Portege Z830-10F and battery calibration

I have a problem with Portege Z830-10F battey.
With no alerts, shut down, and when begin charge the level begin at 51%.
In 1 hour the charge is full.
There is a metod to calibrate the battery ?
Best regards.

> There is a method to calibrate the battery?
The battery can be calibrated by discharging the battery until it would be fully empty and then charging until the battery indicator would switch to green (in some cases blue). This indicates that the battery has been recharged.
This whole procedure should be repeated several times in the row.
But note: even if you would calibrate the battery, it might be possible that the battery would not provide the same performance because of the battery age.
Sooner or later every battery would start to lose the charging performance and in such case its just a matter of time when the battery should be replaced.

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    To be honest this is the first time I read about such issue.
    I have no idea how an device attached to USB 3.0 port could affect the Wlan functionality.
    I guess its hardware fault and this should be checked by an Toshiba authorized service provider.

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    Thank you for answers.
    Message was edited by: Tomaz

    Brixx, thank you for answer, but I still don't know, why TOSHIBA service says that I should use exactly PA3822U-1ACA AC Adapter.
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    From my point of few the new motherboard from another Z830 would be compatible.
    The motherboard has exactly the same dimensions but supports just another CPU.
    I guess the BIOS would be already available on this new motherboard and the new other i7 CPU supports internal GPU unit (Intel HD Graphics 3000).
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    I think you should get a shot and go with this mobo.

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    Hi Kevin --
    Yeah, I'm not loving those numbers you posted either. I'd try performing the calibration procedure once or twice more to make sure that that battery capacity number doesn't change.
    The other thing I would do if I were you is download Coconutbattery: http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/27425
    It's a free app available at versiontracker and it will tell you your battery's original capacity as well as it's current capacity.
    I agree with you that a capacity of 2930 mAh after only a month of use and 16 cycles suggests that your battery is defective and should be replaced at no cost to you under the terms of the warranty.
    For a frame of reference, after 10 months of use and 166 load cycles, my battery's original capacity of 4400 mAh is now 4228 mAh. No way yours should be in the 2930 mAh range.
    When you call AppleCare to arrange for a replacement, if in fact that's what you end up needing to do, the agent you speak with, in addition to making sure that you've properly calibrated your battery a few times (as mentioned earlier) may also ask that you reset your PB's Power Management Unit (PMU). While I'm skeptical that a PMU reset will alter the outcome, you can find instructions on how to reset the PMU here (just in case you need to): http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=14449
    Good luck and please post back how everything turns out.
    -- JDee
    PS. You probably know this, but the calibration procedure has been changed slightly for your DL hi-res version of the PB. Here it is below, just to make sure:
    PowerBook G4 (15-inch Double-Layer SD)
    The battery calibration for the PowerBook G4 (15-inch Double-Layer SD) has been updated because of a new battery released with this computer. With these computers, follow these steps to calibrate your battery:
    Plug in the power adapter and fully charge your PowerBook's battery until the light ring on the power adapter plug changes to green and the onscreen meter in the menu bar indicates that the battery is fully charged.
    Allow the battery to rest in the fully charged state for at least two hours. You may use your computer during this time as long as the adapter is plugged in.
    Disconnect the power adapter with the computer still on and start running the computer off battery power. You may use your computer during this time. When your battery gets low, you will see the low battery warning dialog on the screen.
    Continue to keep your computer on until it goes to sleep. Save all your work and close all applications when the battery gets very low, before the computer goes to sleep.
    Turn off the computer or allow it to sleep for five hours or more.
    Connect the power adapter and leave it connected until the battery is fully charged again.
    Tip: When the battery reaches "empty", the computer is forced into sleep mode. The battery actually keeps back a reserve beyond "empty", to maintain the computer in sleep for a period of time. Once the battery is truly exhausted, the computer is forced to shut down. At this point, with the safe sleep function introduced in the PowerBook G4 (15-inch Double-Layer SD) computers, the computer's memory contents have been saved to the hard drive. When power is restored, the computer returns itself to its pre-sleep state using the safe sleep image on the hard drive.
    Message was edited by: JDee

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    The original LCD which was used in Z830 was an 13.3"(HD) 1366 x 768 TFT Color LCD.
    So if you want to use other display, then you should pay attention to the screen size and the connectors.
    I think these are most important key elements.

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    I love all the Tips out there to save Battery life, turn this off turn this down when the bottom line is you shouldnt have to turn anything off or down because those things are why you bought an Apple iPhone, how about Apple fixes there crap right the 1st time instead of ripping us off,
    And another thing Apple should reveal there iPhone 6 on what the heck there going to release , whats with all this bullcrap all the time that its a big secret....
    Im really getting sick of this Company...

  • KB article 1490 on battery calibration needs work

    http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1490 says:
    "Disconnect the power adapter while the computer still on and start running the computer off battery power. You may use your computer during this time."
    Does “running” mean something different than “use”? Does this instruction mean the computer should not be allowed to sleep?
    [And fix the typo: "still on" should be "still is on".]

    Assuming that, then -- do both terms mean the computer 1) can or 2) cannot be put to sleep?
    The context here is the instructions are for "Apple Portables: Calibrating your computer's battery for best performance". The instruction in question is #3 for
    PowerBook G4 (15-inch Double-Layer SD), MacBook (all models), MacBook Pro (all models), MacBook Pro (17-inch) (all models) and MacBook Air
    The battery calibration for the PowerBook G4 (15-inch Double-Layer SD) and any model of MacBook or MacBook Pro has been updated because of a new battery released with this computer. With these computers, follow these steps to calibrate your battery:
    1. Plug in the power adapter and fully charge your PowerBook's battery until the light ring or LED on the power adapter plug changes to green and the onscreen meter in the menu bar indicates that the battery is fully charged.
    2. Allow the battery to rest in the fully charged state for at least two hours. You may use your computer during this time as long as the adapter is plugged in.
    3. Disconnect the power adapter while the computer still on and start running the computer off battery power. You may use your computer during this time. When your battery gets low, the low battery warning dialog appears on the screen.
    4. At this point, save your work.  Continue to use your computer; when the battery gets very low, the computer will automatically go to sleep.
    5. Turn off the computer or allow it to sleep for five hours or more.
    6. Connect the power adapter and leave it connected until the battery is fully charged again.
    Does the calibration process require, in step 3, that the computer be kept awake? It seems likely, given step 4, that step 3 allows the computer to be in either the wake state or sleep state.
    My interest is in clarifying whether the calibration process requires that battery draw-down be relatively quick (as when the computer is awake) or does speed not matter (i.e., the computer can be either awake or asleep).

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    2) Switch SATA mode from AHCI to Compatible.
    3) Two different flashdisks.
    4) All possible combinations of boot order.
    Nothing worked. I even tried e-mailing Toshiba, but all messages come back with "user unknown" (understandable, I had to guess the addresses since Toshiba doesn't seem to provide any official way to contact them - or is hiding it so well I couldn't find it). Does anyone have any idea what I could try next? I rather like the Z830 and would love to use it, but the ability to install my own installation of the OS is essential for me.
    Thanks, Pepak

    > I even tried e-mailing Toshiba...
    Maybe stupid question now but have you tried to contact Microsoft too? If BIOS is OK and if all USB ports are working properly I dont think it is Toshiba related issue. Toshiba offers notebook with original recovery image (WIN7 64BIT HOME PREMIUM) and possibility to create bootable USB with recovery image that can be used anytime you want.
    What you do now is your own OS installation. What Toshiba must do is to offer all important drivers, tools and utilities on drivers download page.
    What else you can try? Try to obtain external USB ODD and try to install WIN7 using Microsoft installation disc. Im pretty sure this will work.

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    However the right side drawer supposed to a SIM card is not detectable when it installed.
    Is there some lack of software, or other setup required.
    Can anyone help?
    +Message was translated+

    Do you use this notebook with Toshiba preinstalled and preconfigured Win 7 system?
    Did you change something in the system configuration?
    Is 3G module recognized in the device manager?
    Please check this because due to missing and not installed 3G Ericsson driver, the sim module would not be recognized by system and the inserted sim card could not be handled.

  • My macbook heats up and battery life is short

    hello i just recently got my macbook air 11 inches like 4 days ago
    and the battery life used to last for 9 hour and it didn't heat up
    but now starting from before yesterday it heats up and the battery life doesnt last but 3 hours
    i did battery calibration almost 3 days

    A new Mac comes with 90 days of free tech support from AppleCare.
    AppleCare: 1-800-275-2273
    Call AppleCare.
    Note: MacBook Air bettery does not need calibration.

  • Messed up battery calibration

    I just received my MB Pro today and I messed up doing the initial battery calibration. I assumed the process as the same as my PowerBook G4 (charge battery to full, use computer until it sleeps, recharge again). I later looked up how to do it for the MB Pro and you have to leave it on full power for 2 hours, and then when it sleeps allow it to do so for 5 hours. Is it a big deal that I did the initial calibration wrong? Can I just do it over the correct way without worrying about it? Or is it even necessary at this point?
    Message was edited by: mrurmil

    No worries. You can (and should) just repeat it following the proper steps. It's best to calibrate every 2 months or so.
    Hope this helps...

  • Re: VPN doesn't work on my new Portege Z830

    I recently bought a portege z830. I installed watchguard firebox vpn connection software but i can not establish a vpn connection. I enter the username and password, the program seems to make a connection but it disconnects immediately. There's no problem with the password or username.
    The software works fine in other notebooks. The OS on the machine is Windows 7 Prof.(X64).

    I really dont know if described issue has anything directly with your new Portege. I presume you need this for your business or you must use it in your company so I strongly recommend you to speak with your local administrator and check what can be done about it.
    On this virtual way it is not easy to say what is wrong there. On my Satellite P500 I use Cisco AnyConnect VPN client and it works perfectly with preinstalled original Toshiba recovery image. It is Win7 64bit Home Premium.

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    I purchase the recovery DVDs from Toshiba to restore my Toshiba Portege Z830. I have tried to boot them using an USB external DVD drive , I have select the device in the bootup menu, but the computer ends up starting from the HDD anyway.
    Any help?

    Yes, I have tested with other bootable disc and it works ok with them.
    Still no joy with the toshiba product recovery discs.

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    My aluminium macbook was working nice until I did a battery calibration. Now all the applications are crashing: Safari, itunes, skype... Safari always crashes when I right click on a link and after some minutes the all system just crashed: kernel panic. How can I fix this. Is it a software issue or a hardware one? Does the kernel panic has something to do with the kernel panic?
    Thanks for your help

    Kernal panics are usually caused by hardware.
    User Tips: Kernel Panics

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