Placement errors - what are they?

Can anyone tell me what a 'placement error' is?? Some of my Cluster services (gsd, ons, listeners) are failing to start after a reboot, and I keep seeing mention of placement errors.
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In case this helps anyone else...
I fixed my problem by stopping and starting the CRS on the rebooted node
# ./crsctl stop crs
# ./crsctl start crs
I was then able to start the nodeapps without it complaining about 'placement errors'
# ./srvctl start nodeapps -n raclinux1

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    As DrQuincy asks how is this of use over multiplying
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    Refer the Demo program this iwll help
    1. MESSAGE xnnn.
    2. MESSAGE ID id TYPE mtype NUMBER n.
    3. MESSAGE xnnn(mid).
    Sends a message. Messages are stored in table T100, and can be maintained using Transaction SE91. They are fully integrated in the forward navigation of the ABAP Workbench.
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    E (Error)
    I (Info)
    S (Status)
    Status message
    W (Warning)
    X (Exit)
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    Messages are used primarily to handle user input on screens. The following table shows how each message type behaves in different contexts. The numbers are explained at the end of the table.
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    START-OF-SELECTION 1 11 3 4 11 6
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    There have been lot of enhancements incorporated in BPC 7.0
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    a) A "recovered" folder is akind of "Lost & Found" place.  When you repair an Aperure library, upgrade it, or rebuild it, Aperture will place there any items found in the Aperture library, that are no longer tied to versions in your projects. 
    b) That is hard to tell, without seeing your library. Frequently these items are just items that should have been trashed, but the Trash did not empty properly. Then you can trash them. But sometimes versions are losing there connection to the originals, but you may not notice it immediately, until you try to edit the version or to export it. And then you will need the recovered item. The safest cause of action would be to create a backup copy of your library as it is now.   Then look at your recovered items and try to identify the original in its project, If you are sure, that you have a working copy of the recovered item, delete it.

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    Here is one thing I found googling for WebEx:
    (The x64 would most likely mean 64 bit). It may be a Windows based application/plugin, but since I had never heard of either, I'm only guessing there. If you do a search systemwide for it and don't find it plus don't know why it's there, I'd say throw it in the trash (don't empty it yet - make a note of the file path just in case you do have something installed that needs it so you can move it back).
    Glad to hear it's not a torrent; some people use those not realizing that quite often there is a price to pay for downloading stuff for free that costs money elsewhere - the software packages quite often include little "add-ons" = malware which you really don't want.

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    Hello Liu,
    Please search in forum before posting any question .
    anyhow check the below link :

  • SCCM 2012 SP1 - Evil Folders in Reporting Services - What Are They and How to Remove Them

    Hello All,
    There are a lot of sub-folders in the http://CentralSiteSCCM/ReportServer. They are like:
    <dir> Config_Mgr_CEN
    <dir> Config_Mgr_CEN.OLD.0
    <dir> Config_Mgr_CEN.OLD.1
    <dir> Config_Mgr_CEN.OLD.10
    <dir> Config_Mgr_CEN.OLD.100
    <dir> Config_Mgr_CEN.OLD.1000
    Only <dir> Config_Mgr_CEN is properly populated with the correct set of the default folders.
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    What to do in order for them not to appear any more?
    Thank you very much in advance!

    Hi Mike,
    I ran into an issue when I did the SP1 upgrade where a majority of our reports were duplicated. I created a script to delete these duplicate reports and I've adjusted it to work for your situation. You can find the original thread here, if you're interested:
    You'll need to know your SCCM site code and the server name to run this script.
    # SCCM2012SP1-RemoveDuplicateSSRSFolders.ps1
    # This script will connect to SSRS on a specified server and delete all folders that end with .OLD.*
    # Used for SSRS cleanup after SCCM 2012 SP1 installation
    # Script must be run from an account that has access to modify the SSRS instance
    # 3/22/2013 - Mike Laughlin
    # Resources used in writing this script:
    # Starting point:
    # API Documentation:
    # Previous script:
    # Define variables
    $SiteCode = ""
    $serverName = ""
    # Set the value of $noConfirm to $True only if you don't want to manually confirm folder deletion. Use with caution.
    $noConfirm = $False
    # Safeguard
    If ( $SiteCode -eq "" -or $serverName -eq "" ) { Write-Host "Enter the required information for the SiteCode and serverName variables before running this script." -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black ; Exit }
    # Connect to SSRS
    $ssrs = New-WebServiceProxy -uri http://$serverName/ReportServer/ReportService2005.asmx?WSDL -UseDefaultCredential
    # Get a listing of all folders in SSRS
    $reportFolders = $ssrs.ListChildren("/", $True)
    # Find all folders containing .OLD.*
    $foldersToDelete = $reportFolders | Where { $_.Name -like "ConfigMgr_" + $SiteCode + ".OLD.*"}
    # Quit if no folders are found
    If ( $foldersToDelete.Count -eq 0 ) { Write-Host "No folders with .OLD.* found. Quitting." ; Exit }
    # Show a listing of the folders that will be deleted
    Write-Host "The following folders will be deleted from SSRS on" $serverName":`n"
    Write-Host "`nTotal number of folders to delete:" $foldersToDelete.Count "`n"
    # Get confirmation before deleting if $noConfirm has not been changed
    If ( $noConfirm -eq $False )
    $userConfirmation = Read-Host "Delete these folders from" $serverName"? Enter Y or N"
    If ( $userConfirmation.ToUpper() -ne "Y" ) { Write-Host "Quitting, folders have not been deleted." ; Exit }
    # Delete the folders
    $deletedFolderCount = 0
    Write-Host "Beginning to delete folders now. Please wait."
    ForEach ( $folder in $foldersToDelete ) { $ssrs.DeleteItem($folder.Path) ; $deletedFolderCount++ }
    Write-Host "Folders have been deleted. Total number of deleted folders:" $deletedFolderCount
    Standard disclaimer: While this script worked just fine for me in my environment, I make no guarantees that it will work anywhere else. I've attempted to make this script as user friendly and generic as possible, but it may require slight tweaking to work properly.

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    It asks for the server , name, password, port and path. what are they?
    I am pretty certain that the Serveris "localhost",
    Name is my macs name (like my-mac-min)
    password is "my login password"
    and they suggest port 21.
    But what is the file path, lets just say my site is set up http://localhost/siteftp and is actually at my Users/Sites/siteftp folder.
    Why cant this program connect to the mac.
    Is it because they are both operating in the same localhost enviroment,
    could it be my folder permissions are not correct on siteftp folder?
    Help please !

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    I also just upgraded to Mac OS X 10.7.4, and the problem hasn't been here for long, so it may be linked...
    Please help me!

    The first thing you should do is to back up your personal data. It is possible that your hard drive is failing. If you are using Time Machine, that part is already done.
    Then, I think it would be easiest to reformat the drive and restore. If you ARE using Time Machine, you can start up from your Leopard installation disc. At the first Installer screen, go up to the menu bar, and from the Utilities menu, first select to run Disk Utility. Completely erase the internal drive using the Erase tab; make sure you have the internal DRIVE (not the volume) selected in the sidebar, and make sure you are NOT erasing your Time Machine drive by mistake. After erasing, quit Disk Utility, and select the command to restore from backup from the same Utilities menu. Using that Time Machine volume restore utility, you can restore it to a time and date immediately before you went on vacation, when things were working.
    If you are not using Time Machine, you can erase and reinstall the OS (after you have backed up your personal data). After restarting from the new installation and installing all the updates using Software Update, you can restore your personal data from the backup you just made.

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    It sounds like the hard drive was accidently dragged into the iPhoto window or onto the iPhoto icon in the Dock.  If you downloaded your pics into a new library try starting over with a new library and see if you can avoid those images.

  • Service/Database Accounts - NT SERVICE\MSSQLSERVER & NT SERVICE\SQLSERVERAGENT - what are they for?

    Hi Guys,
    I’ve done a fair amount of research for this question but just cannot seem to find the answer to my question in simple, non-DBA, terms.
    Server 2008 R2
    SQL 2008 R2
    There are 2 users in the system database logins (NT SERVICE\MSSQLSERVER, NT SERVICE\SQLSERVERAGENT) … what are they for? It appears that they
    are accounts to run the corresponding Windows services but yet they cannot be selected from the list of available built-in accounts, local accounts or domain accounts.
    Also, I am using a couple of domain user accounts to run the services, do I need to add them to the database? I changed the service accounts from NETWORK
    SERVICE to the domain user accounts using the SQL Configuration Manger which is supposed to take care of managing the user group membership and registry changes but the domain accounts are not in the database …. The services appear to be running fine.

    In basic terms:
    As you say, in the SQL Server Database Engine there are two logins;
    NT SERVICE\MSSQLSERVER and NT SERVICE\SQLSERVERAGENT. The Database Engine runs in Windows as a Windows service named
    MSSQLSERVER. The NT SERVICE\MSSQLSERVER login is used by the service to connect to the Database Engine. Basically, this is how it connects to itself. The SQL Server Agent runs as a Windows service named
    login is how the Windows process that is SQL Server Agent connects to the Database Engine to read the
    msdb database to find out what it should do; and then do it. Both of these logins are members of the
    sysadmin fixed server role, so they can do anything in the Database Engine. And they need to stay that way.
    No, they can't be selected in the list of available built-in accounts, local accounts or domain accounts. This is because they are services, not accounts. They have a security identifier (SID) in Windows,
    but Windows knows they aren't real users. Windows can authenticate them, but they don't have passwords that any human can use. If you run
    lusrmgr.msc and look at the groups, you will see groups like
    is a member of the group.
    As for the account that you used to run the services, this is complicated and has changed from SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2008 and now again in SQL Server Code Named 'Denali'. The short answer is that
    the account you specify will be used when a process tries to reach outside of the current Windows environment. But within the computer, there is a mix of authorization granted to the domain user, the service, and the Windows group
    The good news is that SQL Server Configuration Manager figures out all the stuff you need when you change the accounts. If you are a glutton for punishment, you can get an idea for how complicated this
    is by looking at the Denali documentation where I have tried to provide more specific information. (Note this is not the same as SQL Server 2008.) You can see it at:
    Configure Windows Service Accounts and Permissions
    Rick Byham, Microsoft, SQL Server Books Online, Implies no warranty

  • Trance,mystery,ems01,etc are on ipod.What are they an can they be deleted,without altering ipod

    when i get and start a new ipod,there are items listed on the songs list,like mystery,ems01,ems02,trance,,,etc.What are they and if i delete them,will it affect the quality of my ipod.Thanks

    When i browse through the contents of the ipod,there are various,items listed,that are only ten to thirty seconds long,with names like...lama up,,,lama down,,,horse,,chilaud 2 and loads of Ems 101/02/03/etc.....I was wondering if they are already on the new ipod,or downloaded from some hidden site on my own computer files,,,,They also used to be listed on my old nano ipod,before it was replaced...Cheers

  • I am freeing up some space and am using osx lion, but i have 12gb of back ups, how can i delete these and what are they?

    I am freeing up some space and am using osx lion, but i have 12gb of back ups, how can i delete these and what are they?

    Back-ups are what they are: a safety copy. If you feel you don't need them, you can trash them. They could be of a previous System if you upgraded, or something else. You wont get the full picture from looking at system profiler.
    You may want to look into getting an external drive and offloading some stuff to it.

Maybe you are looking for