PLSQL doubt

I am new to PLSQL,
I will be passing a parameter from unix shell when executing a plsql file. This parameter will be used IN statement of the plsql.
for example i will pass "'dy','pp','dh'" as a sting parameter.
in plsql i have
The problem I am facing is that it takes the whole parameter as single value insteated of dy, pp,dh. I dont know how to solve this problem. Plz help

You should look carefully at the sql*plus output - as You can see it types the real string passed to &1:
SQL> select table_name from user_tables where table_name in (&1);
Enter value for 1: 'TEST_TABLE1','TEST_TABLE2'
old 1: select table_name from user_tables where table_name in (&1)
new 1: select table_name from user_tables where table_name in ('TEST_TABLE1','TEST_TABLE2')
I think, the root of trouble is in the processing of special character "'" in shell.

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    Hi Thanks Marco, and odie
    Tried it.. some synatx issues..
    Was trying to understand about these functions..
    This is the structure of my table ..
    desc xml_data_tab
    Name Null Type
    This is the xml data
    <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?><CraftyResponse>
    <organisation_name>THE BAKERY</organisation_name>
    <organisation_name>FILMS R US</organisation_name>
    <organisation_name>FAMILY BUTCHER</organisation_name>
    <building_name>BIG HOUSE</building_name>
    <building_name>LITTLE COTTAGE</building_name>
    <dependent_locality>CRAFTY VALLEY</dependent_locality>
    <town>BIG CITY</town>
    <postal_county>POSTAL COUNTY</postal_county>
    <traditional_county>TRADITIONAL COUNTY</traditional_county>
    <postcode>AA1 1AA</postcode>
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    good evening every one,
    i am new to plsql can anyone verify my coding what is wrong in my coding......
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    Prakash T Soundappan wrote:
    good evening every one,
    i am new to plsql can anyone verify my coding what is wrong in my coding......
    countr varchar2(2); countr := &country varchar(2);
    cc varchar(3);
    l_en varchar(50);
    ab nvarchar2(50);
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    thanking you,
    prakashThere are multiple problems with your code
    countr varchar2(2); countr := &country varchar(2); -- 1. You declared the same data name twice
    cc varchar(3);    -- it should be countr varchar2(2) := '&country';
    l_en varchar(50);
    ab nvarchar2(50);
    select countrycode.rrl -- 1. If this is returns more than 1 row you will get a run time error
          ,langname_en.rl -- 2. It's table_alias.column_name not the other way round, so rrl.countrycode
      into cc.rrl   -- 3. cc, l_en, and ab, no .rl or .rrl on the end
      from res_language rl
      inner join res_relcountrylan rrl on rl.langid=rrl.langid
    where countrycode=countr;
    end;Like I said if that select returns more than one row you will get a run time error. You may have to make arrays of your variables and do bulk collects, or set up a loop to process all the rows.

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    Generally with these sort of things we have a Windows Scheduled Task set up on the server (or I suppose cron on a unix server). Setting up something inside the database to call an Oracle Report on a scheduled basis is way more fiddly than it needs to be.

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    Hi gautam,
    I have just joined the forun and this is my first post.
    I am also currently preparing for the OCA exam 1Z0-007.
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    Oracle9i Database: Fundamentals I (#1Z0-031)
    =====you get an OCA=====
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    PL/SQL Release - Production
    "CORE     Production"
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    NLSRTL Version - Production
    Please find the code below:
    create or replace
    procedure p_varray_test
    type t_va_emp_group_sal is varray(10) of number(9);
    type t_2d_VA is varray(2) of t_va_emp_group_sal;
    L2DVAv_test t_2d_VA := t_2d_VA(t_va_emp_group_sal(11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19));
    L2DVAv_test(2)(1) := 21;
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    please help me with this issue.
    Now if I modify the code something like this:
    create or replace
    procedure p_varray_test
    type t_va_emp_group_sal is varray(10) of number(9);
    type t_2d_VA is varray(2) of t_va_emp_group_sal;
    L2DVAv_test t_2d_VA := t_2d_VA(t_va_emp_group_sal(11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19),t_va_emp_group_sal(11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19));
    L2DVAv_test(2)(1) := 21;
    this code is perfectly working fine for me but I want to understand why am i getting the error above.

    Let's start with your second (working) example first:
    L2DVAv_test t_2d_VA := t_2d_VA(t_va_emp_group_sal(11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19),t_va_emp_group_sal(11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19));Now you have an "outer" varray initialized with two elements. Each of those two elements are initialized with an "inner" varray each with 9 elements.
    L2DVAv_test.extend;The "outer" varray has now been extended with a third element. That third element is as yet not initialized.
    L2DVAv_test(2)(1) := 21;The value of first element of the "inner" varray in the second element of the "outer" varray is changed to 21.
    So "11" in your second t_va_emp_group_sal expression is changed to 21.
    Now your first example:
    L2DVAv_test t_2d_VA := t_2d_VA(t_va_emp_group_sal(11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19));Now you have an "outer" varray initialized with one element. That single element is initialized with an "inner" varray each with 9 elements.
    L2DVAv_test.extend;The "outer" varray has now been extended with a second element. That second element is as yet not initialized.
    L2DVAv_test(2)(1) := 21;L2DVAv_test(2) will get you the second element of the "outer" varray.
    But that element is not yet initialized, so you cannot reference "the first element of the inner varray" here.
    But this should work after your extend:
    L2DVAv_test(2) := t_va_emp_group_sal(21);Now you are initializing an "inner" varray with one element and assigning that newly initialized varray to become the second element of the "outer" varray.

  • Doubt in plsql

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    Argument Name Type In/Out Default?
    Argument Name Type In/Out Default?
    --------------------------------------------- P_TEMPLATE_ID NUMBER IN
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    SQL> @show_unstructured_preview
    SP2-0310: unable to open file "show_unstructured_preview.sql"
    SQL>show procedure <procedurename>
    unknown SHOW option "procedure"
    unknown SHOW option beginning "_unstructured
    how do i solve this problem
    kindly help me
    thanks in advance

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    Argument Name Type In/Out Default?
    Argument Name Type In/Out Default?
    --------------------------------------------- P_TEMPLATE_ID NUMBER IN
    now the problem is i want to view the contents of the procedure SHOW_UNSTRUCTURED_PREVIEW which is a part of the above table...
    when i try executing the procedure it's not
    how do i do this

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    i have a doubt in plsql performnace, i have been using many GTT in my project now, i feel to remove all GTT's intead of i plan to introduce collections.
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    Memory usage depends mainly on WHAT is processed, and partly by WHICH means it is processed.
    So if you process a lot of data, it possible to lead nearly every report to dump.
    Your information is much to poor to say more.

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    But am unable to catch the exception in the exception block. Am writing an erroeneous code so that the control will go to exception block and there is also one plsql error, but am unable to handle that error, it's returning the error to the calling environment.
    cnt NUMBER(5):=0;
    select 'debalina' INTO cnt from dual;
    WHEN invalid_number THEN
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('error has occured inside begin block');
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('error has occured inside begin block');
    please suggest me how to catch this exception?

    cnt NUMBER(5):=0;
    select 'debalina' INTO cnt from dual;
    WHEN invalid_number THEN
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('error has occured inside begin block');
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('error has occured inside begin block');
    First of all your namee exception which you have posted i.e invalid_number itself is wrong.
    You need to use named exception VALUE_ERROR for catching the exception in the main block.
      2  cnt NUMBER(5):=0;
      3  BEGIN
      4  select 'debalina' INTO cnt from dual;
      5  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(to_char(cnt));
      6  EXCEPTION
      7  WHEN Invalid_number THEN
      8  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('error has occured inside main block');
      9  end;
    10  /
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error
    ORA-06512: at line 4
      2   cnt NUMBER(5):=0;
      3  BEGIN
      4  select 'debalina' INTO cnt from dual;
      5  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(to_char(cnt));
      6  EXCEPTION
      8  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('error has occured inside main block');
      9  end;
    10  /
    error has occured inside main block
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.Your doubt regarding catching the exception in exception block, you can execute as below, by nesting a Begin block inside the exception block itself.
      2  cnt NUMBER(35):=0;
      3  BEGIN
      4  select 'debalina' INTO cnt from dual;
      5  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(to_char(cnt));
      6  EXCEPTION
      7  WHEN Value_error THEN
      8  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('error has occured inside main block');
      9  Begin
    10  cnt:='deba';
    11  Exception
    13  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('error has occured inside exception block');
    14  End;
    15  END;
    16  /
    error has occured inside main block
    error has occured inside exception block
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.Hope your doubt is clear.

  • Clarification needed in calling synchronous bpel process from plsql

    Hello all,
    I am trying to a bpel from the plsql function as given in the folowing link:
    I have a doubt that, what is: p_DefaultDetail ?
    and what is XMLTRANSFORM method here is used for?
    I am getting an error that XMLTRANSFORM is not detected.
    can any one provide some pointers to get it resolved.

    If you install the database you also have the option to install optional components. One of these is the xmldb (or some support for it in the database , dunno how to call it).
    So i guess you need to install this extra component and you're there (assuming Marc his reply on the question where to find the xmltransform function is correct :))

  • PLSQL Interview Questions

    I recently faced an interview below are some of the questions I was unable to answer confidently.
    Please can you answer these:
    1. In an Explain plan, what does the columns "Time" and "Rows" suggest? Is it the actual time the query should take and the actual number of rows it should return? Or something else?
    2. I have a Select, Insert, Update and Delete grants on a table. Which of these I can do:
    a. Create a trigger for (Insert or Update or delete) on that table.
    b. Create a trigger on view of that tabe.
    3. There are 2 triggers on a table (before Insert on that table). The only difference between 2 triggers is - one is row level, other is statement level.
    Now If i try to insert data in that table, which of these triggers will be fired?
    4. I have a table with 90 million records. I want to delete some 60 million records randomly. What is the most efficient way to do this? [Can use PLSQL as well]

    first Thanks you for your reply
    1. You do not explain what CTAS means, Hoek does. For anyone that is unfamiliar with that acronym they won't be able to understand what you mean. And if someone does know what CTAS means they may still not know how creating a new table will result in data being deleted from the original table.yes i does not explain, because Hoek already explained and i do not fit sochel
    2. You stated 'ctas method will be best' almost as if it were a fact and there couldn't be any doubt about it. Hoek hinted that there might be another way that 'could' be faster. Many things Oracle are not so cut & dried and often part of the answer will be 'it depends'. All anyone needs to do is find ONE exception to the rule to disapprove it.yes you are right, I just did not put it quite clear
    3. You do not provide ANY explanation as to how a CTAS solution, which creates a new table, would end up DELETING data in the orginal table as OP asked. Hoek provided two links to an authoritive source that provides an explanation and example. in the topic was not a specific question about how to remove data from a large table, I just gave direction, sometimes the for topic creators , that it is always better to seek and find ownself to be more useful than giving an ready answer
    I'm only saying the above to make a point to try to help you provide even better, and more complete, answers in the future. Thank you
    People that are familiar with CTAS and have used it to effect a DELETE of rows from a table (including yourself) will understand what you probably meant just because you said 'CTAS'.
    But your answer won't be much help to anyone else. They will need to search 'CTAS' on the net. And that alone won't help them get an understanding of the many other issues that need to be taken into account if you choose to use ctas to effect a delete by actually using the new table that you create:
    1. the data may wind up in a different tablespace
    2. the resulting table may not wind up being identical to the original table
    3. issues with constraints on the existing table that either can't be created on the new table or can't be created with the same name
    4. issues with grants on the existing table that will need to be recreated on the new table
    5. issues with code references on the existing table - that code will be invalid if the existing table is dropped and will need to be recompiled if the new table is renamed to use the original name.
    For some use cases the effects of one or more of those issues above will outweigh the speed improvements that CTAS might provide.Again, I believe that, in such matters is always better to redirect people than explain all things, because when people searching and finding own problem ownself, he/she will understand solution better than we explain him/her.
    Thanks again

  • How can i connect a printer through PLSQL for taking printouts

    I want to take a printout of the specified file through PLSQL. Pls give u'r idea.

    Dear Suresh
    Can you please be specific about your doubt.
    What kind of file you want to take a printout. you mean to say any script file or the output of a select statement or something else.
    please state clearly what is your requirement
    Prakash Eranki

  • Interpretting HASH_MAP to PLSQL

    Hello All,
    My oracle version in on a solaris V880 machine.
    Our Application Java SDK is 1.4.
    I am trying to pass in a series of XML (considerably huge for XML type column) from java application plsql which stores them into an oracle table with column as external BLOB. Since the contents are so heavy for each objects , using XMLTYPE column is not feasible.
    The xml files comes as either java hash_map or string which i have to pass as parameter to an Oracle stored procedure which stores as external BLOB in OS through a table.
    My first doubt is this the correct approach.
    My second doubt here is how to interpret java hash_map object within PLSQL when it is passed to it.
    Apologies if the question is silly since i am a new comer to java.
    Thanks in advance ,
    Vijay G

    Is it possible to just get the file name "reaper"from it instead of reaper.txtActually, I ran a test, and
         System.out.println(  "file name portion == " + ( f.getName().split( "\\." ) )[ 0 ] );works also:
    This has the same effect as:
         String fileName = f.getName();
         String splitFileName[] = fileName.split( "\\." );
         System.out.println(  "file name portion == " + splitFileName[ 0 ] );Now that I think about it, the second form is more easily understood. There is really no reason to do it the first way. Just interesting to note that you can.

  • Plsql code to insert data in table

    I want to write a procedure in such a way that
    insert into IMDMMANUFACTURER_dummy table from IMDMMANUFACTURER_VM
    insert into IMDMMANUFACTURER_dummy table from IMDMMANUFACTURER table
    how I write the code in plsql?
    Thanks in adv

    Hi Blu
    i accept there is a declaration error there.. but Blu.. it had worked for me... then one
    doubt , why we have to use Dynamic SQL for a DML statement even after knowing all the parameters of the
    Pl correct me if my perspective is wrong
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon Sep 15 20:06:10 2008
    (c) Copyright 2001 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    Connected to:
    Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning option
    JServer Release - Production
    SQL> select table_name
      2  from all_tables
      3  where table_name like 'emp_aasi%';
    no rows selected
    SQL> desc test1;
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    A                                                  VARCHAR2(4)
    B                                                  NUMBER(2)
    SQL> select * from test1;
    no rows selected
      2  v_count NUMBER;
      3  BEGIN
      4  v_count :=0;
      6  SELECT COUNT(1) INTO v_count
      7  FROM All_Tables
      8  WHERE table_name='emp_aasign';
    10  IF v_count > 1 THEN
    11  INSERT INTO test1 ( SELECT '1', '2' FROM dual);
    12  ELSE
    13  INSERT INTO test1 ( SELECT '3', '4' FROM dual);
    14  END IF;
    15  END;
    16  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> select * from test1;
    A             B
    3             4

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