Please check it out Time Management

Hi guys
Here is my Problem. I hope you guys will give me some ideas.
A hourly employee will post 8 hours of SL leave in the month of November. The employee will receive 8 hours of holiday credit on November 10th, 23rd and 24th on that day. But because the employee only worked a total of 98 hours for the month, the end of month process in time evaluation will adjust the HC to 5 hours for each day instead of 8 hours. But the error is that the holiday credit is not 5 hours for each day but 4 hours for each day. The schema used is ZM04. An hourly employee will receive prorated holiday pay or Saturday Holiday or Personal Holiday credits, the employee being paid or credited for a holiday as closely as is practical in proportion to the number of regular hours that the employee works.

Hi Ken,
As per my understanding holiday credit is nothing but extra benefit that employee is geting irrespective of his calendar isn't it??
In that case Try this...
maintain what ever extra hours you want to pay for employee instead of his regular, calculate that extra benefit hours in IT 2010-Employee Remuneration Info.
Hope you got an Idea!

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    Note that there are and will be many other players which can play mp4 files (Mplayer, VLC media player, RealPlayer). So it is good practise to always provide additional download link in cases when you use QuickTime plug-in to embed mp4 files. (and when we are in here for mp4 embed you can even create script which checks if QuickTime is installed, if not try RealPlayer, and only after that provide QuickTime Player/plug-in download)
    For plain links just make sure that your server sends correct MIME-type video/mp4 for .mp4 extension.
    Send the following message to your server administrator:
    “I am putting an MP4 video on my Web site, but your Web server doesn’t support this file type. Could you make sure files with an .mp4 extension are mapped to MIME type video/mp4.”
    If your server is apache then you can also try to add following line to your .htaccess file
    AddType video/mp4 mp4
    Additionally if you want to try force download dialog, instead Quicktime(when available) playing mp4 directly in empty browser window, after clicking link, you can use Content-Disposition header. For example add following to .htaccess (Note that headers module must be in use)
    <IfModule mod_headers.c>
    <Files "*.mp4">
    SetEnvIf Request_URI "/([^>*)$" IT=$1
    header set Content-Disposition "attachment; filename=\"%{IT}e\"
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    appears listed under All Content.
    However, when I use Refine this list and select Using your iMac Intel, which is where it belongs, it disappears. it is not listed in any of the other subforums. It may sometimes shows up in Overview. I have no idea why or when it will.
    After opening and then closing Refine this list, it doesn't appear any longer in All Content.
    If I use my browser bookmark, which is set for iMac Intel> Overview>Using your iMac Intel, it may appear for a split second and then disappear.
    I don't know if this matters: I start my visit to Using your iMac Intel through my browser bookmark. Then, from there, I may navigate to All Content.
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    I'm wondering if anyone else can reproduce or has seen this.
    EDIT: I just moved from All Content to Overview and, inexplicably, it is now showing up.

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    Refine to Applescript the post is gone. (Trust me it doesn't show up in any other refinement either)
    Click the X next to Applescript and its back:
    The same behavior happens in All Content or Discussions.
    Thought it might be related to tags but this post is tagged applescript so that wouldn't appear to be it.
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