Powermac and IOS 6

All my Itunes music are stored on my powermac and I am unable to update sync my phone with my phone since upgrading to IOS6. Please help.

Thanks for asking.
It made me dig even further to get the right information.
I found the standalone updater for iTunes 10.6.3.
As confirmed in other threads and elswhere on the web, this is the latest iTunes for PPC Macs and it CAN work with iOS 6.
It is also, in the words of Apple
iTunes 10.6.3 is the last version of iTunes to support Mac computers with Mac OS X 10.5.8 or PowerPC processors.
My statement above, regarding the need for Snow Leopard, was a statement made by what I thought to be a trusted source (MacWorld).
It is erroneous.
Oh well and sorry.
If you have a PPC and want to use iOS 6, update iTunes to 10.6.3.
Though it isn't stated by Apple as being the desired iTunes for iOS 6 (iTunes 10.7 is), user reports make it cleaqr that iOS 6 devices work with iTunes 10.6.3.

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    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    Try forcing all applications to close and restart the device.  Once this is done test to see if the Mail app functions correctly.
    iOS: Force an app to close
    iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: Turning off and on (restarting) and resetting
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    I am not sure this is a Pages question but an iCloud question. You could ask in the iCloud forum about the syncing problems

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    Refer to this article:
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows

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    Either you don't understand or misuse just what iOS is, it is only found on iPad, iPhone, iPod and does not run on Macs in any way, and as far as we here the only operating system of interest is Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5 or above.
    There are forums for iPad and if you have a notebook then you want MacBook Pro forum.
    As for Windows, there is a forum for "Boot Camp" to set aside and use part of your hard drive for Windows to run natively.
      MacBook Series Forums
    Mac 101: Using Windows on your Mac via Boot Camp
    Helpful Apple Support Resources (Forum Overview)
    Boot Camp Support 
    Boot Camp Manuals
    Learn more about how Mac computers can run Windows 8 using Boot Camp 5.
    Products Affected
    Boot Camp, Windows 8
    General installation questions
    What is Boot Camp 5?
    Boot Camp 5 is not a release of OS X software. Rather, it is a release of the Windows Support Software (drivers). You will need to use this software on your Mac with Windows 8 or Windows 7. For more information on Boot Camp 5, see this article. 
    Which Macs support Windows 8?
    MacBook Air (Mid 2011 or newer)
    MacBook Pro (Mid 2010 or newer)
    Mac Pro (Early 2009 or newer)
    Mac Mini (Mid 2011 or newer)
    iMac (27-inch, Mid 2010 or Mid 2011 or newer)
    For more information, see this article.
    What are the System Requirements for Windows 8?
    Please see this article.
    How can I install Windows 8 on an eligible computer?
    Use the Boot Camp Assistant. The assistant will partition your internal hard drives and install Windows 8. For more information on Windows 8 installation, see the Boot Camp Installation & Setup Guide.

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    iCloud does not sync movies or general files, so that problem doesn't arise.
    iCloud will:
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    Sync Contacts
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    Access @me.com email
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    To completely remove Apple Configurator from a Mac, you need to delete the application along with the following:
    You may also want to delete the contents of ~/Library/Keychains and /var/db/lockdown to remove the Supervision Certificate, public and private keys and device pairing information. NOTE: There are other things in Keychains that you may or may not want to delete. Google "keychains" to learn more about what's in that folder.
    Good luck!

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    Not only do they not work perfectly, they do not work together at all. Pretty much the only thing they share is a name. They are quite independent apps. Editing history on one can not be carried over to the other, so you can't start working on shots on one device and continue on the other. Events, Albums etc have no relation with each other and so on. Perhaps the next version of iPhoto (for either OS) will move them closer together but at this time they have no relationship at all.

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    I am running OSX 10.9 and iOS 7.

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    If you already purchased it with the same Apple ID, then you will not be re-charged.

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    You might try just waiting. There are millions of people activating their iPhones today and people still trying to get iOS8, so the servers are swamped. I'd give it a couple of days and if it still doesn't work then try some troubleshooting.

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    How do I export my iPhone notes to my MacBook? I have OSX 10.7.5 and iOS 6.1.4.

    Hello there, OldRailroadMan.
    The following Knowledge Base article should help with how to sync notes from your iPhone to your computer:
    iOS: Syncing Notes
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.
    Pedro D.

  • Itunes 10.6 and iOS 5.1 the devices were no more recognized by itunes

    Since I updated to itunes 10.6 and iOS 5.1 the devices were no more recognized by itunes (only be Win7 64bit) and the itunes 10.6 diagnose crashes the the programme

    Try the link below, it solved a similar problem for me.  I think the problem is the iTunes 64-bit installer.  Step 5 fixed my problem.  Also running Windows 7 64-bit
    http://randomwindowstips.wordpress.com/2009/12/08/windows-7-itunes-9-software-is -not-installed/
    Good luck!

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