PL/SQL not supported in 8i

Hi everyone,
My company have recently sent me on the Oracle 10g PL/SQL course. I am now back at work, and my only problem is that at the moment, we are currently using Oracle 8i (although hoping to upgrade in the very near future!) ;o)
I have been searching to see if I could find any documentation which lists the commands, etc. that are new as of 9i onwards and therefore will not be supported in 8i. I have found lots of posts in which people ask for the new features and are directed towards the Oracle documentation which simply lists things like: Database security, Availability, Manageability, etc.
This is not what I am looking for, I was hoping there would be something which listed each version and the new commands, e.g. Version <version number, e.g. 9i> - <command, e.g. CASE> - <description of command>
(I use this as an example as I know the actual CASE command is not supported in 8i, and that you must use EXECUTE IMMEDIATE or DECODE)
So, I was wondering if anyone knew of anything like this? I hope you understand what I mean.
Thanks in advance!

The 9i New Features ddoes include an overview of the new stuff but I agree it's not comprehensive. It doesn't mention the neat-o PIPELINED function capability.
Also the other thing is some stuff that is listed as a 9i New Feature was actually backported to e.g. Row level Security. So I suggest you, erm, suck it and see.
Good luck, APC

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    MAX(decode(type,'B',value)) B,
    MAX(decode(type,'C',value)) C
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    Team , Thanks for looking into this  ..
    As a last resort on  optimizing my stored procedure ( Below ) i wanted to create a Selective XML index  ( Normal XML indexes doesn't seem to be improving performance as needed ) but i keep getting this error within my stored proc . Selective XML
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    Thanks in advance for your response(s) !
    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[MN_Process_DDLSchema_Changes] Script Date: 3/11/2015 3:10:42 PM ******/
    -- EXEC [dbo].[MN_Process_DDLSchema_Changes]
    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[MN_Process_DDLSchema_Changes]
    SET NOCOUNT ON --Does'nt have impact ( May be this wont on SQL Server Extended events session's being created on Server(s) , DB's )
    select getdate() as getdate_0
    DECLARE @XML XML , @Prev_Insertion_time DATETIME
    -- Staging Previous Load time for filtering purpose ( Performance optimize while on insert )
    SET @Prev_Insertion_time = (SELECT MAX(EE_Time_Stamp) FROM dbo.MN_DDLSchema_Changes_log ) -- Perf Optimize
    -- PRINT '1'
    EventName VARCHAR(100),
    Time_Stamp_EE DATETIME,
    ObjectName VARCHAR(100),
    ObjectType VARCHAR(100),
    DbName VARCHAR(100),
    ddl_Phase VARCHAR(50),
    ClientAppName VARCHAR(2000),
    ClientHostName VARCHAR(100),
    server_instance_name VARCHAR(100),
    ServerPrincipalName VARCHAR(100),
    nt_username varchar(100),
    ID INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY , -- PK necessity for Indexing on XML Col
    BufferXml XML
    select getdate() as getdate_01
    INSERT INTO #XML_Hold (BufferXml)
    CAST(target_data AS XML) AS BufferXml -- Buffer Storage from SQL Extended Event(s) , Looks like there is a limitation with xml size ?? Need to re-search .
    FROM sys.dm_xe_session_targets xet
    INNER JOIN sys.dm_xe_sessions xes
    ON xes.address = xet.event_session_address
    WHERE = 'Capture DDL Schema Changes' --Ryelugu : 03/05/2015 Session being created withing SQL Server Extended Events
    --SELECT * FROM #XML_Hold
    select getdate() as getdate_1
    -- 03/10/2015 RYelugu : Error while creating XML Index : Selective XML Index feature is not supported for the current database version
    PathTimeStamp ='/RingBufferTarget/event/timestamp' AS XQUERY 'node()'
    --CREATE PRIMARY XML INDEX [IX_XML_Hold] ON #XML_Hold(BufferXml) -- Ryelugu 03/09/2015 - Primary Index
    -- RYelugu 03/10/2015 -Creating secondary XML index doesnt make significant improvement at Query Optimizer , Instead creation takes more time , Only primary should be good here
    --CREATE XML INDEX [IX_XML_Hold_values] ON #XML_Hold(BufferXml) -- Ryelugu 03/09/2015 - Primary Index , --There should exists a Primary for a secondary creation
    ---- FOR VALUE
    -- FOR PATH
    --PRINT '2'
    -- RETURN
    EventName ,
    Time_Stamp_EE ,
    ObjectName ,
    DbName ,
    ddl_Phase ,
    ClientAppName ,
    ServerPrincipalName ,
    p.q.value('@name[1]','varchar(100)') AS eventname,
    p.q.value('@timestamp[1]','datetime') AS timestampvalue,
    p.q.value('(./data[@name="object_name"]/value)[1]','varchar(100)') AS objectname,
    p.q.value('(./data[@name="object_type"]/text)[1]','varchar(100)') AS ObjectType,
    p.q.value('(./action[@name="database_name"]/value)[1]','varchar(100)') AS databasename,
    p.q.value('(./data[@name="ddl_phase"]/text)[1]','varchar(100)') AS ddl_phase,
    p.q.value('(./action[@name="client_app_name"]/value)[1]','varchar(100)') AS clientappname,
    p.q.value('(./action[@name="client_hostname"]/value)[1]','varchar(100)') AS clienthostname,
    p.q.value('(./action[@name="server_instance_name"]/value)[1]','varchar(100)') AS server_instance_name,
    p.q.value('(./action[@name="nt_username"]/value)[1]','varchar(100)') AS nt_username,
    p.q.value('(./action[@name="server_principal_name"]/value)[1]','varchar(100)') AS serverprincipalname,
    p.q.value('(./action[@name="sql_text"]/value)[1]','Nvarchar(max)') AS sqltext
    FROM #XML_Hold
    CROSS APPLY BufferXml.nodes('/RingBufferTarget/event')p(q)
    WHERE -- Ryelugu 03/05/2015 - Perf Optimize - Filtering the Buffered XML so as not to lookup at previoulsy loaded records into stage table
    p.q.value('@timestamp[1]','datetime') >= ISNULL(@Prev_Insertion_time ,p.q.value('@timestamp[1]','datetime'))
    AND p.q.value('(./data[@name="ddl_phase"]/text)[1]','varchar(100)') ='Commit' --Ryelugu 03/06/2015 - Every Event records a begin version and a commit version into Buffer ( XML ) we need the committed version
    AND p.q.value('(./data[@name="object_type"]/text)[1]','varchar(100)') <> 'STATISTICS' --Ryelugu 03/06/2015 - May be SQL Server Internally Creates Statistics for #Temp tables , we do not want Creation of STATISTICS Statement to be logged
    AND p.q.value('(./data[@name="object_name"]/value)[1]','varchar(100)') NOT LIKE '%#%' -- Any stored proc which creates a temp table within it Extended Event does capture this creation statement SQL as well , we dont need it though
    AND p.q.value('(./action[@name="client_app_name"]/value)[1]','varchar(100)') <> 'Replication Monitor' --Ryelugu : 03/09/2015 We do not want any records being caprutred by Replication Monitor ??
    -- RETURN
    -- PRINT '3'
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[MN_DDLSchema_Changes_log]
    CASE WHEN T.nt_username IS NULL OR LEN(T.nt_username) = 0 THEN t.ServerPrincipalName
    ELSE T.nt_username
    #TEMP T
    /** -- RYelugu 03/06/2015 - Filters are now being applied directly while retrieving records from BUFFER or on XML
    -- Ryelugu 03/15/2015 - More filters are likely to be added on further testing
    WHERE ddl_Phase ='Commit'
    AND ObjectType <> 'STATISTICS' --Ryelugu 03/06/2015 - May be SQL Server Internally Creates Statistics for #Temp tables , we do not want Creation of STATISTICS Statement to be logged
    AND ObjectName NOT LIKE '%#%' -- Any stored proc which creates a temp table within it Extended Event does capture this creation statement SQL as well , we dont need it though
    AND T.Time_Stamp_EE >= @Prev_Insertion_time --Ryelugu 03/05/2015 - Performance Optimize
    AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM [dbo].[MN_DDLSchema_Changes_log] MN
    WHERE MN.[ServerName] = T.server_instance_name -- Ryelugu Server Name needes to be added on to to xml ( Events in session )
    AND MN.[DbName] = T.DbName
    AND MN.[Event_Name] = T.EventName
    AND MN.[ObjectName]= T.ObjectName
    AND MN.[EE_Time_Stamp] = T.Time_Stamp_EE
    AND MN.[SQL_TEXT] =T.SqlText -- Ryelugu 03/05/2015 This is a comparision Metric as well , But needs to decide on
    -- Peformance Factor here , Will take advise from Lance if comparision on varchar(max) is a vital idea
    --PRINT '4'
    top 100
    ORDER BY [EE_Time_Stamp] desc
    -- select getdate()
    -- ** DELETE EVENTS after logging into Physical table
    -- NEED TO Identify if this @XML can be updated into physical system table such that previously loaded events are left untoched
    -- SET @XML.modify('delete /event/class/.[@timestamp="2015-03-06T13:01:19.020Z"]')
    -- SELECT @XML
    Rajkumar Yelugu

    @@Version : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Microsoft SQL Server 2012 - 11.0.5058.0 (X64)
        May 14 2014 18:34:29
        Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
        Developer Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.2 <X64> (Build 9200: ) (Hypervisor)
    (1 row(s) affected)
    Compatibility level is set to 110 .
    One of the limitation states - XML columns with a depth of more than 128 nested nodes
    How do i verify this ? Thanks .
    Rajkumar Yelugu

  • Reference to database and/or server name in '' is not supported in this version of SQL Server

    Hello all
    I am using C# and ADO.NET (native) - Visual Studio 2013.
    I am always using full qualified queries like "SELECT * FROM [database].[schema].[table]"
    Obviously there is a problem when doing this against SQL Azure,
    I get the following error: "Reference to database and/or server name in '' is not supported in this version of SQL Server"
    Interesting fact: With SQL Management Studio, the same query works.
    I need to know if this error is really a true one or not.
    If yes, I can quit using SQL Azure. I would need a SQL Server and not a partial SQL Server :-)
    Thanks and best regards

    Here are my suggestions:
    1. Use partially qualified queries, because:
    a. from a security standpoint, you'd want to limit your login's access across the server instance
    b. in order to achieve a even better, you should specify your database as the Initial Catalog directly in the SQL Connection.
    If you take into account these practices, SQL Database doesn't come with any limitation from that point of view.
    However, in regard to 'With SQL Management Studio, the same query works', this is actually only partially true because if you run that query agains ADO.NET, you'll actually end up in switching databases along the query which is obviously not permitted in
    SQL Database since you're running in a hosted black-box version of SQL you're not managing. It's just like running the USE <dbname> command which obviously doesn't work.

  • SQL Server 2014 Express why not support Windows 8.1 Pro ?

    Hi All !
    I tried to setup SQL Server 2014 Windows 8.1 Pro x64, but setup says :
    "The operating system on this computer or its service pack level does not meet the minimum requirements for SQL Server 2014. To determine the minimum required operating system supported for this SQL Server release, see Hardware and Software
    Requirements for installing SQL Server 2014 at:
    An error occurred during the SQL Server 2014 Setup operation.
    Error result: -2067529676
    Result facility code: 1220
    Result error code: 52
    For more information, review SQL Server 2014 Setup logs in your temp folder."
    The log file contains :
    07/08/2014 17:08:25.245 Setup launched
    07/08/2014 17:08:25.261 Attempting to determine media source
    07/08/2014 17:08:25.276 Media source value not specified on command line argument.
    07/08/2014 17:08:25.307 Setup is launched from media directly so default the value to the current folder.
    07/08/2014 17:08:25.323 Media source: E:\Setup\Microsoft\SQL 2014 Express\SQLEXPRWT_x64_ENU\
    07/08/2014 17:08:25.339 Attempt to determine media layout based on file 'E:\Setup\Microsoft\SQL 2014 Express\SQLEXPRWT_x64_ENU\mediainfo.xml'.
    07/08/2014 17:08:25.401 Media layout is detected as: Advanced
    07/08/2014 17:08:25.417 Not a slip stream media, so continuing to run setup.exe from media.
    07/08/2014 17:08:25.448 Error: This OS is not supported
    07/08/2014 17:08:27.479 Setup closed with exit code: 0x84C40034
    Why not supported this OS, if the SQL Server 2012 Express x64 is, and Windows Phone SDK 8.0 also.

    Hey DBT,
    SQL Server 2014 Express supports your operating system.
    You can see the link below the requirements for each version:
    Did you try to restart the computer and then try installing again?
    There are users that it helps them, it might solve the problem but preventing them expect an error and understand why it happens.
    Sometimes it appears as a result of lack of .NET Framework (check the Microsoft article if you meet the requirements before installation).
    If you are interested to View and Read SQL Server Setup Log Files
    I've provided you a link that explains simply how to do this.
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue
    Tzuri Ben Ezra | My Certifications:
    CompTIA A+ ,Microsoft MCP, MCTS, MCSA, MCITP
    FaceBook: Tzuri FaceBook | vCard:
    Tzuri vCard | 
    Microsoft ID:
    Microsoft Transcript 

  • Transact-SQL debugger not working in SQL Server 2008: "...debugger does not support SQL Server 2005 or earlier..."

    I have recently installed SQL Server 2008. When I try to execute a query against an Access database, I receive this debugging error:
    "Unable to start Transact-SQL debugger. The Transact-SQL debugger does not support SQL Server 2005 or earlier versions of SQL Server. (SQLEditors)"
    Nor will the query execute; I get a transport-level error 0. Any thoughts?

    Hi Davidmhjr,
    >>Unable to start the Transact-SQL Debugger. The Transact-SQL Debugger does not support SQL Server 2005 or earlier versions of SQL Server. (SQLEditors).
    Have you tried to restart the server once you have installed SQL Server 2008? As Naomi N mentioned please check the version of SQL Server you are using.
    If you tried to connect to SQL Server 2005 from SQL Server 2008 SSMS, you would not be able to debug and get this error, it happens because T-SQL debugger includes both server-side and client-side components. The server-side debugger components are installed
    with each instance of the SQL Server 2008 Database Engine. The client-side components are installed when you install the SQL Server 2008 client-side tools.
    So it works with SQL Server 2008 only so far. Another way is you can triy to use SQL Server 2005 SSMS to connect to SQL Server 2005.
    More information about configuration requirement to run T-SQL debugger as below, please refer:
    There are no configuration requirements to run the Transact-SQL debugger when SQL Server Management Studio is running on the same computer as the instance of the SQL Server Database Engine. However, to run the Transact-SQL debugger when SQL Server Management
    Studio is running on a different computer from the instance of the Database Engine, you must enable program and port exceptions by using the Windows Firewall Control Panel application on both computers.
    On the computer that is running the instance of the Database Engine, in Windows Firewall, specify the following information:
    •Add TCP port 135 to the exceptions list.
    •Add the program sqlservr.exe to the exceptions list. By default, sqlservr.exe is installed in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.InstanceName\MSSQL\Binn, where InstanceName is MSSQLSERVER for the default instance, and the instance name for
    any named instance.
    •If the domain policy requires network communications to be done through IPsec, you must also add UDP port 4500 and UDP port 500 to the exception list.
    On the computer that is running SQL Server Management Studio, in Windows Firewall, specify the following information:
    •Add TCP port 135 to the exceptions list.
    •Add program ssms.exe (SQL Server Management Studio) to the exceptions list. By default, ssms.exe is installed in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\VSShell\Common7\IDE.
    Hope it is helpful.
    Regards, Amber zhang

  • SQL Server Reporting Services SharePoint Integrated mode - Power View is not supported

    Hi there,
    My environment is the following:
    SharePoint Server 2013
    SQL Server 2012 SP1 Enterprise edition
    I am getting the following message when trying to open BISM item with PowerView icon:
    "The feature: "Power View" is not supported in this edition of Reporting Services."
    My problem is that the first time I installed SQL Server Reporting Services SharePoint integrated, I used the SQL Server 2012 Standard edition ISO. But then I learned that Power View is only available with Enterprise and BI editions. So I uninstalled Reporting
    Services Add-in from Control Panel, Reporting Services from the installation media and deleted the three Reporting DBs in the SharePoint DB server.
    Then I used SQL Server 2012 SP1 Enterprise media to install again Reporting Services but not sure why I am still getting the message:
    "The feature: "Power View" is not supported in this edition of Reporting Services."
    Anyone can advice me what could be the problem? Maybe I have not complete deleted  the previous SQL Server Reporting Service Share Point integrated mode from the previous installation? What would be the proper way to uninstall Reporting Services?
    Any help will be welcome.
    Thanks and best regards,

    Hi  Joss,
    I am in the same situation, 
    SQL Server was installed in the standard mode because of that the powerview option is not working. 
    I have changed teh edition using maintenance --> upgrade edition. the sql server components like DB engine, SSAS and integration services are now showing in enterprise edition. The reporting services are installed from the application end still showing
    as the reporting services are standard.
    we reinstalled the reporting services but still persists the issue.
    suggest me is there any work around to fix the issue other than reinstalled the whole SQL Server.

  • SQL 2012 SP1 Enterprise (SSRS in SharePoint mode): Reporting Services scale-out deployment is not supported in this edition of Reporting Services

    SSRS in SharePoint mode is driving me insane.
    We are recreating a SharePoint 2013 (SP1) farm in a test environment with the following set-up:
    2 SP Web FrontEnds
    2 SP Application Servers
    1 SQL Server
    At both SP APP Servers, we installed SSRS (SQL 2012 Enterprise w/ SP1) in SP integrated mode.
    We managed to start the SSRS SP service at the first SP APP Server. However when we try to start it on the second APP Server, we get the following error:
    "Reporting Services scale-out deployment is not supported in this edition of Reporting Services. This edition only supports one instance of the SQL Server Reporting Services Service in the farm.  The SQL Server Reporting Services service cannot
    be started on this server unless it is stopped on all other servers in the farm. "
    Now I can't stress this enough: This is a SQL Server 2012 SP1 Enterprise. This is the image we got from our MSDN subscription. There is no mistake here.
    Could someone please advise why SP might think this version of SSRS is not the correct one?
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    I'm afraid that is not it.
    After a long, frustrating and strenuous investigation and troubleshooting, we found the problem.
    The problem is the current ISO for SQL Server 2012 Enterprise SP1 (x64) found at MSDN. Bear in mind that we downloaded this ISO from MSDN about a month ago.
    As soon as we recreated the environment using the ISO for SQL Server 2012 Enterprise SP2 (x64) found at MSDN, everything worked as expected -- and that includes running more than one SSRS in SharePoint mode.
    Also bear in mind that we tried updating the SQL SP1 install with SP2 and subsequent cumulative updates but that never fixed the problem.
    There is something fundamentally wrong with that ISO with SP1 slipstreamed in it that no matter the subsequent updates installed, SSRS in SharePoint mode fails to work properly on a multi-server environment. We went as far as SP2 with CU3 and nothing seemed
    to fix the problem. And yes, we also performed manual updates to the SSRS and PowerPivot SharePoint MSI add-ins.
    I am shocked and distraught to find out that I lost hours of work due to a dodgy ISO image.

  • "SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services does not support map report items"

    I am trying some new feature that are introduced in SQL Server 2008 R2 version. While I try to use "Map" control within it, it threw the following error:-
    "Error 1 The map, Map1, was removed from the report. SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services does not support map report items. "
    -Also, similar kind of error I am getting for "Indicator" control.

    Hi Tej,
    I think you get this error message when you are deploying a report to report server using BIDS, correct?  If not, please provide more details on your scenario :-)
    If I guessed correctly, then this message is a result of trying to deploy a map report (a SSRS 2008 R2 feature) to a non-R2 2008 report server.  When deploying a report of RDL2010 format to a non-R2 report server, BIDS will downgrade the file to RDL2008 format, so that the non-R2 report server can process it.  Any report elements using features not supported in RDL2008 will be dropped during this downgrade process.
    BIDS gets the server version from a report project property called TargetServerVersion:
    If your report server is indeed the 2008 R2 version, then the TargetServerVersion property should be set to "SQL Server 2008 R2 Reporting Services."  The project property page also has a "Auto Detect..." option if you are uncertain about the version of your report server.
    Hope this helps!
    LawrenceThis posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

  • TestStand Open SQL Statement does not support SQL's ORDER BY clause???

    TestStand 1.0.3
    Windows 2000 SP1
    SQL Server 2000 Personal
    You've got to be kidding me...
    It appears that the built-in TestStand Open SQL Step does NOT support the
    "ORDER BY" clause in the SELECT statement, even though the documentation
    says it does. Is this true?
    I have an Open SQL Statement query:
    "SELECT * FROM [MyTable] WHERE ([Batch ID]=1234)"
    it works fine, returning a correct record count 120 records. If I change
    the Open SQL Statement query simply by adding an ORDER BY clause, such as:
    "SELECT * FROM [MyTable] WHERE ([Batch ID]=1234) ORDER BY [MyField] ASC"
    it returns a record count of zero. I know that "MyField" exists in the
    MyTable table and contains valid data. The
    second query works fine in SQL
    Server Enterprise Manager.
    Am I missing something? Is it true that the TestStand Open SQL Step does
    NOT support the "ORDER BY" clause? If not, what &#$!ing good is it and why
    does the manual state it is supported? Is there any other way using just
    the TestStand steps to order a database recordset on one or more fields?
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Bob Rafuse
    Etec Inc.

    > Bob -
    > The database step types do not do anything special to the SQL command
    > that you give it. The step just passes the command to the ADO
    > provider. I tried a simple query using the step types with the
    > following command,
    > and this return the expected results and the record count parameter
    > was as expected. I tried this on TS 1.0.2 and TS 2.0 with MS Access
    > 2000 and MS SQL Server 7.0. I do not have MS SQL Server 2000 at this
    > time.
    > It would be surprised if the step types are messing something up.
    I've been doing some experimenting over the past couple of days. Simple,
    one-table queries seem to handle the ORDER BY clause fine. Th
    ings seem to
    get messed up when I try multi-table queries with ORDER BY clause with the
    TestStand database steps. I get no errors but the returned record counts
    are always 0 with the ORDER BY and positive without the ORDER BY. The exact
    same queries work fine in Visual Basic/ADO and the SQL Server Query
    > Questions:
    > 1. Have you verified whether the data is actually returned even though
    > the record count is zero?
    Hmmm... yes data IS getting returned (at least on the two instances I just
    checked), but the record count is always zero. I was not proceeding with
    processing if the record count was 0.
    Still... I don't know how to loop through the recordset without knowing how
    many records there are an not eventually generate an error by passing EOF.
    Is there another way using the TestStand database steps to determine a) the
    number of records in the recordset or b) when I'm at EOF?
    > 2. Are you using any advanced options on the Opend SQL Statement step
    > type, specifically
    the cursor type set to forward only? Forward only
    > cursors do not allow for record counts.
    Everything on the Advanced tab of the Open SQL Statement step is set to "Use

  • Presentation variable is not supported in "SQL Issued"

    hi, there is a presentation variable called @{ps_var} from a prompt
    and I have written a custom sql and typed in "SQL Issued"
    I found that the presentation variable is not supported in "SQL Issued" (exception flows when I clicked the "Set SQL" button.)
    (in the captured screen, it is hardcoded as 'REPLACED_BY_PRESENTATION_VARIABLE', no error occurs when I clicked the "Set SQL" button. the result is correct.
    however, when 'REPLACED_BY_PRESENTATION_VARIABLE' is replaced by @{ps_var}, exception flows when I clicked the "Set SQL" button.
    is there an alternatives to avoid the error ? or any ways to assign the selected value from the prompt to this sql ?
    thank you very much!

    Just set your presentation variable with an other method.
    Check here you will find how you can set a presentation variable for a filter

  • The installed version of SQL Server could not be verified or is not supported. Verify that the computer and the installed version of SQL Server meet the minimum requirements for installation

    Hi Guys,
    Currently i am trying to install SCOM2012R2 with SQL 2012 SP1. When i proceed with SCOM installation, getting an error
    "The installed version of SQL Server could not be verified or is not supported. Verify that the computer and the installed version of SQL Server meet the minimum requirements for installation, and that the firewall settings are correct. See the Supported
    Configurations document for further information.
    SQL Collation i selected as per System Center2012 guide SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
    Can some one please help me on this?

    Please check logs for further information. Let us know what the logs says:
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

  • SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio query designer not supported in SQL SERVER 2008 R2

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    2005 downwards are supported. dunno whats going on

    Hi ,
    It should not be . Did you create the data source for that server ? Test the connection . In design view add the data source which will be reference to share data source .I am not sure you were able to create data set perfectly ..
    Let me know the specific error . I will help you out.

  • SQL Developer does not support Oracle 8i

    I was waiting a tool from Oracle like SQL Developer for a long time, finally it came, but I am a little disapointed, so Why SQL Developer does not support Oracle 8i? Other free tools like SQUIRREL can do it. I also have worked in previous projects using PL/SQL Developer and it works fine...Why a native Oracle tool can not do it?
    I am in a project where we have to upgrade the Oracle database to a newer version, but I cannot have access to the old one...
    I know there are some threads in this forum, and some people can work with 8i with no issues. Can anyone who works with SQL Developer and Oracle 8i please tell me how to do it?
    Edited by: javierlarota on Dec 9, 2009 5:40 AM
    Edited by: javierlarota on Dec 9, 2009 5:41 AM

    That's what I thought, the issue is more commercial ($$$) than technical. Anyway...I downloaded the version 1.1 but now I am getting an ORA-02248: invalid option for ALTER SESSION error. 00604. 00000 "error occurred at recursive SQL level %s".

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  • Period and posting month

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  • Error 0210 : stuck key 04

    I get this message when I boot up my computer (error 0210: stuck key 04). Each time I need to go restart in the initial settings when pressing F1. It odes not do it each time, but quite often. Any ideas? Thanks.

  • Can't import Outlook 2011 emails to Mac Mail

    Hi,  Recently I have shifted back to mac mail because of some personal reasons. Work is going great with mac mail, but the only thing I am worried about is the emails that are still in outlook 2011. Is there any wau to transfer all those emails from