Please Help me with long time oracle  select sequence.nextval from dual

I'm in a real problem.In fact i have a J2EE5(JPA,Hibernate 3,EJB 3.0) project deployed at websphere 6 application server and i'm using Oracle 10 g R2.
Well i have a batch job that inserts into some table called AVERAGEBALANCE.
the problem is that when i have activated hibernate log i discoverd that the select from dual is the longest sql (it takes some times over second !!)
here is the log
11/07/2011 08:49:40,468 DEBUG SQL:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-2 - select this_.PK_ as PK1_465_0_, this_.CDATE_ as CDATE2_465_0_, this_.CUSER_ as CUSER3_465_0_, this_.UUSER_ as UUSER4_465_0_, this_.BALANCE_ as BALANCE5_465_0_, this_.BALANCETYPE_ as BALANCET6_465_0_, this_.CASHSUBACCOUNTPK_ as CASHSUBA8_465_0_, this_.CASHSUBACCOUNTCODE_ as CASHSUBA7_465_0_, this_.CODE_ as CODE9_465_0_, this_.CURRENCYPK_ as CURRENCYPK11_465_0_, this_.CURRENCYCODE_ as CURRENC10_465_0_, this_.ENDDATE_ as ENDDATE12_465_0_, this_.EXCHANGERATE_ as EXCHANG13_465_0_, this_.ORIGINBALANCEPK_ as ORIGINB15_465_0_, this_.ORIGINBALANCECODE_ as ORIGINB14_465_0_, this_.POSITIONDATE_ as POSITIO16_465_0_, this_.REVALUATIONDATE_ as REVALUA17_465_0_, this_.SUMOFCREDITS_ as SUMOFCR18_465_0_, this_.SUMOFDEBITS_ as SUMOFDE19_465_0_, this_.UDATE_ as UDATE20_465_0_, this_.VERSIONNUM_ as VERSIONNUM21_465_0_ from CASHAB this_ where this_.CASHSUBACCOUNTCODE_=? and this_.BALANCETYPE_=? and this_.POSITIONDATE_<? and this_.ENDDATE_>=? and this_.BALANCE_<>?
11/07/2011 08:49:40,468 DEBUG SQL:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-2 - select AVERAGEBALANCE_.nextval from dual
11/07/2011 08:49:41,484 DEBUG SQL:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-2 - insert into AVERAGEBALANCE (CDATE_, CUSER_, AVERAGEBALANCE_, AVERAGECREDITORBALANCE_, AVERAGEDEBITORBALANCE_, BEGINDATE_, CALCULATIONDATE_, CASHSUBACCOUNTCODE_, CASHSUBACCOUNTPK_, CODE_, ENDDATE_, NBCREDITORDAYS_, NBDEBITORDAYS_, TEDABCALCULATIONPERIODICITYPK_, VERSIONNUM_, PK_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)well i have increased the sequence cache in fact here is the creation code of the sequence.
CREATE SEQUENCE  "COMPTAPERF5"."AVERAGEBALANCE_"  MINVALUE 1 MAXVALUE 999999999999999999999 INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 1 CACHE 400 NOORDER  NOCYCLE   ;i think that there is some oracle parameter to tune
Thanks in advance
Edited by: B.Mansour Nizar on 11 juil. 2011 01:04
Edited by: B.Mansour Nizar on 11 juil. 2011 06:33
Edited by: B.Mansour Nizar on 11 juil. 2011 06:34
Edited by: B.Mansour Nizar on 11 juil. 2011 06:34
Edited by: B.Mansour Nizar on 11 juil. 2011 06:35
Edited by: B.Mansour Nizar on 11 juil. 2011 06:35
Edited by: B.Mansour Nizar on 11 juil. 2011 06:36
Edited by: B.Mansour Nizar on 15 juil. 2011 07:42

I found it.
It's not due to oracle but it's a hibernate issue.In fact if setting FlushMode to Manual.It wil flush the in memory entities after that it will fire the insert statement.
Here's the log.
15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 DEBUG SQL:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - select CASHAB_.nextval from dual
15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 TRACE AbstractBatcher:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - preparing statement
15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 DEBUG SequenceGenerator:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - Sequence identifier generated: 20441
15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - about to close PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 1, globally: 1)
15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 TRACE AbstractBatcher:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - closing statement
15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 DEBUG ConnectionManager:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - aggressively releasing JDBC connection
15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 DEBUG ConnectionManager:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - releasing JDBC connection [ (open PreparedStatements: 0, globally: 0) (open ResultSets: 0, globally: 0)]
15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 DEBUG AbstractSaveEventListener:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - generated identifier: 20441, using strategy:
15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 TRACE AbstractSaveEventListener:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - saving [com.bfi.cpt.bal.cas.CashAccountingBalance#20441]
15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 TRACE Versioning:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - using initial version: 0
15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 TRACE AbstractFlushingEventListener:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - flushing session
15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - processing flush-time cascades
15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 TRACE Cascade:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - processing cascade ACTION_PERSIST_ON_FLUSH for: com.bfi.cpt.cht.cas.CashSubAccount
15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 TRACE Cascade:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - done processing cascade ACTION_PERSIST_ON_FLUSH for: com.bfi.cpt.cht.cas.CashSubAccount
15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 TRACE Cascade:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - processing cascade ACTION_PERSIST_ON_FLUSH for: com.bfi.ref.cur.Currency
15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 TRACE Cascade:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - done processing cascade ACTION_PERSIST_ON_FLUSH for: com.bfi.ref.cur.Currency
15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 TRACE Cascade:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - processing cascade ACTION_PERSIST_ON_FLUSH for: com.bfi.cpt.bal.cas.CashAccountingBalance
15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 TRACE Cascade:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - done processing cascade ACTION_PERSIST_ON_FLUSH for: com.bfi.cpt.bal.cas.CashAccountingBalance
15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - dirty checking collections
15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 TRACE AbstractFlushingEventListener:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - Flushing entities and processing referenced collections
15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 TRACE AbstractFlushingEventListener:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - Processing unreferenced collections
15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 TRACE AbstractFlushingEventListener:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - Scheduling collection removes/(re)creates/updates
15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - Flushed: 1 insertions, 0 updates, 0 deletions to 3 objects
15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - Flushed: 0 (re)creations, 0 updates, 0 removals to 0 collections
15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 DEBUG Printer:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - listing entities:
15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 DEBUG Printer:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - com.bfi.ref.cur.Currency{translatedName=null, certain=false, iso3166=788, quotity=1, identifier=TND, creationUser=admin, internalCode=null, name=Dinars Tunisien, creationDate=2011-07-11 14:43:06, code=TND, versionNum=0, decimal=3, updateUser=null, updateDate=null, pk=136, decimalName=millimes}
15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 DEBUG Printer:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - com.bfi.cpt.bal.cas.CashAccountingBalance{cashSubAccount=com.bfi.cpt.cht.cas.CashSubAccount#400201, originBalanceCode=null, exchangeRate=null, sumOfDebits=0.0, endDate=31 décembre 9999, creationUser=bna, currencyPk=136, creationDate=2011-07-15 15:32:47, cashSubAccountCode=BNA/PCI_BNA/82-TND, code=2010-07-30/BNA/PCI_BNA/82-TND/AccountingDateBalance/TND, versionNum=0, originBalancePk=null, currency=com.bfi.ref.cur.Currency#136, updateUser=null, originBalance=null, balanceType=AccountingDateBalance, updateDate=null, positionDate=30 juillet 2010, sumOfCredits=10.0, pk=20441, cashSubAccountPk=400201, revaluationDate=null, balance=-10.0, currencyCode=TND}
15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 DEBUG Printer:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - com.bfi.cpt.cht.cas.CashSubAccount{name2=null, accountPk=81, name=null, versionNum=0, currency=com.bfi.ref.cur.Currency#136, updateDate=null, chartByEntity=com.bfi.cpt.cht.std.ChartByEntity#2, refAccount=null, currencyCode=TND, chartByEntityCode=BNA/PCI_BNA, refAccountCode=null, creationDate=2011-07-15 15:25:45, account=com.bfi.cpt.cht.cas.StandardAccount#81, freeKey10=null, freeKey11=null, chartByEntityPk=2, freeKey12=null, updateUser=null, refAccountPk=null, freeKey13=null, freeKey14=null, freeKey15=null, freeKey16=null, freeKey17=null, accountCode=PCI_BNA/81, freeKey18=null, freeKey19=null, freeKey0=null, freeKey1=null, freeKey2=null, freeKey3=null, freeKey4=null, freeKey5=null, freeKey6=null, freeKey7=null, freeKey8=null, freeKey9=null, number=82-TND, creationUser=bna, freeKey20=null, freeKey21=null, freeKey22=null, freeKey23=null, freeKey24=null, freeKey25=null, freeKey26=null, freeKey27=null, freeKey28=null, freeKey29=null, currencyPk=136, code=BNA/PCI_BNA/82-TND, freeKey30=null, freeKey31=null, freeKey32=null, pk=400201}
15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 TRACE AbstractFlushingEventListener:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - executing flush
15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 TRACE ConnectionManager:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - registering flush begin
15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 DEBUG UpdateTimestampsCache:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - Pre-invalidating space [CASHAB]
15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 TRACE AbstractEntityPersister:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - Inserting entity: [com.bfi.cpt.bal.cas.CashAccountingBalance#20441]
15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 TRACE AbstractEntityPersister:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - Version: 0
15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - about to open PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 0, globally: 0)
15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 DEBUG ConnectionManager:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - opening JDBC connection
15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 DEBUG SQL:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - insert into CASHAB (CDATE_, CUSER_, BALANCE_, BALANCETYPE_, CASHSUBACCOUNTCODE_, CASHSUBACCOUNTPK_, CODE_, CURRENCYCODE_, CURRENCYPK_, ENDDATE_, POSITIONDATE_, SUMOFCREDITS_, SUMOFDEBITS_, VERSIONNUM_, PK_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)Edited by: B.Mansour Nizar on 15 juil. 2011 07:38
Edited by: B.Mansour Nizar on 15 juil. 2011 07:39
Edited by: B.Mansour Nizar on 15 juil. 2011 07:43

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    launch Airport Utility and under disk erase the TC hard drive(you seem to not have much value on it anyway) then if you have to change the name of the disk.
    if you can connect TC to your computer thru ethernet connection and not wireless. 179 gigs is a lot of data to move. Ethernet should do you about 1.5 hrs to 2 hrs for the Time Machine backup.
    Concerning the wireless problem I'd suspect some type of interference causing the disconnection. It can be just about anything for example, locating the TC too close to another router, vonage, computer, metal objects blocking or too near, TC location thru too many walls especially in N mode.
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  • Oracle native sequencing: nextVal executed two times.

    We are migrating from Weblogic 6.1 sp 5 & TopLink 3.6.3 to Weblogic 8.1 sp 2 & TopLink 9.0.4 and we are having this issue:
    It seems that when assigning the sequence to new objets TopLink execs the nextVal for the sequence twice. In fact we probably wouldn't notticed it if it was just that, the problem is that TopLink seems to register the object into the cache with an oid and assigning the next one to the object stored in the database so we are getting NoSuchObjectException each time we try to access them.
    Here is a dump of TopLink's log showing the problem:
    [TopLink]: ServerSession(22807116)--Connection(0)--client acquired
    [TopLink]: ClientSession(25858791)--Connection(0)--acquire unit of work: 10772417
    [TopLink]: UnitOfWork(10772417)--Connection(0)--JTS register
    [TopLink]: ServerSession(22807116)--Connection(17740413)--SELECT SEQ_BOOK.NEXTVAL FROM DUAL
    [TopLink]: ServerSession(22807116)--Connection(17558511)--SELECT SEQ_PAGE.NEXTVAL FROM DUAL
    [TopLink]: UnitOfWork(10772417)--Connection(0)--Before JTS Completion
    [TopLink]: UnitOfWork(10772417)--Connection(25919386)--Begin batch statements
    [TopLink]: UnitOfWork(10772417)--Connection(25919386)--INSERT INTO AUTHOR (NAME, OCA, OID) VALUES (?, ?, ?)
    [TopLink]: UnitOfWork(10772417)--Connection(0)-- bind => [Roger Penrose, 2004-05-11 18:54:01.917, 442803]
    [TopLink]: UnitOfWork(10772417)--Connection(25919386)--End Batch Statements
    [TopLink]: ClientSession(25858791)--Connection(25919386)--Begin batch statements
    [TopLink]: ClientSession(25858791)--Connection(25919386)--INSERT INTO BOOK (NAME, OCA, OID, OID_AUTHOR) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
    [TopLink]: ClientSession(25858791)--Connection(0)-- bind => [The Emperor's New Mind, 2004-05-11 18:54:01.92, 347404, 442803]
    [TopLink]: ClientSession(25858791)--Connection(0)-- bind => [Shadows of the Mind, 2004-05-11 18:54:01.943, 347405, 442803]
    [TopLink]: ClientSession(25858791)--Connection(25919386)--End Batch Statements
    [TopLink]: UnitOfWork(10772417)--Connection(0)--After JTS Completion
    [TopLink]: UnitOfWork(10772417)--Connection(0)--release unit of work
    [TopLink]: ClientSession(25858791)--Connection(0)--client released
    [TopLink]: ServerSession(22807116)--Connection(0)--client acquired
    [TopLink]: ClientSession(116689)--Connection(0)--acquire unit of work: 32580168
    [TopLink]: UnitOfWork(32580168)--Connection(0)--JTS register
    [TopLink]: UnitOfWork(32580168)--Connection(0)--Before JTS Completion
    [TopLink]: UnitOfWork(32580168)--Connection(17129104)--Begin batch statements
    [TopLink]: UnitOfWork(32580168)--Connection(17129104)--INSERT INTO AUTHOR (NAME, OCA, OID) VALUES (?, ?, ?)
    [TopLink]: UnitOfWork(32580168)--Connection(0)-- bind => [Benoit Mandelbrot, 2004-05-11 18:54:49.264, 442805]
    [TopLink]: UnitOfWork(32580168)--Connection(17129104)--End Batch Statements
    [TopLink]: ClientSession(116689)--Connection(17129104)--Begin batch statements
    [TopLink]: ClientSession(116689)--Connection(17129104)--INSERT INTO BOOK (NAME, OCA, OID, OID_AUTHOR) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
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    [TopLink]: ClientSession(116689)--Connection(17129104)--End Batch Statements
    [TopLink]: UnitOfWork(32580168)--Connection(0)--After JTS Completion
    [TopLink]: UnitOfWork(32580168)--Connection(0)--release unit of work
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    the test is about creating two objects (well, we are actually creating 6 objects in this sample as we are creating two "master" objects and adding two related (in a one to many relationship) objects to each one.)
    The thing I would like you to notice is this:
    The first AUTHOR object gets assigned the OID 442803 wether the next AUTHOR object gets the OID 442805 although we expected it to be 442804.
    The same occurs with the objects in the "many" side of the relation. They get sibiling OIDs but with a gap of two OIDs when creating the last two.
    I have been searching for simmilar problems in this forums and I found two posts:
    Both where related to a bug of an older version of TopLink (9.0.3 I think) when using something different than a number for the sequence field of an object. I expect it to be fixed in 9.0.4 version as it seemed to be fixed even for the 9.0.3 version. May it be a regression bug?
    Anyway, we are using BigDecimal on entity bean's sequence number and IIRC NUMBER(18) in Oracle tables.
    Currently our TopLink version is: 9.0.4 (031126)
    Our native sequence has an allocation size of 200 and it matches with SEQUENCEs defined in Oracle.
    As we are migratting from TopLink 3.6.3 and we have not changed the sequence prealocation size (we have not touched the database at all) we don't expect the problem to be on sequence prealocation.
    I must say we have changed the "default" JDBC driver that TopLink uses when doing the issuing the loging phase (which I think is a SUN driver) to an oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver as we were having problems with timestamp locking.
    Any idea?
    Thanks in advance.

    It was my fault. I was doing a really nasty thing to the entity beans.
    I must publicly thank my work mate (which is a pretty smart girl, I must say) in tracking down this issue.
    Here is what (we think) was happening:
    As I told in previous post in this post we are in the process of moving from TopLink 3.6.3 (EJB 1.1) to TopLink 9.0.4 (EJB 2.0). We do have a "super class" in our application where we had some common things of our entity beans, i.e. entityContext, oid and oca attributes. We have also some methods that retrieve and set values from and to the entity beans via value objects (in order to avoid the heavy RMI operations when doing it through "standard" getters and setters) well, it happened that the current implementation of the "batch setting" method used the getDeclaringMethods to update in both UPDATE and INSERT opperations entity attributes with the data of the value object.
    When switching to EJB 2.0 we had to push down both the oid and oca attributes (in order of being able do deploy them) to each final entity bean and now they where being included in the setting process!
    You can imagine an scenario like this:
    1. ejbCreate() // TopLink issues the SELECT SEQ_XXX NEXT VAL FROM DUAL and sets the oid of the EJB
    2. setAttributes() // transfer info from the value object to the newly created EJB: including a setOid(null)!
    3. commit() (Before Completion)
    4. TopLink detects that the damm object surprisingly DOES NOT have the oid attribute setted so it performs another SELECT SEQ_XXX NEXT VAL FROM DUAL in order to "fix" this big problem.
    5. commit() (After Completion) // the object is written to the database with the second value from the sequence whereas the first value is used to identify the entity bean into the identity cache.
    Well it may not be "exactly" what is happening but I'm sure we are not so far from reality with our assumptions.
    Andrei Ilitchev, thanks for your interest, sorry I could not post this sooner.

  • Please help me with selecting the right institute for me

    HI All,
    Please help me which institute I should select for my SAP SD training?
    Sales overview
    Enterprise structure related to SD
    Master data, like Customer master data, material master data, condition master data and Output master data.
    Partner determination
    Sales document types
    Item categories
    Schedule line categories
    Pricing: Condition table, access sequence, Condition type, pricing procedure
    Stock Posting
    Free goods
    Bills of Material
    Material determination
    Material Listing and Exclusion
    Incompletion logs
    Revenue account determination
    Credit management
    Outline agreements like quantity contract, value contract and scheduling agreements
    Shipping process like Shipping point determination, Route determination, Shipping conditions picking ,PGI
    Delivery types
    Delivery item categories
    Invoice process
    Billing types
    Special sales processes like cash sales, rush orders ,consignment process and Third party process
    Return sales process
    Credit memo process
    Debit memo process
    Availability check
    Rebate processing
    Intercompany sales
    Output determination
    Copy control
    Integration with MM,FI
    Technical topics like ABAP tables, user exits and IDOC’s
    Real time scenario’s
    1. Introduction to Supply chain management
    2. Introduction to SAP ERP package
    3. Introduction to ASAP implementation methodology
    4. Lecture Demo on Basic navigation skills in SAP R/3
    5. SAP landscape. Tips and tricks
    6. Introduction to Enterprise structure in SD
    7. Overview of Material master records
    8. Demo on ROH, HAL and FERT creation
    9. Hands on exercise on creation of material mastesr records in SAP
    10. Introduction to SD master data (Business partners, conditions and outputs)
    11. Introduction to order processing and Demo
    12. Hands on exercises on sales order processing
    13. Introduction to delivery process, picking and post goods issue process
    14. Introduction to stock transport orders and inter-company stock transport Orders
    15. Exercises on delivery with respect to sales orders
    16. Introduction to billing process (Customer billing, Inter-company, Proforma, Credit memo and Debit memo)
    17. Introduction pricing procedure, condition records, condition tables and access sequence.
    18. Configuration on SD sales order types, delivery and billing
    19. Warehouse management overview
    20. Introduction to SAP WM configuration
    21. Demo by instructor on configuration
    22. Develop configuration scripts
    23. Introduction to develop BPP
    24. Hands on exercises to students
    25. Introduction to WM master data
    26. Introduction to transaction data in WM
    27. Hands on exercises on creation of master data elements in WM
    28. Hands on exercises to students on WM transaction data
    29. Introduction to CTS process (SE10, SCC1)
    30. Demo on WM business scenarios and integration points
    31. Introduction to develop integration test scenarios. Develop test scripts
    32. Introduction to OSS notes and SAP Help
    33. Introduction to EAI tools, FID, RF Gun, MDE, SAP console and hand held devices
    34. Introduction to SAP bold on tools (SRM, CRM, BW, SEM, GTS, CIC, FSCM, DP, SNP, PP/DS, GATP, CIF and Plug in)
    35. Introduction to quick reference guides, cheat sheet, FAQ, work instructions, job aides, transaction aides, work instructions and change management
    36.Interface between SD & FI
    37.C forms, H forms
    38.Excise Related Invoices
    39.CIN configuration (taxes)
    40. Debugging with help of ABAP Tool
    41.Excise Returns Process with pricing details
    42.Order, Delivery, Billing, exicise, Output types configuration

    You should talk to various institute.

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    Hi Sue,
    What exactly happens when trying Safari?
    They did change it to Outlook recently, but while not pretty, I can access mine with Safari 4.0 still...
    You can also set it up in Mail so you don't need a browser at all if you want.

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    Hi ,
    I have created a report in Oracle 10G and save it as .JSP file, while i tried to open
    that .jsp file through edit plus i observed that reportbuilder have generated a code for what i have done in Layout but all the code is commented, why was it happened so , Do it effect the functionality of my report.
    Please help me with this
    Thanks and Regards
    Kalyan Chitti

    Hello Chris90909,
    switch width an height properties as Inol mentioned.
    If you have any question about the issue, let us know.
    Don't forget to mark Correct or Helpful accordingly.

  • I've bought the first season of Death Note on itunes, and i've was never able to download the 11th episode (Assault), it gives me error -50 each time I try. Can anyone please help me with this?

    the title pretty much has my question i guess. it's my first post so i'm not sur if you'll see all of it. I'll just copy paste it anyhow.
    i've bought the first season of Death Note on itunes, and i've was never able to download the 11th episode (Assault), it gives me error -50 each time I try. Can anyone please help me with this?

    Perhaps try the "Error -50," "-5000," "8003," "8008," or "-42023" section in the Specific Conditions and Alert Messages: (Mac OS X / Windows) section of the following document:
    iTunes: Advanced iTunes Store troubleshooting



    sir as ur reply i guess that my phone has locked again as i restored to factory defaults, now if i try with a att active sim then can i activate the iphone ? and i think  i need to unlock again if i want to use sim other then att right ? pls reply me in details asap

  • Please help me with the logic

    Hi All,
    I have a number on the selection-screen.I need to prepare a structure with fields equal to the number provided on the selection screen.please help me with it.
    Thanks in advance,
    kushagra sharma

    Hi Kushagra,
    Below is one way of doing it.
    First create a dynamic internal table, taking number of fields from selection screen using cl_alv_table_create=>create_dynamic_table.
    Then create a dynamic structure for that dynamic internal table.
    DATA:fcat_wa TYPE lvc_s_fcat,
         fcat_itab TYPE lvc_t_fcat,
         poi_itab TYPE REF TO data,
         poi_itab1 TYPE REF TO data,
         cha(4) TYPE c.
                   <wa> TYPE ANY.
    PARAMETERS: p_num TYPE i.  " Number of fields
    DO p_num TIMES.
      cha = sy-index.
      CONCATENATE 'F' cha INTO cha.
      fcat_wa-fieldname = cha.
      fcat_wa-datatype = 'STRG'.
      APPEND fcat_wa TO fcat_itab.
    CALL METHOD cl_alv_table_create=>create_dynamic_table
        it_fieldcatalog           = fcat_itab
        ep_table                  = poi_itab
        generate_subpool_dir_full = 1
        OTHERS                    = 2.
    ASSIGN poi_itab->* TO <itab>.  " Dynamic internal table
    CREATE DATA poi_itab1 LIKE LINE OF <itab>.
    ASSIGN poi_itab1->* TO <wa>.  " Dynamic structure
    Hope it helps u.
    Edited by: Sap Fan on Oct 28, 2009 3:41 PM

  • Please help me with the following two questions, very urgent

    Hi All,
    Please help me with some scenerios about what are the common problems when modifying a standard script such a standard Invoice script and how can we overcome them.
    What are the common problems encountered when working with SAP SMARTFORMS and how to overcome them?
    Please help me with these questions, its very urgent.
    Thanks in advance.

    hope it will help you.
    reward if ehlp.
    How to create a New smartfrom, it is having step by step procedure
    step by step good ex link is....
    Here is the procedure
    1. Create a new smartforms
    Transaction code SMARTFORMS
    Create new smartforms call ZSMART
    2. Define looping process for internal table
    Pages and windows
    First Page -> Header Window (Cursor at First Page then click Edit -> Node -> Create)
    Here, you can specify your title and page numbering
    &SFSY-PAGE& (Page 1) of &SFSY-FORMPAGES(Z4.0)& (Total Page)
    Main windows -> TABLE -> DATA
    In the Loop section, tick Internal table and fill in
    ITAB1 (table in ABAP SMARTFORM calling function) INTO ITAB2
    3. Define table in smartforms
    Global settings :
    Form interface
    Variable name Type assignment Reference type
    ITAB1 TYPE Table Structure
    Global definitions
    Variable name Type assignment Reference type
    ITAB2 TYPE Table Structure
    4. To display the data in the form
    Make used of the Table Painter and declare the Line Type in Tabstrips Table
    e.g. HD_GEN for printing header details,
    IT_GEN for printing data details.
    You have to specify the Line Type in your Text elements in the Tabstrips Output options.
    Tick the New Line and specify the Line Type for outputting the data.
    Declare your output fields in Text elements
    Tabstrips - Output Options
    For different fonts use this Style : IDWTCERTSTYLE
    For Quantity or Amout you can used this variable &GS_ITAB-AMOUNT(12.2)&
    5. Calling SMARTFORMS from your ABAP program
    Calling SMARTFORMS from your ABAP program.
    Collecting all the table data in your program, and pass once to SMARTFORMS
    Declare your table type in :-
    Global Settings -> Form Interface
    Global Definintions -> Global Data
    Main Window -> Table -> DATA
    Written by : SAP Hints and Tips on Configuration and ABAP/4 Programming
    At the end of your program.
    Passing data to SMARTFORMS
    call function 'SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME'
    formname = 'ZSMARTFORM'
    VARIANT = ' '
    DIRECT_CALL = ' '
    NO_FORM = 1
    OTHERS = 3.
    if sy-subrc <> 0.
    WRITE: / 'ERROR 1'.
    call function FM_NAME
    SEND_ERROR = 3
    OTHERS = 5.
    if sy-subrc <> 0.
    you can check this link here you can see the steps and you can do it the same by looking at it..
    1. In Tcode se11 Create a structure(struct) same like the Internal table that you are going to use in your report.
    2. Create Table type(t_struct) of stracture in se11.
    3. In your program declare Internal table(Itab) type table of structure(struct).
    4. Define work area(wa) like line of internal table.
    5. Open Tcode Smartforms
    6. In form Global setting , forminterface Import parameter define Internal table(Itab) like table type of stracture(t_struct).
    7. In form Global setting , Global definitions , in Global data define Work area(wa) like type stracture(struct).
    8. In form pages and window, create Page node by default Page1 is available.
    9. In page node you can create numbers of secondary window. But in form there is only one Main window.
    10. By right click on page you can create windows or Go to Edit, Node, Create.
    11. After creating the window right click on window create table for displaying the data that you are passing through internal table.
    12. In the table Data parameter, loop internal internal table (Itab) into work area(wa).
    13. In table there are three areas Header, Main Area, Footer.
    14. Right click on the Main area create table line by default line type1 is there select it.
    15. Divide line into cells according to your need then for each cell create Text node.
    16. In text node general attribute. Write down fields of your work area(wa) or write any thing you want to display.
    17. Save form and activate it.
    18. Then go to Environment, function module name, there you get the name of function module copy it.
    19. In your program call the function module that you have copied from your form.
    20. In your program in exporting parameter of function pass the internal table(itab).
    SAP Smart Forms is introduced in SAP Basis Release 4.6C as the tool for creating and maintaining forms.
    SAP Smart Forms allow you to execute simple modifications to the form and in the form logic by using simple graphical tools; in 90% of all cases, this won't include any programming effort. Thus, a power user without any programming knowledge can
    configure forms with data from an SAP System for the relevant business processes.
    To print a form, you need a program for data retrieval and a Smart Form that contains the entire from logic. As data retrieval and form logic are separated, you must only adapt the Smart Form if changes to the form logic are necessary. The application program passes the data via a function module interface to the Smart Form. When activating the Smart Form, the system automatically generates a function module. At runtime, the system processes this function module.
    You can insert static and dynamic tables. This includes line feeds in individual table cells, triggering events for table headings and subtotals, and sorting data before output.
    You can check individual nodes as well as the entire form and find any existing errors in the tree structure. The data flow analysis checks whether all fields (variables) have a defined value at the moment they are displayed.
    SAP Smart Forms allow you to include graphics, which you can display either as part of the form or as background graphics. You use background graphics to copy the layout of an existing (scanned) form or to lend forms a company-specific look. During printout, you can suppress the background graphic, if desired.
    SAP Smart Forms also support postage optimizing.
    Also read SAP Note No. 168368 - Smart Forms: New form tool in Release 4.6C
    What Transaction to start SAP Smart Forms?
    Execute transaction SMARTFORMS to start SAP Smart Forms.
    Key Benefits of SAP Smart Forms:
    SAP Smart Forms allows you to reduce considerably the implementation costs of solutions since forms can be adjusted in minimum time.
    You design a form using the graphical Form Painter and the graphical Table Painter. The form logic is represented by a hierarchy structure (tree structure) that consists of individual nodes, such as nodes for global settings, nodes for texts, nodes for output tables, or nodes for graphics.
    To make changes, use Drag & Drop, Copy & Paste, and select different attributes.
    These actions do not include writing of coding lines or using a Script language.
    Using your form description maintained in the Form Builder, Smart Forms generates a function module that encapsulates layout, content and form logic. So you do not need a group of function modules to print a form, but only one.
    For Web publishing, the system provides a generated XML output of the processed form.
    Smart Forms provides a data stream called XML for Smart Forms (XSF) to allow the use of 3rd party printing tools. XSF passes form content from R/3 to an external product without passing any layout information about the Smart Form.
    SmartForms System Fields
    Within a form you can use the field string SFSY with its system fields. During form processing the system replaces these fields with the corresponding values. The field values come from the SAP System or are results of the processing.
    System fields of Smart Forms
    Displays the date. You determine the display format in the user master record.
    Displays the time of day in the form HH:MM:SS.
    Inserts the number of the current print page into the text. You determine the format of the page number (for example, Arabic, numeric) in the page node.
    Displays the total number of pages for the currently processed form. This allows you to include texts such as'Page x of y' into your output.
    Contains the total page number of all forms in the currently processed print request.
    Contains the name of the current window (string in the Window field)
    Contains the name of the current page (string in the Page field)
    Is set to 'X' after a page break (either automatic [Page 7] or command-controlled [Page 46])
    Is set as soon as processing of the main window on the current page ends
    Contains the name of the raised exception. You must trigger your own exceptions, which you defined in the form interface, using the user_exception macro (syntax: user_exception <exception name >).
    Example Forms Available in Standard SAP R/3
    Simple example; invoice with table output of flight booking for one customer
    Similar to SF_EXAMPLE_01 but with subtotals
    Similar to SF_EXAMPLE_02, whereby several customers are selected in the application program; the form is called for each customer and all form outputs are included in an output request
    Advantages of SAP Smart Forms
    SAP Smart Forms have the following advantages:
    1. The adaption of forms is supported to a large extent by graphic tools for layout and logic, so that no programming knowledge is necessary (at least 90% of all adjustments). Therefore, power user forms can also make configurations for your business processes with data from an SAP system. Consultants are only required in special cases.
    2. Displaying table structures (dynamic framing of texts)
    3. Output of background graphics, for form design in particular the use of templates which were scanned.
    4. Colored output of texts
    5. User-friendly and integrated Form Painter for the graphical design of forms
    6. Graphical Table Painter for drawing tables
    7. Reusing Font and paragraph formats in forms (Smart Styles)
    8. Data interface in XML format (XML for Smart Forms, in short XSF)
    9. Form translation is supported by standard translation tools
    10. Flexible reuse of text modules
    11. HTML output of forms (Basis release 6.10)
    12. Interactive Web forms with input fields, pushbuttons, radio buttons, etc. (Basis-Release 6.10)

  • Please help me with the proper query for the below problem

    I have a table RATE which have two columns RT_DATE (date) and RATES(number).
    This table have following data.
    I wanted to get the rate of interest on 8-DEC-2009.
    Output will be 8.5 as this given date is in between 8-NOV-2009 and 9-JUN-2010. Could you please help me with proper query?
    Aparna S

    That sounds like a job for the LAST function:
    SELECT  MIN (rates) KEEP (DENSE_RANK LAST ORDER BY rt_date) AS eff_rate
    FROM    rate
    WHERE   rt_date < 1 + DATE '2009-12-08'
    MIN above means that, in case of a tie (that is, 2 or more rows with the exact same latest rt_date) the lowest rates from that latest rt_date will be returned.  In rt_date is unique, then it doesn't matter if you use MIN or MAX, but syntax demands that you use some aggregate function there.
    I hope this answers your question.
    If not, post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements, relevant columns only) for your sample data, and also post the results you want from that data.
    Point out where the statement above is getting the wrong results, and explain, using specific examples, how you get the right results from the given data in those places.
    Always say which version of Oracle you're using (e.g.,
    See the forum FAQ:

  • Please help to set the time zone in a porper way

    Dear Folks please help to set the time zone in a porper way
    select sessiontimezone from dual;
    Database: Oracle
    Operating system: AIX 5.3
    SQL> select systimestamp from dual;
    06-NOV-12 AM +00:00
    SQL> select dbtimezone from dual;
    SQL> Select DBMS_SCHEDULER.get_sys_time_zone_name from dual;
    By looking Doc ID: Note:149120.1 in Metalink:
    ALTER DATABASE <my db name> SET TIME_ZONE = 'Asia/Kuala_Lumpur'
    ALTER DATABASE <my db name> SET TIME_ZONE = '+08:00'
    For reflecting the change I refreshed the db by shutdown and restart.
    but still the returning no timezone value for user schema, please help how to set the time zone in a proper way?

    SQL> conn sys/sys as sysdba
    SQL> select || '.' || || '.' || "Col TSLTZ"
      2    from sys.obj$ o, sys.col$ c, sys.user$ u
      3   where c.type# = 231
      4     and o.obj# = c.obj#
      5     and u.user# = o.owner#;
    no rows selected
    SQL>  select DBTIMEZONE from dual;
    SQL> alter database set time_zone='Asia/Kuala_Lumpur';
    Database altered.
    SQL> select DBTIMEZONE from dual;
    SQL> startup force;
    ORACLE instance started.
    Total System Global Area  426852352 bytes
    Fixed Size                  1375060 bytes
    Variable Size             260048044 bytes
    Database Buffers          159383552 bytes
    Redo Buffers                6045696 bytes
    Database mounted.
    Database opened.
    SQL> select DBTIMEZONE from dual;
    Re: how to check db time zone
    Edited by: Ora on 5 Nov, 2012 11:36 PM

  • Use 'se38' to set variants with long time no-response in production system?

    hi,Guys,  When I use 'se38' to set variants with long time no-response in production system?
    I think it's none of business with program performance.  Maybe system response delay, But no other program like the same response happened?
    best regards

    what's your problem? Didn't get the point.
    You have a report, where the maintenance of the selection variant has a long runtime (in production?)
    Maybe AT SELECTION screen some checks / helps are executed, which are quite fast in DEV, but access much bigger tables in PROD and need to much time. Such checks should be improved / moved after START-OF-SELECTION.

  • Please help me with portfolio.I am new in graphic design.I need portfolio done immediately soon as possible otherwise my design advisor will not let me register for fall. I need 15 or 10 artworks to show.Please help me

    Please help me with portfolio.I am new in graphic design.I need portfolio done immediately soon as possible otherwise my design advisor will not let me register for fall. I need 15 or 10 artworks to show.Please help me.

    If you look at the first one, you should be able to align quite easily as follows, View>Smart Guides being your friends:
    1a) ClickDrag the top flower with the Selection Tool (black arrow) so it is clear of the pointy part;
    1b) Click an empty spot on the Artboard to deselect, then ClickDrag the top flower by its bottom Anchor Point (Smart Guides say anchor when you are close enough to grab it) down to snap to the top Anchor Point on the pointy part (Smart Guides say anchor when you are close enough);
    1c) Do the same for the boroom flower.
    If you look at the third one, to get the triangles and the hexagon sized and aligned precisely, you may, creating them with stroke and no fill:
    3a) Click with the Polygon Tool and select a suitable/chosen Radius and 6 Sides, then Object>Transform>Rotate by 30 degrees (or use the Rotate option in the Transform palette), you may Object>Transform>Reset Bounding Box to have it look nicer;
    3b) Click with the Polygon Tool and select the same Radius and 3 sides, then deselect and ClickDrag the top Anchor Point to snap to the top Anchor Point of the hexagon;
    3c) Object>Transform>Rotate by 180 degrees clicking Copy, deselect, and ClickDrag the bottom Anchor Point to snap to the bottomAnchor Point of the hexagon;
    3d) Select all and Ctrl/Cmd+G to Group (for alignment purposes, you will know why if you try without grouping, see below).
    To create full symmetry, you may use circles rather than almost circular ellipses; you may:
    3d) Click with the Ellipse Tool and select a suitable/chosen Width = height;
    3e) Object>Transform>Move a copy vertically by the Height (= Width) twice (or you may Ctrl/Cmd+D to repeat), to get three circles over one another with no gaps;
    3f) Select the topmost and bottommost ones and Object>Transform>Rotate a copy by 120 degrees twice, to have all the seven circles precisley touching one another; you may Group them, but it is not necessary.
    To have everything aligned, just:
    3g) Select everything and click Vertical Align Center and Horizontal Align Center in the Align palette; you may click the pointy group or the circles ojnce more before aligning if you want to keep it in place (that will make it the key object that the other set is aligned to).
    These ways may also help you further.
    Edit: About half an hour after midnight here. High time to attend to other duties, before the sun is up.

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