Podcast Producer without OS X Server?

Is it possible to use the podcast producer application without access to a Mac OS X Server?
Thanks in Advance,

Thanks for your reply.
When you say management tools - do you mean the GUI stuff. Seems terrible to have to do command line configuration when Apple have written a decent gui for it??
So, is there a decent GUI I can use, or is it at all possible to get Apples GUI on the client??

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    I'll give this a shot. Thanks!
    FWIW I've been trying to follow the directions provided at
    http://www.macenterprise.org/articles/settinguppodcastproducerinanactivedirector yenvironment

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    Since it's a component of OS X Server, there's a much richer discussion forum for it here:

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    Bad form, but I am going to respond to my own question here with a possible solution. I'm doing this for others who may be stuck on the same thing.
    It looks like a solution would be to create a Folder Action on the directory that the raw video files will be uploaded to. This would be an AppleScript that will run the podcast (see 'man podcast') command line tool to manually submit the files to the Podcast Server workflow.

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    Thank you for any and all advice or input.

    tj4shee wrote:
    Oh...... so if I read this right.... the total cost for setting up a Lion Server is $29 for Lion + $49 for the server tools.... so $88 total....
    I didn't catch on to that prior.....

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    If you could do it - byloby wonderful. Write, discuss payment.
    Best regards.

    I need to configure MAC OS X Server 10.8.3 with the version of software to work with a dynamic IP via dyn.com / dns / or what is a better way.
    And we must port the Podcast Producer to version 10.8 the fact that it supports both free software server package to version 10.7.5 (this package can be downloaded for free on the site aple.com since the program itself is free).
    And then it all set up, you need it to work.
    The general idea is that on remote computers, iMac, iPhone, iPad made ​​podcasts. Thrown off the server. The server writes the files to your disk and raspiarivaet podcast for download from different sources.
    If you could do it - byloby wonderful. Write, discuss payment.
    Best regards.

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    The Podcast Producer and Podcast Capture packages were retired a while ago.  They're no longer part of the current OS X versions.
    Unless you're hosting the podcasts from your own Internet server either for your own local users on your network or hosting them publicly on your own network connection (and that chews up your network bandwidth, as well as requiring you to manage a server), these (or similar) packages are (were) not necessary.
    As for creating podcasts, use GarageBand on your OS X system or on an iOS device, then upload the finished podcast to the site you're hosting the podcast at; to Apple or whatever other entity is providing the hosting.
    There are some podcast creation how-to links on the left side of the Apple Podcasting web page.  There are probably some podcasts and videos on this topic around, too.

  • HT200124 what is the podcast producer server?

    I am trying to set up my Podcast Capture....it is asking me for "podcast producer server"?

    Are you running into a situation where the difference in time between producing an event, and consuming it, is actually causing your problems?  If not, this is not a question worth worrying about.  Use whatever is most appropriate for your application.
    There's no need to make wild guesses - build a VI, benchmark and test!  The attached is a reasonable starting point, although I think the event structure may be slow due to setup time but may respond quickly once running.  If you experiment with this, you'll probably find that there's no definite answer to which is fastest.  Changing the size of the RT-FIFO, or of the queue, makes a big difference in speed.  At least in my testing, a single-element RT-FIFO is fastest, but an infinitely large queue is faster than a small queue, and a longer RT-FIFO is much slower than the single-element version.
    It's important to realize that RT is not another word for Fast or Efficient, it's another word for Consistent.  For the purposes of real-time (deterministic) execution, it doesn't matter how fast the RT-FIFO functions are so long as they execute in exactly the same amount of time, every time (with the exception of a "forever" timeout value, of course).  You can use either a standard queue or an RT-FIFO to communicate between loops.  One use for an RT-FIFO is when a time-critical loop is enqueuing the data.  It guarantees that the amount of time needed to put data into the FIFO will not vary.  Enqueueing data in a standard queue will sometimes be faster than other times, depending on whether there is already space available in the queue or space needs to be allocated for the new element.  If this variation is unacceptable, then use an RT-FIFO; otherwise, the standard queue works just as well.
    If the architecture shown in your image is working for you, I don't see any reason to change it.
    EDIT: oops, almost forgot to attach the code I used for testing!
    Event vs Queue.vi ‏21 KB

  • Does lion server have podcast producer 2

    The Apple Lion Server description lists podcast producer 2 but I'm only finding pod cast capture and pod cast publisher.

    In Lion Server, Apple made some changes to the way podcasts can be handled. However, Podcast Producer is still available, and can be configured using the Server Admin app.

  • Performance of Podcast Producer

    Hi There,
    I setup a MacPro 8 core (2.8G)/ 16G Ram/ 250G HD with latest version of OS X Server (10.5.7). By follow Podcast Porducer Admin guide my server can capture video via client iSight and publish to wiki server without any problem.
    My question is : When I record 20 mins video and publish it. The server need 20+ mins to process it then publish to wiki server. I have similar test result in less CPU Macs. Is this normal for Podcast Producer in one server machine? Any way to speed it up in one Mac?

    There are two things you could try.
    a) Write your own encodings file. There was once a circulating version an editor for these encodings plist files. If you get hold if it you could write a file without multi-pass encoding which speeds up the encoding a lot.
    b) Even though you have 8 cores, the encoding itself runs more or less on one core. You could get some extra software which does "split and stich" (cut the original video material in x pieces, encode these x pieces and put it back together in the end). In you case it could be split in 8 pieces and (ideally) speed up the encoding 8 times.

  • Podcast Producer 2, Jobs Failing

    We are in the process of setting up our xserve for podcast producer, but I am running into an issue.
    When I submit a podcast, the job shows up in Xgrid Admin but then fails shortly after. When I look at the individual job log, it fails on the same task each time:
    task "import-plugin-movie-generated" state change to "Failed"
    task "publish-plugin-movie-generated" state changed to "Failed"
    When I go to Server Admin>Podcast Producer>Logs>Podcast Producer Server Error Log I get the following error.
    /usr/share/podcastproducer/pcastserd/lib/watcher/watcher/watcher.rb:#in 'start' :Ruby threads cannot be used in RubyCocoa without patches to the Ruby interpreter
    Please let me know if you have any suggestions, as I can't find really anything about this error online or in any other documentation.

    This group is usually reserved for issues specific to the Xserve itself and you are more likely to get an answer - or at least get more experienced eyes on your problem in a more appropriate group. Like the Podcast Producer discussion group:
    A very technical discussion of this issue - or at least a very similar one is here at StackOverFlow:
    http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1733426/ruby-threads-cannot-be-used-in-rubyco coa-without-patches-to-the-ruby-interpreter
    Good luck,

  • Any online movies of Podcast Producer being demo'd?

    Why can't I find any actual video podcasts of Podcast Producer? Is it too new? Does someone have to capture a capture with another tool? (...like an iShowU capture of how to use Snapz Pro...)
    I want to show a video clip to demo this to my boss. Something to show the aspects of this being a great centralizing database for creating and publishing online video training movies... but she ain't going to get that from a one-page blurb on the Apple site's Leopard Server page.
    Anyone? *Links to actual movies about Podcast Producer?*
    Message was edited by: Laura Neumann

    Hi Roger,
    I am in a similar boat to emotionboy and I was hoping you could help me. I think I need the functionality of Podcast Producer (I'll explain why) but I can't get past the setup phase. I have no idea what to put in for SERVER.
    I am trying to do a presentation with video screen capture of multiple documents and audio voiceover. I'm also interested in the picture-in-picture functionality although I can complete my project without this.
    If it's helpful: I do not need to be able to manage a team of people doing podcasts or anything like that. It's just me, at home, with my 13" macbook pro (brand new), trying to do a presentation for a client. (I am a consultant.)
    Thank you so very much, Roger!

  • Xgrid Job fails on Podcast Producer

    Hi all. This is on a fresh install of Server 10.6 with all updates to 10.6.2, repaired permissions, rebooted, etc. I enabled Podcast Producer using its Setup Assistant. Created a test user, and Podcast Capture worked fine on uploading to their podcast, using the default Single Source with small movies. Uploaded 4 episodes. Then, all of a sudden, it stopped working, and I get this
    Thu Dec 10 11:34:48 -0500 2009 -- Xgrid Job: 14 is Running
    Thu Dec 10 11:34:53 -0500 2009 -- Xgrid Job: 14 is Failed
    This is using both the Podcast Capture app or the web based Capture app, on the server or from other computers. In the error log I get this:
    /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gem s/mongrel-1.1.5/bin/../lib/mongrel.rb:285:in `run': Ruby threads cannot be used in RubyCocoa without patches to the Ruby interpreter
    Is this relevant? Already erased drive and reinstalled everything twice, on this Mac Pro, 2.8 GHz Quad Core Xenon.
    Where to look and what to fix? Appreciate any feedback.

    Here is the full Podcast Producer Server Log, if anyone can see the problem and how to fix it....
    Thu Dec 10 12:14:38 -0500 2009 -- Queuing Xgrid Job for Podcast Producer Job ID: 16
    Thu Dec 10 12:14:38 -0500 2009 -- Using workflow bundle: /Network/Servers/ilex.conncoll.edu/Library/PodcastProducer/Shared/Server/Workfl ows/DEFA1587-A650-426E-92DA-01C5EB811705.pwf
    Thu Dec 10 12:14:38 -0500 2009 -- Assembling Metadata for recording: /Network/Servers/ilex.conncoll.edu/Library/PodcastProducer/Shared/UUIDs/9CF6B03 3-43F7-48E7-B9F9-CD8B36EB0114.prb
    Thu Dec 10 12:14:38 -0500 2009 -- Unable to resolve admin user: admin
    Thu Dec 10 12:14:38 -0500 2009 -- Adding User Metadata: /Network/Servers/ilex.conncoll.edu/Library/PodcastProducer/Shared/UUIDs/9CF6B03 3-43F7-48E7-B9F9-CD8B36EB0114.prb/Contents/Resources/Working/user_metadata.plist
    Thu Dec 10 12:14:43 -0500 2009 -- Cached Workflow: /Network/Servers/ilex.conncoll.edu/Library/PodcastProducer/Shared/Server/Workfl ows/DEFA1587-A650-426E-92DA-01C5EB811705.pwf as /Network/Servers/ilex.conncoll.edu/Library/PodcastProducer/Shared/UUIDs/9CF6B03 3-43F7-48E7-B9F9-CD8B36EB0114.prb/Contents/Resources/Working/DEFA1587-A650-426E- 92DA-01C5EB811705.pwf
    Thu Dec 10 12:14:43 -0500 2009 -- Set permissions on '/Network/Servers/ilex.conncoll.edu/Library/PodcastProducer/Shared/UUIDs/9CF6B0 33-43F7-48E7-B9F9-CD8B36EB0114.prb/Contents/Resources/Working/DEFA1587-A650-426E -92DA-01C5EB811705.pwf' to '770' recursive ownership: podcastxgrid5C34C647-87C0-4078-8D5C-97C8E1D2D029:pcastserver
    Thu Dec 10 12:14:43 -0500 2009 -- Wrote Xgrid job batch file: /Network/Servers/ilex.conncoll.edu/Library/PodcastProducer/Shared/Server/Jobs/2 E7386B9-06B5-4F3F-A964-60B069BF4E1B_job.xml
    Thu Dec 10 12:14:43 -0500 2009 -- Successfully queued Xgrid Job: 15 for Podcast Producer Job ID: 16
    Thu Dec 10 12:14:43 -0500 2009 -- =============================================================
    Thu Dec 10 12:14:43 -0500 2009 -- Xgrid Job: 15 is Prepared
    Thu Dec 10 12:14:45 -0500 2009 -- Xgrid Job: 15 is Failed
    Here is the Podcast Producer Application Log for the failed job
    Processing CaptureController#file_upload (for at 2009-12-10 12:14:37) [POST]
    Session ID: 0ac1faa1ac97254a1c3cb1474d16e7fd
    Parameters: {"locepisodewarn"=>"Please specify an episode title.", "locfilewarn"=>"You must specify a file to upload.", "source_file"=>#<File:/tmp/CGI20091210-280-1xp591x-0>, "workflowselectwarn"=>"You must choose a workflow", "title"=>"eric archer", "action"=>"file_upload", "loc_episode"=>"Episode", "loc_description"=>"Description", "controller"=>"capture", "description"=>"description", "workflow_select"=>"DEFA1587-A650-426E-92DA-01C5EB811705"}
    Completed in 392ms (View: 0, DB: 3) | 200 OK [https://ilex.conncoll.edu/podcastproducer/capture/file_upload]
    Completed in 6ms (View: 1, DB: 0) | 200 OK [https://ilex.conncoll.edu/podcastproducer/capture/fileuploadprogress]
    Appreciate any insights!

  • Podcast Producer- How do I create an audio podcast?

    Hi all!
    I know how to create a video podcast using blip.tv.
    I would like to create an audio podcast. I have Mac OS X Version 10.6.8 and I've heard of Podcast Producer but I don't know how to install it or locate it, anything I find online talks about servers which I have no clue about. I do know how to use GarageBand to record a podcast but I don't know how to send it anywhere.
    Any help? I need clear simple instructions. Thanks.

    Hi Roger,
    I am in a similar boat to emotionboy and I was hoping you could help me. I think I need the functionality of Podcast Producer (I'll explain why) but I can't get past the setup phase. I have no idea what to put in for SERVER.
    I am trying to do a presentation with video screen capture of multiple documents and audio voiceover. I'm also interested in the picture-in-picture functionality although I can complete my project without this.
    If it's helpful: I do not need to be able to manage a team of people doing podcasts or anything like that. It's just me, at home, with my 13" macbook pro (brand new), trying to do a presentation for a client. (I am a consultant.)
    Thank you so very much, Roger!

Maybe you are looking for