POA Scheduled Events - not e-mailing

Hi there,
We run Groupwise 7.0.4 here and have set-up new POs to migrate users onto -
as a result I have created several 'scheduled events' on our POA.
I have ensured that in the "results" tab of the 'scheduled action' that
"send results to = Administrator" is selected but although I can see that
each event has run (path-to-po\wpcsout\chk - the log files are there), there
is no e-mail in our Administrator e-mail accoun with the files attached.
I know this may be a stupid question but I cannot find where the event knows
what the Administrator e-mail account is - could that be the problem? The
events on our 'old' 7.0.4 PO's run and e-mail ok.
*Because of a lack of investment, we did not have the funds to upgrade or
migrate away from Groupwise 7 so have purchased new HP G7 servers and are
running our Groupwise environment on VMware on those servers......it's a
long story!
Many thanks in advance

Many thanks - that did the trick.
"Michael Bell" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:r4wms.1073$[email protected]..
> On 11/7/2012 4:11 AM, Mike Goodson wrote:
>> Hi Michael
>> Can you expand on your answer a little more for me please? I assume you
>> mean
>> I need to check the owning POA's MTA in the NDS rights tab to ensure the
>> Groupwise Administrator account has the correct permissions - is that
>> correct?
>> Thanks
>> Mike
>> "Michael Bell" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:9_ams.1016$[email protected]..
>>> On 11/6/2012 4:31 AM, Mike Goodson wrote:
>>>> Hi there,
>>>> We run Groupwise 7.0.4 here and have set-up new POs to migrate users
>>>> onto -
>>>> as a result I have created several 'scheduled events' on our POA.
>>>> I have ensured that in the "results" tab of the 'scheduled action' that
>>>> "send results to = Administrator" is selected but although I can see
>>>> that
>>>> each event has run (path-to-po\wpcsout\chk - the log files are there),
>>>> there
>>>> is no e-mail in our Administrator e-mail accoun with the files
>>>> attached.
>>>> I know this may be a stupid question but I cannot find where the event
>>>> knows
>>>> what the Administrator e-mail account is - could that be the problem?
>>>> The
>>>> events on our 'old' 7.0.4 PO's run and e-mail ok.
>>>> *Because of a lack of investment, we did not have the funds to upgrade
>>>> or
>>>> migrate away from Groupwise 7 so have purchased new HP G7 servers and
>>>> are
>>>> running our Groupwise environment on VMware on those servers......it's
>>>> a
>>>> long story!
>>>> Many thanks in advance
>>>> Mike
>>> The administrator is assigned IIRC at the MTA object.
> http://forums.novell.com/novell-prod...nistrator.html

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    > Regars
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    end sniffer_proc
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    Here is complete code which I tested on which shows a second job that runs after a first job starts and also when it has exceeded its max run duration. It doesn't have the condition but just runs on every event raised, but the job only raises the 2 events.
    Hope this helps,
    -- run a job when another starts and exceeds its max_run_duration
    set pagesize 200
    -- create a user just for this test
    drop user test_user cascade;
    grant connect, create job, create session, resource,
      create table to test_user identified by test_user ;
    connect test_user/test_user
    -- create a table for output
    create table job_output (log_date timestamp with time zone,
            output varchar2(4000));
    -- add an event queue subscriber for this user's messages
    exec dbms_scheduler.add_event_queue_subscriber('myagent')
    -- create the first job and have it raise an event whenever it completes
    -- (succeeds, fails or stops)
       ( 'first_job', job_action =>
         'insert into job_output values(systimestamp, ''first job runs'');'||
         'commit; dbms_lock.sleep(70);',
        job_type => 'plsql_block',
        enabled => false, repeat_interval=>'freq=secondly;interval=90' ) ;
    dbms_scheduler.set_attribute ( 'first_job' , 'max_runs' , 2);
        ( 'first_job' , 'raise_events' , dbms_scheduler.job_started);
    dbms_scheduler.set_attribute ( 'first_job' , 'max_run_duration' ,
        interval '60' second);
    -- create a simple second job that runs when the first starts and after
    -- it has exceeded its max_run_duration
        'insert into job_output values(systimestamp, ''second job runs'');',
                                event_condition =>
       'tab.user_data.object_name = ''FIRST_JOB''',
                                queue_spec =>'sys.scheduler$_event_queue,myagent',
    -- this allows multiple simultaneous runs of the second job on 11g and up
        dbms_scheduler.set_attribute('second_job', 'parallel_instances',true);
    -- enable the first job so it starts running
    exec dbms_scheduler.enable('first_job')
    -- wait until the first job has run twice
    exec dbms_lock.sleep(180)
    select * from job_output;

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    Hi matthuynh,
    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities!
    I understand you are not receiving iMessages when you are not connected to the internet. You will need some sort of data connection to receive an iMessage, Wi-Fi or cellular data. If you are connected to data and are still not receiving iMessages please you the information in the following article to isolate and resolve the situation.
    iOS: Troubleshooting Messages
    Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.
    Have a great day,

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    GroupWise 2014 POA - PONAME
    Status | Configuration | Environment | Log Files | Scheduled Events | MTP Status | Help
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    Yes I have checked the poa startup file and it looks fine. It was a fresh install of GW2014 so there is only one poa file and it's located in the post office directory as well. Interestingly, it's the monitor screen of the domain that shows this wrong information when I click on 'Links' and then the PO link listed there. When I look at monitor in the PO, any of the path data in there shows correct. So it makes me believe the problem is on info stored in the domain - but maybe I'm wrong. Also, mail goes out just fine, but it fails coming in because the domain drops it in the old location and the post office tries to pick it up in the new location.
    Originally Posted by laurabuckley
    Hi Dan,
    Just a quick suggestion... Have you checked your POA startup file to see if it has the wrong path set in there? Look at the top of the file for the "home" path.
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    <Edited by Moderator>

    Make sure you select/highlight the actual item, not just the day or time, and then hit delete.
    Message was edited by: Rod Hagen

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    I found when I created an event, I needed to add an alert to it. Then it started showing up.
    Notification Center Basics
    Notification Center Preferences
    Notification Center Setup

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    In testing the system I find that the Messaging Server will not accept messages sent to the alternate email address whether sent from the same server (via Messenger Express) or from an external server. It returns the error message: 550 5.1.1 unknown or illegal alias.
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    [date_time] conn=120 op=11 msgId=12 - SRCH base="o=domain.com,o=internet" scope=2 filter="(mail=[email protected])" attrs="preferredLanguage mail mailEq
    [date_time] conn=120 op=11 msgId=12 - RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=1 etime=0
    [date_time] conn=120 op=12 msgId=13 - SRCH base="o=internet" scope=2 filter="(&(objectClass=sunManagedOrganization)(|(associatedDomain=host.domain.com)(sunPreferredDomain=host.domain.com)))" attrs=ALL
    [date_time] conn=120 op=12 msgId=13 - RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=0 etime=0
    Any suggestions to eliminate this problem would be appreciated.

    Both the primary and alternate email addresses are the same as the domain of the user.
    Here is what I want to do. Email is sent to a primary email server (not this machine). Mail for some users stays on that server to be read and mail for other users is moved to a geographically separate server (the one in question) by specifying that the mail be forwarded to the specific host: [email protected] > [email protected]
    On this second server I want to host two (or more) independent email domains. I do not want one of the domains to be a subdomain of the other. So during the installation I used o=internet as the root suffix and then used a different default domain (representing one of the registered internet domains). After installation I used the commadmin tool to create a second domain so now I have what looks something like this:
    I then created some users under domain1 and some under domain2 so one user's dn is:
    uid=user, ou=people, o= domain1.com, o=internet.
    Mail sent locally to user@ domain1.com gets delivered correctly, but sending to [email protected] does not.
    host2.domain1.com is the fully qualified domain name of the server.

  • Call GET_SEARCH_REASULT service from scheduler event filter Iin UCM

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    Can anybody please tell me how to call GET_SEARCH_REASULTS service from scheduler event filter?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Nitin
    Why cant you try writing custom query and custom service ?
    Please refer idoc script reference guide for getting the parametrs to be passed when using Get_search_results.

  • System preference pane will not load mail contacts calendar

    I get a msg saying that prefence pane will not load mail contacts and calendars.  Does anyone know why?  How I can fix that?   Is that why I can't add new events to ical?

    It appears that in the past few days you have not received a response to your
    posting. That concerns us, and has triggered this automated reply.
    Has your problem been resolved? If not, you might try one of the following options:
    - Visit http://www.novell.com/support and search the knowledgebase and/or check all
    the other self support options and support programs available.
    - You could also try posting your message again. Make sure it is posted in the
    correct newsgroup. (http://forums.novell.com)
    Be sure to read the forum FAQ about what to expect in the way of responses:
    If this is a reply to a duplicate posting, please ignore and accept our apologies
    and rest assured we will issue a stern reprimand to our posting bot.
    Good luck!
    Your Novell Forums Team

  • Scheduler - Event Based Jobs

    I've been trying to create an event based job dependent on multiple jobs. I tried queuing, but it seems like it can only hand one Job at a time. Also, chains were recommended to me, but I want the Job to run on the dependence on the Job that ran on specific program at the specific time. I currently know that chains can only handle, programs, other chains and/or events.
    In my mind chains wouldn't work, because If I wanted to run Job3 dependent on the outcome of Job1 running Program1 and Job2 running Program2, chains wouldn't be able to accomdate that. For it to happen in chains I would have to attach Program1 and Program2 to the new chain Job and that is not exactly what I would want.
    Can anyone help/clarify this situation for me. Thank you.

    Hi Tony,
    So the requirement is to run a job after 2 prior jobs have completed.
    There are two ways I can think of to do this, both using events. In both cases you need to set job A and job B to raise events on completion (succeeded, failed or stopped) and setup an agent for the Scheduler event queue in the schema in which you are working
    In order to get Job C to start after jobs A and B have completed there are 2 options.
    1) Let job C point to a chain and start running whenever job A has completed. The chain will have 2 steps, one event step waiting on B and one that runs your task C. An event step does nothing but wait for a particular event and complete successfully when the event is received. The second step will run when the event step waiting on job B has completed.
    So your chain would look something like
    'tab.user_data.object_name = ''JOB_B'' and
    tab.user_data.event_type IN(''JOB_SUCCEEDED'',''JOB_FAILED'',''JOB_STOPPED''',
    dbms_scheduler.define_chain_rule('chain1','true','start stepB');
    dbms_scheduler.define_chain_rule('chain1', 'stepB completed', 'start stepC');
    dbms_scheduler.define_chain_rule('chain1', 'stepC completed', 'end');
    And your job would point to the chain and run whenever job_A completes (similar condition and queue_spec). It would keep waiting till job_B runs and then the final task would run and it would complete.
    2) The second way is to require job_A to insert a row into a table somewhere. Rule conditions can access table data so you could have job_C have an event condition which checks for a completion event for job_B and checks the table to see whether job_A has completed. Then the code you run should then remove the row in the table
    event_condition=>'tab.user_data.object_name = ''JOB_B'' and
    tab.user_data.event_type IN(''JOB_SUCCEEDED'',''JOB_FAILED'',''JOB_STOPPED''' and
    (select count(*) from mytab where col='job_A')>0'
    Then when running C do - delete from mytab where col='job_a';
    Both of these assume that job_A always completes before job_B but both of these will then run job_C after job_B completes. Modifying either of these so that either job A or B runs first is also possible by having another job that waits on A rather than B.
    Hope this helps, if you have any more questions, let me know.

  • Scheduled Events

    Hi All. Firstly forgive me, but where is the forum search feature? If I enter criteria in the Search field next to the Support button, it seems to search the entire Apple site, not the forum.
    Now, to the question at hand. Since Day 1 I have had scheduled event dots beneath every single day of every month in my calendar. Why is this and how do I go about removing them? I do not have scheduled events every day in outlook, so why would they appear on the phone?

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  • Scheduled Job not running properly

    Hello Friends,
    I have a webservice that sends the mail to 24 or above users at a single go . This functionality I need to schedule . So I designed the job for same purpose , now the problem is that the webservice is running absolutely fine but once the job is scheduled and run , the mails are not send . I tried to send a single mail also with the help of scheduler API and was succefull in doing that but If the webservice needs to send more than one mail , this does not happen through the Scheduler API
    I also had encountered problem while runnign the webservice earlier. I was getting the Read timed out error during execution of webservice For its solution I increased the time out period of the webservice  mannually ( from the left panel , the time out period can be increased in WebService Navigator ) and the problem got solved , this you cant do once you have scheduled the job so one of the reson may this time out expiration also .
    So can any one help me out with the way to increase the time out period for the webservice not mannually rather in a more stabel and permanent way
    Edited by: Smriti_techno on May 5, 2009 8:50 AM

    refer this link for example of scheduler api
    let me know am i correct or not

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