Powerbook Display fault

Hi there
when I start up my powerbook G4 I get the chime and then the screen displays a blue/grey line through the screen. This is a machine that was given to me to try and repair - is this screen damage, logic board or possibly software?

Wait, How does the Powerbook not have a keyboard? Is it broken? It should boot without a keyboard, but you can always plug in an external one to try the target disk mode. I only suggest target disk mode because a Firewire logo will appear on the screen and then you would be able to tell if it were the display or not. Also, even if the OS is bad on a Mac it should still boot to Target Disk mode.
Sorry I cant help you any more.

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    Where do you tap it is it around where the ram door is? The most effective test to perform now is plug it into an external monitor and see if the problem on the screen also appears on the external display. If it does, this is quite serious because it means the graphics card has had it. The other thing you can do is to go to this website and download iStat Nano.
    It is a simple dashboard widget that tells you basic info about your mac. Such as battery life, hard drive and memory being used up and so forth. The feature we are interested in here however is the temperature sensors in the PowerBook that report to iStat. We can see how hot the GPU/CPU or hard drive is with this app. You can conduct a little test with this app. Measure the temperature when you start the mac up and measure it again when the issue occurs. This way we can determine if the issue is heat related. You can also use the help of the fan speed to isolate whether the issue is due to temperature or not. You should find the left fan run faster as the machine heats up as this controls the cooling of the GPU.
    Report back to me with your results and we can go on from there.

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    If it has NEVER been jailbroke, here are some standard repair procedures:
    First, try a system reset.  It cures many ills and it's quick, easy and harmless...
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    If you're unable to do the Restore (or it doesn't help), go into Recovery Mode per the instructions here.  You WILL lose all of your data (game scores, etc,) but, for the most part, you can redownload apps and music without being charged again.  Also, read this.

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    powerbook g4 1.25ghz Mac OS X (10.3.9)
    powerbook g4 1.25ghz Mac OS X (10.3.9)
    powerbook g4 1.25ghz   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    Starts like this, but it gets worst...
    Check: http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=1111728&tstart=0

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    Many thanks!
    It seems obvious, but please don't contravene the Terms of Use for this forum. If you want to complain to Apple, please do it elsewhere - locked posts will get us nowhere

    I don't know what let you think that you will eventually receive an AluBook without stripe : Apple Care let you think that ???????.
    I have been reading the stripes topics each day since I ordered my new powerbook, late october. I did not see one single post proving that a "free line" 15" powerbook does exist.
    The real evidence would come from someone describing the difference between a "non affected" new powerbook sitting besides an affected one, coming from the same PB generation and with exactely the same LCD profile and screen / Colorsync settings.
    I did not see a single story like that among the hundred(s) of posts related to horizontal lines.
    I have read one post stating that the screen is "crystal clear" and "sharp". The one I received today could be described like that, but it displays those lines, except from the 8 or 10 upper rows of pixels on the menu bar.
    The pb15_problems.png file is a very interesting one to me, as it demonstrates that the lines could clearly be attenuated using a single filter without compromising the sharpness/Brightness of the image.
    If I compare side by side my 3months old previous generation powerbook and the new one, I must say that (except for the stripes) there is not much difference in daylight in terms of brightness but a perceptible better brightness in the complete darkness.
    Well, if someone could prove that some of the new powerbook do not display this "feature", this would certainly push me to return mine. But, seeing how it is difficult to get this organized, I may not want an exchange but a refund, or an upgrade for a 17".
    Please tell us quick if you win this battle.
    AluBook 1.5 Ghz, G5 DP 1.8Ghz , G4 400   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   airport express, iPod 3 & video

  • 15" Powerbook Display seems larger than the physical 15"LCD screen

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    Any clues. I did just upgrade to the last Tiger version (10.4.11), so I am not sure if this is related at all to that.

    I just did one check. I logged into another user account on my Powerbook, and in that account the display was just fine, so whatever is going on here is some software setting in my own account. However I am not sure how to change back to "normal". Any ideas where display settings in the hardware accelerator might be stored. Playing with the Preferences Display window doesn't make any change.

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    Hi Musicspirit,
    this is a long shot, but bear with me: I'm typing this on a TiBook G4 550 on which the videoconnector on the motherboard has to be slightly askew in order to deliver any picture at all. Otherwise its LCD is completely blank. Having secured this tiny plug with a piece of gaffer tape, the connection has not gone astray for 1.5 years and running...
    So I'm saying it might be worth your wile to look up your PB model on ifixit.com, disassemble it and experiment a little with the lcd cable/ connector, until all looks well- which may prove difficult with an Alu model.
    On the other hand, especially if you open and close the computer's 'clamshell' very frequently, we may be talking plain cable breach here, since the videocable passes alongside a hinge and is severely bent on every opening/closing of the shell.
    Assuming of course Applecare has expired on your machine, otherwise: have it serviced under warranty.
    Good luck! And good music!

  • Swapping Powerbook Displays

    Hi all, my Powerbook 1.5 Ghz computer's logic board died, so I got a new Powerbook (1.67 Ghz). However the new Powerbook's display isn't in as good of a shape as my old one — there are a couple slightly noticeable darkish "spots" on it.
    Now, I'm think of swapping displays - does anyone know if there might be a compatibility issue? My original PB is from the 1.33/1.5 family, and the newer 1.67 PB is from the 1.5/1.67 family. It's not the dual layer/faster RAM version, just the one with the speed bump, brighter display, brighter lighted keyboard, built-in airport, and BT 2.0. Btw, both are 15"
    Message was edited by: Gene Park

    What resolution is the old powerbook's display? If it's not 1440x960, the new screen won't work as far as I know.

  • 12 inch G4 Powerbook display issue

    I recently took a flight and the Powerbook was fine that morning but when I got to my destination I turned on the computer to find waves in the apple on load up and the blue background had turned a pixalated blue and white. The once black background after load up is now bright lime green. and there are pixation and anti-alasising issues. It looks like the display can't do gradations and it turns black lime green. Any ideas have tried to reset PRAM many times and have gone into displays and moved the color count from millions to thousands a bunch but no luck. Any suggestions would be helpful.

    Glad removing the Airport Extreme card worked. You can try wiping off the contacts with a lint free cloth, and replacing the Airport card making sure it is securely seated. Sometimes heating and cooling along with the normal handling of a laptop dislodges the card enough to cause problems. If that doesn't help you will need to get a new card.
    PS: Thank you for leaving feedback in Apple Discussions by marking the "solved" post.

  • Powerbook display went out, Help!

    I was just using Safari, and seemingly out of nowhere, I heard a loud whirring (I think from the optical drive) and then the display went black--mostly, I can still sort of make out the menu bar and dock. I've had this happen once before, but that time it was because the power cord came unplugged. That is not the case this time--the power cord is plugged in and the indicator is lit green, meaning it is fully powered. Hitting the power button brought the display back to life for fifteen or twenty seconds, but then it went out again. I tried restarting, no help. My external monitor is working fine however.
    Powerbook G4, 1.5 ghz, 12". Any ideas? Thanks.

    I don't know exactly what you've done so far, but I'll start from scratch.
    1. First (and I suspect you've already done this), go  to System Preferences/Displays, and choose 1920 x 1200 resolution. You can pick another resolution later, but let's start at the max and move down later, if you choose.
    2. If you cannot change your screen resoution, please enclose some more detailed info, i.e., what happened when you tried to go to different resolutions. Did it stay the same size? Get any error messages?
    Oh, and leave your responses here, so others can give their input!

  • Light spots (not pixels, regions) on PowerBook displays

    Be forewarned: This includes a lot of conjecture on my part.
    We're developing some software and need to get some older PowerBooks for platform testing. We only need these things for a few weeks (OK, maybe months) and then would probably sell them once done with them.
    In any case, we've seen a fair number of PowerBooks, particularly the 15" models, showing up on eBay with "light regions." I say "regions" because it really doesn't look like it's a typical failure related to electronics. When I've seen displays go bad they most often seem to show things like lines running up and down and/or across the display, pixels that won't change color, and blocked regions showing combinations of the two I've just mentioned.
    These problems seem different in that they really look almost like someone came across the display and airbrushed it in a few places to make it look lighter or darker in the specific regions. The colors change on demand, but the areas showing spots are always show the same type of color shift. For example, if you turned the entire screen a solid medium blue, these areas would look like someone came along with an airbrush and sprayed the regions showing this light blue. If you turned the display red, then the areas would look like someone came along with an airbrush and painted them a lighter shade of red in the exact same areas.
    What I'm guessing is that in the LCD assembly there's a diffusion sheet that was probably bonded to the back of the LCD panel so the light source would allow the LCD to appear to have even brightness when initially manufactured and displayed. My theory is that either through heat, abuse, or just time, that the diffusion sheet has begun separating from the back of these LCD panel by bubbling up, causing those areas to capture more light and hence cause these "lighter regions" to appear.
    Here are my questions:
    1. Does this theory hold any truth, or is it a bunch of hogwash?
    2. If this theory does hold true, I would think that the diffusion sheet could be reattached unless there's a layer of glass over it. Has anyone tried this?

    This should be covered under warranty, provided that it is not user caused.
    Jin Li
    May this year, be the year of 'DO'!
    I am a volunteer, and not a paid staff of Lenovo or Microsoft

  • Powerbook Display flaws

    I have a Powerbook 1.67Ghz that I've had since May of last year. The day I picked it up it had a stuck red pixel, which I was not too happy about but they wouldn't do anything about so I had to live with it.
    Recently it started developing other problems, slow downs, clock resets, and one odd thing. Everytime I would upload pics or save anything to the hard drive, they'd take up much more space then they should, by a factor of 10 or so. So my hard drive was constanly filling up and I was fighting a losing battle trying to keep it pared down so it was usable. Then the problems with the display started getting worse. Small gray squiggles started appearing about 1/4" away from the bezel on both sides of the display. It looks like sensor dust on a digital camera when taking shots when stopped down. Which is what I thought it was at first. But when I couldn't clone them out in Photoshop, I knew it was the screen. Of course it was also obvious as soon as I quite photshop. This flaws multiplied quickly until my display was covered with them, but all along the sides.
    I finally took the machine in to the Apple store and had it serviced. Everything was repaired gratis. This is a list of the parts replaced:
    646-0222 DSPL, 15.2,XGA,P88,SAMSUNG,W4 REWORKED
    620-3026 TOP CS MOD ASSY,Q16B
    603-5751 BACKUP BAT ASSY,Q16B
    655-1222A SEAGATE MERCURY 5400RPM 100GB HDD
    655-1222A SEAGATE MERCURY 5400RPM 100GB HDD
    (that's not a mistake, the HD is listed twice)
    When I went to the Apple store to pick it up, I started it up to to make sure everything was fine. It wasn't, there was still a squiggle in the upper right hand corner. This one doesn't bother me too much, but it started with one before, and multiplied. I pointed out the problem to one of the employees, he offered to send it back again. But I have a backlog of pics I need to process. He said I could take it home for a while and I could bring it back when I was able too. He said even if it's a little outside the warranty period, he'd take care of it, which I thought was more than reasonable.
    So that's where I am now, I guess the question is, What is it? Anyone seen it before? Could it go away? Could it be a video card issue? it seems strange that I've gotten two displays in a row with the same flaw that none of the Apple employees had seen before.
    here's a picture
    Powerbook 15" 1.67ghz 100GB, 1GB, 128MB VRAM   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    i dont have the black squiggles of screen death but i do have the white spots of display cancer!!
    just noticed the white spot issue that is a known problem with the 15" g4's
    after calling apple support as per instruction from the apple website the guy was totally useless and ended up suggesting i go to my local apple retail store
    if you read the boards you will find screen degredation etc... is quite widespread....taking mine into the store next week to see what they can do about it.

  • 12" G4 PowerBook Display Compatability

    This question has previously been asked but there has not been a response in this discussion. I am constructing a 12" G4 PowerBook from parts. I have the case and various parts from a 1.5mHz 'Book but a display/case from an 867mHz computer. Are these displays interchangeable? I know that I could mix and match the displays from my Pismos and Lombards, but am not so certain with this PowerBook. If not an exact fit, what are the differences?
    Thanks in advance.
    Jan Georgen

    I can't speak with complete authority, but since the resolution of the 12" book did not change through those generations, I would say there is a very good chance they are mechanically the same and pin compatible. Does it look as though the connectors will mate between the two? If that is the case, then I would have very high confidence they will work together.

  • HELP! Powerbook display looks creepily like MS-DOS....

    Dear kind helper,
    When I turn on my brandy new powerbook G4 beautiful machine, the gray screen is displayed then i go right to this black DOS-like screen. I'll type exactly what it says......
    /etc.master.passwd: No such file or directory
    -sh-2.05b# [HCIController][start]
    [AppleUSBHCIController[StopIsochPipeRead] - mIntIsochInPipe = 0 - numReadsPending = 0
    [start] 1
    I press enter and a command prompt appears like this: -sh-2.05b#....and I can type in commands.
    I have tryed to figure this out to no avail. I tryed whatever methods were in the Apple troubleshooting for Startup Failure. I actually do not really knopw what I'm doing so I would love for someone to help me out. If this was a PC I would have a better idea. Am I out of luck?!?!? THis system is like a month and a half old.
    Please help!

    Try the instructions in this article.

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