Possible to change sidebar div from left to right?

I'm just starting to design completely using CSS...very tough to change. I have a home page roughed out with a sidbar nav on the left BUT I'm thinking it may be a bit more mobile friendly if I move it to the right and allow the content to be all the way to the left. Here is my initial design: http://www.duenorthdesign.com/pcm
Then I switched a float left for the sidebar to float right. Then deleted the large left margin of my content div so it went to the left. Here is what I have: http://www.duenorthdesign.com/pcm/index-rightnav.html
From here, I just don't know what to do! I'm sure there are other things to change, but it's just not very obvious to me. Tables seemed so much more designer-friendly   Thanks in advance.

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  <p><strong>Employee Groups that are <a href="#"><img src="images/x.png" alt="close" width="40" height="37" align="right" onclick="MM_showHideLayers('memberList','','hide')" /></a><br />
    eligible for PCMCU membership.</strong></p>
  <p>View <a href="membership.html">Membership page</a> for complete details.</p>
  <p>Paper Converting Machine Company<br />
    Ameriprise Financial <br />
    Apple Creek Inn<br />
    Bay Motel and Restaurant<br />
    Bayland Buildings, Inc.<br />
    Bayland Insurance <br />
    Brown County Graphics <br />
    CPR and Associates <br />
    Econo Care Cleaners<br />
    Foreman Heating <br />
    Green Bay Embossing<br />
    Green Bay Packaging Council (Local Unions 2-0597, 2-1096, 2-1319, 2-1321)<br />
    Heyrman Printing <br />
    Highview Custom Fabricating<br />
    Interstate Tire &amp; Auto<br />
    J-H Appraisal <br />
    L.A. Edlbeck Co. <br />
    MECA &amp; Technology Machine<br />
    MEG Tec Systems <br />
    Modern Plastics<br />
    Noeldner Enterprises<br />
    Northeast Insurance Center <br />
    Northern Engraving<br />
    PDQ Manufacturing<br />
    Quality Truck &amp; Equipment<br />
    Robinson Metal, Inc.<br />
    Rol-Tec, Inc.<br />
    S &amp; M Tool<br />
    SIA of Wisconsin, a subsidiary company of Bayland Insurance<br />
    SystemCare Inc.<br />
    Ultimate Cleaning<br />
    Valley Plating &amp; Fabricating</p>
<div id="container">
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    <img src="images/navleft_bottom.png" width="202" height="21" alt="-" /><span style="line-height: 18px; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; color: #4A5124;">608 Willard Drive<br />
    Green Bay, WI  54304<br />
    Phone (920) 499-2831<br />
    Toll Free (877) 373-4023<br />
    Fax (920) 499-7548</span>
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    <div id="feature">
      <h1> <img src="images/bldg.jpg" width="331" height="131" alt="the new PCMCU" />Your New Credit Union is Now Open!</h1>
      <p>Come visit us and see what your new PCM Credit Union has to offer. From our Internet stations to our Training area - come see what we have built for you, our valued members! Take an online <a href="tour.html">tour</a>.</p>
    <div id="feature2">
      <h2><span style="font-style: italic">Protect Yourself!</span> <br />
        Attend &quot;<span style="font-family: 'Arial Black', Gadget, sans-serif">Shred Fest</span>&quot; and Help Others too!</h2>
      <p>The A.R.M.S. (Automated Records Management Systems, Inc.) Mobile Shredder will be located in the front parking lot of PCMCU at 781 Willard Dr. Saturday, <span style="font-weight: bold">June 25th from 9am -12 noon</span>.</p>
      <p><img src="images/BBBSlogo_purple-2.gif" width="108" height="86" alt="big brothers big sisters" />Donations will be accepted on behalf of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northeastern Wisconsin. Suggested donation is $5 per box.  Your giving spirit will help make a huge impact on the lives of our youth!  Attend Shred Fest, and protect yourself; while giving to others!</p>
      <h2>SAY YES to NO WORRIES Overdraft Protection Service</h2>
      <p><img src="images/logo_noworries.png" width="150" height="148" alt="overdraft protection" /><a href="noworries.html">Learn more</a> and complete the online <a href="forms.html">option form</a>, or <a href="mailto:[email protected]">email us</a> with your option!</p>
    <div id="feature3">
      <h2><span style="font-family: 'Arial Black', Gadget, sans-serif">GET THE EDGE</span> … on Affordable Financing Only at PCMCU! </h2>
      <p style="text-align: center">Home Equity EDGE Loan <br />
        <span style="color: #B7BF90; font-size: 24px; font-family: 'Arial Black', Gadget, sans-serif; font-weight: bold;">5.99% apr</span>* <br />
        100% Max LTV</p>
      <p style="text-align: center">Home Equity EDGE Line of Credit<br />
        <span style="color: #B7BF90; font-size: 24px; font-family: 'Arial Black', Gadget, sans-serif; font-weight: bold;">5.99% apr</span><br />
        95% Max LTV</p>
      <p>There's also the <span style="font-weight: bold">EDGE Unsecured Home Improvement Loan at 6.99%</span>apr.**<br />
        That's right, <span style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">No Collateral Needed</span> and you may borrow up to $7,500! <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Contact</a> a PCMCU Loan Officer for complete details.  Or <span style="font-weight: bold">call 920.499.2831</span> today!</p>
      <p><span class="disclaimer">*apr = annual percentage rate.  All rates are current as of 3/30/11, and are subject to change without notice.  100% maximum loan to value stated is available on the equity edge loan only.  Equity Edge line of credit is prime + 1% ; 95% maximum LTV, with 5.99% as minimum apr and 11% maximum apr.  Payment calculation is $11.10 per $1000 borrowed, up to $30,000, amortized 10 years.  **Home Improvement loan rate of 6.99%apr is available with no collateral.  Member may borrow up to $7,500; permitting there is proof it is for home improvements.  Maximum amortization 7 years.  All applications are subject to credit approval.  Equal Opportunity Housing.  Membership eligibility required.</span> </p>
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        <p>Lost Debit/Credit Card<br />
          <span style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px; color: rgba(204,51,0,1);">800.123.3345</span><br />
          24-Hour Help Line<br />
          <span style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px; color: rgba(204,51,0,1);">800.123.4567</span></p>
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      <div id="Box2"> <span style="font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; font-family: 'Yanone Kaffeesatz', sans-serif;">education</span>
        <p><a href="http://www.moneymission.com" target="_blank">Money Mission</a><br />
          <a href="http://www.kirbykangaroo.com" target="_blank">Kids 12 &amp; Under</a><br />
          <a href="http://www.cusucceed.net" target="_blank">Teens Financial Network</a><br />
          Financial Fitness Program<br />
          FREE Financial Assessment</p>
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      <div id="Box3"> <span style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 16px; font-family: 'Yanone Kaffeesatz', sans-serif;">resources &amp; tools</span>
        <p>TurboTax Online<br />
          FreeTaxRefund.org<br />
          Identity Theft 911<br />
          Share Draft Reconcilliation Form<br />
          Calculators <br />
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      <div id="Box4"><span style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px; font-family: 'Yanone Kaffeesatz', sans-serif;">PCMCU</span>
        <p>FOR SALE by PCMCU<br />
          Employment Opps.<br />
          Moving? Let us know.<br />
          Routing#: 123456789 </p>
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      <div id="Box5"><span style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px; font-family: 'Yanone Kaffeesatz', sans-serif;">PCMCU</span>
        <p>FOR SALE by PCMCU<br />
          Employment Opps.<br />
          Moving? Let us know.<br />
          Routing#: 123456789 </p>
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    >> I try to change all my application objects (pages, regions, search bar, tabs, breadcrumb,theme, ................) from left side to right side.
    Right-To-Left support is not a single action that you take, and it’s not that simple. In my book, I included a dedicated chapter for the APEX Right-To-Left support, which reviews all the actions you need to take to achieve full Right-To-Left support.
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    &diams; Please remember to mark appropriate posts as correct/helpful. For the long run, it will benefit us all.
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    It seams that we aren't using the same application.
    In mine, if the cell C3 is selected, pressing shift + tab select the cell B3 which is what you wanted in your original post (or I understood it wrongly).
    If what you want is the ability to insert a new row above the current one or at top of a table, you can't do that this way.
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    To do that, the soluce is to select the top row or the leftmost column.
    There is a funny bug in the menu items.
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    None of them display a shortcut *_but the shortcuts are active_*
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    you always have a static class Application.
    Application.application will be the root component. After that you can change it state.
    Application.application.currentState = "state2";
    But it's not the best way to change states. It's better to dispatch events from components and change states in listeners.

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    Hi ,
    Use Function Module : BBP_PD_BID_STATUS_CHANGE
    Supply Activity = 'QOSU' .
    Sachin S M

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    Hi Satish
    Please look at the documentation from SAP for using this function. I just looked on my drive and can't find the document I used to have for this.
    Just setting quantities to zero will not work as all open P/O, S/O, etc must also be closed before you can run the Inventory Valuation Method function. This is all detailed in the document.
    I have done this successfully before for a client with over 4000 items, so I have been through the process. Please let me know if you need assistance.
    Kind regards
    Peter Juby

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    Thanks, in advance. 

    Hello and welcome to the forum,
    I'm not aware of such a possibility. A workaround could be to create your own MCQ slides, using standard objects and widgets like the radiobuttons widget (there is an enhanced version created by Jim Leichliter) and advanced actions. These articles were written for previous versions, but can give you an idea about the work involved:

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    Thank you for your help!

    Probleme solved without having to change anything in the flash.
    The solution was to add a small part in the CSS in HTML
    html {
    overflow-x: hidden;
    overflow-y: auto;
    Solve probleme. All browser. VERY usefull to know !

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    Many thanks.

    Does not sound too healthy! You should take it to the Genius bar in the Apple store. May need the hardware looked at...
    It's most probably a backlight issue. Take some piccys of it while it isnt working now!!

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    Many thanks for any input,
    Stuart Wilson

    Hi Stuart,
    All you need to do is place down a waveform chart and then modify the properties slightly in order to achieve this. If you right click and make sure autoscaling is turned off on the x-axis first of all, then go into the properties page and change the x-axis formatting to absolute time then you will be able to plot data with the actual time according to your system clock.
    The only problem you have now is that there probably isn't enough room on the chart to plot data for the entire time between 09:00 and 15:30 depending on how often you want to sample. The default number of data points to keep in the chart is 1024. Therefore if you try and change the max and min values to 09:00 and 15:30 then it won't allow you to set that up as it doesn't think you have enough room there. Right click on the chart again and go down to Chart History Length. Increase this number to a large enough number and then you will be able to set the start time to 09:00 and the end time to 15:30 and as long as autoscaling is turned off this will not change.
    Hope this helps, please find the attached example which will plot random numbers to a chart once a minute and the chart will plot data between these times.
    Best regards,
    Peter H.
    Applications Engineer.
    Large Chart.vi ‏16 KB

  • Type on a path that gradually increases in size from left to right

    I need to create type on a path where the characters gradually increase in size from left to right. I know that I can manually change the size of each character, but does anyone know of an easier way to do this -- possibly with a script?

    This previous discussion might prove useful:
    The link to the script mentioned in the above thread is broken, but this one should work:

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