Possible to use formulas in chart series data?

Hello, I need to build chart series from manual values. This is possible but Excel accepts only raw values. When I try to use a calculated value, excel rejects the series format.
is accepted. I need to adjust it to something like
this however doesn't fit. Does Excel provide a format for inline evaluating without need to use auxiliary cells?

It is not possible to evaluate formulas within a Series formula. You can use Names to calculate individual values from formulas, return an array of values or use a dynamic Name to return an array of cells and use Names in Series formulas.
However for your purposes I don't think even use of Names would help; from your first example your formulas return multiple cell areas (albeit only one cell in each area) and your second example aims to return an array with each formulas calculating each
element, you'd need a Name of Names which I don't think would work.
Even if you could do it the way you want I think it would be a bad approach. Why not make use of cells, there's no shortage of them and it would make things much easier for maintenance.

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    to get the count, I had to use the countif and the concatenate command together.
    If my compare date was in A1 and my information was in Table 2.. Column A was dates and B was Dollars.. modify to fit your final data, it would look like this:
    =countif(Table 2::A,concatenate(">=",A1))
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    I think I found something to get me started:
    My next question is if I have the following function to fill
    my data points:\
    private function myFillFunction(element:ChartItem,
    index:Number):IFill {
    var c:SolidColor = new SolidColor(0x00CC00);
    var item:ColumnSeriesItem = ColumnSeriesItem(element);
    var sales:Number = Number(item.yValue);
    if (sales >= 50000) {
    return c;
    } else {
    // They have not met their goal.
    c.color = 0xFF0000;
    return c;
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    $chart1.Series["ResponseTime"].chartarea = "ChartArea1"
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    If ($_.RESPONSE_MS -eq "") {
    Else {
    $chart1.Series["ResponseTime"].Points.addxy( $_.TIME.Remove(5) , ($_.RESPONSE_MS)) }
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    Hi Tickermcse76,
    To create a new line chart, please refer to this script:
    function New-Chart
    param ([int]$width,[int]$height,[int]$left,[int]$top,$chartTitle)
    # create chart object
    $global:Chart = New-object System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Chart
    $global:Chart.Width = $width
    $global:Chart.Height = $height
    $global:Chart.Left = $left
    $global:Chart.Top = $top
    # create a chartarea to draw on and add to chart
    $chartArea = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.ChartArea
    # change chart area colour
    $global:Chart.BackColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::Transparent
    } #New-Chart
    New-Chart -width $width -height $height -left $left -top $top -chartTile $chartTitle
    # $global:Chart.Series["Data"].Points.AddXY($(get-date), $($ht.Values))
    #$global:Chart.Series["Data"].XValueType = [System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.ChartValueType]::Time
    #$global:Chart.chartAreas[0].AxisX.LabelStyle.Format = "hh:mm:ss"
    #$global:Chart.chartAreas[0].AxisX.LabelStyle.Interval = 1
    #$global:Chart.chartAreas[0].AxisX.LabelStyle.IntervalType = [System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.DateTimeIntervalType]::Seconds
    $global:Chart.Series["Data"].ChartType = [System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.SeriesChartType]::Line
    #$global:chart.Series["Data"].IsValueShownAsLabel = $false
    Reference from:
    To change the chart color, please refer to this script:
    Charting with PowerShell
    I hope this helps.

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    re:  ChartLegend
    The line "chtChart.SeriesCollection.NewSeries" does nothing.
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    Portland, Oregon USA
    free & commercial excel programs (n/a xl2013)

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    An element with both text & a sub-element is a mixed-content element.
    For example ElementA is a mixed content element.
    Extract just the Text from ElementA.
    <xsl:template match="ElementA">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="text()" />

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    That is a good point, but I am not the designer.
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    Hi Kenny,
    Apple provides an excellent manual, the iWork Formulas and Functions User Guide, which lists, describes, and gives one or more example for using each of the 250+ functions supported by Numbers.
    The entry for VAR includes the following:
    Usage Notes
    The VAR function finds the sample (unbiased) variance by dividing the sum of the 
    squares of the deviations of the data points by one less than the number of values.
    Here are the results of a small test.
    Sample data is in cells B2:B6.
    The result of the VAR function calculation (=VAR(B2:B6) is shown in B10.
    The rest of the table shows a stepp by step calculation of the Variance of the sample:
    B8 shows the mean, calculates with =AVERAGE(B2:B6)
    C2:C6 show the deviation of each value in B from the mean.
    D2:D6 show the square of that deviation.
    D10 shows the sum of D2:D6,
    And E10 shows that sum divided by one less than the number of values in the sample, which, you'll note, agrees with the result obtained with VAR.
    "I've tried this on excel and I get the right answer."
    I fired up the Windows netbook, launched Excel and plugged in the same set of sample data and the same =VAR(B2:B6) formula, and got the same result, 467.5.
    And =VARP(B2:B6), using the same sample data set, gave identical results ( 374) on both Numbers and Excel.
    If there's an issue, it's not showing up here.
    If you'd like me to try it with a larger data set, you could send me your numbers. My address is available by clicking my name above this post.
    "I have no idea what should I input in the two blanks which will be showed in the following pic."
    num-date indicates a Number or Date (and Time) value may be used. Individual values should be separated by commas (except in regions where the comma is the decimal separator.
    For VAR, a range of cells may be referenced, as I've done above.

  • I need a formula to convert a date into an integer (for use in Lookout)

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    40001 = 4 (2004)
    40002 = 2 (February)
    40003 = 5 (5th)
    40004 = 13 (1:00pm)
    40005 = 12 (12 minutes)
    Lookout requires a date that it understands (eg. January 1, 1900).
    All I need is a basic formula to convert the date and time.
    This formula does not need to be specifically written for Lookout. Just a basic formula that I can do on paper or a calculator.
    I can integrate that formula into the Lookout software myself.

    Hello Smigman,
    First of all, I apologize in advance for not giving you "just the formula." And for the lengthy explanation (had to wait till after work hours), which you are very likely aware of already. I am writing this response in much detail so that it may benefit others.. hopefully And so that we understand the underlying principle involved, which will hopefully help us in building the formula the best way that suits us.
    As you have figured out, the data and time in Lookout is represented as a real number. This real number's integer portion represents days, and the decimal portion denotes time. The integer portion is basically the number of days since 01/01/1900. And the decimal portion is the number of seconds since midnight.
    So, for instance, if you insert the today() Expression in Lookout, you'll get a integer 38022 (which corresponds to today, Feb. 5th, 2004). In other words, today is the 38022nd day since 01/01/1900. Tomorrow, Feb. 6th 2004, will be 38023 and so on.
    The decimal part denotes time. A day has 24*60*60 = 86400 seconds, obviously. So, 1/86400 = 1.15741E-5 roughly represents one second. For instance, 38022.00001157 will give 02/05/2004 00:00:01.
    Coming to the formula now, for Time, first convert it to total seconds from midnight. E.g., 5:15:07pm would be (17*60*60) + (15*60) + 7 = 62107 seconds total since midnight. To get the Lookout's decimal part, divide this by 86400.
    62107/86400 = 0.71883102
    Therefore, 38022.71883102 would now give 02/05/2004 17:15:07. Computing Time is relatively easy.
    For the Date -- which is more complicated-- you could keep track of the total number of days either from 01/01/1900, or better still, a more recent day, like say 12/31/2003, which corresponds to 37986. To this reference you will keep adding 1 for each additional day to get the number for the current day. Note, you will have to accomodate leap years (Feb. 29th of this year, for instance).
    It's very helpful to have the reference day as the last day of the past year. That can be derived by counting the number of days since 01/01/1900 as follows:
    104 years * 365 days = 37960;
    + 1 day for each leap year
    A leap year is a year divisible by 4 (and 400 if the year ends with two zeros). There were 26 leap years from 1900 till 2003.
    So, 37960 + 26 = 37986. 12/31/2003 is thus represented by 37986.
    To get the integer for the Current Date we would first find what day of the year it is. Then add it to the reference day. Feb 5th, is the 36th day of the year. Adding this to 37986, gets us 38022.
    In your case you will have to come up with the correct day of the year using registers 40002 and 40003. Not sure if this helped or confused you more.
    I tried

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    Hi All,
    Thanks for all your help...
    I just found a solution via the below link
    in Bex Formula variabel, Current calander day(sap exit) missing.
    Here he is trying to use the existing formula variable.
    My doubt here is, Even i could not find this varaible in BEX formula variable, But could see this in BI Content path as mentioned in the above link.  DO i have to transport this varaible , or i simply can activate it in production?
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    I test the desktop edition using the source xml document but it render no data when the template is executed (vizualization)
    I installed the server edition and i'm not able to declare xml document as a data source
    So i have a doubt that xml publisher is able to publish something from a xml datasource

    Yes, it is possible.
    The problem should come from your template. Refer to "edit a RTF template" in the docs.
    A fact is that XML Publisher server edition is not very adapted to an XML file datasource. In order to use it, you should use an HTTP datasource, with the URL of your XML document (that you should place on a web server...). The problem is that this URL is fixed and point always on the same reference...so XML Publisher server edition is not very good for that use.
    I choose to use the XML Publisher Java API which is better for this task.

  • Sequence: possible to use sequence in "Data" tab

    I have one question concerning the "Data" tab in Developer which makes it possible to enter rows like in an excel sheet.
    Is it possible to use a sequence in a direct way here? Entering "<sequence_name>".nextval or ""<sequence_name>".currval" just puts the string like "s.nextval" or "s.currval" in a varchar2-field.
    Trying to put "s.nextval" in a number-field results in ORA-01722 which means invalid number.
    Would be very helpful when there is a way to do this?
    Thanks a lot in advance for answers how I can achieve this.

    SQL Developer has a small utility that does what Jim describes. Select Tables, right -click to invoke the context menu, then select Trigger -> Create (PK from SEQUENCE). The context menu title is misleading in a sense that you might want to populate any column and you can, but in general this can be used to populate the PK with the next value in a sequence. (Assuming you have created the sequence)

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    So, I have sales folks entering sales opportunities into worksheets, but they are NOT in date order.
    I wish to create a chart the shows the cumulative sales totals, accumulating them in date order.
    I know how to do this IF they sales data is entered in date order.
    But if is not, I must either re-enter it chronologically, or sort the worksheet chronologically, and then create a column that performs the cumulative values.
    However, this approach means I must re-sort the values EVERY time the sales person enters his sales opportunities.
    the Excel Charts allow the use of a time axis that will automatically sort and plot values in chronological order.  But I need the charting to perform the cumulative function as well.

    Based on your required, I agree with Mr. trip_to_Tokyo's suggestion. We can use Pivot table/Chart and then group the data.
    Here is the detailed information, we can refer to:
    Please Note: Since the web site is not hosted by Microsoft, the link may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this information.
    George Zhao
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

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    shared numbervar Responses;
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    Data use is not reported in real time in many cases. If the system you were on was like many, it reports data useage in batches, at a specific time each day. If the useage appears on your bill as occuring between 0400 and 0500 that is the time it was reported, not the time it was actually used. It could have actually been spread out across dozens or hundreds of individual transactions across the course of a day, or in rare cases, more.

Maybe you are looking for

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