Polynomial and Stringtokenizer

I'm stuck on a homework problem involving a polynomial. The part I'm stuck on is where you're given a string in the form of a polynomial and you need to split it up into it's different terms.
One constructor, Polynomial(String poly), is somewhat tricky. For this constructor you must extract the required information from the string passed as an argument. Stylistic issues are important in defining the valid parameters for this constructor.
    * ax^n+bx^(n-1)+c1x^(n-2)+...+d , the string is a valid polynomial.
    * No two terms have the same exponent.
    * No terms with coefficient 0 (2x^2+1 is valid input for 2x^2+0x^1+1).
    * Terms with coefficient of 1 omits the 1 (x^3+x^2 is valid).
    * The x^1 term omits the exponent 1 (2x^3+3x is valid).
    * The x^0 term, the constant term, omits everything but the coeficient (2x^3+3x+1 is valid).
    * There are no occurrences of contiguous plus and minus signs (+- and -+ not allowed).
    * The leading positive sign on the initial term is unnecessary: 5x^2+4x+2 is valid, not +5x^2+4x+2
    * There are no duplicate terms, i.e., there is at most one term for a given power.I think I know where to start, that's using a StringTokenizer. But from there I'm lost. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Ordinarily, I would advise against using StringTokenizer for parsing mathematical expressions, but your requirements are so simple that it should suffice.
You have one or more terms separated by plus or minus signs--that's your delimiter. You have to keep the delimiter (instead of discarding it as StringTokenizer usually does) so you can apply the correct sign to the following term. And you have to handle an optional minus sign at the beginning of the expression (i.e., the first "term" might be the empty string, and should be ignored).
Does that help?

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    a form feed (\f) is not a null but that shouldn't be stopping the StringTokenizer, I suspect that the manner in which you're reading in the data may be the culprit. Try to use the BufferedReader class to read your file.

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    at java.util.StringTokenizer.nextToken(Unknow Source)
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    What do the records in the file look like?
    This code:
    for(int i=0;i<15;i++){
    for(int j=0;j<5;j++){
    will call nextToken() on each line 15 + (15 * 5) = 90 times.
    Does each line contain 90 tokens?

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    yourStuff() is a snippet that you will change with your source code.
    The regular expression is:
    It means: "from starting data input position (^) followed with one or more char in set [a-zA-Z0-9_] (\\w+), followed with an '=', followed with one or more char (\\w+) till the end of data input ($)".
    It assures no more than one '=' in a line but since you can have blankspaces surrounding this char use that: "^\\w+\\s*=\\s*\\w+$".
    The method "matches()" means "exactly matches" and using anchors: ^ and $, ie; exactly matches from start to end of data input.

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    Yup, for simple splitting without escaping of separators, indexOf is more than twice as fast:
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                int index1 = 0;
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                    index1 = index2 + 1;
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            }//else: input unavailable
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         HashMap <String,String> map;
    StringTokenizer token;
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    Two options:
    1) Instead of
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    String value = map.get(token);
    if (value==null) value = token;
    System.out.print(value);2) Implement a new Map which provides this behavior.

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    hi sudha,
    when u write
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    Because they are different?
    Tokenizers are designed to return tokens, whereas split is simply splitting the String up into bits. They have different purposes
    and uses to be honest. I believe the results of previous discussions of this have indicated that Tokenizers are slightly (very
    slightly and not really meaningfully) faster and tokenizers do have the option of return delimiters as well which can be useful
    and is a functionality not present in just a straight split.
    However. split and regex in general are newer additions to the Java platform and they do have some advantages. The most
    obvious being that you cannot use a tokenizer to split up values where the delimiter is multiple characters and you can with
    So in general the advice given to you was good, because split gives you more flexibility down the road. If you don't want
    the empty strings then yes just read them and throw them away.
    Edited by: cotton.m on Mar 6, 2008 7:34 AM
    goddamned stupid forum formatting

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    From the name to get the record, clearly you need a effecient lookup mechnism.
    HashMap does hash lookup, that is right, but HashMap does NOT do ordering.
    TreeMap does binary lookup, TreeMap also does ordering.
    There you go the basic design.

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    Since you're working with an XML file the cleanest but disruptive and heavyweight solution would be to parse the file into a DOM tree, modify the tree and render it back out to a file. Let me know if you want to discuss this approach further.
    If you prefer to proceed with text-only modification, you could do the following:
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    2 Get a String view using StringBuffer.toString()
    3 Use String.indexOf() twice to find the right place to insert your additional lines
    4 Use StringBuffer.insert() to add your text
    5 Write the StringBuffer back to a file.

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    Aside from "cuz Sun said so", of course.

    It could be completely arbritrary. But the following is from the javadocs for java.text, and StringTokenizer does not fit.
    Package java.text
    Provides classes and interfaces for handling text, dates, numbers, and messages in a manner independent of natural languages.

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    java myprogram < mytestfile.txtor can I redirect on the fly with Scanner?
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    Edited by: 832844 on Feb 24, 2011 8:29 AM

    jverd wrote:
    If you mean a ? b : c, see [url http://download.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/op2.html]here and/or google for java ternary operator.
    What I would ideally like to do is exactly the following: Allow console input using the keyboard and Scanner or allow redirection into Scanner from a file.That's pretty vague.
    This is not a vague question at all. My desire is to allow a user of my program at their leisure to run the program and provide input from the keyboard. The program will obviously, for simplicity sake, use Scanner. Now if the user happens to have multiple input they do not want to type into the console using their keyboard, they can feel free to have the option of redirecting input from a file.
    Now this is all to be done using:
    Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in)That is it, there are no multiple instances of Scanner. This is the front door of the program and it has the responsibility to accept the following:
    * single-line input from the keyboard with a return following each line of input
    * multiple lines of input from the keyboard via a cut and paste operation such as from a file
    * Redirected input from a file that may have commands spanning multiple lines.
    The problem encapsulated clearly for me is this: Right now my front door uses Scanner. It can handle single line input, as in, type something, hit return, and watch the fireworks. however, if I decide to redirect from a file that contains multiple lines of data or cut-n-paste from the file containing multiple lines of data, my program will have a brain fart and see only each line as input. For example:
    Ex. 1
    Keyboard Input:  This is my input (followed by carriage return)
    Response from the program: Nice job
    Ex. 2
    File Input:  Line 1
                    Line 2
                    Line 3
    Response from the program:  I don't understand, I have only partial data
                                             I don't understand, I have only partial data
                                             I don't understand, I have only partial data
    Ex. 3
    Cut-n-Paste: Line 1
                      Line 2
                      Line 3
    Response from the program:  I don't understand, I have only partial data
                                             I don't understand, I have only partial data
                                             I don't understand, I have only partial dataIt is clear I provided valid data in all three examples. The only difference is I chose to split that data across multiple lines where each line is followed by a carriage return. The program had a brain fart and barfed all over my data. This is not what I want to happen.
    So then how can I do this?
    Edited by: 832844 on Feb 24, 2011 10:37 AM

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    I need to read a .csv file(excel) and store all the columns and rows in 2d arrays. Then I can do the rest of the coding myself. I would like it if somebody could post their code to read .csv files over here. The .csv file can have different number of columns and different number of rows every time it is ran. The .csv file is in excel format, so I don't know if that affects the code or not. I would also appreciate it if the classes imported are posted too. I would also like to know if there is a way I can recognize how many rows and columns the .csv file has. I need this urgently so I would be very grateful to anybody who has the solution. Thanks.
    Sincerely Taufiq.

    I used this
    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader (new FileReader ("test.csv"));
    // and                
    StringTokenizer parser = new StringTokenizer (str, ", ");
                    while (parser.hasMoreTokens () == true)
                    { //crap }works like a charm!

  • Changing data in a linked list object.

    i'm still pretty new to java, so bear with me if i am making stupid mistakes, heh.
    i'm having trouble with changing data in an object stored in a singly-linked list. i've created a class that will store polynomials in sorted order (descending) in a singly-linked list. each linked list is one polynomial, and each node references to a polynomial object that stores two ints: the coefficient and the exponent of that term.
    i'm having trouble when it comes to 'collecting like terms,' though. here's a rough skeleton of my code:
    public class Polynomial
    private LinkedList polynoList;
    private LinkedListItr Itr;
    private int coeff;
    private int exponent;
    public Polynomial()
    } // this constructor sets up an empty linked list
    public Polynomial( int c, int e )
    coeff = c;
    exponent = e;
    } // this creates a Polynomial object storing the two ints
    public void zeroPolynomial()
    polynoList = new LinkedList();
    theItr = polynoList.zeroth();
    } // this method creates the empty linked list and sets the
    //iterator on the zeroth node.
    //various other methods are here, not relevant to my post
    //this next method is the one i am having trouble with.
    //it takes two ints as parameters, the coefficient
    //and the exponent.
    public void insertTerm( int c, int e )
    //...i have a few if/then statements here
    //so that the terms can be inserted in descending order.
    LinkedListItr tester = polynoList.first();
    //the 'tester' iterator is set on the first node
    //this following if statement retrieves the exponent
    //in the current node by casting the information
    //retrieved from the LinkedList retrieve() method
    //into Polynomial, then compares it to the current
    //exponent. if they are equal, i want to add the
    if( e == ((Polynomial)tester.retrieve()).getExp() )
    this.coeff = ((Polynomial)tester.retrieve()).getCoeff() + c;
    //a main method goes here wherein the user can insert
    //terms, print the polynomial, etc.
    }//end Polynomial class
    can anyone help me out? the code i'm using compiles correctly, but it does not change the value of the current coeff variable as i'd like to think it should. any input would be GREATLY appreciated, thanks!

    thanks for the reply...
    i am sure that ((Polynomial)tester.retrieve()).getExp() will return an int equal to 'e.' i tried this:
    if( e == ((Polynomial)tester.retrieve()).getExp() ){
    this.coeff = ((Polynomial)tester.retrieve()).getCoeff() + c;
    System.out.println( "this.coeff = " + this.coeff );
    with that, the output showed that e and the getExp() output were the same. it also showed (as output) that this.coeff did change in value, but when i tried this:
    System.out.println( ((Polynomial)tester.retrieve()).getCoeff() )
    to check if the value changed within the object, it didn't. this.coeff changed, but the actual coeff variable in the object didn't.
    any ideas?

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    URL urlToModel = f.toURI().toURL();
    ObjectFile fl = new ObjectFile();
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