Pll error

Hi All,
how to find pll level errors. error no and error line ind2k pll.
i can find out database level user_error table. is there any way to find in which
line pll is throuing error.
create or replace
function VALUES_S(B_TABLE_NAME out VARCHAR2) RETURN varchar2 is
--create procedure r is
cursor rr is
select owner,table_name,column_name,data_type from all_tab_columns where tab
ame = 'EMP';
i rr%rowtype;
val1 varchar2(10):='select ';
val2 varchar2(10):= ' from ';
val3 varchar2(10):=' where ';
val4 varchar2(20):= 'KING';
open rr;
fetch rr into i;
exit when rr%notfound;
||i.column_name||' = '||''''||'KING'||'''');
if i.data_type = 'NUMBER' then
||i.column_name||' = '||7902);
B_TABLE_NAME:= val1||i.column_name||val2||i.owner||'.'||i.table_name||val
.column_name||' = '||7902;
execute immediate B_TABLE_NAME; --val1||i.column_name||val2||i.owner||'.'
table_name||val3||i.column_name||' = '||7902;
return B_table_name;
elsif i.data_type = 'VATCHAR2' then
B_TABLE_NAME := ''''||val1||i.column_name||val2||i.owner||'.'||i.table_
||val3||i.column_name||' = '||''''||'KING'||''''||'''';
te immediate B_TABLE_NAME;---''''||val1||i.column_name||val2||i.own
'.'||i.table_name||val3||i.column_name||' = '||''''||'KING'||''''||'''';
end if;
end loop;
close rr;

938316 wrote:
Hi All,
how to find pll level errors. error no and error line ind2k <font color="#D73232">(in Oracle Developer 2000)</font> pll.
i can find out database level user_error table. is there any way to find in which
line pll is throuing error.
You can log an exception:
Log_Errors ('Error_Stack:' || Chr(10) || DBMS_UTILITY.<font style="background-color: #E7FA6B">FORMAT_ERROR_STACK()</font>);
Log_Errors ('Error_Backtrace:' || Chr(10) || DBMS_UTILITY.<font style="background-color: #E7FA6B">FORMAT_ERROR_BACKTRACE()</font>);

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    what could be the reason?

    some guesses:
    -maybe you attached the library with paths
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    -maybe the version on the server doesn't contain that editor_pkg
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    Sudhakar T
    Message was edited by:

    Hi All,
    Thank you all for all the help.
    Azeem, Yep, i do have write permission in the directory where i am trying to save. Secondly i am not opening a existing PLL i am trying to write a new file. Hence the question of opening the pll in Windows explorer is ruled out. But i thank You for your suggestion.
    Jan Carlin,
    May be i need to wait till oracle certifies Vista or if it has any plan for Patch release.
    Once Thank you all.
    Sudhakar T
    Message was edited by:

  • "Error: PLL is not configured on Oracle server." appears on some computers

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    You are correct that the document describes configuring the PLL for help menu integration, but it is necessary that this configuration be done before recording, which is why you're seeing the messages. We do not want customers to record content and later find out that the PLL was not configured properly for deploying via the help menu.
    If you follow the steps in this document, the error messages should go away.
    I hope this is helpful.
    Best regards,

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    Regards, Paul.

    You can copy any valid PLL into the missing PLL . (copy the valid PLL into a new PLL using the name displayed in the mssing PLL error message)
    Of course, it will not be possible to compile the PLL but it will be possible to open the PLL.

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    Thanks in Advance,

    Reattach the library and and when asked to remove path, choose yes.

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    this is my case:
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    Forms files compiled correctly, also webutil.pll was correctly compiled.
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    FRM-40735: ON-ERROR trig raised unhandled exception ORA-06508
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    export ORACLE_INSTANCE=/opt/oracle/Middleware/asinst_1
    export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle/Middleware/as_1
    export ORACLE_PATH=/opt/legadmi/pll:/opt/legadmi/formas
    export FORMS_PATH=/opt/legadmi/pll:/opt/legadmi/formas
    export FORMS_DEFAULTFONT="Lucida.9"
    for i in `ls *.pll`
    echo Compiling: $i ....
    +$ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/ Module=$i Userid=user/pwd@db Module_Type=LIBRARY Batch=YES+
    But this error is shown:
    Compilation errors on RP2RRO:
    PL/SQL ERROR 201 at line 106, column 8
    identifier 'RUN_PRODUCT' must be declared
    PL/SQL ERROR 0 at line 106, column 8
    Statement ignored
    PL/SQL ERROR 201 at line 123, column 8
    identifier 'RUN_PRODUCT' must be declared
    PL/SQL ERROR 0 at line 123, column 8
    Statement ignored
    PL/SQL ERROR 201 at line 153, column 8
    identifier 'RUN_PRODUCT' must be declared
    PL/SQL ERROR 0 at line 153, column 8
    Statement ignored
    PL/SQL ERROR 201 at line 169, column 8
    identifier 'RUN_PRODUCT' must be declared
    PL/SQL ERROR 0 at line 169, column 8
    Statement ignored
    Failed to generate library.
    FRM-30312: Failed to compile the library.
    I tried finding the string on the source code and delete or replace, but the only strings remainding are for example "RP2RRO_RUN_PRODUCT()", It looks like compiler finds the string within the entire word.
    I need help.

    InoL, Thank you very much.
    I know rp2rro.pll was there, and I compiled it successfully, and place it to the correct folder.
    but I did not know that my custom pll had the rp2rro as a program unit.
    I solve this problem replacing the code inside my custom library with the rp2rro.pll code that comes with forms 11g
    THANKS again.

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    frm-30312 "Could not compile library."

    Hi Kuldeep,
    The WSDLC task which you are using in WLS8.1 ehich is not correct..."" The above taskDef is present WLS9.x Onwards.
    Please use the following Task for WLS8.1 (
    Jay Sensharma (WebLogic Wonders Are Here)
    Edited by: Jay SenSharma on Feb 16, 2010 1:30 PM

  • Error while compiling a custom pll with forms 11g and weblogic

    Hi there,
    I just posted a thread here:
    Error FRM-30312 while compiling a custom pll library on forms 11g weblogic
    please, I need help

    Why wouldn't you post in the proper forum, i.e the Forms forum

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    Hi All,
    I am trying to do some customization on APXINWKB (Invoices form) using CUSTOM.pll. But whenever i am trying to open the form after adding the code in CUSTOM.pll i am getting the following error:
    ORA-06510: PL/SQL: unhandled user-defined exception
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.GL_EURO_USER_RATE_API", line 173
    ORA-06510: PL/SQL: unhandled user-defined exception
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.GL_CURRENCY_API", line 327
    ORA-01403: no data found
    FRM-40735: WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-06502.
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    Can any body help me??

    Hi Helios,
    Thank you for the update, actually the problem is solved.
    The issue is : Whenever i am trying to show a message in that form using either form personalization or CUSTOM.pll, it is giving the error, if i do any thing else like 'changing the default where clause etc', it is not giving any error. The problem is only with message. Actually my requirement is changing the where clause, which is happening with out any problem. I dropped the idea of showing the message any way.
    This problem is strange. Any ways, i am raising an SR with Oracle.

  • ERROR compiling webutil.pll on Solaris 10

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to compile the library webutil.pll.
    The problem is that the compiler does not respond.
    I did the steps to the configuration of the webutil and also apply the patch 4960210.
    I show the error:
    -bash-3.00$ module=webutil.pll module_type=LIBRARY userid=webutil/webutil@dev10
    Forms 10.1 (Form Compiler) Version (Production)
    Forms 10.1 (Form Compiler): Release - Production
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, OLAP, Data Mining
    and Real Application Testing options
    PL/SQL Version (Production)
    Oracle Procedure Builder V10. - Production
    Oracle Virtual Graphics System Version (Production)
    Oracle Multimedia Version (Production)
    Oracle Tools Integration Version (Production)
    Oracle Tools Common Area Version
    Oracle CORE Production
    Thus ended.
    Looking at the processes running:
    -bash-3.00$ prstat
    18343 oracle 817M 793M cpu1 0 0 0:02:55 25% frmcmp_batch/1
    18697 root 288M 41M sleep 59 0 0:00:01 0.9% java/14
    15920 oracle 312M 88M sleep 29 10 0:00:08 0.0% java/40
    13133 oracle 121M 47M sleep 59 0 0:10:00 0.0% emagent/17
    15939 oracle 159M 32M sleep 29 10 0:00:01 0.0% java/13
    15919 oracle 131M 46M sleep 29 10 0:00:04 0.0% java/20
    15937 oracle 182M 42M sleep 29 10 0:00:01 0.0% java/13
    141 daemon 4688K 2512K sleep 59 0 0:03:35 0.0% kcfd/4
    Deputy also:
    -bash-3.00$ uname -a
    SunOS bqbarfs01 5.10 Generic_138889-08 i86pc i386 i86pc
    Environment variables set in the profile are:
    -bash-3.00$vi .profile
    set -o vi
    stty kill \^u
    umask 022
    export TEMP TMPDIR
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64
    export PATH
    set -o vi
    stty kill \^u
    TERM=vt220; export TERM DISPLAY
    ORACLE_TERM=vt220; export ORACLE_TERM
    stty erase ^H
    FORMS_PATH=/soft1/app/oracle/OraHome_2/forms; export FORMS_PATH
    export NLS_LANG
    export TWO_TASK=dev10
    #export DISPLAY=
    export DISPLAY=
    Any idea what could be the problem?
    Many Thanks in Advance,

    At first glance I have a few questions and/or comments:
    You said:
    "...I did the steps to the configuration of the webutil and also apply the patch 4960210...{quote}
    Patch 4960210 is Given that your Forms components are still reporting as seen in your posting, I will assume that you did not correctly install and relink the patch. You should be seeing version and not Refer to Metalink note 404477.1 as this may be the cause of the patching problem. The note and the patch mentioned within that note are specific to Windows and SPARC, but may help you to troubleshoot your Solaris Intel environment.
    Although not related to your problem, be aware that the latest patch is (patch ID 5983622)
    Forms 10.1 (Form Compiler) Version (Production)
    Forms 10.1 (Form Compiler): Release - Production
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, OLAP, Data Mining
    and Real Application Testing options
    PL/SQL Version (Production)
    Oracle Procedure Builder V10. - Production
    Oracle Virtual Graphics System Version (Production)
    Oracle Multimedia Version (Production)
    Oracle Tools Integration Version (Production)
    Oracle Tools Common Area Version
    Oracle CORE Production
    Once you correct this problem, you will need to ensure that you have run the WebUtil sql script as its contents is needed to compile webutil.pll. The script can be found in the Developer Suite Oralce Home\forms directory. The file name is: create_webutil_db.sql
    Also, I would recommend using and not _batch. This will require access to a X session.

  • FRM-40815: Form Error, using CUSTOM.pll

    I am trying to customize WIP Lot Transactions Oracle Standard Form using CUSTOM.pll.
    Upon navigating to one of the 3 blocks in the form(RESULTING_LOT), I am getting following error message:
    "FRM-40815: Variable GLOBAL.CLRREC_NOVALIDATE does not exist"
    This global variable is not used in CUSTOM.pll at all. But is initialized and used in the standard form only.
    When custom code is turned off, there is no error message.
    Please advise.

    Thanks for the response.
    I have created a custom profile and attached it users and Profile value has the organization names.I want the User A with Org1 value in the profile to see all the GL Batches which is created by any other user who belongs to only Org1. Say another user User B with Org2 as the profile value should not see any GL batches created by any other user in the GL Journal Form belonging to other Org's.I'm able to restrict the batches using the below query using the personalizations in the Record Group for the Batch Name.But if the user doesnt give any search criteria and then selects Find then the main form displays all the batches. Hence I want to overide the Data Block where to display accordingly.
    select from gl_je_batches a
    where 1=1
    and a.created_by in (select b.user_id from
    fnd_user b,
    fnd_profile_option_values c,
    fnd_profile_options d
    where c.profile_option_id =d.profile_option_id
    AND c.level_value = b.user_id
    AND profile_option_name='KAP_USER_ORGANIZATION'
    AND c.profile_option_value =(select profile_option_value
    from fnd_profile_option_values e
    where e.level_value =fnd_profile.value('USER_ID')
    and profile_option_id=d.profile_option_id)

  • Error when executing d2kwutil.pll procedure

    Hi all,
    I use a client/server architecture.
    There was an error when executing the procedure write_registry in the w2kutil.pll. I created a test forms , and I just created a control block containing a button. In the when-button-pressed trigger I coded : win_api_environment.write_registry('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE','TEST_REGISTR','D:\MYLOGS',true); . I already attached the d2kwutil.pll to the form module.
    The error is : FRM-40734: internal error : pl/sql error occurred.
    So how to resolve it ?
    Thank you very much indeed.

    You have that atachar the bookstore to the form and then you can make use of the contained functions inside the bookstore.

  • FRM-40734: Internal PL/SQL error by using delete_group in CUSTOM.pll

    I am dynamically changing an LOV using CUSTOM.pll and it is working fine initially when i enter the form. If I change one field, it needs to be changed again. For this I am using delete_group and again create_group_from_query. Here delete_group is throwing an error FRM-40734: Internal PL/SQL error.
    Please help me on this.
    Thanks In Advance,

    can you post us your code?

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