PowerBook Will Not Start (Flashing Planet Attack)

So my PowerBook is having trouble. I became frustrated with it and it's been sitting for a month or so, but here is my problem: I start up and get a light blue/grey screen with an icon of the world flashing in the center of the screen. This icon then changes to a question mark. After this is finished, I then get a black screen with a prompt that says:
+"etc/master.passwd: No such file or director+
This just happened upon start-up one day. There were no symptoms (apparent to me) leading up to this. It just went kaput and I can't seem to find any documentation as to what exactly is going on here. I have contemplated trying to reinstall OS X, but I have a lot of important work on the hard drive. Any help or advice you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

You do not give us any specs on your PB G4. Please include the processor speed in your profile, as it is helpful to us as we attempt to diagnose your issue and suggest possible solutions.
The flashing question mark indicates that your computer cannot find a bootable volume. From your description of how this came about, it is most likely a failed internal HDD. I suggest that you boot from the Apple Hardware Test disk that came with your computer and run all tests in a loop by holding down Ctrl + L during the tests. Let is run for a while as it sometimes takes hours for intermittent issues to appear.
As I suggested earlier, your HDD has probably failed. The solution is to replace it with a new HDD.

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  • HT201177 Powerbook will not start

    powerbook does not start

    Are you talking about a MacBook? That is what this forum is for. If you really have a PowerBook you'll want to post your question here.
    If on the other hand you have a MacBook, can you give us some more details? Like does anything happen when you press the power button? If so, describe what goes on on the screen. If not, have you tried resetting the System Management Controller?
    Best of luck.

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions!
    It sounds like the directions you used weren't clear enough how to do the job right. Send it in for service at one of these places:
    Sometimes there are good instructions on http://www.ifixit.com/ or http://www.xlr8yourmac.com/ If you found the instructions weren't good at either of those places, please do write them so they are aware of the problem and others aren't stuck having to mail their machines to a shop.

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions!
    Your best option is to post in the iMac G4 forums here:
    You're now in a the forum for older notebook computers. If it's a hardware issue, you'll be posting where people with the same hardware hang out. Also, it is always better to start a new topic rather than resurrect one that's been inactive for weeks. Lots of people skip over topics they thought were inactive. You get the attention you and your Mac deserve when you start a fresh topic. Folks are friendly here so there's to need to be bashful!

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    If your machine was upgraded to OS X 10.7 Lion or 10.8 Mountian Lion, then DO NOT PROCEED!
    The 10.6 disks cannot be used for 10.7 or 10.8, if that's the case, then let me know as a different method is involved.
    On the second screen booted from the 10.6 disk, under Utilities menu is Disk Utility.
    Select your entire internal boot drive on the left, it should have a name and a size.
    Click First Aid > Repair Disk and Repair Permissions.
    If the drive doesn't appear on the left, it may mean it's dead or there is a broken connection between the drive and the computer.
    If Disk Utility says "can't repair, backup and erase and install" then the drive works, it's that it can't repair the file structure, likely because of a failed sector on the drive (may be natural or caused by shock or failing drive)
    However you don't have to erase if it says to do so, if the drive works mechanically the data can be recovered.
    The drive may work fine if removed from the machine as well if it's not showing up on the left in Disk Utility.
    If the drive doesn't work, then the data can be recovered if it wasn't Filevaulted, but the platter dissection required is expensive.
    My computer is not working, is my personal data lost?
    If the drive is repaired, do it again.
    After the drive is repaired, Quit Disk Utiltiy and select Reset Password from the Utilties menu.
    Don't change the password if your just repairing user permissions, instead select the drive at top and the account your having issues with.
    See an area labeled Reset Home Directory Permissions and ACLs. Click the button.
    After that, quit and your in the OS X install screen, select the boot volume and click Install, this will overwrite OS X 10.6 with a fresh copy.
    Quit and restart, then when you log in hit Apple Menu > Software Update until clear, you should be on 10.6.8
    Some third party programs may not work, you will have to reinstall them from original sources and make sure they are compliant with 10.6.8

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    Have you tried logging out of your CC desktop app, then logging back in again? Quit/Restart won't work, but logging out and back in should. See here: https://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/kb/sign-in-out-creative-cloud-desktop-app.html

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    It sounds to me like the PowerBook is stuck in target disk mode.
    It's expecting the iMac/eMac to be there when booting. Seeming it's not attached, it will show a flashing folder.
    If your PowerBook internal drive is bootable, then simply hold down the option key when booting and select it's internal hard drive. That should boot your PowerBook into Mac OS X.

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    Hello, rockinrolla. 
    Thank you for the question.  You may find this article helpful in troubleshooting your issue.
    iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    If the issue persists, see step 6 of the article.
    Jason H.

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    Unfortunately here is no public document about explanation of those hexadecimal codes and I can not tell you what it means exactly. The fact is that power supply electronic has detects some malfunction and sends code.
    Sorry but I dont believe that you can do something alone. Try please to contact service partner in your country and explain them the situation.

  • Wallstreet will not start

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    Anyway, I wonder if anyone can offer any advice...I've already tried much of what is suggested here.
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    As soon as power is connected (battery or power adapter), the fan comes on. And stays on. The computer will not start. I have tried resetting the PMU with battery in, out, power adapter connected, not connected, all combinations of the above. But as soon as any power is connected, on comes the fan. I have tried disconnecting the keyboard and re-seating the PMU ribbon cable. No luck.
    Any other suggestions of things I could try? I am leaving power disconnected overnight, but if that does not work it would be nice to have some other ideas!
    If not, I'll be trying to but a case for the HD so that I can mount it on one of my more recent machines to get the data off it...
    Many thanks,
    Powermac G3 Wallstreet   Mac OS 8.6 or Earlier  
    Powermac G4   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    Hearing the startup chime (bong) is a good sign; this means the powerbook has had a successful initialization of the hardware necessary to boot up.
    The Wallstreet can also have a long period of inactivity after the startup chime when performing a cold start. If you have 256MB of installed RAM, for example, you may wait as long as 30-40 seconds from the startup chime to first light of the display. This is normal; the Wallstreet is performing a memory test during this period. Give her a full minute until you decide there is going to be no start.
    When you connect the power adapter and get the sleep light and a brief runup of the fan, this normally indicates you have a corrupted power manager. This usually happens when there is no working or charged main battery and the powerbook is unplugged from the power adapter for a period of time. The internal, rechargeable backup battery (PRAM battery) will run down and the power manager is usually corrupted.
    Here is information on the PRAM battery:
    Please try this series of tests:
    1. Connect the power adapter, then reset the power manager with the powerbook turned off. On the Wallstreet, you simultaneously press the 'shift-fn-ctrl-power' keys. If successfully done, you will see a brief flash of the sleep light.
    2. Note if it has a normal startup.
    3. Sleep the powerbook, then wake it. Is this normal?
    4. Perform a restart and report your results.
    If you leave the powerbook connected to the power adapter (and the power adapter is not turned off if connected to a power strip or switched outlet), does it always start normally?
    Please also take a look in the System Profiler and see if it reports the 512K of backside L2 cache. You may have the 233MHz/0K CPU but I doubt it...it would be as slow as molasses.
    There are other possible causes for your problems but let's see what turns up.

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    Same here. If I start up with the power adapter attached, it starts up fine. If I try to start up from battery only, the fan comes on, the sleep light comes on but nothing else happens. I tried letting it sit that way for about 15 minutes and nothing changed. I tried attaching the power cord while in this mode and nothing changed. I tried the PMU reset a couple of times but nothing helps.
    This computer is just over 1 year old and I have not had any problems with the power cord (3rd party), the battery, or any problem like this before. It started after a proper shutdown last night and attempt to start without the power cord this afternoon.
    Any answers to this yet? I think I'll call on this and report any success to this discussion.
    15" PowerBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   1 GB DDR2 SDRAM, 100 GB HD

  • Mac OS 10.5 /  I deleted the " Private" folder ... and emptied the trash. So the folder and its contents no longer exists on my computer at all !!!  I do have the OS dvd that i purchased years ago...  But my computer will not start from it on its own. My

    Mac OS 10.5 /
    I deleted the " Private" folder ... and emptied the trash. So the folder and its contents no longer exists on my computer at all !!!
    I do have the OS 10.5 dvd that i purchased years ago...
    But my computer will not start from it on its own.
    My question is what is the open source or terminal language code used to tell my mac to look in the DVD rom drive for startup info?  I know that im not the only person in this world who has deleted the "PRIVATE" folder and emptied the trash so it no longer exists on their machine...
    That said theres gotta be a common fix for a Power PC G4 that has the OS X dvd in the rom drive but wont look to it to reinstall the vital contents of the PRIVATE folder.
    Once again there is not a copy of this file or its contents in the recycle bin...
    Also rebooting the machine , pressing and holding the letter C does not prompt the machine to look to the dvd rom drive.
    I was reinstalling pro tools and figured I would make some room by cleaning my computers HD...
    Lol It was a bad choice to delete this file ...
    Thanks guys

    Okay sorry it took forever to respond... But for a while there I gave up on this computer!!!!
    Money's been tight lately , so taking it in to a professional was not yet an option... though I did consider it eventhough.
    Anyway long story short im glad I didnt spend any money because I already had all the tools necessary to fix this issue but was going about it in the wrong way. Okay so here is my scenario and the breakdown... Though this may not fix the issue for everyone :( which *****... But I know we all will have different circumstances.
    Anyway here we go...
    Okay so first things first....  Years ago I purchased the OS 10.5.1 disk ... So that has always been in my possession!!!!
    I realize that some may not have a disk to reflash your OS to your hard drive... but if you do your in luck.
    2ndly ... I had an external harddrive with all of my itunes downloaded music so it was more than okay with me to delete my primary HD because all the important stuff could either be copied over or repathed to be located.
    -------If you dont want to read through the whole story the fix is summed up in the bottom section-------
    Okay so now the SOLUTION!!!!
    By trial and error , and pure boredom I opened up my computer to clean the inside...
    "Disconnected the primary HD"
    and just because ....... REBOOTED my computer. Just to see what it would do.
    Upon restart and though it looked like it would repeat its usual cycle...
    About 1 minute in to that process my computer froze for about 2 seconds and flashed to the OS installation screen.
    Mind you I havent seen this screen yet... Probably hasnt been since I installed the OS years ago.
    After a bit of trial and error...
    I decided to tell my computer to startup from the OS 10.5 disk located in my dvd rom drive and restarted once again...
    this setting is under
    Utilities / startup disk
    After a little more trial and error ... I realized that I could reconnect the primary HD , restart the machine and return to the OS installation menu.
    So upon this discovery
    I went to the Disk Utility located under Utilities
    Highlighted my primary HD located in the left hand column
    Once highlighted ...
    In the heading section on the right I selected the option
    in which I erased My current OS on my primary HD ...
    I used the first option in the list under security... Because it seemed like the least invasive and would take the least amount of time to see if this process would actually work.
    I FORGOT to add something... 
    Another reason why I deleted my primary HD!!!!!
    I forgot to say that it WOULD NOT!!!!! Show up in the STARTUP list as an option...Even After multiple reboots....
    But like clockwork... Once I deleted its name IT SHOWED UP as an option!!!!
    So back to the next step...
    I returned to the STARTUP option under utilities ... And was then able to see MY primary HD now as a startup option...
    But ofcourse it had no name because it we previously erased it.
    So when Clicking my newly erased HD ... I was almost immediately prompted to REINSTALL the OS ...
    Which said it would take about 57 minutes ... But I believe was alot less...
    My issue was resolved ... My computer then stated the install was SUCCESSFUL!!!!!!! :))))))))))) lol ;)
    It was like I was setting up for the first time ;) asking for my registration info...
    The dilemma of deleting the private folder and emptying the trash is finally over resolved. Done ... and no extra money spent!!!!!!!!! 
    Its really crazy that the information for such a simple thing is not readily available. Especially being such a simple fix.
    I know im not the only person who's had this issue , because i've seen numerous posts with similar wording.
    I also know I wont be the last person to have this issue... So I hope this synopsis makes sense.
    -------One more time the fix------
    *Insert your OS dvd into your dvd rom drive.
    *Unplug your primary HD or corrupted startup disk
    *Reboot your machine...
    Upon restart your primary HD will not be recognized...
    * you will then be prompted to select your language.
    Once selected
    *Click Utilities/startup... Highlight the the selection that refers to the OS dvd located in the dvd rom drive.
    * Click restart...
    !!!!!!!!!!Be sure to reconnect your Primary HD Before your computer restarts and you hear the chime!!!!!!!!
    If you do not replug your HD before the chime it will not be recognized.
    In that case restart again.
    Upon restart once again
    *Choose your language...
    *Click Utilities / disk utility
    In the left column select and
    *Highlight your HD ...
    Then towards the top portion / center of the page
    *Click the heading Erase
    Then on the page toward the bottom
    *Click security options
    This will then provide erase options.
    "Dont erase data"...
    *click OK
    * click erase...
    Once erased which should take a few seconds
    *Cancel the disk utility...
    * Click Utilities / startup
    And your newly erased HD should now appear in the list.
    * Select your drive from the list by highlighting
    It should no longer have a name.
    *Once selected, you will then be prompted to restart and install the OS to your newly erased HD...
    Thats it!!!!
    Once everything reinstalls re-add your personal info or registration info and you are up and running.
    Goodluck ;)

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