PL/SQL using dynamic table names

I want to create a procedure in which i want to pass a parameter which after concatenation with a string gives me a variable which is the tablename in my SELECT query in the procedure.
How to do it?

See here for an example using ref cursor.
If this is not what you need, come back and give us more details

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  • Dynamic SQL substituting dynamic table name with slct statement having date

    I just wanted some help with the following PL block. My problem is whenever I try to run this block it ask for invoking values for 2 substitute variables, though no substitute variables present in the code. Please find the code below:
    cursor C_1 is
    select unique table_name from gsi_daily_count;
    table_names varchar2(240);
    Open C_1;
    Fetch C_1 into table_names;
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE' select last_extract_date,
    to_char(min(greatest(nvl(last_update_date,'||01-Jan-10||'),nvl(program_update_date,'||01-Jan-10||'))),'||DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS||') mi,
    to_char(max(greatest(nvl(last_update_date,'||01-Jan-10||'),nvl(program_update_date,'||01-Jan-10||'))),'||DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS||') ma
    from' || table_names ||'
    group by last_extract_date
    order by last_extract_date desc';
    End Loop;
    Close C_1;
    Please help.
    Thanks in advance.

    You cannot specify your dates the way you have since they are being intepreted as bind variables:
    Try this:
      cursor C_1 is
        select unique table_name
        from gsi_daily_count;
        table_names varchar2(240);
      Open C_1;
        Fetch C_1 into table_names;
        EXECUTE IMMEDIATE' select last_extract_date,
                                                          nvl(last_update_date,to_date('''|| '01-Jan-10' ||''',''dd-Mon-yy''))
                                                         ,nvl(program_update_date,to_date('''|| '01-Jan-10' ||''',''dd-Mon-yy''))
                                             ),''DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS''
                                         ) mi
                                                          nvl(last_update_date,to_date('''|| '01-Jan-10' ||''',''dd-Mon-yy''))
                                                         ,nvl(program_update_date,to_date('''|| '01-Jan-10' ||''',''dd-Mon-yy''))
                                             ),''DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS''
                                         ) ma
                          from ' || table_names ||'
                          group by last_extract_date
                          order by last_extract_date desc';
      End Loop;
      Close C_1;
    / There is not way for me to test this, so you may have to play around with all the quotes!

  • Dynamic table name in native SQL

    How can i use dynamic table name in native SQL?
    My req is to select data from a external database table , but the table name will be only poulated during runtime.
    How can i acheive this?

    It should work OK - see demo below.
    report zsdn_jc_adbc_test.
      perform demo_lookup.
    form demo_lookup.
        l_error_msg          type string,
        ls_t001              type t001, "Company
        ls_t003              type t003. "Doc types
      perform dynamic_lookup
      write: / l_error_msg.
      perform dynamic_lookup
      write: / l_error_msg.
    form dynamic_lookup
        i_tabname            type tabname
        os_data              type any
        o_error_msg          type string.
    * Use ADBC to select data
        l_mandt_ref          type ref to data,
        l_result_ref         type ref to data,
        l_mandt              type symandt,
        l_tabname            type tabname,
        l_sql_statement      type string,
        lo_cx_root           type ref to cx_root,
        lo_cx_sql            type ref to cx_sql_exception,
        lo_connection        type ref to cl_sql_connection,
        lo_statement         type ref to cl_sql_statement,
        lo_result_set        type ref to cl_sql_result_set.
      clear: os_data, o_error_msg.
      get reference of l_mandt into l_mandt_ref.
      get reference of os_data into l_result_ref.
      l_mandt   = '222'.   "i.e. select from client 222
      l_tabname = i_tabname.
          lo_connection = cl_sql_connection=>get_connection( ).
          lo_statement  = lo_connection->create_statement( ).
    * Set criteria for select:
          lo_statement->set_param( l_mandt_ref ).
            'select * from' l_tabname
            'where mandt = ?'
            into l_sql_statement separated by space.
    * Execute
          call method lo_statement->execute_query
              statement   = l_sql_statement
              hold_cursor = space
              result_set  = lo_result_set.
    * Get the data from the resultset.
          lo_result_set->set_param_struct( l_result_ref ).
          while lo_result_set->next( ) > 0.
            write: / os_data.
    * Tidy up:
          lo_result_set->close( ).
          lo_connection->close( ).
        catch cx_sql_exception into lo_cx_sql.
          o_error_msg = lo_cx_sql->get_text( ).
        catch cx_root into lo_cx_root.
          o_error_msg = lo_cx_root->get_text( ).

  • Problem with Dynamic Table Name

    Hello all,
    I am having trouble using a dynamic table name. I have the following code.....
    declare l_cur sys_refcursor;
    l_ID int;
    l_tableName varchar(30);
    open l_cur for
    select hkc.ColumnID, mapping from &HKAPPDB_Schema_Name..doctablemapping ddm
    inner join &HKDB_Schema_Name..HKColumns hkc on hkc.doctablemappingid =
    where > 0;
         FETCH l_cur into l_ID, l_tableName;
         EXIT WHEN l_cur%notfound;
         -- update missing VerbID in DocumentDocMapping table
         UPDATE &HKAPPDB_Schema_Name..IndexedDocument
         SET VerbID = (SELECT t.VerbID
                             FROM (SELECT DocRef, VerbID, DateUpdated
                                  FROM &HKAPPDB_Schema_Name..l_tableName dd        - this is where the dynamic table name is used
                                  WHERE dd.VerbID is not NULL))
         WHERE HKColumnID = l_ID AND VerbID is NULL;
    END loop;
    /When I try to execute this i get an error
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    What am I doing wrong?

    redeye wrote:
    I only started about 6 weeks ago, with no tutorials and learning it on the fly; Same here.. only my introduction was to a 12 node Oracle OPS cluster all those years ago.. and required a whole new mind set after using SQL-Server extensively. But it was fun. Still is. :-)
    but thats what you get when a company throws you in at the deep end with a ridiculous time constraint to migrate a whole MSSQL DB.Migrating SQL-Server to Oracle is not a simple thing. A lot of best practices in SQL-Server are absolutely worse practices in Oracle - they are that different. Simple example is lock escalation - an issue in SQL-Server. In Oracle, the concept of a lock being escalated into a page lock simply does not exist.
    In terms of getting the migration done as quickly and painlessly as possible I try to reuse all the logic as it appears in the MSSQL code - in this case it was using dynamic table names. I do not doubt that i am probably shooting myself in the foot in the long run.....As long as you do not splatter too much blood on us here.. not a problem :D
    Seriously though - just keep in mind that what works in SQL-Server may not work as well (or even at all) in Oracle. So do not hesitate to refactor (from design to code to SQL) mercilessly when you think it is warranted.

  • Dynamic table name from Arguments in cfquery /

    I'm trying to use dynamic table names in a cfc but seem to
    have hit upon a wall as my calling methods from flash keep hitting
    my _error methods - Code attached to show what I'm trying to
    achieve; if anyone can give me some pointers it would be a great
    help. I've seen numerous by using the Form with the arguments but
    this is coming into a gateway used by a flash component and doesn't
    work no matter how much I fiddle the code.
    Thanks in advance

    There was a time when I needed a dynamic query such as this.
    BUT, it is very dangerous, which is why I took a few steps to make
    it more secure.
    1. Always use cfqueryparam and strict datatyping
    2. Use listFindNoCase for known table names in the database
    <cfset variables.tableNames =
    "items,products,categories,blog" />
    query here
    Error: Unknown table requested

  • (Urgent) Dynamic Table Name

    Hi Fellows,
    Can I use dynamic table name in a loop? I have a problem that I want to use variable table in a cursor for example
    procedure check_rows as
    cursor c1 is
    select view_name
    from user_views;
    v_count number;
    v_view_name varchar2(35);
    for i in c1 loop
    select count(*)
    into v_count
    from i.view_name;
    if v_count = 0 THEN
    dbms_output.put_line ('The View '&#0124; &#0124;i.view_name&#0124; &#0124;' has no rows');
    end if;
    end loop;
    but i receive a message
    i.view_name must a name of a table to which the user has access.
    Can anybody solve my problem.
    Thanks in advance

    Here is some codes I wrote with DBMS_SQL. I hope it will help you to start.
    PROCEDURE Get_record(p_select IN OUT select_rec, where_str IN OUT varchar2) IS
    my_keyblk varchar2(6);
    veh_id integer;
    ser_date date;
    succ_flag number;
    blk_route varchar2(4);
    blk_run integer;
    my_date_type integer;
    cur_blk_route INTEGER;
    rows_processed INTEGER;
    ignore integer;
    select_str varchar2(3000);
    First_date date;
    Last_date date;
    select start_date, end_date into first_date, Last_date from change_date
    where current_next_code = 'CURRENT';
    exception when others then
    select_str := 'select keyblock, keycoach, proflag, pullout_date
    from logblock
    where (pullout_date between first_date and Last_date)
    and proflag = 0';
    cur_blk_route := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
    dbms_sql.parse(cur_blk_route, select_str, dbms_sql.v7);
    dbms_sql.define_column(cur_blk_route, 1, blk_route, 6);
    dbms_sql.define_column(cur_blk_route, 2, blk_run);
    dbms_sql.define_column(cur_blk_route, 3, veh_id);
    dbms_sql.define_column(cur_blk_route, 4, ser_date);
    ignore := dbms_sql.execute(cur_blk_route);
    if (dbms_sql.fetch_rows(cur_blk_route) > 0) then
    dbms_sql.column_value(cur_blk_route, 1, blk_route);
    dbms_sql.column_value(cur_blk_route, 2, blk_run);
    dbms_sql.column_value(cur_blk_route, 3, veh_id);
    dbms_sql.column_value(cur_blk_route, 4, ser_date);
    dbms_output.put_line('ERROR ');
    end if;
    END Get_record;
    end apc_block_assign;

  • How to set dynamic table name in sql query?

    I want set dynamic table name by parameter in sql query,just like:
    select * from :tbname
    but run report is error,BI P report table name is invalidation.
    What can i do? Thanks!

    that's only possible inside a data template with a lexical parameter.

  • Dynamic table name in native sql query

    Can i pass a dynamic table name in this query ---
                  INTO   :IMTO
                  FROM  RWORKS.MTO_ISO_V2
    How can i pass this table name RWORKS.MTO_ISO_V2  dynamically in the query
    Edited by: Madhukar Shetty on Nov 26, 2009 2:40 PM

    Can i pass a dynamic table name in this query ---
                  INTO   :IMTO
                  FROM  RWORKS.MTO_ISO_V2
    How can i pass this table name RWORKS.MTO_ISO_V2  dynamically in the query
    Edited by: Madhukar Shetty on Nov 26, 2009 2:40 PM

  • Dynamic table name in select statment

    Please help me....
    oracle 9i i am using.
    i have four tables abc_121,
    i want to pick records from a table.table name should be prepared dynamically.
    i.e., i want to pick records from a quarter table of this year.(ex: abc_124). using sql statement only.
    i have tried..but i couldn't...... pls help me...

    ramadurga.v wrote:
    oracle 9i i am using.
    i have four tables abc_121,
    i want to pick records from a table.table name should be prepared dynamically.
    i.e., i want to pick records from a quarter table of this year.(ex: abc_124). using sql statement only.Create a partition view. E.g.
    create or replace view abc as
    select * from abc_121
    union all
    select * from abc_122
    union all
    ...For the partition view approach to correctly work (doing "partition pruning"), you need to have a constraint on the column that identifies that partition.
    In other words, you cannot use the table name as an attribute to identifies its data content. Foe example, you can have tables YEAR2001_Q1 and YEAR2001_Q2. However, the year and quarter also need to be in the table itself - e.g. columns YEAR and QUARTER.
    For table YEAR2001_Q1, the YEAR column needs to have a check constraint that ensures it is always 2001. And a check constraint for column QUARTER to ensure that it is always 1.
    If these conditions are met, then a select from the partition view using +"where YEAR=2001 and QUARTER=2"+ will result in only table YEAR2001_Q2 to be used and not other tables like YEAR2001_Q1.
    See {message:id=10539404} for an example.

  • Passing dynamic table name in ADO. net destination

    I am new to SSIS and I have a requirement where i need to pass dynamic table name in ADO .net destination .
    My package contains an "Execute Sql task" in the control flow which computes the destination table name to be provided at run time and stores it in a variable expression
    "@[User::Table_name]"(which has a scope of full package). 
    Now, the problem I'm facing right now is that , I am unable to use this variable expression in the ADO .Net Destination .
    I need to pass this variable expression as the table name in ado .net destination.
    But, whenever I use this variable in place as the table name I keep on getting this error and my package fails:- 
    [ADO NET Destination [403]] Error: The Table or View name is not expected. \n\t If you are quoting the table name, please use the prefix " and the suffix " of your selected data provider for quotation. \n\t If you are using multipart name,
    please use at most three parts for the table name. 
    Although ,I am able to run my package when i am providing the existing(static) table name.So there is nothing wrong with the  package.
    Tried a lot of things still not working..Please help...

    I am having the result stored in the variable expression . I just need a way to be able to use it as the Destination table in ADO .net Destination.
    I am not sure if this will work for you, but I am able to store the table name in variable and use it dynamically (via data flow task expression property ) as shown.
    Thanks, hsbal
    Hi Adeep,
    Based on my further research, just as hsbal said, we can set a variable as ADO.NET Destination table via Expressions property in Data Flow Task.
    If there are any other questions, please feel free to ask.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • Dynamic table name - error

    After run (or test) of procedure
    create or replace procedure tmp_select_dymanic
    ( AInTable IN VARCHAR2,
    ) as
    USING ACount, AInTable;
    end tmp_select_dymanic;
    error message: invalid table name.
    I know the table exists and contains data. I can make SELECT in SQL (not dynamic).
    What a reason for error? May be privileges in database? But i make SELECT on my own table?
    How can i set dynamic table name in other way?
    My Oracle Version 10g.

    What you are asking can be done by REF_CURSOR;
    look this example and try your self the rest:
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE insert_to_table_dinamic (
       table1   IN   VARCHAR2,
       table2   IN   VARCHAR2
       rc         sys_refcursor;
       v_sql      VARCHAR2 (2000);
       v_deptno   NUMBER;
       v_sql :=
             'SELECT DEPTNO FROM '
          || table1
       OPEN rc FOR v_sql;
          FETCH rc
           INTO v_deptno;
          EXIT WHEN rc%NOTFOUND;
          v_sql :=
                'UPDATE '
             || table2
             || ' SET DEPTNO = '
             || v_deptno
             || ' WHERE DEPTNO IS NULL';
          EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sql;
       END LOOP;
          DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (SQLCODE || SQLERRM);
    END insert_to_table_dinamic;when i give DEPT , EMP as my 2 parameters above code will set the deptno in EMP table where deptno is null;
    --Just a test proc.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

  • Dynamic table name in an inner join - select statement

    Please can you let me know if is possible to use a Dynamic table name in an inner join?
    Something like the statement below? (It works in a simple select statement but not in an inner join)
    SELECT  *
          FROM <Dynamic table name> INNER JOIN pa0050 ON
          ( <Dynamic table name>pernr =  pa0050pernr )
           WHERE <Dynamic table name>~pernr = it_pernr-l_pernr
           AND pa0050~bdegr = f_bdegr.
    Any help would be apprecited very much.
    Thanks & Regards.

    Check this link.
    [Re: accessing dynamic internal table's fields??;
    hope it'll help u.
    Edited by: sneha kumari on Jun 18, 2009 1:57 PM

  • Dynamic Table name in Inner Join in  4.6c

    data: tab1(10) type c value 'MARA',
            tab2(10) type c value 'MAKT'.
    data: dbtab1(10) type c,
             dbtab2(10) type c .
    dbtab1 = tab1. 
    dbtab2 = tab2. 
    DATA: BEGIN OF itab occurs 0,
               matnr TYPE mara-matnr,
               maktx type makt-maktx,
    END OF itab.
    DATA: column_syntax TYPE string,
                dbtab_syntax TYPE string.
    PARAMETERS: p_matnr TYPE mara-matnr.
    dbtab_syntax = '( (dbtab1) AS t1 '
    &' INNER JOIN (dbtab2) AS t4 ON t1MATNR = t4MATNR )'.
    SELECT  matnr maktx
    FROM (dbtab_syntax)
    INTO TABLE itab  WHERE t4~matnr   = p_matnr.
    Got the following error:
    "A table name, specified in an SQL command, is unknown"
    It seems not able to read dynamic table name in dbtab_syntax.
    Moderation Message: Duplicate Post.
    Edited by: kishan P on Nov 29, 2010 11:17 AM

    Check this link.
    [Re: accessing dynamic internal table's fields??;
    hope it'll help u.
    Edited by: sneha kumari on Jun 18, 2009 1:57 PM

  • Import Data using Full Table Name

    Is there a way to run the import data wizard so when pulling data from a csv it generates an insert statement not only using the table name but using the Oracle Schema name -- ie fully qualified table name?

    Hi Nilanjan,
    I need help ASAP.
    About this dump-load task, how does it works?  Because I was checking out a package called Import SQL  and this one only imports data from a table, however this table has to be allocated within the database that is being used, and I right? Are these 2 related somehow?
    Does this task order BPC to find data from a SQL Table (allocated in a different server, different instance for SQL) and import it to SQL Fac2 table?
    Can you help me with a simple explanation what do I need to do to run this task?  The page  talks shows a section within DumpLoad Task Usage which is called  Importing Into SQL Server... 
    * Processing the Application using DumpLoad  -
    Importing into SQL
    You can use DumpLoad to process the application as a standalone procedure, or with data import, export, or clear.
    The DumpLoad task (OsoftTaskDumpLoad2008.dll) is registered with Microsoft SSIS. See Registering Custom Tasks.
    1.Open a package or create a new package in Microsoft SSIS on the Planning and Consolidation server.  i already did this for the DumpLoad task ... should I do this for the Import SQL task also ?
    2.Select the task and add it to the package.   WHAT DOES SELECT THE TASK  MEAN?
    3.Open the task, and choose  Data Management  None .
    4.Enter the application set, application, and user ID.
    Im getting confused, can you please provide more details about the whole procedure. Thanx in advance

  • Cannot use duplicate table name error in AMDP

    Hi Experts,
    I'm developing an application which has the following architecture
    SAP UI5->Gateway->ABAP Managed DB procedures(AMDP)->HANA SP(Stored Procedure)
    We are having a very peculiar problem where the gateway service works inconsistently for the same input data.
    i.e If I execute the same service n number of times, I get the results successfully for say n-3 times but the other 3 times I get a "RFC Error :Error while executing Database procedure"
    There is no change in the input data or DB table data during all the executions.
    Running the stored procedure stand alone in HANA studio works all the time.
    We tried executing the AMDP from SE24 and the same behavior occurred.
    When trouble shooting we found that the exception occurs inside the AMDP when the call db procedure statement is executed.
    Could you please advise what could be the possible reason for this any tuning parameter/unavailability of db connections?
    Or could you please suggest some other troubleshooting mechanism by which we can zero in on the cause?
    When I go in the debug mode I can see the exact error as
    cannot use duplicate table name:  [288] SAPXXX.ZCL_PLAN_MAINTENANCE=>GET_COMP_TYPE#stub#20140905055908: line 15 col 3 (at pos 492): cannot use duplicate table name exception:
    where ZCL_PLAN_MAINTENANCE=>GET_COMP_TYPE is the AMDP class and method. SAPXXXis the schema.

    I reported this to Adobe customer support on 11/29, and here is their response:
    Wednesday, December 5, 2007 12:51:27 PM PST
    Hello John,
    Thank you for contacting Adobe® Web Support for assistance with Adobe
    Photoshop Elements® 6.0.
    I understand that images are deleted if you accidentally try to move
    them to a folder that already includes a file of the same name.
    Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I was able to replicate
    this behavior as well. The best method to report errors of this nature
    is using the following form on our website:
    I will report this to the product team through my channels. You may want to submit this issue through the web form as it goes directly to the product development team.
    I hope this information helps to resolve your issue. If you require
    further assistance with this issue, please update your web case with
    complete details, including what steps you have applied and any error
    messages you are receiving.
    You may also call Technical Support at (800) 642-3623. We are available from 6:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday - Friday, Pacific Time.
    Kind regards,
    Alan C.
    Adobe Web Support

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