic Report
    Diagnostic Report (1.9.0027.0):
    Windows Validation Data-->
    Validation Code: 0
    Cached Online Validation Code: N/A, hr = 0xc004f012
    Windows Product Key: *****-*****-*****-*****-8C7YB
    Windows Product Key Hash: cezvXJ2/mUhIEFxJfWkZ3IN8EQQ=
    Windows Product ID: 55041-146-2397786-86942
    Windows Product ID Type: 6
    Windows License Type: Volume MAK
    Windows OS version: 6.1.7601.2.00010100.1.0.004
    ID: {EBD85729-DBBB-479F-AB15-EBC0DDE0CC28}(1)
    Is Admin: Yes
    TestCab: 0x0
    LegitcheckControl ActiveX: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
    Signed By: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
    Product Name: Windows 7 Enterprise
    Architecture: 0x00000009
    Build lab: 7601.win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850
    TTS Error:
    Validation Diagnostic:
    Resolution Status: N/A
    Vista WgaER Data-->
    ThreatID(s): N/A, hr = 0x80070002
    Version: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
    Windows XP Notifications Data-->
    Cached Result: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
    File Exists: No
    Version: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
    WgaTray.exe Signed By: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
    WgaLogon.dll Signed By: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
    OGA Notifications Data-->
    Cached Result: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
    Version: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
    OGAExec.exe Signed By: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
    OGAAddin.dll Signed By: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
    OGA Data-->
    Office Status: 109 N/A
    OGA Version: N/A, 0x80070002
    Signed By: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
    Office Diagnostics: 025D1FF3-364-80041010_025D1FF3-229-80041010_025D1FF3-230-1_025D1FF3-517-80040154_025D1FF3-237-80040154_025D1FF3-238-2_025D1FF3-244-80070002_025D1FF3-258-3
    Browser Data-->
    Proxy settings: N/A
    User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Win32)
    Default Browser: c:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
    Download signed ActiveX controls: Prompt
    Download unsigned ActiveX controls: Disabled
    Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins: Allowed
    Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe: Disabled
    Allow scripting of Internet Explorer Webbrowser control: Disabled
    Active scripting: Allowed
    Script ActiveX controls marked as safe for scripting: Allowed
    File Scan Data-->
    File Mismatch: C:\Windows\system32\wat\watadminsvc.exe[Hr = 0x80070003]
    File Mismatch: C:\Windows\system32\wat\npwatweb.dll[Hr = 0x80070003]
    File Mismatch: C:\Windows\system32\wat\watux.exe[Hr = 0x80070003]
    File Mismatch: C:\Windows\system32\wat\watweb.dll[Hr = 0x80070003]
    Other data-->
    Office Details: <GenuineResults><MachineData><UGUID>{EBD85729-DBBB-479F-AB15-EBC0DDE0CC28}</UGUID><Version>1.9.0027.0</Version><OS>6.1.7601.2.00010100.1.0.004</OS><Architecture>x64</Architecture><PKey>*****-*****-*****-*****-BBBBB</PKey><PID>55041-146-2397786-86942</PID><PIDType>6</PIDType><SID>S-1-5-21-4234423899-2489109333-1931045272</SID><SYSTEM><Manufacturer>System
    manufacturer</Manufacturer><Model>System Product Name</Model></SYSTEM><BIOS><Manufacturer>American Megatrends Inc.</Manufacturer><Version>1103</Version><SMBIOSVersion major="2" minor="7"/><Date>20120409000000.000000+000</Date></BIOS><HWID>CFBA3607018400F2</HWID><UserLCID>0409</UserLCID><SystemLCID>0409</SystemLCID><TimeZone>Pacific
    Standard Time(GMT-08:00)</TimeZone><iJoin>0</iJoin><SBID><stat>3</stat><msppid></msppid><name></name><model></model></SBID><OEM/><GANotification/></MachineData><Software><Office><Result>109</Result><Products/><Applications/></Office></Software></GenuineResults> 
    Spsys.log Content: 0x80070002
    Licensing Data-->
    Software licensing service version: 6.1.7601.17514
    Name: Windows(R) 7, Enterprise edition
    Description: Windows Operating System - Windows(R) 7, VOLUME_MAK channel
    Activation ID: 9abf5984-9c16-46f2-ad1e-7fe15931a8dd
    Application ID: 55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f
    Extended PID: 55041-00172-146-239778-03-1033-7601.0000-2252012
    Installation ID: 000792957432055771547065313840421702569731971164600080
    Processor Certificate URL:
    Machine Certificate URL:
    Use License URL:
    Product Key Certificate URL:
    Partial Product Key: 8C7YB
    License Status: Licensed
    Remaining Windows rearm count: 5
    Trusted time: 8/12/2012 5:47:25 PM
    Windows Activation Technologies-->
    HrOffline: 0x00000000
    HrOnline: N/A
    HealthStatus: 0x0000000000000000
    Event Time Stamp: N/A
    ActiveX: Not Registered - 0x80040154
    Admin Service: Not Registered - 0x80040154
    HealthStatus Bitmask Output:
    HWID Data-->
    OEM Activation 1.0 Data-->
    OEM Activation 2.0 Data-->
    BIOS valid for OA 2.0: yes, but no SLIC table
    Windows marker version: N/A
    OEMID and OEMTableID Consistent: N/A
    BIOS Information:
      ACPI Table Name           OEMID Value     OEMTableID Value
      APIC                                    ALASKA                               
    A M I
      FACP                                   ALASKA                               
    A M I
      HPET                                    ALASKA                               
    A M I
      MCFG                                 ALASKA                               
      SSDT                                    AMICPU                              
    Scan Now Results
    Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
    Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    C:\Windows\system32>sfc /scannow
    Beginning system scan.  This process will take some time.
    Beginning verification phase of system scan.
    Verification 100% complete.
    Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.

    Thank you for your valuable time.
    I have performed the Chkdsk and the memory Diagnostic tool as per the suggestions.
    The Memory Tool did not find anything amiss.
    As per another thread I am going to try flashing the bios as well with the updates.
    Following are the Chkdsk results.
    Are there any other suggestions?
    Chkdsk Results
    Checking file system on C:
    The type of the file system is NTFS.
    A disk check has been scheduled.
    Windows will now check the disk.                        
    CHKDSK is verifying files (stage 1 of 5)...
      89600 file records processed.                               
              File verification completed.
      221 large file records processed.                                     
    0 bad file records processed.                                       
    1596 EA records processed.                                             
    44 reparse records processed.                                      
    CHKDSK is verifying indexes (stage 2 of 5)...
      131874 index entries processed.                                        
    Index verification completed.
      0 unindexed files scanned.                                           0
    unindexed files recovered.                                       CHKDSK
    is verifying security descriptors (stage 3 of 5)...
      89600 file SDs/SIDs processed.                                        
    Cleaning up 36 unused index entries from index $SII of file 0x9.
    Cleaning up 36 unused index entries from index $SDH of file 0x9.
    Cleaning up 36 unused security descriptors.
    Security descriptor verification completed.
      21138 data files processed.                                           
    CHKDSK is verifying Usn Journal...
      36120296 USN bytes processed.                                            
    Usn Journal verification completed.
    CHKDSK is verifying file data (stage 4 of 5)...
      89584 files processed.                                                
    File data verification completed.
    CHKDSK is verifying free space (stage 5 of 5)...
      476262075 free clusters processed.                                        
    Free space verification is complete.
    Windows has checked the file system and found no problems.
    1953410047 KB total disk space.
      48065140 KB in 61610 files.
         43468 KB in 21139 indexes.
             0 KB in bad sectors.
        253139 KB in use by the system.
         65536 KB occupied by the log file.
    1905048300 KB available on disk.
          4096 bytes in each allocation unit.
     488352511 total allocation units on disk.
     476262075 allocation units available on disk.
    Internal Info:
    00 5e 01 00 ef 42 01 00 ef 95 02 00 00 00 00 00  .^...B..........
    e3 00 00 00 2c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ....,...........
    6d 00 75 00 69 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  m.u.i...........
    Windows has finished checking your disk.
    Please wait while your computer restarts.

  • Validation Error - An error occured executing the provided SQL Command

    Hi All,
    I am new to using SQL Server in general (2008 R2) and am trying to change the source location for multiple packages in order to obtain our data from a more reliable environment.
    I have created a copy of the target database where the data will be loaded, amended the source and target connection managers and ran through the packages to ensure they work, which many do.
    We are changing the source from a local server to a cloud based server and when running a package that literally truncates target table, selects * from source, and inserts data to target I get a validation error "An error occurred executing the provided
    SQL Command "Select *...." The connection has been disabled" and "component ADO NET Source failed validation and returned validation status "VS_ISBROKEN"".
    The table structure from the 2 sources is the same and I have even recreated the data flow tasks to ensure the metadata has updated. When selecting 100 rows or even 5,000,000 rows from source the package runs fine but will fail as above
    when selecting &* (around 9.5 million rows).
    I'm not sure if this is due to the new data source being web based or if it could be some erroneous data in the table that isn't being selected when limiting to 5 milling rows etc.
    I have spend hours trying to figure out what the issue could be (doesn't help being new to SQL Server) so any guidance would be hugely appreciated!!!

    Hi All,
    Unfortunately I don't believe any of the above are the issues.
    Our current working project/packages run via an SQL agent job daily. To test and ensure the package in question ran outside of the agent WITHOUT changing the ADO NET Source I exported the package (that runs daily) and ran it locally,
    to which it failed.
    I then edited the select statement from 'select * from [table]' to 'select top(100) from [table] to which it ran without error.
    So in summary:
    Package will run fine if run as part of the agent job (with multiple other packages)
    Package will not run from File System when selecting * from the source table
    Package will run from File System when selecting limited rows
    Could this be something to do with permissions? The errors I get are:
    An error occurred executing the provided SQL command: "select * from [table]". The connection has been disabled.
    "component" ADO NET Source"(396") failed validation and returned validation status "VS_ISBROKEN".

  • Button condition on page item and Validation error Conflict

    I have a select list page item and a button on page whose condition is based on the select list page item value(eg, If (:P2_item1='val1'){return true;}) with condition type=PL/SQL function returning boolean. This buttons submits the page.
    It' coming fine in normal case. However, if I select some value val2 from the list and then click the button, and if there are any validation errors (like mandatory check or email check fail etc), then the button disappears because it evaluates the button condition based on the changed value(val2), but the page has not yet been submitted because of validation errors.
    I think this can be solved if I create the button condition based upon database column value instead of page item as db col value won't change until the page is submitted.
    This look like very basic use-case and I would like to know if there is any better solution to this problem.
    Note: I am using Apex 4.2.1

    I don't want to show/hide the button on the change of the page item lov value, so i am not using Dynamic action.
    What i was is to make button visible based on a condition(which is based on page item), for which we have condition attribute of a button available.
    This is a very common thing where a user chooses the button condition as Value of item/column in expression 1 is null/expr2. But what if the user changes the page item value but it doesn't get submit due to validation error. In that case, the button condition fails.
    So, i guess i have to use column name in expression 1, can u tell how to do that?
    Expression 1 = IF (:P2_STATUS='val1') then return true;
    How to change the above to use db column 'status' instead? Any direct way(like #Status#) or I have to query db to get it using select.
    Any alternative approach?

  • XSchema: How to get (more) Information about validation errors?

    I changed the file car.xml to have an invalid xml-file, then
    i validate the demo car.xml using the demo programm xsdtest.
    I got the following error message:
    In line 7 of car.xml:
    LSX-00290: invalid enumeration choice "Hugo"
    LSX-00213: only 0 occurrences of particle "sequence", minimum is 1
    Validation failed, error 213
    The first 2 lines are dumped from the SchemaProzessor. Unfortunatly there is no
    possibility to get this information with a methodcall or by return value
    to use for further processing!
    The only thing i got controlled back is the error code 213.
    But how do i get the correspondening errortext ? What means error 213 ?
    So here is my suggestion:
    Please give accurate information about validation errors! Including:
    1) The position where the error occurred. (maybe in XPath notation)
    2) An error Number to classify the error (Including a possibility to resolve the errormessage via program.)
    3) An error text for the specific case : (for example : invalid enumeration choice "Hugo")
    Please give this information in a struct back or provide methods on the
    Xschema prozessor.
    Otherwise the XSchema support is useless!!!!!
    Sorry for my bad English & Greetings
    Martin Frenzel
    By the way: The XDK for Java uses a different Error Messages !!!! But there is the same problem...

    1.How to check when user last time login to database.AUDIT
    2.If user account is lock why it is locked? if it is locked by trying to loing with wrong password how to check how many times he attempted with wrong password...and other reasons alsoCheck Profile For this user and attr.
    3.Wheni was trying to select user expire date it is showing empty value...can we check expire date through querys or we need to check profile?
    SQL> select EXPIRY_DATE from dba_users ;
    24-SEP-11 check
    expiry_date in dba_users is null
    4.How to check when he was reset his password last time.SELECT PTIME FROM SYS.USER$;

  • Page rendering process doesn't run after validation error

    I have a page rendering process (On Load - After Regions) that needs to be run for my page to be rendered properly; however, it doesn't run when the page is rendered after a validation error. In debug mode, I see the following line:
    "0.05: not perform process because inline validation condition found."
    Is this a bug? Validations are meant to prevent execution of On Submit processes, but is there a reason to also not run rendering processes?
    I need to dynamically construct some javascript and insert it somewhere after a certain item on the page. Is there a workaround?

    Let me see if I understand your question:
    1. A page is rendered
    2. The page is submitted
    3. A validation fires and fails
    4. The page is re-rendered displaying the validation error message
    5. Your on-load after regions process did not fire
    You want to run a process in all cases; in the standard page load case (1) and in the re-load case (4).
    You can do this by creating a region of type PL/SQL. You can give the region a null template so that it will not display any values. The region can be the last one displayed on the page; so that it will be run last.
    You also asked if it is a bug that the on-load after regions process did not fire; as the debug message indicates this is proper. Here is an example that illustrates why you typically don't want to perform processes when rendering a page after it was posted causing a validation to fire.
    Lets take the following example:
    1. create a form on the emp table; assume a salary column called "SAL"
    2. create a validation that says the salary must be numeric
    3. edit a row of the EMP table
    4. change the employee job from clerk to manager; and enter a "X" in the salary item
    5. submit the page
    6. the validation will fire; page processing will stop; and the page will be re-displayed
    7. the process which fetches the rows will not fire; and the page will be re-displayed; the job item will display the change from "clerk" to "manager" and salary will still contain the invalid "X" value. If the process had fired it would have replaced the values in the form.
    My recommendation is that you use regions for any processing that is UI releated. I hope this helps.

  • Page Sentry fails when validation errors exist

    We are using a custom page sentry function as our authentication scheme (code below). This seems to work fine except where a validation error occurs. Instead of the page redisplaying with the validation error, the application displays the login page with the validation error.
    Any ideas why this is happening?
      vUsername VARCHAR2(512);
      vSession NUMBER;
      c owa_cookie.cookie;
      -- extract user from HTTP header
    -- vUsername := UPPER(owa_util.get_cgi_env('REMOTE_USER'));
      vUsername := apex_custom_auth.get_username;
         -- extract session id
    --  vSession := wwv_flow_custom_auth_std.get_session_id_from_cookie;
      vSession := V('APP_SESSION');
      -- check that the executing user account is the
      -- same as the apex application user, and that
      -- a username was populated in the header
      IF USER ^= UPPER(pUser) OR vUsername IS NULL THEN
      END IF;
      -- Get SessionId.
      -- Check Application Session Cookie.
      IF wwv_flow_custom_auth_std.is_session_valid THEN
        apex_application.g_instance := vSession;
        -- check requeted username matches session username
        IF vUsername = wwv_flow_custom_auth_std.get_username THEN
          wwv_flow_custom_auth.define_user_session(p_user => vUsername, p_session_id => vSession);
          RETURN TRUE;
          -- Unset the Session Cookie and redirect back here to take other branch.
          wwv_flow_custom_auth_std.logout(p_this_flow => v('FLOW_ID'),
            p_next_flow_page_sess => v('FLOW_ID') || ':' || NVL(v('FLOW_PAGE_ID'), 0)
            || ':' || vSession);
          -- Tell Apex Engine to quit.
          apex_application.g_unrecoverable_error := TRUE;
          RETURN FALSE;
        END IF;
        -- Application Session Cookie not valid --> Define a new Apex Session.
        wwv_flow_custom_auth.define_user_session(p_user => vUsername, p_session_id => wwv_flow_custom_auth.get_next_session_id);
        -- Tell Apex Engine to quit.
        apex_application.g_unrecoverable_error := TRUE;
        IF owa_util.get_cgi_env('REQUEST_METHOD') = 'GET' THEN
          wwv_flow_custom_auth.remember_deep_link(p_url => 'f?' ||
          wwv_flow_custom_auth.remember_deep_link(p_url => 'f?p=' ||
            TO_CHAR(apex_application.g_flow_id) || ':' ||
            TO_CHAR(NVL(apex_application.g_flow_step_id, 0)) || ':' ||
        END IF;
        -- Register the Session in Apex Sessions Table, set Cookie, redirect back.
        wwv_flow_custom_auth_std.post_login(p_uname => vUsername,
          p_session_id => nv('APP_SESSION'), p_flow_page => apex_application.g_flow_id
          || ':' || NVL(apex_application.g_flow_step_id, 0));
      END IF;
      END Check_Page_Sentry;Cheers

    Hi Hari,
    The user is on a specific page that has validation. When they press the submit button the page should be redisplayed with the validation errors for that page, but it is redisplaying the page validation errors on the login page. The error display location is set to 'Inline with Field and ijn Notification'.

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