Portege Z930 - BIOS downgrade from v2.30 to v2.20

I've bought the Z930. Two days ago I got a TEMPRO alert about a BIOS update.
I downloaded the zip file of new BIOS and started the installation.
Then I got a message like this:
BIOS Version: Current Ver.2.30 -> Update Ver.2.20
EC Version: Current Ver.1.20 -> Update Ver.1.20
BIOS should be updated.
Then I cancelled the installation.
Why did I get an alert about a previous version? Should be done the update?

My advice is to ignore this update. You have new piece of hardware so in next days test functionality and I really hope you will be happy with it. if everything works well and there is no some serious issue with it dont change anything.
Since few months Im thinking to buy it too because I want to have such small portable ultrabook so please be so nice and post short review if you will find some time for it.
I would like to read what do you think about it.

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    Best, Yuppie

    >So I installed Kaspersky suite on the machine (which automatically disables the Windows Defender) and the issue was gone! This is probably the only time that installing an antivirus suite FIXES an issue.
    Thank you very much for sharing this details here in the community.
    I guess information could be useful for others who have such similar sound problems.

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     I have successfully downgrade my system (Ideapad Z580) to 5FCN35WW as it was written above. But I lost my serial number and UUID on my laptop. That was real trouble for me!Now I know how to prevent it.To prevent this trouble DO NOT USE switch /force when you type command on the console! So command will be the following: >winflash.exe /sv /sn /ipf bios ec /file 5FCN35WW.WPH with this command your serial number and UUID will not be lost. If you have already lost SN and UUID, you can fix them to do the following: NOTE:  I am not responsible for any damage on your machine!! 1. Find correct information for SN and UUID (for example on the carton of your notebook);2. Edit 5FCN35WW.WPH using WinHex editor.     At offset 181280 HEX in the text area of editor replace 22000000000000000000000000000022 by your correct serial number. Add spaces after your SN to fill all 32 bytes. All 32 bytes must be filled.    At offset 1812B0 HEX in the HEX area of editor replace 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 30 61 62 63 64 65 66 by your correct UUID. All 16 bytes must be filled. 3. Save edited file to 5FCN35WW1.WPH;4. Download UEFI WInflash flasher;5. Now you have to hack environment.dll of flasher (size 514 728 bytes). Open file environment.dll  in HEX editor (I used WinHex);6. Replace
    68 01 00 83 C4 0C 85 C0 74 15
    by68 01 00 83 C4 0C 85 C0 EB 15; Save environment.dll. It will allow you to flash your modified WPH file with wrong checksum. 7. Rename environment.dll (size 545 120 bytes) in folder of flasher (C:\Program Files (x86)\UEFI Winflash) to environment.dll.BAK, then place modified one in this folder;8. Check twice, that you have done everything correct!!! Every modified file MUST be the same size, as it was before modification!!!9.  Open the console. Navigate into the directory of UEFI Winflash: >cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\UEFI Winflash" And now execute the following command: >winflash.exe /sv /sn /force bkfp bkoa3 /ipf bios ec /file 5FCN35WW1.WPH 10. Enjoy... This procedure worked for me. Don't forget to replace modified environment.dll (~503 kB size) by it's original version (~533 kB size), which was renamed to environment.dll.BAK.  

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    +1 This is very frustrating. Tempro alerts are all very well but no use at all if Toshiba can't be bothered to maintain links!
    Please fix asap, Toshiba.

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    Hey djwillis88,
    Thanks for the reply buddy. 
    Now if you already downloaded the drivers and it didn't work, the next step would be a system restore.
    Here is a document to help you out with that. Select the option " Restore windows to a previous point" at the top.
    Make sure and back up any files you have recently saved or downloaded (pictures,music or saved documents) you've installed.

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    Really strange
    Anyway before trying to install Win 8, you should definitely create an Recovery disk containing the preinstalled Win 7 system!
    Why? Because you will not be able to install Win 7 anymore without the recovery disk.
    So if you want to use Win 7 in the future, create such disk.
    Now back to Win 8.
    Please access the BIOS and switch from CSM to UEFI.
    Save the changes and then boot from the Win 8 DVD
    Would be interesting to know if this would work

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    1) The install disk On Windows XP Home & Professional will not recognize Sata Hard Drives, when it reaches the point of loading where it looks for the hard drive it "BOMBS OUT" with error messages.
    Several options are open .............
    1) Log into the BIOS, locate the SATA option, and change to compatibility mode.
    2) Have a USB external floppy connected with a Sata Driver on it and when installing Windows XP press the "F6" button when Windows asks for any external drivers you want to load.
    Here is the problem with the 3000 N100 Notebook series..........
    1)There is "NO SATA OPTION" in the BIOS of the 3000 N100 series notebooks to choose. In this model Lenovo stripped the BIOS down to the bare essentials.......and I Do Mean.... "BARE". The latest BIOS upgrade also has no Sata option. Why they did not offer at least this choice of downgrading to XP is beyond me. LENOVO..... I'm not impressed with your notebook.  As usual.... Microsoft has all vendors jumping to their tune..... Nothing but "VISTA" at this point in time. What if you hate it??????
    2) I have hunted all over the Lenovo Web Site for a "SATA DRIVER" that would work with a 3000 N100 Notebook, no such critter exists.  LENOVO..... Couldn't you have at least offered this????  I'M NOT IMPRESSED.
    Has anyone been able to downgrade to Windows XP successfully on a 3000 N100 Series Notebook??? How Did You Do It?? Has Anyone Located A "SATA DRIVER" That Works???  IF So, Please Explain To Me Step-By-Step How I Can Get Rid of Vista and Load XP.

    Hello Himleung. Thank you for answering this message. Where did you find a "Sata Hard Drive Driver" that works?? Perhaps you could pass that along to this message forum in case someone else that has a 3000 N100 (may also work with the N200 series) Notebook wants to downgrade from Vista to Windows XP.
     This is what baffles me to no end. The Lenovo web site has every driver you need to load Windows XP on the notebook.....**EXCEPT**..... the Sata HD Driver......**OR**...... the ability in BIOS to change to "compatability mode".  Duh!!!..... whats wrong with this story. I have never seen such a weak BIOS as the one in the 3000 N100. If I had known this I probably would have gone to another brand. They should have advertised this notebook as...... "Non-Geek Compatible".
    Not knowing exactly how you could forward the driver to me I did the following....... I created a new Web email location that you could use to send the driver as an email attachment. The address is....... [email protected] This address will exist just long enough to obtain the driver..... and then......"Hasta-La-Vista" baby......end of story......as I do not want to be bombarded with ads, trash, or perhaps a virus of some sort..... although.....I'm SURE we have GREAT PEOPLE on this message center.
    I'm not familiar with the "NLITE" program you mentioned. Again....perhaps you could mention where I can get it and what I need to do to set the program up to run the driver.
    Thanks again, Himleung.

  • 15-f019dx downgraded from windows 8.1 to windows 7 home premium 64 bit: need drivers

    Hp Pavilion 15-f019dx downgraded from windows 8.1 to windows 7 home premium 64 bit.
    Internet driver
    USB controller
    Network Controller
    PCI Device
    PCI simple communications controller
    SM bus controller
    maybe other stuff I haven't noticed?
    I see others on this forum have had similar problems going back to windows 7. I tried some of their driver solutions that were posted, but to no avail. Can I get some help? Maybe some links to where I can find drivers to help me? Windows update cannot find and automatically install replacement drivers.

    Looking at the hardware specs for your model you should be able to use all of the W7 x64 drivers and software from the HP Probook 450 G2 on your model except the BIOS and firmware files.
    Your model uses the Intel HD graphics driver and the Realtek RTL8188EE wireless card driver.

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    First problem is the slow presentation on display - if we open a picture (simple JPG) and move the window, the window frame will break during the move and be shown very bizarre.
    Next we installed a dynadock U3.0 docking station for using two external displays additionally. This works even worse. For the docking station we used the driver from the CD included on delivery, and we connect it over an USB 3.0 slot.
    On booting switching onto the 2 displays instead of the internal notebook display doesn't work - so we use the workaround of using an extended desktop over all 3 displays (2 externals and the internal notebook display as third).
    In Internet Explorer we had to switch off GPU Rendering and use Software Rendering instead because otherwise we observed critical misfunctions on the external displays (having 2 windows open the display froze or couldn't show moving windows). Nevertheless the display is not satisfactioning.
    We already tried 3 different versions of the recommendet Intel Driver which is also offered by Toshiba for download; we loaded it there and also 2 more versions (one newer, one older) from Intel directly.
    So how can we get that working correctly?
    Thanks in advance and regards,
    N. Cochems

    Most importantly. make sure you have Win7 Service Pack 1 installed. New notebooks have problems running in win7 RTM (no service packs).
    Sounds like Windows is using the standard VGA driver instead of the Intel driver. Uninstall all the display drivers from Control Panel->Programs and Features then go to the Toshiba website and install the Intel Chipset Utility then the Intel Display Driver, then go to DisplayLink.com and install the latest DisplayLink driver for the dynadock. The new DisplayLink v7.xx driver fixes many problems found in the v6.xx drivers.
    Double check that the Intel drivers are installed correctly in Device Manager.

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    I just purchased a ENVY m6-1225dx that came with Win8 and I'm trying to downgrade to Win7 but not having any success. I formatted the HDD and doing a clean install. The setup completes almost all the steps successfully but then gives me an error at the end saying "Windows could not complete the installation. To install Windows on this computer, restart the installation". This message is different than one I was getting previously that said something along the lines of Windows could not be installed on this hardware. I called HP and the technician and manager were both no help at all. They didn't even want to answer a single question and straight away told me that I should contact Microsoft because it's not HP's problem. Can anyone please help me resolve this? It will be greatly appreciated!

    You need to change in BIOS, hope the following articles help:
    and the following tutorial:
    **Click the KUDOS thumb up on the left to say 'Thanks'**
    Make it easier for other people to find solutions by marking a Reply 'Accept as Solution' if it solves your problem.

  • Help on small issues after WinXP downgrade from Vista

    Lenovo 3000 v200
    I recently downgraded from Vista to WinXP Professional, and I must say I'm much happier with XP.
    Some issues on the install: although I downloaded all drivers from the Lenovo site, the install didn't work from my usb floppy drive.
    It recognized the floppy on the F6 portion of the install, but then later it kept asking for the disk to be inserted (it was already in the drive).  Workaround was to install by changing to "compatibility mode" in the BIOS, and after install, loading all drivers and changing BIOS back to SATA.
    All features of the laptop appear to work perfectly; camera, fingerprint reader, wifi, etc.
    HOWEVER: in the device manager, there are 3 yellow exclamation points in the "Other Devices" section, and each of them is labeled "Base System Device."   Does anyone know what these are?  Why are they not recognized as specific devices?  LenovoCare doesn't recognize them either, and I have no idea what drivers to attempt to install for mystery devices.
    Also, "Modem Device on High Definition Audio Bus" won't install.  I have the current driver, and I've tried updating from LenovoCare, but no luck.  As I don't use a modem, this seems irrelevant, but I'd like to install it just the same if possible.
    Finally, the LenovoCare recognized a need to install a "Hotkey" update, and it claims to successfully install, but everytime I run LenovoCare it says I need it again.  Any comments or observations?
    Again, the computer works just fine even with these small issues.  In fact, it is better than fine; it is a joy to use and a real speed demon with XP instead of Vista.  So I'm not trying to do any rocket science or potentially screw up a very nice situation, but I am trying to iron out these small nuisances.
    Thanks to all of you who consider my trivial problems.  I really appreciate having knowledgable individuals like yourselves help out a very modestly skilled, but reasonably ambitious user.

    Hello Fred,
    I created a blog on this forum called.... "I Explain How To Downgrade From Vista To XP Successfully On A 3000 N100 Laptop" Locate this message and read through it. Try the "Auto Detect This System" I Talk about. It will load the latest drivers and the latest...BIOS..... for your particular model if you have not already upgraded it. You did not mention if you had upgraded your BIOS...... if your running an  "OLD" version.... THIS..... could be your problem.

  • Portege Z930-SP3242L Battery replacement

    Hi! I have a Portege Z930-SP3242L that's 2 years old and the battery is dying.
    Where can I get a new battery? What's the OEM part?
    Best regards,
    Go to Solution.

    Portege Z930-SP3242L (PT234P-00KLM1)
    I've asked Peter from Toshiba about this. In the meantime, here's a picture.

  • Need motherboard for Portege Z930-B113 send to Brazil

    Hi,* I live in Brazil and bought a notebook Portege Z930-B113 at Dubai on a trip.
    The same malfunctioned and burned his motherboard, and now his need a new one.
    Like here in Brazil is not supported and toshiba don't sell pices for this ultrabook,
    Someone could send for me a e-mail or site an store to purchase this motherboard, with a international shipping?
    If need more informations ask.
    Thank you.

    I dont think some service provider from Dubai will send you new motherboard. Try to contact them per mail and ask what can be done about it.
    What I can imagine is that you must send your notebook and get it back when repaired.
    Check service addresses on http://www.toshiba.eu/innovation/generic/ASP_SUPPORT/
    I am from Europe and my friend come from US so he brought his US model here. He got info that his model cannot be repaired here in Europe and notebook must be sent to the USA.

  • BIOS downgrade failed

    Hello I have Satellite A105-S4384 , I downgraded BIOS version from ACPI Flash BIOS version 6.00 to ACPI Flash BIOS version 2.00, the problem is now the laptop is dead , bios does not boot anymore. what is the solution , did I lost bios? is it possible to reset bios (removing CMOS battery for few minutes and put it back again )? Thank you for answering

    i have the same problem 

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    PC - Toshiba Portege Z930-12J
    OS Win7

    > When I try to install it directly from the Intel support site it says that the graphics driver was not authorised by Toshiba.
    As far as I know you can install the Intel graphic card driver through the device manager.
    You have to download the Intel driver page (zip) including the single driver files.
    Then you have to perform the update using the Advanced installation procedure which will allow you to point directly to the zip package.
    The system would pick up the driver files from this folder automatically.

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