Pop up behavior

I'm using Dreamweaver CS4 and I just added a pop up behavior to show up when someone goes to my home page.  How do I show line breaks in the pop up?  Right now, it only shows up as a big block of text.

and this is the full code for the page if you need it:
<cfparam name="PageNum_rsFeaturedBlog" default="1">
<cfquery name="rsMetaphorBlog" datasource="mymindsnotrighttest" username="mikewycklendt" password="Mex0Wix0">
FROM metaphor
ORDER BY metaphor_id DESC
<cfquery name="rsFeaturedBlog" datasource="mymindsnotrighttest" username="mikewycklendt" password="Mex0Wix0">
FROM admin_blogs
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<cfset StartRow_rsFeaturedBlog=Min((PageNum_rsFeaturedBlog-1)*MaxRows_rsFeaturedBlog+1,Max(rsFea turedBlog.RecordCount,1))>
<cfset EndRow_rsFeaturedBlog=Min(StartRow_rsFeaturedBlog+MaxRows_rsFeaturedBlog-1,rsFeaturedBlog .RecordCount)>
<cfset TotalPages_rsFeaturedBlog=Ceiling(rsFeaturedBlog.RecordCount/MaxRows_rsFeaturedBlog)>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
    <title>My Minds Not Right -- An Online Support Group</title>
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<p class="left"><strong>LINKS:</strong><br>
  stayinbalance.org  <br>
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                    <tr valign="top">
                      <td align="center" valign="top"><h6><br>
                        <p class="redlink"><strong>&quot;In matters of truth and justice, there is no  difference between large and small problems, for issues concerning the  treatment of people are all the same.&quot; -- Albert Einstein</strong></p>
                    <tr valign="top">
                      <td align="left" valign="top"><p class="bloguserandwho">it's easy to feel so alone when you're trying to take  those early steps towards recovery. I built this site not because I have all the answers, but all the people who contribute here combined might come close..... <strong><a href="chosenQuote.cfm">read more</a></strong></p></td>
                    <tr valign="top">
                      <td align="right" valign="top"><span class="bloguserandwho"><strong><a href="chosenQuote.cfm"></a></strong></span></td>
                    <tr valign="top">
                      <td align="left" valign="top"><p class="redlink"><strong><br>
                <td bgcolor="#B9B9B9"><img src="images/px1.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" border="0"></td>
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                      <td align="left" valign="top"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">#rsFeaturedBlog.blog_title#</span></td>
    <td align="left" valign="top"><span class="blogdate">#LSDateFormat(rsFeaturedBlog.date,'M/DD/YY')#</span></td>
    <td align="right" valign="top" class="redlink"><a href="chosenBlog.cfm?blog_id=#rsFeaturedBlog.blog_id#"><strong>...read</strong></a></td>
    <td align="right" valign="top" class="redlink"> </td>
                  <table width="92%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                      <td><cfoutput><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">#rsMetaphorBlog.metaphor_title#</span></cfoutput></td>
                      <td><cfoutput><span class="blogdate">#LSDateFormat(rsMetaphorBlog.date,'M/DD/YY')#</span></cfoutput><cfoutput ><span class="blogdate"></span></cfoutput></td>
                      <td align="right" class="FeaturedBlogListHeader"><a href="chosenMetaphor.cfm?metaphor_id=<cfoutput>#rsMetaphorBlog.metaphor_id#</cfoutput>">. ..latest metaphor blog</a></td>
                  <p> </p></td>
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                <td colspan="3" align="left" valign="top"><blockquote><br>
                    <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="blogtitle">!!! USER ACCOUNTS !!!</span><br>
                      <table width="93%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                          <td valign="top"><ul>
                            <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">CREATE ACCOUNT TO POST ON THE SITE</span>: I really hope everyone who visits this site creates a user account--this feature is more important than you might realize, and I will go into why its important below. A user account is required to make posts on most of the pages on this site. <em>ALL FIELDS IN THE CREATE ACCOUNT FORM ARE OPTIONAL (except or email address)</em> <br>
                            <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">LINKS TO PROFILES</span>: I require an account to post because someone who may not post still might read things on the site and notice that a specific user says a lot of things that really apply to their own situation. Whenever someone makes a post, anyone can click their username to read their profile and discover that they have a lot in common.<br>
                            <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">USER-2-USER</span>: The term 'pen pal' sounds lame, but that's essentially what U2U is. As I just said above, someone may read another's profile and posts, and see that they have been in very similar situations. When you create an account, there is an option for whether or not you are interested in participating in the U2U feature. Having an ongoing back-and-forth with someone can be really helpful in the recovery process.<br>
                            <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">PRIVATE MESSAGES:</span> When you click a user's name and are taken to that user's profile, click the &quot;Send Message&quot; link at the top of the profile. You will be taken to a form which you can fill out to send that user a private message. The idea behind it is to allow you to discuss something that the user may have posted on another part of the site in greater detail... or to understand what they posted more clearly... or maybe a struggling user posts something about what they are having trouble living with and you feel compelled to send them a message to offer your advice in a more personal way--that's exactly the kind of situation I created this site for--and believe me, taking the initiative to offer advice privately is extremely rewarding. Users are automatically notified that they have received a private message by email.<br>
                            <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">EMAIL A USER</span>: When you are creating an account, there are two options regarding your email address. First, you have the option to choose whether or not your email address is visible in your profile for all users to see. Second, you have the option to allow users to email you--except that users cannot see your email address--instead, they can fill out a form and write a message to you that is sent straight to your email.<br>
                            <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">FOLLOW USER</span>: If you notice that another user keeps making posts that really apply to your situation, you can click their username, be taken to their profile, and then click the &quot;FOLLOW USER&quot; button. After you have done that, you can go to your own profile (or click the &quot;Posts by Followed Users&quot; link in the side bar after you have logged in) and be taken to a page where you will see links for every post that the users you follow have made. When a followed user makes new posts, your followed users page automatically updates.<br>
                            <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">USER BLOGS</span>: Once you create an account, you can go to your profile (by clicking the &quot;Go to my Profile&quot; link in the side bar after you have logged in) and click the &quot;&gt;&gt;&gt;Start a Blog&quot; link. You will be taken to a form where you can come up with a Name for your blog, post the title for your first blog and post your first blog itself. (as an analogy, the 'Name' of the blog would be &quot;Star Wars&quot; while the 'Title' of a given blog would be &quot;The Empire Strikes Back&quot; -- yep, I'm a geek at heart).<br>
                            <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">READ USERS BLOG</span>: When you click a username and are taken to that user's profile, if that user has created a blog, there will be a &quot;Read [user]'s Blog&quot; link. When you click it, you will be taken to their most recent blog. If you want to read their older blogs, click the &quot;Previous Blogs&quot; link. Just like my blogs, all registered users can post comments in response to a user's blog.</li>
                    <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader"> BLOG ARCHIVE</span>: I will post at least three blogs a week--a featured blog, metaphor blog and quote blog. Click the 'BLOG ARCHIVE' link (in the sidebar) to be taken to a page where I explain each category of blog in greater detail. Click &quot;Go to [category of blog] Archives&quot; to be taken to a page that lists all the blogs I have posted. The BLOG ARCHIVE page also includes the links to all USER BLOGS that have been posted as well.<br>
                    <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">YOUR COMMENTS</span>: The least important part of the site is my blogs. They'll probably be hit or miss as far as a given user is concerned... you might disagree with what I write, and that's fine--I encourage it, actually. That's why I have included the comments feature for all of my blogs and all of the user blogs. The comments feature was created so someone can correct me, provide a different perspective on the topic of the blog, or bring up certain things I may have overlooked while I was writing a certain blog. My blogs aren't gospel. I want them to spark conversation more than anything.... I could make a legitimate argument that the comments feature that goes along with the blogs is more important than my blogs themselves. To read and post comments, navigate to a blog and click the &quot;Comments&quot; link to be taken to a page containing the blog and the comments related to it, and then click &quot;Post Comment&quot; to be taken to the form you fill out to post a comment.<br>
                    <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">DISCUSSIONS:</span> Basically, a series of message boards. The is different than all the other pages of the site where you can contribute your thoughts. That's because, on the discussion boards, users choose their own topics and the conversations that come from those topics are all in one place and can be read long after the discussion ends.<br>
                    <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">RANTS DISCUSSION BOARD:</span> I created the 'Rants' message board as a way for users to get all their troubling thoughts off of their chests--when trying to recover from Mental Illness, or even while you're in the thick of it, there is the natural tendency to bottle up a lot of emotions. At some point, you can't contain your troubling thoughts that have been piling up in your mind anymore. A lot of the time, there isn't someone who you can talk to and let out all the thoughts you've been keeping in. Or maybe there are people in your life that are making things even worse for you but for some reason or another, you can't tell them exactly how much more difficult they are making your life for fear of getting too angry. The RANTS board is a place where you can let it all out--and I have decided that no user account is necessary to make a post on the RANTS board... just say everything you can't say in your real life. Other users can reply to your rant and maybe someone will be able to help you through it. (to post a reply to a RANT, you must have a user account).<br>
                    <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">FAMILY PAGE: </span>This is a page where family members (or friends) can offer their advice on how they have dealt with someone close to them who has mental illness. This is different than the FAMILY Discussion board, because the FAMILY PAGE is made up of pieces advice with minimal back-and-forth between users whereas the Family Discussion Board is intended for ongoing conversations. Basically, the FAMILY PAGE is made up of words of advice, whereas the Family Discussion board is made up of topics that a user who is close to someone with Mental Illness can <em>ask for advice </em>and be more specific about their situation.<br>
                    <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">NEWSLETTERS: </span>Read the page where I discuss the value of Newsletters and why they are under-rated. Please post any newsletters or magazines that you subscribe to, a description of it (optional), and provide information on how someone can subscribe to the newsletter or magazine.<br>
                    <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">HOSTED NEWSLETTERS: </span>This is a feature of the site where you can create your own Newsletter. Several people can contribute to the same newsletter. All you need to do is fill out a simple form and the site puts it all together for you in a Newsletter Format--the created Newsletter looks like a stand alone page--the side bar, top logo and the whole design of mymindsnotright.com is not shown in a created Newsletter. Additionally, a page is automatically generated that lists links to all of the old issues of your newsletter, so people can 'catch up.' (You can find the hosted newsletter page by going to the newsletter page. Click &quot;read more&quot; to be taken to the page that explains what a Hosted Newsletter is in more detail. Click &quot;view example&quot; at the top of that page to see what a created newsletter looks like).<br>
                    <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">FEEDBACK ON SUPPORT GROUPS</span>: If you go to the support group page (by clicking the 'support group' link on the sidebar), there is a 'survey' you can fill out (no user account required) where you can share your thoughts on the idea of support groups--whether or not  you have ever been to one. Their is a page for all of the feedback for each question, so people who are part of a support group, people who lead a support group, or people who are starting a support group can read about how to make their support group better. (Click the Support Group link on the side bar to be taken to this page).<br>
                    <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">SUPPORT GROUP DATABASE</span>: NAMI has a huge database of support groups around the country. That's great, but I have heard more than a few bad things about NAMI support groups (although, I have no doubt there are plenty of great ones) but I decided to create a database here anyways. I made that decision because both the leader of my support group and myself have a very different kind of philosophy about what makes a support group successful than NAMI does. Even if you've already listed your group on NAMI, list it here as well. That's because, if you add your support group to this site's database, it implies that you have read some of my blogs about support groups and/or have read the feedback about support groups on this page. (Click the Support Group link on the side bar--you do need a user account to list your support group)<br>
                    <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">DOCTOR'S WORDS:</span> This will be a series of question and answer interviews with doctors. You can type in a question that I will ask the next doctor I interview. (no user account is necessary to submit a question to be asked).<br>
                    <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">TESTIMONIALS:</span> This is where you can type your story about your experience with Mental Illness. (click &quot;Testimonials&quot; on the side bar)<br>
                    <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">LITTLE VICTORIES:</span> One of the things that leads to a successful recovery is the ability to notice the little things in your day-to-day life that make you feel good about yourself. These can often be tiny and seemingly insignificant, but as you train yourself to see enough of them, they add up and can make a huge difference in your happiness and the way you see the world and the people you know in it. Post the little victories you have noticed in your life so those who are <em>not</em> at the stage where they can recognize the 'little victories' themselves can get some ideas about what they should be looking for (no user account necessary to post a little victory. Click the 'little victories' link in the sidebar)<br>
                    <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">SEVEN THINGS I'VE LEARNED</span>: Why seven? No reason, really--except for the fact that when you need to come up with a certain number of things you've learned, you might have to force yourself to think a little deeper in order to discover more things you've learned... things you might not have thought about if it was &quot;Three things I've learned&quot; instead of seven. You'd be surprised how much wisdom people have in them without knowing it. (Click the 'Seven Things I've Learned' in the sidebar)<br>
                    <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">LYRICS / MUSIC / POETRY:</span> This is where you can post some songs or poems that have helped you or someone close to you deal with Mental Illness. Post the lyrics / music / poetry and write your thoughts on the reasons why a song or poem helped you.<br>
                      <span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">ALSO:</span> When filling out the form to post lyrics or poems, there is a drop-down menu with the options: &quot;Song,&quot; &quot;Poem,&quot; &quot;My Song,&quot; &quot;My Poem.&quot;  So, obviously, if you write songs or poems,  you should definitely post them on the page. (Click 'Lyrics / Music / Poetry' on the side bar, then click the &quot;Add Poem, Lyrics or Songs&quot; link to be taken to the form where you can add songs/poems).<br>
                    <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">BOOKS: </span>Post your reviews of books you have read about Mental Illness--all kinds of books (self help, memoir, informational etc). There are tons of books out there about Mental Illness, and we can't buy them all, we don't have the time to read them all, and we certainly don't want to pay for a book only to get nothing out of it. Post reviews of the books that you have responded to... also, its just as helpful to post reviews of books you hated and thought were a waste of time--save others some disappointment and money. (click the &quot;Books&quot; link in the sidebar, then click &quot;Post Book Review&quot; to be taken to the book review form).<br>
                    <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">WHEN DID YOU KNOW:</span> A lot of people aren't sure whether or not they have a Mental Illness. Post your story of when and how you realized that, 'yes, I do have Mental Illness.' This is a more important part of the site than you may realize: too many people realize they have Mental Illness only after something goes seriously wrong. Hopefully your contribution will convince someone to seek help before its too late and they find out the hard way.<br>
                    <li><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">CHATROOM:</span><span class="bloguserandwho"> Self explanatory, except for one feature: You can set up a certain time and topic for users to meet in the chatroom and have an online support group of sorts.</span><br>
                    <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">BECOME AN ADMIN / FEATURED CONTRIBUTOR:</span> At the very bottom of the home page, there is a link you can click where I explain how you can become a blogger whose blogs show on the front page sharing the same space that my blogs are currently shown.</li>
                  <p class="FeaturedBlogListHeader"> </p>
<p> </p></td>
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  • Pop Up Behavior in RoboHelp 9

    My company has just upgraded from RoboHelp 7 to RoboHelp 9 and I am fairly new to RoboHelp so I was wondering if anyone can help me figure out an issue I am experiencing. I am working on a project that originated in RH7 that has been updated for RH9. I ran the "Update DHTML Effects Tool" and tried everything I could think of to try to address this issue but I'm stymied.
    This project makes very frequent use of pop-ups that link to other topics/images for quick reference.  I noticed that the pop-ups that originated in RH7 appear to work fine - i.e., clicking on a link results in a pop-up that does just that....pops up over the link. However when previewing topics that contain pop-ups that were added in RH9, clicking on the link to reveal the pop up causes the screen to scroll to the beginning of the host topic rather than just having the pop up appear where the link is.  Once the pop-up is dismissed, you must scroll back down to the link in order to resume reading the original topic. This occurs with both auto-sizing and custom-sized pop ups. 
    Is there a control or code that must be implemented to prevent this behavior in RH9? 
    Thanks in advance!

    Yes, the same issue occurs when generating the output and viewing the topic.  I should note that the project is using a template that was created in RH7. When importing that template as a "Master Page" and starting from scratch in a new project, the issue does not appear to occur.
    I did also notice that links to bookmarks within other topics do not work correctly in the upgraded project.  The bookmarks are present and the highlighted text is still linked to the bookmark but when previewing (or reviewing in the final output) the link brings up the start of the topic containing the bookmark, not the text that has been bookmarked.  Each link has to be redefined in order to work properly.
    Thanks for your help!

  • Dreamweaver 8 Behaviors for pop-up menu

    I am a novice user of Dreamweaver 8. I created a site using
    pop-up Behaviors for a dropdown navigation bar. I've read about a
    lot of problems others are having, but part of my problem I have
    not been able to locate anywhere.
    After I created my template and want to save changes to the
    template and update the files based on this template, I go thru a
    series of JavaScript errors. It never updates any files in the end
    and sometimes shuts down the program. An example of ONE of the
    error messages is:
    At line 1654 of file "C:\Program Files\Macromedia/Dreamweaver
    8\Configuration\Behaviors\Actions\Show Pop-up Menu.js": The
    function saveDocument() is currently unavailable.
    The more pages attached, the more error messages I get....
    all are .js errors.
    The other problem is the links from the pop-up. I've double
    checked them in the behavior pop-up menu... they appear to be
    correct and sometimes work, but not all the time.
    Everything I read says that I should create the navigation
    with pop-ups (drop down menus) in Fireworks. Is Dreamweaver that
    unreliable that this can't be done within itself?
    If anyone can tell me what I'm doing wrong to receive these
    errors and how to correct my links so they are reliable, I would
    very much appreciate it. I have recreated this site 6 times and the
    errors are consistent.
    Thanks, cjbyrnes

    >I am a novice user of Dreamweaver 8. I created a site
    using pop-up
    > for a dropdown navigation bar. I've read about a lot of
    problems others
    > are
    > having, but part of my problem I have not been able to
    locate anywhere.
    You read about all these problems, yet you pressed ahead and
    used them? Why?
    DW's Pop-up menus are incompatible with DW's templates.
    Embarrassingly sad,
    but true.
    Did you read about and investigate any of the many
    alternatives posted?
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "cjbyrnes" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    >I am a novice user of Dreamweaver 8. I created a site
    using pop-up
    > for a dropdown navigation bar. I've read about a lot of
    problems others
    > are
    > having, but part of my problem I have not been able to
    locate anywhere.
    > After I created my template and want to save changes to
    the template and
    > update the files based on this template, I go thru a
    series of JavaScript
    > errors. It never updates any files in the end and
    sometimes shuts down the
    > program. An example of ONE of the error messages is:
    > At line 1654 of file "C:\Program
    > 8\Configuration\Behaviors\Actions\Show Pop-up Menu.js":
    The function
    > saveDocument() is currently unavailable.
    > The more pages attached, the more error messages I
    get.... all are .js
    > errors.
    > The other problem is the links from the pop-up. I've
    double checked them
    > in
    > the behavior pop-up menu... they appear to be correct
    and sometimes work,
    > but
    > not all the time.
    > Everything I read says that I should create the
    navigation with pop-ups
    > (drop
    > down menus) in Fireworks. Is Dreamweaver that unreliable
    that this can't
    > be
    > done within itself?
    > If anyone can tell me what I'm doing wrong to receive
    these errors and how
    > to
    > correct my links so they are reliable, I would very much
    appreciate it. I
    > have
    > recreated this site 6 times and the errors are
    > Thanks, cjbyrnes

  • Preloader Image Script and Pop-Up Window Behavior

    Hello --
    My client's referring site --
    www.moscaritolo.com/originals.htm. Please note: I am not a
    programmer, but more of a designer and don't possess the skills of
    writing code so in the development of this site for my client, I
    decided to use this preloadslider -
    - by Jason Moon to display the images. So far, I really like it and
    so does my client.
    However, I now have a problem with the pop-up window behavior
    for the triptych image on the originals.htm page. When you hit the
    triptych pop-up behavior, the preloader stops working on the main
    page and (#) stays in the address bar even when you've closed the
    pop-up window for the triptypch image. Next, I tried just making
    the word triptych a standard link to a new htm page and using the
    back button on the browser and STILL, the preloader will not work
    properly..? Any ideas..?

    please code sample ? demo code is enough to try
    with.This has nothing to do with samples. You should know
    which encodings you use. You decalre it in the HTML
    i have not mentioned encoding in the HTML.
    by html encoding , i think you mean this (bold letter)
    // created by dreamweaver 2004
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    </html>if you mean that...NO, I DID NOT USE that thing in my JSP. i deleted that.
    and XML headers. XML encoding, i have this at the start of XML....
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
    // XML data
    Java, if nothing else is said, uses
    in my form i have method="post".And what do you receive? What does "corrupted" mean?
    Not well-formed? Garbage characters? Truncated?error message: [STDOUT] xmlStringelectric.xml.ParseException: java.io.IOException: could not find 59 line 1, char 46682:
    NO, i dont blame my parser. if i provide the XML seperately, then my parser works fine.
    but when i send the XML via JSP to the parser it does not work.
    that means sending of XML is making some trouble.

  • Issue in Pop-up behaviour within Gantt chart

    We use Jdeveloper in creating multiple type of applications. We are stuck with one issue in Pop-up behavior in Gantt chart and needed your help. Any help in this will be highly appreciated. It seems that this was the known issue in but not sure if this is resolved in current release of
    Jdev Version:
    Control Used: Panel Tabbed, Gantt Chart (Project), ADF Popups and Dialog
    Scenario: We are having Panel Tab. One tab is having Gantt chart whereas second tab is having read-only Table. Gantt chart has pop-up window (Along with Dialog), which opens up on hovering one of the column.
    Issue: Gantt Chart and Popup works fine but pop-up gives error (Region not valid) when we click on second Tab and come back to the Gantt chart tab. Screenshots are attached for your reference.
    PS: I can see know issue at this link but did not see this in current release known issues.
    Many Thanks.
    Sachin G

    OK, I did't realise you were using adf faces.
    Quoting the Oracle WebCenter Framework documentation:
    " Oracle ADF Faces Guidelines
    The Oracle ADF faces guidelines are as follows:
    * Oracle ADF Faces client side implementation is not supported. One weakness of JSR 168 and WSRP 1.0 is that they do not account for portlets using client-side programming techniques, such as Ajax or hidden frames, for partial page rendering. As a result, all Oracle ADF Faces facilities that rely on client-side programming techniques do not work. These facilities include the following:
    o Oracle ADF Faces partial page refresh (PPR) facility
    o The client-rendered aspect of Oracle ADF Faces rich client components
    o Oracle ADF popups, <af:popup>, which fail to work because of their reliance on the PPR facility
    o The Oracle ADF Faces SelectText, SelectDate, and SelectColor components, which use visual assist popups
    To avoid breaking existing applications, the popup is disabled when used in Oracle ADF Faces pages exposed as a portlet. Thus, functionally speaking, these components are equivalent to InputText."
    So guess that just won't work.

  • Behaviors and CSS misbehaving on library items

    I've created a site that uses behaviors to create a NAV with
    Pop-up menus. There are several categories and each category has
    several products in it. The Categories and the products change so I
    wanted to create a LIBRARY item out of the NAVmenu. The problem is
    when the Library Item NAVmenu is created all the Pop-up behaviors
    disappear. This would mean I have to re-input the Pop-ups a zillion
    times. Also the CSS screws up. Any Ideas?

    This is the code from a Library item?
    Try this - create a new page, and drop an image on the page.
    With the image
    selected, use MODIFY | Library > Add Object to Library.
    Name the Library
    item you have just created, and then open it in DW. Look at
    the code. You
    should see -
    1. No doctype
    2. No <html>, <head>, </head>,
    <body>, </body>, or </html> tag
    3. Probably all you will see is something like this -
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
    <img src="..." width="..." height="...">
    That says it all. The Library item is a simple code fragment
    that will be
    inserted within another page's code.
    Now - if you are determined to stick with the FW pop-up
    menus, you will
    have to do some work to make a Library item. You will have to
    the javsacript for the menus, and link to that external js
    file in each page
    of your site. Then you will have to remake your Library item
    so that it
    only contains the triggering images for the menu. It can be
    done - see here
    where I have done it -
    You will see several things as you look at that page. The
    first is that
    large chunk of javascript in the scrollable text area above
    the menu -
    that's the code that is written dynamically to each page as
    it loads, and
    it's one of the reasons why pages with these menus are
    usually sluggish.
    Also, if you look at the code on the page, you will see where
    the library
    item begins and ends. That's all of the code you should see
    in the *.lbi
    file. Finally, you will see how I have linked to the external
    files to make this work.
    Here's the tragedy here - you used these pop-ups because you
    didn't know how
    to do them yourself. Now look at the mess you are in....
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "evilcreativegenius" <[email protected]>
    wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Thanks Ace. I guess I need to rethink my strategy here.
    I'm dropping the
    > ball.
    > I'm new to coding. Here is a snippett from the code. The
    complete bad page
    > code
    > is to big to send.
    > "
    > <html>
    > <head>
    > <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
    > <title>Acoustic Guitar Dreadnoughts, Concerts,
    Auditoriums and Jumbos by
    > Timberline Guitars</title>
    > <style type="text/css">
    > <!--
    > body {
    > background-color: #000000;
    > }
    > -->
    > </style>
    > <script language="JavaScript"
    > function mmLoadMenus() {
    > if (window.mm_menu_0707234707_0) return;
    > window.mm_menu_0707234707_0 = new
    Menu("root",104,16,"Verdana, Arial,
    > Helvetica,
    > -5,7,true,true,true,0,true,true);
    > mm_menu_0707234707_0.addMenuItem("");
    > mm_menu_0707234707_0.hideOnMouseOut=true;
    > mm_menu_0707234707_0.bgColor='#555555';
    > mm_menu_0707234707_0.menuBorder=0;
    > mm_menu_0707234707_0.menuLiteBgColor='#FFFFFF';
    > mm_menu_0707234707_0.menuBorderBgColor='#777777';
    > window.mm_menu_0710034854_0_1 = new
    > Arial,
    > Helvetica,
    > -5,7,true,true,true,0,true,true);
    > '");
    > tm'");
    > .htm'");
    > mm_menu_0710034854_0_1.hideOnMouseOut=true;
    > mm_menu_0710034854_0_1.bgColor='#555555';
    > mm_menu_0710034854_0_1.menuBorder=0;
    > mm_menu_0710034854_0_1.menuLiteBgColor='#FFFFFF';
    > mm_menu_0710034854_0_1.menuBorderBgColor='#777777';

  • How do I eliminate the automatic pop-up created when using the Rectangle Tool?

    For some odd reason, Acrobat 9 is now adding a pop-up every time I use the Rectangle Tool.  I am using the Rectangle Tool merely to draw a box around text but I do NOT want there to be an associated pop-up.  Is there a way to change it so the pop-up will not be automatically created and all I will get is the rectangle itself?
    Thanks for your help!

    Something to try -
    Open Acrobat's Preferences. Select the Commenting category. The second (middle) pane has Pop-Up Open Behavior configuration settings. Playing with what is or is not ticked may provide the desired pop-up behavior.
    Be well...

  • IE Pop-up upon Logon - disable?

    I am building a RDS Session Host farm on a closed network. Upon logon I get an IE popup. I have disabled the customization wizard via GPO and still cant find the registry or GPO setting to disable this browser popup. This happens every time for every user.
    How do I disable this?

    Hi Brandon,
    Based on your description, we can try enabling the pop-up blocker. The path for this setting is:
    Users Configuration/Computer Configuration ->Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Internet Explorer -> Security Page->
    Intranet Zone/Internet Zone/Local Machine Zone/Restricted Sites Zone/Trusted Sites Zone
    We can configure the setting as follows:
    This will turn on pop-up blocker, which will make most unwanted pop-up windows prevented from appearing.
    Besides, we may also need to enable the following settings:
    Users Configuration/Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components-> Internet Explorer:
    Turn off managing Pop-up allow List
    Turn off managing Pop-up filter list
    Turn off Pop-up management
    Doing so will disable users from configuring pop-up behavior.
    Best regards,
    Frank Shen

  • Fixed Resolution And Text Behaviors

    Ok, so like a good student I have been reading up on all the benefits of Fixed Resolution and what a GPU lifesaver it is. However, is it possible to apply the fixed resolution to a text behavior? I've got two words that have the Hot Pop Flash behavior on them in my project. The parent layer has a fixed resolution of 720 x 480, but this seems to have no effect on my text behavior. I am still getting a cropping message because I have exceeded my 2048 canvas limit. Is there anything I can do? Am I missing something completely inane?


  • Pop Up Window Dreamweaver MX

    I'm having a difficult time using Dreamweaver MX to create
    text links which open new browser windows to external urls. I have
    had success using the built-in scripting to perform this function
    with images, however not so with text. What I did was simply
    highlight and create a text link, then I added the behavior to open
    new browser window. I next edited the code changing the a href to
    the http web address.
    This works fine in IE, however in Mozilla I get the source
    code for the external web site in the new broswer window.
    Does anyone have a clue what I need to do?
    Here's the source code: <a href="javascript:;"
    http://www.optimalcooling.com','','toolbar=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=800,heig ht=600')">

    Please post a link to this page so we can see what you are
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "movick724" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:fbeu5i$1ep$[email protected]..
    > You cannot apply behaviors to bare text. They are to be
    applied to HTML
    > anchor tags (<a>) that surround the text.
    > Select your text, and enter
    > "javascript:;" (that's colon semicolon) into the Link
    field of the
    > Property
    > inspector. After pressing Enter, your selected text will
    now be converted
    > to a 'null' link, and can receive the pop-up behavior
    > Hi Murray,
    > Thank you for the rapid response. I'm a tad unclear
    > I converted the code back to simple text and followed
    your instructions. I
    > see
    > what I believe to be the identical code displayed prior
    to this process:
    > <a href="javascript:;"
    > onclick="MM_openBrWindow('
    > ars=yes,resizable=yes,width=820,height=600')">Mikhail
    Levitin holds 14 US
    > Patents</a>
    > The link works perfectly in IE, but opens the code
    source in Netscape and
    > Firefox instead of the actual page.
    > You specified "pressing enter" after selecting
    "javascript:;" in the
    > property
    > inspector; all this does in create a new paragraph in
    the text body. Did I
    > misunderstand your instructions? It seems however that
    the above code is
    > correct as is; I'm not certain why Mozilla directs the
    new window to the
    > source
    > code instead of the page itself.
    > I greatly appreciate your time and assistance!!!
    > Best,
    > Mov

  • PDF popup, in FireFox, without being prompted

    Hello, I am using Windows XP Pro, SP3, fully patched and updated. My Adobe Reader is version 9.5.0. I am currently using FireFox 3.6.25, but this problem has been affecting my computer for the last year and a half, and happens with newer versions of FireFox, up to and including version 8. I downloaded a PDF file of an air compressor users manual and saved a copy to a folder on my desktop (where I store all of my PDF files). 
    Now, whenever my FireFox browser is up and running, this PDF file will pop up every three hours, or so. It will initially pop up about ten minutes after the browser is started, and then about three hours after I close the reader program. It, neither the file, nor Adobe Reader, asks for permission to run, the PDF file, just comes up fully formed and running in Reader.
    I have search in my Reader preferences/options/setting and can’t find any setting, control, action, button or choice that allows me to stop this pop up behavior. I can move the file to another location on my “c” drive, move it to another hard drive altogether, or even rename it, all to no avail, the popup behavior remains.
    Is this a Adobe “problem”, or setting, a FireFox problem (as it only happens when the FireFox browser is running), or something else I am not aware off? Thanks for any help, in advance!!

    Hello Ankit, and thanks for help:
    This behavior only happens with this one PDF, no others, and I have hundreds saved to the same folder.
    Speak of the devil, as I was typing the first sentence of this email, it popped up. My FireFox browser is set to start when I boot my computer, and that happened about ten minutes ago.
    I rarely use IE and never use any other browser. When I do use IE it is only for those websites that still don't function properly with FireFox, and I generally get there via a FireFox add-on that opens a version of IE within the FireFox browser. Also on rare occasions, I will open IE directly to view my daughters school grades, again because that website doesn't handle FireFox properly. In any case, whenever I use IE, I only keep that tab or browser running for a very short period of time, just long enough to capture my data needs, generally less than five minutes, then shut it down,........ But, I don't recall this PDF behavior ever happening with the IE usage.
    Here are the PDF's Document Properties:
    Under the Description tab:
        1.. File : Tecumseh_replacement_parts-7.pdf
        2.. Title: parts book.indd
        3.. Author: (blank)
        4.. Subject: (blank)
        5.. Keywords: (blank)
        6.. Created: 4/19/2005 9:00:26 AM
        7.. Modified: 10/31/2005 8:52:35 AM
        8.. Application: Adobe InDesign CS (3.0.1)
        1.. PDF Producer: Adobe Library 6.0
        2.. PDF Version: 1.3 (Acrobat 4.x)
        3.. Location: C:\Documents and Settings\.....Temp\
        4.. FIle Size: 2.18 MB
        5.. Page Size: 8.50 x 11.00 in
        6.. Tagged PDF: Yes
        7.. Number of Pages: 50
        8.. Fast Web View: Yes
    Under the Security tab:
      Document Security
        1.. Security Method: No Security
        2.. Can be Opened by: All versions of Acrobat
      Document Restrictions Summary:
      (everything is allowed except Document Assembly, Commenting, Signing, and Creation of Template Page)
    Under the Fonts Tab: .......
    Under the Advanced tab:
      PDF Settings:
        1.. Base URL: (blank)
        2.. Search Index: (blank)
        3.. Trapped: No (greyed out)
      Print Dialog Presets: (all greyed out)
        1.. Page Scaling: Default
        2.. Duplex Mode: Simplex
        3.. Paper Source by Page Size: No
        4.. Print Page Range: (blank)
        5.. Number of Copies: (dropped down box)
      Reading Options:
        1.. Binding: Left Edge
        2.. Language: (blank)
    Tell me about, and how to do it:
    If I understand your request, it means remotely accessing my computer's drives to observe the PDF's behavior, program settings and preferences, registery settings, etc. I am not comfortable doing that, as my computer has a large amount of proprietary business information and personal financial information. If there is information I can pass on to you manually, or if I can contact you when the behavior happens, that would be OK.
    Thanks again for your help.
    From: Ankit_Jain
      To: dgruber06
      Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 9:23 AM
      Subject: PDF popup, in FireFox, without being prompted
            Re: PDF popup, in FireFox, without being prompted
            created by Ankit_Jain in Adobe Reader - View the full discussion

  • Invoking popup with taskflow train accepting parameters from a  region

    Hi All,
    I would like to know the best practice to implement the following use case. Jdeveloper used is Jdev11g.
    I have a taskflow DND as a region. The refresh property is set to if needed so that region is loaded when the input parameter is changed. The region displays the table and the contents of the table is modified in a another task flow train which is DND as a region in a popup and the popup is invoked on button click. The taskflow train in the popup accepts input paramters and the refresh is set to if Needed. The popup has to be closed at the end of task flow and also the parent region should be refreshed to reflect the updated value.
         I was not able to control the order of execution of action listener of button(to set the parameters required task flow) and show popup behavior( to invoke the popup). Show pop up behavior is executed before action listener and hence the parameters are not properly passed to the task flow.
    Here are few queries:
    1.To work around the above problem, we implemented a client listener to find and show the pop up.Is this the right way to do it?.
    2.Also at the end of the taskflow train taskFlowReturn returns to head of the task flow and the popup still remains in the window. We implemented a region navigation listener to identify the end of the task flow and hide the popup(is this right?).
    3.To refresh the parent region we find the component in the view tree and do region.getRegionModel().refresh(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance())( is this the right way to do it).
    4. The parameters are not passed properly when the table from which popup with taskflow train is invoked is the detail table of Master-detail relationship.

    this document describes best practices

  • Bluetooth RemoteDevice Help

    Hi Guys,
    I need help,
    I have developed an app in Java WTK 2.2 that discovers all bluetooth devices in range and using
    device.getBluetoothAddress() i can return the devices MAC address.
    However, i was to use
    However, when i use this, errors come up.
    How do i access a devices friendly name?
    Please help

    Ok, this is interesting. My headset pairs, connects, then drops. If I open my sound prefs and select the headset, it boots and I have sound. As long as I do not close that dialog (this trick from another thread), the headset remains active.
    Clearly you need to have activity to the device to keep it on line - makes sense, to save power, though it apparently has "failed". The device bounces back in to try to cennect, then out again.
    Fun part: if I open Skype and dial someone, the headset kicks in. So for the moment I am treating it as "on demand", though it is a little unnerving. Certainly don't like this pop-in-pop-out behavior. Maybe a bit of config I haven't read yet, or an OS bug.
    A Traud mentioned some "force visible" feature of some headsets. While his posts are frequently incomplete, and I would not be very happy with him as my Helpdesk Attendant (sorry, Traud, but take a good look at what you're dishing out: what's with this Bluetooth Updater that is supposed to be run even if you are on new systems? Sorry, baby, strike two), still it is worth looking into, perhaps the headset is "proactive" and maintains its own connection?
    I had a high-end motorola which I believe had this ability. I traded it in for this Plantronics Voyager 510, which is uncomfortable and can't do this nifty trick - maybe I'll switch back.
    Let us all know if you find anymore data.

  • Behaviors Pop Up Menu

    I have been using adding the behavior 'Show Pop Up Menu' to create a drop down list for my link menu. I add all the page links and upload. It works fine on the website. However if I try to change anything the next time I open the page in dreamweaver it has lost all the links.
    In the events box I have still got On mouse out - hide menu etc but when I double click on On mouse over - show pop up menu all the links and text have dissapeared in the Contents section of the wizard part.
    Can anyone help me with where I am going wrong. As everytime I want to make a change I have to re add all the pages and all the links.
    Thanks in advance

    Thank you, I am using Dreamweaver MX.
    I am a novice and have sort of understood that link you gave me! Basically does it mean that the show pop up menu behaviour is rubbish and there is no solution to my problem!?!

  • Pop up menu behavior

    I'm using Dreamweaver 2004 MX
    Created a Pop up menu behavior in my Template and it worked
    When new html pages are created based on theTemplate, the Pop
    up menu does not work. Any suggestions?

    Are you sitting down? Read this -
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "jbudraitis" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:g9s73j$4hp$[email protected]..
    > I'm using Dreamweaver 2004 MX
    > Created a Pop up menu behavior in my Template and it
    worked OK.
    > When new html pages are created based on theTemplate,
    the Pop up menu does
    > not
    > work. Any suggestions?

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