PM Address Book

Does anyone know the secret to adding names to PM Address Book? 
I select Address Book and type in screen name.  When name appears on dropdown list I click on it and list dissappears but nothing added to list.
If I click on the Add Contact button it opens simlar screen and go though same process but no contacts are added.
What am I missing?

I had some issues as well with this, but if I used the pop-up to find/select the users, it worked for me.
To do this, click the Select link, and after a few seconds you'll see a little fake-modal dialog which you can search through.

Similar Messages

  • Address book .... importing text file

    I am designing an address book which opens a text file called AddressBook.txt which reads in the information in the following format:
    etc. (with a maximum entries of 500)
    I am having a problem reading in the information without the commas and wrapping to the next line. I can either use the BufferedReader or Scanner to input the file and as you can see below, my code is not complete yet. I can't figure out how to code the storeAddress() method in order to get the addressBookEntries[] to include the necessary information for outputting, sorting, etc. If I can get the information read into the addressBookEntries[], I think I will probably be able to proceed in the rest of the required tasks (i.e. sorting by last name, searching by last name, etc.)
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    import java.lang.*;
    *  @created September 14, 2004
    *  This program uses a JFrame to manipulate data and form an
    *  address book.  The user will be able to load data from a file,
    *  sort it by last name, print the address, phone number, and date
    *  of birth, print the names of people whos birthday are between 2
    *  dates, print the names of people between 2 last names, and/or
    *  print the names of different person types.
    public class AddressBook extends JPanel implements ActionListener{
        JFrame frame;
        final int numButtons = 7;
        JRadioButton[] radioButtons = new JRadioButton[numButtons];
        JButton process = new JButton("Process Request");
        JLabel title;
        JTextArea output = new JTextArea(30,50);
        int MAX_ADDRESS_ENTRIES = 500;
        AddressBookEntry addressBookEntries[] =
            new AddressBookEntry[MAX_ADDRESS_ENTRIES];
        String FILE_NAME="AddressBook.txt";
        public AddressBook(JFrame frame){
            super(new BorderLayout());
            JPanel choicePanel = createSimpleDialogBox();
            choicePanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Choices" +
            " to choose from:"));
            title = new JLabel("<html><h2> Thank you for opening the " +
            "Address Book.  " +
            "Please Press the \"Process Request\" " +
            "after making a choice.</h2></html>\n",JLabel.CENTER);
            add(title, BorderLayout.NORTH);
            add(choicePanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
            add(output, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
            final ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup();
            final String saveCommand = "Save";
            final String sortByLN = "Sort by Last Name";
            final String searchLNCommand = "Search By Last Name";
            final String printAPD = "Print address, phone number, and DOB";
            final String printNamesDOB = "Print names of people whose birthday" +
            " falls between 2 dates";
            final String printNamesLN = "Print names of people who fall" +
            " between 2 last names";
            final String printPType = "Print all family members, friends, or" +
            " business associates";
        private JPanel createSimpleDialogBox(){
            radioButtons[0] = new JRadioButton(
              "<html>Save the address file</html>");
            radioButtons[1] = new JRadioButton(
              "<html>Sort the address file by last name</html>");
            radioButtons[2] = new JRadioButton(
              "<html>Search the address file by last name</html>");
            radioButtons[3] = new JRadioButton(
              "<html>Print the address, phone number, and DOB of a specified" +
              " person</html>");
            radioButtons[4] = new JRadioButton(
              "<html>Print the names of people whose birthday falls between" +
              " two dates</html>");
            radioButtons[5] = new JRadioButton(
              "<html>Print the names of people who fall between two" +
              " specified last names</html>");
            radioButtons[6] = new JRadioButton(
              "<html>Print all family members, friends, <u>OR</u>" +
              " business associates</html>");
            for (int i=0; i<numButtons; i++){
    //set the first button (open file) to be selected
    return createPane(radioButtons, process);
    private JPanel createPane(JRadioButton[] radioButtons,
    JButton showButton) {
    int numChoices = radioButtons.length;
    JPanel box = new JPanel();
    box.setLayout(new BoxLayout(box, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS));
    for (int i = 0; i < numChoices; i++) {
    JPanel pane = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
    pane.add(box, BorderLayout.NORTH);
    pane.add(showButton, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    return pane;
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    String command = group.getSelection().getActionCommand();
    //else if button pushed is save
    if (command == saveCommand){
    // save file
    //else if button pushed is search by last name
    else if (command == sortByLN){
    // search by last name
    //else if button pushed is sort by last name
    else if (command == searchLNCommand){
    // sort by last name
    // print to screen
    //else if button pushed is display address, ph#, dob
    else if (command == printAPD){
    // display "search by last name" dialog
    // search last names
    // if last name found
    // print data
    // else
    // print error notification "person not found"
    //else if button pushed is list names of people whose
    //bday between 2 days
    else if (command == printNamesDOB){
    // ask for which dates
    // search bday
    // print to screen
    //else if button pushed is print names of people between 2 last names
    else if (command == printNamesDOB){
    // ask for which two last names
    // search last names
    // if people found
    // print to screen
    //print error notification "no one found"
    //else if button pushed is print all family members, friends
    //or business associates
    else if (command == printPType){
    //ask for what person type
    //search person types
    //if people found
    //print to screen
    //else print "no one found"
    public void storeAddress(File addressFile){
         Scanner sc=null;
    String lname,fname,street,city,state,zip,phone,persontype,bday;
    try {
    // Delimiters specifiy where to parse tokens in a scanner
    sc = new Scanner(addressFile).useDelimiter("\\s*[\\p{,}*\\s+]\\s*");
    catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"Could not open the file");
    for(int i=0; i<MAX_ADDRESS_ENTRIES; i++){
         while (sc.hasNext()) {
         if (!lname.equals("")){
    public class AddressBookEntry{
    private extPerson address;
    private String date;
    private extPerson ExtPerson;
    public class Person{
    protected String lastName, firstName;
    private String address;
    private String city;
    private String state;
    private String zipcode;
    private String homephone;
    private String extPersonType;
    private Date bday;
    SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-mm-DD");
    public String toString() {
    return lastName+" "+firstName;
    public void setLName(String last) {
    public void setFName(String first){
    public String getLastName() {
    return lastName;
    public String getFirstName() {
    return lastName;
    public Person() {
    public Person(String first, String last){
    //Set the address and return it
    public void setAddress( String addr ){
    address = addr;
    public String getAddress(){
    return address;
    //set the city and return it
    public void setCity( String town ){
    city = town;
    public String getCity(){
    return city;
    //set the state and return it
    public void setState( String st )
    state = st;
    public String getState()
    return state;
    //Set the zip code and return it
    public void setZipCode( String zip ){
    zipcode = zip;
    public String getZipCode(){
    return zipcode;
    //Set the home phone and return it
    public void setHomePhone( String homeph ){
    homephone = homeph;
    public String getHomePhone(){
    return homephone;
    //Set the bday and return it
    public Date getBday(){
    return bday;
    public void setBday(Date newBday) {
    bday = newBday;
    //Set the extPerson type and return it
    public String getPType(){
    return extPersonType;
    public void setPBusiness(){
    extPersonType = "Business Associate";
    public void setPFamily(){
    extPersonType = "Family Member";
    public void setPFriend(){
    extPersonType = "Friend";
    public class extPerson extends Person{
    //new clss People
    public class People {
         int MAX_PEOPLE=500;
         BufferedReader bf;
    public String toString() {
              StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer();
              for (int i=0; i<nPeople; i++)
              return sb.toString();
    public void read(){
              String str;
              try {
              bf=new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(FILE_NAME)));
              while (str!=null) {
         catch (IOException e) {
              // Will jump to here on an eof condition.
         try {
         catch (IOException e) {}
         public void save() {
              try {
              PrintWriter pw=new PrintWriter(FILE_NAME);
              for (int i=0; i<nPeople; i++)
         catch (FileNotFoundException fne) {
                   System.out.println("Could not Save "+FILE_NAME);
    public People() {
              group=new extPerson[MAX_PEOPLE];
         public boolean insert(String data) {
              if (nPeople<MAX_PEOPLE) {
              //extPerson guy=new extPerson(data);
              return true;
         else {
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Error in People" +
    "::insert: Max size reached.");
         return false;
         public void clear() {
              // This loop frees up the memory used by each extPerson
              for (int i=0; i<nPeople; i++)
    extPerson group[];
    int nPeople;
    * Create the GUI and show it. For thread safety,
    * this method should be invoked from the
    * event-dispatching thread.
    public static void createAndShowGUI(){
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("Address Book Program");
    Container c = frame.getContentPane();
    c.add(new AddressBook(frame));
    public static void main (String s[]){       
    //Schedule a job for the event-dispatching thread:
    //creating and showign this application's GUI
    javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {

    Ok, I have changed my code to reflect your suggested changes, but I'm still unsure how to use the findInLine you suggested.... This is all very new to me and I've been looking on the java website for suggestions, but I'm still stumped on how to pull this together. I'm unsure on how to set the lastname,firstname,etc. for retrieval...
    Here's my code:
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    import java.lang.*;
    *  @created September 14, 2004
    *  This program uses a JFrame to manipulate data and form an
    *  address book.  The user will be able to load data from a file,
    *  sort it by last name, print the address, phone number, and date
    *  of birth, print the names of people whos birthday are between 2
    *  dates, print the names of people between 2 last names, and/or
    *  print the names of different person types.
    public class AddressBook extends JPanel implements ActionListener{
        JFrame frame;
        final int numButtons = 7;
        JRadioButton[] radioButtons = new JRadioButton[numButtons];
        JButton process = new JButton("Process Request");
        JLabel title;
        JTextArea output = new JTextArea(30,50);
        int MAX_ADDRESS_ENTRIES = 500;
        AddressBookEntry addressBookEntries[] = new
        public AddressBook(JFrame frame){
            super(new BorderLayout());
            JPanel choicePanel = createSimpleDialogBox();
            choicePanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Choices" +
            " to choose from:"));
            title = new JLabel("<html><h2> Thank you for opening the " +
            "Address Book.  " +
            "Please Press the \"Process Request\" " +
            "after making a choice.</h2></html>\n",JLabel.CENTER);
            add(title, BorderLayout.NORTH);
            add(choicePanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
            add(output, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
            final ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup();
            final String saveCommand = "Save";
            final String sortByLN = "Sort by Last Name";
            final String searchLNCommand = "Search By Last Name";
            final String printAPD = "Print address, phone number, and DOB";
            final String printNamesDOB = "Print names of people whose birthday" +
            " falls between 2 dates";
            final String printNamesLN = "Print names of people who fall" +
            " between 2 last names";
            final String printPType = "Print all family members, friends, or" +
            " business associates";
        private JPanel createSimpleDialogBox(){
            radioButtons[0] = new JRadioButton(
              "<html>Save the address file</html>");
            radioButtons[1] = new JRadioButton(
              "<html>Sort the address file by last name</html>");
            radioButtons[2] = new JRadioButton(
              "<html>Search the address file by last name</html>");
            radioButtons[3] = new JRadioButton(
              "<html>Print the address, phone number, and DOB of a specified" +
              " person</html>");
            radioButtons[4] = new JRadioButton(
              "<html>Print the names of people whose birthday falls between" +
              " two dates</html>");
            radioButtons[5] = new JRadioButton(
              "<html>Print the names of people who fall between two" +
              " specified last names</html>");
            radioButtons[6] = new JRadioButton(
              "<html>Print all family members, friends, <u>OR</u>" +
              " business associates</html>");
            for (int i=0; i<numButtons; i++){
    //set the first button (open file) to be selected
    return createPane(radioButtons, process);
    private JPanel createPane(JRadioButton[] radioButtons,
    JButton showButton) {
    int numChoices = radioButtons.length;
    JPanel box = new JPanel();
    box.setLayout(new BoxLayout(box, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS));
    for (int i = 0; i < numChoices; i++) {
    JPanel pane = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
    pane.add(box, BorderLayout.NORTH);
    pane.add(showButton, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    return pane;
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    String command = group.getSelection().getActionCommand();
    //else if button pushed is save
    if (command == saveCommand){
    // save file
    //else if button pushed is search by last name
    else if (command == sortByLN){
    // search by last name
    //else if button pushed is sort by last name
    else if (command == searchLNCommand){
    // sort by last name
    // print to screen
    //else if button pushed is display address, ph#, dob
    else if (command == printAPD){
    // display "search by last name" dialog
    // search last names
    // if last name found
    // print data
    // else
    // print error notification "person not found"
    //else if button pushed is list names of people whose
    //bday between 2 days
    else if (command == printNamesDOB){
    // ask for which dates
    // search bday
    // print to screen
    //else if button pushed is print names of people between 2 last names
    else if (command == printNamesDOB){
    // ask for which two last names
    // search last names
    // if people found
    // print to screen
    //print error notification "no one found"
    //else if button pushed is print all family members, friends
    //or business associates
    else if (command == printPType){
    //ask for what person type
    //search person types
    //if people found
    //print to screen
    //else print "no one found"
    public class AddressBookEntry{
    private extPerson address;
    private String date;
    private extPerson ExtPerson;
    * Create the GUI and show it. For thread safety,
    * this method should be invoked from the
    * event-dispatching thread.
    public static void createAndShowGUI(){
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("Address Book Program");
    Container c = frame.getContentPane();
    c.add(new AddressBook(frame));
    public static void main (String s[]){       
    //Schedule a job for the event-dispatching thread:
    //creating and showign this application's GUI
    javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    import java.lang.*;
    public class Person{
    protected String lastName, firstName;
    private String address;
    private String city;
    private String state;
    private String zipcode;
    private String homephone;
    private String extPersonType;
    private String bday;
    SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-mm-DD");
    public void parseString(String s) {
              try {
              lastName = s.substring(0,s.indexOf(","));
              firstName = s.substring(s.indexOf(",")+1);
    address = s.substring(s.indexOf(",")+2);
    city = s.substring(s.indexOf(",")+3);
    state = s.substring(s.indexOf(",")+4);
    zipcode = s.substring(s.indexOf(",")+5);
    homephone = s.substring(s.indexOf(",")+6);
    extPersonType = s.substring(s.indexOf(",")+7);
    bday = s.substring(s.indexOf(",")+8);
    catch(StringIndexOutOfBoundsException sbe) {
              JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Error " +
    "in Person: Could not parse the line "+s);
    public String toString() {
    return lastName+","+firstName+","+address+","+city+","+
    public void setLName(String last) {
    public void setFName(String first){
    public String getLastName() {
    return lastName;
    public String getFirstName() {
    return lastName;
    public Person() {
    public Person(String first, String last){
    //Set the address and return it
    public void setAddress( String addr ){
    address = addr;
    public String getAddress(){
    return address;
    //set the city and return it
    public void setCity( String town ){
    city = town;
    public String getCity(){
    return city;
    //set the state and return it
    public void setState( String st )
    state = st;
    public String getState()
    return state;
    //Set the zip code and return it
    public void setZipCode( String zip ){
    zipcode = zip;
    public String getZipCode(){
    return zipcode;
    //Set the home phone and return it
    public void setHomePhone( String homeph ){
    homephone = homeph;
    public String getHomePhone(){
    return homephone;
    //Set the bday and return it
    public String getBday(){
    return bday;
    public void setBday(String newBday) {
    bday = newBday;
    //Set the extPerson type and return it
    public String getPType(){
    return extPersonType;
    public void setPBusiness(){
    extPersonType = "Business Associate";
    public void setPFamily(){
    extPersonType = "Family Member";
    public void setPFriend(){
    extPersonType = "Friend";
    public Person(String data) {
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    import java.lang.*;
    //new clss extPerson
    public class extPerson extends Person {       
         int MAX_PEOPLE=500;
         BufferedReader bf;
    String lname,fname,street,city,state,zip,phone,persontype,bday;
    String FILE_NAME="AddressBook.txt";
    public String toString() {
              StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer();
              for (int i=0; i<nPeople; i++)
              return sb.toString();
         public void save() {
              try {
              PrintWriter pw=new PrintWriter(FILE_NAME);
              for (int i=0; i<nPeople; i++)
         catch (FileNotFoundException fne) {
                   System.out.println("Could not Save "+FILE_NAME);
    public extPerson() {
              group1=new extPerson[MAX_PEOPLE];
         public boolean insert(String data) {
              if (nPeople<MAX_PEOPLE) {
              Person guy = new Person(data);
              return true;
         else {
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Error in People" +
    "::insert: Max size reached.");
         return false;
    Person group1[];
    int nPeople;

  • Can different family member accounts share an address book in iCloud?

    we have a primary mobileme account which is now set up in icloud.  we have a family pack with a secondary family member account set up for my wife's business email.  This secondary account now also has its own icloud account that we set up.  Works fine.  The question is this - when my wife is logged in to her icloud secondary account and looking at her work-related emails, how can she access the addresses in the address book that is linked to the main icloud account?  She is usually working from a PC so it's not a matter of just looking at the local copy of the address book.  She needs to log out of the secondary icloud account, log in to the primary, look up the address, and then go back to the secondary account to send the email from her work email address.  Too cumbersome.  And icloud does not seem to like having two instances of icloud running at the same time on the same computer.
    Any thoughts would be appreciated.
    Thanks -

    You're welcome.
    Happy Holidays to you and your family.
    Please note the items listed under Legend in the right sidebar of this page.

  • How can I add an e-mail address to my address book from an e-mail?

    Someone sends me an e-mail and I do not have their e-mail in my Thunderbird address book. Is there a way to enter their information into my address book without having to retype it all into my address book. In other e-mail programs that I have used, all I needed to do was click on the message and then click on a drop-down menu item that would simply copy all of the contact information into a new address book entry. Is it possible to do that in Thunderbird?

    When viewing a message in a tab or the message pane there is a star to the right of the senders address. If the star is filled with color the address is already in one of your address books. If the star is not filled, click the star to add them. Click the star a second time to open the edit dialog box to add more details to the contact.
    This is not the same star that is to the left of the message header when viewing the inbox.

  • Is there a way of persuading iCloud to sync the smart groups I have in address book on my Mac

    I have a small number of smart groups in address book on my iMac. but these do not sync through iCloud to my Macbook or iPod touch.  Everythin else syncs even ordinary groups, but not the smart groups.  Is there a way of persuading iCloud to do it?  I can fully sync my Macbook contacts by exporting an archive from the iMac and then comying and importing this to the Macbook.  But this is old technology.

    longfellow39 wrote:
    .......Is there a way of persuading iCloud to do it? ........
    Unfortunately not.

  • Some of the entries in my address book show birthdays one day/year earlier in Ical. I cannot change this except by putting in the birthdays a day/year earlier than they are. Why is this happening only for some entiries and not others?

    Some of the birthdays I have entered in Address book appear in my Ical one day and one year earlier than the date I have given. Eg. I have entered a birthday in Address book as 23 March 2011 and it appears in Ical as being on 22 March 2010. Other names have no problems. There are only some that do not appear with the correct date and year. Why is this?  Has anyone found how to correct this strange problem?  I have Time Zones ticked.

    I'm having this exact same problem, but it's doing it with a bunch of birthdays. I also did 0001 when I didn't know the birth year, so I went back and did a more current year, but they still aren't showing up where they should be...or at all. It's completely bizarre.

  • List view in Address Book

    I have recently upgraded to Snow Leopard, but notice in Address Book that prefixes(Mr, Mrs etc) do not appear in the list view, but do on the card. In Leopard the prefixes appear in both views. Is this just a fault in the program, or can it be rectified?

    I'm going to bump this up - I, too have this problem/question. Any suggestions?

  • Numbers/Address Book and Google Maps

    I would love to integrate my spreadsheet of addresses or my Address Book with Google Maps.
    Is this possible? Somehow?
    I take a lot of trips across the country and don't always know when I will be driving by my friends. But if I had a map I could glance at to see where they all are, I would know that I could schedule a lunch with a friend halfway or something like that.
    I have heard about MapPoint, but don't know if there is anything like this that is free/affordable/non-MS.

    Integrating in Numbers would not be automatic. You'd have to format links to assign to each address.
    I've seen plug-ins to use Google maps with Address Book. Try a search on MacUpdate or VersionTracker for Address Book.
    I think one of the features for Address Book in Leopard is integration with Google maps.

  • Synching iphone/contacts & macbook/address book no longer works

    I've had an iphone 3G and macbook pro for about 2 years and until now they've synched just fine. Today I cleaned up my address book on the mac (eliminated some duplicates, added, renamed, and deleted groups, updated individuals' information) and then synched my iphone with my mac using itunes. (I don't have a mobileme account.)
    A few of the changes I made to address book (e.g., new contacts) were updated in contacts on the iphone, but most were not. It didn't update changes to existing contacts and the groups were not changed. Updates to ical and safari bookmarks were synched just fine.
    Here are the things I've tried without success:
    1. In itunes info tab, under address book I selected "all contacts," deselected all other updates (ical, etc.) except address book, and then synched.
    2. Same as above, PLUS in the advanced section, under "replace information on this phone" I selected contacts. then I synched.
    3. Same as #1 above, except instead of "all contacts" I selected "selected groups" and checked all the groups listed, and then synched.
    4. I rebooted the macbook and repeated the steps above.
    5. I opened isync and selected "reset sync history." then I repeated steps 1 and 2 above.
    I also tested making a change to a contact on the iphone to see if the change was made on the mac. It was not.
    About 2 months ago I upgraded to snow leopard. It's possible this problem has been going on since then, and I just didn't notice until today when I made all the changes to address book.
    I don't know what to try next. Please help.

    status update -- I tried a lot of other things but finally solved the problem after I removed all the groups from mac address book. (thank-you to my son Ben)
    FYI -- along the way I tried doing the reset sync history, which deleted all contacts from the iphone. I initially thought that was a good thing, until I discovered that nothing I tried after that would put the contacts back on the iphone. Next I restored factory settings on the iphone and set up as a new user, but that didn't work either. Or maybe it did; maybe deleting the groups wouldn't have solved the problem if I hadn't deleted all contacts and reset the iphone first.

  • My address book and iPhone pics have become low resolution.  Is there a way I can prevent this from happening when I start out with a higher resolution picture?

    I guess I squeezed my entire issue into the subject line.  lol   When I sync my iphone to my laptop I notice that all my address book pics and iphone pics have become lower resolution, even though I started out with the resolution that I really needed to produce decenty address book printouts.  I doubt I can correct the losses of resolution that have occurred but can anyone help me figure out how to prevent future losses?  Thank you!

    Plugins usually are installed externally to Firefox. However, you can disable them in Firefox so that Firefox does not use them.
    SearchReset is supposed to automate the task of resetting certain preferences, but you still can edit them manually if necessary.
    '''''Address Bar Search'''''
    (1) In a new tab, type or paste '''about:config''' in the address bar and press Enter. Click the button promising to be careful.
    (2) In the filter box, type or paste '''keyword''' and pause while the list is filtered
    (3) Right-click '''keyword.URL''' and choose Reset. This should restore Google as the default for address bar search.
    Does that work?
    '''''Search Box'''''
    Usually it works to choose your preferred search engine from the drop-down. To remove an unwanted search engine plugin, usually the Manage Search Engines... choice at the bottom of the drop-down takes care of it.
    Do either of those work?
    There might be another way to hijack that search box; I think some of the other frequent responders probably are more familiar with it than I am.

  • Address Book - multiple access

    I run a small office network of 5 macs and a server all running OSX 10.4, and we really need to all access the same Address Book. So far the only way this seems possible is by syncing the address books between different users, which doesn't really work properly, or by running an LDAP directory on the server, which I have no idea how to set up.
    This must be a very common problem for small offices who need to share contact information. I used to use a simple programme called QuickDex which everyone could access on the server, which has now been update for OSX, but would rather use Address Book as its easily accessed from Mail.
    Does anyone have any suggestions? Any help much appreciated

    Go to
    you'll find a very userul service for sharing contacts or iCal events.
    We are using it in our small office and it works great

  • Lack of Address Book Sync

    I just got off the phone with Apple Care support. They said "the iPod has always been a one way street" and it only adds contacts from your computer to the iPod Touch not from the iPod Touch to the Address Book.
    I was dumb founded by such a stupid statement. I mean I can enter a "calendar item" and it syncs with iCal why nit also address book?
    Makes no sense to me at all. Has anyone been able to sync contacts from iPod Touch to Address Book?

    Unfortunately you must have been talking to someone on day one at AppleCare. The +iPod touch+ certainly does sync two ways. In fact nowadays I only update contacts on my +iPod touch+ and sync them back to my Macs. 
    Have you actually tried a sync?

  • I upgraded to Snow Leopard, made a change to Address Book that I need to correct, tried to use Time Machine to find the prior version and it keeps pulling up the later ones info. How do I use Time Machine to restore Address Book from a few hours ago?

    This morning, I upgraded to Snow Leopard from v10.5.8. Then, I exported 11 contacts from our old Now Contact database, intending to import that info into Address Book. It was an experiment, as we have 1199 contacts in 20+ categories and want to eventually get them into Bento from Address Book. The export automatically created a file called Export.vcf on the desktop, after I highlighted the 11 contacts. I tried to look at the info, but when clicked it opens Address Book, which then simply asked if I wanted to import the 11 contacts to it. I clicked yes. Then in checking Address Book 7, not 11 contacts appeared. I clicked on "All Contacts" and there were 1630. We only have 1199, so where did the extra 400+ come from? Since I had already clicked twice on the Address Book window, I couldn't undo the import. So I thought 'Ok, I'll trash Address Book and go to Time Machine, find Address Book, go to right after the upgrade to SL, hit Restore and bingo. Nope. I keep getting the post-import info, not pre. Con someone direct me to a solution? I want to get rid of the import contacts plus the extra 300 or so ( I already had a hundred or so in several categories)? Then, I need to figure out (1) why ALL the old records were exported from Now Contact, (2) where they were hiding in that .vcf file when Address Book recognized that I only wanted to export 11, (3) why Address Book showed only 7 imports in the "Last Import" group, but showed ALL my contacts in the "All Contact" group, even though they should nearly all have been safely untouched in the Now Contact DBase file. PS, I am not especially computer savvy. Thanks for any enlightenment.

    Booting From Snow Leopard Installer Disc
    1. Insert Snow Leopard Installer Disc into the optical drive.
    2. Restart the computer.
    3. Immediately after the chime press and hold down the "C" key.
    4. Release the key when the spinning gear below the dark gray Apple logo appears.
    5. Wait for installer to finish loading.
    Drive Preparation and Installation
    1. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue button.  When the menu bar appears select Disk Utility from the Utilities menu.
    2. After DU loads select your hard drive (this is the entry with the mfgr.'s ID and size) from the left side list. Note the SMART status of the drive in DU's status area.  If it does not say "Verified" then the drive is failing or has failed and will need replacing.  SMART info will not be reported  on external drives. Otherwise, click on the Partition tab in the DU main window.
    3. Under the Volume Scheme heading set the number of partitions from the drop down menu to one. Click on the Options button, set the partition scheme to GUID then click on the OK button. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Partition button and wait until the process has completed.
    4. Select the volume you just created (this is the sub-entry under the drive entry) from the left side list. Click on the Erase tab in the DU main window.
    5. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Security button, check the button for Zero Data and click on OK to return to the Erase window.
    6. Click on the Erase button. The format process can take up to several hours depending upon the drive size.
    7. After formatting is complete quit DU and return to the installer. Install Snow Leopard.

  • How to restore iCal and Address Book from my iPod mini.

    I used to back-up my iCal and Address Book to both my Nokia phone and my iPod mini twice a day. then over Christmas my laptop hard drive and my phone both broke within 2 days of each other. Ouch! My only copy of my addresses and diary are now on the iPod. I could spend days reading the data and type it into to computer manually, but there has to be a way to do it automatically. *Mustn't there?*

    Similar problem here,
    I have a month-old archived version of my AddressBook, but today my entire rolodex vanished when the program froze and I force quit. I have a much more recent update on my ipod and have made significant additions/editions in the past month. Can I retrieve all that data from my iPod??

  • How to restore mail and address book?

    I recently had to reformat my hard drive and I had backed up my entire home directory. I would like to either restore everything in these two programs, or consolidate the data with that on another computer. Where do I find the files? I assumed it would be in Library somewhere, but I can't find them, what are they called, and how do I get the data back into the programs?

    You will find the Mail data in /Home/Library/Mail/. Address Book and iCal data are in /Home/Library/Applications Support/. The preference files are in /Home/Library/Preferences/ and will begin with "".
    Copy the appropriate files and folders to their corresponding locations on your computer.

  • How do I share address book and calendars with other iCloud users?

    I guess the title of the discussion question says it all.
    My wife, and other family members want to SHARE Contacts, Calendars etc... with other iCloud users.
    Simple task... most people would want to do it...
    But... I can't find an easy answer... how do I do it?

    Roger, thanks... I had continued my search and found this information on the discussion.
    Now, my biggest concern is the ADDRESS BOOK... I'd like to publish, specific GROUPS within my master Address Book to other iCloud users... with either Read Only, or Read Write permisions.
    Do you have any knowledge or suggestion on how that can be accomplished in iCloud?
    It seems as though this would be FOUNDATIONAL in iCloud if APPLE expects it to be a USABLE SERVICE.
    Thanks for your help...

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