Populating a dynamic array with objects and managing it in runtime.

So I'm another stuck firstyear. I'll try and make my question compact. I'm using Flash CS6 and have drawn an animated character on the stage that consists of separate parts that are animated and its head is a separate class/symbol entirely because it has not only animation, but a state switch timeline as well. This said Head extends the Main that is the character MovieClip.
I am using a dynamic array to store and .push and .splice objects of another class that would collide with this said Head.
I also discovered the super() function that is implicitly called as the constructor of the parent in any child class that extends the parent, in this case Head extends Main. The issue is that my collidable object array is populated within the main, within the function that spawns every next collidable object with a TimerEvent. This said function then gets called twice due to the super() call.
I have tried putting this super() call into an impossible statement in my child class, but it doesn't change a thing, and it was said that this method is unsafe so I don't even know if it should be working.
However what confuses me the most is when I trace() the .length of my collidable object array at the end of that function. As I said earlier, the original function both spawns an object after a period of Timer(1000) and adds it to the stage as well as adds the object onto the object array, but the super() constructor only duplicates the length call and a creates a copy of the object on the stage, but it does not add the second copy of the object onto the array. The trace() output goes on like so:
I wonder why and I'm really stumped by this.
Here is the code in question:
public class Main extends MovieClip {
                    public var nicesnowflake: fallingsnow;
                    var nicesnowflakespawntimer: Timer = new Timer(1000);
                    public var nicesnowflakearray: Array = new Array();
                    public function Main() {
                              nicesnowflakespawntimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, nicesnowflakespawn);
                    public function nicesnowflakespawn(event:TimerEvent) : void {
                              nicesnowflake = new fallingsnow;
                              nicesnowflake.x = Math.random()* stage.stageWidth;
                              nicesnowflake.y = - stage.stageHeight + 100;
                              for (var i:Number = 0; i < nicesnowflakearray.length; i++){
                                        nicesnowflakearray[i].addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, snowhit);
                    public function snowhit(event:Event) : void {
                              if (nicesnowflakearray[0].y >= 460){
                                        if (nicesnowflakearray[0].y == stage.stageHeight) {
                                        nicesnowflakearray.splice(nicesnowflakearray.indexOf(nicesnowflake), 1);
                              //if (this.hitTestObject(nicesnowflake)){
I am also fiddling with the collision, but I believe that it would sort itself out when I deal with the array pop and depop properly. However I'm pasting it anyway in case the issue is subtly hidden somewhere I'm not looking for it. And here is the child class:
public class Head extends Main {
                    public function Head(){
                              if (false){
So like what happens at the moment is that the array gets populated by the first object that spawns, but there is two objects on the stage, then when the objects reach stage.460y mark the array splices() the one object away and displays an error:
"#1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.
          at Main/snowhit()"
then when the next object spawns, it repeats the process. Why does it trace the array.length as "1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, etc" until the despawn point and then goes on to display an error and then starts from 1 again, because if the array length is more than one object at the time when the first object of the array gets spliced away, shouldn't it go on as usual, since there are other objects in the array?
Thank you very much to whomever will read this through.

There are multiple problems:
1. You should add eventlisteners for your objects only once, but you add eventlisteners every time your timer runs to all of your snowflakes, again and again:
                              for (var i:Number = 0; i < nicesnowflakearray.length; i++){
                                        nicesnowflakearray[i].addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, snowhit);
change it to
nicesnowflake.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, snowhit);
I don`t see why its even necessary to employ this snowflakearray, it would be much straight forward if you simply let the snowflakes take care of themselves.
2. Then you have to change your enterframe function accordingly
public function snowhit(event:Event) : void {
                              if (e.currentTarget.y >= 460){
                                        if (e.currentTarget.y == stage.stageHeight) {
                                        e.currentTarget.removeEventlistener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, snowhit);
                              //if (this.hitTestObject(nicesnowflake)){
since "this" is a reference to the Main class (root) it surely won`t function as you intend it to.
                              if (false){
makes no sense to use a condition that can never be true

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    Same for convert
    plutil -convert xml1 Info.plist
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    Any idea ?

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    v_line_in IN NUMBER,
    v_userid IN VARCHAR2,
    voucher_comment OUT      sysadm.ap_comment_coll
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    FROM ps_fas_ap_comment
    WHERE business_unit = voucher_comment (i).bu_ap
    AND voucher_id = voucher_comment (i).voucher
    AND voucher_line_num = voucher_comment (i).v_line;
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    OPEN get_all_comment;
    FETCH get_all_comment
    INTO v_line_num, v_comments;
    voucher_comment (i) :=
    ap_comment_type (v_bu_in,
    i := i + 1;
    OPEN get_line_comment;
    FETCH get_line_comment
    INTO v_comments;
    voucher_comment (i) :=
    ap_comment_type (v_bu_in,
    i := i + 1;
    END IF;
    END get_voucher_comments;
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    O_voucher_comment SYSADM.AP_COMMENT_COLL;
    FAS_AP_EXCEPTIONS.GET_VOUCHER_COMMENTS('FCCAN', '20494753', 1, 'KEHE', O_voucher_comment);

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    O_voucher_comment SYSADM.AP_COMMENT_COLL := sysadm.ap_comment_coll(null);
    FAS_AP_EXCEPTIONS.GET_VOUCHER_COMMENTS('FCCAN', '20494753', 0, 'KEHE', O_voucher_comment);
    PROCEDURE get_voucher_comments (
    v_bu_in IN VARCHAR2,
    v_voucher_in IN VARCHAR2,
    v_line_in IN NUMBER,
    v_userid IN VARCHAR2,
    voucher_comment OUT      sysadm.ap_comment_coll
    i NUMBER := 1;
    v_comments VARCHAR2 (254) := ' ';
    comment_type sysadm.ap_comment_type;
    v_line_num NUMBER := 0;
    CURSOR get_all_comment
    SELECT voucher_line_num, descr254_mixed FROM ps_fas_ap_comment
    WHERE business_unit = v_bu_in AND voucher_id = v_voucher_in;
    CURSOR get_line_comment
    SELECT descr254_mixed FROM ps_fas_ap_comment
    WHERE business_unit = v_bu_in AND voucher_id = v_voucher_in
    AND voucher_line_num = v_line_in;
    --voucher_comment() := SYSADM.ap_comment_type (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    --' ', ' ', 0, ' ', '', ' ' sysadm.ap_comment_coll
    voucher_comment := sysadm.ap_comment_coll(null);
    IF v_line_in = 0
    OPEN get_all_comment;
    FETCH get_all_comment
    INTO v_line_num, v_comments;
              if i > 1
              end if;
    voucher_comment (i) := ap_comment_type (v_bu_in,
    v_voucher_in, v_line_num, v_userid,
    TO_DATE (TO_CHAR (SYSDATE, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), v_comments );
    i := i + 1;
    OPEN get_line_comment;
    FETCH get_line_comment
    INTO v_comments;
    voucher_comment (i) := ap_comment_type (v_bu_in, v_voucher_in, v_line_num, v_userid, TO_DATE (TO_CHAR (SYSDATE, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS' ), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), v_comments);
    i := i + 1;
    END IF;
    END get_voucher_comments;

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    nt it to, complete with error handling.
    Hope this helps.
    // it takes almost no time to rate an answer
    read_files_updated.vi ‏81 KB
    Num_Lines_in_File.vi ‏62 KB

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    Go to Solution.
    Spreadsheet save bug.vi ‏9 KB

    Hi JL,
    no, it's not a bug - it's a feature
    Well, if you would look more closely you would recognize the "Save to Spreadsheet" as polymorphic VI. As this polymorphic VI doesn't support EXT numbers internally (it only supports DBL, I64 and String) LabVIEW chooses the instance with most accuracy: I64 (I64 has 64 bits precision, DBL only 53...). So your options are:
    - set the instance to use as DBL (by right-click and "Select type...")
    - make a copy of this VI, save it with a different name and make it support EXT numbers (don't rework the polymorphic VI as you would break compatibility with other LV installations or future revisions)
    And yes, those coercion dots always signal some conversions - you should atleast check what's going on there...
    Message Edited by GerdW on 05-21-2010 10:01 PM
    Best regards,
    CLAD, using 2009SP1 + LV2011SP1 + LV2014SP1 on WinXP+Win7+cRIO
    Kudos are welcome

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    LV screenshot.JPG ‏156 KB

    There are several known crashes with LVClasses. One of the easiest
    fixes is to load your application into memory and then hit
    ctrl+shift+click on the Run arrow of your top-level VI. Then do
    File>>Save All. You might also try selecting that wire (with the
    selection tool -- use the Tools Palette to explicitly select a tool
    other than wiring) and deleting it and then rewiring those terminals.

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    At first I had problems with connecting but finally I manage to do it. After dozens of tries PC Suite finally updated contact list. Then I moved to messages tab. It took a while to download all messages (aprox. 700 in inbox, 600 in sent - I had many more few times before when everything was working ok). I can copy them to PC, but I can't delete them. After selecting message(s), trash icon is grayed out (menu item too). I can read message but can't delete it. Why?
    I've downloaded latest version of Ovi to see if that would help. Ovi managed to download contact list (after a loong waiting) but failed to download any message. Messages says that it's trying but after one hour nothing happend.
    I'm trying this on 2 different machines (Windows 7 and Windows XP), with cable and blue tooth. Efects are always the same. Phone is connected because I can copy files, but when I'm trying to download messages or do backup, software says phone is not connected or tries to copy data with no luck.
    Any hint will be appreciated.

    After deleting aprox. 150 messages from Inbox and from Sent, both programs were able to download complete list of messages and PC Suite finally reenabled trash icon.
    Seems like too much messages causes those program to fail? And why in the past they were working properly with bigger amount of messages?
    Well.. one can say "problem solved" but will reappear again in the future with lots of messages. I need to remember to grab them from the phone more frequent.

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    select distinct concat(to_char(b.send_day_time,'YYYY.MM.DD HH24'),':00') display_value, to_char(b.send_day_time,'YYYY.MM.DD HH24') return_value
    from ...
    No I want to select a specific date as the default value. I put the following code for the default value:
    return to_char ('2008.02.19 10:00');
    But it doesn't work.The date (string) exists in the lov but it is not selected.
    Can someone tell me where the problem is?
    Thx in advance.

    Hi hamburger,
    As return value you specified to_char(b.send_day_time,'YYYY.MM.DD HH24'),
    so your default value should be like to_char('2008.02.19 10'). Also pay attention to select the "Default Value Type".
    Hope this helps.

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    In my requirement we have some 5 static attributes and rest attributes needs needs to be dynamically created based upon the input selections. for eg my input for start date and end date is between 201023 to 201152 then weeks between this range should apear as dynamic columns.
    i am able to create a dummy alv table display with out populating data into it but unable to set the data to it . Kindly help me in solving this issue.

    You might have created a dynamic node, bind the data to this node and after that use the SET_DATA method of ALV interface controller to set the data by passing the dynamically created node.

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    Bit stuck on this one I wonder if anyone can help..
    I have an object array into which I've pushed a number of objects with different variables :-
    myArray.push({myRef: 1, myValue: "W"});
    I can sort the array in numerical order using :-
    myArray.sortOn("myRef", Array.NUMERIC);
    but after sorting I would like to collapse the array using something along the lines of :-
    to join the OTHER variable (myValue)...
    Is it possible to do this without pushing every instance of 'myValue' to another array and then joining that ?
    Many Thanks in advance

    Hi kglad,
    I really appreciate you helping, but I have had to completely change my approach to this problem, therefore I will be marking the question as answered !!
    Thanks again

  • Dynamic Linq with Where and ObjectParameter doesn't work

    Hello !
     I have this code :
    Imports System.Linq.Dynamic
    Dim mylist As IQueryable(Of Myobject)
    Dim ob1 As New List(Of ObjectParameter)
    Dim dynstr as string=string.empty
    dynstr += "it.id= @id"
    ob1.Add(New ObjectParameter("id", 26))
    I'm expecting that MyList contain only 1 object with id=26 , but MyList contains all the objects inside MyObjects. So it seems that the Where clause has no effect.
    And it's strange because if i change the dynstr to simply dynstr+="it.id=26" , everything works ok . It seems that the objectparameter list "doesn't communicate" with dynstr.?????????
    What's wrong ? Thank you !

    apology for not understanding your question correctly.
    " It seems that the objectparameter list "doesn't communicate" with dynstr.?????????"
    probably you have to change
    to below perhaps? since obj1 is already a collection.  i have not tried it though.
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.

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    Am "stacking" my subforms incorrectly and setting the wrong subform to Flow Content? Or, can you now lock a field to a specific position? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Unfortunately, I hadn't understood that you needed the fields to expand in height and everything below them to move down the page. In that case, you'll need to use flowed subforms.
    Having all objects move to the left side of the page is expected when setting a subform to flowed. That's because the flow is top-down, left-right.
    One thing you could try is making the text field that needs to be centered exactly as wide as the flowed subform and then setting its left- and right-hand margins to an equal number. This would ensure an equal amount of space on the left- and right-hand sides and because the field would be as wide as its flowed container (subform), entering multiple lines of text would result in everything below moving down.
    I've attached a sample form where the page subform has been set to flowed, the text field at the top is a multi-line/height-expandable text field with its width set to the page width and its left- and right-hand margins both set to 2in and the button and check box objects are pushed below the text field.
    When text is entered into the text field, it expands in height and causes the button and check box to move down.
    To achieve other horizontal and vertical positioning/offsets, you could play with the margins of all the fields that need this.
    Adobe Systems

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