PLSQL and XMLTYPE -- Trying to pass cursor record into a XMLTYPE query.

Hi all --
I'm trying to pass records from a cursor into a xmltype query, with no success. If i hard code what the cursor record is, it works just fine, but when I use cursor_rec.value, I think it is taking that strin literally. Here is a simple example of what i'm trying to do.
Brief Background -- I have two tables (OPLAN, OPLAN_SUB_CONT) with an XMLTYPE column. OPLAN contains the bulk/main XML with about 30 elemets, while OPLAN_SUB_CONT contains the xml files which either inserts or updates any of the 30 elements. Instead of hard coding 30 statments to check each element, I created a cursor to cycle through the possible elements. If an element exists i do something , if not i go the next element.
This returns null, using elements_rec.element_name in the query...
cursor cur_get_elements is
select element_name
from oplan_element_attribs
where parent_element='Transactions'
and element_name='OPLAN_STATUS';
elements_rec cur_get_elements%rowtype;
v_element number;
for elements_rec in cur_get_elements
dbms_output.put_line ('before extract');
select nvl(count(value(p)),0)
into v_element
from oplan_sub_content_xml oscx,
table(xmlsequence(extract(SUBSCRIPTION_CONTENT,'Transactions/elements_rec.element_name'))) p;
if v_element =0
then dbms_output.put_line ('Element ' || elements_rec.element_name || ' is null');
elsif v_element > 0
then dbms_output.put_line ('Element ' || elements_rec.element_name || ' is not null');
end if;
end loop;
SQL> /
before extract
Element OPLAN_STATUS is null
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
If i hard code the element_name (elements_rec.element_name) on line 16 (line wraps) to "OPLAN_STATUS' i get desired results ... returns not null
cursor cur_get_elements is
select element_name
from oplan_element_attribs
where parent_element='Transactions'
and element_name='OPLAN_STATUS';
elements_rec cur_get_elements%rowtype;
v_element number;
for elements_rec in cur_get_elements
dbms_output.put_line ('before extract');
select nvl(count(value(p)),0)
into v_element
from oplan_sub_content_xml oscx,
table(xmlsequence(extract(SUBSCRIPTION_CONTENT,'Transactions/OPLAN_STATUS'))) p;
if v_element =0
then dbms_output.put_line ('Element ' || elements_rec.element_name || ' is null');
elsif v_element > 0
then dbms_output.put_line ('Element ' || elements_rec.element_name || ' is not null');
end if;
end loop;
SQL> /
before extract
Element OPLAN_STATUS is not null
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Any ideas?

I should try everything before posting! Sorry, got it to work...
replaced ..
select nvl(count(value(p)),0)
into v_element
from oplan_sub_content_xml oscx,
table(xmlsequence(extract(SUBSCRIPTION_CONTENT,'Transactions/elements_rec.element_name'))) p;
select nvl(count(value(p)),0)
into v_element
from oplan_sub_content_xml oscx,
table(xmlsequence(extract(SUBSCRIPTION_CONTENT,'Transactions/' || elements_rec.element_name || ''))) p;

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    Sorry, I don't get it. You say that your system needs to be efficient and in the very same breath you say "Screw efficiency, I want to use PL/SQL and not SQL". That is a bs statement IMO.
    There is a correct way. There is a wrong way. Choose one. It is not possible to do it correctly using the wrong principles, approach and code.
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    What shortcut? A cursor is a SQL program. You are using PL/SQL to fetch from that cursor, iterating through it, does not change the fact that you are
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    What shortcut do you imagine there is? Not dealing with the SQL engine at all? PL/SQL is two languages. It is PL, a Programming Language based on ADA. This is tightly integrated with the SQL language.
    PL code is parsed and executed by the PL engine. SQL code is parsed and executed by the SQL engine. Each line of SQL code in PL/SQL, requires a context switch from the PL engine to the SQL engine in order for that SQL code to be executed. Each fetch from a cursor (via an explicit or implicit fetch), is a context switch to the SQL engine to execute that cursor in order to get the next set of (or single) rows.
    The more context switches there are, the more overheads there are. Each context switch pulls and/or pushes data between the PL and SQL engines.
    Okay, so now where is the "shortcut" - or more accurately called, correctly designing and coding PL/SQL?
    This is achieved by not pulling data into the PL engine that you do not really need as your PL code only pushes that very same data back to the SQL engine.
    This is achieved by reducing the number of context switches between the PL and SQL engines.
    This is achieved by processing data sets and not rows, in the PL engine.
    This is achieved by Maximizing SQL and minimizing PL/SQL.
    Now if you do not like and want to play silly buggers with PL/SQL and Oracle, that's your decision. I'm sure some here will throw you a rope (by posting really smelly code) from the bottom of the Oracle scalability and performance hole and help you drag yourself into it.

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         CURSOR some_cursor IS
              SELECT t.col1,
                   FROM some_table t;
    PROCEDURE sub_proc
         (p_cursor               IN      some_cursor%ROWTYPE)
    END sub_proc;
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         l_cursor          some_cursor%ROWTYPE;
         FOR l_cursor IN some_cursor LOOP
         END LOOP;
    END main_process;
    END some_pkg;
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    I am not sure what you need to do.
    You can base records on cursors or tables using the %ROWTYPE operator.
    Cursors can be defined in the package header and used elsewhere by using normal cursor functionality (untesed)
    create or replace package my_package as
      cursor my_cursor is
        select *
          from dual;
    end my_package;
    create or replace package body my_package as
      procedure my_procedure is
      my_record my_package.my_cursor%rowtype;
        for r in my_package.my_cursor loop
          my_record := r;
      end my_procedure;
    end my_package;
      This can allow you to define the cursor in one place and reference it elsewhere.
    Reference cursors are pointers to result sets.  They reference actual datasets and can be passed between routines if defined in package headers.  There is a little more overhead using reference cursors but they support dynamic sql if needed (it usually isn't). and you MUST carefully coordinate FETCH commands to receive the values the cursor is selecting (this is harder than it looks)(untested)
    create or replace package my_package as
      type my_refcur_type is sys_refcursor;
    end my_package;
    create or replace package body my_package as
      procedure my_procedure(p_refcur out my_package.my_refcur_type) is
        open p_refcur for 'select * from dual';
    end my_package;
    fetch my_cursor into v_dummy;
    Hope this helps

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    cruise_id number primary key,
    cabinE105 number,
    cabinD113 number,
    cabinC131 number,
    cabinB127 number,
    cabinA101 number,
    FOREIGN KEY(cruise_id)
    REFERENCES cruisedetails(cruise_id)
    In the cruise details page im running the following code to update the cabin tables cabinE105 value to 0:
    String cabin = request.getParameter("cabin_id");
    String setCabin = "update cabin set '"+cabin+'" = 0 where cruise_id = 1";
    What im trying to do is pass the value of the cabin into the update statement so it updates cabinE105 = 0 where cruise_id = 1.
    How do I dfo this as the above method is not working ??
    I would like any help on this PLEASE !!! THANKS !

    String cabinID = request.getParameter("cabin_id");
    PreparedStatement ps=connection.prepareStatement("update cabin set "+cabinID+"=? where cruise_id=?");

  • How to pass a value into a SQL Query?

    Hi There,
    I want to know if there is a possibility to pass a dynamic value in a sql query. For example I have a currency rate value (ex: rate = 1.319, 2.23 etc) which user wants to input when running the query (The rate is not taken from the system, so I cannot compare to any table column and pass it as a parameter).
    And this rate has to be used in my query to do some calculation. Is this possible? The value :p_currency_rate doesn't work
    Any ideas please?
    Thank you,

    ,poh.segment1 po_num
    ,pol.line_num po_line_num
    --,trunc(poh.creation_date) po_creation_date
    ,msi.segment1 item_num
    ,round((&p_rate * pol.unit_price),5) "CONVERSION"
    ,(cost.item_cost - round((&p_rate * pol.unit_price),5)) difference
    po.po_headers_all poh
    ,po.po_lines_all pol
    ,po.po_vendors pov
    ,hr.hr_all_organization_units hou
    ,inv.mtl_system_items_b msi
    ,bom.cst_item_costs cost
    poh.po_header_id = pol.po_header_id
    and pov.vendor_id = poh.vendor_id
    and poh.org_id = hou.organization_id
    and hou.organization_id = :p_operating_unit
    and poh.currency_code = :p_currency
    and poh.creation_date between :po_creation_date_from and :po_creation_date_to
    and poh.type_lookup_code = 'BLANKET'
    and msi.inventory_item_id = pol.item_id
    and cost.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID = pol.ITEM_ID
    --and (cost.item_cost - pol.unit_price) <> 0
    and (cost.item_cost - round((&p_rate * pol.unit_price),5)) <> 0
    and cost.organization_id = 1
    and msi.organization_id = 1
    and cost.cost_type_id = 3 --- Pending cost type
    and nvl(upper (pol.closed_code),'OPEN') not in('CANCELLED', 'CLOSED', 'FINALLY CLOSED', 'REJECTED')
    and nvl(upper (poh.closed_code),'OPEN') not in('CANCELLED', 'CLOSED', 'FINALLY CLOSED', 'REJECTED')
    and nvl(pol.cancel_flag, 'N') = 'N'
    and &p_rate user parameter
    I want this p_rate to be passed as a user parameter.

  • Trying to pass parameters between GUI classes and methods

    Hi All.
    I have been working on a rather large final year project in college and it is getting close to the deadline. It looks as though I need to "tidy up" my code as it contains too many static methods, variables and other bad programming habits. My package consists of many different GUI's and classes. Up until now I have been calling different GUI's with guiName.NameOfMethod. I have been told this is bad practice so I am trying to fix this. Also instead of passing parameters correctly I have been creating static variables in my main class and using them. So for example if one class needed to pass a variable to the other I would first myGlobalVariable = X; in the first class. And then the second class can use this. This is also bad, right?
    So I guess im really just looking for a good example or tutorial on how to pass parameters between classes and methods, GUI if possible. Here is an example of how my GUI classes look:
    public class anotherGUI extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
            private JTextField a, b, c;
            private JButton button1, button2;
            JPanel p, p1;                   
            public anotherGUI() {
            private void LayOutAnotherGUI(int c) {
         //GUI is layed out here     
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                Object source = e.getSource();
                if (source == submit)
            public void clickOK(){
                //Here is where I have been accessing and modifying static global variables.  (But this needs to change).
    public void showanotherGUI() {
            new anotherGUI();
    }This is more or less how I have been going about creating my GUI's. These are used as pop ups. The user enters a value and then it is closed.
    To be honest I have been able to pass a variable correctly from one class to a GUI class but I have still having difficulty. For example in my code above I can pass the variable into this class but I cannot pass it into clickOK(). An this is where it is needed.
    Can anyone please help?
    I hope I have explained my problem well.
    Thanks in advance.

    I dont think that is what I need. An example of what I do in my program is:
    I have a main GUI with an array of images. There are a number of other small GUI's that appear for certain functions when the user clicks on an image or does some other function. I am trying to pass a value into the GUI class that is used for the smaller "pop up" GUI. So lets say the user has clicked the image in array[12]. Then a GUI is displayed. I need to pass the integer 12 into this class.

  • How to pass multiple records to target side using xquery

    Hi Everybody,
    I am using xquery transformation.
    Input: Source payload contains 5 variables.
    Target payload contains 5 variables.
    I have input with payload with multiple instance like:
    So my requirement is to pass above records into target side,
    So I am using xquery Transformation.
    I have written code as follows.
    (:: pragma bea:global-element-parameter parameter="$tHRecAdv1" element="ns0:THRecAdv" location="../XMLSchemas/THRecAdv.xsd" ::)
    (:: pragma bea:global-element-return element="ns1:ShipmentReceiptEBO" location="../../AIAReferenceModelProject/EnterpriseObjectLibrary/Core/EBO/ShipmentReceipt/V1/ShipmentReceiptEBO.xsd" ::)
    declare namespace ns2 = "";
    declare namespace ns1 = "";
    declare namespace ns4 = "";
    declare namespace ns3 = "";
    declare namespace ns0 = "";
    declare namespace xf = "";
    declare function xf:THRecAdvFile_ShipmentReceiptEBO_JDE_XQuery($tHRecAdv1 as element(ns0:THRecAdv))
    as element(ns1:ShipmentReceiptEBO) {
    for $THRecAdvFields  in $tHRecAdv1/ns0:THRecAdvFields
    <ns4:BusinessComponentID>{ data($THRecAdvFields/ns0:JD_WHSE_Code) }</ns4:BusinessComponentID>
    <ns4:ID schemeID = "{ (data($THRecAdvFields/ns0:JD_PO_Number)) }"
    schemeVersionID = "{ data($THRecAdvFields/ns0:JD_PO_Type) }">{ data($THRecAdvFields/ns0:WMS_InternalPONumber) }</ns4:ID>
    <ns4:ID>{ data($THRecAdvFields/ns0:JD_BranchPlant) }</ns4:ID>
    <ns4:Reason>{ data($THRecAdvFields/ns0:ReturnReceiptReasonCode) }</ns4:Reason>
    <ns1:ExpectedReceiptDate>{ data($THRecAdvFields/ns0:WMS_ReceiptDate) }</ns1:ExpectedReceiptDate>
    <ns4:ID>{ data($THRecAdvFields/ns0:JDE_SupplierInvoiceNumber) }</ns4:ID>
    <ns1:ShipmentReceiptLine actionCode = "{ data($THRecAdvFields/ns0:ActionFlag) }">
    <ns4:ID schemeID = "{ data($THRecAdvFields/ns0:JD_PO_LineNumber) }"
    schemeVersionID = "{ data($THRecAdvFields/ns0:ExternPONumber) }">{ data($THRecAdvFields/ns0:WMS_ReceiptNumber) }</ns4:ID>
    <ns4:ContextID>{ data($THRecAdvFields/ns0:WMSReceivingClerk) }</ns4:ContextID>
    <ns4:ID schemeID = "{ data($THRecAdvFields/ns0:BatchNumber) }"
    schemeVersionID = "{ data($THRecAdvFields/ns0:BatchLineNumber) }">{ data($THRecAdvFields/ns0:JD_LocationCode) }</ns4:ID>
    <ns4:ID>{ data($THRecAdvFields/ns0:SupplierCode) }</ns4:ID>
    <ns4:ContextID>{ data($THRecAdvFields/ns0:LineNumber_Or_SequenceNumber) }</ns4:ContextID>
    <ns4:Label>{ data($THRecAdvFields/ns0:Records) }</ns4:Label>
    <ns1:ReceivedQuantity unitCode = "{ data($THRecAdvFields/ns0:ReceiptUOM) }">{ data($THRecAdvFields/ns0:UnitReceipt) }</ns1:ReceivedQuantity>
    <ns1:SourceDocumentTypeCode>{ data($THRecAdvFields/ns0:SKU_Code) }</ns1:SourceDocumentTypeCode>
    <ns1:DestinationTypeCode>{ data($THRecAdvFields/ns0:DestinationProcessFlag) }</ns1:DestinationTypeCode>
    <ns1:Comment>{ data($THRecAdvFields/ns0:Remarks) }</ns1:Comment>
    <ns4:Code>{ data($THRecAdvFields/ns0:ProcessSourceFlag) }</ns4:Code>
    <ns4:EffectiveDateTime>{ data($THRecAdvFields/ns0:ADDDATE) }</ns4:EffectiveDateTime>
    <ns1:ExpirationDate>{ data($THRecAdvFields/ns0:ExpiryDate) }</ns1:ExpirationDate>
    <ns1:CreationDateTime>{ data($THRecAdvFields/ns0:ProductionDate) }</ns1:CreationDateTime>
    declare variable $tHRecAdv1 as element(ns0:THRecAdv) external;
    But while importing this code to OSB,and tested it ,
    With 1 payload it successfully shows the data in Target side,
    But while testing with multiple line items,i am getting an error as follows.
    *Error executing the XQuery transformation: line 14, column 17: {err}FORG0005: expected exactly one item, got 2+ items*
    So please provide me the steps how to pass multiple records to target side using xquery.
    Jyoti Nayak

    Hi Jyoti Nayak,
    You have to do something like the example bellow, you can not just repeat the inner element, you will need an outer "container" tag. So you will have to change the target element of your xq transformation.
    declare function xf:setToList($set1 as element(ns0:set))
    as element(ns0:list) {
    for $pair in $set1/ns0:pair
    <ns0:key>{ data($pair/ns0:key) }</ns0:key>
    <ns0:value>{ data($pair/ns0:value) }</ns0:value>
    Give points - it is good etiquette to reward an answerer points (5 - helpful; 10 - correct) for their post if they answer your question. If you think this is helpful, please consider giving points

  • To add new record into the table Data Service client

    When I am trying to add new record into the table Employeedetails using Data Service client it is giving a sql exception: "java.sql.SQLException: Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__EmployeeDetails__6383C8BA'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'EmployeeDetails'. Severity 14, State 1, Procedure 'PC-P41403 null', Line 1."
    DataService ds=DataServiceFactory.newDataService(getInitialContext(),"EmplDetApp","ld:EmplDetAppDataServices/EmployeeDetails");
    EmployeeDetailsDocument edoc=EmployeeDetailsDocument.Factory.newInstance();
    //here I set the primary key value empid
    EmpName 5 java.sql.SQLException: Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__EmployeeDetails__6383C8BA'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'EmployeeDetails'. Severity 14, State 1, Procedure 'PC-P41403 null', Line 1
    com.bea.ld.dsmediator.DataServiceException: java.sql.SQLException: Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__EmployeeDetails__6383C8BA'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'EmployeeDetails'. Severity 14, State 1, Procedure 'PC-P41403 null', Line 1
         at com.bea.ld.dsmediator.update.DataServiceMediator.submit(
         at com.bea.ld.dsmediator.update.DataServiceMediator.submit(
         at com.bea.ld.ServerBean.submit(
         at com.bea.ld.Server_ydm4ie_EOImpl.submit(
         at com.bea.ld.Server_ydm4ie_EOImpl_WLSkel.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef.invoke(
         at weblogic.rmi.cluster.ReplicaAwareServerRef.invoke(
         at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef$
         at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef.handleRequest(
         at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicExecuteRequest.execute(
         at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(
         at java.lang.Thread.startThreadFromVM(Unknown Source)
    Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__EmployeeDetails__6383C8BA'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'EmployeeDetails'. Severity 14, State 1, Procedure 'PC-P41403 null', Line 1
         at weblogic.jdbc.mssqlserver4.TdsStatement.processWarning(
         at weblogic.jdbc.mssqlserver4.TdsStatement.parseMsWarning(
         at weblogic.jdbc.mssqlserver4.TdsStatement.getMoreResults(
         at weblogic.jdbc.mssqlserver4.TdsStatement.execute(
         at weblogic.jdbc.mssqlserver4.TdsStatement.executeUpdate(
         at weblogic.jdbc.mssqlserver4.TdsStatement.executeUpdate(
         at weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.PreparedStatement.executeUpdate(
         ... 15 more
    But I am not sure why it is giving an exception as Violation of PRIMARY KEY.
    The update method works fine for the same client.
    The exception only happens when I am trying to insert a new record.
    Please help me to figure out this problem.

    If you are absolutely sure that you do not have such a row already in your table, open a case with customer support and reference CR321312. I believe the work-around is to put ld-server-core.jar in your client classpath.
    Correction: put ld-server-app.jar in the client classpath
    Edited by mreiche at 09/17/2007 3:28 PM

  • Trying to create non-numeric key figure in Query

    Hello, I am trying to add a formula into my BW Query that will return a non-numeric value.
    My cube will be used like a standard BW cube 90% of the time, but there is one query request that wants to display atomic data and have non-numeric categories determine at time of query run.
    Field A has integer values
    Key           Value
    Record 1     -1
    Record 2      2
    Record 3      6
    I want to add a calculated field with the following logic:
    If Value is <= -1 then display "Early" else if Value is >-1 and <=5 then display "On-Time" else if Value is > 5 then display "Late".  The -1 and 5 values will be replaced with variables that will be required on the selection screen.
    This would return a grid as below:
    Key           Value    Calculated Field
    Record 1     -1           "Early"
    Record 2      2           "On-Time"
    Record 3      6           "Late"
    I haven't been able to figure out how to set up this field.  Any ideas?

    check these help links
    It's a big topic so it's not possible to write everything here.
    You can search the forums also.

  • Insert multiple records into Oracle using Java

    Has anyone tried to insert multiple records into an Oracle table from Java? I have my data in a Java collection.Can I send a Java Collection to an Oracle Package as a PL/SQL Table Type? My problem is I dont want to instantiate a CallableStatement object everytime I do an insert. Instead I want to do that only once and then insert multiple records in one operation.
    Any suggestions will be appreciated,

    Hi Mensa,
    I went thru the code example in your book in chapter 8 (downloaded it from OTN). It looks like the java code for "public class myPLSQLIndexTab" might be a java stored procedure stored in the oracle database?
    Pardon my ignorance because I've never worked on java code in the oracle database itself but how would I call such a program outside the oracle database? For example say I have a batch job that downloads data from a webservice and that batch job is written in java and its sitting on a batch server somewhere on the network. But the java program that inserts data into the database is sitting in the oracle database (also somewhere in the same network). How can the java code sitting on the batch server talk to the java code sitting on the oracle server? Is it the same as calling a pl/sql package using CallableStatement?

  • How to pass a file into a java method

    I am trying to pass a file into a java method so I can read the file from inside the method. How can I do this? I am confident passing int, char, arrays etc into methods as I know how to identify them in a methods signature but I have no idea how to decalre a file in a mthods signature. Any ideas please ?

    Just go thru the URL,
    I hope you will get a fair understanding of 'what is pass by reference/value'.
    You can pass Object reference as an argument.
    What Pablo Lucien had written is right. But the ideal situation is if you are not modifying the
    file in the calling method, then you can pass the String (file name) as an argument to the called method.

  • Error with date field when inserting records into sql server from webdynpro

    Dear SDN's,
    I am trying to insert the records into sql server through my webDynpro program.
    I have created a date field in a dictionary with the datatype date.
    In my webdynpro program to insert the date i am following the below format.
    String dateString = "2006/12/10";
          java.util.Date d=new java.util.Date(dateString);
          java.sql.Date <b>date</b> = new java.sql.Date(d.getTime());
    int i=stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO TRAVEL_HEADER(TRQID,PROJECTID,<b>REQDT</b>,ADVCE,ETADV,PURTR) values(21, '555-1212', '" + <b>date</b> + "', 5000, '20060501','hi')");
    when i try to execute it, it gives the following error.
    <b> The SQL statement "INSERT INTO "TRAVEL_HEADER" ("TRQID","PROJECTID","REQDT","ADVCE","ETADV","PURTR") VALUES (21,'555-1212','2006-12-10',5000,'20060501','hi')" contains the semantics error[s]: - type check error: new value (element number 3 (CHAR)) is not assignable to column  >>REQDT<< (DATE)</b>
    Please correct me.
    Your help will be appreciated.

    int i=stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO TRAVEL_HEADER(TRQID,PROJECTID,REQDT,ADVCE,ETADV,PURTR) values(21, '555-1212', 'date', 5000, '20060501','hi')");
    try like this.
    I Think in SQL the general format to take date as input like this.
    INSERT INTO X VALUES ('10/30/56')

  • Passing variable data into XSLT

    Hai all, I am trying to pass variable contents into a XSLT. I am trying the procedure given in the link below.I am not able to pass the parameter values into XSLT file.I am failing in the last step.
    Has anyone tried this example
    Is there any other way to pass variable data into XSLT. Kindly help.
    Thank You

    True, the sample also uses the same function that I mentioned :
    <!-- convert Invoice to PO using XSLT service -->
              <assign name="transformVehicle">
                   <from expression="ora:processXSLT('InvToPo.xslt',bpws:getVariableData('input','payload') )"/>
                   <to variable="output" part="payload"/>

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