Powerbook 15" 1.5MHz and Mac mini

I have a powerbook. I would like to know what limitations I might have adding a Mac mini to my Powerbook. I could go wireless, (preferred). Will I be able to use programs on the Mac mini from my Powerbook. Can it be used as a shared computer from my Powerbook? I would like to use the Mac as a second hard drive etc.
Looking for benefits and faults.
What ever help you can give me would appreciated.

Hi Virgil
When you network two Macs, you can set up Personal File Sharing between them, which will allow you to access files (documents, images, etc) on either machine. Each computer will appear in the other's Network area; or, you can connect through Finder's Go - Connect to Server menu using:
afp://other-machine's-IP (eg afp://
and then login using the user account you have on the computer you're connecting to.
You can have the other computer's hard drive mount to your desktop at startup by connecting to it and dragging the icon to your Login Items list in your Accounts preferences. That way, it's always available to you.
In that way, you can use the other computer as a networked hard drive. However, you can't run an application on the network computer as though it was local. What you can do is remotely login to the other computer through Terminal and start the application remotely, but I'm not sure that's what you want to do.
Hope that helps

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    Hi Guy,
    I thought I was the only one around who was old enough to have worked on wide screen multi-image slide shows!
    Flash may be the right product for you and Steve. I use Flash with an Intuos 4 tablet and it works fine. What you want to do is to search the Flash forums for references to Cintiq. There may be some problems that interfere with your intended use, or it may work exactly as you want. The important element for working with any Wacom product is to be sure that you are using the latest drivers for the Wacom product.
    If you choose to use a mac mini, get a new one, one that can use a lot of memory, you'll need it.
    You can export Flash files to video in most any file type and compression is installed on the computer. So, if you're going to use a Mac, install Quicktime Pro and you should have everything that you need.
    I have never heard of or used Synfig Studio, so I can't comment on that.
    Flash's paint tools are different from Photoshop and more similar to Illustrator's. You will have all of the flexibility of the Cintiq to control painting effects, it will take some practice, but you should be able to get the effect that you're describing.
    Hope this helps with your decision.

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    The fifth and sixth item on this page are DisplayPort male to Mini DisplayPort female "Extension cables". Under US$6 plus shipping from a reputable seller:

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    Have you tried a simple reset of your iPod to see if that helps?  To do this, press and hold both the Sleep/Wake and Home buttons together long enough for the Apple logo to appear.
    Otherwise, have you tried any of the troubleshooting mentioned in this Apple support document?
    iOS: Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections

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    Don't use Time Capsule for media storage.. it is not suitable and although pressed into service it is a pain. (Time Machine is software backup on the computer and is completely unrelated to the TC).
    The problem with using Time Capsule to Time Capsule, is simple.. it doesn't have any software to do it.. The TC is a backup device.. not a NAS. Do not try and use it as a NAS.
    You can add a TC to the network without doing much.. just bridge the TC and it will work fine plugged into the AEBS.. but again it is expensive waste. You are buying a router with enclosed hard disk drive and turning off the router.. so all you have is a hard disk which is networked.
    If you get a mini use firewire external drive.. you can get 2 or 3 TB fairly cheaply and plug it in. Then back up to a TC if you really want, but any NAS with Time Machine extensions will do the job. Or a hard drive in another Mac made available to the network.

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    Apple Menu > About This Mac > More Info
    Mine is a MacbookPro8,2
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    I am not sure how you are planning to "easily utilise my iMac 2010 27" as display for Mac Mini" I am concerned that might not work out nearly as well as you might think. I have seen that attempted by others and the results were pretty clunky and could easily wipe out any anticipated speed gains. Be sure and talk to someone who uses an iMac as a display for another computer before you spend any money.
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    Of course you do because you're no longer on the same network.
    Connect to your work's VPN connection and then share the files

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    Connection Failed Error: Please make sure that Screen Sharing (in the Sharing section of System Preferences) is enabled on the computer to which you are attempting to connect. Also make sure your network connection is working properly.
    Please help, I'm really stuck on this one!

    Try removing the TC and see if the problem disappears.
    Screen Sharing has a checkered histroy looking back through the posts..
    There are many discussions about failing after changes in Lion.. I haven't seen the equivalent ML yet.. the TC may not be root cause, just the initiator of the problem.
    It could be the BTMM associated with the TC.

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    First check that all your settings are correct, that reminders syncing (calendars on a computer) is checked on all devices (system preferences > iCloud on a mac and settings > iCloud on a iPhone, iPad or iPod).
    Make sure the reminders you are adding are added to your 'iCloud' account and not an 'On My Mac', 'On My Phone'  or other non iCloud account (you can do this by checking in accounts on an iOS device by tapping the icon with three lines in the top left corner of the screen, or the right side panel by clicking on the small triangle to the right of the word 'Reminders' in iCal on a computer), non iCloud reminders will not sync.
    If you are sure that everything is set up correctly and your reminders are in the iCloud group, you might try unchecking reminders syncing (calendars syncing on a computer) in the iCloud settings, restarting your device and then re-enabling reminders syncing.

  • PowerBook and mac mini

    can I use the keyboard and screen on my powerbook as an interface for my mac mini??
    I don't mean net working or target disk mode, but actually have the brains of the mini do the job. in a way that I could keep some applications in the mini and in my powerbook only the ones I need for the road.
    I don't want to buy a display, keyboard and mouse. Do I have a choice?

    Here is a guy who use Mac mini as a media server. Meaning Mac Mini is monitor, keyboard, and mouse less using VNC. I copied the test excerpt from it below. You can also check it out at http://www.engadget.com/entry/1234000057028826/
    Remote Controlling your Mac mini: Do Not BYODKM
    (subtitle: the Tao of VNC)
    One last item on the problem-solving agenda: remote control. You can pipe the video output of you Mac mini to use your TV as a monitor and shell out for the keyboard and mouse. You’d have to spring for the Bluetooth module in the Mac mini, plus a Bluetooh keyboard and mouse, if you wanted to control it from your couch. Considering that most of you probably already have other computers in the house, there is a much easier, and more elegant, way to control your Mac Mini media server: enter VNC.
    Virtual Network Computer (VNC) is a remote desktop protocol used to remotely control one computer from another. It transmits all input data from screen, keyboard and mouse between the two machines across a network. It’s complete platform independent, and there are client and server applications written for almost every operating system, including the Pocket PC, Palm, Java-enabled cellphones, and even the Apple Newton. 300 bonus points to anybody who sends us a shot of their Newton controlling their Mac mini.
    VNC is also open source code at its core, and most of the clients/servers are open source as well. There may be no free lunch, but there is free desktop remote control, which means you can turn almost anything into a remote control for your media center and impress all your friends for the low, low price of $0. Who said the Mac was more expensive? ;> Let’s get cracking.
    VNC consists of two parts: the machine you wish to control runs a VNC server, and the machine you control from runs a client. Both work over TCP/IP, which means you can control your headless Mac Mini from any machine on any OS in your wired or wireless home network. It also means you can control your mini from anywhere you can get internet access. There are issues to be resolved concerning dynamic IP addressing and security if you want to access your NYC Mac from your next trip to the Swiss alps, but neither is it rocket science. If you’d like to see this covered in a future how-to, just let us know.
    Installing a VNC server on your Mac mini
    You can install the standard UNIX version of the VNC server on OS X via Fink, but it only supports X11 programs. There is an Aqua-friendly version that we’ll use called OSXvnc. Click on the “Download OSXvnc” link and the application itself will be downloaded to your default download location. When you first launch the server, you have to do a little configuration.
    Most of the information under the General tab should be filled in for you automagically. Display number 0 and port 5900 are both defaults. The Display name will be based on your computer’s name. You should enter a password for VNC access to the Mac mini and, ultimately, set up an even more secure connection via SSH. Next, click the Sharing tab:
    If you’re running other OS X Macs in the house, make sure to check “Advertise Server via Rendezvous” - when you launch a VNC client on a Mac on your network, it will automagically show you the Mini as an available VNC server. Next, click the Startup tab:
    Click on “Configure startup item.” You will get a dialogue box asking for your password to authenticate enabling OSXvnc at startup. Enter it and click OK, and you will see that the vnc server startup item has been enabled, and the next time you boot up your Mini, the vnc server will automagically run.
    At this point you may want to enable any other applications you want to run on startup. When I have had troubles with VNC, it has often been when attempting to launch programs. Since it’s easy to enable what you know your media server is going to use at boot time and leave those applications running, you can avoid potential program launch errors.

  • Problems with SmartDisk Firelite 80gb and Mac Mini

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    Please help !!!!
    -thank you .. brian

    Hi Brian,
    Welcome to Apple Discussions
    I believe only FAT32 (MSDOS) are the only Mac OS X and XP compatible volume format. Yes, you can partition your hard drive; you should look at Partitioning a hard disk. You may want to look at Mac OSX Hints: Create HFS+ and FAT32 partitions on one external drive.. Your hard drive should be in FAT32 already, so you shouldn't have to reformat it.
    Mac Mini 1.42Ghz, iPod (All), Airport (Graphite & Express), G4 1.33Ghz iBook, G4 iMac 1Ghz, G3 500Mhz, iBook iMac 233Mhz, eMate, Power Mac 5400 LC, PowerBook 540c, Macintosh 128K, Apple //e, Apple //, and some more...  Mac OS X (10.4.5) Moto Razr, iLife '06, SmartDisk 160Gb, Apple BT Mouse, Sight..

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