Possible to backup contents of 3TB Airport Extreme to external HD?

I have the new 3TB Airport extreme.  Being a paranoidsort I'm not happy with having just one backup (from computers to APE), so I want a backup of my backups (from APE to an external attached by USB).
Is there any way to make the APE backup its contents directly to a USB attached external drive?

Is there any way to make the APE backup its contents directly to a USB attached external drive?
Open the airport utility and check if there is an archive function on the disk page.. if archive is there .. it is for the TC.. then you can plug the USB disk into a hub with the main drive and it will backup .. but I kind of doubt it.
You can copy from the disk to a disk hanging off a computer.. this is faster than any other method. But still will not be fast.
But this is fundamentally the wrong way to do things.
If the backup of the computer is corrupt .. then the backup of the backup is also corrupt.
It is better to do a disk image with the USB drive plugged directly into whichever computer you want to backup.. disk images can be done via disk utility or another backup software like superduper or CCC. Then you are far more likely to have a solution if something breaks.
Check Q33, 34 and particularly Q27.. here. http://pondini.org/TM/FAQ.html

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    See this older post from another forum member Zevoneer covering the different methods available for copying content from your iPod back to your PC and into iTunes.  Once you have successfully done that, you can safely choose the Erase and Sync option.

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    Time Machine cannot backup to a hard drive unless it is formatted in Mac OS Extended (Journaled), also known as HFS+.
    You have me scratching my head about backing up through the WAN port. Normally, the WAN port would be used for a connection from a modem.....or another router.
    However, if you have the AirPort Extreme configured to connect to another router via Ethernet, and the AirPort Extreme is set to operate in Bridge Mode, then you don't have a WAN port, they are all LAN ports, so it would not matter which of the ports that you used.

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    Regardless of the client's OS, you can use the AirPort Disk (USB HDD attached to the AirPort Extreme's USB) port as a 'NAS' device. You also have the option of partitioning it if you actually want separate volumes to be used between Mac or Windows clients. I would recommend partitioning it for Mac OS Extended (Journaled) which would also format it for HFS+. Normally HFS+ volumes are not readable (natively) by Windows, but the Extreme's File Server will share this drive out with both AFP (for Macs) and SMB (for Windows/Linux) clients.
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    Message was edited by: Fleery

    Fleery wrote:
    Does anyone know if you can use your airport extreme with an external HD attached and time machine in the same way as time capsule for wireless backups!???
    No. Time Machine is supported in 3 configurations:
    1. a directly attached HD
    2. Time Capsule
    3. A HD connected to a Mac with OS X 1.5 Server
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    Bogus. That is NOT a supported configuration. It will work for a while and you will eventually start to get errors when Time machine backs up, and they are not recoverable.

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    Configure the AirPort Extreme base station (AEBS) to act as a bridge. That will put the computers connected to the D-Link on the same subnet as those connected to the AEBS.

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    I've just received the item and it turns out to be a 1st Generation model.
    Manufacturing for the 1st Generation model originally began in February 2007 and was discontinued in August of that same year, 2007.
    It's always possible that a "new" product sat unopened in a box for almost 6 years at an Apple Store, but it's also highly unlikely. The seller could bolster his claims substantially by producing a copy of the original bill of sale.
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    bender031177 wrote:
    How do you do it?
    in iTunes > preferences > advanced, you have the option to change the +iTunes media folder location+. with the external mounted on your desktop, click on change and navigate to the external. iTunes will put all newly added content there.
    if you want content added to the iTunes folder on your startup disk, point iTunes there via the advanced preference tab.
    if you want to move selected content that already is in your library (on your startup disk), point iTunes to the external, select the content (e.g. all your movies), then right-click (or ctrl-click) and choose +consolidate files+ from the pop up menu. this will copy the selection to the specified location and you can delete the original files from your startup disk using the finder.
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    Welcome to the discussions!
    I've seen quite a few posts on the topic but no real fixes.
    Unfortunately, there really are no fixes. The answer for your issue is that Apple has not ever supported Time Machine backups to a drive at the USB port of the AirPort Extreme. You might want to refer to the Apple support documents below concerning this.
    If you want to use Time Machine for backups, you'll need to connect the drive directly to your computer.

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    Airport Utility under Disks/File Sharing has guest access rights.

  • Does AirPort Extreme support external drives with Advanced Format (4K) ?

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    The new disks often has the new "Advanced Format" (4K blocks).
    Does this APE support such 4k drives?
    At the moment i don't have any experience with this new format,
    for this reason i don't know if the APE or the hdd case has to support this format.

    Sebastian Brandner wrote:
    1) I'm using a simple USB Disk, connected to my APE, as Time Machine Backup Volume. This works quite well for about a year.
    Yes, for a few folks it does appear to work for a number of days, weeks, or months. But sooner or later, the backups turn up corrupted, often beyond repair. It happens to me about eery 3 months, which seems fairly typical. That's likely why Apple doesn't support it, and nobody should depend on it.
    2) The RAID Case shows only a single disk to the connected device, raid 1 handling ist internal and so it's again just a simple usb disk.
    Correct. I didn't say otherwise. In a supported location, Time Machine will back up to a hardware RAID set (but not a software one).
    3) The link with the supported disks doesn't handle the new disk format 4k. :-/ Maybe the support entry is too old.
    Note that it's a 2008 Airport Extreme; that predates the support article by at least a couple of years.
    But by all means, call AppleCare if you don't believe the support article.

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    I've had problems in the past trying to get my external HDDs to work with Airport, so that's my first problem. Not sure how the speed will be either. I have 1 MacBook Pro and 2 MacBooks in the house, so this is somewhat of a big deal for my family. Backups right now (Tiger) are kinda left up to the user to remember to do (using .Mac backup program).

    Officially at this point Time Machine can't use AirDisk (HD on an AirPort Extreme), though some have suggested workarounds. Since this was a feature in the late betas, according to many other threads discussing Time Machine via AirDisk, it's not too unlikely that this will become a feature once Apple fixes whatever caused it to be dropped from Leopard.

  • Airport extreme and external WD HDD and time machine help plz!

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    first of all, i have 2 external HD which are connected to each other via firewire, 1 tb and 500 gb wd hard drives. i hook it to my AEB and it doesnt show on my desktop anymore! so my time machinese couldnt find the HD, next is, i used airport utility, and it detects only 1 of the HD not both, so i tried to hook the usb to my laptop and it shows 2 HD connected with 1 usb connection, so i wonder whats going on here, need help, desperately needs to back up thanks!
    i want the old school way, which is the plug and play usb then it shows on my desktop via AEB, it worked i know, cuz i did it before, somehow, now it doesnt, im sure its the update, but at the same time, i cant downgrade as well, im sure there is some solution for this auto mount via AEB and time machine issue in this new 7.2.3 firmware thanks!

    Welcome to the discussions!
    All you probably really need to know is that +Apple does not support Time Machine backups to a drive attached to the USB port on the AirPort Extreme+ due to likely corruption issues. The odd thing about this issue is that problems won't necessarily occur immediately as most users who have had difficulties with this approach (including me) find that backups work OK...for a time.
    The best advice we could offer is that if you decide to try this anyway, make sure that you have another backup plan in place for your important files.
    Time Machine backups will be supported if you use the Time Capsule, or if you use a drive that is directly attached to the computer that supports Time Machine.
    Message was edited by: Bob Timmons

  • AirPort extreme breaking external USB drives?

    I have a Maxtor 250GB external drive that I've had for a few years. Since I purchased the AirPort Extreme router, I've had it set up as a network drive. Although, it never worked through the AirPort Disk Utility - I have to connect to it using the 'Connect to Server' option in a Finder window.
    We just bought a 750GB MyBook Pro. I partitioned it (HFS+ and FAT32) and everything was lovely. Connected it to the router and everything seemed okay. Unplugged it from the router to use it over Firewire to do some major downloads and the disks no longer mount. I can see the disks in Disk Utility and they are available through AirPort, but not when plugged in directly via USB or Firewire. On a hunch, I tried the same with my older hard drive. It no longer works when directly connected either. So, I reformmated the new drive and started over. Again, it worked fine directly connected to either of my Macs, but once I connected it to the router, it won't connect directly again.
    It appears that the router is somehow corrupting my drives??? Any thoughts? Suggestions? I can't imagine what I could possibly be doing that is causing this.

    We just bought a 750GB MyBook Pro.
    For what it's worth, I bought one of those and had to send it back. It kept dismounting itself and giving error messages. The company just wanted to send me another one. Apple kindly obliged by replacing it with a different drive, and I haven't had any problems.

Maybe you are looking for