Please Recommend SBO compatible ActiveX Controls

Hi all,
I'm not very pleased with the choice of controls currently available in the SDK...
Can someone recommend any ActiveX controls you use or have used before? You can also report controls that you don't recommend, and why.
Please state if it's a Free or Paid control, and provide a link site/control.
[More information about ActiveX controls limitations in SBO|;
Vítor Vieira

Hello Vitor,
Maybe you must a specify your question. Almoust everybody on the forum wants to help you, but you must ask the right (not an open) question....
I usally use the ordinary (VB/microsoft) activex controls. If you want to use the listtree you must install sp3 from Windows xp because SP2 don't works with the listtree and sbo.

Similar Messages

  • The activex control for flash player could not be registered.  Please help!

    Can't install flash player.  Keep getting activex control for flash player could not be registered.  I have tried all of the solutions provided on this forum.  Running windows 7 32-bit running IE8.
    Please help.

    Hi, Did you use the Administrator Account? If you received that message it is usually a Permissions Issue.
    We have had several reports this past week of a Virus(AntiVirus8 or AV8) that can set a Kill-bit on the very Registry Key that FP uses for that ActiveX Control.
    You may want to look and see if this is perhaps the problem. This needs to be ruled out first before we proceed, because if that key has the Kill-bit, then it wouldn't matter what you do.

  • My version of Macromedia Flash ActiveX Control isn't compatible with my version of Windows

    I am trying to use a new copy of Camtasia Studio 3, and I keep gettiong the error message that my version of Macromedia Flash ActiveX Control isn't compatible with my version of Windows and that I should ocntact Adobe for support. So here I am.
    I am running Windows7 64bit, and it's a brand new computer so I know that there aren't tons of legacy installations or Flash players on it. This page tells me that I have Flash Player version installed but that I should have 11.4.402.287 installed. But I have installed the latest Flash player from the Adobe site (twice!) and it never gives me an option for vs 11.4.402.287.
    I am using Chrome and Flash is working fine in my browser: It's only Camtasia that isn't working well.

    Hm, I assume you mean Camtasia Studio 8?
    Check the chart on the page you linked. You'll see that the version you have installed is in fact the latest version for Chrome. They haven't updated it beyond that. Each browser engine has its own latest version of flash. IE and Mozilla are 11.4.402.287.
    Aside that, there's no reason Camtasia should be requiring you to have that version of flash. Make sure when you're publishing your content that you don't check off any options to "require the user to have the latest version of Flash". You should also (if possible in your project) try to target MP4/HTML5. Check any HTML being generated with it (hopefully using SWFObject) and check for the version checking code. There is absolutely nothing Camtasia needs to require the latest version to do. I've been using Camtasia (TechSmith codec mostly) for screen recording since version 2.

  • My Macromedia Flash ActiveX Control isn't compatible with Windows 7 / 64bit

    I have downloaded the newest version of Adobe flash, and it installs like normal...and I think it is working fine....but on some sites (even You Tube) and some software programs, I get this message:
    Your version of Macromedia Flash ActiveX Control isn't compatible with this version of Windows.
    I am tired of wasting so much time with this...I read on the net that some people compiled their computer to 86...whatever that means....but no one explained how to do it.
    I have a Flash professional in ADOBE MASTER COLLECTION C6 / but all programs and sites default to the normal Flash player (that constantly gets updated,

    I have a similar problem, Win 7 64-bit, I did a clean install*, downloaded latests (Adobe - Install Adobe Flash Player), and after restarting my computer, Win7 64-bit Action Center popped up: "Your version of Macromedia Flash ActiveX Control isn't compatible with this version of Windows" with no error codes to look up knowledge base. Like seriously, no one from Adobe answered this in 9 months?! And the steps in Common problems | Flash Player sound like I need to purchase support before I file a report?
    Currently, my Firefox plugins only show Shockwave Flash 13 not Adobe Flash. Do I need to install Flash plugin for Firefox? (
    * as per How do I do a clean install of Flash Player?:
    1. Add or Remove programs ... Flash ... uninstall,
    2. deleted all files & folders in C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash, C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash, %appdata%\Adobe\Flash Player, %appdata%\Macromedia\Flash Player),
    3.  verified that the files “FlashPlayerCPLApp.cpl”, "FlashPlayerApp.exe", and "FlashPlayerInstaller.exe" in C:\Windows\system32\ (for 32-bit systems) or C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ (64-bit system) were deleted,
    4. prepared to use Unlocker if any files couldn't be deleted,

  • Excel VBA - ActiveX Control - MonthView not available under ActiveX Toolbox for Windows 8 64bit MS Office 2010

    I have Windows 8, 64bit and Office 2010
    I am trying to get the 'datepicker' (MonthView) ActiveX control toolbox in Excel 2010 as part of a Excel UserForm I have created. I have spent all day trying to find a solution for my problem.
    I opened up the 'more.. ' but the MonthView/datepicker/calendar control is not listed.
    I referred to some articles and confirmed that I do indeed have the mscomct2.ocx file in the C:\Windows\syswow64 folder.
    I followed the instructions as above, opening up the Administrator Command Prompt and changed the directory to C:\Windows\syswow64 and typed in RegSvr32.
    I received a popup screen confirming my registration was successful
    Excel was closed. So I opened Excel and checked out the ActiveX Tool box and clicked on the 'More  Controls', but there was no listing for the Microsoft MonthView control, (nor datepicker/calendar)
    I then downloaded the latest Windows Common Controls 2 6.0 from the following site
    Copied the original file (2008) and saved it elsewhere on the computer for safekeeping.
    Extracted the new mscomct2.ocx.
    Under the C:\Windows\syswow64 I changed the original file properties to allow me to overwrite it with the new file. This worked … old file replaced.
    I then registered the new file via the Administrator Command Prompt (as above) and was notified that it was successful. I rebooted pc and went back into Excel to find the MonthView in the
    ActiveX toolbox, More Controls… and it still wasn’t there …
    I would be very grateful if someone could advise how I can get this control and allow me to use it.
    If I have left out any information that you need to resolve this issue, please advise.
    Hope you have a terrific day, theShyButterfly

    Hi George,
    Thank you for checking this out ... :)
    I am using Office 2010 64 bit ...
    I found the
    mscomct2.ocx file originally within the C:\Windows\syswow64 directory (this was an original file .... which I expect was installed via Microsoft at the time of the Office installation.
    As I mentioned above, I followed
    the instructions (same as the ones you suggested), but still no go, even though it stated that the registration was successful ! :(
    Why weren't these features included in the 64 bit ? ... yes, I read the article ... but ... so MS doesn't think that people/developers would be needing this in due course?  I installed the 64bit version because I'm running the Win8 64bit version ...and
    I deal with a lot of large spreadsheets and can't afford to sleep whilst they decide to load.
    If MS included all the other ActiveX controls and some obscure ones, surely some bright spark could have thought that something as useful as MonthView should be included as 'basic' necessity when dealing with forms and sheets?
    Perhaps you could pass the suggestion up the line .... there are a lot of other people out there having the same problem ... I found heaps when I was looking for a solution.
    Sorry, I'm not having a go at you, but just incredibly frustrated .... the amount of lost productivity directly cause by trying to find a solution that doesn't exist ... it's been at least a good solid 24 hours.
    But thank you for taking the time to review my post and your suggestion. It's unfortunate that because you are part of the organisation ... you tend to cop some slack from frustrated people like myself.
    In relation to the pictures/screen dumps, 2 of them made it (I can see them in my post) ... one I deliberately left out because there was nothing on there that showed anything other than the rest of the 'More Controls' - nothing to do with the MonthView.
    Please feel free to escalate this to the powers that be ... and hopefully enough people will join the voice so a change can be made (I can dream ... can't I?)
    I've taken a screen dump of the Forms/ActiveX toolbox.
    I don't know what the next step is ... I guess you'd be able to advise.
    Hope you have a terrific day, theShyButterfly

  • "the activex control for flash player could not be registered" - Solutions Roundup

    I recently ran into this problem on my computer:
    I am a Flash developer (as in I write SWFs, I don't work for Adobe).  and when I updated IE to 10.2, "the activex control for flash player could not be registered".  Since I am a developer, I also have Firefox and Chrome installed, with Flash running without problems.  For a long time now, Internet Explorer has used a different version (ActiveX) to the other browsers, which use plugins.  I am a strong supporter of Flash, it's great to develop with and has a very wide feature set which is growing all the time, unlike fixed technologies/standards.  However, the weakest part is the install process - I don't understand why their is a Download Manager.  Google Chrome does it's best (so far) by managing the install/update process entirely in the background.  Anyway, it was in my best interest to try and get to the bottom of this.
    For the record, on the problem machine I have Windows 7 with IE8, but I have seen almost  identical symptoms with IE9, Windows XP SP3, as well as various  iterations of Flash Player (10.0, 10.1, 10.2 and even some final  editions of version 9).
    First I tried the standard support here:
    Basically, doing the manual uninstall and manual install of the latest version (without using the download manager, or have IE open).  This did not work.  I also tried the Microsoft "subinacl" program, together with "reset_fp10.bat".  This didn't work either.  However, you should try all of these things first before progressing further.
    A quick note about people who had tried running the following at a command prompt: "secedit /configure /cfg %windir%\repair\secsetup.inf /db secsetup.sdb /verbose"
    I didn't do this, because on investigating further it didn't seem to work with Windows 7, only Windows XP, Windows 2000 or Windows 2003 - though there was a few threads where this had fixed the problem for some users.
    For my solution, it is recommended you use the manual uninstall / installers, so you should have them downloaded ready to use.
    I then heard about problems with permissions in the registry with the key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\shockwaveflash.shockwave
    So I opened regedit.exe (start - run - typed "regedit.exe"), navigated to the key and sure enough, I couldn't open it - permission denied - even though I had an administrator account.  If for some reason, you can access this key (and any subkeys), then it's likely the following fix will not resolve the problem.
    I then done further diagnosis, by using Process Monitor to try and install Flash Player, and I got the following:
    This shows all the access denied errors the Flash Player install was experiencing when trying to write to the registry key.  This confirmed that this was the problem.  I only stress this because several people said it was unwise to tinker with the registry.  Though this is common advice, this is the only known fix for this precise problem at present, since you need to manually adjust the permissions yourself.  I don't know who is at fault here - Microsoft or Adobe - but let's just get Flash fixed...
    The solution:
    Firstly, you may want to backup your registry, or the exact key.  I didn't do this so I've provided no instructions on how to, but it is recommended for the paranoid.  Also make sure as much software is closed down as possible - browsers, IM software, any junk in your system tray. As way of example, I happened to have "BBC iPlayer" installed and running in the background which uses Adobe AIR and Flash Player, so I exited that too.
    1) Open regedit (start - run - type "regedit.exe").  You may need to right click on it and select "Run As Administrator", but I didn't as my account was already administrator.
    2) Navigate to the key. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\shockwaveflash.shockwave
    Click on it to confirm that you cannot access it (you will get an error) - if their are no problems - this probably isn't the cause of your issues.
    3) Right click on it and click Permissions, and ignore any message that may pop up.
    4) Under "Group or Usernames" click "Add".  Type your account name name, or "Administrators" in the box, then "Check Names" to format it correctly, then Ok.
    5) Now on the next screen click the checkbox to enable Full Control (this will also automatically enable "Read" permission too).
    6) Click Advanced, then the "Owner" tab at the top.  You will see that their is no "Current Owner".  This is what we will now fix.
    7) Click on your name to change the owner to (I went for Administrators).  Also enable the checkbox entitled "Replace Owner on subcontainers and objects".  Then click Ok.  You will get an error message, which you can try clicking Retry to, but hit Cancel - this is not a problem.
    8) Click Ok a couple of times and this part of your registry is now fixed.
    9) Now it's a simple case of running the manual Flash uninstall program, then finally the manual Flash installer (for Active X - not the Firefox/Chrome plugin versions).  To my surprise, after a couple of days looking into this - I finally had a solution and Flash in IE once more.  If you are using Firefox too you may find Flash is no longer installed their (the uninstaller removed it).  In this case just install via the Adobe site or try to watch a video on You Tube and you will be prompted or linked to the install.
    Hope this provides a good round up of the possible solutions to this problem.  Hopefully Microsoft or Adobe can find out what causes this issue in the first place so we don't have to go down this route for much longer.  Chrome's implementation of Flash shows how effortlessly things can work!

    They will stay on the screen.  However, Process Monitor is only intended for advanced users.  It is recommended that users try to navigate to the troublesome registry key using regedit, and see if they can access it or not without an error.  This is far easier than trying to use Process Monitor, which is very complicated.
    I used Process Monitor to confirm that it was just that key which was causing the problem, and not others.  Process Monitor is not to be confused with the new Resource Monitor which is accessible via Task Manager in Windows 7 (and possibly Vista).  If you must experiment (and Process Monitor is very useful for diagnosing many deep-level problems if you know what you're looking for) Process Monitor can be downloaded from here:
    It replaces the older Sysinternals "FileMon" and "RegMon".  For those interested in the technical side, I had to setup a number of filters to be able to get the results display as in the screenshot.  First of all to just show Registry events.  Then to just show events from the manual Flash activeX installer executable.  The I added a filter to show only non-successfull results.  And finally, for the purposes of the screenshot, added a filter to just show those with "Access Denied", since other non-critical errors are also picked up due to missing keys because installation has not yet been fully completed I guess.   When experimenting, most of these filters were applied using the "is not" boolean logic, which will make sense if you experiment with the program.
    Without adding any filters, it picks up so many events (hundreds per second) that it's otherwise unusable.  e.g. 40,000 events within the first few seconds of opening the program. For this reason, I recommend simply using Regedit to diagnose the problem with the particular Flash registry key.

  • One or more ActiveX controls could not be displayed because either:1 your current security settings prohibit running ActiveX controls on this page, or 2. You have blocked a publisher of one of the controls.

    hi All,
    i have one of the requirement for an application, we do upload some release not in file server and that is used in application link to see the note. in this note i have converted the Excel into .HTM format(web page). this was working fine, but from last
    two days all of a sudden we are recieving error as above.
    one or more ActiveX controls could not be displayed because either:1 your current security settings prohibit running ActiveX controls on this page, or 2. You have blocked a publisher of one of the controls.
    could anyone please help me on this.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Actually Arnavsharma provided a operable method for you. But no luck, it's not invalid.
    Here I also offer you an method you can try.Please delete the extra (parasite) zone from the Zones subkey :
    Click Start , click Run , type regedit , and then click OK
    Expand the following registry subkey
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones
    Delete the extra (parasite) zone from the Zones subkey
    Note: The parasite zone is a pseudo-graphic number listed before zone number 0. The pseudo-graphic number looks like a miniature upper case "L"
    Close the registry editor
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • Internet Explorer begins blocking out-of-date ActiveX controls

    On Wednesday 6th August 2014, we announced that as part of our ongoing commitment to delivering a more secure browser, starting September 9th Internet Explorer will block out-of-date ActiveX controls. (Note: The original post stated that the ActiveX blocking
    would begin on August 12th. Please refer to the addendum for further details).
    Please take a look at this important update via the
    blog post as well as the FAQ contained therein and commence testing within your domain.
    Thanks and Regards
    Mark Feetham Senior Supportability Program Manager, Internet Explorer.

    There seems to be an entry missing in the
    versionlist.xml file.
    There is an entry missing for wsdetect.dll (isInstalled Class ActiveX Control) from Java 1.7, I believe (there is an entry for 1.6, 1.5, 1.4 but 1.7 is missing).
    Here is the relevant portion of the XML file:
    <blocklistentry key="{5852f5ed-8bf4-11d4-a245-0080c6f74284}" entrytype="2">
    <versionentries numberofelements="4">
    <versionentry groupname="Java(TM) 1.6.0_81" filename="wsdetect.dll" productversion="6.0.810.0-6.65535.65535.65535" fileversion="6.0.810.0-6.65535.65535.65535" />
    <versionentry groupname="Java(TM) 1.5.0_71" filename="JavaWebStart.dll" productversion="5.0.710.0-5.65535.65535.65535" fileversion="5.0.710.0-5.65535.65535.65535" />
    <versionentry groupname="Java(TM) 1.4.2_43" filename="JavaWebStart.dll" productversion="" fileversion="" />
    <versionentry groupname="Java(TM)" filename="*" productversion="*" fileversion="*" />
    This causes the alert prompt to appear when using Java 1.7 update 67 even though it's allowed by XML.
    To reproduce, please go to a site that uses wsdetect.dll like Wikipedia (like here and check if the prompt appears for you.

  • How to get the number of pages in a PDF file with AcroPDF ActiveX control

    I am using the AcroPDF ActiveX control provided by Acrobat Reader and Professionals(version 9). I just wonder if I using LoadFile to load a PDF document, how can I know the number of pages in that PDF? I do not find any properites or methods that can do that.

    Hi unk2,
    There's no functionality in the online services to do a character count. But, you could use ExportPDF to convert your PDF file to Word format, and then do your character count in Word.
    Please let us know if you need additional assistance.

  • How do I update my ActiveX controls without breaking existing VIs?

    Hi, I'm new to LabView. I've inherited a labview application that makes use of several user-written VIS. All these vi files use an ActiveX control. For better or worse, the way they've done it is to put a ActiveX Container on the front panel. They then picked "Insert ActiveX Control", and picked the correct OCX. In the block diagram, they set up a "Invoke" Node and wire the ActiveX control to that.
    The problem occurs when I update the ActiveX control. I added a couple of methods and reregistered it. When I run one of my vi files, I get:
    Error 0 occurred at VI Open & Init Spinstand
    Possible Reasons....
    I then thought that going to the front panel and deleting the ActiveX control and reinser
    ting it would work. Instead I got the message:
    Error 1598667368 occurred at VI open & Init...
    I should point out that I'm not even attempting to use the new function yet; I'm just running an old .vi file with the updated ActiveX control.
    The version of LabView I'm using is 6.0.2. Can anyone tell me what's going on? Is there a way to gracefully update the ActiveX control? I'm I adding ActiveX controls in the best way?
    Any help or references would be greatly appreciated.
    Andrew Walker

    Updating *.OCX OR *.DLL Component When Active X Automation Interface has Changed
    Given that you have changed the ActiveX automation interface, e.g: by appending new functions, then, the original 'registered' ActiveX server automation interface is no longer compatible with the new one.
    In this case you must: (1) �un-register� the original interface; (2) Copy the New *.OCX/*.DLL File over the previous ones; (3) Then �re-register the new interface�; (4) After that you must visit ALL your LabVIEW Diagram �PROPERTY� and �METHOD� ActiveX automation nodes and re-reference those same functions.
    These FOUR (4) Steps are further explained below:
    1. Unregister the *.OCX or *.DLL file by running the command
    Regsvr32 /u ��
    Make sure that points to the full path name for your *.OCX or *.dll file. You must use the opening and closing quotes if your file path has spaces.
    2. Copy the new *.OCX or *.DLL files over the old ones
    This means that you will be over-writing the old *.OCX or *.DLL with the new files. Replacing these files is re-commended so that you do not end up with multiple copies of the same file.
    3. Register The New *.OCX Controls
    Register the new controls by running the command
    Regsvr32 ��
    This will now honor your new ActiveX automation interface in place of the last one.
    4. Re-Visit All �PROPERTY� and �METHOD� Nodes and Re-Reference the same functions that appear in those nodes
    This means that you will be right-clicking on all the existing PROPERTY and METHOD nodes and choosing the functions accordingly from the drop-down list-view/menu. If the list view is grayed-out, then Steps 1 to 3 did not take!
    NB: GOTCHA FOR *.DDL Users
    If you have sub-VIs that use the *.dll Ref icon then you will have to cut and re-insert this reference control in all those sub-Vis. A quick way is to copy the top level *.Dll ref icon and paste it over the control and indicator versions of the same in those sub VIs.
    These four Steps plus the 'Gotcha Step' have worked consistenly when I have had to update ActiveX controls featuring a changed automation interface.

  • Ubuntu 10 (Linux) & Firefox 3.6 ~ How to uninstall the Adobe Flash Player plug-in & ActiveX control

    Ubuntu 10.045 (Linux) and Firefox 3.6.3  ~  How to uninstall the Adobe  Flash Player plug-in & ActiveX control
    In general Adobe needs to offer Ubuntu (Linux) support.  I don't use Windows anymore and will go with whatever company provides me the Plug In's I need to function.  In this case at the current time, I can't use Adobe flash Player to view You Tube video's.  I followed the link that helps a user fix the problem:
    Solve a Problem: The video won't play:
    I then saw that you suggested that I first needed to uninstall any older versions of the Flash Player and then install the latest version of the Flash player.  I clicked on the link find out how to uninstall it here:
    How to uninstall the Adobe Flash Player plug-in and ActiveX control
    They didn't offer any help with Ubuntu 10.045 (Linux).  Please offer the instructions and automatic (non-terminal) uninstaller.  Also, I want an automatic installer for Ubuntu 10 (Linux) & Firefox 3.6 that is easy like like you have for Windows and like Sun's Java has for Linux.
    Message was edited by: u2rcrazy  ~   Edited Title

    You should go to this site to see what versions of Flash Player and Shockwave Player you have installed.
    The versions you are listing (10.0 r12, 10.0 r2) appear to be Shockwave Plauer versions, not Flash Player.
    If you want to uninstall Flash Player, there should be an uninstaller in the install directory.  I do not know where that is on Linux.

  • How to get UUTPassed and UUTFailed count from C# ActiveX control

    My operator interface uses TestStand ActiveX control in C#. I will use the OP to test a bench of DUTs, which runs the same sequence file. I would like to know the total UUT-Tested, UUTPassed and UUTFailed count after each DUT tested. Is there any embedded parameter does the job for me and how could I get it? If there is not, I have to create internal variables in C# to do the job.
    Go to Solution.

    No, there is no build in function for this. So either you will have to implement something like this in on of the following:
    a) The user interface
    b) The SequenceFile (as long as it is not unloaded in between)
    c) The process model
    d) Use an external tool for analysis
    If you are already working with databases for reporting, i would suggest using d). If not, you can choose. But modifying the process model is not recommended (if other, simple solutions are available), i wouldn't recommend c).
    hope this helps,
    CEO: What exactly is stopping us from doing this?
    Expert: Geometry
    Marketing Manager: Just ignore it.

  • ActiveX control for Flash Player could not be registered - no solutions work

    I am getting the "ActiveX control for Flash Player could not be registered" when I try to install 11 on IE9 (Windows 7 64-bit).  I have tried everything that has been suggested in other posts and forums to no avail.  This is driving me crazy and hindering me from work.  Can someone please help?  Thank you!

    I just had this issue and have been searching and searching for a way to fix this issue. I have a Windows 7 64 bit system and this was happening with IE 9. But I have found the solution.
    Go to and follow these instructions. This worked for my system and I was able top install the newest flash with no problems.
    Make sure you are logged into a Windows Administrator account. If you are not, you will not be able to use SubInACL.
    Download SubInACL from the Microsoft Download Center.
    Follow the installation instructions. Make sure you install SubInACL (subinacl.exe) to the directory C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools.
    Download the file.
    Open the file and extract the reset_fp10.cmd file to the directory C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\.
    Both this file and SubInACL (subinacl.exe) must be in this directory.
    Double-click reset_fp10.cmd. A command window will open, and SubInACL will run.
    Do not use the machine while SubInACL is running.
    After SubInACL finishes, you will see a prompt "Press any key to continue".
    Install Flash Player from the Flash Player download page.
    To confirm that your installation succeeded, visit the About Flash Player page. At the top of the screen, you should see a message that reads "Adobe Flash Player Successfully Installed."

  • The activex controls for flash player could not be registered

    the activex controls for flash player could not be registered
    i have had this problem for a while and cannot seem to get around it please post anyreliable suggestions

    Just to add some additional misery to this thread. I have this exact same issue. Windows 7.
    The issue started several weeks ago, when a flash update failed to install. Everything seemed fine other than every reboot, this flash update would fail (and in fact would "hang"), but flash itself continued to work.
    Yesterday, it stopped completely. It said flash wasn't installed.  I've tried:
    1. Completely uninstalling flash (it is not in Add/remove programs) but using the techniques and videos offered by Adobe to remove the files, using their uninstaller, etc.
    2. Perform the fix as outlined in which including installing SubACL, the batch file, etc.  The batch file ran successfully, but did not solve the problem.
    3. I've tried Windows System restore, but it doesn't seem to go back far enough.
    4. I've tried the fixit identifed above in this thread and while it solves certain problems, still doesn't solve my issue.
    5. I've tried installing using the stand alone EXE and MSI from Adobe.
    6. I've tried the 11.9 beta.
    None of these have worked and all result in the "failed to register" error.  I'm currently using the flash built into Google Chrome as I needed to have some working flash component.
    Anyone else have any ideas whatsoever short of a Windows reinstallation?

  • Digital signatures in Acrobat activex control

    Hi, can anyone help me please.
    I'm embedding the acrobat reader activex control inside a winforms application (C#).
    I can load a document and it does display on the winform application.
    Now, in the PDF document, there is a signature field, so when you click on the signature field it is suppose to pop up a window that acquires the signature from a signature pad (I've got a topaz and wacom signature pad connected to the pc).
    Instead a different signature window is displaying, where you select from a list of certificates to be inserted.
    Now, first of all is it possible when using the activex control to obtain signatures from external devices like my signature pads? I just can't seem to get this to work.

    It is Adobe Reader X, yes it does work with Reader in standalone mode, no web browser also the same thing, doesn't pop up the window to select the signature pad to get the signature from.

Maybe you are looking for