Plugin/Software to make phone numbers clickable

Is there any kind of plugin/software that will allow me to call phone numbers with Jabber listed in web pages?  Basically like Skype.  If it is a valid phone number format it becomes a link and when you click it calls with Jabber.            

Hello Stacie,
Since the removal of the click to call option from CUPC we faced the same issue.
We've found a partial workaround with a Frirefox plug-in called Telify.
See here :
Not perfect but that's what we've found for the moment.
If you find anything else please share.

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    Issues with phone numbers not displaying properly can be caused by the Skype extension (Tools > Add-ons > Extensions)
    Start Firefox in [[Safe Mode]] to check if one of your add-ons is causing your problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Tools > Add-ons > Themes).
    * Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.
    See [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]] and [[Troubleshooting plugins]]

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    Hello E_J,
    Welcome to the community,
    If you had earlier copied the contacts to Sim card then can get as much contact you had saved from Sim card,
    You are saying that you can't access it cause of broken screen but if you can Turn On the device then I think you will  
    be able to get your contacts by mean of Blackberry desktop software but of course you need a usb cord.
      You can download the latest desktop software for windows from here how to download latest desktop software for windows
              And for mac computer hereInstalling the latest desktop software for Mac computer
        So with the help of desktop software you can get your contacts back.
    Good Luck.
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