Plsql_optimize_level parameter

Dear all,
11.2 on linux.
We need to disable this parameter as it is deprecated. the db was using a spfile, I created pfile out of this spfile and removed this parameter from the initfile.
but, when I startup with this pfile, it is still showing the parameter value as 2.
How to proceed ?

Thanks Amn, but I started the db using pfile
SQL> startup pfile=initVIS.ora
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 1573527552 bytes
Fixed Size 1336764 bytes
Variable Size 587205188 bytes
Database Buffers 973078528 bytes
Redo Buffers 11907072 bytes
Database mounted.
Database opened.
SQL> show parameter plsql
plsql_ccflags string
plsql_code_type string INTERPRETED
plsql_debug boolean FALSE
plsql_optimize_level integer 2
plsql_v2_compatibility boolean FALSE
plsql_warnings string DISABLE:ALL
SQL> show parameter pfile
spfile string

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    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    "CORE     Production"
    TNS for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
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    I think I found the problem. When I use SQL*PLUS it works fine. However, when I use SQL DEVELOPER it doesn't work.
    Then you might want to cross-post in the sql developer forum.
    SQL Developer
    Post the full sql developer version you are using and provide links to your two threads in this forum.
    There could be a bug in sql developer that the team needs to be aware of and the Oracle developers monitor that forum.

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    Some of the info below is from this link -->
    This result may be due to the automatic bulking of fetches in PL/SQL, as noted by the plsql_optimize_level parameter. Steve Feuerstein notes the values for plsql_optimize_level below.
    · 2 Most aggressive, maximum possible code transformations, biggest impact on compile time. [default]
    · 1 Smaller scale change, less impact on compile times
    · 0 Pre-10g compilation without optimization
    Setting plsql_optimize_level=2 (the default) will often replace cursor for loops (CFL) to the faster bulk collect. Feuerstein offers the following advice on this PL/SQL transformation with plsql_optimize_level:
    Ques :
    1. Is the set plsql_optimize only for 10g ( i am currently using 9i)
    2. where can i go to see this parameter if it also for 9i (i.e from which table/ dynamic view)
    3. when it says choosing 2 will have the biggest impact on compile time , i presume it'll go faster ?
    tks & rdgs

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    SP2-0809: Package altered with compilation warnings
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    Errors for PACKAGE TESTIT:
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    0/0        PLW-06015: parameter PLSQL_DEBUG is deprecated; use PLSQL_OPTIMIZE_LEVEL = 1So far so good. But then the issue goes away when I recompile.
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    Package altered.
    SQL> show errors package testit;
    No errors.I tried setting PLSQL_DBUG at the session level, but still no warnings:
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    Session altered.
    SQL> alter package testit compile;
    Package altered.
    SQL> show errors package testit;
    No errors.Wondering what I'm missing - perhaps some session or package-level setting that retains the compilation parameter?
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    WITH MEMBER [Measures].[ParameterCaption] AS [Department].[Department].CURRENTMEMBER.MEMBER_CAPTION MEMBER
    [Measures].[ParameterValue] AS
    [Department].[Department].CURRENTMEMBER.UNIQUENAME MEMBER [Measures].[ParameterLevel] AS
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    ( SELECT ( STRTOSET(@DepartmentDepartment, CONSTRAINED) )
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    STRTOSET(@DepartmentDepartment, CONSTRAINED), [Department].[Department].currentmember ) )

    I can see there just one parameter @Department@Department in your script. But if you had two parameters that should return resultset affected by two parameters. You can do it as either select from subselect from subselect.
    Example 1
    {x} ON COLUMNS,
    Or crossjoin between 2 parameters
    {x} ON COLUMNS,
    (SELECT StrToSet(@Param1)*StrToSet(@Param2) ON COLUMNS FROM
    Jiri Neoral

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    Best regards,

    There are no Export or Print events accessible for the viewer
    Since it sounds like you are creating the reportdocument object in your click event, the settings on this object become out of scope on successive postbacks executed by other events.
    to get around this without major changes, you can place your "report" object in session in this event and retrieve it from session on successive postbacks.  This should solve your problems around navigation, printing and exporting.  What you will need to do is check if the session object exists (usually in page_load or page_initialze) and if so, retrieve it from session and bind it to the viewer's reportsource.  If the session object does not exist, then do nothing (ie you have not clicked your button yet that retrieves the parameter values from session and loads the report).  Also, in your click event you can check if the report session object exists and if so, remove it so that it can be re-created with your new parameter values (ie i'm assuming the only time you want to set parameter values is in this event).

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    Please help me regarding.
    i'm using following block for calling the procedure.
    err_cd varchar2(1000);
    err_txt VARCHAR2(5000);
    no_of_recs number;
    out_sign_tab search_sign_tab_type:=search_sign_tab_type(search_sign_type(NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL));
    cntr_var number:=0;
         dbms_output.put_line('The error is ' ||err_cd);
         dbms_output.put_line('The error is ' ||err_txt);
         dbms_output.put_line('The cntr is ' ||cntr_var);
         for incr in 1 .. OUT_SIGN_TAB.count
         cntr_var := cntr_var + 1 ;
    end loop;
    Error is thrown on "for incr in 1 .. OUT_SIGN_TAB.count" this line
    Following is some related information.
    the 3rd parameter of the procedure is a out parameter. it is a type of a PL/SQL table (SEARCH_SIGN_TAB_TYPE) which is available in database as follows.
    (ref_no VARCHAR2(22),
    ciref_no VARCHAR2(352),
    ac_no VARCHAR2(22),
    txn_type VARCHAR2(301),
    objid VARCHAR2(1024))............

    We don't have your rt843pq procedure, but when commenting that line out, everything works:
      2  (ref_no VARCHAR2(22),
      3  ciref_no VARCHAR2(352),
      4  ac_no VARCHAR2(22),
      5  txn_type VARCHAR2(301),
      6  objid VARCHAR2(1024))
      7  /
    Type is aangemaakt.
      2  /
    Type is aangemaakt.
    SQL> declare
      2    err_cd varchar2(1000);
      3    err_txt VARCHAR2(5000);
      4    no_of_recs number;
      5    out_sign_tab search_sign_tab_type:=search_sign_tab_type(search_sign_type(NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL));
      6    cntr_var number:=0;
      7  begin
      8    -- rt843pq('DWS','3000552485',out_sign_tab,no_of_recs,err_cd,err_txt);
      9    dbms_output.put_line('The error is ' ||err_cd);
    10    dbms_output.put_line('The error is ' ||err_txt);
    11    dbms_output.put_line('The cntr is ' ||cntr_var);
    12    for incr in 1 .. OUT_SIGN_TAB.count
    13    loop
    14      cntr_var := cntr_var + 1 ;
    15      Dbms_output.put_line(OUT_SIGN_TAB(incr).ref_no||','||OUT_SIGN_TAB(incr).ciref_no||','||OUT_SIGN_TAB(incr).ac_no||','||OUT_SIGN
    16    end loop;
    17  end;
    18  /
    The error is
    The error is
    The cntr is 0
    PL/SQL-procedure is geslaagd.Regards,

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    I have to trigger a mail whenever there is a change in fields that are captured in parameter t_ffbk.
    However i am unable to capture the the screen values for this parameter as FK03 is in display mode.Please tell me how can i capture the screen field values in parameter T_LFBK.
    <Point offer removed by moderator>
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: Vinod Kumar on Jul 28, 2011 5:48 PM

    Hi Experts,
    I have to trigger a mail whenever there is a change in fields that are captured in parameter t_ffbk.
    However i am unable to capture the the screen values for this parameter as FK03 is in display mode.Please tell me how can i capture the screen field values in parameter T_LFBK.
    <Point offer removed by moderator>
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: Vinod Kumar on Jul 28, 2011 5:48 PM

  • Cannot assign an empty string to a parameter with JDBC type VARCHAR

    I am seeing the aforementioned error in the logs. I am guessing its happening whenever I am starting an agent instance in PCo. Can somebody explain whats going on?
    Heres the complete detail from logs -
    Log Record Details   
    Message: Unable to retreive path for , Failed to set the parameter 1 of the statement >>SELECT ID, PARENTID, FULLPATH, CREATED, CREATEDBY, MODIFIED, MODIFIEDBY, REMOTEPATH, CHECKEDOUTBY FROM XMII_PATHS WHERE FULLPATH =  ?  <<: Cannot assign an empty string to a parameter with JDBC type >>VARCHAR<<.
    Date: 2010-03-12
    Time: 11:32:37:435

    Sounds like a UI browsing bug (when no path is selected from a catalog tree folder browser) - I would suggest logging a support ticket so that it can be addressed.

  • Replacing NULL and EmptyString('') with "Unknown" in SSRS parameter dropdown

    What I want to do is, in the SSRS parameter drop down, instead of showing NULL and Blank values(), i want to categorize them as "Unknown", so, if the user selects "Unknown" from the SSRS drop down parameter, he should be able to see all
    the records that have NULL values or empty strings in that particular column in the result set.
    Can you tell me, how should I handle it in my main stored proc as well as in the dataset?
    Right now, i have something like this:
    ( in (select value from dbo.Split(@TName,',')) OR @TName IN ('All'))
    -- Where t1.Name has empty strings and NULL values. Both of these values should be categorized under "Unknown"
    -- How would the dataset query look like? Right now I have this query for populating the drop down for that parameter:
    Select All
    Select Distinct Name
    Order BY 1

    Please refer to the following stored procedure:
    CASE WHEN TName IS NULL OR TName = ''
    THEN 'Unknown' ELSE TName END AS TName
    From DemoTable
    Then, use following query code to get the parameter values:
    SELECT Distinct
    CASE WHEN TName IS NULL OR TName = '' THEN 'Unknown'
    ELSE TName END AS TName
    FROM DemoTable
    Alisa Tang
    Alisa Tang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Host parameter null and convert SOAP to HTTPUrl

    We are trying to fire a SOAP request and print the response but its throwing this error
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: host parameter is null
    The piece of code is:
    HttpClient hc = new HttpClient();
    System.out.println("Came here");
    int iResultCode = hc.executeMethod(post);
    executeMethod(post) is failing but when I print the value of post, its �org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PostMethod@fd54d6�
    Can anybody throw some light on this error and how to solve it??
    Also, there�s another issue.
    We are upgrading from Weblogic 7.2 to 9.1
    Earlier we were able to pass the request and get the response in HTTPUrl form but now after upgrading, its getting passed in SOAP format. Is there any way to bypass the SOAP and get it in HTTPUrl format or what are the configurations to be made to adapt to the SOAP format?
    connection =(HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
         This line was returning HTTPUrl format, now its coming in SOAP format

    your PostMethod takes the Url as the parameter. Check you are using the proper URl i.e like http://host:port/name?params like that


    Hello Experts,
    Infocube A is getting updated from shopping carts DSO. I have added 3 new fields in SC DSO then cube transformations got inactive.  I do not want 3 new fields in cube. we have report on DSO. Below is syntax error when  checking transformations.
    Error: In PERFORM or CALL FUNCTION "ROUTINE_9998", the actual parameter "SOURCE_PACKAGE" is incompatible with the formal parameter "DATA_PACKAGE".
    3 New fields are available in tys_SC_1 but not available in tys_SC_1_full. I tried to insert 3 fields in tys_SC_1_full but still it is showing same syntax error.  And more TYPE is availalbe tys_TG_1_full.  This type does not have 3 fields.
    Please  advice.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hello Rathy,
    I have resolved issue by addinng fields to data package. Issue is becasue of 4 fields in source and I have added only 3 fields in data package. Added one more field to data package and no syntax errors when checked.
    Thanks for the input and points assigned.
    Venkata Agraharam.

  • SSRS 2012: How to get a "Select All" that returns NULL instead of an actual list of all values from a multi-select parameter?

    I have a multi-select parameter that can have a list of thousands of entries. In general, the user will pick a few entries from the list or "Select All". If they check "Select All", I would much prefer that I get a NULL or an empty string
    instead of a list of all values. Is there any way to do that?
    In experimenting with a work-around, I tried putting an "All" label with a null value in the list, but it is ignored (does not display in the drop-down). If I use an empty string for the value, my "All" entry does get displayed, but so
    does "Select All", which is confusing. Is there a way to suppress "Select All"?
    - Mark

    I adapted the following from a workaround posted by JNeo on 4/16/2010 at 11:14 AM at
    To get a null value instead of the full list of all values when "Select All" is chosen:
    1) Add a multi-value parameter "MyParam" that lists the values to choose.
    2) Add a DataSet "ParamCount" identical to the one used by "MyParam", except that it returns a single column named [Count] that is a COUNT(*) of the same data
    3) Add a parameter "MyParamCount", set it to hidden and internal, then set the default value to 'Get values from a query', choosing "ParamCount" for the Dataset and the one [Count] column for the Value field.
    4) Change the parameter for the main report DataSet so that instead of using [@MyParam], it uses this expression:
    =IIF(Parameters!MyParam.Count =
    Parameters!ParamCount.Value, Nothing, Join(Parameters!MyParam.Value, ","))

  • Memory Problem with SEt and GET parameter

    I m doing exits. I have one exit for importing and another one for changing parameter.
    SET PARAMETER exit code is ....
    *data:v_nba like eban-bsart,
           v_nbc like eban-bsart,
           v_nbo like eban-bsart.
           v_nbc = 'CAPX'.
           v_nbo = 'OPEX'.
           v_nba = 'OVH'.
    if im_data_new-werks is initial.
      if im_data_new-knttp is initial.
        if im_data_new-bsart = 'NBC' or im_data_new-bsart = 'SERC' or im_data_new-bsart = 'SERI'
           or im_data_new-bsart = 'SER' or im_data_new-bsart = 'SERM' or im_data_new-bsart = 'NBI'.
          set parameter id 'ZC1' field v_nbc.
        elseif im_data_new-bsart = 'NBO' or im_data_new-bsart = 'NBM' or im_data_new-bsart = 'SERO'.
          set parameter id 'ZC2' field v_nbo.
        elseif im_data_new-bsart = 'NBA' or im_data_new-bsart = 'SERA'.
          set parameter id 'ZC3' field  v_nba.
    endif. *
      get parameter id 'ZC1' field c_fmderive-fund.
      get parameter id 'ZC2' field c_fmderive-fund.
      get parameter id 'ZC3' field c_fmderive-fund.
       FREE MEMORY ID 'ZC3'.
    In this code i m facing memory problem.
    It is not refreshing the memory every time.
    So plz give me proper solution.
    Its urgent.

       I suppose you are trying to store some particular value in memory in one program and then retieve it in another.
    If so try using EXPORT data TO MEMORY ID 'ZC1'. and IMPORT data FROM MEMORY ID 'ZC1'.
    To use SET PARAMETER/GET PARAMETER the specified parameter name should be in table TPARA. Which I don't think is there in your case.
    Sample Code :
    Data declarations for the function codes to be transferred
    DATA : v_first  TYPE syucomm,
           v_second TYPE syucomm.
    CONSTANTS : c_memid TYPE char10 VALUE 'ZCCBPR1'.
    Move the function codes to the program varaibles
      v_first  = gv_bdt_fcode.
      v_second = sy-ucomm.
    Export the function codes to Memory ID
    EXPORT v_first
           v_second TO MEMORY ID c_memid.        "ZCCBPR1  --- Here you are sending the values to memory
    Then retrieve it.
    Retrieve the function codes from the Memory ID
      IMPORT v_first  TO v_fcode_1
             v_second TO v_fcode_2
      FROM MEMORY ID c_memid.                                   "ZCCBPR1
      FREE MEMORY ID c_memid.                                   "ZCCBPR1
    After reading the values from memory ID free them your problem should be solved.
    Edited by: Baradakanta Swain on May 27, 2008 10:20 AM

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