Plsql block error

I have small PLSQL block with a bind variable in it which throws an error on its execution.
cursor c1 is select product_name from PRODUCTS where month=:m;
for i in c1 loop
end loop;
It thows the error
ORA-01008: not all variables bound
Is it not possible to have a bind variable in a cursor?
Please help

If you're using SQL*Plus you need to declare and set the bind variable...
SQL> set serverout on;
SQL> var d number;
SQL> exec :d := 20;
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.07
SQL> ed
Wrote file afiedt.buf
  1  declare
  2    cursor c1 is select ename from emp where deptno=:d;
  3  begin
  4    for i in c1 loop
  5      dbms_output.put_line(i.ename);
  6    end loop;
  7* end;
SQL> /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.06

Similar Messages

  • Am facing this error sqlcode :-6502 while running sql code in plsql block

    Am facing this error sqlcode :-6502 while running sql code in plsql block.
    am using query :
    SELECT SUBSTR('123456DE789KL|987654321|B',1,INSTR('123456DE789KL|987654321|B','|')-1) FROM DUAL;
    CAN any body tell me why.

    BD_Fayez wrote:
    I've tried the following, but don't get any error.As I mentioned, most likely variable is too short:
    SQL> declare
      2  strSub varchar2(2);
      3  begin
      4  SELECT SUBSTR('123456DE789KL|987654321|B',1,INSTR('123456DE789KL|987654321|B','|')-1) into strSub FROM DUAL;
      5  dbms_output.put_line(strSub);
      6  end;
      7  /
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
    ORA-06512: at line 4
    SQL> SY.

  • Using Execute Immediate in PLSQL block Vs Stand alone procedure

    I am facing very unusual ( atleast unusual to me ) with usage of "Execute Immediate" statement.
    I have a table dynamic_sql with one column plsql_block as VARCHAR2(4000);
    I have stored some PLSQL blocks ('DECLARE ..... BEGIN.... END.... ) in this column .
    Now I want to execute these PLSQL blocks one after other depending on certain conditions .
    In order to archive this I wrote a PLSQL block as below
    Cursor c1 is
    select plsql_block from dynamic_sql
    for irec in c1
    <<< Condition >>>
    when others then
    raise_application_error(-20001,'error ' ||irec.plsql_block||' '||sqlerrm);
    end loop ;
    end ;
    With above PLSQL block , "execute immediate" is executing PLSQL block successfully without any error
    But When I converted above PLSQL block into standalone procedure as shown below , I am getting error .
    CREATE OR REPLACE procedure test AS
    Cursor c1 is
    select plsql_block from dynamic_sql
    for irec in c1
    <<< Condition >>>
    when others then
    raise_application_error(-20001,'error ' ||irec.plsql_block||' '||sqlerrm);
    end loop ;
    end ;
    end ;
    It is showing the value of irec.plsql_block but not showing sqlerrm...
    I found this is very unusual as I am able to execute "execute immediate" statement with PLSQL block but not with similar procedure .
    can anybody explain me why this is happening?
    Thanks in Advance

    It doesn't make any sense to add SQLERRM for user defined exception, unless you want to raise application error for already defined error (e.g NOT_DATA_FOUND, ..)
    Check following piece of code and its output,
       v_count   NUMBER;
       v_sql     VARCHAR2 (300);
       v_sql :=
          EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sql;
          WHEN OTHERS
             DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (SUBSTR (SQLERRM, 1, 300));
             RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (-20002, 'My Error ' || SQLERRM, TRUE);
    ORA-20002: My Error ORA-00001: unique constraint (ENTITY_EMPLOYEE_PK) violated
    ORA-06512: at "MYINSERT1", line 21
    ORA-00001: unique constraint (ENTITY_EMPLOYEE_PK) violated
    ORA-06512: at line 2

  • Output parameter in plsql Block fails

    Hello. I am testing using an anonymous Plsql block with one in and out parameter. The in parameter work fine but when I add the out, the plsql block fails.
    This is my environment on a Windows 7 client attaching to a Solaris server. I am using Powershell 3.0, but it is very similar to #c. I have a .net framework of 4.5.
    PS L064217>    $GAC = $Env:Oracle_Home + "\" + "ODP.NET\bin\4\Oracle.DataAccess.dll"
    PS L064217>    [Void] [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile($Gac)
    PS L064217> [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile($Gac)
    GAC    Version        Location
    True   v4.0.30319     C:\windows\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_64\Oracle.DataAccess\v4.0_4.112.3.0__89b4
    SQL*Plus: Release Production on Wed Nov 28 19:09:57 2012
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing optionsHere is a sample of my test code:
    # Define Plsql Anonymous Block
    $Table1 = 'AdvSearch_Statutes'
    $Table2 = ($Table1).Substring(0, $Table1.Length-1) + '_Docs'
    $Caml_Doc_Id = 'CHP201500010'
    $Sql =  " DECLARE "
    $Sql += "   vCamlId      VARCHAR2(30)  := ':Param1' "
    $Sql += "   vPath_Tx     VARCHAR2(200); "
    $Sql += "   vDelRows_Nr  PLS_INTEGER := 0; "
    $Sql += "   CURSOR Docs_Cur IS "
    $Sql += "       SELECT XPath "
    $Sql += "       FROM $Table2 "
    $Sql += "       WHERE Caml_Doc_Id = vCamlId; "
    $Sql += " BEGIN "
    $Sql += "   OPEN Docs_Cur; "
    $Sql += "   LOOP "
    $Sql += "     FETCH Docs_Cur INTO vPath_Tx; "
    $Sql += "     EXIT WHEN Docs_Cur%NOTFOUND; "
    $Sql += "     IF (DBMS_XDB.ExistsResource(vPath_Tx)) "
    $Sql += "     THEN "
    $Sql += "       DelRows_Nr := DelRows_Nr + 1; "
    $Sql += "       DBMS_XDB.DeleteResource(vPath_Tx, DBMS_XDB.DELETE_RECURSIVE_FORCE); "
    $Sql += "     END IF; "
    $Sql += "   END LOOP; "
    $Sql += "   DELETE FROM $Table2 WHERE Caml_Doc_Id = vCamlId; "
    $Sql += "   vDelRows_Nr := vDelRows_Nr + SQL%ROWCOUNT; "
    $Sql += "   DELETE FROM $Table1 WHERE Caml_Doc_Id = vCamlId; "
    $Sql += "   vDelRows_Nr := vDelRows_Nr + SQL%ROWCOUNT; "
    $Sql += "   SELECT vDelRows_Nr INTO :Param2 FROM Dual; "
    $Sql += " EXCEPTION "
    $Sql += " END; "
    # Set up the Connection and command objects using the prior defined information.  Ensure that
    # Bind by name is used.
    $Conn = New-Object Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection($Connect_Str)
    $Cmd  = New-Object Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleCommand($Sql, $Conn)
    $Cmd.BindByName = $True
    #Set up the parameters for use with the Sql command.
    $Param1 = New-Object Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleParameter
    $Param2 = New-Object Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleParameter
    $Param1.DbType = 'AnsiString'
    $Param1.OracleDbType = 'Varchar2'
    $Param1.Direction = 'Input'
    $Param1.ParameterName = ':Param1'
    $Param1.Value = $Caml_Doc_Id
    $Param2.DbType = 'Int32'
    $Param2.OracleDbType = 'Int32'
    $Param2.Direction = 'Output'
    $Param2.ParameterName = ':Param2'
    [Void] $Cmd.Parameters.Add($Param1)
    [Void] $Cmd.Parameters.Add($Param2)
    # Open connection to database and execute the command
       $Result = $Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
       If ($Param2.Value -Eq $Null) {$Counts = 0}
       Else {$Count  = ($Param2.Value).ToString()}
       Write-Host "Return Code:  $Result"
       Write-Host "Rows Deleted:  $Counts"
    Catch [System.Exception]
      Write-Host $_.Exception.ToString() -ForeGroundColor "Red"
      "`nSuccessful end of script"
    }I have some output. It all seems to be okay. I am following a book rather closely, but after several attempts changing one thing or another, I still cannot find a way to send an out value. I have commented out the " SELECT vDelRows_Nr INTO :Param2 FROM Dual; " and that is the problem statement. Thank you for your help. The first portion is the plsql being echoed back, then I list out what Param2 is defined at. The last bit is the error returned.
    PS L064217> .\Test_Odp_PLsqlBlock.ps1
    DECLARE    vCamlId      VARCHAR2(30)  := ':Param1'    vPath_Tx     VARCHAR2(200);    vDelRows_Nr  PLS_INTEGER := 0;
    CURSOR Docs_Cur IS        SELECT XPath        FROM AdvSearch_Statute_Docs        WHERE Caml_Doc_Id = vCamlId;  BEGIN
      OPEN Docs_Cur;    LOOP      FETCH Docs_Cur INTO vPath_Tx;      EXIT WHEN Docs_Cur%NOTFOUND;      IF (DBMS_XDB.ExistsR
    esource(vPath_Tx))      THEN        DelRows_Nr := DelRows_Nr + 1;        DBMS_XDB.DeleteResource(vPath_Tx, DBMS_XDB.DEL
    ETE_RECURSIVE_FORCE);      END IF;    END LOOP;    DELETE FROM AdvSearch_Statute_Docs WHERE Caml_Doc_Id = vCamlId;    v
    DelRows_Nr := vDelRows_Nr + SQL%ROWCOUNT;    DELETE FROM AdvSearch_Statutes WHERE Caml_Doc_Id = vCamlId;    vDelRows_Nr
    DbType                  : Int32
    SourceColumnNullMapping : False
    Direction               : Output
    IsNullable              : False
    Offset                  : 0
    OracleDbTypeEx          : Int32
    OracleDbType            : Int32
    ParameterName           : :Param2
    Precision               : 0
    Scale                   : 0
    Size                    : 0
    ArrayBindSize           :
    SourceColumn            :
    SourceVersion           : Current
    Status                  : Success
    ArrayBindStatus         :
    CollectionType          : None
    Value                   :
    UdtTypeName             :
    Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException ORA-01036: illegal variable name/number    at Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleEx
    ception.HandleErrorHelper(Int32 errCode, OracleConnection conn, IntPtr opsErrCtx, OpoSqlValCtx* pOpoSqlValCtx, Object sr
    c, String procedure, Boolean bCheck)
       at Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
       at CallSite.Target(Closure , CallSite , Object )Edited by: CRoberts on Nov 28, 2012 7:30 PM

    As test
    use NUMBER instead of PLS_INTEGER in PL/SQL
    use Decimal instead of Int32 for Oracle parameter datatype

  • Can I use Count, Max function in PLSQL BLOCK.

    Can U help me to use count, max function in PLSQL BLOCK.
    Because it is giving me error "It is a SQL function"

    INTO l_variable
    FROM dual;
    Will work inside PL/SQL


    I have created a type called bank_account which has many member functions and procedures to open ,close,deposit and withdraw.I have created a type body where these member functions are defined.i have created a table based on this type.
    Now my problem is that the plsql block that i have written to call the member function open gives the following error:
    method dispatch on NULL SELF argument is disallowed
    the plsql block is as given below:
    SQL> run
    1 declare
    2 amount real;
    3 a bank_account(this is the type);
    4 begin
    5 amount:=&amount;
    7 dbms_output.put_line('account opened');
    8* end;
    Enter value for amount: 5
    old 5: amount:=&amount;
    new 5: amount:=5;
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-30625: method dispatch on NULL SELF argument is disallowed
    ORA-06512: at line 6
    please help me to solve my problem

    I have created a type called bank_account which has many member functions and procedures to open ,close,deposit and withdraw.I have created a type body where these member functions are defined.i have created a table based on this type.
    Now my problem is that the plsql block that i have written to call the member function open gives the following error:
    method dispatch on NULL SELF argument is disallowed
    the plsql block is as given below:
    SQL> run
    1 declare
    2 amount real;
    3 a bank_account(this is the type);
    4 begin
    5 amount:=&amount;
    7 dbms_output.put_line('account opened');
    8* end;
    Enter value for amount: 5
    old 5: amount:=&amount;
    new 5: amount:=5;
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-30625: method dispatch on NULL SELF argument is disallowed
    ORA-06512: at line 6
    please help me to solve my problem

  • Unable to insert row in object table from plsql block

    I have table called test based on an object type. When I issue an insert statement from sqlplus, the row is inserted. The exact same sql statement in a plsql block gives the error below. Any ideas? (it is not a constraint problem).
    SQL> insert into test values( 3,2,1,1,'asp',1,'mach' );
    1 row created.
    SQL> begin
    2 insert into test values( 3,2,1,1,'asp',1,'mach' );
    3 end;
    4 /
    insert into test values( 3,2,1,1,'asp',1,'mach' );
    ERROR at line 2:
    ORA-06550: line 2, column 16:
    PL/SQL: ORA-06552: PL/SQL: Compilation unit analysis terminated
    ORA-06553: PLS-302: component 'DOCUMENT' must be declared
    ORA-06550: line 2, column 4:
    PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    CREATE OR REPLACE type document as object
    DOC_ID NUMBER (38),
    ASP VARCHAR2 (20),
    MEMBER function getState RETURN NUMBER
    ) not final;
    create table test of document;

    Hi Adam
    You need to instantiate your object type in your insert statement(while doing through PL/SQL block), so try like this
    Insert into test values(document(1,2,'CO',55,'xyz','kkk','PENTIUM'));
    The reason you were successful through SQLPLUS was that, SQLPLUS automatically instantiate the values into object type.

  • Unix command from Plsql block

    Hi all ,
    I have tried unix command from PLSQL Block,
    Please see the code.
    stat INTEGER;
    host_command varchar2(100);
    errormsg VARCHAR2(80);
    command varchar2(2000);
    command:='touch /home/oracle/testting.txt';
    host_command:= dbms_pipe.unique_session_name;
    dbms_output.put_line('pack message:'||command);
    stat := dbms_pipe.send_message(host_command);
    IF stat <> 0 THEN
    raise_application_error(-20000, 'Error:'||TO_CHAR(stat)||' sending on pipe');
    END IF;
    stat := dbms_pipe.receive_message(host_command);
    IF stat <> 0 THEN
    raise_application_error(-20000, 'Error:'||TO_CHAR(stat)||' receiving on pipe');
    END IF;
    IF errormsg <> 'SUCCESS' THEN
    raise_application_error(-20000, 'Execution error: '||errormsg);
    END IF;
    Nothing happend from this code just getting only following result with error.
    pack message:touch /home/oracle/testting.txt
    errormsg:touch /home/oracle/testting.txt
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-20000: Execution error: touch /home/oracle/testting.txt
    ORA-06512: at line 33
    Can any one tell me what i doing wrong in this code.
    I m working on Oracle 11g and AIX unix server.

    This is the forum for the SQL Developer product, not for general PL/SQL questions. There is a link to the SQL and PL/SQL forum in the announcement at the top of this forum.

  • Problem with plsql block

    Hello All,
    I have a sql query which i am trying to put it in plsql block.It throws me an error saying i cannot have group function as my two select strings gives me more than one row. How to tackle this??
    uuid varchar;
    stat_date date;
    select 'I'||Lower(docfamily_uuid) into uuid, max(status_date) into stat_date from document_status where status_code=303 or status_code=305 group by docfamily_uuid;

    In addition to being mal-formed it is likely your problem stems from the fact that your query is returning more than one row. Now perhaps you are expecting only one row and your GROUP BY might be getting in the way. Try changing your GROUP BY to include the LOWER function that is in your SELECT statement. But realize that this in itself will not guarentee one row returning from the SELECT statement.
    WITH document_status AS
    SELECT 'xxx' docfamily_uuid, sysdate status_date, 303 status_code from dual
    SELECT 'XXX' docfamily_uuid, sysdate status_date, 303 status_code from dual
    SELECT 'I'||Lower(docfamily_uuid), max(status_date)
    FROM   document_status
    WHERE  status_code=303 or status_code=305
    GROUP BY docfamily_uuid;
    Ixxx     05-FEB-09
    Ixxx     05-FEB-09
    WITH document_status AS
    SELECT 'xxx' docfamily_uuid, sysdate status_date, 303 status_code from dual
    SELECT 'XXX' docfamily_uuid, sysdate status_date, 303 status_code from dual
    SELECT 'I'||Lower(docfamily_uuid), max(status_date)
    FROM   document_status
    WHERE  status_code=303 or status_code=305
    GROUP BY LOWER(docfamily_uuid);
    Ixxx     05-FEB-09Greg

  • G/L Account blocked Error while posting goods delivery in VL02n transaction

    Our Requirement is to change the G/L account which is  proposed by  OBYC(automatic account determination ) as per the movement  typ and order reason from a Ztable. We need a place to code this logic before this OBYC check happens due to which we getting the account blocked error.
    Please suggest some user exit or enhancemnet point where we can place this logic.

    hi Ramki.,
    I had configured  a Surcharge on delivery in the condition type to be calculated on the qty delivered. Say for every Gallon, a surcharge of 0.2 cents is charged. I had maintained ths surcharge as a separate condition type and assigned it to a separate G/L a/c.
    Now during PO creation, in the header , the price remains the same as i give for the Unit price.
    IN the conditions tab in Item level, the surcharge is added on to the gross price and i get a Net Price.
    Without saving the PO, when i go to see the Print-preview, i see only the Gross price.
    After saving the PO, in print review, i see
    1. Unit gross price under Sl.No.1
    2. After the Item description, immediately, there is qty ordered x unit price + surcharge and them following  Nett price
    3. At the bottom right corner of the PO, i get qty ordered x unit price only . Surcharge amount does not appear.
    How do i get the Total Nett price i.e qty ordered x unit price + surcharge to appear on the bottom right of the PO.
    Is it a standard functionality for the Total price to appear or does it involve the role of ABAP programming.???
    Do clarify my doubts

  • Why do I keep getting a page block error when trying to use Netflix app. I can't even load the website

    Everytime I try to load the Netflix app, I get as far as the red screen and it stops loading. The iPad doesn't freeze, it just stops. Then when I try to go to their website, I get a blocked error message. Does anyone know how to fix this?

    Some possibilities:
    You are on a network that blocks streaming content or otherwise won't let you access it
    You have restrictions set to block some content (Settings App, General, Resrrictions).

  • Interpration of DBVerify zero block  errors

    Hello Oracle-experts,
    after DBVerify check on my Oracle DB i get the several following errors:
    Completely zero block found during dbv:
    Page 286685 is marked corrupt
    After these warnings I get the error:
    BR0398E DBVERIFY detected corrupted blocks in /oracle/<sid>/sapdata4/sr3_8/sr3.data8
    1) How should these zero block errors be interpreted?  Is my database therefore corrupt or can these errors be neglected?  If not, what is the approach to solve these errors?
    The problem is that I have a lot of these errors and do not have a valid backup.
    Any helpful information information will be very appreciated!

    Hi Holger,
    didn't you like the replies of your other threads?
    Block Corruption (BR0398E DBVERIFY detected corrupted blocks in /oracle/TS2
    BR0398E DBVERIFY detected corrupted blocks in TS SAPSR3
    Honestly, handling corruptions is really not that difficult.
    You figure out what kind of data is supposed to be stored in the corrupted blocks and take your actions accordingly.
    So if you can regenerate the content (like you can do that by rebuilding indexes), you do that.
    If you cannot regenerate the content, you need a backup.
    That's it. It's all lengthly described in the SAP notes on corruptions. Maybe you should read them ...
    > Question:
    > 1) How should these zero block errors be interpreted?  Is my database therefore corrupt or can these errors be neglected?  If not, what is the approach to solve these errors?
    > The problem is that I have a lot of these errors and do not have a valid backup.
    Ok, having no backups always puts you in dire straits. It's the single one error no DBA is allowed to make.
    However, what you should do is to perform a FULL consistency check.
    That is:
    run a FULL db export to /dev/nul
    run DBVerify/RMAN validate on the complete database (looks like you've already done that)
    Don't skip a check, don't shortcut - just do them.
    Maybe the "completely zero filled blocks* don't belong to any object and you've no data loss.
    Then you may (as I already told you in the other thread) reorganize the tablespace to get rid of the warnings.
    If there was some data in these blocks that you cannot regenerate then you have to face it: you lost that data.
    It's gone and won't come back.

  • Calling plsql block in java

    Needs some help, urgently.
    i have to call/execute a plsql block in java program.
    block is similar to this
    CURSOR l_csr IS
    select empname, empid, empdate from emp
    order by empid;
    l_empid NUMBER;
    l_empdate DATE;
    l_empname varchar2(30);
    o_dateProfileId NUMBER;
    o_dayofweekprofileid NUMBER;
    open l_csr;
    FETCH l_csr INTO l_empid , l_empname , l_empdate;
    DETERMINEEMPPROFILE(l_empdate,o_dateProfileId,o_dayofweekprofileid,l_empid ,FALSE);
    IF(o_dateProfileId IS NOT NULL) THEN
    SELECT totaljobs INTO l_max1 FROM dateprofile WHERE dateprofileid = o_dateprofileid;               
    SELECT totaljobs INTO l_max1 FROM dayofweekprofile WHERE dayofweekprofileid = o_dayofweekprofileid;
    END IF;
    i need to call this in java program and take the results of l_max1.
    can someone provide an example of hot to do this or sample code
    appreciate any help

    I'm assuming this is for Oracle. Take a look at this article [url=
    ]here for an example of how to use java to parse a result set from an Oracle procedure.

  • How to invoke plsql block when press a button

    new to htmldb,
    let's say i have a form with some items , after i press a button, i want to invoke a plsql block, how can i do that?

    I have only played a bit with this. I had a region with search criteria’s and a region based on a procedure. I created a page button on the first region that branched to the same page. When I press the button the page is refreshed and the procedure is re-executed with what ever search criteria’s the user has keyed in. That is as far as I have come :-)

  • Profit Center blocked error in depreciation run

    We are upgrading SAP system from 4.6 to 6.0. It was noticed that Profit Center blocked error is being captured in depreciation run test run in the upgraded version. In 4.6, this error is not being captured. Is this an enhancement in the upgraded version?

    I have not search information about it. I found this change only positive. Now you have direct to solve the error (wrong profit center) and not later with the retirement. It is only when they block profit centers or assign an other profit center to a cost center that they have to contact asset accounting for changing the asset. In the old version the values on the profit center where wrong, now you have to correct them. I see this more as a bug in the old version that is solved now.
    When you don't want this have a look to the error message and turn it of when that is possible, but then you accept that the vallues in profit center accounting are wrong

Maybe you are looking for