Can we call 'PO REQUEST_ACTION ' user exit from a report. If yes can we run the report from unix prompt using ar25run. Whether the user exit is available in unix or only in the client side.

Please see these docs.
System Hang When Try To Cancel Po Shipment - APP-PO-14056: User Exit #PO REQUEST_ACTION returned error [ID 413193.1]
Rls11i - PO- POXDOCON.pld - Unable to cancel PO. APP-PO-14056: User Exit #PO REQUEST_ACTION returned error [ID 247418.1]
APP-PO-14056 User Exit #PO Request_action Returned Error While Cancelling Planned PO Shipment [ID 303488.1]APP-PO-14056 User Exit #PO request_action returned error. While cancelling Purchase Orders with received quantity equal to ordered quantity . [ID 209591.1]
After Patch, While Cancelling Purchase Order Get Error APP-PO-14056 [ID 563384.1]
Receiving Error APP-PO-14056 When Trying to Cancel a Purchase Order [ID 142793.1]
APP-PO-14056 When Cancelling a Blanket Purchase Agreement Shipment or its related Blanket Release Shipments [ID 398379.1]
Cancelling Purchase Order Returns Error APP-PO-14056 [ID 371571.1]
APP-PO-14056 User Exit #Po Request_action Return Error When Cancelling A Purchase Order [ID 848598.1]
Cancel or Unreserve of Scheduled Release is Unsuccessful APP-PO-14056 [ID 300105.1]
APP-PO-14056 When Canceling Release [ID 562673.1]

Similar Messages

  • Creating Activity object for a Service Request object...

    <b>[This thread was migrated from the On Demand Developer Forum in the old Siebel Community] </b>
    New Contributor
    Ho do we use Activity object of a Service Request object. I am trying to
    create an Activity object for a existing Service Request object.
    I am looking for some sample code.
    I greatly appreciate your help.
    Product: CRM OnDemand
    11-26-2006 12:40 PM
    Re: Creating Activity object for a Service Request object...
    Valued Contributor
    drangineni, What programming language are you using?
    12-04-2006 10:56 AM
    Re: Creating Activity object for a Service Request object...
    New Contributor
    Hi, I am using C# .
    12-04-2006 07:40 PM
    Re: Creating Activity object for a Service Request object...
    Valued Contributor
    drangineni, assuming you know the service requestid or externalId of the
    Sr you are dealin gwith you would first set that value.
    ServiceRequest1[] objSRList =new ServiceRequest1[1];
    objSRList[0] = new ServiceRequest1();
    objSRList[0].ServiceRequestId = <YourSRId>;
    Then you create an array of activities and initialize the first one:
    objSRList[0].ListOfActivity = new Activity[1];
    objSRList[0].ListOfActivity[0] = new Activity();
    Now set the data fields
    objSRList[0].ListOfActivity[0].Subject ="My Subject";
    objSRList[0].ListOfActivity[0].Description ="My Description";
    objSRList[0].ListOfActivity[0].Display = "Task"; //valid values are either
    "Task" or "Appointment"
    Then call the ServiceREquestInsertOrUpdate method on the ServiceRequest
    WebService and pass in the above variable.
    12-06-2006 12:36 PM
    Re: Creating Activity object for a Service Request object...
    New Contributor
    Thank you BigSlick.
    The following error is thrown when I use the
    "No user key can be used for the Integration Component instance 'Service <br/>
    When I use the prxySrvcRequest.ServiceRequestInsert(objInput), no error is
    thrown and the Activity gets added, but a new Service Request object is
    created, but the Activity gets added to an existing Service Request
    object. I greatly appreciate your help.
    The following is the code:
    int ActivityLength = 0;
    WSOD_ServiceRequest.ServiceRequest1[] ServiceRequest = new
    ServiceRequest[0] = new WSOD_ServiceRequest.ServiceRequest1();
    ServiceRequest[0].ServiceRequestId = this.Request.QueryString["id"];
    ServiceRequest[0].ListOfActivity = new
    WebSelfService.WSOD_ServiceRequest.Activity[ActivityLength + 1];
    ServiceRequest[0].ListOfActivity[0] = new WSOD_ServiceRequest.Activity();
    ServiceRequest[0].ListOfActivity[ActivityLength].Description =
    ServiceRequest[0].ListOfActivity[ActivityLength].Display = "Task";
    ServiceRequest[0].ListOfActivity[ActivityLength].Subject = "My Subject";
    WSOD_ServiceRequest.ServiceRequest prxySrvcRequest = new
    objInput = new
    objOutput = new
    objInput.ListOfServiceRequest = ServiceRequest;
    Session objSession;
    objSession = (Session) Application["Session"];
    prxySrvcRequest.Url = objSession.GetURL();
    objOutput = prxySrvcRequest.ServiceRequestInsertOrUpdate(objInput);
    catch(Exception e)
    12-09-2006 09:53 AM
    Re: Creating Activity object for a Service Request object...
    New Contributor
    Thank you BigSlick.
    The following error is thrown when I use the
    "No user key can be used for the Integration Component instance 'Service <br/>
    When I use the prxySrvcRequest.ServiceRequestInsert(objInput), no error is
    thrown and the Activity gets added, but a new Service Request object is
    created, but the Activity gets added to an existing Service Request
    object. I greatly appreciate your help.
    The following is the code:
    int ActivityLength = 0;
    WSOD_ServiceRequest.ServiceRequest1[] ServiceRequest = new
    ServiceRequest[0] = new WSOD_ServiceRequest.ServiceRequest1();
    ServiceRequest[0].ServiceRequestId = this.Request.QueryString["id"];
    ServiceRequest[0].ListOfActivity = new
    WebSelfService.WSOD_ServiceRequest.Activity[ActivityLength + 1];
    ServiceRequest[0].ListOfActivity[0] = new WSOD_ServiceRequest.Activity();
    ServiceRequest[0].ListOfActivity[ActivityLength].Description =
    ServiceRequest[0].ListOfActivity[ActivityLength].Display = "Task";
    ServiceRequest[0].ListOfActivity[ActivityLength].Subject = "My Subject";
    WSOD_ServiceRequest.ServiceRequest prxySrvcRequest = new
    objInput = new
    objOutput = new
    objInput.ListOfServiceRequest = ServiceRequest;
    Session objSession;
    objSession = (Session) Application["Session"];
    prxySrvcRequest.Url = objSession.GetURL();
    objOutput = prxySrvcRequest.ServiceRequestInsertOrUpdate(objInput);
    catch(Exception e)
    12-10-2006 08:49 AM
    Re: Creating Activity object for a Service Request object...
    Valued Contributor
    Ah yes, I forgot you also need to specify a unquie Id for the activity.
    It's kinda strange.
    Try adding this:
    ServiceRequest[0].ListOfActivity[ActivityLength].ActivityId = "DummyId";
    //OD will overwrite this with a real Id
    Or if you have a unquie ID for your Activities you can use:
    ServiceRequest[0].ListOfActivity[ActivityLength].ExternalSystemId = <Your
    Unique Value>;
    Hope that helps,
    12-11-2006 10:52 AM
    Re: Creating Activity object for a Service Request object...
    New Contributor
    Hi all,
    I have a similar problem, but mine is returning a message that field
    "Display" is required. Looking at this post and the documentation it is
    obvious that Display is a required field, but my WSDL did not include a
    field called "Display", so my proxy did not generate one.
    I tried adding a field called Display to the WSDL and the proxy class, but
    I get a different error... I figure I maybe cannot add it manually like
    that - but I think the bigger problem is it is not part of the WSDL that
    Siebel OD generates for me in my admin account.
    On top of that Display is not shown in the list of fields for Activity
    through the admin interface.. is it possible my account is bugged? Am I
    missing something simple here? BigSlick, I see you mention a .Display in
    your code sample so I thought you might understand what is wrong. Here is
    my code (I am trying to add a activity to a lead).
    Thanks for any insight into this!
    private void InsertLeadActivity(Session session, NameValueCollection data,
    string leadID)
    if (blnDebug)
    Response.Write("Setting up Activity<br>";
    // instantiate the proxy service
    Activity_Service.Activity activityProxy = new Activity_Service.Activity();
    // set up the target URL
    activityProxy.Url = session.GetURL();
    activityProxy.CookieContainer = session.GetCookieContainer();
    // set up input argument
    ActivityNWS_Activity_Insert_Input input = new
    input.ListOfActivity = new Activity1[1];
    input.ListOfActivity[0] = new Activity1();
    if (blnDebug)
    Response.Write("Getting Data<br>";
    // dg note: name value
    // input.ListOfActivity[0].MrMrs = data["MrMrs"];
    input.ListOfActivity[0].LeadId = leadID.ToString();
    input.ListOfActivity[0].Description = DataToString(data);
    input.ListOfActivity[0].Subject = "Website Submission Activity";
    input.ListOfActivity[0].Priority = "3-Low";
    //input.ListOfActivity[0].DueDate =
    input.ListOfActivity[0].Owner = this.defaultLeadOwner;
    input.ListOfActivity[0].Type = "Call";
    //input.ListOfActivity[0].Display = "Task";
    input.ListOfActivity[0].ActivityId = "DummyId";
    input.ListOfActivity[0].ExternalSystemId = "web";
    catch (Exception exInsertActivity1)
    if (blnDebug)
    Response.Write("<br>Error inserting activity.<br><br>" +
    exInsertActivity1.ToString() + "<br>";
    01-06-2007 05:05 PM
    Re: Creating Activity object for a Service Request object...
    New Contributor
    Figured it out.. the field "Display" is also known as "Activity"........
    Here are some notes for other people.. good luck and feel free to write me
    at raskawa-at-gmail-com if you want a code sample.
    Some unpublished nice to knows for Siebel On Demand Activities....
    In summary:
    - .Activity is also known as Display in documentation and on the error
    messages coming back from the WS. Also, it appears based on these boards
    some people actually have a .Display field. Maybe different accounts
    generate different WSDL's.... buggy.
    - If a error message is thrown saying "Description is required" it really
    means "Subject is required" (make sure .Subject has a value)
    - If a error message is thrown complaining that ActionType is not right..
    that is really .Type.. make sure it's lookup value is valid for the
    dropdown values in your CRM OD system.
    My code/values that worked..
    input.ListOfActivity[0].LeadId = leadID.ToString();
    input.ListOfActivity[0].Description = DataToString(data);
    input.ListOfActivity[0].Subject = "Website Submission Activity";
    input.ListOfActivity[0].Priority = "3-Low";
    //input.ListOfActivity[0].DueDate =
    input.ListOfActivity[0].Owner = this.defaultLeadOwner;
    input.ListOfActivity[0].Type = "Call";
    input.ListOfActivity[0].ActivityId = "DummyId";
    input.ListOfActivity[0].ExternalSystemId = "web";
    //input.ListOfActivity[0].Display = "Task"; //doesn't work
    input.ListOfActivity[0].Activity = "Task"; //does work.
    01-06-2007 05:17 PM
    Re: Creating Activity object for a Service Request object...
    First Time Contributor
    This is surgientweb (under my own login now..)
    Anyway, I wanted to add that I figured out that there are two ways to add
    a Activity to a Lead. Via the Lead object (by getting a ListOfActivities)
    OR by creating a Activity directly and just adding your "LeadID" to it (or
    you can also add a "ContactID" to relate the activity to a Contact.)
    Feel free to email me for a code example (raskawa....at....gmail)
    01-09-2007 02:58 PM

    Hi Stephane,
    You can definitely read the categories using Tables in CRM. The logic is a bit complicated though.
    Use the following steps to retrieve Categories using Std. CRM Tables:
    1. Pass transaction GUID in field GUID of table CRMV_REPORT_SUBJ and get KATALOGART, CODEGRUPPE and CODE field values in lv_catalog, lv_codegrp and lv_code.
    2. Now you need to concatenate these 3 fields values carefully like this:
    CONCATENATE lv_catelog lv_codegrp '    ' lv_code into lv_category1.
    Remember there are 4 spaces between lv_codegrp and lv_code.
    3. Now pass this lv_category1 in field OBJEXT in table CRMC_ERMS_CAT_OK and get OBJGUID in field lv_objguid.
    4. Pass this lv_objguid in field OBJ_GUID and LNK_TYPE = 'IS_CODE' in table CRMC_ERMS_CAT_LN and get value of CAT_GUID in lv_cat_guid.
    5. Pass this lv_cat_guid in field CAT_GUID in table CRMC_ERMS_CAT_CA and get value of CAT_ID in field lv_cat_text.
    Remember this lv_cat_text is the text value of your last level of category of transaction.
    6. To get its upper cateogry level value, simply use table CRMC_ERMS_CAT_HI and get parent guid value and pass this as CAT_GUID again in table CRMC_ERMS_CAT_CA to get its text.
    Alternatively, you can also use class method cl_crm_ml_category_util=>get_parse_all to get all levels of categories.
    Hope this helps.

  • Error while Cancelling a PO Line

    My user faces a problem while Cancelling a PO Line.. here i explain the whole scenario..
    One PO with only one PO line was created by Autocreate from a Requisition with one line in a financial period 10 months before.
    Now, it is found that Ship-to Org was wrongly entered.. so now they created another same PO Line with correct
    Ship to Org.. and now wants to Cancel the wrong Po Line..
    But while doing so, an Error Comes,
    APP-PO-14056: User Exit #PO REQUEST_ACTION returned error
    Cause: #PO REQUEST_ACTION encountered an internal error.
    and Cancellation is not done...
    Please help..

    Please see these docs.
    System Hang When Try To Cancel Po Shipment - APP-PO-14056: User Exit #PO REQUEST_ACTION returned error [ID 413193.1]
    Rls11i - PO- POXDOCON.pld - Unable to cancel PO. APP-PO-14056: User Exit #PO REQUEST_ACTION returned error [ID 247418.1]
    APP-PO-14056 User Exit #PO Request_action Returned Error While Cancelling Planned PO Shipment [ID 303488.1]APP-PO-14056 User Exit #PO request_action returned error. While cancelling Purchase Orders with received quantity equal to ordered quantity . [ID 209591.1]
    After Patch, While Cancelling Purchase Order Get Error APP-PO-14056 [ID 563384.1]
    Receiving Error APP-PO-14056 When Trying to Cancel a Purchase Order [ID 142793.1]
    APP-PO-14056 When Cancelling a Blanket Purchase Agreement Shipment or its related Blanket Release Shipments [ID 398379.1]
    Cancelling Purchase Order Returns Error APP-PO-14056 [ID 371571.1]
    APP-PO-14056 User Exit #Po Request_action Return Error When Cancelling A Purchase Order [ID 848598.1]
    Cancel or Unreserve of Scheduled Release is Unsuccessful APP-PO-14056 [ID 300105.1]
    APP-PO-14056 When Canceling Release [ID 562673.1]

  • Sender File Adapter Not Showing in Decentral Adapter Engine

    We have recently implemented a Decentral Adapter Engine on a windows box. The adapter engine seems to be working fine because my adapters show and seem to work fine in it.
    However, when I define a Sender File Adapter that uses File Content Conversion message protocol instead of just File messaeg protocol, the adapter does not show up in the decentral adapter engine.
    I made sure that Adapter Engine parameter in the Sender File Adapter shows the new adapter engine but that does not seem to be working. If change the Adapter Enginer parameter to show the Central Adapter Engine, then I can see the Sender File Adapter on the Central Adapter engine and it works fine. (Note: The Central Adapter Engine is installed on a Unix box) 
    Here are the paramters I defined for the Sender File Adapter:
    - Transport Protocol: File System (NFS)
    - Message Protocol: File Content Conversion
    - Adapter Engine: (new Adapter Name)
    Source Directory: (
    File Name: purchaseOrder.txt
    Quality of Service: Exactly Once
    Poll Interval (secs): 60000
    Poll Interval (msecs):
    Retry Interval (secs):
    Processing Mode: Archive
    Add Time Stamp (checked)
    Archive Direcotry: (
    Process Read-Only files: (not checked)
    Processing Sequence: By Name
    Fiel Type: Text
    File Encoding:
    Operating System Command:
    Additional Files (not checked)
    Content Conversion Parameters
    Document Name: MT_Request_File_Data
    Document Namespace: http://nxy.tots/fg_admin
    Document Offset:
    RecordSet Name: Purchasing
    RecordSet Namespace:
    RecordSet Structure: Purchase_Record,*
    RecordSet Sequence: Ascending
    RecordSets per Message: 1
    Key Field Name:
    Key Field Type: String(Case-Insensitive)
    Purchase_Record.fieldFixedLengths: 8,4,2,10,10,12,18,12
    Purchase_Record.fieldFixedType: char
    Purchase_Record.fieldNames: Request_Action,Request_PO_Num,Request_PO_LN,Request_PO_Date,Request_Purchasing_Org,Request_Purchasing_GName,Request_Created_By,Request_Vendor_Name
    Purchase_Record.fileContentFormatting: trim
    Adapter Status: Active
    Advanced Mode: (not checked)
    Your help is much appreciated.

    Hi Alaa,
    look into this document:
    http://service.sap.com/nw-howtoguides -> Exchange Infrastructure -> Troubleshooting: Adapter Engine 3.0 (Expert Call slides)
    If the File Adapter works without conversion, then you should count the number of fields in a row. If it differs from the configuration, then it runs on error.
    Another idea is to check the content type of the file. When you do not enter a File Encoding, then the file adapter assumes utf-8. If the file is for example latin-1, then the number of characters in a row are not counted correctly.

  • Mac-auth-bypass fails MAC: 0000.0000.0000

    I have an old JetDirect that doesn't support 802.1x. I have enabled MAB on the port where it connects, but for some reason MAB fails. I enabled dot1x debug and will paste the output in a few here. I know my dot1x config is good.. i have clients authenticating via RADIUS to my ACS server. I also have another port using MAB, not a JetDirect though, both ports are configured identically. From the debugs, it seems that the switch can't glean the mac of the JetDirect. Any ideas? This is a 3750 with 12.2(44)SE2. I've tried to shut/no shut the interface, reset the JetDirect, nothing seems to work. I see no requests on my ACS server for this device's MAC address.
    aaa authentication dot1x default group radius
    aaa authorization network default group radius
    radius-server host 192.168.x.x auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646
    interface FastEthernet2/0/31
    description A002 White
    switchport access vlan 112
    switchport mode access
    switchport voice vlan 800
    switchport port-security maximum 3
    switchport port-security
    switchport port-security aging time 2
    switchport port-security violation restrict
    switchport port-security aging type inactivity
    srr-queue bandwidth share 10 10 60 20
    srr-queue bandwidth shape  10  0  0  0
    mls qos trust device cisco-phone
    mls qos trust cos
    auto qos voip cisco-phone
    dot1x mac-auth-bypass eap
    dot1x pae authenticator
    dot1x port-control auto
    dot1x host-mode multi-domain
    dot1x violation-mode restrict
    dot1x timeout tx-period 2
    dot1x timeout supp-timeout 10
    spanning-tree portfast
    spanning-tree bpduguard enable
    012729: May  5 14:51:31.672: dot1x-packet:dot1x_txReq: EAPOL packet sent out for the default authenticator
    012730: May  5 14:51:32.586: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet2/0/31, changed state to up
    012731: May  5 14:51:33.727: dot1x-packet:Received an EAP request packet from EAP for mac 0000.0000.0000
    012732: May  5 14:51:33.727: dot1x-sm:Posting EAP_REQ on Client=4219220
    012733: May  5 14:51:33.727:     dot1x_auth_bend Fa2/0/31: during state auth_bend_request, got event 7(eapReq)
    012734: May  5 14:51:33.727: @@@ dot1x_auth_bend Fa2/0/31: auth_bend_request ->auth_bend_request
    012735: May  5 14:51:33.727: dot1x-sm:Fa2/0/31:0000.0000.0000:auth_bend_request_ request_action called
    012736: May  5 14:51:33.727: dot1x-sm:Fa2/0/31:0000.0000.0000:auth_bend_request_ enter called
    012737: May  5 14:51:33.727: dot1x-packet:dot1x_mgr_send_eapol :EAP code: 0x1  id: 0x2  length: 0x0005 type: 0x1  data:
    012738: May  5 14:51:33.727: dot1x-ev:FastEthernet2/0/31:Sending EAPOL packet to group PAE address
    012739: May  5 14:51:33.727: dot1x-ev:dot1x_mgr_pre_process_eapol_pak: Role determination not required on FastEthernet2/0/31.
    012740: May  5 14:51:33.727: dot1x-registry:registry:dot1x_ether_macaddr called
    012741: May  5 14:51:33.727: dot1x-ev:dot1x_mgr_send_eapol: Sending out EAPOL packet on FastEthernet2/0/31
    012742: May  5 14:51:33.727: EAPOL pak dump Tx
    012743: May  5 14:51:33.727: EAPOL Version: 0x2  type: 0x0  length: 0x0005
    012744: May  5 14:51:33.727: EAP code: 0x1  id: 0x2  length: 0x0005 type: 0x1
    012745: May  5 14:51:33.727: dot1x-packet:dot1x_txReq: EAPOL packet sent out for the default authenticator
    012746: May  5 14:51:35.791: dot1x-ev:Received an EAP Timeout on FastEthernet2/0/31 for mac 0000.0000.0000
    012747: May  5 14:51:35.791: dot1x-sm:Posting EAP_TIMEOUT on Client=4219220
    012748: May  5 14:51:35.791:     dot1x_auth_bend Fa2/0/31: during state auth_bend_request, got event 12(eapTimeout)
    012749: May  5 14:51:35.791: @@@ dot1x_auth_bend Fa2/0/31: auth_bend_request ->auth_bend_timeout
    012750: May  5 14:51:35.791: dot1x-sm:Fa2/0/31:0000.0000.0000:auth_bend_timeout_enter called
    012751: May  5 14:51:35.791: dot1x-sm:Fa2/0/31:0000.0000.0000:auth_bend_request_timeout_action called
    012752: May  5 14:51:35.791:     dot1x_auth_bend Fa2/0/31: idle during state auth_bend_timeout
    012753: May  5 14:51:35.791: @@@ dot1x_auth_bend Fa2/0/31: auth_bend_timeout ->auth_bend_idle
    012754: May  5 14:51:35.791: dot1x-sm:Fa2/0/31:0000.0000.0000:auth_bend_idle_enter called
    012755: May  5 14:51:35.791: dot1x-sm:Posting AUTH_TIMEOUT on Client=4219220
    012756: May  5 14:51:35.791:     dot1x_auth Fa2/0/31: during state auth_authenticating, got event 15(authTimeout)
    012757: May  5 14:51:35.791: @@@ dot1x_auth Fa2/0/31: auth_authenticating -> auth_fallback
    012758: May  5 14:51:35.791: dot1x-sm:Fa2/0/31:0000.0000.0000:auth_authenticating_exit called
    012759: May  5 14:51:35.791: dot1x-sm:Fa2/0/31:0000.0000.0000:auth_fallback_ente r called
    012760: May  5 14:51:35.791:     dot1x_auth_mab : initial state mab_initialize has enter
    012761: May  5 14:51:35.791:     dot1x_auth_mab : during state mab_initialize, got event 2(mabStart)
    012762: May  5 14:51:35.791: @@@ dot1x_auth_mab : mab_initialize -> mab_acquiring
    012763: May  5 14:53:08.831:     dot1x_auth_mab : during state mab_acquiring, got event 3(mabResult) (ignored)
    HQ_1stFlr_3750#sh dot1x int fa2/0/31 det
    Dot1x Info for FastEthernet2/0/31
    PAE                       = AUTHENTICATOR
    PortControl               = AUTO
    ControlDirection          = Both
    HostMode                  = MULTI_DOMAIN
    Violation Mode            = RESTRICT
    ReAuthentication          = Disabled
    QuietPeriod               = 60
    ServerTimeout             = 30
    SuppTimeout               = 10
    ReAuthPeriod              = 3600 (Locally configured)
    ReAuthMax                 = 2
    MaxReq                    = 2
    TxPeriod                  = 2
    RateLimitPeriod           = 0
    Mac-Auth-Bypass           = Enabled (EAP)
        Inactivity Timeout    = None
    Dot1x Authenticator Client List Empty
    Port Status               = UNAUTHORIZED

    Is this jetdirect card using DHCP to get an IP address ? If not then the Jetdirect will not generate any outbound traffic for the switch to auhenticate. To test this use the front panel of the printer to send out a ping packet and see if that triggers the MAB.

  • URL Redirection from portal component

    I have created portal component.  I want to
    How to redirect request from jsp to external url
    Following is my jsp code
         String url = "http://abc.com/";
         url =     url +  componentRequest.getComponentSession().getValue("loginid").toString();
    <%= url %>
    i am able to see the url getting printed on the iview with
    how do i forward request to the said url from the jsp page.

    here is a simple Code sample to achieve this (as stated by Praveen Gudapati I use response.sendRedirect):
    <%@ page language="java" %>
        String redirectURL = request.getParameter ("redirectURL");
        response.sendRedirect (redirectURL);
    In this sample you can even pass the redirectURL as URL Parameter. If you don't want that just define
    a static String for redirectURL.
    If you use this within a portal component and want to call a "local" JSP I'd prefer to use a forward. This is faster and your Clients won't have to initiate a new request:
    Here's some sample code:
    public class MyPortalComponent extends AbstractPortalComponent
    private static final String PATH_INDEX_JSP = "jsp/index.jsp";
    * Forward the request to the corresponding JSP.
    * @param request The request.
    * @param response The response.
    private final void forwardToJSP(IPortalComponentRequest request, IPortalComponentResponse response, String jspPath)
      // get the JSP as resource object and include it in the response
      IResource jspResource = request.getResource(IResource.JSP, jspPath);
      response.include(request, jspResource);
    public void doContent(IPortalComponentRequest request, IPortalComponentResponse response)
    forwardToJSP(request, response,PATH_INDEX_JSP);
    So when you have more than one JSP you just use a URL Parameter and switch Case in doContent to call the appropriate JSP:
    public class MyPortalComponent extends AbstractPortalComponent
    private static final String PATH_INDEX_JSP = "jsp/index.jsp";
    private static final String PATH_SECOND_JSP = "jsp/second.jsp";
    private static final String PATH_THIRD_JSP = "jsp/third.jsp";
    private final int getRequestAction(IPortalComponentRequest request) {
              int value = 0;
              String param = request.getParameter("request_action");
              if (param != null) {
                try {
                   value = Integer.parseInt(param);
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                   value = 0;
              return value;
    public void doContent(IPortalComponentRequest request, IPortalComponentResponse response)
    // get the requested action
    int request_action = getRequestAction(request);
    switch (request_action) {
      case 0 :                    
        forwardToJSP(request, response,PATH_INDEX_JSP);
      case 1 :       
        forwardToJSP(request, response,PATH_SECOND_JSP);          
      case 2 :
        forwardToJSP(request, response,PATH_THIRD_JSP);          
      default :     
        forwardToJSP(request, response, PATH_INDEX_JSP);
    Hope this helps
    (Reward Points for helpful answers are appreciated )

  • Cfmail: attach file with cfmailparam?

    I created a form several years ago that allows users to submit maintenance requests. They check a box if they want a receipt sent to their own email.
    The requests do not get captured in a DB- simply sends to email.
    This all has been working fine- I am now attemping to add document attachment capability- I am obviously not using the correct method.
    The form itself has:
    <cfform action="request_action.cfm" method="post" name="detail" id="detail" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    etc. etc.
    Upload File or Sceenshot if neccessary: <cfinput name="file_upload" type="File" required="no" size="40"></cfform>
    The request_action.cfm has:
    <cfmail to=
    etc. etc.
    <cfif isDefined("Form.file_upload") >
            contentID = "file_upload"
            disposition = "attachment"
            file = "#Form.file_upload#" 
            type ="application/msword,application/docx,application/pdf,application/octet-stream,applicatio n/msword,text/plain,binary/octet-stream, image/pjpeg,  image/gif, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, application/vnd.ms-word.document.12, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"></cfif>
    When I run without the above code, everything works. When I run with the cfmailparam, it sends a strange receipt with no content?
    Thanks for any help with this

    You didn't post any code that shows that you actually uploaded the file to your server. 

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