Potential Security Issue / Question

Upon screwing with my application, I noticed that when I am developing a page, I can select to go into debug mode. When I do, the URL changes from "f?p=&APP_ID.:&PAGE_ID.:&SESSION_ID.::::" to "f?p=&APP_ID.:&PAGE_ID.:&SESSION_ID.::YES::".
This "YES" in the URL changes the page view to a debug view, which shows hidden items, sql statements which reveal tables and columns, and anything else included in the page processing phase.
So, I logged into my application (as well as some others) on a few different PCs without logging into HTMLDB (so, therefore, I was not in development mode) and placed the "YES" in the URL.
And BAM, it revealed all the processing information. I don't really like the idea of this being a easy security target when I have a large amount of people using my application.
Is this a known problem with known solutions, and if a solution (such as turning this feature off) exists, what is it?
Any help would be fantastic,

Ah, ok. That makes sense.
So, once you set the Build Status to 'Run Application Only' the application no longer appears in the development environment, but what if you wanted this today, but in a week you decided there was additional development needed? Is there a simple way to bring it back?
I did notice that if you go into the workspace and select any application which is available in the development environment, the later portion of the url will look something like 'RP:FB_FLOW_ID,F4000_P1_FLOW,P1_FIND:333%2C333%2C', where the two instances of 333 refer to the application ID. If you remember the application ID of the application which is no longer in the development environment, you can replace the 333 with the ID. This will bring you into the Application Builder homepage for this application.

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    I too share your frustration!!
    Unfortunately I do not have a complete answer for you.
    From the start I must say that Stefan Cameron has been very helpful (http://forms.stefcameron.com/2010/01/14/acrobatreader-9-3-now-available/), however I have not had sufficient time available to deal with the issue (or find a satisfactory resolution).
    The original post that Srini shared with you related to an XFA form that had FormCalc and Javascript in it. I will now share with you another situation that is closer to your experiences.
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    LiveCycle Designer ES to generate the solution/form;
    Captivate to record the demonstration (.swf);
    Acrobat to package it up in a static PDF.
    The screen shots below are from a PDF that includes written instructions and six Flash (.swf) files. The PDF does NOT include fields/form objects and does NOT include any FormCalc or Javascript.
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    Not so!!
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    I go through the "trust" process:
    And the PDF looks like it is OK, no yellow bar. When I click on the multimedia, it begins to play - yes!! BUT ONLY FOR A SECOND OR TWO AND THEN IT STOPS AND GOES BACK TO THE START - AGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!. I would apologise for shouting, but this is beyond frustration. The work in capturing six screencasts in Captivate, annotating them, publishing to .swf and packaging up in Acrobat has been a complete waste of time. Worse than that I now have several PDFs out there, that do not work. Good advertisement for my business? I don't think so!!
    The document that Stefan provided (Managing JavaScript Execution in the Acrobat Family of Products) does not mention Flash/.swf as being a problem. However I would recommend that you go through this document, as it may help you.
    So, where to now? I don't know. The previous posts and Stefan's responses have several urls that may help. You should maybe consider logging your experiences as a bug (log at Adobe).
    In the meantime good luck,
    This behaviour (.swf playing for only a few seconds) happens in PDFs where the .swf is inserted as legacy media to run in earlier versions of Acrobat/Reader. In this case Acrobat/Reader is making an external call to Flash Player. Hence the yellow bar. However it does not explain why the Flash video still does not play when trusted.
    If the .swf is added into the PDF as Flash media to run on Acrobat 9 and above, then it works without displaying the yellow warning bar.
    So maybe any feature of your PDF that calls an external resource is likely to show the yellow warning bar.

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    Be sure you are not talking about JavaScript which has nothing really to do with Java. The main issue with Java has been security holes that can be exploited to hack into a computer or to plant malware. The current versions of OS X provide anti-malware software built-in to OS X. Since Java exploits more than likely come through your browser, you can disable Java in the browser to keep the computer protected until you must use Java.
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    Where is your question, sir?
    If the question were "is it easy to crack", the answer is "no". Your videos make use of several assumptions and ingredients and permissions that a normal attacker does not have.
    "Problem 3" is not clear, please describe what scenario you are talking about.

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    this is a really old post.
    please could you specify your exact workflow ?
    what connectors your dashboard is using?
    also, what version and SP and patch are you using for Xcelsius client?
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    If you mean this:
    goto fail
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    Your question is not quite clear, and no Mac can iOS, but anything and everything made by or for Microsoft carries a security risk.
    Which is why most sensible people run Apple OS X.

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