Planning function to change date field value in layout

Hello experts,
                      I have 1 BPS layout with 2 date fields ( Start date, End date ). With a filter conditions, set of data comes in BPS layout on execution and 2 date fields also contain some value...I want to change values of these 2 dates...both the date fields are char BPS layout, in planning function I got only 1 function ( Repost function ) to change the value of char infoobject based on some condition. but date field value is not the status field...i want to enter new date instead of old date..if i right exit function in that also i can change only keyfigs please help me to solve this problem..
Thanks & Regards,
Priyanka Joshi

Hi Priyanka,
As of now master data planning is not so flexibly supported.
Still u can refer the below link which is enhancement of standard Repost function,and can be used to change master data.
As far as my knowledge goes u cannot directly input date in rows.

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  • Calendar Functionality for a date field in HTML of  a ITS service

    I am working with SRM EBP module we want to add date help(with calendar function) to existign date fields in Shopping cart and PO screens . I found some HTML and Javascripts in SYSTEM and BBPGLOBAL services (named as calendar)but not sure which ones to use if anyone used date functionality or even have access to Standard SAP ITS screens that already have date field with calendar fuctionality can you help???????????????
    Thanks in Advance

    Let me first thank you for the quick response and timely help you provided calendar popup works great but one minor issue i am not able to click on the date entry and bring the field back into the field not sure if this funcitonality is in show_calendar.
    I would really appreciate if you get time to look at below i am almost there with your help......thanks again
    Here are the steps I did
    I have a HTML page  SAPLBBP_SC_UI_ITS screen 300 in SRM module , I created a new HTML page (zcalendar.html) in the same internet service BBPSC01 as suggested and I included in my HTML page SAPLBBP_SC_UI_ITS screen 300 and also I added below code to add a icon and a href call to the show_calendar function.
    Code works great I get the popup but when I double click on the date it is not selecting the date into the field back .
    Any thoughts??????
    <!-- Start ghantavine -->
    `include (~service="bbpsc01", ~name="zcalendar.html")`
    <!-- End ghantavine -->
    <!--    10/24/05 ghantavine--delivary date  -->
        `if (GS_SCR_BASIC_I-DELIV_DATE.visible)`    
           `if (gs_scr_basic_i-deliv_date.disabled)`
              `TD(class="label", nowrap="x",
              `TD(class="label", nowrap="x", active="")``gs_scr_basic_i-deliv_date.value`
                `TD(class="label", nowrap="x", active="")`<label
                `TD(class="data",  nowrap="x")`  
                <input type="text" id="GS_SCR_BASIC_I-DELIV_DATE"
    maxlength="010" size="008">          
           <a href="_javascript:show_calendar();">
           <img id="anchor1" src="`mimeurl(~service="bbpglobal",
    ~name="images/button/f4.gif", ~language="", ~theme="99")`" />
          `TR()` `Lines()`
    <!--      10/24/05 ghantavine--delivary date    -->
    below is the showcalendar code
    Hi , u save this as a html file and call this show_calendar fn  from Onclick button of your Calendar image .
    //  For generating the calendar
    var weekend = [0,6];
    var weekendColor = "#e0e0e0";
    var fontface = "Verdana";
    var fontsize = 2;
    var gNow = new Date();
    var ggWinCal;
    isNav = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") != -1) ? true : false;
    isIE = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1) ? true : false;
    Calendar.Months = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
    "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];
    // Non-Leap year Month days..
    Calendar.DOMonth = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
    // Leap year Month days..
    Calendar.lDOMonth = [31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
    function Calendar(p_item, p_WinCal, p_month, p_year, p_format) {
         if ((p_month == null) && (p_year == null))     return;
         if (p_WinCal == null)
              this.gWinCal = ggWinCal;
              this.gWinCal = p_WinCal;
         if (p_month == null) {
              this.gMonthName = null;
              this.gMonth = null;
              this.gYearly = true;
         } else {
              this.gMonthName = Calendar.get_month(p_month);
              this.gMonth = new Number(p_month);
              this.gYearly = false;
         this.gYear = p_year;
         this.gFormat = p_format;
         this.gBGColor = "white";
         this.gFGColor = "black";
         this.gTextColor = "black";
         this.gHeaderColor = "black";
         this.gReturnItem = p_item;
    Calendar.get_month = Calendar_get_month;
    Calendar.get_daysofmonth = Calendar_get_daysofmonth;
    Calendar.calc_month_year = Calendar_calc_month_year;
    Calendar.print = Calendar_print;
    function Calendar_get_month(monthNo) {
         return Calendar.Months[monthNo];
    function Calendar_get_daysofmonth(monthNo, p_year) {
         Check for leap year ..
         1.Years evenly divisible by four are normally leap years, except for...
         2.Years also evenly divisible by 100 are not leap years, except for...
         3.Years also evenly divisible by 400 are leap years.
         if ((p_year % 4) == 0) {
              if ((p_year % 100) == 0 && (p_year % 400) != 0)
                   return Calendar.DOMonth[monthNo];
              return Calendar.lDOMonth[monthNo];
         } else
              return Calendar.DOMonth[monthNo];
    function Calendar_calc_month_year(p_Month, p_Year, incr) {
         Will return an 1-D array with 1st element being the calculated month
         and second being the calculated year
         after applying the month increment/decrement as specified by 'incr' parameter.
         'incr' will normally have 1/-1 to navigate thru the months.
         var ret_arr = new Array();
         if (incr == -1) {
              // B A C K W A R D
              if (p_Month == 0) {
                   ret_arr[0] = 11;
                   ret_arr[1] = parseInt(p_Year) - 1;
              else {
                   ret_arr[0] = parseInt(p_Month) - 1;
                   ret_arr[1] = parseInt(p_Year);
         } else if (incr == 1) {
              // F O R W A R D
              if (p_Month == 11) {
                   ret_arr[0] = 0;
                   ret_arr[1] = parseInt(p_Year) + 1;
              else {
                   ret_arr[0] = parseInt(p_Month) + 1;
                   ret_arr[1] = parseInt(p_Year);
         return ret_arr;
    function Calendar_print() {
    function Calendar_calc_month_year(p_Month, p_Year, incr) {
         Will return an 1-D array with 1st element being the calculated month
         and second being the calculated year
         after applying the month increment/decrement as specified by 'incr' parameter.
         'incr' will normally have 1/-1 to navigate thru the months.
         var ret_arr = new Array();
         if (incr == -1) {
              // B A C K W A R D
              if (p_Month == 0) {
                   ret_arr[0] = 11;
                   ret_arr[1] = parseInt(p_Year) - 1;
              else {
                   ret_arr[0] = parseInt(p_Month) - 1;
                   ret_arr[1] = parseInt(p_Year);
         } else if (incr == 1) {
              // F O R W A R D
              if (p_Month == 11) {
                   ret_arr[0] = 0;
                   ret_arr[1] = parseInt(p_Year) + 1;
              else {
                   ret_arr[0] = parseInt(p_Month) + 1;
                   ret_arr[1] = parseInt(p_Year);
         return ret_arr;
    // This is for compatibility with Navigator 3, we have to create and discard one object before the prototype object exists.
    new Calendar();
    Calendar.prototype.getMonthlyCalendarCode = function() {
         var vCode = "";
         var vHeader_Code = "";
         var vData_Code = "";
         // Begin Table Drawing code here..
         vCode = vCode + "<TABLE BORDER=1 BGCOLOR=\"" + this.gBGColor + "\">";
         vHeader_Code = this.cal_header();
         vData_Code = this.cal_data();
         vCode = vCode + vHeader_Code + vData_Code;
         vCode = vCode + "</TABLE>";
         return vCode; = function() {
         var vCode = "";;
         // Setup the page...
         this.wwrite("<body " +
              "link=\"" + this.gLinkColor + "\" " +
              "vlink=\"" + this.gLinkColor + "\" " +
              "alink=\"" + this.gLinkColor + "\" " +
              "text=\"" + this.gTextColor + "\">");
         this.wwriteA("<FONT FACE='" + fontface + "' SIZE=2><B>");
         this.wwriteA(this.gMonthName + " " + this.gYear);
         // Show navigation buttons
         var prevMMYYYY = Calendar.calc_month_year(this.gMonth, this.gYear, -1);
         var prevMM = prevMMYYYY[0];
         var prevYYYY = prevMMYYYY[1];
         var nextMMYYYY = Calendar.calc_month_year(this.gMonth, this.gYear, 1);
         var nextMM = nextMMYYYY[0];
         var nextYYYY = nextMMYYYY[1];
         this.wwrite("<TABLE WIDTH='100%' BORDER=1 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 BGCOLOR='#e0e0e0'><TR><TD ALIGN=center>");
         this.wwrite("[<A HREF=\"" +
              "javascript:window.opener.Build(" +
              "'" + this.gReturnItem + "', '" + this.gMonth + "', '" + (parseInt(this.gYear)-1) + "', '" + this.gFormat + "'" +
              ");" +
              "\"><<<\/A>]</TD><TD ALIGN=center>");
         this.wwrite("[<A HREF=\"" +
              "javascript:window.opener.Build(" +
              "'" + this.gReturnItem + "', '" + prevMM + "', '" + prevYYYY + "', '" + this.gFormat + "'" +
              ");" +
              "\"><<\/A>]</TD><TD ALIGN=center>");
         this.wwrite("[<A HREF=\"javascript:window.print();\">Print</A>]</TD><TD ALIGN=center>");
         this.wwrite("[<A HREF=\"" +
              "javascript:window.opener.Build(" +
              "'" + this.gReturnItem + "', '" + nextMM + "', '" + nextYYYY + "', '" + this.gFormat + "'" +
              ");" +
              "\">><\/A>]</TD><TD ALIGN=center>");
         this.wwrite("[<A HREF=\"" +
              "javascript:window.opener.Build(" +
              "'" + this.gReturnItem + "', '" + this.gMonth + "', '" + (parseInt(this.gYear)+1) + "', '" + this.gFormat + "'" +
              ");" +
         // Get the complete calendar code for the month..
         vCode = this.getMonthlyCalendarCode();
    Calendar.prototype.showY = function() {
         var vCode = "";
         var i;
         var vr, vc, vx, vy;          // Row, Column, X-coord, Y-coord
         var vxf = 285;               // X-Factor
         var vyf = 200;               // Y-Factor
         var vxm = 10;               // X-margin
         var vym;                    // Y-margin
         if (isIE)     vym = 75;
         else if (isNav)     vym = 25;;
         this.wwrite("<style type='text/css'>\n<!--");
         for (i=0; i<12; i++) {
              vc = i % 3;
              if (i>=0 && i<= 2)     vr = 0;
              if (i>=3 && i<= 5)     vr = 1;
              if (i>=6 && i<= 8)     vr = 2;
              if (i>=9 && i<= 11)     vr = 3;
              vx = parseInt(vxf * vc) + vxm;
              vy = parseInt(vyf * vr) + vym;
              this.wwrite(".lclass" + i + " {position:absolute;top:" + vy + ";left:" + vx + ";}");
         this.wwrite("<body " +
              "link=\"" + this.gLinkColor + "\" " +
              "vlink=\"" + this.gLinkColor + "\" " +
              "alink=\"" + this.gLinkColor + "\" " +
              "text=\"" + this.gTextColor + "\">");
         this.wwrite("<FONT FACE='" + fontface + "' SIZE=2><B>");
         this.wwrite("Year : " + this.gYear);
         // Show navigation buttons
         var prevYYYY = parseInt(this.gYear) - 1;
         var nextYYYY = parseInt(this.gYear) + 1;
         this.wwrite("<TABLE WIDTH='100%' BORDER=1 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 BGCOLOR='#e0e0e0'><TR><TD ALIGN=center>");
         this.wwrite("[<A HREF=\"" +
              "javascript:window.opener.Build(" +
              "'" + this.gReturnItem + "', null, '" + prevYYYY + "', '" + this.gFormat + "'" +
              ");" +
              "\" alt='Prev Year'><<<\/A>]</TD><TD ALIGN=center>");
         this.wwrite("[<A HREF=\"javascript:window.print();\">Print</A>]</TD><TD ALIGN=center>");
         this.wwrite("[<A HREF=\"" +
              "javascript:window.opener.Build(" +
              "'" + this.gReturnItem + "', null, '" + nextYYYY + "', '" + this.gFormat + "'" +
              ");" +
         // Get the complete calendar code for each month..
         var j;
         for (i=11; i>=0; i--) {
              if (isIE)
                   this.wwrite("<DIV ID=\"layer" + i + "\" CLASS=\"lclass" + i + "\">");
              else if (isNav)
                   this.wwrite("<LAYER ID=\"layer" + i + "\" CLASS=\"lclass" + i + "\">");
              this.gMonth = i;
              this.gMonthName = Calendar.get_month(this.gMonth);
              vCode = this.getMonthlyCalendarCode();
              this.wwrite(this.gMonthName + "/" + this.gYear + "<BR>");
              if (isIE)
              else if (isNav)
    Calendar.prototype.wwrite = function(wtext) {
    Calendar.prototype.wwriteA = function(wtext) {
    Calendar.prototype.cal_header = function() {
         var vCode = "";
         vCode = vCode + "<TR>";
         vCode = vCode + "<TD WIDTH='14%'><FONT SIZE='2' FACE='" + fontface + "' COLOR='" + this.gHeaderColor + "'><B>Sun</B></FONT></TD>";
         vCode = vCode + "<TD WIDTH='14%'><FONT SIZE='2' FACE='" + fontface + "' COLOR='" + this.gHeaderColor + "'><B>Mon</B></FONT></TD>";
         vCode = vCode + "<TD WIDTH='14%'><FONT SIZE='2' FACE='" + fontface + "' COLOR='" + this.gHeaderColor + "'><B>Tue</B></FONT></TD>";
         vCode = vCode + "<TD WIDTH='14%'><FONT SIZE='2' FACE='" + fontface + "' COLOR='" + this.gHeaderColor + "'><B>Wed</B></FONT></TD>";
         vCode = vCode + "<TD WIDTH='14%'><FONT SIZE='2' FACE='" + fontface + "' COLOR='" + this.gHeaderColor + "'><B>Thu</B></FONT></TD>";
         vCode = vCode + "<TD WIDTH='14%'><FONT SIZE='2' FACE='" + fontface + "' COLOR='" + this.gHeaderColor + "'><B>Fri</B></FONT></TD>";
         vCode = vCode + "<TD WIDTH='16%'><FONT SIZE='2' FACE='" + fontface + "' COLOR='" + this.gHeaderColor + "'><B>Sat</B></FONT></TD>";
         vCode = vCode + "</TR>";
         return vCode;
    Calendar.prototype.cal_data = function() {
         var vDate = new Date();
         var vFirstDay=vDate.getDay();
         var vDay=1;
         var vLastDay=Calendar.get_daysofmonth(this.gMonth, this.gYear);
         var vOnLastDay=0;
         var vCode = "";
         Get day for the 1st of the requested month/year..
         Place as many blank cells before the 1st day of the month as necessary.
         vCode = vCode + "<TR>";
         for (i=0; i<vFirstDay; i++) {
              vCode = vCode + "<TD WIDTH='14%'" + this.write_weekend_string(i) + "><FONT SIZE='2' FACE='" + fontface + "'> </FONT></TD>";
         // Write rest of the 1st week
         for (j=vFirstDay; j<7; j++) {
              vCode = vCode + "<TD WIDTH='14%'" + this.write_weekend_string(j) + "><FONT SIZE='2' FACE='" + fontface + "'>" +
                   "<A HREF='#' " +
                        "onClick=\"self.opener.document." + this.gReturnItem + ".value='" +
                        this.format_data(vDay) +
                        "';window.close();\">" +
                        this.format_day(vDay) +
                   "</A>" +
              vDay=vDay + 1;
         vCode = vCode + "</TR>";
         // Write the rest of the weeks
         for (k=2; k<7; k++) {
              vCode = vCode + "<TR>";
              for (j=0; j<7; j++) {
                   vCode = vCode + "<TD WIDTH='14%'" + this.write_weekend_string(j) + "><FONT SIZE='2' FACE='" + fontface + "'>" +
                        "<A HREF='#' " +
                             "onClick=\"self.opener.document." + this.gReturnItem + ".value='" +
                             this.format_data(vDay) +
                             "';window.close();\">" +
                        this.format_day(vDay) +
                        "</A>" +
                   vDay=vDay + 1;
                   if (vDay > vLastDay) {
                        vOnLastDay = 1;
              if (j == 6)
                   vCode = vCode + "</TR>";
              if (vOnLastDay == 1)
         // Fill up the rest of last week with proper blanks, so that we get proper square blocks
         for (m=1; m<(7-j); m++) {
              if (this.gYearly)
                   vCode = vCode + "<TD WIDTH='14%'" + this.write_weekend_string(j+m) +
                   "><FONT SIZE='2' FACE='" + fontface + "' COLOR='gray'> </FONT></TD>";
                   vCode = vCode + "<TD WIDTH='14%'" + this.write_weekend_string(j+m) +
                   "><FONT SIZE='2' FACE='" + fontface + "' COLOR='gray'>" + m + "</FONT></TD>";
         return vCode;
    Calendar.prototype.format_day = function(vday) {
         var vNowDay = gNow.getDate();
         var vNowMonth = gNow.getMonth();
         var vNowYear = gNow.getFullYear();
         if (vday == vNowDay && this.gMonth == vNowMonth && this.gYear == vNowYear)
              return ("<FONT COLOR=\"RED\"><B>" + vday + "</B></FONT>");
              return (vday);
    Calendar.prototype.write_weekend_string = function(vday) {
         var i;
         // Return special formatting for the weekend day.
         for (i=0; i<weekend.length; i++) {
              if (vday == weekend<i>)
                   return (" BGCOLOR=\"" + weekendColor + "\"");
         return "";
    Calendar.prototype.format_data = function(p_day) {
         var vData;
         var vMonth = 1 + this.gMonth;
         vMonth = (vMonth.toString().length < 2) ? "0" + vMonth : vMonth;
         var vMon = Calendar.get_month(this.gMonth).substr(0,3).toUpperCase();
         var vFMon = Calendar.get_month(this.gMonth).toUpperCase();
         var vY4 = new String(this.gYear);
         var vY2 = new String(this.gYear.substr(2,2));
         var vDD = (p_day.toString().length < 2) ? "0" + p_day : p_day;
    /*     switch (this.gFormat) {
              case "MM\/DD\/YYYY" :
                   vData = vMonth + "\/" + vDD + "\/" + vY4;
              case "MM\/DD\/YY" :
                   vData = vMonth + "\/" + vDD + "\/" + vY2;
              case "MM-DD-YYYY" :
                   vData = vMonth + "-" + vDD + "-" + vY4;
              case "MM-DD-YY" :
                   vData = vMonth + "-" + vDD + "-" + vY2;
              case "DD\/MON\/YYYY" :
                   vData = vDD + "\/" + vMon + "\/" + vY4;
              case "DD\/MON\/YY" :
                   vData = vDD + "\/" + vMon + "\/" + vY2;
              case "DD-MON-YYYY" :
                   vData = vDD + "-" + vMon + "-" + vY4;
              case "DD-MON-YY" :
                   vData = vDD + "-" + vMon + "-" + vY2;
              case "DD\/MONTH\/YYYY" :
                   vData = vDD + "\/" + vFMon + "\/" + vY4;
              case "DD\/MONTH\/YY" :
                   vData = vDD + "\/" + vFMon + "\/" + vY2;
              case "DD-MONTH-YYYY" :
                   vData = vDD + "-" + vFMon + "-" + vY4;
              case "DD-MONTH-YY" :
                   vData = vDD + "-" + vFMon + "-" + vY2;
              case "DD\/MM\/YYYY" :
                   vData = vDD + "\/" + vMonth + "\/" + vY4;
              case "DD\/MM\/YY" :
                   vData = vDD + "\/" + vMonth + "\/" + vY2;
              case "DD-MM-YYYY" :
                   vData = vDD + "-" + vMonth + "-" + vY4;
              case "DD-MM-YY" :
                   vData = vDD + "-" + vMonth + "-" + vY2;
              default :
                   vData = vMonth + "\/" + vDD + "\/" + vY4;
    vData = vY4vMonthvDD ;
    //vData = vDD"."vMonth"."vY4;
         return vData;
    function Build(p_item, p_month, p_year, p_format) {
         var p_WinCal = ggWinCal;
         gCal = new Calendar(p_item, p_WinCal, p_month, p_year, p_format);
         // Customize your Calendar here..
         // Choose appropriate show function
         if (gCal.gYearly)     gCal.showY();
    function show_calendar() {
              p_month : 0-11 for Jan-Dec; 12 for All Months.
              p_year     : 4-digit year
              p_format: Date format (mm/dd/yyyy, dd/mm/yy, ...)
              p_item     : Return Item.
         p_item = arguments[0];
         if (arguments[1] == null)
              p_month = new String(gNow.getMonth());
              p_month = arguments[1];
         if (arguments[2] == "" || arguments[2] == null)
              p_year = new String(gNow.getFullYear().toString());
              p_year = arguments[2];
         if (arguments[3] == null)
              p_format = "MM/DD/YYYY";
              p_format = arguments[3];
         vWinCal ="", "Calendar",
         vWinCal.opener = self;
         ggWinCal = vWinCal;
         Build(p_item, p_month, p_year, p_format);
    Yearly Calendar Code Starts here
    function show_yearly_calendar(p_item, p_year, p_format) {
         // Load the defaults..
         if (p_year == null || p_year == "")
              p_year = new String(gNow.getFullYear().toString());
         if (p_format == null || p_format == "")
              p_format = "MM/DD/YYYY";
         var vWinCal ="", "Calendar", "scrollbars=yes");
         vWinCal.opener = self;
         ggWinCal = vWinCal;
         Build(p_item, null, p_year, p_format);

  • Processing on change of field values in internal table

    I have a internal table eg
    id            type                  keyword
    1               1                      report
    1               1                      program
    n02           4                     event
    n02           5                      loop
    n03           6                      call
    n03           6                       do
    No when even id changes from 1 to n02...i want to write " id id 1' similarily wenever id changes from n02 to n03 then id is " id is n02" and so on
    How can do some sequential processing on change of field values in internal table

    This code will resolve your purpose.
      BEGIN OF t_tab OCCURS 0,
      int TYPE c,
      str TYPE char10,
      var TYPE char3,
      END OF t_tab.
    t_tab-var = '1'.
    t_tab-int = 1.
    t_tab-str = 'report'.
    APPEND t_tab.
    t_tab-var = '1'.
    t_tab-int = 1.
    t_tab-str = 'program'.
    APPEND t_tab.
    t_tab-var = 'n02'.
    t_tab-int = 4.
    t_tab-str = 'event'.
    APPEND t_tab.
    t_tab-var = 'n02'.
    t_tab-int = 5.
    t_tab-str = 'loop'.
    APPEND t_tab.
    t_tab-var = 'n03'.
    t_tab-int = 6.
    t_tab-str = 'call'.
    APPEND t_tab.
    t_tab-var = 'n03'.
    t_tab-int = 6.
    t_tab-str = 'do'.
    APPEND t_tab.
    LOOP AT t_tab.
      ON CHANGE OF t_tab-var.
          / 'id' ,t_tab-var, t_tab-int.
    Thanks and regards

  • In the script date field value not printing in address window

    Hi Abaper's
    We are working for the upgradation project,my issue is:
    we are upgrading from 4.6 to ecc 6.0,the problem is *one from in 4.6 working fine but after upgradation to 6.o in that from in the address window date field value is not debugging mode i have checked value is coming properly but in the sppol..the date value is not displying.*can you please suggest on required any changes or need to somting?
    Thanks and regards

    Kindly check if the window size is proper.
    Check if the tab settings are fine.
    Ankur Parab

  • Table for Function modules - Changed date & Changed by.

    Hi Experts,
    Help me to get Function module changed date & changed by.
    For programs we can get the mentained information in TABLE : TADIR.

    Function Modules change history can be retrieved from table TRDIR.
    Function Module stores a program Include in table TRDIR.
    The details of the Function Module can be found in Attributes-->general data tab in the Function Module.
    You need to pass the Include which correponds the FM.
    Hence you can find the Log changes.
    Hope this helps.

  • Can we change key field values in table maintenance

      I have created Z-table and table maintenance for the same...
    In table maintenance..Can we change key field values??
    Is there any posibility????

    you can do it in this way.
    open sm30->tablname->edit
    snow select the row(s)->copy->change the keyfield values-back->save.
    no in that sm30, select records with old primary key and delete->save.
    so you got all field similar for those record under modification, only the key field changed.

  • Deleting date field value via import

    I need to clear the value in a date field for a few thousand records. I tried doing this via import by setting the value to a space " " but it didn't work.
    Any ideas on how this can be achieved through import or otherwise would be great.

    Hi Nakul,
    Try any of the following, it will hopefully work in your case:
    1) Import using excel with blank date field (no data in date field). This will erase the already existing value in the date field [provided there is no workflow that restricts such deletion of date data.]
    2) Create a temp workflow on condition "before modified record saved" and update the date field value with blank (no values in fx), do the import, this workflow will delete the existing data.

  • Error while executing planning function with reference data

    I have a two planning functions one is used to upload the file (with out reference data checkbox in planning function RSPLF1) and other planning function ('Referece data'check box is selected in custom planning function RSPLF1) to execute the logic of creating new record along with the flat file data.
    Following data is uplooaded
    Company code | Profit_ctr | calmonth | Amount
    1000                 | 50000      | 01.2011  | 150
    Cube data
    Field1    |  Company code | Profit_ctr | calmonth | Amount
             |  1000                 | 50000      | 01.2011  | 150
    Z1         |  1000                 | 50000      | 01.2011  | 150
    Now I want to change the value from 150 to 200 and when I try to execute with the following data, it is giving dump 'a row with the same key already exists'.
    Company code | Profit_ctr | calmonth | Amount
    1000             | 50000          | 01.2011  | 200
    Ideally in the second execution it should append the new row with Amount value 50 to cube which is the delta value.
    I debugged the issue and found that I_TH_REF_DATA has following data and C_TH_DATA also contains the same records.
    Field1     Company code | Profit_ctr | calmonth | Amount
    #     1000                 | 50000      | 01.2011  | 150
    Z1     1000                 | 50000      | 01.2011  | -150
    Z1     1000                 | 50000      | 01.2011  | 150
    Due to this, record which already exists in C_TH_DATA and trying to append new record with the same combination is failing.
    C_TH_DATA should only contain the source data of Amount 200, but not sure why reference data is coming in C_TH_DATA.
    Could anyone please guide me on how the reference data is getting populated in C_TH_DATA ?
    Thanks in advance
    Edited by: peppy on Aug 3, 2011 5:00 PM
    Edited by: peppy on Aug 3, 2011 8:37 PM

    Hi Peppy,
    C_TH_DATA is hashed table!  According to your post you are trying to append to C_TH_DATA and this results in a dump. Please take a look at the standard planning function to see how SAP is programming the planning functions. E.g. in CL_RSPLFC_REPOST method IF_RSPLFA_SRVTYPE_IMP_EXEC~EXECUTE you can find the following code:
      CREATE DATA l_r_data_wa LIKE LINE OF c_th_data.
      ASSIGN l_r_data_wa->* TO <s_data_wa>.
      CREATE DATA l_r_new_wa LIKE LINE OF c_th_data.
      ASSIGN l_r_new_wa->* TO <s_new_wa>.
    LOOP AT c_th_data INTO <s_data_wa>.
    <s_new_wa> = <s_data_wa>.
    now the SAP code changes the  values, you can do it your way here
    and than write the changes back
            MODIFY TABLE c_th_data FROM <s_data_wa>.
    Another option is to use the READ statement to check if the record is already in the table. If not, you can use MODIFY otherwise you use INSERT. So you get something like this:
    READ C_TH_DATA from <s_data_wa> transporting no fields.
    if not sy-subrc EQ 0.
      INSERT <s_data_wa> into table C_TH_DATA.
      MODIFY TABLE c_th_data FROM <s_data_wa>.
    Depending on your requirements you can also use the collect  statement.
    If c_th_data shows the reference data as well, you may need to adjust the filter to restrict it to the correct values.
    Hope this helps.
    Best regards
    Matthias Nutt
    SAP Consulting Switzerland

  • Execution of a planning function with the used dimension values in a crosstab

    would like to execute planning functions within Design Studio but I don't really know how I combine this execution with the used dimension values in a crosstab for the .
    Here the requirement:
    3 Planning functions which should use the same filter (all values of all dimensions in the crosstab) and which should run one after another:
    // open data slice
    // generate combinitions
    // close data slice
    Many thanks in advance.
    Kind regards,

    Hi Arun,
    in general it is not possible to nest planning functions. The inner function would update the data in the plan buffer without the outer function knowing about it. Also the inner function might be on a different aggregation level which would make things very tricky.
    Alternatively you can include ABAP logic into a FOX formula:
    Or just create the complete logic in one ABAP planning function type.
    SAP NetWeaver RIG

  • How to get planning function in customized data slice?

    Hi all,
    we are using a customized data slice which implements IF_RSPLS_DATASLICE. Now we have the requirement that the data slice only protects the data when it calls via query. The data slice will not protect data if a planning function is executed. How can we implement this requirement? Is it possible in the method IF_RSPLS_DS_METHODS ~ IS_PROTECTED to read this information from an instance of the planning function (CL_RSPLS_CR_CONTROLLER?) or the buffer or something else? Or can we find some information about the query?
    At the moment we only check if a planning sequence is called by a process chain. This works fine
    IF sy-batch IS NOT INITIAL.
        e_noinput = rs_c_false.
    Thanks for your help!

    I think this topic was already discussed in this forum.
    By design, it should not matter whether a query or a planning function is not allowed to change records. This is what data slices were designed for.
    OK, you need a different behaviour.
    1. Maybe you can detect from the planning function filter or query filter whether you run function or a query. If this is the case use the method IS_OVERLAPPING of the data slice. There you get the filter as a I_TSX_SELDR or as a range table when you call SELDR_TO_RANGE. When you return r_is_overlapping = rs_c_false. the data slice will not be called.
    2. Another option is to call the factory of the data slice and to use a flag in the data slice that indicates that the data slice is used in the context of a planning function. The factory method is GET_INSTANCE. Set a break point there to find out how the system calls this method. But when to call the factory? Check note 1101726. This note provides infrastructure to change the filter of a planning function at run time. But you can use this exit to call the factory method mentioned above. The nice thing is that you can raise the excpetion EMPTY in the exit, thus the function will not be called. So use a planning sequence with dummy1, your function, dummy2. For dummy1 switch on flag on, raise EMPTY, dummy1 will not be executed (almost no run time is needed), then 'your function' will be called (do nothing in the exit', then function dummy2 will be called, here switch the flag off again.
    Check also the following link where the above technique is used to for the conditional execution of planning functions:

  • Set Date field value through Form datasource

    Hello all,
    Has anyone set the value of a field of type Date through the form's datasource?
        If (Not Entrega = Nothing And NrDias > 0) Then
            Entrega = Entrega.AddDays(NrDias)
            ds.SetValue("U_data", ds.Offset, Entrega)
        End If
    End If
    If I change the field to a text field it write to the datasource and display no problem.
    Any ideias?
    Best regards.

    Found it.
    ds.setValue("U_dataent", 0, Entrega.ToString("yyyyMMdd"))

  • Changing a field value to its primary key (i.esupplier_name to supplier_id)

    I have an insert function which takes data from two tables (table1, table2) and inserts it into another(table3). I've had to add an extra field to the destination table for the supplier_id. However, one source table has supplier_id but the other one uses supplier_name.
    How can i programmically change the supplier_name to supplier_id during the insert process (obviously there is a supplier table with supplier_id and supplier_name in it, which somehow i need to link to).
    Many thanks

    Hi anthony
    Can you understand the question..if yes, can you
    explain me.It means something like...
    SQL> select * from supplier1;
              1 Bob          10
              2 Fred         54
              3 Jim          11
    SQL> select * from supplier2;
    SUPP        VAL
    Bob          15
    Fred         24
    Jim          13
    SQL> desc supplier3;
    Name                                                                     Null?    Type
    SUPPLIER_ID                                                                       NUMBER
    SUPPLIER_NAME                                                                     VARCHAR2(10)
    VAL1                                                                              NUMBER
    VAL2                                                                              NUMBER
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  insert into supplier3
      2  select s1.supplier_id, s1.supplier_name, s1.val, s2.val
      3  from supplier1 s1, supplier2 s2
      4* where s1.supplier_name = s2.supplier_name
    SQL> /
    3 rows created.
    SQL> select * from supplier3;
              1 Bob                10         15
              2 Fred               54         24
              3 Jim                11         13
    SQL>Although it depends if the OP wants to combine the rows as I've done here or union the rows as Anthony was showing.
    Essentially though the point of the OP's problem was joining the two tables to get the supplier_id, which is obviously done via the name or some other common unique attribute.

  • Is there any user exit for changing V1 field value?

    Hello Expert,
    Is there any user exit for changing V1 update value?
    For example, sales order number will populate 2LIS_11_VAHDR-VBELN. If other value need to populate 2LIS_11_VAHDR-VBELN, can we use any user exit to customize the V1 routine?
    Please forget the enhancement for 2LIS_11_VAHDR. Just populate the system field VBELN.

    Use the 'usual' user-exit for transactional data in R/3 EXIT_SAPLRSAP_001 (CMOD). Here your can overwrite VBELN for each extracted record with the value you want.
    Hope this helps.

  • Macro Error while executing planning functions or saving data

    Dear All,
    I am getting following error in BEx Analyzer while executing planning function or pressing a save button.
    Note: Excel is 2007 version.
    Cannot run the macro "XXXXXX.xlsx". The macro may not be available in this workbook or all macros may be disabled.
    I changed the settings in Macro Settings (Office Button -> Excel Options -> Trust Center -> Trust Center Settings-> Macro Settings) eventhough it is showing that above message.
    selected ->
    Enalble all macros
    Trust access to VBA project object model.
    If anybody faced this issue kindly reply to this.
    Best Regards,

    Hello everybody,
    i am facing exactlythe same issue! I am currently running GUI Patch Level 14 and BI Add on Patch Level 10.
    I have also adjusted all necessary settings in Excel Options like Activate all Macros and Trust VBA Coding.
    Does anybody have another Solution.
    As mentioned before Gui Patch 13 and BI Add On Patch 10 obviously arent the solutiuon.
    Best regards

  • Actionscript & changing form field values

    I am building a form using flash forms. I have a particular
    field that by default the value is 0.00. I want to make an onchange
    actionscript that will dynamically change the form field value to
    0.00 if the end user deletes the value out of the field and leaves
    it blank.
    Please be gentle...I know my actionscript'ing is poor (and
    probably looks a wee bit more like JS than AS) LOL
    <cfsavecontent variable="zero_myfield>
    if (myfield.text == '') {
    myform.myfield.text == "0.00";
    <cfinput type="text" name="myfield"
    I know you can manipulate the value of a form field easily
    with javascript, but how to do the same thing with actionscript?
    Any pointers would be appreciated!

    ROFL, I figured as I said, my AS is *very*
    rudimentary right now heheh
    I picked up an AS book yesterday evening to hopefully help me
    out some, I know not all AS is available to use in ColdFusion flash
    forms, but it will give me a good reference I hope.
    I'll try my hand at the listener and see what I can come up
    with. Thanks for the pointer!! :)

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