Playing songs by artist iOS6.

When using the music app if I select artist then only songs from albums from this artist come up. If for example I select "Oasis" then I get a list of Oasis albums but it misses out any songs contained in other albums e.g. compilation albums such as Radio 1 live lounge. My old 1st gen iPod touch still supports this so if I select artist on that I can choose to play all the albums by said artist as well as any songs by that artist of compilation albums. I'd like to be able to do this on my phone as well, has anybody got any ideas why this can't be done anymore or how to do it?!
Many thanks in advance

I'm surprised you say it was different prior to iOS4 as this has always been a problem as far as I know.
I have recently found that on my iPod Classic I can play songs in the order I want (sorted by Sort Album and then Track Number within each Album) by clicking play when the Artist is highlighted in the list. However, if you go into that Artist and look at All Songs, it is sorted alphabetically. I can appreciate the logic of this, once you know you can play directly from the highlighted Artist.
But I cannot seem to do this on the iPhone as there's no way to highlight the Artist and press play and as far as can remember, it always sorted the list alphabetically even pre iOS4 and this is a completely USELESS sort order. Who ever wants to play tracks alphabetically? I can vaguely understand Shuffle (but never use it), but NO-ONE would ever need to play tracks in alphabetical order.
Maybe I'm missing something. IS there a way to play All Songs for an Artist sorted by Sort Album and then Track Number? Anyone know?

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    But I have to say, I don't know why that the "is/is not included in" field would not be an option.  They oughtta add it!
    The problem is that the Smart Playlist rules, although they look complicated, are really oriented to analyzing individual tracks.  So "is this track in Playlist A" is easy to do, but "is this track by an Artist for which there is at least one track in playlist A," is currently undoable.  However, you can make suggestions to Apple by using the iTunes Feedback page:
    Thanks you solved my question.
    Enjoy the music!

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    Have you reported this problem directly to ? It's possible that they are either unaware of it's existence or that it is the designed behaviour which could perhaps benefit from being clarified in online support.
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    The problem of tracks becoming de-linked between iTunes and the music files in your iTunes music folder happens for different reasons - this seems to come up fairly commonly in this forum.
    The solution can be to locate each song in the iTunes library, as you mentioned - or, but wait, before I get to that...
    trouble finding the original track in your iTunes music folder? maybe look for it under compilations, or if not using the 'group compilations preference' then look in the folder under the songs artist name, but what song artist name iTunes uses depends on what you have in the metedata tag spot for album artist or song artist. Any varyation in artist name spelling, in the menu item 'get info' metadata for any selected individual track will cause iTunes to create that as a separate artist folder in the library, even names like 'various' or any difference at all (even the word 'the' can change where in your iTunes music folder a track gets placed by iTunes). You can try to use the finder function of find file (finder munu item outside of iTunes) to locate hard to find items.
    Back to how to re-link any de-linked tracks .
    There may be scripts that can help re-link de-linked music files - or, at least provide you a list of such files, Scripts are easy to install and use...
    at Dougs Scripts, there is one called iTunes Track CPR that might work
    or, if you just want a list of de-linked tracks, go to
    and find the script called List MIA's, this will create a text file listing all de-linked tracks
    if you review the thread at
    also the thread at
    you may find more insight into dealing with this kind of issue there, although some of that thread may not apply to your case, aspects of it might help.
    Good luck.

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    He @mracole,
    it is very nice that you post a solution to complete the library with artwork for album's that do not have an artwork. Your solution perfectly addresses the problem for assigning artwork, BUT this thread is about CHANGING artwork for albums already uploaded into iTunes Match. Just try to replace for example a blue artwork cover for an album with a red one. If you made it in a simple way (without deleting the album from iTunes Match and local changes on the files with an external ID3-Application or 2 or more iTunes libraries on different Mac's) this is the right place to give a solution. I really tried for hours to change the artwork to make them visible in landscape cover flow mode on my iPhone5. In rare cases I made it, but then the covers sometimes where restored to the old onces - exacly how it is mentioned by Starhawk
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    Regards from Munich, Germany

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    Post Author: kcornett
    CA Forum: General
    typo... sorry
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    Thanks for your help...
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    If you have moved the iTunes Music folder since doing the backup, clicking on a track in iTunes will give you the message you describe. If that's so, therein lies your problem, as iTunes cannot find the Music folder. However, I'm not familiar with Back Up, and wondered if you have an option to delete the original following completion of a backup? If so, it's possible that option was selected when performing the backup. Don't panic.
    Until you can resolve this, I'd suggest double-clicking the icon of the backup you made and in the resulting window, select the iTunes Music folder for restoring. Then restore the files to the iTunes Music folder, after which go to iTunes preferences > 'advanced' > 'general', and reselect the location of your music to the Music folder.
    When this is done, go to Disk Utility and repair 'Disk Permissions'... everything should then be fine.
    PowerMac G5 Quad, 2.5GB RAM + PowerBook G4 Ti 15" + iMac G5 20"   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

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    Mine does. If you can browse by artist, album or song titles, chances are it can brwose through playlists as well. Also make sure that you don't have shuffle selected.
    The iPod should play songs in the order that they are listed on the display.

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    I've tried sorting the songs by artist, track number, album etc. but the problem persists. Yesterday I downloaded the latest version of iTunes, but that didn't help either.
    Thanks in advance for advice and help!

    I use iTunes and built in look up as well and it sort my library in album order. However this is assuming you sort the library by artist (click on the artist heading to sort by artist). And then within artist is will sort by album name alphabetically and within each album by album order.
    Just checked and if I sort my library by album, albums get listed in alphabetical order but again, within the album it is in album order.
    Grace Notes (CDDB) should fill in the track number and total number of tracks for you automatically.
    So back to your last question, I am not sure what you mean exactly. Are we talking about sorting the library as a whole or do you mean specifically within Playlists?

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    Song Title, artist and album is always shown on miniPlayer, unless you hover the mouse over it, or if it is selected (highlighted) rewind play or forward buttons. Try highlight Up Next or Serch button (if by pressing Tab or Shift+Tab you can higlight next or previous item, respectively).

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    I want to create a playlist that plays song in a specific order, but iTunes seems to only sort the songs by the headings in the playlist, artist, title, song, etc. Can I make it play the songs in the order i want to hear them?
    Dell Inspiron   Windows XP  

    You can drag the songs in a playlist into any order you want. Open iTunes and go to your playlist, click at the top of the number column (far left) to highlight it, click on any song and drag it to the position you want. Once the playlist is how you want it, update the iPod.

Maybe you are looking for