Plugin project settings - c++ exceptions

InDesign CS4 SDK:-
For sample plugin visual studio projects, project properties -> Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> Code Generation -> "Enable C++ Exceptions" is enabled by default (i.e not overridden by project settings ).
But in XCode projects, in build/mac/prj/plugin.xcconfig , GCC_ENABLE_CPP_EXCEPTIONS is set to "NO".
Is there any specific reason for this setting difference between windows & mac?
Due to this I get error on Mac, when using the file "#include <boost/archive/iterators/xml_unescape.hpp>".
Anyways, after setting GCC_ENABLE_CPP_EXCEPTIONS to "YES" I am able to resolve the error.
But, just wondering about the difference for this setting.

It cannot create the same formats. It can create some formats, but others require specialist compression software.
MPEG-2 is 720x480. There is no MPEG-2 that is normally 640x480. You cannot convert to MPEG-2 from FCE anyway.
Message was edited by: Tom Wolsky
Message was edited by: Tom Wolsky

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    I'm running on Windows and also Linux. Both systems are referencing the same external libraries, which are defined with relative paths to avoid naming convention problems across systems. This has been fine for at least 3 years until recently when some developers started using 10.1.3.x (as opposed to 10.1.2) on a number of machines the following occurs.
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    It's always a problem now on linux machines and some windows versions.

    I eventually fixed this by removing the following block from all the affected project files (.jpr)
    <hash n="internalDefinitions">
    <list n="jdkDefinitions"/>
    <list n="libraryDefinitions"/>
    <hash n="jdkReference">
    <value n="id" v="1.4.2_04"/>
    <value n="isJDK" v="true"/>
    <value n="jdkVersion" v="1.4.2_04"/>

  • Frame size discrepancies in project settings?

    Hi Guys
    I have some new information and some observations on my problems with getting full screen output.
    I looked through all the project settings and I noticed that the ones I was trying to use…
    HD 1080i (60i) and HDV 1080i 30 say that the output is at a16 to 9 ratio and have a frame size of 1440 by 1080i.
    This is the frame size or ratio, I kept trying to import.
    I finally realized that this isn't a frame size that is proportional to the image ratio that it lists.
    16 by 9 would really be proportional to 1440 by 810.
    The 1440 by 1080 video that I import using either of these,does not export full screen even if it’s exported the same size it comes in, i.e.1440 in and 1440 out.
    So I looked through the project setting for a selection where the stated ratio and the frame size matched.
    I found HDV 720p 30.
    16 by 9 at a 1280 by 720 frame size.
    This would be an easy size for my to work in.
    So I made a video at that size then loaded it into PE8 and it exported fine.
    Full screen no border.  In fact it comes out full screen no matter what size I export it.
    When I exported the same video at 1600 by 900 it exported full screen and looked fine.
    Then I went back and loaded the same 1280 by 720 video inthe HDV 1080i 30 settings.
    It also came out full screen with no border.
    So the problem is that as far as I can see the selection screen is wrong about the frame size for both the HD 1080i and the HDV 1080isettings.
    You really have to load in something at 1600 by 900 or proportional to that.
    And as far a I can find there is no setting that supports any thing other the wide screen except for the Standard 48kHz settings.
    It looks like unless you want to go to a wide screen format 720 by 480 is the only option.
    Now I’ll have to decide whether I want to do future projects wide screen or live with the restrictions on frame size.
    I hate to change horses in the middle of the stream so I may just stick with the smaller size for the Lucy videos but other projects I will do wide screen.
    Thanks again for all the help.

    This question is from some other forum member. Don't know why they're linked to my e-mail address.
    Fran (luvsfotos)
    > Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2011 22:22:36 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Re: Frame size discrepancies in project settings?
    Hi Guys
    Ok, I think I get it at last.
    So when I create a 1440 by 1080 file, to use in the 1080i format, it should change the PAR from 1 to 1.333 when I create it, but since I can't control that I get an image that is too small, even though the pixel size is the same.  The aspect ration should still end up 16 by 9.
    So since Poser creates everything with a PAR of 1, my only option if I want a wide screen video is to actually pick a 16 by 9 ratio when I output it and ignore the listed frame size. 
    I still don't quite get why the image is both shorter and narrower, it seems like it should only be narrower but I'll live with it.
    And there is no way to make PE8 output a full height image in the wide screen format that 3 by 4 except to drag it larger in the preview window.
    And there is no advantage in doing that since I'm still using a 16 by 9 window and getting the file size that goes with it.
    So if I want to work in a 3 by 4 format then the Standard 48kHz format it the only option.
    Well at least I know what to do next time.
    That should save a lot of time.
    I may just give up and go to 16 by 9 and quit fighting it.
    Thanks again.

  • Can't change settings in Project Settings dialog

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    Now, in Encore, if I display the Project Settings dialog, all of the options on the Basic tab are disabled except Authoring Mode (Blu-ray or DVD).  It only lets me create an NTSC, 720x480 project.
    Any idea why Encore doesn't let me select other project settings?

    > what do you need to author to?
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    >  Do you not see those options for a BD Project?
    Curiously, no.  If I select Blu-Ray, the only option it lets me play with is the Codec (MPEG-2 or H.264).  All of the other settings are ghosted.
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  • Cannot open score project settings...

    Hi all!
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    has anybody encountered this problem and found a solution?
    Sincerely, Ginge

    one more thing: the off-screen dialog box hypothesis is wrong. When flipping through the different menues in the "project settings" window, they all open except score project prefs. I can open it on a new file created on this laptop though.

  • How do you change project settings on Premiere Elements 12?

    I have Premiere Elements 12. When I view a DVD I created of wedding photos, the edges of people and objects are jagged and generally the photos appear blurry. On my old Premiere Elements 8, I did not have this problem - the pictures on DVDs were clear and sharp. When checking the project setting on Premiere 8, the project settings for Capture was DV which changed all my settings for General and Rendering project settings. On my new Premiere 12, the Capture setting is HDV and I cannot get the General and Rendering settings to change when I change the Capture setting to DV. The online help from Adobe says to correct this, "In the New Project dialog box, click Change Settings," but when I start a new project in Premiere 12, "Adobe Premiere Element Editor" is the only dialogue box that shows and I cannot see a change setting button. Does anyone know how I can change my project settings so that when I select DV it will change all the presets for the General and Video Rendering settings?

    The party line is that you cannot change project settings once the project settings have been set. You need to start a new project.
    Edit Menu/Project Settings/General does not offer the opportunity for any significant project settings change in this type of situation.
    I have discovered that, under certain circumstances, that the user can change the established project preset without starting a new project.
    The approach to doing this involves editing the Notepad document of the saved closed project file (project.prel file). I have written about this in the following blog post.
    You need to weigh the pros and cons of going through the procedure or just starting a new project and start the project again.
    All of the above being said, on to setting to the correct project preset to match the properties of your source media. Please refer to the issues involved and how to set manually the project preset when the program is not doing the job correctly or best automatically.
    To the specifics...if you are doing DV data capture firewire into Premiere Elements 12 Capture Window, the scenario would be...
    a. Open Premiere Elements 12 to the Expert workspace, go to File Menu/New/Project and Change Settings. In Change Settings,
    change the project preset to NTSC DV Standard or NTSC DV Widescreen depending on NTSC or PAL set up and 4:3 or 16:9 DV data source. Then before you exit that area, make sure to place a check mark next to "Force Selected Project Setting on This Project" in
    the new project dialog. Exit that area and return to the Premiere Elements 12 Expert workspace for your Add Media/DV Capture selection.
    If you are doing HDV data capture firewire into Premiere Elements 12 Capture Window, then same scenario except the project preset change involves NTSC HDV HDV 1080i30 (if NTSC). In this instance, the Edit Menu/Project Settings/General should look like
    Please review and consider and then let me know if I have targeted you question or need clarification.
    Thank you.

  • Developing an Eclipse RCP Plugin Project with CE and NWDI

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    My problem is that development components within a software component can only be plain java projects and not plugin projects. Now I can convert a plugin project to a development component but when I try to build this dc it fails because the needed libraries for this origin plugin project (Plug-In Dependencies) are not available because is it now just a plain java project.
    However I could create another dc with the needed libraries and add this dc as a required dc but then it is not the same as a standard plugin project and I don't know if that could create problems then.
    In case anybody knows how to solve this problems, please give me a hint.

    I fixed the java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError problem in the Eclipse 3.1 Plug-in: in the Run > Environment, set the CLASSPATH variable to the directory containing the target program's package hierarchy. Now the Trace program runs ok when invoked from the plug-in.
    However, when I repeated the same configuration in Eclipse 3.0.2, I got the following runtime error.
    Unhandled event loop exception
    Isn't Eclipse 3.0.2 supposed to behave in the same way? Any help will be much appreciated!

  • Best FCE Project Settings to make widescreen DVD with iDVD?

    I need to make DVDs with lots of short clips stitched together into a longish movie. I've been using iDVD to burn the DVDs (because it's free and I know how to use it). (NTSC TV, not PAL)
    The clips are mostly still pictures animated with either FCE (using the ImageFlow plugins) or PulpMotion Advanced. Sometimes they contain movie clips shot with whatever camera one of my colleagues has with them.
    I'm wondering what are the best project settings to use with FCE to generate a video file that I can drag into iDVD and have rendered as a widescreen video? As a Bear of Very Little Brain I'm confused by all the options (dimensions, frame rate, codec, etc).
    I tried this weekend using H.264 codec, 1280 x 720 29.97 frame rate, 24 key frames, and the video took 20 hours to output from FCE, then another 3 hours for iDVD to encode for the DVD. (2.66 GHz Quad-Core MacPro with 10 GB RAM and 200+ GB free on HD, if it makes a difference.) Clearly there must be settings that are more efficient!

    Mostly my input files are still pictures, usually JPEGs. I bought the ImageFlow plugins which will animate them in different ways. For example, I took the pictures of everyone at my school and animated them into a 30 minute sequence of swooshing images with a video matte over a green caustic video generator.
    Sometimes I use a program called PulpMotion to make a different animation, but I have a lot of choices for exporting a QuickTime file from that program, so I could set that to match whatever's best for FCE.
    Sometimes I'll use iMovie 09 to make a clip from still images (for the automatic animations), but again I have a lot of choices for exporting that clip and bringing it into FCE.

  • [svn:fx-trunk] 7801: Submit on behalf of Pete - an update to the project settings for the flex4test project , the link type was wrong.

    Revision: 7801
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-06-12 14:38:25 -0700 (Fri, 12 Jun 2009)
    Log Message:
    Submit on behalf of Pete - an update to the project settings for the flex4test project, the link type was wrong.
    Doc Notes: None
    Bugs: None
    Reviewer: none
    tests: compile & run
    Modified Paths:

    Wait a second...there is more to that error message that I overlooked before.
    There might be something other than just the way I set the CODE and CODEBASE parameters wrong here
    Any ideas?
    Here is the entire messsage:
    load: class DisplayMonoApplet.class not found.
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: DisplayMonoApplet.class
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadCode(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletPanel.createApplet(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.createApplet(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
    Caused by: open HTTP connection failed.
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.getBytes(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.access$100(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader$ Source)
         at Method)
         ... 10 more

  • Getting Started with CFBuilder - A Question About Project Settings

    Hello All,
    I'm just getting my feet wet with CFBuilder and giving it a spin after over a decade's worth of experience with Dreamweaver and I have a question about setting up my work environment.
    First of all, I have two computers that I mainly work from.  My home desktop computer, and a laptop for when I'm on the road.  I keep all of my web site project files syncronized between the two computers using Dropbox.
    I've noticed that when I create a new project in CFBuilder it stores a few files in my project root like ".project" and "settings.xml".  It looks like "settings.xml" stores information about which CFBuilder web server should be used for the project.  Unfortunately this messes things up for me a bit because on my desktop a web site project url might be:  http://desktop/myProject/ and on my laptop the project url could be http://laptop/myProject.
    The reason this isn't a problem in Dreamweaver is because dreamwevaer stores its configuration/preferences outside of my project folders so I can essentially define any testing server I want for both the desktop and laptop.
    Is there a way to configure CFBuilder to store project settings outside of the project folder?  Or does anyone have a suggestion for someone like me who syncronizes their project files from their laptop to their desktop?
    Thanks in advance for helping out a CFBuilder noob.

    I would recommend using a distributed version control system (DVCS) with a hosted service, such as using Git/Mercurial and Github/BitBucket/UnFuddle.  With Git, you can use a .ignore file to specify files/folders that you want to exclude from being stored in version control (I also exclude my CFBuilder project files from my repositories).  You would then sync your local Git repositories with your service of choice, and they would be accessible from any machine. 
    There are many advantages of using Git and a hosted service over just Dropbox:
    Each computer has a complete copy of the code repository, including all code changes over the history of your project.
    You store code modifications in "commits", or small entries in the DVCS.
    Commits can contain user-defined descriptions that help you identify what you did at each step of your development process
    You can roll back commits if you break something in your code.
    You can create "branches" of your code when you want to work on a specific feature of your application, and that branch is kept in isolation from other branches until you are ready to merge it back into the main production code branch.
    You can have public or private hosted repositories on the various services, enabling you to work with a team or participate in open-source development.
    There are Eclipse plugins available for CFBuilder that provide GUI tools for working with Git and hosted repositories (unless you are comfortable with using the command-line to do all your Git interactions).
    I don't think you can separate the project settings from the project in CFBuilder.

  • Batch capture settings do not match project settings

    Batch capture audio settings do not conform to project settings-
    For editing with IEEE1394 (FireWire/i.LINK) DV equipment.
    Standard NTSC video (4:3 interlaced).
    48kHz (16 bit) audio.
    Drop-Frame Timecode numbering.
    Editing mode: DV NTSC
    Timebase: 29.97fps
    Video Settings
    Frame size: 720h 480v (0.9091)
    Frame rate: 29.97 frames/second
    Pixel Aspect Ratio: D1/DV NTSC (0.9091)
    Fields: Lower Field First
    Audio Settings
    Sample rate: 48000 samples/second
    Default Sequence
    Total video tracks: 3
    Master track type: Stereo
    Mono tracks: 0
    Please note audio setting for project 48kHz (16 bit) audio.
    When I set for batch capture by creating off-line clips using the "Log Clip" option the off-line clip shows audio as
    32KHZ 16-bit  everyting else is correct as project settings.
    Just prior to creating the off-line batch capture clip I had sucessfully captured from the same device using the same tape shot with the above settings including 48khz 16-bit audio by using standard " Capture" by setting in & out then clicking Capture>In/Out.
    I've looked at capture settings etc...unable to determine to change audio settings etc or why the audio settings under batch capture do not conform to project settings...
    Any ideas?

    Thanks for your reply, Harm....
    Well now...having negated all the possibilities you listed, I decided to do a an actual batch capture with clips which I previously logged which reported audio at 32kHz instead of the project setting of 48kHz:
    1. two clips  were selected from the same device/tape ( both selected from the logging util which erroneously reported audio at 32kHz) for the batch
    2. both clips captured "flawlessly"
    3. both clips after the batch capture then reported audio as being 48kHz
    Btw, I also did a batch capture from the same device/tape in Pr 6.x...and it reported and captured at 48khz...I must say, I must prefer the legacy version of Pr 6 for batch capture which creates a log .pbl file which can then be easily exported as a csv to and .xls etc..IMO, much more useful...and useable..
    Mi dos pesos(.002US)
    So it would appear there is some kind of bug in the Pr cs4 batch capture util that is erroneously reporting audio settings?
    Should this go to the devel as a possible bug?

  • Project Settings vs. Encoding and Encore Resolution for BR

    I am editing HDV footage from a Canon HV20.  When I setup my project in Pr Pro I used the recommended
    default HDV project settings.  Hopefully these are correct.  I will be burning a Blu-Ray disc for the project.
    I assume like other products I have used, the best answer here is the native resolution of your source which hopefully is what I am getting.
    Now when I render it via media encoder, it asks me for the "frame size"/resolution for the Blu-Ray disc output.
    Also when opening a new project in Encore, it asks for similar information.  I am in NTSC land.
    I am familiar with the HD standard and resolutions, and the end result of this project is a Blu-Ray disc played on HDTV's.
    However what is the best media encoder resolutoin and encore "frame size" settings for a Blu-Ray disc with an HDV source?
    I saw several articles and videos from Adobe about these settings and they explain what they are, but not what the recommended selections are.
    As a sidenote, once you are working on a project in PP can you change the settings/resolution of the project?
    PS...Did not know which forum to post this in as it straddles all 3 products!!

    First, thanks to both of you for your help!  Hmmm, I am sure the confusion is on my end....
    Both of you recommend H.264 vs. MPEG 2 for encoding.  If I am rendering a 1 hour 20 minute Blu-ray, for burning Blu-Rays that I need to paly on a white variety of standalone players, what is the better choice and whay?  I was planning on burning to single layer Blu-Ray at best quality. I am also using 5.1 audio.
    For the encoder, I was going to use "HDTV 1080i 29.97 High Quality" as my rendering preset with MPEG2.
    However now I am wondering if I should be using H.264?  Harm, you mention it and you also mention "square pixels".  I am familiar with this concept due to my photography work and slide shows vs. video, but where is this "square pixel" setting in the media encoder??
    Anna, I appreciate your comment regarding keeping it simple, however, although I am far from a PPro expert, I definitely am into Home Video and understand quality and resolutions, etc., so I want to get the best quality even if I have to do a little work.. So I'll get there.   I see that clicking on that menu item allows you to choose maximum render quality.  I have plenty of RAM but since I am not going SD to HD or SD to HD, perhaps it won't matter much.  However I am confused by the resolution you are showing there, 1440x1080?
    As far as my initial question regarding how to setup my encore project, I may have answered it myself by playing around with the media encoder box.  I opened up the drop down advanced section and I see it presents the frame dimensions there.  I would assume I would use the exact same frame dimensions in Encore when setting up my project.
    So I guess at this point my only decisions are:
    1) What codec should I use when exporting from PPro?  h.264 or MPEG-2.  If it matters, I am using 5.1 audio also.  (thanks for all your help with that Harm months ago, it works great!).
    2)  What resolution to use in media encoder?
    3)  How do I set square pixels?
    4) Once exported, in Encore, is my assumption correct that I will just use the same resolution as exported from P Pro.
    Perhaps that is what Anna was recommending, keep the same resolution and then let Encore render to 1920X1080 however I would want to get all my rendering out of the way during the export process and just keep it all the same in Encore if that is a good workflow.
    Thanks again for all the help!

  • I film with an iPhone and edit in PE10, what project settings would be best?

         So I'm filming a short film with my iPhone 4S, and editing in PE10. The recommended project setting for the iPhone 4S's footage is 'Flip Mino HD and Ultra HD 29_97'. However, I film using an App called FilmicPro, which allows me to customize frames per second, resolution and audio capture with some settings. In my case, I've set the app to film at 30fps and with a resolution of 1920x1080. I still use the above mentioned project setting. So my first question is:
    -If I'm filming in 1080x190 at 30fps, is there a different setting I should be using for the project?
         Now for the second part. The first part of my editing process is I start a project, select 'Flip Mino HD and Ultra HD 29_97', then I splice and string together the raw footage from FilmicPro like normal. Next I export the project with the settings:
    Quicktime (For email and playback on Mac)
    Output: 1920x1080, 29_97fps, Progressive, Quality 100 48000hz, Mono, H.264
    Source: Clip, Sequence 01,
                   1280x720 (1.0), 29_97 fps, Progressive, *insert duration*, 48000 Hz, Stereo
    Audio Codec: AAC
    Sample Rate: 48000 Hz Mono
    Video Codec: H.264
    Field Type: Progressive
    Aspect: Square Pixels (1.0)
    Render at Max. Depth: 24 bit
         After I export the project, I start another project (not changing the project settings from before), and then I import the finished project as media so I can add special FX (in this case muzzle flashes, blood, etc.). However when I add the video, PE10 states the project settings dont match, and asks if I'd like the program to choose the correct settings. I select yes. This changes the project settings to 'DSLR-1080p-DSLR 1080p30'. I edit without issues, and use the same export settings as I did for the base draft. I also notice when I view the project settings in the second project after it changes settings, that it says the editing mode is now 'Sony XDCAM EX 720p'. So my second question is:
    -Should I use the setting that PE10 switches to? Or select 'No' and still use the Flip Mino setting i used for the first draft?
         The end video still looks great (for an iphone), although of course there is still noise. I'm basically trying to get the absolute best quality possible. If this is as good as it gets, and It turns out ive been doing this right, then that's fine. But if anyone can recomend better settings to use, then please tell. Thanks.
    Forgot to mention, I'm using an unmodified MacBook Pro (2006) with Adobe Premiere Elements 10. Dont know if that info is needed, but thought I'd include it.

    Maybe I missed something. So extra post on this.
    You wrote
    Quicktime (For email and playback on Mac)
    Output: 1920x1080, 29_97fps, Progressive, Quality 100 48000hz, Mono, H.264
    Source: Clip, Sequence 01,
                   1280x720 (1.0), 29_97 fps, Progressive, *insert duration*, 48000 Hz, Stereo
    Audio Codec: AAC
    Sample Rate: 48000 Hz Mono
    Video Codec: H.264
    Field Type: Progressive
    Aspect: Square Pixels (1.0)
    Render at Max. Depth: 24 bit
    Why? Where did the 720p30 come from?
    If you have 720p30 footage, you should be using
    AVCHD LITE 720p30
    If that is what you have, do you really want to export that as 1920 x 1080 or 1280 x 720?
    If an export of 1280 x 720, please look at
    Presets = MP4 - H.264 1920 x 1080 p30
    and change the settings under the Advanced Button/Video Tab to look like
    Please check out the export settings adjustments that you can make under Advanced Button/Video Tab and Audio Tab for the preset that you select.

  • Project settings menu does not appear

    Running OS 10.9.5 and iMovie 10.0.5 on a macbook pro.
    I'm trying to set the aspect ratio of my project.  I have seen several docs and threads that say I should click File->Project Settings and the project settings menu will come up.  However, I can't find that. The file menu does not contain Project Settings or anything like that. Neither do the other pull down menus.
    I have also seen threads describing how when I create a new project (trailer or movie) and there is supposed to be point at which I can select the aspect ratio.  Nope, don't see that either. For example, when I click the big "+" that is used to create a project, I get to choose between a trailer and a movie, then I get to choose a theme, then it asks for a name and I click OK and that's it.
    I have also used Command-J, which is supposed to bring up the properties menu. That does give me the movie properties, but there is no place to choose an aspect ratio. I get the same results, or lack thereof, when I do Window->Move Properties (not surprising since command-J is the short cut key for this).
    Question -- is this supposed to work with 10.0.5?  I have tried to find a later version of iMovie but the only one I found on the apple store site was 10.0.6.
    Any ideas?????

    I have finally found where it is stated that iMovie 10 does not support project properties or changing the aspect ratio.
    I love Apple and would never consider switching to a PD, but really, folks, this is just a plain dumb decision on Apple's part and IMHO reflects the continuing siphoning of quality resources from OS-X/laptops/desktops to iPhone and other gadgets. yuck.
    consider this discussion closed (I don't know how to close  it) and I will fire up my old iMini that has OS 10.6 on it and see if I can get the job done there.

  • 2 project settings questions

    Hello again
    Still experimenting with PrE8 trial version. This is my first experience with a video editor so learning all from scratch. I have a couple of questions regarding the project setting you need to chose when you create a new project. I understand these settings define the "working" enviroment for the editing process - in other words the resolution and all the other characteristics (format, frame rate, etc) that the project will use
    1) I have a camera that´s 1920x1080 30p (progressive) , the GoPro HD. When I look in the new project presets, all 1920 x 1080 presets available seem to be specifically designed for interlaced video. This is indicated by the names of the presets, and by their descriptions as well.  There is only 1 progressive preset, of a lower resolution (720p)
    Nevertheless, I tried using the HD 1080i preset, loaded some 1920x1080 progressive mp4 files, and apparently it works perfectly well. In fact when I go to edit>project settings>general window,  the project attributes indicate progressive video !!!
    Is there really any difference (or specific requirement)  in a project preset for interlaced vs progressive video? ( I am beginning to suspect that there is really no difference,  and that the coding ( i vs p) does not really form part of the project settings, and that the project will take both forms of input media)
    any thoughts on this?
    2) The GoPro has a non-standard resolution mode, HD with 4:3 aspect ratio : 1280x960 30p
    There is no project setting preset that will match this, how can I create one myself ?
    The PrE help says this is possible, but I can't find how. ( Edit>project settings will not let me change the resolution)
    from the help
    If your source footage requires a custom project preset, you can create one. The procedure for creating a preset differs if you’re changing settings for an open project versus establishing settings for a new project. Presets you create can be applied to new projects, and if you want to back up or distribute  preset files, you can find them in the Settings subfolder of the  Adobe Premiere Elements folder on your hard disk. 4355c-7fde.html
    Again thanks so much for your time and your help ,  much appreciated.

    Unfortunately you will not be able to use the video from those "sports" camcorders directly in Premiere Elements. It's just not compatible with the program.
    As you can see from this FAQ, there are three options for converting the video:
    1) Convert it a DV-AVI using MPEG Streamclip. It's a free program, but the DV-AVI it outputs will not be hi-def. It will be standard video, but it will be editable in Premiere Elements.
    2) Convert it to a standard def DV-AVI using Quicktime Pro, a $29 download from,and edit in Premiere Elements.
    3) Use Quicktime Pro to do your editing. The video will remain a high-def MP4.
    The best solution, of course, is if the camcorder itself comes with its own editing software. That's software you KNOW will work with the camcorder's footage.
    But, short of that, you'll need to use one of the hybrid solutions above. But you will not be able to edit the footage directly in Premiere Elements. Sorry.

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