Plzzzzzzzzzzz help me

i am new to java . & i have to make a project on access specifiers. i have to give a detail info on this topic.with the help of a program.plz help me. i will be very thankful to u.
u can also post this info on my mail i.d is
->[email protected]

Hi Priyanka,
Accessibility of the members can be any one of the following.
From where they can be accessed:
1) From a subclass in the same package.
2) From a nonsubclass in the same package.
3) From a subclass in another package.
4) From a nonsubclass in another package.
1) From its own package
2) From its subclass of its own package.
1) Only accessible in its own package.
1) only accessible in its own class.
I hope this will help you.

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    <%@ page import =" java.sql.Date.*" %>
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         String     Security_No, Category_code,Face_Value, Purchase_Value,Interest_Paid,Interest_Received,Brokrage,Total_Value,Voucher_No,Voucher_Date,Voucher_Amt,D_Date1,D_Date2,Ledger_No,Maturity_Date,sql1 ;
         java.util.Date voudate_temp=null;
         java.util.Date duedate1_temp=null;
         java.util.Date duedate2_temp=null;
         java.util.Date matdate_temp=null;
         ResultSet results;
         PreparedStatement sql;
    try {
         Connection conn=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:pf","scott","ttlscott");
         System.out.println("got connection");
                   SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
                   int     sec_no, catg_code,face_val,pur_val,int_paid,int_recd,brkr,tot_val,vou_amt;
                   String vou_no, lf_no;
                   java.sql.Date vou_date, due_date1, due_date2,mat_date;
                   boolean     doneheading = false;
                   Statement s=con.createStatement();
              Security_No = request.getParameter("secno");
              Category_code = request.getParameter("catcode");
              Face_Value = request.getParameter("facevalue");
              Purchase_Value = request.getParameter("purvalue");
              Interest_Paid = request.getParameter("intpaid");
              Interest_Received = request.getParameter("intrecvd");
              Brokrage = request.getParameter("brokrage");
              Total_Value = request.getParameter("tvalue");
              Voucher_No = request.getParameter("vouno");
              Voucher_Date = request.getParameter("voudate");
              Voucher_Amt = request.getParameter("vouamt");
              D_Date1 = request.getParameter("due1");
              D_Date2 = request.getParameter("due2");
              Ledger_No = request.getParameter("lfno");
              Maturity_Date = request.getParameter("maturity");          
              sql1 = "insert into sec_mast values (" + "'" + Security_No + "', '" Category_code "' , '" + Face_Value + "', '" + Purchase_Value + "', '" + Interest_Paid + "', '" + Interest_Received + "', '" + Brokrage + "', '" + Total_Value + "', '" + Voucher_No + "', #"+ Voucher_Date+ "# , '" + Voucher_Amt + "', #" + D_Date1 + "#, #" + D_Date2 + "#, '" + Ledger_No + "', #" + Maturity_Date + "#)" ;
                   sql = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM sec_mast WHERE sec_no = '" + Security_No + "' ");
                   results = sql.executeQuery();
                        if(! doneheading)
                             doneheading = true;
    sec_no = results.getInt("sec_no");
    catg_code= results.getInt("catg_code");
    face_val = results.getInt("face_val");
    pur_val = results.getInt("pur_val");
    int_paid= results.getInt("int_paid");
    int_recd = results.getInt("int_recd");
                        brkr = results.getInt("brkr");
    tot_val= results.getInt("tot_val");
                        vou_no = results.getString("vou_no");
                        voudate_temp = results.getDate("vou_date");
    vou_amt = results.getInt("vou_amt");
                        duedate1_temp = results.getDate("due_date1");
    duedate2_temp= results.getDate("due_date2");
    lf_no= results.getString("lf_no");
         matdate_temp = results.getDate("mat_date");
    java.text.SimpleDateFormat sdf = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
                   vou_date = sdf.format(voudate_temp);
                   java.text.SimpleDateFormat sdf = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
                   due_date1 = sdf.format(duedate1_temp);
                   java.text.SimpleDateFormat sdf = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
                   due_date2 = sdf.format(duedate2_temp);
                   java.text.SimpleDateFormat sdf = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
                   mat_date = sdf.format(matdate_temp);
    out.println("<BODY bgColor=blanchedalmond text=#008000 topMargin=0>");
    out.println("<P align=center><FONT face=Helvetica><FONT color=fuchsia > <BIG>SECURITY INFORMATION</BIG></FONT></P>");
    out.println("<P align=center>");
    out.println("<TABLE align=center border=1 cellPadding=1 cellSpacing=1 width=\"75%\">");
                        out.println("<TD>Secuirty No.</TD>");
    out.println("<TD>Category Code</TD>");
    out.println("<TD>Face Value</TD>");
    out.println("<TD>Purchase Value</TD>");
                        out.println("<TD>Interest Paid</TD>");
                        out.println("<TD>Interest Recieved</TD>");
    out.println("<TD>Brokrage Value</TD>");
    out.println("<TD>Total Value</TD>");
    out.println("<TD>Voucher No.</TD>");
    out.println("<TD>VOucher Date</TD>");
                        out.println("<TD>VOucher Amount</TD>");
    out.println("<TD>Due Date 1</TD>");
                        out.println("<TD>Due Date 2</TD>");
    out.println("<TD>L F No.</TD>");
                        out.println("<TD>Maturity Date</TD>");
                        out.println("<tr><td>" + sec_no);
                        out.println("<td>" + catg_code);
                        out.println("<td>" + face_val);
                        out.println("<tr><td>" + pur_val);
                        out.println("<td>" + int_paid);
                        out.println("<td>" + int_recd);
                        out.println("<tr><td>" + brkr);
                        out.println("<td>" + tot_val);
                        out.println("<td>" + vou_no);
                        out.println("<tr><td>" + vou_date);
                        out.println("<td>" + vou_amt);
                        out.println("<td>" + due_date1);
                        out.println("<tr><td>" + due_date2);
                        out.println("<td>" + lf_no);
                        out.println("<td>" + mat_date);
                        out.println("<BODY bgColor=blanchedalmond text=#FF0000 topMargin=0>");
                        out.println("<P align=center><FONT face=Helvetica><FONT color=fuchsia ></FONT></P>");
    out.println("<P align=center>");
                        out.println("No matches for " + Security_No);
                   }catch(ParseException e) {
    out.println("do date format error action.<br>");
              catch (SQLException s)
                   out.println("<BODY bgColor=blanchedalmond text=#FF0000 topMargin=50>");
                        out.println("<P align=center><FONT face=Helvetica><FONT color=fuchsia ></FONT></P>");
    out.println("<P align=center>");
                   out.println("Duplicate Entry.Try another Security Code No.<br>");
              catch(ParseException e) {
              out.println("do date format error action.<br>");
         catch (ClassNotFoundException err)
              out.println("Class loading error");

    you should try posting it in the jsp forum.what error/exceptions are you getting if any?

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  • Regarding conversion of String to Date

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    Plzzzzzzzzzzz help me I got strucked .
    Thanks in advance
    public void testSaveDates() throws HibernateException, ParseException{
    Date date=new Date();
    String str1 ="2006-05-06";
    Date dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy'-'MM'-'dd").parse(str1);;
    catch(Exception e){
    java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: "2006-05-06"
         at java.text.DateFormat.parse(
         at chaitanya.MyTest.testSaveDates(
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
         at junit.framework.TestCase.runTest(
         at junit.framework.TestCase.runBare(
         at junit.framework.TestResult$1.protect(
         at junit.framework.TestResult.runProtected(
         at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.runTests(
         at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.main(

    Date date=new Date();You don't need this line.
    Date dateFormatter = new
    er = new
    SimpleDateFormat("yyyy'-'MM'-'dd").parse(str1);;As already told, you don't need the single quotes. And you don't need two semi-colons - that's unnecessary.
    I just wrote a sample code to test that out. Check it and see for yourself.
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    public class Test {
         public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
              System.out.println(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse("2005-04-18"));
              System.out.println(new SimpleDateFormat("'yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'").parse("2005-04-18"));
    Mon Apr 18 00:00:00 EDT 2005
    Exception in thread "main" java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: "2005-04-18"
            at java.text.DateFormat.parse(
            at Test.main( wonder why it is not feasible to write a quick sample code.

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    How can we print Item text from purchase order in smartform using include text . I know click on the include text mode and then write the following details .
    text id = f01
    lanuage = en
    object = ekpo
    what should i write in text name . Any other details i need to mention
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    Right click on node(on which you need the text)
    Create-Flow logic-Program lines.
    system gives %CODE1
    there are two tabs General attributes and Conditions
    click on General Attributes
    Provide the Input parameters - which contains po no and item no
    Provide the output parameters- globally defined Variable  ex NAME type C
    write the code:
    CONCATENATE ekpo-ebeln ekpo-ebelp into name
    Now again right click on program line create Text.
    Give text type as Include text.
    provide the details
    Text Name      &NAME&
    Language        EN
    Text ID         F01
    Text Object     EKPO   
    Check the box : no error
    Edited by: Aeda N on Nov 17, 2009 11:59 AM

  • Project template-List boxes(Public sector,Work in Process,Template)

    Project template-List boxes(Public sector,Work in Process,Template)
    What is the functionality of these 3 list boxes???plzzzzzzzzzzz help?? if at all i enable where i can get find it in the reporting??which reports??
    Once the project is created can v define that project as template???Y template list box enabled even at that stage???
    Plz help me to know the functionality....thanks a lot n advance...

    You may enable an existing project as a template. Doing so will allow you to create new projects from that template.
    Public Sector is an attribute of a project you may use when you set the Auto Accounting rules. This is useful if you need to account differently for projects executed for the public sector versus projects executed for commercial companies or individuals.
    Workflow in process checkbox is flagged if you enable the workflow for project status changes. In such case, when you want to change the status the workflow will be fired and until the new project status is approved you will bee that the project is waiting for the workflow processing to complete.

  • IDOC_JDBCStoredProcedure

    hi all......
           Am doing an idoc to jdbc scenario. Is is as follows
    I ll send idoc to xi from which i need to generate an xml file in a specified format and this xml should be given as input to the stored procedure. what can be done. ny idea how to do it. i ve generated the idoc and sent to xi from here.
    what all things should be done in IR. Is bpm can be used to resolve this.... pLzzzzzzzzzzz help me

    no need for a BPM
    check this blog:
    or this one:
    <a href="/people/michal.krawczyk2/blog/2005/06/28/xipi-faq-frequently-asked-questions"><b>XI / PI FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions</b></a>

  • Flash Media Encoder forum moved

    Please go to the new location of the Flash Media Encoder
    forum: y

    Sir i have a query
    i install TV card in my system and flash media live encoder get encoding feed from the TV card and in video device selection i select 713xBDA analog capture which is shown in device selection drop down it is all ok but
    i want to show this live feed on by flash palyer or my browser.
    for camera we use get camera function and others but for TV card i dont know please tell me the any tutorials or any code script etc.
    plzzzzzzzzzzz help me.
    My FMLE get the input from tv card and tv card device is show in device drop down list which is "713xBDA analog capture" it is all ok
    but problem is that i don't how to flash script get the "input" and "record" from this device directly. or through FMLE.
    which is possible
    Get Input and record:
    TV card --> FMLE -->flash player      (flash scprit required)
    TV card-->flash player                      (flash scprit required)

  • Check Maintain compatibility Checkbox in 64 bit word 2013

    I am creating a plugin for Word in and i need to Check the checkbox of "maintain compatibility with previous version" when my plugin set up installs.
    So Is there any registry or any code to check that checkbox permanently.
    Plzzzzzzzzzzz help me.....i need to give a release soon.....
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Honey26,
    I don’t find a way to check it permanently, you may change compatibility mode when start your plugin. If you want it affect all documents, that plugin should be the application-level add-in.
    To set compatibility mode:
    # Document.SetCompatibilityMode Method (Word)
    # Document.CompatibilityMode Property (Word)
    If you want to save the file with specify compatibility mode, please refer to:
    # Document.SaveAs2 Method (Word)
    Best Regards
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Not installing intel hd graphics hp oficcial site driver and brightness problem

    after downgrading to window 8.1 to window 7 (64 bit ) issue of  intel hd 4400 in hp 15 r0-14tx does not install the intel graphics (SHOWING ERROR : SYSTEM DOES NOT MEET MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS) PLZZZZZZZZZZZ help how to fix itzzzzzz.......
    AND I also dont have recovery drive it is deleted by meeeee....

    You have tried any other unsupported version of graphics driver???
    If yes then uninstall it and reinstall your computer then try to reinstall driver which you have just downloaded.
    If you dont have installed any unsupported driver then try the following
    1) Right click on computer
    2) Click on manage 
    3) In left panel select device manager.
    4) Find your graphics controller (Mostly found in display adapter)and right click on it and choose option update driver software.(You need to find your graphics controller yourself because it was diferrent for diferrent models i.e. I have Intel(R)HD Graphics in display adaptars)
    5)If this was doesnt fix your problem then try Intel driver updater  or Driver navigator tool

  • Welcome to the Flash Media Encoder Forum

    Welcome to the Adobe Flash Media Encoder forum! Ask
    questions, discuss, and share feedback with other Flash Media
    Encoder users.r

    Sir i have a query
    i install TV card in my system and flash media live encoder get encoding feed from the TV card and in video device selection i select 713xBDA analog capture which is shown in device selection drop down it is all ok but
    i want to show this live feed on by flash palyer or my browser.
    for camera we use get camera function and others but for TV card i dont know please tell me the any tutorials or any code script etc.
    plzzzzzzzzzzz help me.
    My FMLE get the input from tv card and tv card device is show in device drop down list which is "713xBDA analog capture" it is all ok
    but problem is that i don't how to flash script get the "input" and "record" from this device directly. or through FMLE.
    which is possible
    Get Input and record:
    TV card --> FMLE -->flash player      (flash scprit required)
    TV card-->flash player                      (flash scprit required)

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    iOS: Resolving update and restore alert messages


    i forgot my nokia e7 lock code and i don't know what to do if any one can help me plz they will kill me in my home coz i bought it Only two days ago ?!!! 

    If you've set a lock code yourself, you need to remember it ! Default is 12345, as a last resort the three finger salute will reset the phone and you can start from scratch, but phone will be wiped and you will lose all data !
    If I have helped at all, a click on the White Star is always appreciated :
    you can also help others by marking 'accept as solution' 

  • Problem while connecting to DB2 through JDBC...Help PLZZZZZZZZZZZ

    Hi Everyone, I am facing this exception when I try to connect to DB2 to which installed on Z/OS. Please help me
    for your ref I am pasting my code below exception IO Exception opening socket to server on port 446. The DB2 Server may be down.
    my code is:--
              try {
              } catch (ClassNotFoundException se) {
              try {
                        cn =DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:db2://","uname","pwd");
              } catch (Exception e) {

    You will need to check this error message on metalink and likely on an SR.
    But with RAC you should not be connecting to the database, or in most cases, to a specific instance: You should be connecting to a TAF (or FCF) service.

  • JPanel help Plzzzzzzzzzzz URGENT!

    I have JPanel filled with to identify the images with mouse clicks...????????????????????

    Geez- the guy's a little desperate... be nice, people. It's not that hard.
    Well, to answer the question, you simply need to gather the x/y coordinates of your images, determine the x/y coordinates of your mouseclick: add a Mouse Listener to your JComponent, with a Mouse Input Adapter as its argument. In the MouseInputAdapter, you create the mousePressed() method, like:
    private MouseInputAdapter mia() {
       MouseInputAdapter mia = new MouseInputAdapter() {
          public void mousePressed(MouseEvent evt) {
             int x = evt.getX();
             int y = evt.getY();
    }Somewhere inside your mousePressed code you can have other code that looks to see if it's inside an image, etc. (substitute mouseClicked for mousePressed if you'd rather it be a complete click).
    It's true, though, that the question is vague so a more structured and focussed query would probably gather a more focussed response.
    -Mike Schwager

Maybe you are looking for