PLZ ans me

My question is " Program that reads an integer between 0 and 1000 and adds all the digits. Eg, num is 932 , then sum of digits is 14. plz help me.

ok, ill start on it right away.
please provide your full name, and the name of the
course, name of the professor so i may put it in
header comments.
i think i should be able to do it in under an hour,
please respond fastHehe

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    tomlate wrote:I never tried it but what format do the recordings have?Who says that there is an error? Is it your burning software, your player or Windows?
    the format is wav, and i think its Windows that saying there's an error

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    use <jsp:usebean...
    suppose usebean id = beanid
    eg. for input type text use
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    like wise you proceeed..
    the above syntaxes maybe not properly. take care..

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  • Plz ans all ques

    Hi All,
           Please answer all the question..
    1. what is line-size and line-count in report?
    2. what r all the events available in Abap prog and which one hire first and last?
    3. how to display the page no in report?
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    1. what is line-size and line-count in report?
    Line-size is the width of the report like 255 char or 200 char
    Line-count is the number of lines per page apart from Top-of-page and end-of-page lines.
    2. what r all the events available in Abap prog and which one hire first and last?
    Events in ABAP Programming
    Classical Reporting:
    Events in Interactive Report
    3. how to display the page no in report?
    (ex: if 5 page is there means its display like 1 of 5, 2 of 5.up to..5 of 5)
    data: n type p, m type i.
    n =  CEIl( (sy-dbcnt / (sy-linct - 3 ) )
    m = n
    write : sy-pagno 'of'  m.
    4. could u upload the image in report? if yes how?
    Yes we can see this
    In the transaction OAOR, you should be able to insert your company Logo.
    GOTO - OAOR (Business Document Navigator)
    Give Class Name - PICTURES Class Type - OT..... then Execute
    It will show you the list, then select ENJOYSAP_LOGO.
    On that list, you will find one control with a "create" tab.
    Click std. doc types.
    Select SCREEN and double-click.
    It will push FILE selection screen.
    Select your company logo (.gif) and press OK.
    It will ask for a description- for instance: "company logo".
    It will let you know your doc has been stored successfully.
    You can find your logo under ENJOYSAP_LOGO->Screen->company logo.
    Just run your ALV program, you should find your company logo in place of the EnjoySAP logo.
    Here 'ENJOYSAP_LOGO' will replace by ur created logo.
    Refer this link
    Re: Logo on Login screen
    Re: To change image into main menu of sap
    5. how many inner loop can use inside the loop?
    There is no such limit
    but always try to avoid loop..within a loop. that is better.
    Reward points for useful Answers


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    this a repeat posting for same question
    Java development button
    Daniel, In EP6 SP4(WAS 6.4) PDK is installed via SDM. Assign yourself java development role.

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    Derived tables are nothing else but InLine views (with the one additional benefit of being able to use @prompt syntax in a derived table) and as such do not contain any data, everything is calculated on the fly during query execution, meaning: whenever you refresh a report.
    Derived tables are tables that you define in the universe schema. You create objects on them as you do with any other table. A derived table is defined by an SQL query at the universe level that can be used as a logical table in Designer.
    Derived tables have the following advantages:
    u2022 Reduced amount of data returned to the document for analysis. You can include complex calculations and functions in a derived table. These operations are performed before the result set is returned to a document, which saves time and reduces the need for complex analysis of large amounts of data at the report level.
    u2022 Reduced maintenance of database summary tables. Derived tables can, in some cases, replace statistical tables that hold results for complex calculations that are incorporated into the universe using aggregate awareness. These aggregrate tables are costly to maintain and refresh frequently. Derived tables can return the same data and provide real time data analysis.
    Derived tables are similar to database views, with the advantage that the SQL for a derived table can include BusinessObjects prompts.

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    You can only purchase apps and other media for the county's sore in which yu are located. You account, included payment method, also must be associated with that country.
    Sam applies for updating apps. Note that not all apps are available in all country so y will not be able to update an app if you are in another country and that app is not available in that country or your account is not associated with that country.
    You can change the country and other things by:
    iOS: Changing the signed-in iTunes Store Apple ID account

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        plz ans me

    Hi: Please see the recommended solution at the link below. If that doesn't work for you, please start a new thread because I won't be able to help you with that problem.

  • Midlewear quries with respect to BPs

    hi experts
    iam having 2 query in middlewear reg BP replication:
    (i)In r/3 iam having some 100 customers from this 100 i wanna to replicate 54 customer what are the major prerequisites should me take care..,and does the same thing will be there for orders also
    (ii)while replicating this 100 bps to crm, for one bp i could not upload to crm sys due to some error., as per my knowledge when error occurs we will check in inbound queue and then solve the issue is it the right way if not plz guide me the proper way
    iam in to support role as i don't have implementation knowledge iam getting this type of queries plz ans me ASAP
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    Thanks in advance

    Hi Vinay,
    You shall find queeue entries in error only when there is some system level failure(short dumps) or exception. Validation errors if any wont set queue into error.
    Such errors are logged in BDOC.
    Goto BDOC analyser (SMW01). Check the status of the BDOC (inbound). IF the BDOC is in error state, select the BDOC and goto menu BDOC Message -> Display -> Errors/receivers.
    Here you shall find validation errors if any. Send me your email id. I shall send you a best practice doc for BDOC analysis.
    Hope this helps.

  • In Transfer to delete routine

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    Small qns...Can u plz ans..i have routine for source field in transfer rules u2026
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    Take the help of ABAP person
    Check for the code in the areas mentioned below
    DATA: l_s_errorlog TYPE rssm_s_errorlog_int.
      RESULT = .
    returncode <> 0 means skip this record
      RETURNCODE = 0.
    abort <> 0 means skip whole data package !!!
    Don't delete the code you can just comment the code and save it.
    Edited by: prashanthk on Dec 28, 2010 4:45 PM

  • Hi i want the step by step procedure for exit?

    hi i am a student.i ddnt get the exit .so can anyone help me to understand the exit(all types of exits-function exit,screen exit,menu
    exit,field exit)?
    plz give me the details with some example.and if possible then plz ans wiht pdf or .doc format.
    Moderator message: please search for available information/documentation.
    Edited by: Thomas Zloch on May 29, 2011 12:44 PM

    Hi Satyanarayan,
    Please find the below link for user exits

  • Report for C?F absences

    HI all,
    I want to know a report of TM where i can see the total of Carry forward absences.For example: CL is the absence tyoe which gets Carry Forward, now i want a report where i can hav the different time periods and also the previous absences should get add to the the next total like in year 2008 the emp has 10 CL so in year 2009 it should show (10+10=20) absences in his qouta.Means the balance of 2008 is added to 2009.Kindly plz ans my question.

    in that report give the dates in selection period as 01.2008  to 01.2010
    so the absence that he has taken in the year from 2008 , 09
    09  to 10
    will be seen in the column used .......just as Absence quotas


    For the first time our company want to procure material from CHINA. So I have to use USDN (US dollar) in PO. But  before  that all my company code and vendor's currency is maintain in INR (INDIAN RUPEES ) only. So what are the changes in settings I have to do so that I m able to make an PO ( Purchase Order) in USDN currency from china vendor.
    plz ans me.

    maintain exchange rate for the desires currency in OB08.
    Maintain ordering currency as USD in Vendor master.
    Manish Joshi
    Edited by: MANISH  JOSHI on Sep 15, 2008 9:10 AM

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