PLSQL Error  Database: 11g


Using xhost command is really old fashioned and pretty much obsolete. Why are you using this command?
If you are sitting at the servers console and need to run a GUI program like the Oracle Installer using the oracle account, the following will do the trick:
ssh -X oracle@localhostWhen using the above command make sure you do NOT set a DISPLAY variable or have one in your login script - SSH takes care of it. You also do not need the xhost command.
For further troubleshooting post your OS version and describe what you are trying to accomplish.

Similar Messages

  • Ora-00600: internal error on 11g database in windows 2007 environment

    Hello , i have these problems please help me to solve it.
    Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
    Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    C:\Windows\system32>emctl status dbconsole
    Environment variable ORACLE_SID not defined. Please define it.
    C:\Windows\system32>set ORACLE_SID=testsid
    C:\Windows\system32>emctl status dbconsole
    Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Database Control Release
    Copyright (c) 1996, 2007 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g is not running.
    Logs are generated in directory C:\app\23333941\product\11.1.0\db_3/local_testsid/sysman/log
    C:\Windows\system32>sqlplus sys/@**** as sysdba
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Jul 5 09:27:37 2013
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Use SQL*Plus to execute SQL, PL/SQL and SQL*Plus statements.
    Usage 1: sqlplus -H | -V
        -H             Displays the SQL*Plus version and the
                       usage help.
        -V             Displays the SQL*Plus version.
    Usage 2: sqlplus [ [<option>] [<logon>] [<start>] ]
      <option> is: [-C <version>] [-L] [-M "<options>"] [-R <level>] [-S]
        -C <version>   Sets the compatibility of affected commands to the
                       version specified by <version>.  The version has
                       the form "x.y[.z]".  For example, -C 10.2.0
        -F             Enables the failover mode for a RAC environment.
        -L             Attempts to log on just once, instead of
                       reprompting on error.
        -M "<options>" Sets automatic HTML markup of output.  The options
                       have the form:
                       HTML [ON|OFF] [HEAD text] [BODY text] [TABLE text]
                       [ENTMAP {ON|OFF}] [SPOOL {ON|OFF}] [PRE[FORMAT] {ON|OFF}]
        -R <level>     Sets restricted mode to disable SQL*Plus commands
                       that interact with the file system.  The level can
                       be 1, 2 or 3.  The most restrictive is -R 3 which
                       disables all user commands interacting with the
                       file system.
        -S             Sets silent mode which suppresses the display of
                       the SQL*Plus banner, prompts, and echoing of
      <logon> is: (<username>[/<password>][@<connect_identifier>] | /)
                  [AS SYSDBA | AS SYSOPER | AS SYSASM] | /NOLOG | [EDITION=value]
        Specifies the database account username, password and connect
        identifier for the database connection.  Without a connect
        identifier, SQL*Plus connects to the default database.
        The AS SYSDBA, AS SYSOPER and AS SYSASM  options are database
        administration privileges.
        <connect_identifier> can be in the form of Net Service Name
        or Easy Connect.
          @[<net_service_name> | [//]Host[:Port]/<service_name>]
            <net_service_name> is a simple name for a service that resolves
            to a connect descriptor.
            Example: Connect to database using Net Service Name and the
                     database net service name is ORCL.
               sqlplus myusername/mypassword@ORCL
            Host specifies the host name or IP address of the database
            server computer.
            Port specifies the listening port on the database server.
            <service_name> specifies the service name of the database you
            want to access.
            Example: Connect to database using Easy Connect and the
                     Service name is ORCL.
               sqlplus myusername/mypassword@Host/ORCL
        The /NOLOG option starts SQL*Plus without connecting to a
        The EDITION specifies the value for Application
      <start> is: @<URL>|<filename>[.<ext>] [<parameter> ...]
        Runs the specified SQL*Plus script from a web server (URL) or the
        local file system (filename.ext) with specified parameters that
        will be assigned to substitution variables in the script.
    When SQL*Plus starts, and after CONNECT commands, the site profile
    (e.g. $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/admin/glogin.sql) and the user profile
    (e.g. login.sql in the working directory) are run.  The files may
    contain SQL*Plus commands.
    Refer to the SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference for more information.
    C:\Windows\system32>sqlplus sys/1118@testsid as sysdba
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Jul 5 09:29:03 2013
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
    Enter user-name: sysdba
    Enter password:
    ORA-01033: ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress
    Process ID: 0
    Session ID: 0 Serial number: 0
    Enter user-name: sys
    Enter password:
    ORA-01033: ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress
    Process ID: 0
    Session ID: 0 Serial number: 0
    SP2-0157: unable to CONNECT to ORACLE after 3 attempts, exiting SQL*Plus
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Jul 5 09:32:59 2013
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    SQL> connect/as sysdba
    SQL> create table test(id number, id1 number);
    create table test(id number, id1 number)
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01109: database not open
    SQL> select status from v$instance;
    SQL> alter database open;
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kcrfr_update_nab_2], [0x51434A54],
    [2], [], [], [], [], []
    SQL> exit
    Disconnected from Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    C:\Windows\system32>startup mount
    'startup' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Jul 5 10:05:42 2013
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    SQL> connect/as sysdba
    SQL> startup mount;
    ORA-01081: cannot start already-running ORACLE - shut it down first
    SQL> recover database;
    Media recovery complete.
    SQL> select GROUP#,SEQUENCE#,ARCHIVED,STATUS from v$log order by SEQUENCE#;
             2        539 NO  INACTIVE
             3        540 NO  ACTIVE
             1        541 NO  CURRENT
    SQL> recover database;
    ORA-00283: recovery session canceled due to errors
    ORA-00264: no recovery required
    SQL> exit
    Disconnected from Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Jul 5 10:17:10 2013
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    SQL> connect / as sysdba
    SQL> startup mount
    ORA-01081: cannot start already-running ORACLE - shut it down first
    SQL> shutdown immediate;
    ORA-01109: database not open
    Database dismounted.
    ORACLE instance shut down.
    SQL> startup;
    ORACLE instance started.
    Total System Global Area  313860096 bytes
    Fixed Size                  1332892 bytes
    Variable Size             276826468 bytes
    Database Buffers           29360128 bytes
    Redo Buffers                6340608 bytes
    Database mounted.
    Database opened.
    SQL> recover database;
    ORA-00283: recovery session canceled due to errors
    ORA-01124: cannot recover data file 1 - file is in use or recovery
    ORA-01110: data file 1:
    SQL> select GROUP#,SEQUENCE#,ARCHIVED,STATUS from v$log order by SEQUENCE#;
             3        540 NO  INACTIVE
             1        541 NO  INACTIVE
             2        542 NO  CURRENT
    SQL> restore database;
    SP2-0734: unknown command beginning "restore da..." - rest of line ignored.
    SQL> recover database;
    ORA-00283: recovery session canceled due to errors
    ORA-01124: cannot recover data file 1 - file is in use or recovery
    ORA-01110: data file 1:
    Thanks with regards Ganaa;

    What happened prior that resulted in the disaster scenario that you posted/
    When was the last time the DB opened with out error?
    What changed since then?

  • Error while opening Oracle Database 11g Express Edition after installation.

    After finishing the installation of Oracle database 11g Express Edition, when I tried to open it, it shows following error : windows cannot find ``.Make sure you typed the name coorectly, and then try again.
    What the above error means? I followed the installation steps as given in the link.

    Follow thread may help you.
    <<Newbie on running Oracle 11g - Windows cannot find http:something

  • Hyperion errors after installing Oracle Database 11G

    The company I work for has a bunch of Oracle databases available, two which I connect to (use to connect to). I have multiple applications that I use to connect to these databases, Hyperion Interactive Reporting Studio 9.3.1 being one of them. I'm using Windows XP as my client.
    I made the mistake of installing Oracle Database 11G Express Edition and now I cannot connect to any of the database using my applications, but I can connect to the same databases using SQL Developer. When I try connectiing using Hyperion, I get "SQL NATIVE ERROR [12504] SQL MESSAGE [[INTERSOLV][ODBC ORACLE 8 DRIVER][ORACLE 8][ORA-12504; TNS LISTERNER WAS NOT GIVEN THE SERVICE_NAME IN CONNECT DATA".
    When connectiing using other company applications, which use the same database, i get "IM006: [INTERSOLV][ODBC ORACLE 8 DRIVER] DRIVERS SQLSETCONNECTATTRFAILED. UNABLE TO CONNECT TO DATABASE. CHECK USER NAME AND PASSWORD AND TRY AGAIN"
    I'm assuming that I updated a driver or registry setting and I need to know how to reverse . I also copied a tnsnames and listerner from an associates computer and placed it in the same location on my computer, but this has not helped at all, even after rebooting the computer.
    I even double checked and logged onto anothe computer and I can connect to the database using these same applications, so I definetly messed something up locally on my computer.
    Any help is appreciated. Joe.

    Probably you could solve odbc driver issues by removing the PATH entry from XE installation.
    It looks something like:
    Path=C:\oracle\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\server\bin;<remaining paths>
    In system variabels settings, edit PATH to remove the "oraclexe" path and semicolon, leaving only <remaining paths>.
    However, removing it will likely have an affect on XE usage. But that may be preferred over other apps working.
    Edited by: orafad on Oct 12, 2011 2:55 PM

  • SQL Developer Oracle Database 11g XE error

    I'm trying to create a new connection in SQL Developer Version to Oracle Database 11g XE but I keep on encountering the error "Status : Failure -Test failed: IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection".
    I type the commands below in command prompt.
    lsnrctl stop
    lsnrctl start
    lsnrctl status
    lsnrctl service
    Below are the results in Command Prompt:
    C:\Users\paul.john.s.calzado>lsnrctl stop
    LSNRCTL for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 05-APR-2013 17:58
    Copyright (c) 1991, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    TNS-12541: TNS:no listener
    TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
    TNS-00511: No listener
    32-bit Windows Error: 2: No such file or directory
    Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=MW74Q2YZ4X4F09.dir.svc.a
    TNS-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist
    TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
    TNS-00515: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist
    32-bit Windows Error: 1004: Unknown error
    C:\Users\paul.john.s.calzado>lsnrctl start
    LSNRCTL for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 05-APR-2013 17:58
    Copyright (c) 1991, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Starting tnslsnr: please wait...
    TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
    TNS-00530: Protocol adapter error
    C:\Users\paul.john.s.calzado>lsnrctl status
    LSNRCTL for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 05-APR-2013 17:59
    Copyright (c) 1991, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    TNS-12541: TNS:no listener
    TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
    TNS-00511: No listener
    32-bit Windows Error: 2: No such file or directory
    Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=MW74Q2YZ4X4F09.dir.svc.a
    TNS-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist
    TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
    TNS-00515: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist
    32-bit Windows Error: 1004: Unknown error
    C:\Users\paul.john.s.calzado>lsnrctl service
    LSNRCTL for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 05-APR-2013 17:59
    Copyright (c) 1991, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    TNS-12541: TNS:no listener
    TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
    TNS-00511: No listener
    32-bit Windows Error: 2: No such file or directory
    Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=MW74Q2YZ4X4F09.dir.svc.a
    TNS-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist
    TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
    TNS-00515: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist
    32-bit Windows Error: 1004: Unknown error
    CommonProgramFiles=C:\Program Files\Common Files
    CommonProgramFiles(x86)=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
    CommonProgramW6432=C:\Program Files\Common Files
    PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=Intel64 Family 6 Model 37 Stepping 2, GenuineIntel
    ProgramFiles=C:\Program Files
    ProgramFiles(x86)=C:\Program Files (x86)
    ProgramW6432=C:\Program Files
    Below is the ping results as well:
    C:\Users\paul.john.s.calzado>ping localhost
    Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
    Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
    Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
    Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
    Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
    Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms
    C:\Users\paul.john.s.calzado>tnsping localhost
    TNS Ping Utility for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 05-APR-2
    013 18:07:46
    Copyright (c) 1997, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Used parameter files:
    Used HOSTNAME adapter to resolve the alias
    TNS-12541: TNS:no listener

    JP wrote:
    I type the commands below in command prompt.Use the View local services control panel to start the XETNSListener service, if command line is not working for you.
    lsnrctl stop
    lsnrctl startThose two cmmands, on any recent Win variants, needs a elevated privs command prompt i.e started with Run as administrator...
    to avoid below error.
    C:\Users\paul.john.s.calzado>lsnrctl start
    Starting tnslsnr: please wait...
    TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
    TNS-00530: Protocol adapter error
    Used HOSTNAME adapter to resolve the alias
    TNS-12541: TNS:no listenerAs long as you have "no listener", you can't expect to connect from SQL Developer or any other client.

  • Oracle Database 11g Installation Issue: ORA-12560:TNS: protocol adapter error.

    Hello. Initially, my Windows XP host name is "localhost" and IP address
    I installed Oracle Database 11g with Windows XP successfully and all Database clients work with Database instance correctly.
    For some reasons, I uninstalled the entire Database Server and delete the entire installation directory /oracle.
    I configured Windows XP IP address into in order to ping other machines.
    For my need, I installed Oracle Database 11g with Windows XP again. On step 7 of 8: Oracle Database Configuration Assistant, I got this error:
    ORA-12560:TNS: protocol adapter error.
    I click "Password Management" button, there are no rows in this Windows (no username, no lock accounts).
    I check listener as below:
    Its output: listener name LISTENER has already been started.
    Its output: ......Service DB1 has 1 instance. Instance DB1 status ready. The command completed successfully.
    I check \Oracle\cfgtoollogs\dbca\DB1\trace file, the entry is :
    listen[0]=LISTENER address=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=localhost)(port=1522))
    I also check \oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\NETWORK\ADMIN\SAMPLE\tnsnames.ora file and listener.ora file, the entries are the same as below
    HOST=localhost  port=1522
    I think HOST=localhost and port=1522 is the cause of the error ORA-12560 because Windows XP has been configured into HOST=
    But I don't understand how to solve this issue.
    Can any folk tell me how to solve this issue ? need to cancel the installation on step 7 of 8 and install it again ?

    Hello. Oracle Database 11g Installation Wizard is on step 7 of 8. I don't cancel the Wizard. I am not sure whether there is effect or not. listener.ora is not removed. I have been waiting for a while after stop listener.  I run the 3 commands again and copy the result as below:
    C:\>lsnrctl stop
    LSNRCTL for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production on 14-AUG-2013 19:32
    Copyright (c) 1991, 2010, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    TNS-12541: TNS:no listener
    TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
      TNS-00511: No listener
       64-bit Windows Error: 2: No such file or directory
    Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=localhost)(PORT=1522)))
    TNS-12541: TNS:no listener
    TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
      TNS-00511: No listener
       64-bit Windows Error: 61: Unknown error
    C:\>lsnrctl start
    LSNRCTL for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production on 14-AUG-2013 19:33
    Copyright (c) 1991, 2010, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Starting tnslsnr: please wait...
    TNSLSNR for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production
    System parameter file is C:\SecondTime_OracleDatabase_Install_Directory\product\
    Log messages written to c:\secondtime_oracledatabase_install_directory\diag\tnsl
    Listening on: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=ipc)(PIPENAME=\\.\pipe\EXTPROC1522
    Alias                     LISTENER
    Version                   TNSLSNR for 64-bit Windows: Version - Produ
    Start Date                14-AUG-2013 19:33:07
    Uptime                    0 days 0 hr. 0 min. 3 sec
    Trace Level               off
    Security                  ON: Local OS Authentication
    SNMP                      OFF
    Listener Parameter File   C:\SecondTime_OracleDatabase_Install_Directory\product
    Listener Log File         c:\secondtime_oracledatabase_install_directory\diag\tn
    Listening Endpoints Summary...
    Services Summary...
    Service "CLRExtProc" has 1 instance(s).
      Instance "CLRExtProc", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    The command completed successfully
    C:\>lsnrctl service
    LSNRCTL for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production on 14-AUG-2013 19:36
    Copyright (c) 1991, 2010, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Services Summary...
    Service "CLRExtProc" has 1 instance(s).
      Instance "CLRExtProc", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
          "DEDICATED" established:0 refused:0
             LOCAL SERVER
    Service "DB1XDB" has 1 instance(s).
      Instance "DB1", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
          "D000" established:0 refused:0 current:0 max:1022 state:ready
             DISPATCHER <machine: user-19YYAR8X0D, pid: 120>
    Service "DB1" has 1 instance(s).
      Instance "DB1", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
          "DEDICATED" established:19 refused:0 state:ready
             LOCAL SERVER
    The command completed successfully
    As we see, listener.ora file is not removed by Stop command. I am on the installation Wizard. How to solve this issue ?

  • How to change  default unit on Database 11g

    Hi All
    I'm using Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release
    If I define my column:
    How can I change default unit BYTE to CHAR as the following
    Thanks alot

    I have set Database system with the following SQL:
    alter system set nls_length_semantics=char;
    alter session set nls_length_semantics=char;
    But, It does not match.
    And when I insert data, the following error occured.
    SQL> insert into binhtest values('初期化パ');
    ORA-12899: value too large for column string (actual: 12, maximum: 8)
    I've checked value of NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS, it is CHAR

  • OIM in oracle database 11g release 2

    I am installing IOM, using Oracle Database 11g release 2 but I have the following errors
    Failed to load XML. Unable to find record in UPA where USR_KEY = 1
    Failed to load XML. Unable to find record in GPA where UGP_KEY = 1
    I'm doing in Red Hat 5 x86-64

    The issue is not the WLS 10.3.2. We just had the same issue. The issue is the database 11gr2 is not supported. The highest supported DB is (11gr1). There is a sequence number problem in 11gr2 and there is no workaround for it. So, go to DB and the issue will be resolved. However, OIM is not supported on WLS 10.3.2 so, install and then install patch for and then install a patch BP05. This will bring it to WLS 10.3.2 and OIM BP05 and DB These are compatible.

  • I can't access Database 11g EE in the browser

    Hi Rajiv,
    Thanks for your contribution to find solution to my problem.
    In the first place I wanted to direct my problem to the forum that deals with Database 11g Enterprise Edition but I can't find it. Please if I am in a wrong place kindly direct me.
    Really I can't specify where the problem actually is. Probably if I give the installation procedure I went through and specified Error messages, one may be able to help me.
    Installation Option: - Create and configure database was selected
    System Class: -Sever Class was selected
    Install Product:-
    Oracle Database Installation= Succeeded
    · Prepare= Succeeded
    · Copy files= Succeeded
    · Setup files= Succeeded
    Oracle database configuration= Succeeded
    · Oracle Net Configuration Assistant=Succeeded
    · Oracle database configuration Assistant=Ignored
    · Oracle configuration Manager Configuration (optional)=Succeeded
    In the process of the Install Product the following Error messages displayed:
    1. File not found C:\app\godis\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\oc4j\j2ee\oc4j_applications\applications\em.ear
    2. File not found C:\app\godis\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\oc4j\j2ee\oc4j_applications\applications\em\em.war
    3. File not found C:\app\godis\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\ctx\admin\
    4. File not found C:\app\godis\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\bin\db2gc
    5. File not found C:\app\godis\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\oc4j\oc4j_DBConsole\config\system-applications.xml
    6. File not found C:\app\godis\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\oc4j\oc4j_DBConsole\config\system-jazn-data.xml
    7. File not found C:\app\godis\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\oc4j\j2ee\oc4j_applications\applications\em.ear
    8. Template General_Purpose.dbc does not exist. Please specify an existing template for database creation> OK was selected
    9.[INS-20802] Oracle Database Configuration Assistant failed> skip was selected>Finish.
    I opened firefox browser and typed https://godis:1158/em (‘godis ‘as name of the laptop hosting the installation) but the following error message displayed in the browser:
    Unable to connect
    Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at godis:1158.
    The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few moments.
    If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network connection.
    If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.
    I clicked Start>All Programs>Oracle-db11g_home1>Configuration and Migration Tools>Database Configuration Assistant and followed screen instructions to configure orcl database but at the end of the configuration the following error displayed:-
    Enterprise Manager Configuration failed due to the following error:-
    Error instantiating OC4J Configuration files. Refer to the log file at C:\app\godis\cfgtoollogs\dbca\orcl\emConfig.log for more details. You can retry configuring this database with Enterprise Manager later by manually running C:\app\godis\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\bin\emca Script
    When I ran the emca.bat file it splashed without achieving any positive result
    I checked C:\app\godis\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\install\portlist configuration settings file but there is no port number enlisted in the file. It is totally empty
    I reinstalled and changed the System Class from Server Class to Desktop Class but the same experience
    I will appreciate if some can help me solve the problem since this is my first attempt on Enterprise Edition. I need the help of an expert

    >.[INS-20802] Oracle Database Configuration Assistant failed> skip was selected>Finish.
    I doubt that any database actually exists now.
    Are both Operating System Services for database & listener running now?
    what clues exist within alert_SID.log file?
    How do I ask a question on the forums?

  • NLS_LANG value that suits Forms 10G and Database 11G wanted !

    I can't believe how bad is to install Oracle Database and Oracle Forms on the same Windows Vista machine!
    I had a problem in Oracle Forms 10g that prevents many items in the Form Builder menu from appearing in English Language and also prevents anything in the web-based forms runtime from appearing in English. I searched the forum for a solution and found that I have to set a NLS_LANG value in the environment variables equal to the following: AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8MSWIN1256.
    I did this and my Forms builder looked great. Everything in english with no problems. But now what ?! The Oracle Database itself refused to connect from all clients! It refused to connect from Forms Builder, SQL Deeveloper, and even from SQL PLUS! The error given is: ORA-12705: Cannot access NLS data files or invalid environment specified.
    It seems that what I exactly need is a NLS_LANG value that will satisfy both Oracle Forms 10G and Oracle Database 11G that both are installed on the same Vista machine. The question is: What could this NLS_LANG value be?!
    Thank you in advance

    If you have connected to the database on which the form is based, prior to running the form from the Builder, the uname and password will automatically be passed in at startup and you will not be prompted.
    If you would rather hard code a username and password, enter it in formsweb.cfg. For example:
    Remember that this change will only impact runtime and have no effect on the Builder.

  • Can not Install Oracle Database 11g Release 2

    This will be my second time trying to install Oracle Database 11g Release 2 on my Computer. I have Windows 7 x64 and when go through the setup phase, I receive numerous errors stating that files are missing and it will never get past that stage. I downloaded both folders for the database:
    Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( for Microsoft Windows (x64) (1,213,501,989 bytes) (cksum - 3906682109) (1,007,988,954 bytes) (cksum - 1232608515)
    Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?

    Pl post the complete error message. Have you unzipped the two files into the same directory ?
    Oracle 11g R2 Windows Installation issue
    Re: 11g R2 install failure

  • How to install oracle database 11g express edition on Windows 7

    Hi Guys,
    i am trying to download and install Oracle database 11g express edition on windows7 and i can't seem to get it right. i did get the download but when i try to install, it keeps saying it appears to be an invalid archive.
    Please help..

    Action - Refer to the logs or contact OracleFinding the problem is the key. "Refer to the logs" is the only option, XE has no oracle support offerings.
    Which plugin failed, and why did it fail will be important clues. There should be error messages in the log that will be helpful.
    Otherwise, we don't have much help to offer. Fixing a problem means identifying the problem and performing steps to correct it, if there a fix is available.
    A MOS lookup on the ins-20802 error has snippets from one installer session, this one is from an x64 install. Not x86. To paraphrase the details:
    ... Created a new file <drive>:<OH path>\cfgtoollogs\configToolAllCommands
    SEVERE: Access is denied
    ...So from those symptoms, the user trying to run the installer does not have appropriate rights on that drive and/or folder. The fix for that particular problem is adding the user to the local administrators group. And rerunning the install. After running the deinstall steps to clean up the installation. As specified in the XE install guide for Windows.
    Also note the System Requirements, it specifies a System architecture Intel x86, which is not X64. There is no X64 installer for XE on Windows. So it might work. Or it might not if your host is x64.
    So if that is your particular error, verify that your user is in the local admins group. Either use the local users and groups applet (Start/Run/lusrmgr.msc) and open up the Administrators group. Click the Add button. Find your user. If your OS user is a windows domain user, be sure you have authenticated to the domain.
    Try the `net ...` list of the adminis group, that should reveal whom is indeed in the local administrators group:
    net localgroup administrators
    <domain>\Domain Admins ... # ??? is the host in windows domain ???
    <domain>\Local Admins
    echo %USERNAME%
    # if relevant:
    echo %USERDOMAIN%Like it also states in the Windows install guide, under Permission Required quote:
    ... must be a member of the Administrators group on Windows to install Oracle Database XE.

  • Oracle Database 11g: SQL Fundamentals I 1Z0-051 Question

    i bought the OCA Oracle Database 11g: SQL Fundamentals I Exam Guide (Exam 1Z0-051) and i am not sure do i have to read the whole book ! or just go through the exam objectives table ? because the book covers lots of topics that's not in the exam and i am kind of tight on time if any one had the book or used it pls help
    To make it more clear i have a table in the book that shows each exam topic with page number next to it Like this:
    Restricting and Sorting Data
    [ ]      Limit the rows that are retrieved by a query Pg:104
    [ ]      Sort the rows that are retrieved by a query Pg:136
    [ ]      Use ampersand substitution to restrict and sort output at runtime
    Using Single-Row Functions to Customize Output
    [ ]      Describe various types of functions available in SQL Pg:170
    [ ]      Use character, number, and date functions in SELECT statements Pg:177
    Edited by: user7804566 on 01-Mar-2009 02:00

    Yes indeed. Practice at work (and elsewhere) is the best way to learn and ro reinforce learning.
    However, the more you read, the more you will be exposed to ideas and variations. Eventually you will find that many of the books have errors in various places. You will be winning when you are able to read and identify the errors AND explain why they are errors.
    The way your original question was written implied that you were after the minimum effort to pass an exam. Your last reply implies a different, and better, attitude.
    My suggestion therefore is to concentrate on the actual examples, but as quickly as possible expand to areas of interest. Explore as much as you possibly can, but make it a 'learning exploration' byut asking yourself questions and then investigating what the answer is.
    Also note that in Oracle nearly every answer has an exception. The best of the best know this and try very hard to understand when things go according to plan and when (and why) expections occur.

  • Oracle Report Hang with error on 11g.

    Dear Team,
    I have following setup:-
    We are using oracle database 11g R2
    Oracle Forms & reports : 11.1.2
    O.S : Windows 7 Professional
    When I log in to forms, I am able to log in successfully, after that when i run the report from forms 11g, i receive the below error in web logic server.
    <Alert> <Diagnostics> <BEA-320016> <Creating diagnostic image in d:\oracle\middleware\user_projects\domains\classicdomain\servers\adminserver\adr\diag\ofm\classicdomain\adminserver\incident\incdir_27 with a lockout minute period of 1>
    Reports were running fine till today, but only recently i made one change in rwserver.conf, i changed maxengine = 2 there.
    Secondly I setup xampp apache server and gave a path in windows folder to instantclient for successfully connecting with php.
    Please let me know is the error coming because of the 2 changes or either of the changes. Or else, please let me know any workaround to avoid this error.
    Thank you in advance.

    Thanks Roberto for your reply.
    Now Reports were running fine, I removed xampp apache server path from windows folder and put same path at the end of oracle configuration path separated by semicolon.
    whenever I made some changes in configuration file weblogic server hangs up and it doesn't allow to run report on web while in report builder it works fine.
    What is the reason behind it, is there any permenent solution to this problem.

  • Is Oracle Expert tool still used in Oracle database 11g?

    Is Oracle Expert tool still used in Oracle database 11g?

    !exp help=yes
    Export: Release - Production on Sat May 8 08:17:06 2010
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.
    You can let Export prompt you for parameters by entering the EXP
    command followed by your username/password:
         Example: EXP SCOTT/TIGER
    Or, you can control how Export runs by entering the EXP command followed
    by various arguments. To specify parameters, you use keywords:
         Format:  EXP KEYWORD=value or KEYWORD=(value1,value2,...,valueN)
                   or TABLES=(T1:P1,T1:P2), if T1 is partitioned table
    USERID must be the first parameter on the command line.
    Keyword    Description (Default)      Keyword      Description (Default)
    USERID     username/password          FULL         export entire file (N)
    BUFFER     size of data buffer        OWNER        list of owner usernames
    FILE       output files (EXPDAT.DMP)  TABLES       list of table names
    COMPRESS   import into one extent (Y) RECORDLENGTH length of IO record
    GRANTS     export grants (Y)          INCTYPE      incremental export type
    INDEXES    export indexes (Y)         RECORD       track incr. export (Y)
    DIRECT     direct path (N)            TRIGGERS     export triggers (Y)
    LOG        log file of screen output  STATISTICS   analyze objects (ESTIMATE)
    ROWS       export data rows (Y)       PARFILE      parameter filename
    CONSISTENT cross-table consistency(N) CONSTRAINTS  export constraints (Y)
    OBJECT_CONSISTENT    transaction set to read only during object export (N)
    FEEDBACK             display progress every x rows (0)
    FILESIZE             maximum size of each dump file
    FLASHBACK_SCN        SCN used to set session snapshot back to
    FLASHBACK_TIME       time used to get the SCN closest to the specified time
    QUERY                select clause used to export a subset of a table
    RESUMABLE            suspend when a space related error is encountered(N)
    RESUMABLE_NAME       text string used to identify resumable statement
    TTS_FULL_CHECK       perform full or partial dependency check for TTS
    VOLSIZE              number of bytes to write to each tape volume
    TABLESPACES          list of tablespaces to export
    TRANSPORT_TABLESPACE export transportable tablespace metadata (N)
    TEMPLATE             template name which invokes iAS mode export
    Export terminated successfully without warnings.

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