Please help! Parametric Shadow Split adjustment

Hello! Need your help !!!
I have an exif info of picture that was edited in Lightroom.
So i can see all parameters there and aslo i can adjust them at other photo in Lightroom. But there are few parameters that i can not see/find in lightroom:
Parametric Shadow Split     25
Parametric Midtone Split     50
Parametric Highlight Split 76
Where i can ajust that parameters in Lighroom ?
Thank you!  p.s. sorry for my english.

those are the parametric curve adjustment split points, you edit them by dragging the small arrows that divide shadows, darks, lights, highlights in the curve graph ( parametric, not point, of course..)

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    may be this link might help you
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    I suggest you begin with a pre-built CSS Layout.  DW has several to help jump start your projects.  Go to File > New Blank Page > HTML.  Select a layout from the 3rd panel and hit CREATE.  See screenshot.
    Save this layout as test.html and begin building your prototype page saving and validating code often during your work sessions.
    Code Validation Tools
    CSS -
    HTML -
    Good luck with your project!
    Nancy O.

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    What version of Premiere Elements do you have and on what computer operating system is it running?
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    b. computer resources
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    [email protected]

    I'm sorry for the delayed reply.
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    Using the transform as a work-around is obviously a pain but it is not quite as useless as someone suggested.
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    Dear Srikanth,
    I am not sure, if my answer will satisfy you, but anyway I will try:
    Field Sales District is technically called BZIRK. In delivery structure is this field located in header (table LIKP), what cause split, if origin document (Sales Order) has different Sales District in some positions. This is standard program behavior. Basically it shouldn't happen, as value is taken from customer master (Sold-to Party) and copied to header and items of sales document. But user can manually changer for particular items.
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    2. If there is a reason to have different Sales District in items, then it can be managed in in routines for copy control between sales and delivery documents (delete value of BZIRK for all items for instance). But then will be this information lost for further usage. It seems to me to invoice is value copied directly from sales order (field VBRP-BZIRK_AUFT) then it mustn't be a critical for analyses.
    3. Your situation also can happen if you wants to collect more sales documents to one delivery. In this case can be that Sales District is different for same customer in different sales order (even seems to be little bit strange). Then solution from point 2 can help as well, I believe.
    Best Regards

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