Power for mini

This may be the wrong place to ask this, but here goes.
My mini and I live on a boat, so the power needed to run it is neither abundant nor constant. We have a 12V system running an inverter for 110VAC loads and it gets turned off when not in use, because it draws power even at "idle". Leaving it "on" all night would eat up many amp-hours of precious electricity.
But, if the mini is put to "sleep", I imagine it still needs power, abeit a small amount, and if it's asleep and the power is switched off...??? Probable disaster!!??
I think computers run on DC current, so I would be taking 12VDC, inverting it to 110VAC, then the mini would take that AC and transform it into whatever DC voltage it needs to run itself.
Couldn't I get a transformer to bring the 12VDC directly to whatever DC voltage the mini likes?
If so, how would I find out what that voltage is?

Hi Daddy....
I haven't seen or purchased one yet, but this seems to be the answer:
It deals with a lot of automotive issues, like Starter Surge and Speaker Pop, so it seems to be well thought out. Retail is about $100.

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    Personally I think you'd do better with a laptop - not only designed to be used away from a conventional power source and thus run from batteries for several hours, but also self-contained and designed for portability. I suspect a base model MacBook would be less expensive than a Mac mini, 7" LCD, adapters, suitable battery and inverter, and likely run longer and give rather better overall video quality.
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    SharePoint Online for developers
    Code example for SharePoint Online: Accessing Web Services
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    Also check
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    Apple Does Not recommend that. Please Read.
    From that article
    "Portables with built-in batteries"
    Current Apple portable computer batteries are pre-calibrated and do not require the calibration procedure outlined in this article. These computers use batteries that should be replaced only by an Apple Authorized Service Provider.
    MacBook (13-inch, Late 2009) and later
    MacBook Air
    MacBook Air (all models)
    MacBook Pro
    MacBook Pro with Retina display (all models)
    MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2009) and later
    MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2009) and later
    MacBook Pro (17-inch, Early 2009) and later
    Allan Mac wrote:
    Apple recommend calibrating the battery when you buy a new Macbook and then every few months, or monthly if it used on mains all the time. This, as Apple says is to keep the battery operating at maximum efficiency. When the battery discharges and shuts the macbook down, it still has reserve power for a good number of hours. There is also a logic board battery to hold various settings.
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    Dear all,
    I am a metallurgist who spent couple of years in steel and process Industry and then moved to IT Consulting as SAP consultant / business analyst mainly working in the area of solution designing.
    Here i will like to describe SAP solution for Mini steel plant with DRI proces.
    u201CManufacture Productsu201D Description
    The series of operations performed upon material to convert it from the raw material or a semifinished state to a state of further completion. This includes the establishment and maintenance of a CAPEX plan, the planning, scheduling and execution of production activities, the dispositioning of produced goods, the maintenance of production data, the monitoring of production performance and the implementation of engineering changes.
    u201CManufacture Productsu201D Objectives
    Compile 3-year CAPEX Budget     Establish the overall manufacturing goals and metrics that the organization will use to measure performance and progress towards objectives. These goals should be consistent with overall organizational strategy/value propositions. Develop long-term goals for production capabilities and manufacturing. These goals should align with the overall goals and objectives of the organization.
    Perform Long Range Production Planning     u201CBudgetingu201D. Long range planning of production quantities based on planned available capacities and known or estimated customer demands. This process may include planning for different capacity and/or demand scenarios. Approved capital expenditures from the 3-year CAPEX budget may influence the budget. Range and frequency for budgeting is yearly.
    Perform Medium Range Production Planning     Medium range planning of production quantities based on planned available capacities and known or estimated customer demands. This process may include planning for different capacity and/or demand scenarios.  Range and frequency for planning is quarterly.
    Perform Short Range Production Planning     Short term planning of production quantities based on capacities and demands as previously planned in the longer terms, actual customer demand and actual capacities. The result from short range production planning will run into the operational plan for the current and following days.  Range and frequency for planning is monthly.
    Schedule Production     This sub-process enables detailed scheduling by resources over the planning horizon. Planned orders that fulfill demands (Stock Transfer Requisitions, Sales Forecasts and Customer Orders defined by due-dates and due-quantities) come from the short range plan. This results in a feasible schedule, optimizing utilization of the production resources. It is based on production process constraints as well as labor resources in order to minimize production costs and also taking into account constraining raw materials availability.
    Execute MRP     The purpose of this sub-process is to generate a Materials Requirements Plan (MRP) for all materials, which are produced or purchased. The MRP process involves looking at current material inventory, planned inbound material deliveries, requirements, lead times and stock levels to generate a detailed plan for future material requirements. The materials requirements will be generated with respect to the three planning horizons, short-term, medium-term, and long term. If an over stock of raw materials occurs as a result of a planning change production and marketing personnel will be informed. This would allow for the cancellations of any unneeded shipments.
    Perform Setup / Changeover     Perform set-up and changeover activities on production equipment as necessary, to prepare for the production of specific materials/grades. Set-up and changeover activities will enable the production equipment to perform operations on materials, as per the specifications called out on the production order. Ensure time is allocated for first off inspection requirements after changeover.
    Execute Production     Insure that the production plan is met by converting raw materials and component supplies into finished and semi-finished products. Batch/lot documentation will be created for individual production orders to provide traceability throughout the process. Each step of the production process is continuously monitored to identify mechanical, quality, and productivity issues and suggest solutions when problems arise. Data collection for performance and financial reporting enables management to take immediate action on manufacturing processes as well as conduct historical analysis.
    Perform Quality Management     Quality management refers to the entire supply chain process. Process activities are related to the evaluation and inspection of key characteristics of semi-finished and finished materials. These evaluations are recorded and acted on based on the results. Report/manage internal quality problems or issues. Install and manage quality control systems to insure product quality. For supplier or subcontractor based issues this data should be used as a performance measure during the vendor evaluation process.
    Manage Product Disposition     This process ensures those semi-finished and finished products that do not meet quality requirements, are prevented from being used and distributed in good finished product to customer, or released for the next step of the production process. A semi finished product is any material that needs to have another operation on line before being shipped to the customer. Finished goods are defined as any material that can be shipped to a customer; in house produced finished goods, subcontracted materials and trading goods. The information required to make decisions regarding disposition comes from the Quality Management system of each production facility. The first step ensures that raw material and returnable goods are dealt with in another subprocess. The reason for the goods not meeting quality standards is recorded along with the results of any investigation to find the cause of the fault. Information is sent to all other parties who need to know: order fulfillment, inventory management and shipping. The process ensures that the most appropriate action is taken to either dispose of, or rework the goods. Disposal or rework may be either through the original materials supplier or subcontractor, or Mittal Steel Point Lisas.
    Maintain Product Related Data     u201CMaterial Master Maintenanceu201D. The Sub-Process 'Maintain Product Related Data' is the list of activities that identify the steps and decision points related to the request for and performance of additions, changes, and deletions to the Material Master file or files. This sub-process begins when a need to create, change or delete a material is identified and ends when the request is either actioned or refused. The sub-process is intended to cover all material types, including finished goods, raw materials, bills of materials, equipment and service, POS, Sundry Items etc. In fact, any product which the company wishes to inventory or purchase. A number of key strategic decisions, including a clear definition of when we issue a new material, will affect this sub-process.
    Maintain Production Related Data     u201CMaster Data Maintenanceu201D. This subprocess identifies the activities related to requesting changes or additions to production related master data. Once a need for master data maintenance is identified, a request is submitted for approval. Data defining production capacities and performance standards (e.g. line efficiencies, material yields, etc.) require Corporate level approval prior to maintenance. Other data that is more specific to internal planning functions are maintained at the plant level. Maintenance requests are returned to the originator whether the request is approved or not to improve communication throughout the system. This subprocess may be triggered by: annual operations budgeting process process/production equipment upgrade or replacement change in facility work schedule (i.e. planned hours or days) change in personnel required to operate process/production equipment new products, formulations, or packaging.
    Operations Execution Reporting     Gather manufacturing information at various points in the production process. Prepare management reports both at the detailed level for plant management and summary level for senior operations management. Reports will be available on-demand and will include - volume, efficiencies (mechanical, line, and labor), yields, downtime, asset utilization, environmental, safety, quality, and financial data. A major goal of this sub-process is to define a consistent method of calculating operations metrics. Some plants will use line information systems and PCSs to collect information. Not all plants are equipped with these systems and the where they do exist, the level of sophistication varies.
    Manage Process Reliability     Optimize capacity by reducing process downtime and ensuring compliance to quality expectations by the reduction of rejects. Install tracking systems to measure line time utilization, quality results, process settings. Conduct root cause analysis, and use the data to develop and implement improved operating procedures.

    Thank you for your prompt response. I'm assuming you are still proposing to use Sales order -> purchase order -> invoice verification -> Customer billing process flow. Is that correct?

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    In Primavera Risk Analysis, the MIN. ML, MAX columns is for imput the minimum impact, most likely impact , maximum impact duration of a risk or the remaining duration for MIN, ML and adding remaining duration with maximum impact for MAX?

    You are welcome. I'm glad you got it back up.
    (1) You say you did the symbolic link. I will assume this is set correctly; it's very important that it is.
    (2) I don't know what you mean by "Been feeding the [email protected] for several weeks now, 700 emails each day at least." After the initial training period, SpamAssassin doesn't learn from mail it has already processed correctly. At this point, you only need to teach SpamAssassin when it is wrong. [email protected] should only be getting spam that is being passed as clean. Likewise, [email protected] should only be getting legitimate mail that is being flagged as junk. You are redirecting mail to both [email protected] and [email protected] ... right? SpamAssassin needs both.
    (3) Next, as I said before, you need to implement those "Frontline spam defense for Mac OS X Server." Once you have that done and issue "postfix reload" you can look at your SMTP log in Server Admin and watch as Postfix blocks one piece of junk mail after another. It's kind of cool.
    (4) Add some SARE rules:
    Visit http://www.rulesemporium.com/rules.htm and download the following rules:
    Visit http://www.rulesemporium.com/other-rules.htm and download the following rules:
    Copy these rules to /etc/mail/spamassassin/
    Then stop and restart mail services.
    There are other things you can do, and you'll find differing opinions about such things. In general, I think implementing the "Frontline spam defense for Mac OS X Server" and adding the SARE rules will help a lot. Good luck!

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